Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (259/777)
or eurem Meister (sas). Seht und beweist eure Menschlichkeit. Seid ein Mensch, kein Teufel. Die die in dieser Welt leben sind entweder Menschen oder Shayane. Sie sind entweder von Rahman, sie sind Menschen, oder von Shaytan, die Tiere Shaytans. Es gibt 2 Klassen in dieser Welt: Die die dem Weg Rahmans folgen, die dem Sultan zu Diensten sind. Die anderen rennen Shaytan hinterher, Tiere Shaytans. 2 Klassen, es gibt keine dritte. Möge Allah uns Seine reinen Diener schicken, um uns aufzuwecken, uns Shah Mardans Rat zu sagen und des Sohn des Onkels... um uns die Ehre des Meisters des Universums zu lehren und ihm Respekt zu erweisen. Möge Er uns reine Lehrer schicken, so dass sie uns lehren. Lernt und lehrt! Khayru Al-Nass Man Ta'alam Wa Allam. Die besten unter euch sind die, die lernen und lehren was sie gelernt haben. Gute Leute sind die, die lernen und die Leute lehren. Lehrt! Lehrt Gutes. Sagt auch das Schlechte das ihr wisst, so dass sie nicht in die Löcher des Schlechten fallen. Fatiha. Salamun Qawlan Min Rabbur Rahim Lest dies 7 Mal jeden Tag auf euch. Werft euch nieder und ihr werdet sicher sein. Fatiha. Mögen sie uns vor dem Leid Shaytans beschützen. Die Engel, mit dem Befehl Shah Mardans, der Sohn des Onkels des Meisters des Universums (sas), mit der Erlaubnis unseres Meisters und Ehrfurcht. Seid so, euer Gesicht wird sein wie der Mond. Mögen eure Herzen wie Gold sein, und eure Taten geradlinig. Fatiha. Das ist
ein Rat. Haltet ihn ein. Man LamYaqbalu n-Nasihat Hallat Lahu n-Nadamat. Wer einen Ratschlag nicht akzeptiert wird bereuen. Die die sich nicht an den Rat halten, bereuen es. Mir wird befohlen das zu sagen. Shah Mardan, oh Liebende Shah Mardans, marhaba. Lefke, 30.03.2013
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryCyprus, CategoryHoliness (13 von 13)04.07.2013 23:18:54
3686 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HalfAsleepHalfAwake
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HalfAsleepHalfAwake
As-salamu alaikum! Alhamdulillah wa salat wa salamu ‘ala S.Muhammadan… ’zid habika izzan wa sharafa w anuran wa surura wa ridwanan wa sultana… Allahumma rushdana wa aisna min sharri anfusina! Half asleep, half awake… Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Ya Rabb! We are coming from long distances, from East and West, from North and South, from this world people are coming, they are asking to go or to learn something, because it is an unknown place here; on world our land, Cyprus, is very small land. And we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. We are running away from Shaitan and running, asking to run to Allah. That is a good rule that everyone may know or everyone asking to know and they are also reminding a rule that gives you some benefit. What is that rule? Run away from (your) enemy and run to that One, who can protect you! Don’t run after your enemy! And your enemy can have hundreds of traps and (he (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:55
3687 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HalfAsleepHalfAwake
is) using countless tricks for mankind. But he, that one, (is) presenting himself - not too much presenting, but introducing himself, saying: “Oh people, I am (a) very famous friend of you and always I was running after you to teach something that you should be here in happiness and you should save yourself. First of all…” Shaitan that, Shaitan saying to people, “First of all you must take away from your minds that you are dying and then coming alive. That is something that our mentality never can accept! What do you think if one of you (is) dying and (they are) taking you and putting (you) in graveyard and then, through (that) graveyard, your body (is) changing, changing, even never going to be on yourself soft area, soft that dressed on your skeleton… skeleton, and that you dressed from your physical being. (That) soft physical thing (that is) dressed (on you), after a short or a far away, after some time passing, that soft dress that you have been dressed on your skeleton, (is) just finished and (it is) going to be dust, only you may look and see a skeleton. But you can’t be able to make a difference, to say… If they are putting in front of you ten skeletons, you can’t say: “This (is) for Greensheikh”, “Greensheikh” they are saying, “that belongs”, “Greensheikh skeleton” or you can’t say that: “That is”- what is that person in Arabia?- “Abdul Aziz bin Baz”… This (is the skeleton of) bin Baz, this (of) Greensheikh, this Yemen servant or this Asian Abu Zaid Ihwan or that is the Kings skeleton… No! This putting there, you can’t be able to say this, so how you are going to say, that that skeleton also after a while that skeleton also going to be dust, nothing remaining from someones body, anything except dust, how you are going to say, my friend, that from that skeleton you are going to come once again to life?’ “First of all, if you like to follow me that I am that one guiding you to a pleasure, to a peaceful and happy life, enjoyful life, you must take away from your dictionary that. Nothing after death! Death it is (the) last point of a living person, beyond that, that finished. Therefore, I am that one, I am happy and honoured to make people, their mentality, to work and to try to be much more in pleasure through this life, as much as possible. Yes, that is first, my first lesson that I am going to teach you for an enjoyful life. If you can accept my advice, you should be so happy. Therefore, take away from your dictionary to believe or not to believe- you must be realist! Realist, that I am Nr.1 realist”, Shaitan (is) saying (this) to people, (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:55
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“Nr.1” and: “Follow me!” Therefore Allah Almighty (is) ordering: “O people, (these are) such a foolish ideas! Your most terrible enemy that (he is) asking to teach you- he is not teaching you, but cheating you!” Once in a country some no mind Shaitans agents, they built a big hotel. Then, when it is finished, they are saying: “Yes, just it is finished now, but- how we are going to operate this place? How we are using it, what is the best way for investment, good manage for a good investment?” They said: “You must ask everything that they are expert for that subject.” They said: “How we are finding such a person?” And so many people (were) saying (to them): “You may ask for employment and investment for this huge building that most important people, whom their minds (are) working on that subject: they are (the) Children of Israel.“ “Ha?” “You must go and ask from them! What they are saying, may show a way to you, to use it. But you must be very careful! Sometimes (they are) saying right, sometimes (they are) saying wrong- don’t trust them!” And then, hasili kelam, the summary of our speech here: they asked and people (were) saying “Go, there is Tel Aviv…” They went there, a group of people, they prepared themselves and (they were) going to ask how they are going to make it to work and investing money from that. Because in our days people they are worshipping money, running after money, money, money…! And they went, finding that person, whom they are going to say something about their consulting. (They were) coming and they are sitting, knocking (the) door, opening clerk: “Oh welcome! Ohhh, you are very welcome! I am looking, seeing you not from this country, you look like foreigners…?” “Yes Sir”, because if they are from their country, it is something else to speak… “Good hands… Good hands… now it is okay, welcome… For what you are coming for consulting?” They said: “We are a group of people from a famous island in Mediterranean and we are asking: Just we built a beautiful building and we are asking how we are going to manage (it). That is our consultation.” “One moment…” (The clerk was) getting in and saying: “There is good hands…” “Look after them! First, before they are coming in, take first what they should pay before consulting, then coming in, because they may consult and not giving anything; they (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:55
3689 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HalfAsleepHalfAwake
may escape we can’t reach to them. Therefore first of all you may give, go and take tax for consulting.” Getting: “Yes Sir! … “Ehhh, our solicitor (is) asking (that) first of all you must pay 1ooo Pounds, before consulting.” Looking… “What do you think, we have? We (were) never thinking that we are falling in such a trap… this is a trap!” “Don’t say trap! Fee! Pay! No time for our solicitor to wait here, because every time the taximeter (is running) tick tick tick… look there: how long here, you should pay more! Quickly!” They were… “1000.” “From where (you are) coming?” “From that country…” “So many people (there are) making, printing false money…” “Yes Sir, it is original money, not it is imitated, photocopy.” “No photocopy?” “No, Sir, I am not such a…” “I don’t know! You are coming from such a country, you may sell people also with photocopy machine. Go away!” (They were) getting in. “Now…” giving to solicitor, (the) solicitor (was saying): “Welcome, our precious clients, welcome to you! Ehhhh, welcome… you like to drink water or none?” Not saying coffee… “Or tea? You are asking to drink tea?” “No, Sir.” “But after paying this, you must drink! 1000- you must drink something for digesting…” Summary giving: “What you are asking?” “Yes Sir, we are coming from that island that (there are) so many trouble-makers in that place. People (are) sometimes coming to our place, they are escaping from that side to this side, and they are asking a modern hotel. And just we built a good hotel, but we are getting in disagreement among ourselves. Some of ourselves (are) saying ‘We may use (it in) this way’, some others (are) saying ‘No, another way’, this way, that way- we are quarreling, therefore we are coming that we may hear from you advice.” “Give that hotels details…” He was (looking): “This (is the) building?” “Yes, Sir.” “This (is a) good building. But- what is behind it? I am looking (something) as a minaret… I think so. I don’t know, if I am right or wrong- look!” They said: “Yes Sir, there is just wall to wall a mosque there.” “O my no mind clients! You are really no mind people! That is (a) mosque, (where they are) Adhan calling for praying to Allah people and you are building here and big hotel for Shaitan and shaitanic works? How that people… 5 times that minaret “Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar” and person riding on one another, drinking, making everything… they are saying: ‘What is that? Oh, what is (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:55
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that?’ They are escaping not to hear, to be free for everything- ‘How (is) this hotel (a) modern hotel?’ They may say to you this. Therefore my advice to you: Either you may take this hotel from here to another place or you must take (that) mosque from there to another place or it is not going to work…” Why I am saying (this) to you, o people? Because Shaitan (is) saying: “Don’t obey! Take away to believe (that) there is (a) Creator, there is (a) Resurrection Day, there is (a) Judgment Day! These things you must take away from your dictionary, then you can be free to make everything as you like. If not, you can’t live. Therefore, o my friends, I am your best friend, that is my advice to you: Don’t believe- you should be happy!” Saying that Shaitan; another Shaitan (is) saying: “You can’t be happy through such a places, you must leave to believe in anything that should be in future, after this life coming another life.” That is the main points of shaitanic lifestyle for 21st century and 21st century people, all of them, they are saying: “No God”- ha sha- “No life after death, no Resurrection, no Judgment Day, no Hells, no Paradise, only here!” That is whole world mentality now. Therefore the Lord of Heavens (is) going to take them away! But He promised to the Seal of Prophets: “O My beloved, most beloved, most praised servant, o Muhammad- peace be upon him! I am not sending their punishment from Heavens or (from) under their feet, but I am making them to be democrats, anti-democrats haha, parties, parties to eat each other. They should destroy each other!” You can think that Pakistan people they are saying: “We are the first class Muslims”, first class Muslims (they are) fighting to each other now… for what? For Allah? No, for Shaitan! Other countries, all of them fighting: In Turkey fighting, in Iraq fighting, in Syria fighting, in Lebanon fighting, in Iran fighting, in East and West, everywhere, fighting! For what? For Shaitan! (He is) making them to fall in fire here and in Hells there, after this. O people don’t be cheated! Shaitan (is) coming, saying: “I am teaching you…” No! Say: “You are cheating us and you may look and see (this) everywhere!” O people, leave Shaitan and follow Allah Almighty’s Way, you should be happy here and (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:55
3691 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HalfAsleepHalfAwake
Hereafter. May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the most honored one in His divinely
Presence S.Muhammad, sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 4.11.2007 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryDeath, CategoryEconomy (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:55
3692 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HaltetjedenTagfüreurenletzten
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HaltetjedenTagfüreurenletzten
This page doesn't exist yet. Maybe you want to create it?üreurenletzten04.07.2013 23:18:56
3693 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HandHoldingCreation
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HandHoldingCreation
The Hand Holding The Creation
Assalamu Alaykum Oh... present ones, Yaran Shah Mardan let's say salawat for our Prophet (sws) Allahumma Salli wa Sallim wa Barak Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Sayyid-il Awwalin wal Akhirin Zidhu Ya Rabbi izzen wa Sharafa Nuran wa Surura wa Ridwana wa Sultana
Alhamdulillah bizi haddin Öºzerine kƒ±lan Shukr for our Mawla, Allah (swt). Endless Salat & Salam on his Beloved (sws). May the honor and mightiness of Shah Mardan be even greater. Al Mar'u Ma'a Man Ahab (hadeeth), A person is with the one he loves. May Allah (swt) make His good servants beloved to us so that we may be with them. Salam is before speaking. This is an association, a chat. Ay Yaran Shah Mardan those believers who are full of love and respect for Allah's (swt) Lion, Salam to you. You will be greeted with Salam on earth and in the hereafter and that is why... Assalatu was Salamu Alayka Ala Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin Sultanul Anbiya Efendimiz I am saying salat and salam for him (sws) and then to Shah Mardan, and then to the Companians (ra) those who love, respect, and follow our Prophet's (sws) way... May your day be good/ blessed. May your day be full of honor and joy and have no worries. Anyone who is associated with the Sultan, can he have any worries? In the old days, after morning prayer, yaran, beloved friends, ikhwan (followers) would come together and make an association. There is one person who speaks, they listen to him and find relief. What a nice tradition. And we are in this condition. I am asking for forgiveness from our Mawla who is generously forgiving and to the honorable Prophet, intercessor for the universe, I am shyly sending Salat & Salam. I have no energy to stand up and I am offering my love for Shah Mardan who is the Sultan of the arenas, Sultan of the soldiers. When he went out to the field, there were no warriors to stand against him. Hz. Ali (ra) is Shah Mardan, the son of Prophet's (sws) uncle, the Great (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:57
3694 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HandHoldingCreation
Prophet's cousin, Shah Mardan. No one could stand against him. But one day the Prophet (sws) held him by his belt and lifted him up like this. Did you know that? He lifted up Haydaru Karrar like this, the hand that is holding the universe, our Master, the Master of the Universe. Stand up! Stand at attention! MashAllah MashAllah May our day be good/ blessed. May our work go smoothly. May our servanthood be accepted. Our way is by association and goodness is in gathering. Subhan Allah all the Awliya are related to Shah Mardan it is said. May our day be good/ blessed Yawmun Jadid, Rizqun Jadid- A new day, a new rizq (provision) in the presence of Shah Mardan. This is how all the Awliya are standing Oh Lion of Allah (swt)! Shah Mardan! Allahumma zidhu izzen wa sharafan nuran wa surura ridwana wa sultana. the Sultans come from his lineage, from his pure lineage. Every Saltanate must... be related to Shah Mardan, their lineage must reach him. That is with Sultans. Any country without a Sultan, they are rubbish, their lineage is satan. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. the drawn sword, say Bismillah, it is a sword. if Shah Mardan strikes with Dhul Fiqqar, he could divide this world into 2, like a watermelon. Oh people who claim to be Alawi Listen to this. Learn bravery from Shah Mardan. Men and women dancing together in the square, they made the people shameful. You are on the wrong way, those who insist... on the wrong way, maybe they won't make it to next year. There has been a sign/revelation about this. They are on the wrong way, those why say- we are Alawi, we are Kizilbash. Next year, maybe not even one will remain because they're not correcting their ways. They'll be swept away, disappear. Let's say, oh present ones, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. How nice, Basmala Sharifa. Recite the name of Allah (swt) - Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah. What an honor for us to be given permission to remember/recite His name. The Basmala Sharifa was written by Qalam-ul Ala (pen) on Lawh al-Mahfudh (preserved tablet) over a span of 700 years, 1 Basmala Qalam ul Ala (pen) in the heavens, on the throne when it asked -what should I write? the order was to write Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. From its majesty, the tip of the pen cracked and ink pured out with force, and it wrote. It wrote Basmala for 700 years. The first writing on Lawh al Mahfudh. Say, oh teachers/preachers! Why don't you talk about this so the people's iman (faith) will become stronger, more powerful? They should know the honor of Islam. They left Islam, they left the path of Islam. A socialist government, Mashallah! What is that? It means the country (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:57
3695 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HandHoldingCreation
that satan has made his waste in. Muslims of Islam pray 5 times a day. satan makes his waste on the heads of socialists 5 times a day. They don't have any other toilet/wc. My toilet is on the socialists, let me make my waste on them... so they become stronger. What socialism? What is a socialist government? The magnificent one Allah (swt) sent... ...1,000... governs over the obvious and the hidden. Why are you opposing it? The more they are opposing, the more they are sinking in the waste of WC and probably, most of them will be left in the WC because a violent earthquake is coming, along with a hurricane. Stop saying, socialism. Say, Islamic State. Is it not good enough for you? They are celebrating the victory of Canakkale (Gallipoli war). Did the socialists win that war? Say! Islam won that war, the Islamic State. They are not opening their mouths, as if they were the ones. There are no illicit gains! Give them their rights, they're saying from heavens, or we'll take our rights. I will take it (my rights) this year. Al-Haqqu Ya'lu Wa la Yu'la Alayh. Isn't that the hadith? Yes Haqq (justice) is the highest, there is nothing above Haqq. There is nothing that can stand above Haqq. Rights are rights. Well, we are making laws. We are making anayasa (constitution). Well, what about 'babayasa'? There is no babayasa, there is only anayasa (constitution)? Ya Rabb, forgive us, send us a master. People have become drunk from the world, from the made-up ranks of this world. They are not saying Bismala. Say it and you will find honor. O Shah Mardan, salam to you. We are glorifying you, congratulating you. We are offering our glorification to you for our protection... Shari'ah (islamic law) Ahmadiya, Muhammadiya - Mahmudiya, Mustafaiya. Send us a Sultan who will show us the Shari'ah (Islamic Law). We are fed up from their lies. We are fed up from their useless work. Ya Muhawwil al Hawli wal Ahwal Hawil Halana ila Ahsani Hal. The one who makes each day appear in a different way. Our Lord who can change any situation, send us a Sultan. What's in the hands of the Sultan? A sword. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim is his sword. Let's say, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Ay Yaran, O beloved ones! What a nice love. what a nice sohbat (association) to open up your heart, your mind, to make your home spacious, and your soul restful. This kind of gathering, the gathering of Yaran that is why... I am taking from the sayings of Shah Mardan; Shah Mardan is taking from the sayings of Prophet (sws). Al khayru (3 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:57
3696 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HandHoldingCreation
fil Jamiyya- there is blessings in gatherings and sohbah (association). Hz. Shah Naqshiband is taking from him - Tariqatuna as Sohba - Our way is association, friendship, spreading love, spreading respect. What we are teachings is love and respect. We want our people... to love Shah Mardan and the ones above him. We want our people to have respect... for Shah Mardan, who is the Lion of the field of soldiers. His forked (with 2 points) sword, Dhul Fiqqar, with one blow, it will divide the earth into 2, like a watermelon. Those who claim to be Alawi! Hz. Ali (ra) is Shah Mardan. Did he smoke cigarettes? You have become like a smoke chimney, there are no lights left on your faces, stop smoking! Alcohol, never. He never touched anything forbidden. Which one of you is not drunk? You permit what you want and forbid what you want. Allah (swt) will destroy you. The clean ones will remain, the rest will be sent away. Say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim and don't be afraid. Your homes will be joyful, your children will be good-mannered. Your work will be successful, your heart relieved, you'll be full of faith. Their weapans and cannons... will be destroyed instantly by the power in your heart. Say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Marhaba Ay Yaran Ay Yaran. Ali (ra) Ibn Abi Talib, Shah Mardan, let him complement you; let him say (about you) that he loves us, respects us. Let him make you beloved and respected. May our day be blessed, our faces full of light, our hearts full of love. May our day be like this. Say these (supplications). They're not saying, and their government officials are going out in the square... like ignorant ones and dancing. They find this honorable. It's not the job of an honorable person to do dabke (dancing). Do they pray, make supplication? Do they have any majesty? No. The person who mentions Shah Mardan, has majesty. Even an army can't have that kind of majesty. The majesty given by Shah Mardan will make not 1 army, but 7 armies tremble. Don't confuse matters. Within 40 days the dark ground is waiting for you. We hope Allah (swt) does not separate us from the way of Haqq. Allah (swt) is saying: "Al Haqqu ya'lu wa la yu'la alayh." Haqq is Almighty, there is nothing that can rise above it. Whatever you do, Haqq is Almighty and stays Almighty. The heavenly establishment is with Islam. Allah (swt) has built the building of Islam. if you say- I will build something on top of it, then tie together the ends of your pants and then do it. They will be sunk inside it. There is little time left. Iqtaraba as saatu, Allah (swt) is saying, Wan shaqqal qamaru Judgment Day is near. "Fa Ja'at ashratuha" right? the signs have come. (4 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:57
3697 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HandHoldingCreation
"Khudhu Hidhrakum" (4:71) holy verse Khudhu Hidhrakum - take your precautions or else the signs of Judgement Day will grind you... like wheat being ground to flour, and throw you away. All these things, Shah Mardan is teaching us. Make gatherings, don't dance with girls and ladies. Men cannot enter the gathering of women and vice versa. Why do you go out with your wife? Who gave you permission to take your wife and walk among other men...? Is this how to be a Muslim? Is this your respect for Allah (swt)? Is this our love and respect for the Prophet (sws)? A man with a turban was seen among the thousands of people... on satan's box (television). Who is that? they asked. He is the one who is leading the whole country. What authority does he have? He can't have any authority, these arrogant ones will not give him any authority. He has nothing, they only bring him for show. Allah (swt) knows what you are doing. Allah (swt): "Ya'lamu ma fissudur" Your Lord knows what is in your hearts. You cannot cheat your Lord. Allah (swt) will give them what they deserve, He'll give everyone their rights Why was Islam sent? "Ati kulli dhi haqqin haqqa." Give everyone their due rights. Women have rights, give it to them. Men have rights, give it to them. Villagers have rights, workers have rights, the government has rights, soldiers have rights. Those who are dancing around have their rights. Give the lazy/unemployed their rights too: beat them with a stick . That is what you deserve. Why are you unemployed? Are there no jobs? Can all work be finished in this big world? Collect stones and sell them. Sweep the streets, so the municipality will say... this man is cleaning well, we will... give him a salary, so he can sweep. Take a broom and sweep! How can that be, we are university... graduates. Can we hold a broom? You won't, but the ones above us holding a big broom... will sweep you away, throw you away. You are crying and complaining, we have no work, no spouse, no food. You cannot just sit around. You have hands, feet, a mind. Work never finishes in this world. At the very least, cut wood, burn wood (for heat). No we don't want wood. We want gas. Then what will that gas do? How many people have died? People suffocate and die, but they are insisting on using gas - only with gas can our homes... heat up. No, it will not heat up. Our grandparents' homes were made of mud, we had a stove. We would sit around the stove and watch the fire and warm up. We didn't want to leave and go anywhere. Your country is full of forests - arrange your forests. So instead of gas, everyone will light their stoves with wood. Make that the fashion. No (they say) We will build Nimrod's towers, and there will be gas inside. Whoever goes inside, some will burn, some will suffocate, some will go crazy, become (5 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:57
3698 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HandHoldingCreation
bewildered. Strange conditions. Leave that, recite Basmala Sharifa. Go out, there is nothing more than work in this world. However, even more than lazy people, we have those looking for free meals - that is all the people. Allah Allah Even dogs wake up in the morning... running right and left, looking for a bone. Allah (swt) the Absolute Provider, will make him find something. He provides a provision for animals, he makes them find a bone. He will find a bone from somewhere. He eats and sits, poor thing. He listens, if he wants he will hunt or just sit. And these people have lost their ways because there is no Basmala. Say Basmala, there is everything (for you). Gold can fall in front of you, treasure can be found in your home under the wall. There has been gold since the beginning of earth. You might find gold, jewels. Why are you sitting at the coffee shop? Wander the mountains, gardens, fields. Collect your provision. We cannot collect, they have all become Sirs. They are Sirs for satan. Say, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Put your forehead in prostration, then go. Ya Razzaq Ya Allah Ya Fattah Ya Allah Ya Rabbi, open the doors for us. I am out to collect my provision, You are the Absolute Provider. O our Lord, do not leave us to be needy. Especially from governments, do not make us dependent/needy from them. Go to the mountains, fields, sea, collect your provision. Say, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
or eurem Meister (sas). Seht und beweist eure Menschlichkeit. Seid ein Mensch, kein Teufel. Die die in dieser Welt leben sind entweder Menschen oder Shayane. Sie sind entweder von Rahman, sie sind Menschen, oder von Shaytan, die Tiere Shaytans. Es gibt 2 Klassen in dieser Welt: Die die dem Weg Rahmans folgen, die dem Sultan zu Diensten sind. Die anderen rennen Shaytan hinterher, Tiere Shaytans. 2 Klassen, es gibt keine dritte. Möge Allah uns Seine reinen Diener schicken, um uns aufzuwecken, uns Shah Mardans Rat zu sagen und des Sohn des Onkels... um uns die Ehre des Meisters des Universums zu lehren und ihm Respekt zu erweisen. Möge Er uns reine Lehrer schicken, so dass sie uns lehren. Lernt und lehrt! Khayru Al-Nass Man Ta'alam Wa Allam. Die besten unter euch sind die, die lernen und lehren was sie gelernt haben. Gute Leute sind die, die lernen und die Leute lehren. Lehrt! Lehrt Gutes. Sagt auch das Schlechte das ihr wisst, so dass sie nicht in die Löcher des Schlechten fallen. Fatiha. Salamun Qawlan Min Rabbur Rahim Lest dies 7 Mal jeden Tag auf euch. Werft euch nieder und ihr werdet sicher sein. Fatiha. Mögen sie uns vor dem Leid Shaytans beschützen. Die Engel, mit dem Befehl Shah Mardans, der Sohn des Onkels des Meisters des Universums (sas), mit der Erlaubnis unseres Meisters und Ehrfurcht. Seid so, euer Gesicht wird sein wie der Mond. Mögen eure Herzen wie Gold sein, und eure Taten geradlinig. Fatiha. Das ist
ein Rat. Haltet ihn ein. Man LamYaqbalu n-Nasihat Hallat Lahu n-Nadamat. Wer einen Ratschlag nicht akzeptiert wird bereuen. Die die sich nicht an den Rat halten, bereuen es. Mir wird befohlen das zu sagen. Shah Mardan, oh Liebende Shah Mardans, marhaba. Lefke, 30.03.2013
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryCyprus, CategoryHoliness (13 von 13)04.07.2013 23:18:54
3686 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HalfAsleepHalfAwake
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HalfAsleepHalfAwake
As-salamu alaikum! Alhamdulillah wa salat wa salamu ‘ala S.Muhammadan… ’zid habika izzan wa sharafa w anuran wa surura wa ridwanan wa sultana… Allahumma rushdana wa aisna min sharri anfusina! Half asleep, half awake… Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Ya Rabb! We are coming from long distances, from East and West, from North and South, from this world people are coming, they are asking to go or to learn something, because it is an unknown place here; on world our land, Cyprus, is very small land. And we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. We are running away from Shaitan and running, asking to run to Allah. That is a good rule that everyone may know or everyone asking to know and they are also reminding a rule that gives you some benefit. What is that rule? Run away from (your) enemy and run to that One, who can protect you! Don’t run after your enemy! And your enemy can have hundreds of traps and (he (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:55
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is) using countless tricks for mankind. But he, that one, (is) presenting himself - not too much presenting, but introducing himself, saying: “Oh people, I am (a) very famous friend of you and always I was running after you to teach something that you should be here in happiness and you should save yourself. First of all…” Shaitan that, Shaitan saying to people, “First of all you must take away from your minds that you are dying and then coming alive. That is something that our mentality never can accept! What do you think if one of you (is) dying and (they are) taking you and putting (you) in graveyard and then, through (that) graveyard, your body (is) changing, changing, even never going to be on yourself soft area, soft that dressed on your skeleton… skeleton, and that you dressed from your physical being. (That) soft physical thing (that is) dressed (on you), after a short or a far away, after some time passing, that soft dress that you have been dressed on your skeleton, (is) just finished and (it is) going to be dust, only you may look and see a skeleton. But you can’t be able to make a difference, to say… If they are putting in front of you ten skeletons, you can’t say: “This (is) for Greensheikh”, “Greensheikh” they are saying, “that belongs”, “Greensheikh skeleton” or you can’t say that: “That is”- what is that person in Arabia?- “Abdul Aziz bin Baz”… This (is the skeleton of) bin Baz, this (of) Greensheikh, this Yemen servant or this Asian Abu Zaid Ihwan or that is the Kings skeleton… No! This putting there, you can’t be able to say this, so how you are going to say, that that skeleton also after a while that skeleton also going to be dust, nothing remaining from someones body, anything except dust, how you are going to say, my friend, that from that skeleton you are going to come once again to life?’ “First of all, if you like to follow me that I am that one guiding you to a pleasure, to a peaceful and happy life, enjoyful life, you must take away from your dictionary that. Nothing after death! Death it is (the) last point of a living person, beyond that, that finished. Therefore, I am that one, I am happy and honoured to make people, their mentality, to work and to try to be much more in pleasure through this life, as much as possible. Yes, that is first, my first lesson that I am going to teach you for an enjoyful life. If you can accept my advice, you should be so happy. Therefore, take away from your dictionary to believe or not to believe- you must be realist! Realist, that I am Nr.1 realist”, Shaitan (is) saying (this) to people, (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:55
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“Nr.1” and: “Follow me!” Therefore Allah Almighty (is) ordering: “O people, (these are) such a foolish ideas! Your most terrible enemy that (he is) asking to teach you- he is not teaching you, but cheating you!” Once in a country some no mind Shaitans agents, they built a big hotel. Then, when it is finished, they are saying: “Yes, just it is finished now, but- how we are going to operate this place? How we are using it, what is the best way for investment, good manage for a good investment?” They said: “You must ask everything that they are expert for that subject.” They said: “How we are finding such a person?” And so many people (were) saying (to them): “You may ask for employment and investment for this huge building that most important people, whom their minds (are) working on that subject: they are (the) Children of Israel.“ “Ha?” “You must go and ask from them! What they are saying, may show a way to you, to use it. But you must be very careful! Sometimes (they are) saying right, sometimes (they are) saying wrong- don’t trust them!” And then, hasili kelam, the summary of our speech here: they asked and people (were) saying “Go, there is Tel Aviv…” They went there, a group of people, they prepared themselves and (they were) going to ask how they are going to make it to work and investing money from that. Because in our days people they are worshipping money, running after money, money, money…! And they went, finding that person, whom they are going to say something about their consulting. (They were) coming and they are sitting, knocking (the) door, opening clerk: “Oh welcome! Ohhh, you are very welcome! I am looking, seeing you not from this country, you look like foreigners…?” “Yes Sir”, because if they are from their country, it is something else to speak… “Good hands… Good hands… now it is okay, welcome… For what you are coming for consulting?” They said: “We are a group of people from a famous island in Mediterranean and we are asking: Just we built a beautiful building and we are asking how we are going to manage (it). That is our consultation.” “One moment…” (The clerk was) getting in and saying: “There is good hands…” “Look after them! First, before they are coming in, take first what they should pay before consulting, then coming in, because they may consult and not giving anything; they (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:55
3689 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HalfAsleepHalfAwake
may escape we can’t reach to them. Therefore first of all you may give, go and take tax for consulting.” Getting: “Yes Sir! … “Ehhh, our solicitor (is) asking (that) first of all you must pay 1ooo Pounds, before consulting.” Looking… “What do you think, we have? We (were) never thinking that we are falling in such a trap… this is a trap!” “Don’t say trap! Fee! Pay! No time for our solicitor to wait here, because every time the taximeter (is running) tick tick tick… look there: how long here, you should pay more! Quickly!” They were… “1000.” “From where (you are) coming?” “From that country…” “So many people (there are) making, printing false money…” “Yes Sir, it is original money, not it is imitated, photocopy.” “No photocopy?” “No, Sir, I am not such a…” “I don’t know! You are coming from such a country, you may sell people also with photocopy machine. Go away!” (They were) getting in. “Now…” giving to solicitor, (the) solicitor (was saying): “Welcome, our precious clients, welcome to you! Ehhhh, welcome… you like to drink water or none?” Not saying coffee… “Or tea? You are asking to drink tea?” “No, Sir.” “But after paying this, you must drink! 1000- you must drink something for digesting…” Summary giving: “What you are asking?” “Yes Sir, we are coming from that island that (there are) so many trouble-makers in that place. People (are) sometimes coming to our place, they are escaping from that side to this side, and they are asking a modern hotel. And just we built a good hotel, but we are getting in disagreement among ourselves. Some of ourselves (are) saying ‘We may use (it in) this way’, some others (are) saying ‘No, another way’, this way, that way- we are quarreling, therefore we are coming that we may hear from you advice.” “Give that hotels details…” He was (looking): “This (is the) building?” “Yes, Sir.” “This (is a) good building. But- what is behind it? I am looking (something) as a minaret… I think so. I don’t know, if I am right or wrong- look!” They said: “Yes Sir, there is just wall to wall a mosque there.” “O my no mind clients! You are really no mind people! That is (a) mosque, (where they are) Adhan calling for praying to Allah people and you are building here and big hotel for Shaitan and shaitanic works? How that people… 5 times that minaret “Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar” and person riding on one another, drinking, making everything… they are saying: ‘What is that? Oh, what is (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:55
3690 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HalfAsleepHalfAwake
that?’ They are escaping not to hear, to be free for everything- ‘How (is) this hotel (a) modern hotel?’ They may say to you this. Therefore my advice to you: Either you may take this hotel from here to another place or you must take (that) mosque from there to another place or it is not going to work…” Why I am saying (this) to you, o people? Because Shaitan (is) saying: “Don’t obey! Take away to believe (that) there is (a) Creator, there is (a) Resurrection Day, there is (a) Judgment Day! These things you must take away from your dictionary, then you can be free to make everything as you like. If not, you can’t live. Therefore, o my friends, I am your best friend, that is my advice to you: Don’t believe- you should be happy!” Saying that Shaitan; another Shaitan (is) saying: “You can’t be happy through such a places, you must leave to believe in anything that should be in future, after this life coming another life.” That is the main points of shaitanic lifestyle for 21st century and 21st century people, all of them, they are saying: “No God”- ha sha- “No life after death, no Resurrection, no Judgment Day, no Hells, no Paradise, only here!” That is whole world mentality now. Therefore the Lord of Heavens (is) going to take them away! But He promised to the Seal of Prophets: “O My beloved, most beloved, most praised servant, o Muhammad- peace be upon him! I am not sending their punishment from Heavens or (from) under their feet, but I am making them to be democrats, anti-democrats haha, parties, parties to eat each other. They should destroy each other!” You can think that Pakistan people they are saying: “We are the first class Muslims”, first class Muslims (they are) fighting to each other now… for what? For Allah? No, for Shaitan! Other countries, all of them fighting: In Turkey fighting, in Iraq fighting, in Syria fighting, in Lebanon fighting, in Iran fighting, in East and West, everywhere, fighting! For what? For Shaitan! (He is) making them to fall in fire here and in Hells there, after this. O people don’t be cheated! Shaitan (is) coming, saying: “I am teaching you…” No! Say: “You are cheating us and you may look and see (this) everywhere!” O people, leave Shaitan and follow Allah Almighty’s Way, you should be happy here and (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:55
3691 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HalfAsleepHalfAwake
Hereafter. May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the most honored one in His divinely
Presence S.Muhammad, sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 4.11.2007 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel
BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryDeath, CategoryEconomy (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:55
3692 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HaltetjedenTagfüreurenletzten
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HaltetjedenTagfüreurenletzten
This page doesn't exist yet. Maybe you want to create it?üreurenletzten04.07.2013 23:18:56
3693 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HandHoldingCreation
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HandHoldingCreation
The Hand Holding The Creation
Assalamu Alaykum Oh... present ones, Yaran Shah Mardan let's say salawat for our Prophet (sws) Allahumma Salli wa Sallim wa Barak Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Sayyid-il Awwalin wal Akhirin Zidhu Ya Rabbi izzen wa Sharafa Nuran wa Surura wa Ridwana wa Sultana
Alhamdulillah bizi haddin Öºzerine kƒ±lan Shukr for our Mawla, Allah (swt). Endless Salat & Salam on his Beloved (sws). May the honor and mightiness of Shah Mardan be even greater. Al Mar'u Ma'a Man Ahab (hadeeth), A person is with the one he loves. May Allah (swt) make His good servants beloved to us so that we may be with them. Salam is before speaking. This is an association, a chat. Ay Yaran Shah Mardan those believers who are full of love and respect for Allah's (swt) Lion, Salam to you. You will be greeted with Salam on earth and in the hereafter and that is why... Assalatu was Salamu Alayka Ala Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin Sultanul Anbiya Efendimiz I am saying salat and salam for him (sws) and then to Shah Mardan, and then to the Companians (ra) those who love, respect, and follow our Prophet's (sws) way... May your day be good/ blessed. May your day be full of honor and joy and have no worries. Anyone who is associated with the Sultan, can he have any worries? In the old days, after morning prayer, yaran, beloved friends, ikhwan (followers) would come together and make an association. There is one person who speaks, they listen to him and find relief. What a nice tradition. And we are in this condition. I am asking for forgiveness from our Mawla who is generously forgiving and to the honorable Prophet, intercessor for the universe, I am shyly sending Salat & Salam. I have no energy to stand up and I am offering my love for Shah Mardan who is the Sultan of the arenas, Sultan of the soldiers. When he went out to the field, there were no warriors to stand against him. Hz. Ali (ra) is Shah Mardan, the son of Prophet's (sws) uncle, the Great (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:57
3694 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HandHoldingCreation
Prophet's cousin, Shah Mardan. No one could stand against him. But one day the Prophet (sws) held him by his belt and lifted him up like this. Did you know that? He lifted up Haydaru Karrar like this, the hand that is holding the universe, our Master, the Master of the Universe. Stand up! Stand at attention! MashAllah MashAllah May our day be good/ blessed. May our work go smoothly. May our servanthood be accepted. Our way is by association and goodness is in gathering. Subhan Allah all the Awliya are related to Shah Mardan it is said. May our day be good/ blessed Yawmun Jadid, Rizqun Jadid- A new day, a new rizq (provision) in the presence of Shah Mardan. This is how all the Awliya are standing Oh Lion of Allah (swt)! Shah Mardan! Allahumma zidhu izzen wa sharafan nuran wa surura ridwana wa sultana. the Sultans come from his lineage, from his pure lineage. Every Saltanate must... be related to Shah Mardan, their lineage must reach him. That is with Sultans. Any country without a Sultan, they are rubbish, their lineage is satan. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. the drawn sword, say Bismillah, it is a sword. if Shah Mardan strikes with Dhul Fiqqar, he could divide this world into 2, like a watermelon. Oh people who claim to be Alawi Listen to this. Learn bravery from Shah Mardan. Men and women dancing together in the square, they made the people shameful. You are on the wrong way, those who insist... on the wrong way, maybe they won't make it to next year. There has been a sign/revelation about this. They are on the wrong way, those why say- we are Alawi, we are Kizilbash. Next year, maybe not even one will remain because they're not correcting their ways. They'll be swept away, disappear. Let's say, oh present ones, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. How nice, Basmala Sharifa. Recite the name of Allah (swt) - Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah. What an honor for us to be given permission to remember/recite His name. The Basmala Sharifa was written by Qalam-ul Ala (pen) on Lawh al-Mahfudh (preserved tablet) over a span of 700 years, 1 Basmala Qalam ul Ala (pen) in the heavens, on the throne when it asked -what should I write? the order was to write Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. From its majesty, the tip of the pen cracked and ink pured out with force, and it wrote. It wrote Basmala for 700 years. The first writing on Lawh al Mahfudh. Say, oh teachers/preachers! Why don't you talk about this so the people's iman (faith) will become stronger, more powerful? They should know the honor of Islam. They left Islam, they left the path of Islam. A socialist government, Mashallah! What is that? It means the country (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:57
3695 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HandHoldingCreation
that satan has made his waste in. Muslims of Islam pray 5 times a day. satan makes his waste on the heads of socialists 5 times a day. They don't have any other toilet/wc. My toilet is on the socialists, let me make my waste on them... so they become stronger. What socialism? What is a socialist government? The magnificent one Allah (swt) sent... ...1,000... governs over the obvious and the hidden. Why are you opposing it? The more they are opposing, the more they are sinking in the waste of WC and probably, most of them will be left in the WC because a violent earthquake is coming, along with a hurricane. Stop saying, socialism. Say, Islamic State. Is it not good enough for you? They are celebrating the victory of Canakkale (Gallipoli war). Did the socialists win that war? Say! Islam won that war, the Islamic State. They are not opening their mouths, as if they were the ones. There are no illicit gains! Give them their rights, they're saying from heavens, or we'll take our rights. I will take it (my rights) this year. Al-Haqqu Ya'lu Wa la Yu'la Alayh. Isn't that the hadith? Yes Haqq (justice) is the highest, there is nothing above Haqq. There is nothing that can stand above Haqq. Rights are rights. Well, we are making laws. We are making anayasa (constitution). Well, what about 'babayasa'? There is no babayasa, there is only anayasa (constitution)? Ya Rabb, forgive us, send us a master. People have become drunk from the world, from the made-up ranks of this world. They are not saying Bismala. Say it and you will find honor. O Shah Mardan, salam to you. We are glorifying you, congratulating you. We are offering our glorification to you for our protection... Shari'ah (islamic law) Ahmadiya, Muhammadiya - Mahmudiya, Mustafaiya. Send us a Sultan who will show us the Shari'ah (Islamic Law). We are fed up from their lies. We are fed up from their useless work. Ya Muhawwil al Hawli wal Ahwal Hawil Halana ila Ahsani Hal. The one who makes each day appear in a different way. Our Lord who can change any situation, send us a Sultan. What's in the hands of the Sultan? A sword. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim is his sword. Let's say, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Ay Yaran, O beloved ones! What a nice love. what a nice sohbat (association) to open up your heart, your mind, to make your home spacious, and your soul restful. This kind of gathering, the gathering of Yaran that is why... I am taking from the sayings of Shah Mardan; Shah Mardan is taking from the sayings of Prophet (sws). Al khayru (3 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:57
3696 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HandHoldingCreation
fil Jamiyya- there is blessings in gatherings and sohbah (association). Hz. Shah Naqshiband is taking from him - Tariqatuna as Sohba - Our way is association, friendship, spreading love, spreading respect. What we are teachings is love and respect. We want our people... to love Shah Mardan and the ones above him. We want our people to have respect... for Shah Mardan, who is the Lion of the field of soldiers. His forked (with 2 points) sword, Dhul Fiqqar, with one blow, it will divide the earth into 2, like a watermelon. Those who claim to be Alawi! Hz. Ali (ra) is Shah Mardan. Did he smoke cigarettes? You have become like a smoke chimney, there are no lights left on your faces, stop smoking! Alcohol, never. He never touched anything forbidden. Which one of you is not drunk? You permit what you want and forbid what you want. Allah (swt) will destroy you. The clean ones will remain, the rest will be sent away. Say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim and don't be afraid. Your homes will be joyful, your children will be good-mannered. Your work will be successful, your heart relieved, you'll be full of faith. Their weapans and cannons... will be destroyed instantly by the power in your heart. Say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Marhaba Ay Yaran Ay Yaran. Ali (ra) Ibn Abi Talib, Shah Mardan, let him complement you; let him say (about you) that he loves us, respects us. Let him make you beloved and respected. May our day be blessed, our faces full of light, our hearts full of love. May our day be like this. Say these (supplications). They're not saying, and their government officials are going out in the square... like ignorant ones and dancing. They find this honorable. It's not the job of an honorable person to do dabke (dancing). Do they pray, make supplication? Do they have any majesty? No. The person who mentions Shah Mardan, has majesty. Even an army can't have that kind of majesty. The majesty given by Shah Mardan will make not 1 army, but 7 armies tremble. Don't confuse matters. Within 40 days the dark ground is waiting for you. We hope Allah (swt) does not separate us from the way of Haqq. Allah (swt) is saying: "Al Haqqu ya'lu wa la yu'la alayh." Haqq is Almighty, there is nothing that can rise above it. Whatever you do, Haqq is Almighty and stays Almighty. The heavenly establishment is with Islam. Allah (swt) has built the building of Islam. if you say- I will build something on top of it, then tie together the ends of your pants and then do it. They will be sunk inside it. There is little time left. Iqtaraba as saatu, Allah (swt) is saying, Wan shaqqal qamaru Judgment Day is near. "Fa Ja'at ashratuha" right? the signs have come. (4 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:57
3697 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HandHoldingCreation
"Khudhu Hidhrakum" (4:71) holy verse Khudhu Hidhrakum - take your precautions or else the signs of Judgement Day will grind you... like wheat being ground to flour, and throw you away. All these things, Shah Mardan is teaching us. Make gatherings, don't dance with girls and ladies. Men cannot enter the gathering of women and vice versa. Why do you go out with your wife? Who gave you permission to take your wife and walk among other men...? Is this how to be a Muslim? Is this your respect for Allah (swt)? Is this our love and respect for the Prophet (sws)? A man with a turban was seen among the thousands of people... on satan's box (television). Who is that? they asked. He is the one who is leading the whole country. What authority does he have? He can't have any authority, these arrogant ones will not give him any authority. He has nothing, they only bring him for show. Allah (swt) knows what you are doing. Allah (swt): "Ya'lamu ma fissudur" Your Lord knows what is in your hearts. You cannot cheat your Lord. Allah (swt) will give them what they deserve, He'll give everyone their rights Why was Islam sent? "Ati kulli dhi haqqin haqqa." Give everyone their due rights. Women have rights, give it to them. Men have rights, give it to them. Villagers have rights, workers have rights, the government has rights, soldiers have rights. Those who are dancing around have their rights. Give the lazy/unemployed their rights too: beat them with a stick . That is what you deserve. Why are you unemployed? Are there no jobs? Can all work be finished in this big world? Collect stones and sell them. Sweep the streets, so the municipality will say... this man is cleaning well, we will... give him a salary, so he can sweep. Take a broom and sweep! How can that be, we are university... graduates. Can we hold a broom? You won't, but the ones above us holding a big broom... will sweep you away, throw you away. You are crying and complaining, we have no work, no spouse, no food. You cannot just sit around. You have hands, feet, a mind. Work never finishes in this world. At the very least, cut wood, burn wood (for heat). No we don't want wood. We want gas. Then what will that gas do? How many people have died? People suffocate and die, but they are insisting on using gas - only with gas can our homes... heat up. No, it will not heat up. Our grandparents' homes were made of mud, we had a stove. We would sit around the stove and watch the fire and warm up. We didn't want to leave and go anywhere. Your country is full of forests - arrange your forests. So instead of gas, everyone will light their stoves with wood. Make that the fashion. No (they say) We will build Nimrod's towers, and there will be gas inside. Whoever goes inside, some will burn, some will suffocate, some will go crazy, become (5 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:57
3698 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HandHoldingCreation
bewildered. Strange conditions. Leave that, recite Basmala Sharifa. Go out, there is nothing more than work in this world. However, even more than lazy people, we have those looking for free meals - that is all the people. Allah Allah Even dogs wake up in the morning... running right and left, looking for a bone. Allah (swt) the Absolute Provider, will make him find something. He provides a provision for animals, he makes them find a bone. He will find a bone from somewhere. He eats and sits, poor thing. He listens, if he wants he will hunt or just sit. And these people have lost their ways because there is no Basmala. Say Basmala, there is everything (for you). Gold can fall in front of you, treasure can be found in your home under the wall. There has been gold since the beginning of earth. You might find gold, jewels. Why are you sitting at the coffee shop? Wander the mountains, gardens, fields. Collect your provision. We cannot collect, they have all become Sirs. They are Sirs for satan. Say, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Put your forehead in prostration, then go. Ya Razzaq Ya Allah Ya Fattah Ya Allah Ya Rabbi, open the doors for us. I am out to collect my provision, You are the Absolute Provider. O our Lord, do not leave us to be needy. Especially from governments, do not make us dependent/needy from them. Go to the mountains, fields, sea, collect your provision. Say, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.