Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (282/777)
oten im Islam, hoffnungslos zu sein. Selbst wenn die Lebensbedingungen unerträglich schwer sind, machen sie einen Gläubigen nur stärker. Seine Hoffnung, die sich nach seiner Glaubenskraft richtet, befähigt ihn, es zu tragen, selbst wenn ihm alle Schwierigkeiten und Bürden dieses Planeten aufgelastet würden. Wenn ihr einer solchen starken Persönlichkeit alle unliebsamen Dinge dieses Planeten aufbürden würdet, seine Glaubenskraft könnte all dieses Elend aufrecht tragen, ohne daß er sich darunter beugen würde. Die Menschen fragen jetzt viel danach, was hier und dort in der Welt geschieht. Die gewöhnlichen Menschen sind jetzt größtenteils dabei, ihre Hoffnung zu verlieren. Doch es ist nicht richtig für einen Gläubigen, seine Hoffnung aufzugeben. Es ist eine von 54 Glaubensregeln, die verpflichtend sind, daß man nicht die Hoffnung auf Allâh aufgeben darf. Ihr dürft euch von Allâh erhoffen, was ihr wollt. Wenn es dieses Leben betrifft, ist es so einfach, und auch für das nächste Leben ist es so leicht für Allâh, eure Wünsche zu erfüllen. Bleibt voller Hoffnung auf Allâh. Wir müssen glauben, daß wir gewinnen werden. Unser Planet ist jetzt in tiefe Dunkelheit getaucht. Wenn du dich umsiehst, kannst du leicht die Hoffnung verlieren. „Wie kann ich diesen Planeten erleuchten,und ich habe nur ein paar Streichhölzer?“ Solche Fragen zu stellen ist für Ungläubige. Ein Gläubiger muß wissen, daß der Herr den ganzen Planeten in strahlendes Licht bringen kann, ohne irgendein Mittel dazu zu verwenden. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:19:59
4001 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HoffnungistBedingung
Allâh hat endlose Meere der Allmacht, und er mag nur sagen „Sei!“, und es wird sein, was immer Er will. Was der Herr will, das wird, wenn Er auch Milliarden oder Trillionen Mal Universen gleich unserem schaffen will, braucht er nur zu sagen: „Kommt ins Dasein, ihr, die ihr verborgen seid, zeigt euch!“ Die Wissenschaftler entdekken immer neue Galaxien, die aus den Meeren der Allmacht erscheinen, und keiner kennt die Anzahl der Galaxien und Universen, außer Ihm. Er ist Allâh. Er hat uferlose Meere von Macht. Wir sind so kleine Wesen. Doch wir werden dafür vorbereitet, die unendliche Ehre zu empfangen, daß wir in Seiner Göttlichen Gegenwart als Seine Diener angenommen werden. Und wir sind einzig Seine Diener. Möge Er euch endlose Weisheit schenken. Er liebt es, Seine Diener hoffnungsvoll in Seiner Göttlichen Gegenwart zu sehen. Wer seine Hoffnung verliert, gleicht einem Baum, durch dessen Wurzeln und Zweige und Früchte kein Saft mehr läuft. - 01.01.1992 (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:19:59
4002 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HoldToTheRopeOfAllah
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HoldToTheRopeOfAllah
O Muslims! Hold Fast to the Rope of Allah
As salaamu `alaykum. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah Allahu akbar wa lilaahi ‘l-hamd. Thumma ’s-salaatu wa ’s-salaamu `ala sayyidina al-awaleen wa ’l-‘akhireen habeebina Muhammadin wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Madad yaa ahbaabi Rasoolillah. Zidhu yaa Rabbee `izzan wa sharafan nooran wa surooran, sultaanan wa ridwaana. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Dastoor madad yaa RijaalAllah, madad yaa awliyaaullah, madad, madad yaa ahbaabi Rasoolullah. O Our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. It is the holy month of Dhul-Qadah. Allah Almighty gives more honor for four months: Dhul-Q`adah, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram and Rajabun Shahrullah. Who is asking for real honor may give their most high respect for these four holy months. O Mankind! All of you ask for forgiveness, because we are leaving the safe, honored, glorious way and following the dirtiest way. We are leaving the way of the most high, honored one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) and following the dirtiest, cursed one's way. That is a big shame for Mankind! This includes the Muslim world also, which I am sorry to say is leaving the way of the most (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:20:00
4003 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HoldToTheRopeOfAllah
honored one in the Divine Presence, running to follow western people! Western people are not on the right way; they are following the worst way to which Shaytan is calling them. Now the Muslim world is trying to follow the steps of the unbelievers and cursed people, and that is the biggest shame for the Muslim world! Therefore, now cursing comes daily on people, particularly on the Islamic world, and the first ones responsible are the Arabs, because they are ashamed to say they are Muslims, ummata Muhammad (s). Each one is saying, "We are Saudi, Syrian, Iraqi, Irani, Lebanese, Egyptian, Libyan, we are donkeys!" (laughter) O Muslims, Allah Almighty is saying: w `ataasimoo bi hablillaahi jamee`aan wa laa taffaraqoo. And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; (Aali-`Imraan, 3:103) I wonder, do Arabs not understand Arabic? They are saying in every Jumu`ah khutbah, “O Muslims! hablullah mursal min as-samaa.” They are claiming they are Muslims. I am asking all of you, what does it mean hablullah mursal min as-samaa? They are not understanding hablillahI ’l-mateen, it is Arabic sent from Heaven. I am so angry with Arabs, and also all the awliya are angry because they are reciting the holy Words of Allah Almighty: w `ataasimoo bi hablillaahi jamee`aan wa laa taffaraqoo. And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves. (Aali-`Imraan, 3:103) It means, "O People! Keep that powerful rope sent from the Heavens to save you here and Hereafter!" You are not keeping that powerful rope to save you. That is why I and the heavenly ones are so angry! SO ANGRY! There will soon come on the Arab world seven whips, so don't say, “We are Arabs,” rather say, “We are Muslims,” or that heavenly whip will come and not leave anyone from your nation; it will take you away and bring another nation! Allah Almighty will tarbiyah, teach them a lesson, with one person teaching and training. O Arabs! Beware, all who are not saying, "We are Muslim," but saying, "We are Arabs." There will come to (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:20:00
4004 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HoldToTheRopeOfAllah
you someone who is 70 times more powerful than Hajjaj azh-Zhaalim! O People! Rabbu ‘l-`Izza, Allah Almighty, He is saying, "I forbid oppression! I am making injustice and oppression haraam, forbidden. falaa tazhaalamoo, don’t be an oppressor or unjust!” Arabs do that, and I am speaking to them in their language. Allah Almighty has forbidden oppression as well as being an oppressor, and now Arabs are not obeying that holy, heavenly order, falaa tazhaalamoo, “Don't be oppressors!” Keep each other with justice. Now no one is keeping that order and they are falling into a black hole because they are saying, "We are Arabs." The entire Arab world is falling into that black hole. O People, if you are falling into such a difficult position, letting Shaytan carry you, he is throwing you into a black hole, so leave that and follow the Lord of Heavens! Wa a`taasimoo bi-hablillaahi jamee`an, hold fast to the rope of Allah! He is calling for the end of every badness and oppression to their nations that is leading them to kill, as He never likes one to kill another. Therefore, it will become such a difficult position that will astonish people. Allah Almighty is reaching to His real believers. This is also an address to the whole Christian world. The Seal of Prophets (s) is saying, kayfa antum idhaa nazala ibnu Maryam feekum wa imaamukum minkum. “How will you be when the son of Mary descends upon you and your iman is one of yourselves?” Allah Almighty is sending Sayyidina `Isa (a), Jesus Christ, to people to arrange everything with holy heavenly laws so that it is clear and well known how we must act and live. What will happen to you if the Son of Mary descends down from Heavens as an imaam? Jesus Christ (a) is coming. Rasoolullah (s) said that Jesus Christ’s (a) coming at Fajr time will be so powerful and when Sayyidina Mahdi (a) sees that Jesus Christ reached the ummah, he will tell him, “You may be the imaam.” Sayyidina Muhammad (s) said, (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits), “The day I will come from the Heavens to Earth, Sayyidina Mahdi will be the imaam.” Sayyidina Mahdi (a) will lead the prayer and Jesus Christ (a) will pray behind him, and it will be an honor for the Muslims! So many things are coming and so many ignorant people and fanatics are not accepting, which doesn't matter (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:20:00
4005 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HoldToTheRopeOfAllah
as they will also be taken away! And now in the Muslim world no one is speaking such subjects; they are running to save themselves by following Europeans, and they are on the wrong way. We must leave that 100% and keep Islamic manners, Islamic laws and Islamic justice! May Allah forgive us. O People! As long as you are not accepting, you will be thrown away, taken away, and just ones will be coming to keep Islamic laws and the Muslims' honor, Islamic honor! May Allah forgive us. O People! The whole world is in a black hole, asking, "How will we be saved?" but they are not saying, "We will follow holy commands." I am sorry to say this, but they are following democracy, which is against Islamic laws. As long as they follow European laws, which is baatil, falsehood, they will never be saved. Yes, we are speaking on this and I say this crisis will never end until people leave western ways and rules, and uphold Islamic rules. There is no way for Muslims to save themselves, because who they are following are not Muslims. O Muslims! Leave the dirty ways of western life and keep the clean ways of Islamic life! Islam is promising you a clean life without any crises or difficulties. Keep it, and you will find yourself without difficulty. May Allah forgive us for the honor of our most beloved Prophet, Rasoolullah, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) Fatihah. Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah astaghfirullah. Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah astaghfirullah. We repent to You and seek Your forgiveness! Lefke, 07.10.2011
WebSufiLive, CategoryChristianity, CategoryMuslimNation, CategoryWesternNation (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:20:00
4006 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HoltEuchRat
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HoltEuchRat
Holt euch Rat
Al-hamdulillah. Wir müssen Allah dankbar sein. Alles, was Er tut, ist absolut vollkommen. Jeder Wille von Allah dem Allmächtigen ist absolut vollkommen. Sein Wille ist der vollkomme Wille. Jedem wurde ein Wille gewährt. Aber Sein Wille sollte unser Wille werden. Die Klugen sind die, welche Seinem Willen folgen und nicht auf ihrem Willen bestehen. Wer darauf besteht, wird es einst bereuen, heute, morgen, in einer Woche, in einem Monat, in einem Jahr oder am Ende seines Lebens. Und er wird sagen: „Oh, hätte ich nicht auf meiner Wahl bestanden, hätte ich doch die Wahl Meinem Herrn überlassen!“ Wie kannst du wissen, was Sein Wille, Allahs des Allmächtigen Wille ist? Bei denen, die Seine Herrschaft auf Erden repräsentieren, dort kannst du Seinen Willen und Seine Wahl finden. Daher sagte der Heilige Prophet immer, der Friede sei auf ihm: „Ihr müßt euch beraten.“ Wenn ihr um Rat fragt, mögt ihr die Wahl Allahs des Allmächtigen für euch finden. Ob es in Ordnung ist für euch, jetzt und in Zukunft, hier und hiernach. Wenn jener euch etwas zeigt oder andeutet, dann besteht nicht auf eurer Wahl. Denn du muß fallen, wenn du darauf bestehst. Deshalb ist Sein Wille der beste Wille. Und du wirst Seinen Willen und Seine Wahl über alles, was dich betrifft, schnell verstehen. Ein Murid, der den Wegen der Tariqats folgt, muß seinen Scheich um Rat fragen. Das muß er tun. Er mag sogar für jeden Augenblick fragen. Aber zumindest muß er in drei Dingen fragen und den Rat seines Scheichs (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:20:01
4007 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HoltEuchRat
einholen. Wenn du hiernach nicht nach seinem Rat für dich fragst oder den Rat zurückweist, wirst du es bereuen. Deshalb muß einer, der heiraten will, zuallerst um Rat fragen. Das muß der Murid tun. Denn wenn er ohne Rücksprache heiratet, wird er fallen; und wenn er sich scheiden lassen will, muß er sich ebenso beratschlagen. Wenn der Scheich sagt: „Verlasse sie, verlasse ihn“, ist es in Ordnung. Der Scheich trägt auch die Verantwortung für die Muriden. Und diese beiden Dinge sind sehr wichtig im Leben eines Menschen, deshalb muß er danach fragen, ob es passend ist oder nicht. Und der dritte Punkt ist, wenn du eine lange Reise tun willst, so mußt du dich beraten. Und gemäß unserem Großscheich gebe ich zunächst keine Erlaubnis mehr, nach dem 25. zu reisen; das ist die Grenze. Besser ist es vielleicht, bis zum 20. das Reisen einzustellen, aber nach dem 25. tragen wir keine Verantwortung mehr für irgend jemanden. In diesem Jahr sollen unerwartete Ereignisse geschehen. Es ist gefährlich. Gefährlich, und es geht auch um euer Leben. Achtet auf euch. Stellt das Reisen ein. Wenn ihr mit Autos reist, dann macht es nichts. Oder mit Schiffen oder Zügen, aber mit Flugzeugen ist es so schwierig. Vielleicht wird es mit Zügen auch Schwierigkeiten geben, weil man nie weiß, wenn zwei Züge aufeinander zufahren und es einen Unfall gibt, denn alles läuft mit Computern und kann nicht gestoppt werden, und man weiß es nicht, und bei dieser hohen Geschwindigkeit kann so vieles passieren. Autos sind vielleicht sicherer, aber mit dem Bezin kann es schwierig werden, wenn es keine Tankstellen in Betrieb mehr geben wird, weil es keine Computer mehr gibt. Und wenn euer Auto kein Benzin mehr hat und ihr vielleicht gerade unterwegs seid und es ist Winterzeit, dann wird es so schwierig sein. So schwierig. Deshalb müßt ihr in diesen drei Dingen um Rat fragen und euch daran halten, was sie euch für eure Sicherheit raten, hier und hiernach ist es in Ordnung. Möge Allah uns vergeben. Und dazu, was ich euch anfangs sagte: Alles, was euch Tag für Tag geschieht, es ist nicht gegen euch selbst, es ist nicht gegen Gläubige; nein, all das wird nur gegen Teufel geschehen und das satanische Königtum, das fallen muß. Seid nicht hoffnungsvoll, daß in diesen Tagen die Technologie, die gegen den Herrn der Himmel kämpft, weiterbesteht, nein, sie ist dabei, stehenzubleiben, hinabzufallen. Achtet auf eure Sicherheit hier und hiernach und auf eure Zukunft, im Paradies zu sein mit Propheten und Heiligen, mit guten Leuten, mit guten Dienern. Allah gibt euch viel mehr Kraft, viel mehr Licht, um hier und hiernach glücklich zu sein. Und Allah der Allmächtige läßt die Ehre des Siegels der Propheten mehr und mehr, höher und höher werden. bi (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:20:01
4008 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HoltEuchRat
hurmatil habib, fatiha
Lefke - 15.12.1999 (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:20:01
4009 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HolyBooksCallToPeace
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HolyBooksCallToPeace
All Holy Books Call People to Peace and Love
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajim. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. In the Name of Allah Almighty, the Most Merciful, Most Magnificent and Most Munificent! We must always remember our Creator. As long as we try to be with Him, we will be good ones, but when we do not think about the Creator we will be with Satan. That is not good. As long as our intentions are good, we will be happy. When our intentions are bad, we will be unhappy. Therefore, first we must try to make good intentions. Mashaa-Allah you want goodness and happiness for people. (Christian guests explain: one volunteers at a school; another is a student at Bible school). What does the Bible teach people? (The love of Jesus Christ.) Are the Christians keeping that and following Jesus Christ (a)? No one is! Jesus Christ was the prophet of peace; Christians now are people of war. If Jesus Christ was going this way, they are now going the other way. I am sorry to say this. Endless wars are happening, although Jesus Christ taught that if someone slaps you on one cheek, give him the other cheek to slap! I am sorry about this. I met with His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, and he complained that Christians are not keeping the orders of Jesus Christ, who called people to peace, and now Christians are calling people to fight. (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:20:02
4010 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HolyBooksCallToPeace
You are like my grand-daughters. I know just a little bit from the holy books, but I can see that all holy books call people to peace. Only Shaytan calls people to kill each other, to fight and make trouble because he is the chief of trouble makers! He made trouble on the first day, when Allah Almighty ordered the angels, “Bow to Adam (a).” Shaytan became so envious of Mankind that now he makes people kill each other, and thus he becomes happy. People do not take guidance from their prophets, that the Lord of Heavens wants peace for them. People listen to Shaytan and not their Lord. May Allah forgive us. Welcome to you! We and everyone are asking for peace, but some people don’t like peace as they are with Shaytan. May Allah forgive us. Keep the ways of holy ones. In this world there will always be good ones, but people do not run to find a good one. The Lord of Heavens is saying, “O People! Believe in Me and follow My good servants.” What else do holy books say except this? Now, no one listens because they are all running after Shaytan and endless troubles are everywhere. We are just a handful of people here (praying for peace). No one is keeping the advice of Jesus Christ in their hearts; he called people to love, peace and loyalty, but people don’t like all this as they are following Shaytan. (We are here in Cyprus to pray for peace.) Thank you. I am like your grandfather; make du`a for me, also. May Allah bless you and grant you to be His loyal servants and to be with Sayyida Maryam (a), here and Hereafter! You have lights from Heavens on your faces! (The Bible says that Jesus’ light shines out of our eyes and his face shines through us when we love him.) Yes, it is true! But people read newspapers and won’t read the holy books! (Sings a hymn about the love of Jesus Christ.) Thank you. May Allah bless you. Pray for me. I am happy with you. (Mawlana give sweets.) This is to make (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:20:02
4011 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HolyBooksCallToPeace
our meeting sweet! Thank you for visiting. You may come here anytime, I am like your grandfather. Fatihah. I am praying for you. Inshaa-Allah may all of you kiss the holy hands of Jesus Christ (a). Pray for me and send my salaams to your people. Lefke, 17.10.2011
WebSufiLive, CategoryChristianity (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:20:02
4012 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HolyBooksKnewThatLastProphetComeFromArabia
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HolyBooksKnewThatLastProphetComeFromArabia
People of the Holy Books all knew that the Last Prophet would come from Arabia
The area of the Arabian Peninsula is the main source of Divine Revelation. No prophet has ever been mentioned having come from Europe: Germany, France or Spain! All prophets came from Palestine, from Mesopotamia, from the Arabian Peninsula. All Holy Books: the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Quran, mention Prophets coming from that area, not from here, from Europe, from Africa or from America. In the old days the big spiritual centres of Christianity; monasteries and churches, were concentrated in the area of Palestine. They were expecting Heavenly Revelations and were finding that the sources of spiritual power were in that area. Once an Emir of Medina passed through Damascus. They came to a monastery but the doors of the main entrance were closed. They knocked, knowing that someone must be there. They waited for a long time, because Allah orders that if anyone comes to a place, they must ask permission from the owner to enter. It is prohibited to enter some one's property by force. Even the sultan cannot do that. This man had come on the orders of the sultan. He was waiting for them to ask him to enter. That is real Islam. You cannot find it anymore. Just like you cannot find real Christianity or real Judaism. After a while the abbot opened the door and they entered. The chief of the sultan's caravan asked why they had to wait, and they were told, "We apologise for the delay, but we have read in our Holy Books that if you (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:20:02
4013 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HolyBooksKnewThatLastProphetComeFromArabia
are afraid of someone, you should make ablution and then welcome them. We saw that you are the caravan of the sultan, this is why we asked everyone to wash themselves. After the ablution we did our prayer and now we are under the protection of the Lord. You will not be able to harm us." People now know nothing about real Christianity. The people in the monasteries in those days were reading their Holy Books and practising. This is why they were so different to the people living now. Wudu, ablution, protects people from devils and his representatives. All Holy Books of Christians and Jews demand their followers to do ablution every day before every prayer, for every occasion. Wudu is a strong weapon against satan. Satan cannot touch a clean person. All these monasteries which have spread in the Arabian Peninsula were not there without a reason. Their Holy Books had mentioned that the Last Messenger would come from Arabia. The Christians were expecting the last messenger to come in the Yemen, to the Kingdom of Aden. People in Damascus were expecting the Last Messenger in Arabia, and the Jews were expecting and waiting for the Last Messenger to come in Medina, where the Prophet's tomb is now. They all knew that the Last Prophet would be coming from Arabia. The Last Prophet was not a surprise, he was expected. When he came some people recognised him, others didn't. Most Christian priests and monks came and accepted him. So many of the Jewish rabbis also came and recognised him as the one who had been foretold. But many denied him without having any evidence. The greatest proof that he was not just an ordinary person, is the fact that 1 1/2 billion people are now following him and are saying, "La illa'ha il la'Llah, Muhammadur rasul Allah". This is knowledge from Holy Books, I am not saying this from myself, I am saying it from my heart. 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategoryArabia, CategoryProphet, CategoryChristianity, CategoryPurification, CategoryMuhammad (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:20:02
4014 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HolyNightOfBaraat
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HolyNightOfBaraat
Sohbet for the Holy Night of Barraat: A new Tajalli!
As-salamu alaikum! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim. The biggest Bela, cursing, on mankind, (is coming) from Shaitan, therefore we have been ordered to run away from Shaitan. But people now (are) running on him. Because I was looking sometimes through airports a small car, written on it: “Follow me!” For what this ‘Follow me’? And I am looking a gigantic plane coming and beginning to follow. Now mankind (is) not running from Shaitan, but they are running after Shaitan, to follow that cursed one! If you are following (a) cursed one, what it should be? Coming on you blessings or cursing? Therefore we must say: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. This ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’ (is) our sword, our sword for defending ourselves, because Shaitan- it is so easy, but looks like so difficult and it (is) never getting to be hopeless, when it is running after a person. “Some days” it is asking that: “once I shall, I may catch him, and when I am catching that one...” (When he is) drinking, (Shaitan is) coming to that one, (saying): “O my best friend, please taste and smoke... (it is a) very very useful lekel (?) for, because if you are not smoking, no one (is) saying that you are a complete young one, from (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:20:03
4015 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HolyNightOfBaraat
our time youth, strong...” “My head (is) turning!” “Don’t worry, today (it) may turn, but tomorrow it is okay... But look mirror!” Like before (in old times) ships they have smoky place (chimneys), you should be that time... “Make your beard so... and put there... look (into the) mirror- which type of your showing should be good? You may put here... this (is like) old people... you must put there... take...!” Shaitan (is) teaching people, coming to teach people ‘sharr’, yani, cursed doings that (are) cursed by Heavens. (For) anything that you are doing against the Rule of Heavens, cursing (is) coming on you! Quickly, as a lightening, (it is) coming on you, destroying something from you! O people! Welcome to you! Welcome to you, that your ego never likes to come here and (it is) getting so angry also: “Why (you are) taking me to that place? No one (is) there for dancing, no one... even: No smoking, it is written and they are putting some rules... why (you are) taking me to that place?” Therefore we must say: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, (and) then we must say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim- ghaghman li Shaitan, li- llahi Rahman! Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! Why you are throwing stones on Mina? Why, what does it mean? That Allah Almighty (is) asking to teach ourselves that we must always throw stones on Shaitan! When it is coming and asking to take you away from the blessed way, throw with ‘Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim’ and say: ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’! That one must know that we are servants of our Lord, Who created us! Who can say that (there is) no God? So many foolish ones! I may ask: If (there is) no God- who (is) bringing you in existence? How you came in existence? By yourself? You have been invited to come here? How you are saying: ‘No God’? To speak, to say: ‘No God’, it is so easy, but it is so bad, (the) worst saying that a mank
oten im Islam, hoffnungslos zu sein. Selbst wenn die Lebensbedingungen unerträglich schwer sind, machen sie einen Gläubigen nur stärker. Seine Hoffnung, die sich nach seiner Glaubenskraft richtet, befähigt ihn, es zu tragen, selbst wenn ihm alle Schwierigkeiten und Bürden dieses Planeten aufgelastet würden. Wenn ihr einer solchen starken Persönlichkeit alle unliebsamen Dinge dieses Planeten aufbürden würdet, seine Glaubenskraft könnte all dieses Elend aufrecht tragen, ohne daß er sich darunter beugen würde. Die Menschen fragen jetzt viel danach, was hier und dort in der Welt geschieht. Die gewöhnlichen Menschen sind jetzt größtenteils dabei, ihre Hoffnung zu verlieren. Doch es ist nicht richtig für einen Gläubigen, seine Hoffnung aufzugeben. Es ist eine von 54 Glaubensregeln, die verpflichtend sind, daß man nicht die Hoffnung auf Allâh aufgeben darf. Ihr dürft euch von Allâh erhoffen, was ihr wollt. Wenn es dieses Leben betrifft, ist es so einfach, und auch für das nächste Leben ist es so leicht für Allâh, eure Wünsche zu erfüllen. Bleibt voller Hoffnung auf Allâh. Wir müssen glauben, daß wir gewinnen werden. Unser Planet ist jetzt in tiefe Dunkelheit getaucht. Wenn du dich umsiehst, kannst du leicht die Hoffnung verlieren. „Wie kann ich diesen Planeten erleuchten,und ich habe nur ein paar Streichhölzer?“ Solche Fragen zu stellen ist für Ungläubige. Ein Gläubiger muß wissen, daß der Herr den ganzen Planeten in strahlendes Licht bringen kann, ohne irgendein Mittel dazu zu verwenden. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:19:59
4001 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HoffnungistBedingung
Allâh hat endlose Meere der Allmacht, und er mag nur sagen „Sei!“, und es wird sein, was immer Er will. Was der Herr will, das wird, wenn Er auch Milliarden oder Trillionen Mal Universen gleich unserem schaffen will, braucht er nur zu sagen: „Kommt ins Dasein, ihr, die ihr verborgen seid, zeigt euch!“ Die Wissenschaftler entdekken immer neue Galaxien, die aus den Meeren der Allmacht erscheinen, und keiner kennt die Anzahl der Galaxien und Universen, außer Ihm. Er ist Allâh. Er hat uferlose Meere von Macht. Wir sind so kleine Wesen. Doch wir werden dafür vorbereitet, die unendliche Ehre zu empfangen, daß wir in Seiner Göttlichen Gegenwart als Seine Diener angenommen werden. Und wir sind einzig Seine Diener. Möge Er euch endlose Weisheit schenken. Er liebt es, Seine Diener hoffnungsvoll in Seiner Göttlichen Gegenwart zu sehen. Wer seine Hoffnung verliert, gleicht einem Baum, durch dessen Wurzeln und Zweige und Früchte kein Saft mehr läuft. - 01.01.1992 (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:19:59
4002 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HoldToTheRopeOfAllah
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HoldToTheRopeOfAllah
O Muslims! Hold Fast to the Rope of Allah
As salaamu `alaykum. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah Allahu akbar wa lilaahi ‘l-hamd. Thumma ’s-salaatu wa ’s-salaamu `ala sayyidina al-awaleen wa ’l-‘akhireen habeebina Muhammadin wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Madad yaa ahbaabi Rasoolillah. Zidhu yaa Rabbee `izzan wa sharafan nooran wa surooran, sultaanan wa ridwaana. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Dastoor madad yaa RijaalAllah, madad yaa awliyaaullah, madad, madad yaa ahbaabi Rasoolullah. O Our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. It is the holy month of Dhul-Qadah. Allah Almighty gives more honor for four months: Dhul-Q`adah, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram and Rajabun Shahrullah. Who is asking for real honor may give their most high respect for these four holy months. O Mankind! All of you ask for forgiveness, because we are leaving the safe, honored, glorious way and following the dirtiest way. We are leaving the way of the most high, honored one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) and following the dirtiest, cursed one's way. That is a big shame for Mankind! This includes the Muslim world also, which I am sorry to say is leaving the way of the most (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:20:00
4003 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HoldToTheRopeOfAllah
honored one in the Divine Presence, running to follow western people! Western people are not on the right way; they are following the worst way to which Shaytan is calling them. Now the Muslim world is trying to follow the steps of the unbelievers and cursed people, and that is the biggest shame for the Muslim world! Therefore, now cursing comes daily on people, particularly on the Islamic world, and the first ones responsible are the Arabs, because they are ashamed to say they are Muslims, ummata Muhammad (s). Each one is saying, "We are Saudi, Syrian, Iraqi, Irani, Lebanese, Egyptian, Libyan, we are donkeys!" (laughter) O Muslims, Allah Almighty is saying: w `ataasimoo bi hablillaahi jamee`aan wa laa taffaraqoo. And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; (Aali-`Imraan, 3:103) I wonder, do Arabs not understand Arabic? They are saying in every Jumu`ah khutbah, “O Muslims! hablullah mursal min as-samaa.” They are claiming they are Muslims. I am asking all of you, what does it mean hablullah mursal min as-samaa? They are not understanding hablillahI ’l-mateen, it is Arabic sent from Heaven. I am so angry with Arabs, and also all the awliya are angry because they are reciting the holy Words of Allah Almighty: w `ataasimoo bi hablillaahi jamee`aan wa laa taffaraqoo. And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves. (Aali-`Imraan, 3:103) It means, "O People! Keep that powerful rope sent from the Heavens to save you here and Hereafter!" You are not keeping that powerful rope to save you. That is why I and the heavenly ones are so angry! SO ANGRY! There will soon come on the Arab world seven whips, so don't say, “We are Arabs,” rather say, “We are Muslims,” or that heavenly whip will come and not leave anyone from your nation; it will take you away and bring another nation! Allah Almighty will tarbiyah, teach them a lesson, with one person teaching and training. O Arabs! Beware, all who are not saying, "We are Muslim," but saying, "We are Arabs." There will come to (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:20:00
4004 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HoldToTheRopeOfAllah
you someone who is 70 times more powerful than Hajjaj azh-Zhaalim! O People! Rabbu ‘l-`Izza, Allah Almighty, He is saying, "I forbid oppression! I am making injustice and oppression haraam, forbidden. falaa tazhaalamoo, don’t be an oppressor or unjust!” Arabs do that, and I am speaking to them in their language. Allah Almighty has forbidden oppression as well as being an oppressor, and now Arabs are not obeying that holy, heavenly order, falaa tazhaalamoo, “Don't be oppressors!” Keep each other with justice. Now no one is keeping that order and they are falling into a black hole because they are saying, "We are Arabs." The entire Arab world is falling into that black hole. O People, if you are falling into such a difficult position, letting Shaytan carry you, he is throwing you into a black hole, so leave that and follow the Lord of Heavens! Wa a`taasimoo bi-hablillaahi jamee`an, hold fast to the rope of Allah! He is calling for the end of every badness and oppression to their nations that is leading them to kill, as He never likes one to kill another. Therefore, it will become such a difficult position that will astonish people. Allah Almighty is reaching to His real believers. This is also an address to the whole Christian world. The Seal of Prophets (s) is saying, kayfa antum idhaa nazala ibnu Maryam feekum wa imaamukum minkum. “How will you be when the son of Mary descends upon you and your iman is one of yourselves?” Allah Almighty is sending Sayyidina `Isa (a), Jesus Christ, to people to arrange everything with holy heavenly laws so that it is clear and well known how we must act and live. What will happen to you if the Son of Mary descends down from Heavens as an imaam? Jesus Christ (a) is coming. Rasoolullah (s) said that Jesus Christ’s (a) coming at Fajr time will be so powerful and when Sayyidina Mahdi (a) sees that Jesus Christ reached the ummah, he will tell him, “You may be the imaam.” Sayyidina Muhammad (s) said, (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits), “The day I will come from the Heavens to Earth, Sayyidina Mahdi will be the imaam.” Sayyidina Mahdi (a) will lead the prayer and Jesus Christ (a) will pray behind him, and it will be an honor for the Muslims! So many things are coming and so many ignorant people and fanatics are not accepting, which doesn't matter (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:20:00
4005 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HoldToTheRopeOfAllah
as they will also be taken away! And now in the Muslim world no one is speaking such subjects; they are running to save themselves by following Europeans, and they are on the wrong way. We must leave that 100% and keep Islamic manners, Islamic laws and Islamic justice! May Allah forgive us. O People! As long as you are not accepting, you will be thrown away, taken away, and just ones will be coming to keep Islamic laws and the Muslims' honor, Islamic honor! May Allah forgive us. O People! The whole world is in a black hole, asking, "How will we be saved?" but they are not saying, "We will follow holy commands." I am sorry to say this, but they are following democracy, which is against Islamic laws. As long as they follow European laws, which is baatil, falsehood, they will never be saved. Yes, we are speaking on this and I say this crisis will never end until people leave western ways and rules, and uphold Islamic rules. There is no way for Muslims to save themselves, because who they are following are not Muslims. O Muslims! Leave the dirty ways of western life and keep the clean ways of Islamic life! Islam is promising you a clean life without any crises or difficulties. Keep it, and you will find yourself without difficulty. May Allah forgive us for the honor of our most beloved Prophet, Rasoolullah, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) Fatihah. Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah astaghfirullah. Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah astaghfirullah. We repent to You and seek Your forgiveness! Lefke, 07.10.2011
WebSufiLive, CategoryChristianity, CategoryMuslimNation, CategoryWesternNation (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:20:00
4006 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HoltEuchRat
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HoltEuchRat
Holt euch Rat
Al-hamdulillah. Wir müssen Allah dankbar sein. Alles, was Er tut, ist absolut vollkommen. Jeder Wille von Allah dem Allmächtigen ist absolut vollkommen. Sein Wille ist der vollkomme Wille. Jedem wurde ein Wille gewährt. Aber Sein Wille sollte unser Wille werden. Die Klugen sind die, welche Seinem Willen folgen und nicht auf ihrem Willen bestehen. Wer darauf besteht, wird es einst bereuen, heute, morgen, in einer Woche, in einem Monat, in einem Jahr oder am Ende seines Lebens. Und er wird sagen: „Oh, hätte ich nicht auf meiner Wahl bestanden, hätte ich doch die Wahl Meinem Herrn überlassen!“ Wie kannst du wissen, was Sein Wille, Allahs des Allmächtigen Wille ist? Bei denen, die Seine Herrschaft auf Erden repräsentieren, dort kannst du Seinen Willen und Seine Wahl finden. Daher sagte der Heilige Prophet immer, der Friede sei auf ihm: „Ihr müßt euch beraten.“ Wenn ihr um Rat fragt, mögt ihr die Wahl Allahs des Allmächtigen für euch finden. Ob es in Ordnung ist für euch, jetzt und in Zukunft, hier und hiernach. Wenn jener euch etwas zeigt oder andeutet, dann besteht nicht auf eurer Wahl. Denn du muß fallen, wenn du darauf bestehst. Deshalb ist Sein Wille der beste Wille. Und du wirst Seinen Willen und Seine Wahl über alles, was dich betrifft, schnell verstehen. Ein Murid, der den Wegen der Tariqats folgt, muß seinen Scheich um Rat fragen. Das muß er tun. Er mag sogar für jeden Augenblick fragen. Aber zumindest muß er in drei Dingen fragen und den Rat seines Scheichs (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:20:01
4007 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HoltEuchRat
einholen. Wenn du hiernach nicht nach seinem Rat für dich fragst oder den Rat zurückweist, wirst du es bereuen. Deshalb muß einer, der heiraten will, zuallerst um Rat fragen. Das muß der Murid tun. Denn wenn er ohne Rücksprache heiratet, wird er fallen; und wenn er sich scheiden lassen will, muß er sich ebenso beratschlagen. Wenn der Scheich sagt: „Verlasse sie, verlasse ihn“, ist es in Ordnung. Der Scheich trägt auch die Verantwortung für die Muriden. Und diese beiden Dinge sind sehr wichtig im Leben eines Menschen, deshalb muß er danach fragen, ob es passend ist oder nicht. Und der dritte Punkt ist, wenn du eine lange Reise tun willst, so mußt du dich beraten. Und gemäß unserem Großscheich gebe ich zunächst keine Erlaubnis mehr, nach dem 25. zu reisen; das ist die Grenze. Besser ist es vielleicht, bis zum 20. das Reisen einzustellen, aber nach dem 25. tragen wir keine Verantwortung mehr für irgend jemanden. In diesem Jahr sollen unerwartete Ereignisse geschehen. Es ist gefährlich. Gefährlich, und es geht auch um euer Leben. Achtet auf euch. Stellt das Reisen ein. Wenn ihr mit Autos reist, dann macht es nichts. Oder mit Schiffen oder Zügen, aber mit Flugzeugen ist es so schwierig. Vielleicht wird es mit Zügen auch Schwierigkeiten geben, weil man nie weiß, wenn zwei Züge aufeinander zufahren und es einen Unfall gibt, denn alles läuft mit Computern und kann nicht gestoppt werden, und man weiß es nicht, und bei dieser hohen Geschwindigkeit kann so vieles passieren. Autos sind vielleicht sicherer, aber mit dem Bezin kann es schwierig werden, wenn es keine Tankstellen in Betrieb mehr geben wird, weil es keine Computer mehr gibt. Und wenn euer Auto kein Benzin mehr hat und ihr vielleicht gerade unterwegs seid und es ist Winterzeit, dann wird es so schwierig sein. So schwierig. Deshalb müßt ihr in diesen drei Dingen um Rat fragen und euch daran halten, was sie euch für eure Sicherheit raten, hier und hiernach ist es in Ordnung. Möge Allah uns vergeben. Und dazu, was ich euch anfangs sagte: Alles, was euch Tag für Tag geschieht, es ist nicht gegen euch selbst, es ist nicht gegen Gläubige; nein, all das wird nur gegen Teufel geschehen und das satanische Königtum, das fallen muß. Seid nicht hoffnungsvoll, daß in diesen Tagen die Technologie, die gegen den Herrn der Himmel kämpft, weiterbesteht, nein, sie ist dabei, stehenzubleiben, hinabzufallen. Achtet auf eure Sicherheit hier und hiernach und auf eure Zukunft, im Paradies zu sein mit Propheten und Heiligen, mit guten Leuten, mit guten Dienern. Allah gibt euch viel mehr Kraft, viel mehr Licht, um hier und hiernach glücklich zu sein. Und Allah der Allmächtige läßt die Ehre des Siegels der Propheten mehr und mehr, höher und höher werden. bi (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:20:01
4008 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HoltEuchRat
hurmatil habib, fatiha
Lefke - 15.12.1999 (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:20:01
4009 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HolyBooksCallToPeace
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HolyBooksCallToPeace
All Holy Books Call People to Peace and Love
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajim. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. In the Name of Allah Almighty, the Most Merciful, Most Magnificent and Most Munificent! We must always remember our Creator. As long as we try to be with Him, we will be good ones, but when we do not think about the Creator we will be with Satan. That is not good. As long as our intentions are good, we will be happy. When our intentions are bad, we will be unhappy. Therefore, first we must try to make good intentions. Mashaa-Allah you want goodness and happiness for people. (Christian guests explain: one volunteers at a school; another is a student at Bible school). What does the Bible teach people? (The love of Jesus Christ.) Are the Christians keeping that and following Jesus Christ (a)? No one is! Jesus Christ was the prophet of peace; Christians now are people of war. If Jesus Christ was going this way, they are now going the other way. I am sorry to say this. Endless wars are happening, although Jesus Christ taught that if someone slaps you on one cheek, give him the other cheek to slap! I am sorry about this. I met with His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, and he complained that Christians are not keeping the orders of Jesus Christ, who called people to peace, and now Christians are calling people to fight. (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:20:02
4010 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HolyBooksCallToPeace
You are like my grand-daughters. I know just a little bit from the holy books, but I can see that all holy books call people to peace. Only Shaytan calls people to kill each other, to fight and make trouble because he is the chief of trouble makers! He made trouble on the first day, when Allah Almighty ordered the angels, “Bow to Adam (a).” Shaytan became so envious of Mankind that now he makes people kill each other, and thus he becomes happy. People do not take guidance from their prophets, that the Lord of Heavens wants peace for them. People listen to Shaytan and not their Lord. May Allah forgive us. Welcome to you! We and everyone are asking for peace, but some people don’t like peace as they are with Shaytan. May Allah forgive us. Keep the ways of holy ones. In this world there will always be good ones, but people do not run to find a good one. The Lord of Heavens is saying, “O People! Believe in Me and follow My good servants.” What else do holy books say except this? Now, no one listens because they are all running after Shaytan and endless troubles are everywhere. We are just a handful of people here (praying for peace). No one is keeping the advice of Jesus Christ in their hearts; he called people to love, peace and loyalty, but people don’t like all this as they are following Shaytan. (We are here in Cyprus to pray for peace.) Thank you. I am like your grandfather; make du`a for me, also. May Allah bless you and grant you to be His loyal servants and to be with Sayyida Maryam (a), here and Hereafter! You have lights from Heavens on your faces! (The Bible says that Jesus’ light shines out of our eyes and his face shines through us when we love him.) Yes, it is true! But people read newspapers and won’t read the holy books! (Sings a hymn about the love of Jesus Christ.) Thank you. May Allah bless you. Pray for me. I am happy with you. (Mawlana give sweets.) This is to make (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:20:02
4011 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HolyBooksCallToPeace
our meeting sweet! Thank you for visiting. You may come here anytime, I am like your grandfather. Fatihah. I am praying for you. Inshaa-Allah may all of you kiss the holy hands of Jesus Christ (a). Pray for me and send my salaams to your people. Lefke, 17.10.2011
WebSufiLive, CategoryChristianity (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:20:02
4012 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HolyBooksKnewThatLastProphetComeFromArabia
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HolyBooksKnewThatLastProphetComeFromArabia
People of the Holy Books all knew that the Last Prophet would come from Arabia
The area of the Arabian Peninsula is the main source of Divine Revelation. No prophet has ever been mentioned having come from Europe: Germany, France or Spain! All prophets came from Palestine, from Mesopotamia, from the Arabian Peninsula. All Holy Books: the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Quran, mention Prophets coming from that area, not from here, from Europe, from Africa or from America. In the old days the big spiritual centres of Christianity; monasteries and churches, were concentrated in the area of Palestine. They were expecting Heavenly Revelations and were finding that the sources of spiritual power were in that area. Once an Emir of Medina passed through Damascus. They came to a monastery but the doors of the main entrance were closed. They knocked, knowing that someone must be there. They waited for a long time, because Allah orders that if anyone comes to a place, they must ask permission from the owner to enter. It is prohibited to enter some one's property by force. Even the sultan cannot do that. This man had come on the orders of the sultan. He was waiting for them to ask him to enter. That is real Islam. You cannot find it anymore. Just like you cannot find real Christianity or real Judaism. After a while the abbot opened the door and they entered. The chief of the sultan's caravan asked why they had to wait, and they were told, "We apologise for the delay, but we have read in our Holy Books that if you (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:20:02
4013 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HolyBooksKnewThatLastProphetComeFromArabia
are afraid of someone, you should make ablution and then welcome them. We saw that you are the caravan of the sultan, this is why we asked everyone to wash themselves. After the ablution we did our prayer and now we are under the protection of the Lord. You will not be able to harm us." People now know nothing about real Christianity. The people in the monasteries in those days were reading their Holy Books and practising. This is why they were so different to the people living now. Wudu, ablution, protects people from devils and his representatives. All Holy Books of Christians and Jews demand their followers to do ablution every day before every prayer, for every occasion. Wudu is a strong weapon against satan. Satan cannot touch a clean person. All these monasteries which have spread in the Arabian Peninsula were not there without a reason. Their Holy Books had mentioned that the Last Messenger would come from Arabia. The Christians were expecting the last messenger to come in the Yemen, to the Kingdom of Aden. People in Damascus were expecting the Last Messenger in Arabia, and the Jews were expecting and waiting for the Last Messenger to come in Medina, where the Prophet's tomb is now. They all knew that the Last Prophet would be coming from Arabia. The Last Prophet was not a surprise, he was expected. When he came some people recognised him, others didn't. Most Christian priests and monks came and accepted him. So many of the Jewish rabbis also came and recognised him as the one who had been foretold. But many denied him without having any evidence. The greatest proof that he was not just an ordinary person, is the fact that 1 1/2 billion people are now following him and are saying, "La illa'ha il la'Llah, Muhammadur rasul Allah". This is knowledge from Holy Books, I am not saying this from myself, I am saying it from my heart. 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategoryArabia, CategoryProphet, CategoryChristianity, CategoryPurification, CategoryMuhammad (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:20:02
4014 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HolyNightOfBaraat
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HolyNightOfBaraat
Sohbet for the Holy Night of Barraat: A new Tajalli!
As-salamu alaikum! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim. The biggest Bela, cursing, on mankind, (is coming) from Shaitan, therefore we have been ordered to run away from Shaitan. But people now (are) running on him. Because I was looking sometimes through airports a small car, written on it: “Follow me!” For what this ‘Follow me’? And I am looking a gigantic plane coming and beginning to follow. Now mankind (is) not running from Shaitan, but they are running after Shaitan, to follow that cursed one! If you are following (a) cursed one, what it should be? Coming on you blessings or cursing? Therefore we must say: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. This ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’ (is) our sword, our sword for defending ourselves, because Shaitan- it is so easy, but looks like so difficult and it (is) never getting to be hopeless, when it is running after a person. “Some days” it is asking that: “once I shall, I may catch him, and when I am catching that one...” (When he is) drinking, (Shaitan is) coming to that one, (saying): “O my best friend, please taste and smoke... (it is a) very very useful lekel (?) for, because if you are not smoking, no one (is) saying that you are a complete young one, from (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:20:03
4015 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HolyNightOfBaraat
our time youth, strong...” “My head (is) turning!” “Don’t worry, today (it) may turn, but tomorrow it is okay... But look mirror!” Like before (in old times) ships they have smoky place (chimneys), you should be that time... “Make your beard so... and put there... look (into the) mirror- which type of your showing should be good? You may put here... this (is like) old people... you must put there... take...!” Shaitan (is) teaching people, coming to teach people ‘sharr’, yani, cursed doings that (are) cursed by Heavens. (For) anything that you are doing against the Rule of Heavens, cursing (is) coming on you! Quickly, as a lightening, (it is) coming on you, destroying something from you! O people! Welcome to you! Welcome to you, that your ego never likes to come here and (it is) getting so angry also: “Why (you are) taking me to that place? No one (is) there for dancing, no one... even: No smoking, it is written and they are putting some rules... why (you are) taking me to that place?” Therefore we must say: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, (and) then we must say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim- ghaghman li Shaitan, li- llahi Rahman! Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! Why you are throwing stones on Mina? Why, what does it mean? That Allah Almighty (is) asking to teach ourselves that we must always throw stones on Shaitan! When it is coming and asking to take you away from the blessed way, throw with ‘Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim’ and say: ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’! That one must know that we are servants of our Lord, Who created us! Who can say that (there is) no God? So many foolish ones! I may ask: If (there is) no God- who (is) bringing you in existence? How you came in existence? By yourself? You have been invited to come here? How you are saying: ‘No God’? To speak, to say: ‘No God’, it is so easy, but it is so bad, (the) worst saying that a mank