Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (280/777)
llah, He is (the) only One that He, by Himself, (is) going to be (the) Witness and giving His declaration about His Existence. “Shahid- Allah”! Who are you? Who are you to say: “There is Allah”? Oh! What happened? Who are you to say this? You are thinking that you are someone (or) something in divinely Presence and you are saying: “I am believing there is a God”? If (there was) no God, how you are coming and saying this? Oh crazy one! La haula wa la quwatta! Therefore: “Shahid-Allahu annahu la ilaha illa Hu, wa-l malaikatu wa ‘ulu-l ‘ilmi qaiman bi-l qist…” Allah (is) witnessing His (own) Existence, His Reality and it is enough what He is declaring- witnessing Himself by Himself for Himself! Unknown…unknown Reality, but you must follow Him and (instead) to say: “Oh my God, I am believing in God!” Say: “O my God!” That is a level that they are saying now; it is new fashion (to say:) “I am believing in God only.” Who are you to say this? Say: “Oh my God”, say: “Ya Allah, ya Rabb!” Say! Giving to himself some value to say: “I am believing in God.” If you are not believing, His Existence is going away, no Existence for God Almighty Allah? What you are thinking! So many foolish ones now, new fashion, square-head, empty head people (are saying:) “We are not believing.” Go to Jehennem, if (you are) not believing, go to Hells! Cursing (is) on them! First of all that you must learn, you must understand: You must declare and give your highest respect (and say:) “Endless Glory for my Lord, for my God, that (He is) making me to be in existence, creating me and making me to declare His Existence. (He), the Exalted!” Where people are going now? To where you are going? (You are) running after Shaitan- to where Shaitan just brought you, oh nations, oh mankind living in the 21st century? To where you reached? Do you think that (the) 21st century (is the) most honoured century for you, for mankind? (No. The) 21st century (is) making mankind (to be) like rubbish; rubbish that (is) thrown through (the) dustbin or as rubbish that you put in (the) toilet. Shaitan just brought mankind now to that position, because he is saying: “Don’t say (there is (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:19:52
3974 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighestRespectToAllahAllmighty
‘Allah’), don’t accept Reality!” If (there was) no Reality, how it can be this creation that we are looking and seeing? How it can be in existence? If no one (is) bringing them (in existence), how (these creatures) are going to be in existence? Those empty head people may say: “By itself, by themselves. Their existence (is) through themselves.” That is reality for them, (for) those empty head people! This, if (their existence) is from them, how it is going to be (that) today (is) never going to be similar (to) yesterday or how it is going to be (that) tomorrow (is) different from today? If it is real- (something) Real never changing. Reality (is) never accepting a changing, but (anything) other (than Reality is) going to be changed. And sometimes these (creatures) can be seen (and) after a while you can’t seem them (any more). Millions of people (that are) today running through East and West- tomorrow they are not through streets and homes (any more), no, (they are) no more (seen). Billions of people that today (they are) running- going, coming, doing, acting- tomorrow they are not in existence. That means their existence is not a real Existence. If (it is the) real Existence, never (it is) going to be disappeared; (but) always (it) must be ready, in appearance. That means: everything (you see is) like a shadow or (like) a figure through a mirror. The mirror is sending (a picture), but what you can see in it, it is not fixed, always (it is) changing. Or (we may say) a TV screen: every day’s events through the screen (of the TV) are not (the) same. Where they left? They ran and finished. If they were a real Being, (they) must be there (always and) never disappear. But people are not understanding that the existence for a real One is never going to disappear, (that it is) never going to finish (and) vanish, (but) always must be in existence. And people- no one of them (is there any more from those people who lived) through (all the) thousands of years that mankind is living on this planet. Billions of people- now (there is) nothing from them. Only you may find (that) about some people some lines through books (are) written, and (all the) others (they are) never known in their times or after. These people finished. And whom their names are written through books, (also it is) only remaining their names and nothing else. That means they were images that belong to imagining, (and) now (it is) finished. When you are looking and seeing these worlds and this space, skies, stars, galaxies and so on, billions and billions of things, you must know something- that (they are) only running, running, (and) no one (is) knowing from where (they are) coming (and) to where (they are) going. (They are) coming and disappearing, then finishing. They are saying now (that) there are Black Holes, swallowing (everything). If (these creatures) (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:19:52
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were real ones, how Black Holes (are) swallowing and taking them and never leaving for them any existence? “(They) finished (through that) Black Hole”, they are saying, “Millions or billions of stars. When (they are) coming near to that Black Holes, Black Holes (are) swallowing (them) and (then there are) no more galaxies there.” If they had a real being, how they disappeared? And who (is) putting that Black Holes there? You, Americans? (Sheikh is speaking on the phone:) “Take away from our way this Black Hole, we must pass through!” “Oh, I can’t do…I may ask Russians, perhaps they are putting that Black Hole (there)?” “Look, ask Russians!” Russians (are saying): “We never have any time to look and to put Black Holes. We are looking after White Holes…Ask to Japan people!” Ma sha Allah…Japan people (are saying:) “No, we are a little bit late, you may ask German people, their technology is more important.” Then English technology people are saying: “What we are doing? Hundreds (of) years we are looking for reality and you are asking something that is disappearing? What is disappearing, it is not a real thing. Must be for your eyes something wrong. Black Hole, White Hole? Go away…What is that?”… African people (are saying): “They know our colour, giving signs to ourselves, saying: ‘We are coming to you, but you must keep us through yourself, don’t show white people…’” Therefore- everything that people are running after it, after a while it is disappearing. When it is disappearing- finished. They are saying: “That is like (a) mirage.” From far away you are thinking (that) there is water, and (you are) running on it; running, running and coming (to it and then you are) looking (and seeing): “Oh, nothing (is) there, because it was not real (from the beginning).” (Something) Real (is) never going to be changed (or) to be moved, no, (it is) fixed. (There is) no any other power to make Reality to move, no. Therefore- (the) real Existence (is only) for Allah Almighty (, the Creator,) and He can do everything! Others, (creatures,) all of them (are) just like (those) figures (that are) appearing through TV screens. May Allah forgive me…People in the 21st century are on (the) wrong way; (they are) running after mirages or (they are) running to catch imaginated figures and they can’t do. They must ask about (the) real Existence that (is) never going to be changed or to be taken away; they must learn about (the) real Being (of Him,) Who is saying: “Samawaat wa-l aradiin- all Heavens and earths and everything belongs to Me! I am the Holder, I am the Owner, I am the Creator, I am the Lord!” You must teach (about) that One, but 21st century people are saying: “We are not putting the name of God (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:19:52
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through our lessons, through our teachings. (There is) no room to put His Name!” Yes, I know, no room except (for) Shaitan! You are putting everywhere the name of Shaitan, (and) Shaitan is saying: ”Don’t put any other name. I am (enough) for you.” That is wrong! They must try to learn the distance of the Lord of whole creation and He is the only One who can save people, here and Hereafter. For the honour of the most honoured one in His divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 01.05.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryGlory, CategoryFaith (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:19:52
3977 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HighHimmat
Those Who Have Have High Himmat
Marhaba, how are you? S.M. Allah Shukur. M. Allah Shukur, we woke up feeling better. Subhana Allah, the benefit of that bitter orange is great, Hj Mehmet. We should continue to do it. I ate some yousef at night, it gave me some relief. Our body has become joyous. This is a big blessing. Meaning in these places where citrus fruits are grown, we should not catch winter diseases. Every part of it is good. There are traders who buy its peel in Turkey. Allah Allah.. We don't appreciate it, O Lord. May Allah grant us the favor of appreciating His blessings. We should appreciate every blessing from Him, Allah Shukur. "Min Kulli Shay'in Sababaan" (18:84). Allah Almighty created a purpose for everything. Therefore "Ya musabbibal- asbab, Ya mufattihal-abwab, Ya muqallibal-qulub wal-absar. Thabbit qulubana 'ala dini, dinil Islam. Dinil Haqq!" We will declare this, declare this. Insha Allah unbelief will be under our feet. I am getting furious & asking from Allah Almighty even in this condition. Allah Allah..Allah Allah.. Allah Allah..Allah Allah.. Muhawala/endeavor & himmah/aspiration, striving, concentrating spiritual energy, are the signs of Islam. Who has no endeavor is far from Islam. Who does not concentrate their spiritual energy is rubbish. The value & honour of people are "ala hasab himmatuhu"- The value & honour of the people are measured by their striving. Before they would call "Zaw-ul himam-ul aliya", The people of high aspirations. This is the attribute of men in power- "zawul himamul aliya". They should have high striving. You can't rule a country by collecting people from the streets. No. No. Our ancestors for 700 years, all of them were men of high striving. When they were mounting their horses, there was a (1 von 10)04.07.2013 23:19:53
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mountain stone in Topkapi, the ones who were present there would clap- the knights, janissaries, the soldiers of the palace.. When the Sultan got on the mounting stone, the horse would come. They would call: "O Sultan. O our Sultan, step into the stirrup of the horse firmly! What they mean by "riqaab al-astar" is the horse. "Step into it firmly, step like a man!" The Sultan would immediately mount it & the horse would rear up like this. They had majesty, glory! These ones now are rubbish. All of them are rubbish. Their governments also, all of them in the whole world are rubbish. Therefore they will collect all the rubbish & be thrown away, soon. Therefore there would be no weak, fragile-looking people with the Sultan. All of them were like dragons. All of them, would draw their swords when the Sultan walked- behind him his grand vizier, wuzara, generals would be with their swords drawn. "Step into the stirrup of the horse firmly, like a man!" They would go to Juma prayer in ceremony, from the palace to Hagia Sophia. Those who closed Hagia Sophia did not do good. It is still closed (visited as a museum) & they won't find goodness. They will be destroyed. Their first job is to turn Hagia Sophia back into a mosque again. As long as they don't do this, they can't find any goodness no matter what they do. Zawul himamul aliya, the ones of high concentration of spiritual energy. Man's worth & honour is with his "uluwwu l-himmah". He should not be lazy & helpless! A believer should be like a dragon. He should be majestic. Masha Allah they are majestic, glorious with the dresses they wear also. That when they attacked, the unbelievers would scatter before their majesty. The Ottomans are our ancestors, you should respect them! You should give them their due rights. Even the newborn babies of this holy dynasty, those that 'that one' kicked out. What authority did he have? Even their new born babies, 'that one' had them thrown out. It was the right of swords! How could you kick them out? Who are you? How could you kick them out? Why do you still carry out that law? O those ones of high himmah.. They were the ones who built the real Istanbul. They did not make it as a mess of concrete, or full of nightclubs & brothels. They established madrasas, mosques, dargahs, turbas, foundations, palaces, residences.. How beautiful was Istanbul. It was Islambol. Now it doesn't look like Europe nor does it look like other unbeliever's countries. (2 von 10)04.07.2013 23:19:53
3979 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
Our ancestors were ones who strove highly, majestic ones. For this, paradise be his abode, Vahdettin said "I may walk out & leave. I may leave because these ones' shamelessness will not be over. I may go out safely & let them suffer whatever comes on their heads. And I live whatever my fate is..." No any other Sultan is buried in Sham. Sultan Vahdettin is buried there, in Salimiya Mosque. Have you seen it? He is buried there. That honour was granted to him. They humiliated him in dunya but his level in akhirah was very high- Sham al-Sharif accepted him. He was buried in Sham al-Sharif. O Lord, may You make us follow Your holy servants who have high striving. May we be with them. May we come out with Takbir; Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. May we come out saying this. National Takbir: Allahu Akbar. When the mahtar hits, the honour & majesty of the mahtar would make the world tremble saying "Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, O Glorious soldier!" Allahu Akbar! Subhana Allah. Subhana Allah. There were no instruments & tools of today available at that time & Sultan Selim built the Selimiye Barracks. When a division of soldiers entered in it, two brothers couldn't find each other inside Selimiye. Can these ones make a building like Selimiye? There were no machines, no cranes, nothing. Selimiye Barracks, can they build it? They can't do. They only pour concrete & leave. They built Nimrod towers. Our ancestors.. We didn't appreciate them. And we have become dishonoured in the hands of those who want to make their honour zero. May Allah take this dishonoured state from us & make us turn to the way of our honoured ancestors. Wa min Allah at-tawfiq. Fatiha. May Allah bless their souls. May paradise be their abode. Allah. For the girding of sword ceremony, Sultan would come to Abu Ayyub Sultan's tomb & would be girded with the sword there. I think it would be with two swords- one sword of Hz Omar & the other one of the Rasulullah (s). The Caliph would be girded with sword- The Caliph, the Sultan. Even the name "Sultan" has majesty. A president walks around among the people, no one realizes. "Is this the president?" "Yes, this one. We elected him". They corrupted our customs. Fearing from our state, they wanted to put the honour of our state under the feet of people. But it won't happen. It didn't happen with Ottomans, may Allah make their abode paradise. I am on their way insha Allah. May we be on their way. (3 von 10)04.07.2013 23:19:53
3980 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
Those ones made them take off what they were wearing & forced them to wear hats. They hanged so many thousands of people who refused to wear it. 'That one' hanged so many thousands of people because they gave fatwa such as, "a hat is a sign of unbelief". 'That one' is being hanged everyday, down under (his grave). May Allah forgive us, not leave us to our dirty ego. O Lord, may the Ottomans reach. May our Sultans come. May they come & take back the relics. Sultan Selim will come to Istanbul. It says "The Sultan who had left will come back to Istanbul again". He left by sea. He will come back to Istanbul. And Mahdi (as) will receive the holy relics from him, from Sultan Selim. The holy relics are locked. 'That one', their master said "Where are these holy relics? I may enter & see" They told him "You can't enter". 'That one' said "Why can't I enter?" "You can enter only with adab". 'That one' said "I will enter", for the maqam where the holy relics are protected downstairs. 'That one' went down one step, sharrr! A slap came on him, such that his mouth reached his nose, his ears! What to do with 'that one' now? They carried him & looked: "No doctor can heal 'that one'!" They asked"What happened to 'that one'?" The guardians in there slapped him. There are guardians over them from jinn. There are from men also. They told me these things in Istanbul, I know. Whatsoever they did, they couldn't fix that one's mouth! Finally they called a holy one, who knows about such things. And this holy one took off his shoe & hit 'that one' with it. His mouth straigtened. So it was like this. I make sohbat about such things. I want to speak to people because there is no one left who knows what we know. They become zero. The people are now like empty reeds. We are like sycamore trees, with the permisson of Allah, with the permission of Allah.. Be the sycamore tree, don't be the reed. The holy one hit him such that, with one hit that one straightened & stood up. May Allah grant us repentance. Aman Ya Rabbi. Once people leave adab, they have no honour or value left anymore. Man's honour is with his adab. There is no one left who has adab now, finish. There is no one left who knows adab. In the time of Ottomans, the testimony of one who doesn't cover his head was not accepted. Now all of them, their heads are bald- they can be distinguished, "they are the men of such place, our men". (4 von 10)04.07.2013 23:19:53
3981 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
All of them are bald, can't wear anything on their heads. They can't wear anything on their heads, it is banned! It is prohibited. They wouldn't allow people to wear berets either. One day, one of the policemen found a man wearing a beret. He caught him & brought him to the police station. "This one is wearing a beret, my high commissioner" he said. "What is your name?" he said. "Antironiq" the man replied. He said "Why do you bring me the Armenian? They are allowed to wear, o foolish man! They can wear it.". How is the sohbat, are you sleeping O Mehmet? "Release him, take him back. I thought he was a Muslim. These ones are Armenian. They can wear berets". They wouldn't allow people to wear berets either, o poor ones... I remember, there was Abdurrahman Effendi in Istanbul, head of al-Qurra. He was the Imam of Bayazid Mosque. I would pray in that mosque in Bayazid & see him wearing jacket & trousers this outfit. Inside, he would wear his jubba. But when going out, jacket & trousers and something like this on his head. La ilaha illa Allah, Sayyidina Muhammad Rasulullah (sas). O Rasulullah, I glorify you. May you grant me the chance that I may see Istanbul turning into Islambol again, I may see it... 'That one' destroyed the buildings in Bosphorus & built a wine factory. They destroyed the temples & built brothels, nightclubs. Allah does not forgive them. Allah.. For this unless Turks open Hagia Sophia, they can't have any honour. None of their doings can succeed nor will they have any dignity. They say "Republic of Turkey, the citizens of the Turkish Republic" Leave being the "Republic of Turkey"! We were the citizens of the Ottomans- Allahu Akbar, wal-'Azamatu Li- Llah, wal-'Izzatu Li-Llah. O Lord, may You send us from those honoured, glorious servants of Yours. Fatiha. Die hohe Himmat haben (5 von 10)04.07.2013 23:19:53
3982 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
Marhaba, wie geht es? SM: Allah Shukur. M: Allah Shukur, wir wachten auf und fühlten uns besser. Subhana Allah, der Nutzen dieser Bitterorangen ist groß, Hj Mehmet. Wir sollten es weitermachen. Ich habe Yousef gegessen am Abend, das gab mir Erleichterung. Unser Körper ist fröhlich geworden. Das ist ein großer Segen. Das heißt, daß wir an den Orten, wo Zitrusfrüchte wachsen, keine Winterkrankheiten bekommen sollten. Jeder Teil davon ist gut. Es gibt Händler, die die Schale in der Türkei kaufen. Allah Allah.. Wir würdigen es nicht, o Herr. Möge Allah uns die Gnade erweisen, Seine Segnungen zu würdigen. Wir sollten jede Segnung von Ihm würdigen, Allah Shukur. "Min Kulli Shay'in Sababan" (18:84). Allah der Allmächtige schuf einen Zweck für alles. Deshalb "Ya Musabbiba l-Asbab, ya Mufattiha l-Abwab, ya Muqalliba l- Qulubu wa l-Absar. Thabbit Qulubana `ala Dini, Dini l-Islam Dini l-Haqq." Wir werden dies erklären, dies erklären. Insha'Allah wird der Unglaube unter unseren Füßen sein. Ich werde zornig und bitte Allah den Allmächtigen selbst in dieser Lage. Allah Allah.. Allah Allah.. Allah Allah.. Allah Allah.. Muhawala - Anstrengung, und Himmah - Streben, Bemühung, Konzentration geistiger Energie sind die Zeichen des Islam. Wer sich nicht anstrengt,ist weit vom Islam. Wer seine geistige Energie nicht bündelt, ist Unsinn. Der Wert und die Ehre der Menschen sind "`ala Hasbab Himmatuhu" - Der Wert und die Ehre der Menschen werden gemessen nach ihrem Streben. Früher wurden sie "Zawu l-Himamu l-`aliya", die Menschen hohen Strebens, genannt. Das ist das Attribut der Menschen an der Macht, "Zawu l-Himamu l-`aliya". Sie haben hohes Streben. Man kann ein Land nicht regieren, indem man Leute von der Straße holt. Nein. Nein. Unsere Vorfahren vor 700 Jahren waren alle Menschen hohen Strebens. Wenn sie ihre Pferde bestiegen, gab es einen Steigestein in Topkapi. Die Anwesenden dort klatschten, die Ritter, Janitscharen, die Soldaten des Palastes.. Wenn der Sultan auf den Steigestein ging, kam das Pferd. Sie riefen: O Sultan, o unser Sultan, steige fest in den Steigbügel des Pferdes! Was sie meinten mit "Riqabu l-Astar", ist das Pferd. Steige fest hinein, steige hinein wie ein Mann! Der Sultan bestieg es sofort, und das Pferd bäumte sich so auf. Sie hatten Majestät, Ruhm! Die jetzt sind Quatsch. Sie sind alle Quatsch. Ihre Regierungen auch, alle in der ganzen Welt sind Quatsch. Deshalb sammeln sie den ganzen Müll und werden bald (6 von 10)04.07.2013 23:19:53
3983 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
weggeworfen. Deshalb gab es keine schwachen, zerbrechlich aussehenden Leute mit dem Sultan. Sie waren alle wir Drachen. Sie alle zogen ihre Schwerter, wenn der Sultan ging, hinter ihm sein Großwesir, Wuzara', die Generäle standen mit gezogenen Schwertern. 'Steige fest in die Steigbügel des Pferdes, wie ein Mann!' Sie gingen zum Juma Gebet in einer Zeremonie vom Palast zur Hagia Sophia. Diejenigen, die die Hagia Sophia schlossen, haben es nicht gut gemacht. Sie ist immer noch geschlossen (besucht als Museum), und sie werden nichts Gutes finden. Sie werden vernichtet werden. Ihre erste Aufgabe ist, die Hagia Sophia wieder in eine Moschee zu verwandeln. Solange sie das nicht tun, können sie nichts Gutes finden, egal, was sie machen. Zawu l-Himamu l-`aliya, diejenigen mit hoher Dichte geistiger Energie, der Wert des Menschen und seine Ehre sind mit seiner "Uluwwu l-Himmah". Er sollte nicht faul und hilflos sein! Ein Gläubiger sollte wie ein Drachen sein. Er sollte majestätisch sein. Masha'Allah, sie sind majestätisch, glorreich, auch mit den Gewändern, die sie tragen. Daß, wenn sie angriffen, die Ungläubigen vor ihrer Majestät auseinanderstoben. Die Osmanen sind unsere Vorfahren, ihr solltet sie respektieren. Ihr solltet ihnen die gebührenden Rechte geben. Selbst die Neugeborenen dieser heiligen Dynastie, die, die 'jener' hinauswarf. Welche Autorität hatte er? Selbst ihre Neugeborenen ließ 'jener' hinauswerfen. Es war das Recht der Schwerter! Wie konnte er sie hinauswerfen? Wer seid ihr? Wie konntet ihr sie hinauswerfen? Warum führt ihr dieses Gesetzt immer noch aus? O jene mit hoher Himmah.. Sie waren die, die das wahre Istanbul bauten. Sie machten es nicht wie ein Haufen Beton oder voller Nachtclubs und Bordelle. Sie gründeten Madrasen, Moscheen, Dergahs, Türben, Stiftungen, Paläste, Residenzen.. Wie schön war Istanbul. Es war Islambol. Jetzt sieht es nicht aus wie Europa, noch sieht es aus wie die Länder anderer Ungläubiger. Unsere Vorfahren waren solche, die nach Hohem strebten, Majestätische. Deshalb ist das Paradies ihr Aufenthalt, sagte Vahdettin. 'Ich werde hinausgehen. Ich werde gehen, weil die Schamlosigkeit dieser Leute nicht vorbei ist. Ich werde sicher hinausgehen, laßt sie erleiden, was immer auf ihre Köpfe kommt. Und ich lebe das, was mein Geschick ist..' Sultan Vahdettin ist dort begraben, in der Salimiya Moschee. Habt ihr sie gesehen? Er ist dort begraben. Diese Ehre wurde ihm gewährt. Sie erniedrigten ihn in der Dunya, aber seine Stufe in der Akhirah ist sehr (7 von 10)04.07.2013 23:19:53
3984 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
hoch. Shamu sh-Sharif erkennt ihn an. Er ist in Shamu sh-Sharif begraben. O Herr, mögest Du uns Deinen heiligen Dienern, die hohes Streben haben, folgen lassen. Mögen wir mit ihnen sein. Mögen wir hervorkommen mit Takbir. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Mögen wir herauskommen mit diesen Worten. Nationales Takbir: Allahu Akbar. Wenn der Mahtar traf, brachte die Ehre und Majestät des Mahtar die Welt zum Erzittern, und es hieß: 'Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, o herrlicher Soldat!' Allahu Akbar! Subhana Allah. Subhana Allah. Es standen keine Instrumente und Geräte von heute zur Verfügung zu der Zeit und Sultan Selim baute die Selimiye Kasernen. Wenn eine Division Soldaten darin einzogen, konnten zwei Brüder sich nicht finden in der Selimiye. Können diese ein Gebäude machen wie die Selimiye? Es gab keine Maschinen, keine Kräne, nichts. Selimiye Kasernen, können sie so etwas bauen? Sie können es nicht. Sie wollen nur Beton eingießen und dann gehen. Sie bauen Nimrod Türme. Unsere Vorfahren... Wir haben sie nicht gewürdigt. Und wir wurden entehrt in den Händen derer, die ihre Ehre gleich Null setzen wollen. Möge Allah diesen unehrenhaften Zustand von uns nehmen und uns auf den Weg unserer ehrenwerten Vorfahren bringen. Wa min Allaha t- Tawfiq. Fatiha. Möge Allah ihre Seelen segnen. Möge das Paradies ihr Aufenthalt sein. Allah. Für die Zeremonie des Schwertumgürtens kam der Sultan zu Abu Ayyub Sultans Grab und ihm wurde dort das Schwert umgürtet. Ich glaube, es war mit zwei Schwertern, eins von Hz Omar und das andere von Rasulullah (saws). Der Kalif wurde mit dem Schwert gegürtet, der Kalif, der Sultan. Selbst das Wort 'Sultan' hat Majestät. Ein Präsident geht herum unter den Leuten und niemand bemerkt es. 'Ist das der Präsident?' 'Ja, dieser da. Wir haben ihn gewählt.' Sie haben unsere Bräuche verdorben. Weil sie unseren Staat fürchteten, wollten sie die Ehre unseres Staates von den Leuten mit Füßen treten lassen. Aber es wird nicht so kommen. Es geschah nicht mit den Osmanen, möge Allah ihren Aufenthalt das Paradies machen. Ich bin auf ihrem Weg, insha'Allah. Mögen wir auf ihrem Weg sein. Jene nötigten sie, abzulegen, was sie trugen und zwangen sie, Hüte zu tragen. Sie hängten soviele Tausende Leute, die sich weigerten, ihn zu tragen. 'Jener' hängte so viele Tausende von Leuten, weil sie so ein Fatwa gaben: 'Ein Hut ist ein Zeichen von Unglauben.' 'Jener' wird jeden Tag gehängt dort unten (in seinem Grab). Möge Allah uns vergeben und uns nicht unserem schmutzigen Ego überlassen. O Herr, mögen die Osmanen kommen. Mögen unsere Sultane kommen. Mögen sie kommen und die Reliquien zurückgeben. Sultan Selim wird nach Istanbul kommen. Es heißt: Der Sultan, der gegangen ist, (8 von 10)04.07.2013 23:19:53
3985 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
wird nach Istanbul zurückkommen. Er ging übers Meer. Er wird nach Istanbul zurückkommen. Und Mahdi (as) wird die heiligen Reliquien von Sultan Selim erhalten. Di
llah, He is (the) only One that He, by Himself, (is) going to be (the) Witness and giving His declaration about His Existence. “Shahid- Allah”! Who are you? Who are you to say: “There is Allah”? Oh! What happened? Who are you to say this? You are thinking that you are someone (or) something in divinely Presence and you are saying: “I am believing there is a God”? If (there was) no God, how you are coming and saying this? Oh crazy one! La haula wa la quwatta! Therefore: “Shahid-Allahu annahu la ilaha illa Hu, wa-l malaikatu wa ‘ulu-l ‘ilmi qaiman bi-l qist…” Allah (is) witnessing His (own) Existence, His Reality and it is enough what He is declaring- witnessing Himself by Himself for Himself! Unknown…unknown Reality, but you must follow Him and (instead) to say: “Oh my God, I am believing in God!” Say: “O my God!” That is a level that they are saying now; it is new fashion (to say:) “I am believing in God only.” Who are you to say this? Say: “Oh my God”, say: “Ya Allah, ya Rabb!” Say! Giving to himself some value to say: “I am believing in God.” If you are not believing, His Existence is going away, no Existence for God Almighty Allah? What you are thinking! So many foolish ones now, new fashion, square-head, empty head people (are saying:) “We are not believing.” Go to Jehennem, if (you are) not believing, go to Hells! Cursing (is) on them! First of all that you must learn, you must understand: You must declare and give your highest respect (and say:) “Endless Glory for my Lord, for my God, that (He is) making me to be in existence, creating me and making me to declare His Existence. (He), the Exalted!” Where people are going now? To where you are going? (You are) running after Shaitan- to where Shaitan just brought you, oh nations, oh mankind living in the 21st century? To where you reached? Do you think that (the) 21st century (is the) most honoured century for you, for mankind? (No. The) 21st century (is) making mankind (to be) like rubbish; rubbish that (is) thrown through (the) dustbin or as rubbish that you put in (the) toilet. Shaitan just brought mankind now to that position, because he is saying: “Don’t say (there is (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:19:52
3974 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighestRespectToAllahAllmighty
‘Allah’), don’t accept Reality!” If (there was) no Reality, how it can be this creation that we are looking and seeing? How it can be in existence? If no one (is) bringing them (in existence), how (these creatures) are going to be in existence? Those empty head people may say: “By itself, by themselves. Their existence (is) through themselves.” That is reality for them, (for) those empty head people! This, if (their existence) is from them, how it is going to be (that) today (is) never going to be similar (to) yesterday or how it is going to be (that) tomorrow (is) different from today? If it is real- (something) Real never changing. Reality (is) never accepting a changing, but (anything) other (than Reality is) going to be changed. And sometimes these (creatures) can be seen (and) after a while you can’t seem them (any more). Millions of people (that are) today running through East and West- tomorrow they are not through streets and homes (any more), no, (they are) no more (seen). Billions of people that today (they are) running- going, coming, doing, acting- tomorrow they are not in existence. That means their existence is not a real Existence. If (it is the) real Existence, never (it is) going to be disappeared; (but) always (it) must be ready, in appearance. That means: everything (you see is) like a shadow or (like) a figure through a mirror. The mirror is sending (a picture), but what you can see in it, it is not fixed, always (it is) changing. Or (we may say) a TV screen: every day’s events through the screen (of the TV) are not (the) same. Where they left? They ran and finished. If they were a real Being, (they) must be there (always and) never disappear. But people are not understanding that the existence for a real One is never going to disappear, (that it is) never going to finish (and) vanish, (but) always must be in existence. And people- no one of them (is there any more from those people who lived) through (all the) thousands of years that mankind is living on this planet. Billions of people- now (there is) nothing from them. Only you may find (that) about some people some lines through books (are) written, and (all the) others (they are) never known in their times or after. These people finished. And whom their names are written through books, (also it is) only remaining their names and nothing else. That means they were images that belong to imagining, (and) now (it is) finished. When you are looking and seeing these worlds and this space, skies, stars, galaxies and so on, billions and billions of things, you must know something- that (they are) only running, running, (and) no one (is) knowing from where (they are) coming (and) to where (they are) going. (They are) coming and disappearing, then finishing. They are saying now (that) there are Black Holes, swallowing (everything). If (these creatures) (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:19:52
3975 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighestRespectToAllahAllmighty
were real ones, how Black Holes (are) swallowing and taking them and never leaving for them any existence? “(They) finished (through that) Black Hole”, they are saying, “Millions or billions of stars. When (they are) coming near to that Black Holes, Black Holes (are) swallowing (them) and (then there are) no more galaxies there.” If they had a real being, how they disappeared? And who (is) putting that Black Holes there? You, Americans? (Sheikh is speaking on the phone:) “Take away from our way this Black Hole, we must pass through!” “Oh, I can’t do…I may ask Russians, perhaps they are putting that Black Hole (there)?” “Look, ask Russians!” Russians (are saying): “We never have any time to look and to put Black Holes. We are looking after White Holes…Ask to Japan people!” Ma sha Allah…Japan people (are saying:) “No, we are a little bit late, you may ask German people, their technology is more important.” Then English technology people are saying: “What we are doing? Hundreds (of) years we are looking for reality and you are asking something that is disappearing? What is disappearing, it is not a real thing. Must be for your eyes something wrong. Black Hole, White Hole? Go away…What is that?”… African people (are saying): “They know our colour, giving signs to ourselves, saying: ‘We are coming to you, but you must keep us through yourself, don’t show white people…’” Therefore- everything that people are running after it, after a while it is disappearing. When it is disappearing- finished. They are saying: “That is like (a) mirage.” From far away you are thinking (that) there is water, and (you are) running on it; running, running and coming (to it and then you are) looking (and seeing): “Oh, nothing (is) there, because it was not real (from the beginning).” (Something) Real (is) never going to be changed (or) to be moved, no, (it is) fixed. (There is) no any other power to make Reality to move, no. Therefore- (the) real Existence (is only) for Allah Almighty (, the Creator,) and He can do everything! Others, (creatures,) all of them (are) just like (those) figures (that are) appearing through TV screens. May Allah forgive me…People in the 21st century are on (the) wrong way; (they are) running after mirages or (they are) running to catch imaginated figures and they can’t do. They must ask about (the) real Existence that (is) never going to be changed or to be taken away; they must learn about (the) real Being (of Him,) Who is saying: “Samawaat wa-l aradiin- all Heavens and earths and everything belongs to Me! I am the Holder, I am the Owner, I am the Creator, I am the Lord!” You must teach (about) that One, but 21st century people are saying: “We are not putting the name of God (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:19:52
3976 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighestRespectToAllahAllmighty
through our lessons, through our teachings. (There is) no room to put His Name!” Yes, I know, no room except (for) Shaitan! You are putting everywhere the name of Shaitan, (and) Shaitan is saying: ”Don’t put any other name. I am (enough) for you.” That is wrong! They must try to learn the distance of the Lord of whole creation and He is the only One who can save people, here and Hereafter. For the honour of the most honoured one in His divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 01.05.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryGlory, CategoryFaith (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:19:52
3977 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HighHimmat
Those Who Have Have High Himmat
Marhaba, how are you? S.M. Allah Shukur. M. Allah Shukur, we woke up feeling better. Subhana Allah, the benefit of that bitter orange is great, Hj Mehmet. We should continue to do it. I ate some yousef at night, it gave me some relief. Our body has become joyous. This is a big blessing. Meaning in these places where citrus fruits are grown, we should not catch winter diseases. Every part of it is good. There are traders who buy its peel in Turkey. Allah Allah.. We don't appreciate it, O Lord. May Allah grant us the favor of appreciating His blessings. We should appreciate every blessing from Him, Allah Shukur. "Min Kulli Shay'in Sababaan" (18:84). Allah Almighty created a purpose for everything. Therefore "Ya musabbibal- asbab, Ya mufattihal-abwab, Ya muqallibal-qulub wal-absar. Thabbit qulubana 'ala dini, dinil Islam. Dinil Haqq!" We will declare this, declare this. Insha Allah unbelief will be under our feet. I am getting furious & asking from Allah Almighty even in this condition. Allah Allah..Allah Allah.. Allah Allah..Allah Allah.. Muhawala/endeavor & himmah/aspiration, striving, concentrating spiritual energy, are the signs of Islam. Who has no endeavor is far from Islam. Who does not concentrate their spiritual energy is rubbish. The value & honour of people are "ala hasab himmatuhu"- The value & honour of the people are measured by their striving. Before they would call "Zaw-ul himam-ul aliya", The people of high aspirations. This is the attribute of men in power- "zawul himamul aliya". They should have high striving. You can't rule a country by collecting people from the streets. No. No. Our ancestors for 700 years, all of them were men of high striving. When they were mounting their horses, there was a (1 von 10)04.07.2013 23:19:53
3978 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
mountain stone in Topkapi, the ones who were present there would clap- the knights, janissaries, the soldiers of the palace.. When the Sultan got on the mounting stone, the horse would come. They would call: "O Sultan. O our Sultan, step into the stirrup of the horse firmly! What they mean by "riqaab al-astar" is the horse. "Step into it firmly, step like a man!" The Sultan would immediately mount it & the horse would rear up like this. They had majesty, glory! These ones now are rubbish. All of them are rubbish. Their governments also, all of them in the whole world are rubbish. Therefore they will collect all the rubbish & be thrown away, soon. Therefore there would be no weak, fragile-looking people with the Sultan. All of them were like dragons. All of them, would draw their swords when the Sultan walked- behind him his grand vizier, wuzara, generals would be with their swords drawn. "Step into the stirrup of the horse firmly, like a man!" They would go to Juma prayer in ceremony, from the palace to Hagia Sophia. Those who closed Hagia Sophia did not do good. It is still closed (visited as a museum) & they won't find goodness. They will be destroyed. Their first job is to turn Hagia Sophia back into a mosque again. As long as they don't do this, they can't find any goodness no matter what they do. Zawul himamul aliya, the ones of high concentration of spiritual energy. Man's worth & honour is with his "uluwwu l-himmah". He should not be lazy & helpless! A believer should be like a dragon. He should be majestic. Masha Allah they are majestic, glorious with the dresses they wear also. That when they attacked, the unbelievers would scatter before their majesty. The Ottomans are our ancestors, you should respect them! You should give them their due rights. Even the newborn babies of this holy dynasty, those that 'that one' kicked out. What authority did he have? Even their new born babies, 'that one' had them thrown out. It was the right of swords! How could you kick them out? Who are you? How could you kick them out? Why do you still carry out that law? O those ones of high himmah.. They were the ones who built the real Istanbul. They did not make it as a mess of concrete, or full of nightclubs & brothels. They established madrasas, mosques, dargahs, turbas, foundations, palaces, residences.. How beautiful was Istanbul. It was Islambol. Now it doesn't look like Europe nor does it look like other unbeliever's countries. (2 von 10)04.07.2013 23:19:53
3979 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
Our ancestors were ones who strove highly, majestic ones. For this, paradise be his abode, Vahdettin said "I may walk out & leave. I may leave because these ones' shamelessness will not be over. I may go out safely & let them suffer whatever comes on their heads. And I live whatever my fate is..." No any other Sultan is buried in Sham. Sultan Vahdettin is buried there, in Salimiya Mosque. Have you seen it? He is buried there. That honour was granted to him. They humiliated him in dunya but his level in akhirah was very high- Sham al-Sharif accepted him. He was buried in Sham al-Sharif. O Lord, may You make us follow Your holy servants who have high striving. May we be with them. May we come out with Takbir; Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. May we come out saying this. National Takbir: Allahu Akbar. When the mahtar hits, the honour & majesty of the mahtar would make the world tremble saying "Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, O Glorious soldier!" Allahu Akbar! Subhana Allah. Subhana Allah. There were no instruments & tools of today available at that time & Sultan Selim built the Selimiye Barracks. When a division of soldiers entered in it, two brothers couldn't find each other inside Selimiye. Can these ones make a building like Selimiye? There were no machines, no cranes, nothing. Selimiye Barracks, can they build it? They can't do. They only pour concrete & leave. They built Nimrod towers. Our ancestors.. We didn't appreciate them. And we have become dishonoured in the hands of those who want to make their honour zero. May Allah take this dishonoured state from us & make us turn to the way of our honoured ancestors. Wa min Allah at-tawfiq. Fatiha. May Allah bless their souls. May paradise be their abode. Allah. For the girding of sword ceremony, Sultan would come to Abu Ayyub Sultan's tomb & would be girded with the sword there. I think it would be with two swords- one sword of Hz Omar & the other one of the Rasulullah (s). The Caliph would be girded with sword- The Caliph, the Sultan. Even the name "Sultan" has majesty. A president walks around among the people, no one realizes. "Is this the president?" "Yes, this one. We elected him". They corrupted our customs. Fearing from our state, they wanted to put the honour of our state under the feet of people. But it won't happen. It didn't happen with Ottomans, may Allah make their abode paradise. I am on their way insha Allah. May we be on their way. (3 von 10)04.07.2013 23:19:53
3980 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
Those ones made them take off what they were wearing & forced them to wear hats. They hanged so many thousands of people who refused to wear it. 'That one' hanged so many thousands of people because they gave fatwa such as, "a hat is a sign of unbelief". 'That one' is being hanged everyday, down under (his grave). May Allah forgive us, not leave us to our dirty ego. O Lord, may the Ottomans reach. May our Sultans come. May they come & take back the relics. Sultan Selim will come to Istanbul. It says "The Sultan who had left will come back to Istanbul again". He left by sea. He will come back to Istanbul. And Mahdi (as) will receive the holy relics from him, from Sultan Selim. The holy relics are locked. 'That one', their master said "Where are these holy relics? I may enter & see" They told him "You can't enter". 'That one' said "Why can't I enter?" "You can enter only with adab". 'That one' said "I will enter", for the maqam where the holy relics are protected downstairs. 'That one' went down one step, sharrr! A slap came on him, such that his mouth reached his nose, his ears! What to do with 'that one' now? They carried him & looked: "No doctor can heal 'that one'!" They asked"What happened to 'that one'?" The guardians in there slapped him. There are guardians over them from jinn. There are from men also. They told me these things in Istanbul, I know. Whatsoever they did, they couldn't fix that one's mouth! Finally they called a holy one, who knows about such things. And this holy one took off his shoe & hit 'that one' with it. His mouth straigtened. So it was like this. I make sohbat about such things. I want to speak to people because there is no one left who knows what we know. They become zero. The people are now like empty reeds. We are like sycamore trees, with the permisson of Allah, with the permission of Allah.. Be the sycamore tree, don't be the reed. The holy one hit him such that, with one hit that one straightened & stood up. May Allah grant us repentance. Aman Ya Rabbi. Once people leave adab, they have no honour or value left anymore. Man's honour is with his adab. There is no one left who has adab now, finish. There is no one left who knows adab. In the time of Ottomans, the testimony of one who doesn't cover his head was not accepted. Now all of them, their heads are bald- they can be distinguished, "they are the men of such place, our men". (4 von 10)04.07.2013 23:19:53
3981 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
All of them are bald, can't wear anything on their heads. They can't wear anything on their heads, it is banned! It is prohibited. They wouldn't allow people to wear berets either. One day, one of the policemen found a man wearing a beret. He caught him & brought him to the police station. "This one is wearing a beret, my high commissioner" he said. "What is your name?" he said. "Antironiq" the man replied. He said "Why do you bring me the Armenian? They are allowed to wear, o foolish man! They can wear it.". How is the sohbat, are you sleeping O Mehmet? "Release him, take him back. I thought he was a Muslim. These ones are Armenian. They can wear berets". They wouldn't allow people to wear berets either, o poor ones... I remember, there was Abdurrahman Effendi in Istanbul, head of al-Qurra. He was the Imam of Bayazid Mosque. I would pray in that mosque in Bayazid & see him wearing jacket & trousers this outfit. Inside, he would wear his jubba. But when going out, jacket & trousers and something like this on his head. La ilaha illa Allah, Sayyidina Muhammad Rasulullah (sas). O Rasulullah, I glorify you. May you grant me the chance that I may see Istanbul turning into Islambol again, I may see it... 'That one' destroyed the buildings in Bosphorus & built a wine factory. They destroyed the temples & built brothels, nightclubs. Allah does not forgive them. Allah.. For this unless Turks open Hagia Sophia, they can't have any honour. None of their doings can succeed nor will they have any dignity. They say "Republic of Turkey, the citizens of the Turkish Republic" Leave being the "Republic of Turkey"! We were the citizens of the Ottomans- Allahu Akbar, wal-'Azamatu Li- Llah, wal-'Izzatu Li-Llah. O Lord, may You send us from those honoured, glorious servants of Yours. Fatiha. Die hohe Himmat haben (5 von 10)04.07.2013 23:19:53
3982 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
Marhaba, wie geht es? SM: Allah Shukur. M: Allah Shukur, wir wachten auf und fühlten uns besser. Subhana Allah, der Nutzen dieser Bitterorangen ist groß, Hj Mehmet. Wir sollten es weitermachen. Ich habe Yousef gegessen am Abend, das gab mir Erleichterung. Unser Körper ist fröhlich geworden. Das ist ein großer Segen. Das heißt, daß wir an den Orten, wo Zitrusfrüchte wachsen, keine Winterkrankheiten bekommen sollten. Jeder Teil davon ist gut. Es gibt Händler, die die Schale in der Türkei kaufen. Allah Allah.. Wir würdigen es nicht, o Herr. Möge Allah uns die Gnade erweisen, Seine Segnungen zu würdigen. Wir sollten jede Segnung von Ihm würdigen, Allah Shukur. "Min Kulli Shay'in Sababan" (18:84). Allah der Allmächtige schuf einen Zweck für alles. Deshalb "Ya Musabbiba l-Asbab, ya Mufattiha l-Abwab, ya Muqalliba l- Qulubu wa l-Absar. Thabbit Qulubana `ala Dini, Dini l-Islam Dini l-Haqq." Wir werden dies erklären, dies erklären. Insha'Allah wird der Unglaube unter unseren Füßen sein. Ich werde zornig und bitte Allah den Allmächtigen selbst in dieser Lage. Allah Allah.. Allah Allah.. Allah Allah.. Allah Allah.. Muhawala - Anstrengung, und Himmah - Streben, Bemühung, Konzentration geistiger Energie sind die Zeichen des Islam. Wer sich nicht anstrengt,ist weit vom Islam. Wer seine geistige Energie nicht bündelt, ist Unsinn. Der Wert und die Ehre der Menschen sind "`ala Hasbab Himmatuhu" - Der Wert und die Ehre der Menschen werden gemessen nach ihrem Streben. Früher wurden sie "Zawu l-Himamu l-`aliya", die Menschen hohen Strebens, genannt. Das ist das Attribut der Menschen an der Macht, "Zawu l-Himamu l-`aliya". Sie haben hohes Streben. Man kann ein Land nicht regieren, indem man Leute von der Straße holt. Nein. Nein. Unsere Vorfahren vor 700 Jahren waren alle Menschen hohen Strebens. Wenn sie ihre Pferde bestiegen, gab es einen Steigestein in Topkapi. Die Anwesenden dort klatschten, die Ritter, Janitscharen, die Soldaten des Palastes.. Wenn der Sultan auf den Steigestein ging, kam das Pferd. Sie riefen: O Sultan, o unser Sultan, steige fest in den Steigbügel des Pferdes! Was sie meinten mit "Riqabu l-Astar", ist das Pferd. Steige fest hinein, steige hinein wie ein Mann! Der Sultan bestieg es sofort, und das Pferd bäumte sich so auf. Sie hatten Majestät, Ruhm! Die jetzt sind Quatsch. Sie sind alle Quatsch. Ihre Regierungen auch, alle in der ganzen Welt sind Quatsch. Deshalb sammeln sie den ganzen Müll und werden bald (6 von 10)04.07.2013 23:19:53
3983 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
weggeworfen. Deshalb gab es keine schwachen, zerbrechlich aussehenden Leute mit dem Sultan. Sie waren alle wir Drachen. Sie alle zogen ihre Schwerter, wenn der Sultan ging, hinter ihm sein Großwesir, Wuzara', die Generäle standen mit gezogenen Schwertern. 'Steige fest in die Steigbügel des Pferdes, wie ein Mann!' Sie gingen zum Juma Gebet in einer Zeremonie vom Palast zur Hagia Sophia. Diejenigen, die die Hagia Sophia schlossen, haben es nicht gut gemacht. Sie ist immer noch geschlossen (besucht als Museum), und sie werden nichts Gutes finden. Sie werden vernichtet werden. Ihre erste Aufgabe ist, die Hagia Sophia wieder in eine Moschee zu verwandeln. Solange sie das nicht tun, können sie nichts Gutes finden, egal, was sie machen. Zawu l-Himamu l-`aliya, diejenigen mit hoher Dichte geistiger Energie, der Wert des Menschen und seine Ehre sind mit seiner "Uluwwu l-Himmah". Er sollte nicht faul und hilflos sein! Ein Gläubiger sollte wie ein Drachen sein. Er sollte majestätisch sein. Masha'Allah, sie sind majestätisch, glorreich, auch mit den Gewändern, die sie tragen. Daß, wenn sie angriffen, die Ungläubigen vor ihrer Majestät auseinanderstoben. Die Osmanen sind unsere Vorfahren, ihr solltet sie respektieren. Ihr solltet ihnen die gebührenden Rechte geben. Selbst die Neugeborenen dieser heiligen Dynastie, die, die 'jener' hinauswarf. Welche Autorität hatte er? Selbst ihre Neugeborenen ließ 'jener' hinauswerfen. Es war das Recht der Schwerter! Wie konnte er sie hinauswerfen? Wer seid ihr? Wie konntet ihr sie hinauswerfen? Warum führt ihr dieses Gesetzt immer noch aus? O jene mit hoher Himmah.. Sie waren die, die das wahre Istanbul bauten. Sie machten es nicht wie ein Haufen Beton oder voller Nachtclubs und Bordelle. Sie gründeten Madrasen, Moscheen, Dergahs, Türben, Stiftungen, Paläste, Residenzen.. Wie schön war Istanbul. Es war Islambol. Jetzt sieht es nicht aus wie Europa, noch sieht es aus wie die Länder anderer Ungläubiger. Unsere Vorfahren waren solche, die nach Hohem strebten, Majestätische. Deshalb ist das Paradies ihr Aufenthalt, sagte Vahdettin. 'Ich werde hinausgehen. Ich werde gehen, weil die Schamlosigkeit dieser Leute nicht vorbei ist. Ich werde sicher hinausgehen, laßt sie erleiden, was immer auf ihre Köpfe kommt. Und ich lebe das, was mein Geschick ist..' Sultan Vahdettin ist dort begraben, in der Salimiya Moschee. Habt ihr sie gesehen? Er ist dort begraben. Diese Ehre wurde ihm gewährt. Sie erniedrigten ihn in der Dunya, aber seine Stufe in der Akhirah ist sehr (7 von 10)04.07.2013 23:19:53
3984 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
hoch. Shamu sh-Sharif erkennt ihn an. Er ist in Shamu sh-Sharif begraben. O Herr, mögest Du uns Deinen heiligen Dienern, die hohes Streben haben, folgen lassen. Mögen wir mit ihnen sein. Mögen wir hervorkommen mit Takbir. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Mögen wir herauskommen mit diesen Worten. Nationales Takbir: Allahu Akbar. Wenn der Mahtar traf, brachte die Ehre und Majestät des Mahtar die Welt zum Erzittern, und es hieß: 'Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, o herrlicher Soldat!' Allahu Akbar! Subhana Allah. Subhana Allah. Es standen keine Instrumente und Geräte von heute zur Verfügung zu der Zeit und Sultan Selim baute die Selimiye Kasernen. Wenn eine Division Soldaten darin einzogen, konnten zwei Brüder sich nicht finden in der Selimiye. Können diese ein Gebäude machen wie die Selimiye? Es gab keine Maschinen, keine Kräne, nichts. Selimiye Kasernen, können sie so etwas bauen? Sie können es nicht. Sie wollen nur Beton eingießen und dann gehen. Sie bauen Nimrod Türme. Unsere Vorfahren... Wir haben sie nicht gewürdigt. Und wir wurden entehrt in den Händen derer, die ihre Ehre gleich Null setzen wollen. Möge Allah diesen unehrenhaften Zustand von uns nehmen und uns auf den Weg unserer ehrenwerten Vorfahren bringen. Wa min Allaha t- Tawfiq. Fatiha. Möge Allah ihre Seelen segnen. Möge das Paradies ihr Aufenthalt sein. Allah. Für die Zeremonie des Schwertumgürtens kam der Sultan zu Abu Ayyub Sultans Grab und ihm wurde dort das Schwert umgürtet. Ich glaube, es war mit zwei Schwertern, eins von Hz Omar und das andere von Rasulullah (saws). Der Kalif wurde mit dem Schwert gegürtet, der Kalif, der Sultan. Selbst das Wort 'Sultan' hat Majestät. Ein Präsident geht herum unter den Leuten und niemand bemerkt es. 'Ist das der Präsident?' 'Ja, dieser da. Wir haben ihn gewählt.' Sie haben unsere Bräuche verdorben. Weil sie unseren Staat fürchteten, wollten sie die Ehre unseres Staates von den Leuten mit Füßen treten lassen. Aber es wird nicht so kommen. Es geschah nicht mit den Osmanen, möge Allah ihren Aufenthalt das Paradies machen. Ich bin auf ihrem Weg, insha'Allah. Mögen wir auf ihrem Weg sein. Jene nötigten sie, abzulegen, was sie trugen und zwangen sie, Hüte zu tragen. Sie hängten soviele Tausende Leute, die sich weigerten, ihn zu tragen. 'Jener' hängte so viele Tausende von Leuten, weil sie so ein Fatwa gaben: 'Ein Hut ist ein Zeichen von Unglauben.' 'Jener' wird jeden Tag gehängt dort unten (in seinem Grab). Möge Allah uns vergeben und uns nicht unserem schmutzigen Ego überlassen. O Herr, mögen die Osmanen kommen. Mögen unsere Sultane kommen. Mögen sie kommen und die Reliquien zurückgeben. Sultan Selim wird nach Istanbul kommen. Es heißt: Der Sultan, der gegangen ist, (8 von 10)04.07.2013 23:19:53
3985 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HighHimmat
wird nach Istanbul zurückkommen. Er ging übers Meer. Er wird nach Istanbul zurückkommen. Und Mahdi (as) wird die heiligen Reliquien von Sultan Selim erhalten. Di