Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (263/777)
Es ist eine Schande für die Muslimwelt. Wir machten aus dem Freitag einen Arbeitstag. Mit welcher Autorität? Wir schafften den meist geehrten Tag ab und behielten den Tag der Christen als unseren Feiertag. Sonntag, heute. Ist es Sonntag heute? Sonntag, Pazar. Okay, Pazar, wir haben auchen einen Tier Basar. Dieser Tag ist ein guter Tag, oder? An diesem Tag, jeder Tag ist ein Feiertag, der Tag des Tier Basars. Was für eine Welt! Tierbasar. Sind wir Tiere, daß wir einen Pazar haben? Es gibt auch Tierbasare. Wer immer ein Tier kaufen will, geht auf den Tierbasar. Sie machten uns auch zu Tieren, indem sie Sonntag zum Feiertag machten. Sind wir Tiere, daß wir den Sonntag, Pazar, einhalten? Werden wir am Sonntag zum Basar gehen? (9 von 11)04.07.2013 23:19:07
3741 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HaziratulQuds
Jumu'a ist der geehrte Tag in Allahs des Allmächtigen Gegenwart. Es ist der geehrteste Tag in der Dunya und auch in der Akhirah, die Einladung Allahs des Allmächtigen an die Gläubigen wird am Freitag ergehen. Es gibt eine Einladung am Freitag, und sie machen die Freitagszeremonie, die Himmlische Einladung. Und es gibt eine Einladung jeden Tag durch einen Propheten. Die Einladung unseres Propheten (saws) ist am Donnerstag, und am Freitag lädt Allah der Allmächtige die Leute des Paradieses in Seine Gegenwart. Diese Einladung findet am Freitag statt. Der meistgeehrte Tag der Akhirah ist Jumu`a, wenn Allah der Allmächtige zur Haziratu l-Quds, der Göttlichen Gegenwart einlädt. In der Dunya respektierten auch die Muslime den Tag des Jumu`a, aber sie erlaubten es ihnen nicht! Sie verdarben alles. Keine ihrer Taten hat Erfolg. Sie hatten nur Erfolg im Kampf gegeneinander. Sie töteten, schnitten, verdarben einander. Sie zerstörten und konnten nirgendwohin gelangen. Sie können es nicht so machen. Wenn du den Weg verdirbst, den Allah der Allmächtige zeigt, wohin kannst du gelangen? In den Sumpf Shaytans. Ihr fallt ins WC Shaytans, nichts anderes. Subhan Allah, "Wa Qalilun Min `Ibadiya sh-Shakuru". Aman ya Rabbi, Shukur ya Rabbi. Shukur ya Rabbi, Shukur ya Rabbi. Asbahna wa Asbaha l-Mulku Lillah wa Alhamdulillah. Shukur, daß Allah der Allmächtige uns zum Fajr Gebet aufstehen läßt durch Seine Großzügigkeit, und wir stehen auf. Er (swt) gewährte uns, Sajda zu machen im Fajr Gebet. Wir machten Sajda für unseren Herrn. Shukur ya Rabbi. Du gewährtest uns, diesen Tag zu erreichen, ihn gesund zu erreichen, o Herr. Mögest Du uns die Barakah von heute geben. Mögen wir in jeder unserer Taten erfolgreich sein. Mit irgendetwas Erfolg zu haben, kann nur mit Deiner Anerkennung, mit Deiner Barakah geschehen, o Herr. Das waren unsere Sitten, aber wir haben sie verloren. La Hawla wa la Quwwata illa Billahi l-`Aliyyi l-`Azim. Wa min Allaha t-Tawfiq. Das ist genug. Wir haben einen Spruch im Türkischen: Nur ein paar Wort sind genug für den, der versteht, und für den, der nicht versteht, egal, wieviel du sprichst oder tust, es ist nicht genug. Hast du das gehört? Auch viel ist nicht genug für uns. Aman ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi. Wir wollen Einrichtungen, die uns Shukur lehren. Wir wollen keine Ilahiyat Absolventen. Wir wollen keine Ilahiyat Schulen. Wir wollen Einrichtungen, Madrasen, die uns Adab lehren, der uns Allah dem Allmächtigen nahe bringt. Was für ein College? Fragt! Sie fragen auch nicht. (10 von 11)04.07.2013 23:19:07
3742 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HaziratulQuds
Allah der Allmächtige sagt: "Fas'al Bihi Khabiran" (25:59). Befragt die Experten zu den Dingen. Was ist mit einem Mann, der keine Kenntnis über ein Fach hat, doch darüber spricht mit allerlei leerem Gerede? Und Allah weiß, was sie lehren. Es ist nicht gewiß, was sie lehren können. 'Sie studieren am College.' Es kann die Madrasen nicht ersetzen. O Herr, mögest Du uns den Meister senden, der uns den Weg zeigt und uns unsere Religion, unseren Adab lehrt. Wir sind zurückgelassen unter Verwirrten und sind auch verwirrt worden. Mögest Du vergeben. Mögest Du uns Deinen schönen Diener senden, der uns Adab erwerben läßt. Mögen wir lernen und lehren, o Herr. Diese Deine Diener versuchen auch, etwas zu tun, aber sie wissen nicht, wie. Und weil sie es nicht wissen, sind sie sich der Lage nicht gewahr und mühen sich allein. Nein, ihr könnt es nicht allein machen. "Fas'al Bihi Khabiran". Fragt den, der für diese Aufgabe qualifiziert ist. Shukur ya Rabbi, Shukur ya Rabbi, Shukur Alhamdulillah. Fatiha. Mögen Ehre und Ruhm unseres Propheten (saws) mehr und mehr werden. Möge die Ehre aller Propheten und Awliya mehr und mehr werden. Möge die Ehre der Gläubigen mehr und mehr werden, o Herr. Mögen die Einrichtungen, die uns Adab lehren, kommen, o Allah, o Rasulullah. Fatiha. Lefke, 06.01.2013
WebSaltanatOrg (11 von 11)04.07.2013 23:19:07
3743 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Healing
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Healing
Real healing is to be able to send rays of power through your hands to the body of the patient who must be ready to receive the healing. Mostly people are closed and it is impossible even for prophets to reach them. A closed socket cannot transport electricity. On a patient like that you must try to crack open a weak point of their shell from where you can enter. Since the beginning of time people have been in need of healing, physically and spiritually. Authorised healers will always be on earth. Many of them are totally hidden and you would never imagine them having such powers. If someone is seriously looking for them, they will find. It is not something you can find in books. Not every healer is authorised. Sometimes an unauthorised healer can become infected himself, because he does not have any protection. He can be affected by powerful currents of ill-being from the patient which are transferred to him and make him weak and unable to do anything. He will feel tired because he is only running on a battery, instead of being connected to a stream of power. If he was, he could treat hundreds of patients without being affected. A healer who comes into such an unprotected situation should quickly take a bath and change his clothes. Also step by step stop drinking alcohol and smoking. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:19:08
3744 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Healing
BookPureHearts, CategoryHealth (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:19:08
3745 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Healing2
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Healing2
Healing 2
By the Name of the Lord of Heavens Who created Adam and Eve and prepared everything for them and their descendants in a perfect way. This life is a test for everyone. The Lord of Heavens tests his servants with goodness and badness, with health and sickness, with richness and poverty and with weakness and strength. He created everything according to His Divine Wisdom with a cure and a solution. Every kind of illness is possible, but He will not create it without a cure. Sadly enough mankind is not taking enough care to find the real medicine for illnesses. Especially in our days healing is more like a business than a cure. This is why illnesses increase from day to day in their variety. The methods of curing them also increase, but not in a real curing way. Even though thousands of kinds of medicine have been found, they cannot give any benefit to lessen the suffering and pain of people. Maybe they can kill the pain, but they cannot cure. We know and believe that the first doctors and healers were prophets and holy people. All methods of curing and all medicines came in a Heavenly Way to them before reaching to us. The materialism of this 20th century has stopped the holy way of curing but we must try to once more start to listen to the advice of Holy Books and Holy People. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:19:08
3746 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Healing2
We should not only use surgery and knives and cut, or give drugs, kill pain and not cure. We know that the body was created by the Creator and when you open it, it is like an engine. If you open the engine of a car and then close it again it will lose its perfection. That is why every operation surgeons do, leaves an imperfection within the body. It is not a real cure to use knives. The more you avoid operations you gain health. But surgeons are anxious to operate because it is easier for them to cut something away from the body than to cure it. The profit is also much greater. Those are the two main reasons why people come under the knives of surgeons. It is a great pity for all of mankind. Doctors do not even use the way of normal birth anymore. They rush to cut without a necessity. This is why even something normal like a birth is an excuse for surgeons to make operations. Because of all this a curse is coming on the doctors. People cannot stop suffering and the doctors are unable to give any real cure. 01.01.1997
BookDefendingTruth, CategoryHealth (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:19:08
3747 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingOfTheHeart
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HealingOfTheHeart
Each and very human being has two hearts. One is a physical lump of flesh the size of a fist and the other is the spiritual heart of immeasurable size and depth, more immense than the universe! If you are asking about aches in the physical heart, the remembrance of Allah is one good medicine, as it imparts unto our bodies strength and regularity and helps the bodily systems that effect the heart to maintain better equilibrium. If your question pertains to the spiritual heart the heart that encompasses the whole universe, the remembrance of Allah is the medicine and nourishment of that heart as well. But to even become aware of the existence and functions of that heart certain teachings must be absorbed and certain practices maintained, for these teaching and practices are what can make our remembrance effective.There are five stations of the spiritual heart. These stations are virtually unattainable to people because they never place a guard at the first station, and thus Satan is free to enter it at will and to make his mischievous, evil proclamations. When we let him enter, he immediately starts to discourage us from our spiritual endeavours by announcing that in reality there is no “train,” no “spiritual station,” and no destination.” He (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:19:09
3748 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingOfTheHeart
claims, indeed, that even this first station is no station at all but only a place where we are wasting our time waiting to go somewhere when in fact there is nowhere to go. By making such false proclamations he hopes to influence us to abandon the hope of attaining spiritual enlightenment - to leave even that first station and occupy ourselves as his servants in his realm. If we heed his tricky words and abandon our journey he will keep us in constant misery and distress like prisoners in a very tiny cell. But if you post a guard at the first station of your heart to prevent Satan and his soldiers from entering, you will be safe from the invasion of bad thoughts and evil intentions that would pull you down into endless trouble. Who is that guard? That guard is “dhikr,” the remembrance of Allah. Who remembers his Lord has a Divine Light in his heart that prevents Satan and his soldiers from entering. Therefore the more you are able to remember and to meditate, keeping a close observer’s eye on your heart; the more successful you will be in keeping out your mortal enemy. What is it that keeps us from meditation and self observation? When we dwell on the desires of our lower selves we become preoccupied and distracted from our vigilance. Thus with our own desires Satan accomplishes his break in. But how can we escape from the preoccupation with our ego’s desire when those desires are such an intrinsic part of our being? You must know that the ego’s desires are of two kinds legitimate and illegitimate. The physical being is attracted to food drink and sexual life. You cannot prevent yourself from desiring those things as long as you are alive, for we are human beings and not angels. We must understand that Allah Almighty grants us from all of those things that we desire only as much as is good for us, - just as much as will make us better able to concentrate on our “guard duty”. The best guard is neither the starving man nor the overfed glutton, for the starving man will leave his post in search of food, and the overfed glutton will fall asleep at his post. Thus if a person does not permit himself even the legitimate fulfilment of physical need especially sex, the lower self will rebel violently and attack him with a gigantic and frenzied explosion which forces him to fulfill his needs immediately, regardless of whether that fulfilment is legitimate or not. For this reason our Grandsheikh orders every murid to grant their ego its legitimate rights and to (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:19:09
3749 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingOfTheHeart
listen to some of its demands; - that they eat and drink of good wholesome and tasteful permitted food and marry in accordance with the Divine injunction. If you deny yourselves these permitted pleasures you are inviting “heart disease,” and you will suffer from many blows, sometimes to the heart, to the head to the stomach or the sexual organs, etc, and therefore you must have a guide to teach you how to prevent such an onslaught. A person in distress from heartache must seek a Guide with the same urgency that a heart attack victim calls for a doctor. 01.07.1983
BookMercyOceansDivineSources, WebSheikNazim2Com, CategoryHeart, CategoryDhikr (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:19:09
3750 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingTalksToShiatsuStudents
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HealingTalksToShiatsuStudents
First meeting: We were in peace in the other world and that is why we will be in peace in this world too. The fact that we are sitting and speaking friendly, shows that we did so in the spiritual world already. We are not quarrelling, not fighting, we are sitting quite happily. Our souls are in peace. Welcome to you! Are you happy? I understand that you are studying healing. Who was the first healer? Was it a man or a woman? It was the mothers. Allah Almighty has given secret power to the hands of people to stop the suffering of mankind, and the first ones to do that were mothers with their children. Motherhood is the most important thing for ladies. It is the most honoured occupation. When a child is crying, the mother will come runnig quickly to stop it from suffering. That is why women are the most prepared ones for healing, more so than men. They also usually have more pity for others, which is necessary for healers. If healers only use their hands, nothing will come. But if they also have pity, their mercy will affect quickly on people. This is also important for doctors, but most of them are like butchers nowadays and do not feel any pity whatsoever. They have become like robots and that is why healers must be different. As much as they are using their hands, they must also use their heart. If you look at a suffering person you get a heartache for them. As long as healers only have the interest of giving benefit to people, and do not think about their material (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:19:10
3751 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingTalksToShiatsuStudents
gain, they will be successful. If they do it as a job and they want to get a material benefit out of it, they will come down, their powers will decrease. So many people come to me to see what we are doing, and then they want to know what they should pay. I show them my stick and tell them, "I haven't come here to make a business out of it. Go away! If you like to give charity to someone, then do that." This is a very important matter. Everyone who wants to be successful and reach high levels spiritually, should never consider any material benefits from people. If they are in need and people want to give them something, that is different. But they should not do a fixed payment and demand a fee like £70, £7 or 70p, no! You must do it for the honour of mankind. It is the honour of mankind to be able to help people just the way in which prophets did. They were healers too. They gave their best to people by giving them their mercy. But they never asked anything from them. That is the highest level of humanity. They more you run after materials, the more your spiritual power will come down. There are so many methods of healing, but the strongest is purification and purification begins when we leave material desires. When you have left all material desires you will start to get your full power. As long as you still have material desires your power can't run, it is mixed up. You have to wait for your elements to be arranged. You must use some methods to arrange your four elements; water, fire, air and earth. They all have to be put on their own line to achieve the balance and to make it possible for the power to run through your hand to the one being healed. Take his glass for example! These are mixed up elements, that is why electricity cannot pass. The same applies to our bodies, the power cannot pass if we are mixed up. That is why we in mystic ways and religions use methods to separate and to arrange every element on their own paths. The methods are different, according to the capacity and ability of people. We have 41 methods. If the maste is an authorised-one, he will know how to heal the person. an authorised master must know when he is sitting with with someone what he can do for her or him, what is necessary to arrange him. As a first step the person must have a master. When you heal, do it as an honour, do it to help weak people. Do it to be able to reach needy people. If you have pleased them, the Lord will make you pleased too. Ask the Lord to be able to reach peace through your healing people. Everyone should be a healer! Thank you for your attendance. You are young-ones and I hope that your energy will jump onto me. Being with young-ones gives so much power to old-ones, it gives a (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:19:10
3752 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingTalksToShiatsuStudents
balance. All this I never read in any of your books, but it is something which is passing through my heart from our headquarters. They are suitable rules which should be kept and preserved. May Allah bless you here and hereafter. Amen. Second meeting: In the name of Allah most beneficent and most munificent! Souls must have met in the spiritual world for us to meet in this life. If they hadn't, it would be impossible for us to be together now, physically. But our souls are pushing and are asking to be together here. We hope that we will be free one day of this physical life and that we can leave this physical case and set our souls free. Our souls are lke in a cage now, like a bird in a cage. One day they must leave, there will be an opening for everyone and our souls will fly. Mystic knowledge is a part of every religion, every religion must have a mystic part. If it doesn't, it will be philosophy, because there is no mystic life in philosophy. The mystic life which every religion offers is the life which belongs to your souls. Therefore you must have a discipline for your souls as well as for your physical beings. Whenever you use a discipline you must benefit from it. If you leave he discipline yu will lose. There are spiritual disciplines in Judaism, Christianity and in Islam. The biggest part of Christianity is mystical. Real Christianity is to wash you hands from this world and from what is in it. Christianity really calls peope to belong to heavens only. That is why you cannot find a wordly discipline in Chrisianity. Christians take that from the Old Testament, from Moses. They buid monasteries and convents in far off places. In Cyprus monasteries and convents are either in forests, or on mountains, or in deserts. They are silent, so that they can hear the Lord's voice. So Christians are not really supposed to be materialist people, not real Christians! But now thay have changed, everyoe has changed. In Judaism they have mystic ways and mystical orders, but the materialist ideas cover all this. In Islam we also have mystical views and discipine, but now people are getting more and more materialist and they leave the mystical life aside. They want to follow ordinary life and make their physical being happy. People are seeking happiness from material things. They want their happiness to come from the outside, not the inside. But if it doesn't come from the inside it will never really affect you. A King can sit on his throne and still be unhappy. He can have a crown on his head and stl be sad. On the other hand (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:19:10
3753 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingTalksToShiatsuStudents
someone can sit on a rock and be happy. He can be eating dry bread and still have no sadness in him. So what is better? To sit on the throne and be unhappy, or to sit on the rock and be happy? The crown doesn't bring happiness, it is useless. But people insist on wanting happiness to come from what they have, from material things; from money, gold, jewels, palaces, cars, wives, children, business, from this and that. But instead, these things usually burden the people and make them even more sad. We are trying to heal people. The real healing we need is in our souls, not in our physical bodies. This cannot be without mystical practice. If you heal through your heart you will be happy. It is important to make a way from heart to heart, because some hearts are full with peace, pleasure, love, wisdoms, beauty, mercy, respect, knowledge and happiness. You must join your heart with a heart like that. If you are joined, you can be in contact anytime, just by thinking. It is so important for people to reach happiness, to reach everything through mystic ways. But people are ignorant. It is possible to find such people. With their eyes they will look at you and with their heart they will reach you. If you then later are alone and you have something which disturbs you, you must take a shower quickly, go to a silent place and try to connect with anyone you know who has such powers. You will then be given whatever you are in need of. There are so many levels of this. In the beginning it will be very simple, but then, as you improve spiritually, you will become more and more powerful. Every difficult position, physically or spiritually, can be solved instantly. The Lord has granted us such discipline in every Holy Book: the Torah, Bible, Psalms and in the Holy Quran. You can find such disciplines in these Books. That is mystical life. As long as you are in your physical life the troubles will never leave you, because your physical structure is the reason for the troubles. The troublemaker is your physical being. The soul will never be the troublemaker. The troublemaker is your ego, your physical structure. Q: A lot of people seem to be interested in Buddhism and Hinduism. Is this the same line? Every order has a mystic discipline and these are all on the same way. The question is which level they are on. Some are for more simple people and some for more improved communites. The Buddhist and Hindu discipline are for preliminary levels. In our days people cannot be Buddhists or Hindus forever. People should try to learn their lessons from Buddhism and Hinduism as quickly as possible, remembering that (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:19:10
3754 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingTalksToShiatsuStudents
these religions cannot give their followers more than they do. They can be ways as a beginning for unbelievers, but once they start believing in heavenly religions it is foolish to go back to Hinduism or Buddhism. It cannot give anything to Christians, Jews or Muslims, only to unbelievers. It can be good to wake up the feelings of beliefs in unbelievers if they do not believe in anything, if they do not even believe in a Creator, but it can never be enough as a discipline for a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim. Unbelievers who start to be interested in Buddhism will step by step start to believe in something. That something will be invisible, because invisible things can only be believed in. Everything we believe in is invisible. You believe in God - invisible. You believe in angels - invisible. You believe in jinn - invisible. Believing in the hereafter is believing in something invisible. Once people have got an opening, all these things will be easy to believe in. When I go to South Asia, to Sri Lanka and to Singapore I meet so many Buddhists and because they are believing in something, it is easy for them to come into Islam. Beliefs open a new world for ourselves. But if people do not believe a huge endless world is closed for them. If they believe, it will open. They are free to have it, or not. Real healing comes from Heavens. You are still using physical powers, not yet your spiritual powers. Sometimes we have that kind of power. The main supporters of spiritual powers are angels and the Prophet, may peace be upon him. It comes from the line of prophets, leading to the last one. Sometimes this line is open and will affect quickly, sometimes it is closed. That is why it is an old custom to take the power from a master to his successor. You can't do it by yourself, but your masters have a connection to Heavens and according to the power of your master you can take more benefit. Whenever I have power I give permisson to everyone who makes healings if the person concerned first puts his or her heart in front of mine. Then, according to my authority, I will pass something on to them and make it easier. London - 01.03.1994
BookPowerOceansOfLight, CategoryHealth, CategoryEconomy, CategoryBuddhism, CategoryHinduism (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:19:10
3755 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingTalksToShiatsuStudents (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:19:10
3756 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealthyDietDontEatPlastic
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HealthyDietDontEatPlastic
Healthy Diet: Don't eat Plastic!
Try to eat as much organic food as possible. Eat the red and the white part of meat. Eating only the red will harm the body. Use both of them, it will not make you fat. Your body needs it. If you don't, your body will get weaker and weaker. Such foolish diets turn the flesh into water. So many people have cancer because they have no defence in their body against cancer cells. They also don't drink soup, they only eat fish and chips and fish and chips. This is not good for the body, or kebab, kebab... again the kebab meat does not include the white of the meat. This harms the body and weakens it. People must try to use the old ways of cooking. Young people can eat more sweets, but the Oriental kinds: Pakistani, or Turkish or Arabic. The European sweets are not good. They do not give the body any nourishment, they are made of plastic. I also don't like to touch chicken nowadays because they are usually artificial, which I have no interest to eat. I like mutton or lamb. I also do not like to eat beef. The
Es ist eine Schande für die Muslimwelt. Wir machten aus dem Freitag einen Arbeitstag. Mit welcher Autorität? Wir schafften den meist geehrten Tag ab und behielten den Tag der Christen als unseren Feiertag. Sonntag, heute. Ist es Sonntag heute? Sonntag, Pazar. Okay, Pazar, wir haben auchen einen Tier Basar. Dieser Tag ist ein guter Tag, oder? An diesem Tag, jeder Tag ist ein Feiertag, der Tag des Tier Basars. Was für eine Welt! Tierbasar. Sind wir Tiere, daß wir einen Pazar haben? Es gibt auch Tierbasare. Wer immer ein Tier kaufen will, geht auf den Tierbasar. Sie machten uns auch zu Tieren, indem sie Sonntag zum Feiertag machten. Sind wir Tiere, daß wir den Sonntag, Pazar, einhalten? Werden wir am Sonntag zum Basar gehen? (9 von 11)04.07.2013 23:19:07
3741 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HaziratulQuds
Jumu'a ist der geehrte Tag in Allahs des Allmächtigen Gegenwart. Es ist der geehrteste Tag in der Dunya und auch in der Akhirah, die Einladung Allahs des Allmächtigen an die Gläubigen wird am Freitag ergehen. Es gibt eine Einladung am Freitag, und sie machen die Freitagszeremonie, die Himmlische Einladung. Und es gibt eine Einladung jeden Tag durch einen Propheten. Die Einladung unseres Propheten (saws) ist am Donnerstag, und am Freitag lädt Allah der Allmächtige die Leute des Paradieses in Seine Gegenwart. Diese Einladung findet am Freitag statt. Der meistgeehrte Tag der Akhirah ist Jumu`a, wenn Allah der Allmächtige zur Haziratu l-Quds, der Göttlichen Gegenwart einlädt. In der Dunya respektierten auch die Muslime den Tag des Jumu`a, aber sie erlaubten es ihnen nicht! Sie verdarben alles. Keine ihrer Taten hat Erfolg. Sie hatten nur Erfolg im Kampf gegeneinander. Sie töteten, schnitten, verdarben einander. Sie zerstörten und konnten nirgendwohin gelangen. Sie können es nicht so machen. Wenn du den Weg verdirbst, den Allah der Allmächtige zeigt, wohin kannst du gelangen? In den Sumpf Shaytans. Ihr fallt ins WC Shaytans, nichts anderes. Subhan Allah, "Wa Qalilun Min `Ibadiya sh-Shakuru". Aman ya Rabbi, Shukur ya Rabbi. Shukur ya Rabbi, Shukur ya Rabbi. Asbahna wa Asbaha l-Mulku Lillah wa Alhamdulillah. Shukur, daß Allah der Allmächtige uns zum Fajr Gebet aufstehen läßt durch Seine Großzügigkeit, und wir stehen auf. Er (swt) gewährte uns, Sajda zu machen im Fajr Gebet. Wir machten Sajda für unseren Herrn. Shukur ya Rabbi. Du gewährtest uns, diesen Tag zu erreichen, ihn gesund zu erreichen, o Herr. Mögest Du uns die Barakah von heute geben. Mögen wir in jeder unserer Taten erfolgreich sein. Mit irgendetwas Erfolg zu haben, kann nur mit Deiner Anerkennung, mit Deiner Barakah geschehen, o Herr. Das waren unsere Sitten, aber wir haben sie verloren. La Hawla wa la Quwwata illa Billahi l-`Aliyyi l-`Azim. Wa min Allaha t-Tawfiq. Das ist genug. Wir haben einen Spruch im Türkischen: Nur ein paar Wort sind genug für den, der versteht, und für den, der nicht versteht, egal, wieviel du sprichst oder tust, es ist nicht genug. Hast du das gehört? Auch viel ist nicht genug für uns. Aman ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi. Wir wollen Einrichtungen, die uns Shukur lehren. Wir wollen keine Ilahiyat Absolventen. Wir wollen keine Ilahiyat Schulen. Wir wollen Einrichtungen, Madrasen, die uns Adab lehren, der uns Allah dem Allmächtigen nahe bringt. Was für ein College? Fragt! Sie fragen auch nicht. (10 von 11)04.07.2013 23:19:07
3742 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HaziratulQuds
Allah der Allmächtige sagt: "Fas'al Bihi Khabiran" (25:59). Befragt die Experten zu den Dingen. Was ist mit einem Mann, der keine Kenntnis über ein Fach hat, doch darüber spricht mit allerlei leerem Gerede? Und Allah weiß, was sie lehren. Es ist nicht gewiß, was sie lehren können. 'Sie studieren am College.' Es kann die Madrasen nicht ersetzen. O Herr, mögest Du uns den Meister senden, der uns den Weg zeigt und uns unsere Religion, unseren Adab lehrt. Wir sind zurückgelassen unter Verwirrten und sind auch verwirrt worden. Mögest Du vergeben. Mögest Du uns Deinen schönen Diener senden, der uns Adab erwerben läßt. Mögen wir lernen und lehren, o Herr. Diese Deine Diener versuchen auch, etwas zu tun, aber sie wissen nicht, wie. Und weil sie es nicht wissen, sind sie sich der Lage nicht gewahr und mühen sich allein. Nein, ihr könnt es nicht allein machen. "Fas'al Bihi Khabiran". Fragt den, der für diese Aufgabe qualifiziert ist. Shukur ya Rabbi, Shukur ya Rabbi, Shukur Alhamdulillah. Fatiha. Mögen Ehre und Ruhm unseres Propheten (saws) mehr und mehr werden. Möge die Ehre aller Propheten und Awliya mehr und mehr werden. Möge die Ehre der Gläubigen mehr und mehr werden, o Herr. Mögen die Einrichtungen, die uns Adab lehren, kommen, o Allah, o Rasulullah. Fatiha. Lefke, 06.01.2013
WebSaltanatOrg (11 von 11)04.07.2013 23:19:07
3743 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Healing
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Healing
Real healing is to be able to send rays of power through your hands to the body of the patient who must be ready to receive the healing. Mostly people are closed and it is impossible even for prophets to reach them. A closed socket cannot transport electricity. On a patient like that you must try to crack open a weak point of their shell from where you can enter. Since the beginning of time people have been in need of healing, physically and spiritually. Authorised healers will always be on earth. Many of them are totally hidden and you would never imagine them having such powers. If someone is seriously looking for them, they will find. It is not something you can find in books. Not every healer is authorised. Sometimes an unauthorised healer can become infected himself, because he does not have any protection. He can be affected by powerful currents of ill-being from the patient which are transferred to him and make him weak and unable to do anything. He will feel tired because he is only running on a battery, instead of being connected to a stream of power. If he was, he could treat hundreds of patients without being affected. A healer who comes into such an unprotected situation should quickly take a bath and change his clothes. Also step by step stop drinking alcohol and smoking. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:19:08
3744 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Healing
BookPureHearts, CategoryHealth (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:19:08
3745 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Healing2
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Healing2
Healing 2
By the Name of the Lord of Heavens Who created Adam and Eve and prepared everything for them and their descendants in a perfect way. This life is a test for everyone. The Lord of Heavens tests his servants with goodness and badness, with health and sickness, with richness and poverty and with weakness and strength. He created everything according to His Divine Wisdom with a cure and a solution. Every kind of illness is possible, but He will not create it without a cure. Sadly enough mankind is not taking enough care to find the real medicine for illnesses. Especially in our days healing is more like a business than a cure. This is why illnesses increase from day to day in their variety. The methods of curing them also increase, but not in a real curing way. Even though thousands of kinds of medicine have been found, they cannot give any benefit to lessen the suffering and pain of people. Maybe they can kill the pain, but they cannot cure. We know and believe that the first doctors and healers were prophets and holy people. All methods of curing and all medicines came in a Heavenly Way to them before reaching to us. The materialism of this 20th century has stopped the holy way of curing but we must try to once more start to listen to the advice of Holy Books and Holy People. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:19:08
3746 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Healing2
We should not only use surgery and knives and cut, or give drugs, kill pain and not cure. We know that the body was created by the Creator and when you open it, it is like an engine. If you open the engine of a car and then close it again it will lose its perfection. That is why every operation surgeons do, leaves an imperfection within the body. It is not a real cure to use knives. The more you avoid operations you gain health. But surgeons are anxious to operate because it is easier for them to cut something away from the body than to cure it. The profit is also much greater. Those are the two main reasons why people come under the knives of surgeons. It is a great pity for all of mankind. Doctors do not even use the way of normal birth anymore. They rush to cut without a necessity. This is why even something normal like a birth is an excuse for surgeons to make operations. Because of all this a curse is coming on the doctors. People cannot stop suffering and the doctors are unable to give any real cure. 01.01.1997
BookDefendingTruth, CategoryHealth (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:19:08
3747 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingOfTheHeart
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HealingOfTheHeart
Each and very human being has two hearts. One is a physical lump of flesh the size of a fist and the other is the spiritual heart of immeasurable size and depth, more immense than the universe! If you are asking about aches in the physical heart, the remembrance of Allah is one good medicine, as it imparts unto our bodies strength and regularity and helps the bodily systems that effect the heart to maintain better equilibrium. If your question pertains to the spiritual heart the heart that encompasses the whole universe, the remembrance of Allah is the medicine and nourishment of that heart as well. But to even become aware of the existence and functions of that heart certain teachings must be absorbed and certain practices maintained, for these teaching and practices are what can make our remembrance effective.There are five stations of the spiritual heart. These stations are virtually unattainable to people because they never place a guard at the first station, and thus Satan is free to enter it at will and to make his mischievous, evil proclamations. When we let him enter, he immediately starts to discourage us from our spiritual endeavours by announcing that in reality there is no “train,” no “spiritual station,” and no destination.” He (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:19:09
3748 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingOfTheHeart
claims, indeed, that even this first station is no station at all but only a place where we are wasting our time waiting to go somewhere when in fact there is nowhere to go. By making such false proclamations he hopes to influence us to abandon the hope of attaining spiritual enlightenment - to leave even that first station and occupy ourselves as his servants in his realm. If we heed his tricky words and abandon our journey he will keep us in constant misery and distress like prisoners in a very tiny cell. But if you post a guard at the first station of your heart to prevent Satan and his soldiers from entering, you will be safe from the invasion of bad thoughts and evil intentions that would pull you down into endless trouble. Who is that guard? That guard is “dhikr,” the remembrance of Allah. Who remembers his Lord has a Divine Light in his heart that prevents Satan and his soldiers from entering. Therefore the more you are able to remember and to meditate, keeping a close observer’s eye on your heart; the more successful you will be in keeping out your mortal enemy. What is it that keeps us from meditation and self observation? When we dwell on the desires of our lower selves we become preoccupied and distracted from our vigilance. Thus with our own desires Satan accomplishes his break in. But how can we escape from the preoccupation with our ego’s desire when those desires are such an intrinsic part of our being? You must know that the ego’s desires are of two kinds legitimate and illegitimate. The physical being is attracted to food drink and sexual life. You cannot prevent yourself from desiring those things as long as you are alive, for we are human beings and not angels. We must understand that Allah Almighty grants us from all of those things that we desire only as much as is good for us, - just as much as will make us better able to concentrate on our “guard duty”. The best guard is neither the starving man nor the overfed glutton, for the starving man will leave his post in search of food, and the overfed glutton will fall asleep at his post. Thus if a person does not permit himself even the legitimate fulfilment of physical need especially sex, the lower self will rebel violently and attack him with a gigantic and frenzied explosion which forces him to fulfill his needs immediately, regardless of whether that fulfilment is legitimate or not. For this reason our Grandsheikh orders every murid to grant their ego its legitimate rights and to (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:19:09
3749 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingOfTheHeart
listen to some of its demands; - that they eat and drink of good wholesome and tasteful permitted food and marry in accordance with the Divine injunction. If you deny yourselves these permitted pleasures you are inviting “heart disease,” and you will suffer from many blows, sometimes to the heart, to the head to the stomach or the sexual organs, etc, and therefore you must have a guide to teach you how to prevent such an onslaught. A person in distress from heartache must seek a Guide with the same urgency that a heart attack victim calls for a doctor. 01.07.1983
BookMercyOceansDivineSources, WebSheikNazim2Com, CategoryHeart, CategoryDhikr (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:19:09
3750 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingTalksToShiatsuStudents
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HealingTalksToShiatsuStudents
First meeting: We were in peace in the other world and that is why we will be in peace in this world too. The fact that we are sitting and speaking friendly, shows that we did so in the spiritual world already. We are not quarrelling, not fighting, we are sitting quite happily. Our souls are in peace. Welcome to you! Are you happy? I understand that you are studying healing. Who was the first healer? Was it a man or a woman? It was the mothers. Allah Almighty has given secret power to the hands of people to stop the suffering of mankind, and the first ones to do that were mothers with their children. Motherhood is the most important thing for ladies. It is the most honoured occupation. When a child is crying, the mother will come runnig quickly to stop it from suffering. That is why women are the most prepared ones for healing, more so than men. They also usually have more pity for others, which is necessary for healers. If healers only use their hands, nothing will come. But if they also have pity, their mercy will affect quickly on people. This is also important for doctors, but most of them are like butchers nowadays and do not feel any pity whatsoever. They have become like robots and that is why healers must be different. As much as they are using their hands, they must also use their heart. If you look at a suffering person you get a heartache for them. As long as healers only have the interest of giving benefit to people, and do not think about their material (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:19:10
3751 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingTalksToShiatsuStudents
gain, they will be successful. If they do it as a job and they want to get a material benefit out of it, they will come down, their powers will decrease. So many people come to me to see what we are doing, and then they want to know what they should pay. I show them my stick and tell them, "I haven't come here to make a business out of it. Go away! If you like to give charity to someone, then do that." This is a very important matter. Everyone who wants to be successful and reach high levels spiritually, should never consider any material benefits from people. If they are in need and people want to give them something, that is different. But they should not do a fixed payment and demand a fee like £70, £7 or 70p, no! You must do it for the honour of mankind. It is the honour of mankind to be able to help people just the way in which prophets did. They were healers too. They gave their best to people by giving them their mercy. But they never asked anything from them. That is the highest level of humanity. They more you run after materials, the more your spiritual power will come down. There are so many methods of healing, but the strongest is purification and purification begins when we leave material desires. When you have left all material desires you will start to get your full power. As long as you still have material desires your power can't run, it is mixed up. You have to wait for your elements to be arranged. You must use some methods to arrange your four elements; water, fire, air and earth. They all have to be put on their own line to achieve the balance and to make it possible for the power to run through your hand to the one being healed. Take his glass for example! These are mixed up elements, that is why electricity cannot pass. The same applies to our bodies, the power cannot pass if we are mixed up. That is why we in mystic ways and religions use methods to separate and to arrange every element on their own paths. The methods are different, according to the capacity and ability of people. We have 41 methods. If the maste is an authorised-one, he will know how to heal the person. an authorised master must know when he is sitting with with someone what he can do for her or him, what is necessary to arrange him. As a first step the person must have a master. When you heal, do it as an honour, do it to help weak people. Do it to be able to reach needy people. If you have pleased them, the Lord will make you pleased too. Ask the Lord to be able to reach peace through your healing people. Everyone should be a healer! Thank you for your attendance. You are young-ones and I hope that your energy will jump onto me. Being with young-ones gives so much power to old-ones, it gives a (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:19:10
3752 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingTalksToShiatsuStudents
balance. All this I never read in any of your books, but it is something which is passing through my heart from our headquarters. They are suitable rules which should be kept and preserved. May Allah bless you here and hereafter. Amen. Second meeting: In the name of Allah most beneficent and most munificent! Souls must have met in the spiritual world for us to meet in this life. If they hadn't, it would be impossible for us to be together now, physically. But our souls are pushing and are asking to be together here. We hope that we will be free one day of this physical life and that we can leave this physical case and set our souls free. Our souls are lke in a cage now, like a bird in a cage. One day they must leave, there will be an opening for everyone and our souls will fly. Mystic knowledge is a part of every religion, every religion must have a mystic part. If it doesn't, it will be philosophy, because there is no mystic life in philosophy. The mystic life which every religion offers is the life which belongs to your souls. Therefore you must have a discipline for your souls as well as for your physical beings. Whenever you use a discipline you must benefit from it. If you leave he discipline yu will lose. There are spiritual disciplines in Judaism, Christianity and in Islam. The biggest part of Christianity is mystical. Real Christianity is to wash you hands from this world and from what is in it. Christianity really calls peope to belong to heavens only. That is why you cannot find a wordly discipline in Chrisianity. Christians take that from the Old Testament, from Moses. They buid monasteries and convents in far off places. In Cyprus monasteries and convents are either in forests, or on mountains, or in deserts. They are silent, so that they can hear the Lord's voice. So Christians are not really supposed to be materialist people, not real Christians! But now thay have changed, everyoe has changed. In Judaism they have mystic ways and mystical orders, but the materialist ideas cover all this. In Islam we also have mystical views and discipine, but now people are getting more and more materialist and they leave the mystical life aside. They want to follow ordinary life and make their physical being happy. People are seeking happiness from material things. They want their happiness to come from the outside, not the inside. But if it doesn't come from the inside it will never really affect you. A King can sit on his throne and still be unhappy. He can have a crown on his head and stl be sad. On the other hand (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:19:10
3753 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingTalksToShiatsuStudents
someone can sit on a rock and be happy. He can be eating dry bread and still have no sadness in him. So what is better? To sit on the throne and be unhappy, or to sit on the rock and be happy? The crown doesn't bring happiness, it is useless. But people insist on wanting happiness to come from what they have, from material things; from money, gold, jewels, palaces, cars, wives, children, business, from this and that. But instead, these things usually burden the people and make them even more sad. We are trying to heal people. The real healing we need is in our souls, not in our physical bodies. This cannot be without mystical practice. If you heal through your heart you will be happy. It is important to make a way from heart to heart, because some hearts are full with peace, pleasure, love, wisdoms, beauty, mercy, respect, knowledge and happiness. You must join your heart with a heart like that. If you are joined, you can be in contact anytime, just by thinking. It is so important for people to reach happiness, to reach everything through mystic ways. But people are ignorant. It is possible to find such people. With their eyes they will look at you and with their heart they will reach you. If you then later are alone and you have something which disturbs you, you must take a shower quickly, go to a silent place and try to connect with anyone you know who has such powers. You will then be given whatever you are in need of. There are so many levels of this. In the beginning it will be very simple, but then, as you improve spiritually, you will become more and more powerful. Every difficult position, physically or spiritually, can be solved instantly. The Lord has granted us such discipline in every Holy Book: the Torah, Bible, Psalms and in the Holy Quran. You can find such disciplines in these Books. That is mystical life. As long as you are in your physical life the troubles will never leave you, because your physical structure is the reason for the troubles. The troublemaker is your physical being. The soul will never be the troublemaker. The troublemaker is your ego, your physical structure. Q: A lot of people seem to be interested in Buddhism and Hinduism. Is this the same line? Every order has a mystic discipline and these are all on the same way. The question is which level they are on. Some are for more simple people and some for more improved communites. The Buddhist and Hindu discipline are for preliminary levels. In our days people cannot be Buddhists or Hindus forever. People should try to learn their lessons from Buddhism and Hinduism as quickly as possible, remembering that (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:19:10
3754 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingTalksToShiatsuStudents
these religions cannot give their followers more than they do. They can be ways as a beginning for unbelievers, but once they start believing in heavenly religions it is foolish to go back to Hinduism or Buddhism. It cannot give anything to Christians, Jews or Muslims, only to unbelievers. It can be good to wake up the feelings of beliefs in unbelievers if they do not believe in anything, if they do not even believe in a Creator, but it can never be enough as a discipline for a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim. Unbelievers who start to be interested in Buddhism will step by step start to believe in something. That something will be invisible, because invisible things can only be believed in. Everything we believe in is invisible. You believe in God - invisible. You believe in angels - invisible. You believe in jinn - invisible. Believing in the hereafter is believing in something invisible. Once people have got an opening, all these things will be easy to believe in. When I go to South Asia, to Sri Lanka and to Singapore I meet so many Buddhists and because they are believing in something, it is easy for them to come into Islam. Beliefs open a new world for ourselves. But if people do not believe a huge endless world is closed for them. If they believe, it will open. They are free to have it, or not. Real healing comes from Heavens. You are still using physical powers, not yet your spiritual powers. Sometimes we have that kind of power. The main supporters of spiritual powers are angels and the Prophet, may peace be upon him. It comes from the line of prophets, leading to the last one. Sometimes this line is open and will affect quickly, sometimes it is closed. That is why it is an old custom to take the power from a master to his successor. You can't do it by yourself, but your masters have a connection to Heavens and according to the power of your master you can take more benefit. Whenever I have power I give permisson to everyone who makes healings if the person concerned first puts his or her heart in front of mine. Then, according to my authority, I will pass something on to them and make it easier. London - 01.03.1994
BookPowerOceansOfLight, CategoryHealth, CategoryEconomy, CategoryBuddhism, CategoryHinduism (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:19:10
3755 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealingTalksToShiatsuStudents (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:19:10
3756 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HealthyDietDontEatPlastic
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HealthyDietDontEatPlastic
Healthy Diet: Don't eat Plastic!
Try to eat as much organic food as possible. Eat the red and the white part of meat. Eating only the red will harm the body. Use both of them, it will not make you fat. Your body needs it. If you don't, your body will get weaker and weaker. Such foolish diets turn the flesh into water. So many people have cancer because they have no defence in their body against cancer cells. They also don't drink soup, they only eat fish and chips and fish and chips. This is not good for the body, or kebab, kebab... again the kebab meat does not include the white of the meat. This harms the body and weakens it. People must try to use the old ways of cooking. Young people can eat more sweets, but the Oriental kinds: Pakistani, or Turkish or Arabic. The European sweets are not good. They do not give the body any nourishment, they are made of plastic. I also don't like to touch chicken nowadays because they are usually artificial, which I have no interest to eat. I like mutton or lamb. I also do not like to eat beef. The