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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (257/777)
who are thinking and writing about everything with their materialistic views, counting and balancing everything. It was after the Second World War, 1946, and that year was also Hajj-ul-Akbar, the first one after the peace, that I was there with our Grandsheikh. Because of the war not too many people could come- everywhere was closed. I remember that more than two million people were there, and at that time there were still the old (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:51

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buildings in Mekka-i-Mukarrama and Medina-i-Munawwara that the Ottomans had built. I remember that when we prayed our last Juma prayer in the Haram of Mekka, sharafaha Allah, at least one million people, maybe more, were praying there, and according to the size of the area of the Haram-ul-Sharif, only one hundred and fifty thousand people could enter it, no more. I prayed inside the Harram, and yet around the Kaaba there were empty places for some people...I was there... These Wahabis are saying that they must help the people, and really they are claiming that they must help Allah... Astaghfirullah...making an extention of Mekka-i-Mukarrama for people to take their rest in, to enter it freely, to do Tawaf freely, to pray freely, with no crowding of people. They began... But as much as they were making extentions, much more crowds were coming... And I went year after year- 1980 was the last Hajj for me, that my physical being was there also- and I could never reach to do the Juma prayer inside those buildings. Always I was outside, putting something on the street and praying on it... And now that they have made it so big they are realising: "Oh, we have destroyed Mekka, but people are still not able to pray comfortably in the Harram..." And they also destroyed Medina-i-Munawwara, yet it is not big enough for people. So Shaitan was teaching them, saying: "Make contingents, limits." That means they are now doing something else that is not Rahmani, but Shaitani, because it is Shaitan who teaches them to make limits: "Say, for example, to Turks that only may come. And people want to come again, but they may go on Hajj only twice; no, only give permission to enter the kingdom once, only to whoever is coming to Hijaz for the first time. For Syrians: need for those people...every year they are coming..., doesn’t matter. Iranians, they are fighters, trouble-makers, make it for them. Egyptians...we can’t do anything for" This is all shaitanic teachings. Now this year they have made another limit. Even after taking the visa and permission from the Saudi consulate to come, they said to a Grandmufti that he has to bring a new identity card also to be able to enter the kingdom... And they made so many tunnels under the mountains in Saudia, ways to reach Mina and then Arafat... The more they are trying to do something, the more they are becoming ‘majnun’, crazy, all of them. And it would be so simple: Don’t touch anything. It is an invitation from Allah Almighty to the people. Whoever He is (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:51

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asking to come and visit His Holy House He is carrying responsibility for His visitors, not you! But they are like rocks, their heads are like rocks, never understanding anything about spirituality. That is the reason why the government is shaking now: "What shall we do?"... Leave people free! Mekka and Medina are for all the Muslims, why are you putting such foolish limits on people? Leave them to come and visit. If they were leaving them, even sixty million people could come easily because Angels would put roads under them, ways to move, to go and come smoothly... I have heard that they have also destroyed everything inside the Harram-ul-Sharif to make Tawaf easy, but that now people make Tawaf outside, in big circles. What is that? I was there in 1946, and at both ends of Safa and Marwa there were shops, and also camels passing on the way and cars and people...going like this, coming like that...crossing the way, and we, the Hajjis, we were going like this...making Sai and passing so easily...two million people and more... Now, if they are able to, they are going to make seven floors for people, but even if they make seventy floors, people won’t be able to make their Sai as freely as we were making it. And sometimes we were running into the camels, because they were getting up on the way, and it was at that place that we had to run...and we were running and there were cars with donkeys passing, and we couldn't continue...but we were so happy, making Sai. Now, Subhanallah... Take your hands from the Harram-u-Sharif! Leave the Harram to Allah, and Medina-i-Munawwara to Rasul sws... They are shaking now: "How we can be able to control the situation?" Leave it, there is another controller there, is not an ordinary place. They think it is an ordinary place, because there is no spirituality with them. Everything they are counting...making an account... And tomorrow, insha Allah, should be that biggest Hajj which closes this century, and another opening is coming, insha Allah. We have been informed that Sahib-u-Zaman, Sayidina Mehdi a.s., and his Khulafa and Awliya, who all have the power to reach there in a blink of an eye, should be there tomorrow...and it should be a strong Munajat, Dua, prayer, which will change everything this year, insha Allah, we hope... It is a special Hajj...and for whoever has been prevented from reaching it this year and they had prepared themselves, but the government told them: "No way for you", Allah Almighty is sending Angels on their (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:51

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behalf. Also for common people who said: "If only we could reach Arafat", and they were not able to, Allah is also creating Angels to be on Arafat on their behalf, to reach those favours from Allah Almighty.

Tomorrow you must try to complete 1000 Ikhlas-u-Sharif; 1ooo La ilaha ill’Allah; 1000 Salawat; 100 La ilaha ill’Allah, wahdahu la sharika’lah, lahu’l mulku

wa lahu’l hamdu, yuhyi wa yumit, wa Huwa ‘ala kulli shayin Qadir; 100 La haula wa la quwatta illa bi’llahi’l ‘Aliyu’l ‘Azim, and at every prayer to make the

Tekbir: ‘Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha ill’Allah, wa Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa li’llahi’l hamd.’

May Allah send His Divine Servants to take away everything that is against Islam. May He send His lions on jackals, wolves, foxen, bears, snakes and scorpions, to kill them and take them away. I am asking: "O our Lord, no doubt You have lions, and even one is enough... You send Angels to Your most Beloved Servant Muhammad sws on the days of Uhud and Badr, and even one Angel was enough to take away the whole army of Mushriks; but You sent thousands of them, so that the Muqmins were looking and seeing Angels among them and they got the certainty that they would be victorious. Therefore even one lion is enough, we know, more than enough, but we are asking for Your Lions to come and destroy the sultanate of Shaitan and take away the shaitanic kingdom on earth!" If He is asking to put one billion people in this place here, He can do it, and everyone may come and go freely. One billion people may be in this small place. He can do it; you must believe in Allah, must believe in His endless power and ability, capacity. There are endless possibilities for Him only, the Almighty... Why are you trying to do something? As much as you are doing these wrong actions, more difficulties are coming, more troubles and crises. It was so easy the first and second times on Hajj... until they began to destroy everything... old houses, at that time there were no concrete buildings at all... and they destroyed every historic building, all of them. And they made huge concrete buildings, so that people are no longer able to breathe spirituality in Mekka-i- Mukarrama and Medina-i-Munawwara. People’s feelings have become confused, and they are saying: "Are we in New York or in San Francisco? In Los Angeles, Paris, Rome? Where are we?" Insha Allah, when Mehdi a.s. is coming, in one night only, all those concrete buildings should be thrown away... not into the Red Sea, because it is not too deep. I am ordering them to be thrown into the Indian Ocean- never filling up. There is no need for even one concrete stone. And on the second night there should come back the same buildings that were destroyed... (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:51

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That is Irada, will-power. When someone is given that will-power, he may say: “Be,” and it is going to be; ‘Kun, fa yakun’. Allah Almighty is saying: "Oh My servant, be obedient to Me, and I will make you of My Staff, Rabbani, and I will give you the power and authority to say for something: “Be”, and it will be..." Therefore if he orders those buildings to be taken away, in one night they will be finished, and the second night, when he is ordering to be brought back the same buildings as were destroyed before in Mekka-i- Mukarrama and Medina-i-Munawwara, it will be as it was. People will run smoothly, make Tawaf smoothly, and move smoothly to Mina and Arafat, insha Allah... Fatiha. 8th Dhul-Hijjah 1419 - 25.03.1999

BookOnthebridgetoEternity, CategoryHajj, CategoryBiography, CategoryWahabism (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:51

3666 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HajjUlAkbarNextYear

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HajjUlAkbarNextYear


Hajj al-Akbar Next Year

(NächstesJahrIstHajjUlAkbar, dt.) Huuuu. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) La ilaaha illa-Llah. La ilaaha illa-Llah. La ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah `alayhi salaatullah wa salaamu. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Salaamullah `alaa jami` al anbiya wal awliya wal mu`mineen. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Allahuma al-himna rushdana wa a'idhana min shururi anfusina bi jaahi nabiyyik al kareem, Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-`Akhireen wa `alaa jami`al anbiya wal mursaleen wa `ibaadAllah as-saaliheen. Yaa Rabbee! La tahrimna min barakaat saadatun an-Naqshbandiyeen ...wa ridhwan. We are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r- Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Al-himna rushdana wa a`idhana min shururi anfusina. Yaa Rabb al-`izzati wa'l- `Azhamati wa'l-Jabaroot. Thumma salaamullah `alayk yaa Saahib az-Zamaan wa `alaa saa`ir saadaatin al- kiraam wa `alaa Qutb al-Mutasarrif wa 'l-aqtaab jami`an wal .... bi jaahi nabi al mukhtaar, Sayyidi 'l- Awwaleen wa ’l-Akhireen, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) Thumma as-salaam `alaykum yaa awlaad Sayyidina Adam, yaa Bani Adam, salaamullah `alaykum. O our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum. I am asking support from `ibaadAllah as-saaliheen, from heavenly people. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:18:52

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For what? We are asking support to destroy the sultanate of Shaytan and its followers, because we are living in a time that is the worst, and in the coming days worse than this will come, because Mankind lost their balance. All of Mankind is like the worst beast; beasts are not killing each other, but Man is asking to destroy everyone living on this planet, saying, "We reached the top point of civilization." Shaytan is making them to say this. If this is civilization, what is going to be worse than this? It is civilization to make people happy, and no one is happy! There are only a handful of people who are believers of the Lord of Heavens, running to reach their Lord's pleasure, trying to make their Lord pleased with them, and Allah Almighty is making them to be pleased! But now people are worse than beasts. Beasts don't have technology, only with their ? but people that are saying, "We are the Children of Adam and we are on the top point of Creation." If in such a way going to be on top point of Mankind, how worse should it be? But people everywhere now are drunk, from east to west, north to south, in oceans and continents, people are fighting with each other, for what? Ask them! They are running in the streets, they are shouting like beasts, they are destroying like floods, destroying everything, and for what? We are asking our rulers, and it is no good that everyday you are bringing a new one and saying after a while, "No good." From where are you bringing that person? That is the shaytanic way, not to make people live healthily, in wealth, the life of an honored person. People from east to west, from north to south are not living a normal life, no, no! How can it be a holy or sweet life if they are following Shaytan? It can't be, but they are not understanding! We are calling and saying, "O People! Come to the true way and keep your honor. You have been honored by the Lord of Heavens with a dress of honor, keep it." But they are saying, "No, we are fighting!" What is the result? The whole world is falling into fires, floods, wars and battles. Yaa Rabb! O People! Come to your Lord's service, which gives you a holy life, a sweet life, and gives you more honor! But people are saying, "no," because they believe in Shaytan and they are his first-class followers. Now we are living today and it is `Eid al-Adha, that Allah Almighty honored the nations of the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) to follow all prophets, particularly Sayyidina Ibraheem (a). He was the grandfather of all the prophets and he was ordered to build a building in the name of the Lord of Heavens in an unknown desert with only sand. No one was there, not even birds were flying in that desert, nothing. But the Lord of Heavens ordered, "Take your wife and go there, and keep My (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:18:52

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order." We may speak about this happening up to the end of the world, but it is only some sentences we may speak to wake people up, to know something, but mostly people are running away, occupied with so many instruments that no one understands. People are not interested to hear something about prophecy, and I am sorry to say that even Islamic authorities and territories are not giving real importance for prophecy. They are bringing shaytanic teachings from western countries and running to be westernized people. I am sorry, because the Seal of Prophets is sorry also for the nation to follow western country people and they are not believers. The nation of the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) is leaving the Holy Qur'an, Umm al-Kitaab! You may find all real knowledge for here and Hereafter just taught in the Holy Qur'an, and yet they are saying, "We are not looking at the Holy Qur'an, we are looking at 'western knowledge'." As long as they are following western countries, they will fall down and become beasts. Everyone from Islamic territories is trying to make heaps of nuclear weapons. Why? To be able to destroy all nations, nature, and countless creatures living on Earth. Is that Islam? Is that the order in the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Psalms, and the Holy Qur'an? O People! You are running for the Hajj pilgrimage days, to visit the Holy Ka`aba and the Holy Prophet's honored tomb and maqam, going for some days but not bringing anything back! You are going there for one month or one week, quickly running and coming back, and afterwards falling into the same dirty conditions you took from western countries' people. Leave drunkenness! Come and think on it! Millions of people are running to the holy place in Arabia. Who is making them to move? Think on it! How can we say, "O Christian world, O non-Muslim world, come and think on it," if Muslims are not evening thinking on it? No one is thinking on it. If they think, they will find countless realities, but they are not doing that, and day-by-day darkness is coming on Earth. It is a famous punishment that happened for the Children of Israel, when they left the worship of the Lord, Almighty Allah, and prayed to a cow: Allah punished them! How did that happen? On the day of punishment a black smoke covered them, and it became like nighttime. Then the Lord's command was, "Kill those who worshiped the cow!" No one saw because there was a black cloud coming on them, and now I fear that this black cloud is coming down and covering the mentalities of people, preventing them from looking and observing, and they are all fighting. Egyptian peoples' chief is fighting common people, common people are (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:18:52

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fighting their leaders or chiefs; in Iran, Turkey and Iraq, Damascus, China, and in other countries, all of them are fighting and asking to kill each other. In every case, one side is asking that the second side does not live. Therefore, I am afraid and I am asking forgiveness!    Wa ma `ubarri`u nafsi. Nor do I absolve my own self (of blame). (12:53) I am not saying I am innocent, no; everyone is carrying a responsibility for servanthood and if they are not keeping that, a black cloud will come on them and they will be killed, perhaps from five inhabitants four will disappear and only one will remain!     Inna batsha rabbika la-shadeed. Truly strong is the Grip (and Power) of your Lord. (85:12) No one can stop the Lord's punishment! No one can fight or defeat when the Lord's punishment reaches people; it is going to be too late. O People! Come to Allah! Leave those terrible weapons; come and try to understand what holy books are teaching you, particularly what the Holy Qur'an is teaching you. If not, you will be taken away! Don't cry at that time! Cry now that you are on the wrong way, and come on the true way, and you will be saved. May Allah forgive us! O People! I don't know, but this year some happenings occurred in the holy mountain of `Arafat. It is only for saints, awliya; they know but they are not giving, but one good tiding is the saving of Mankind from Shaytan's assaults and enmity. We hope in this year a heavenly light will appear that has been informed through prophets' good tidings, particularly the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-Akhireen, who said when the Last Days are approaching, Shaytan is going to be on power from east to west, north to south, and who is supported by heavenly powers is going to come to take away Shaytan and everything shaytanic, and he is Mahdi (a)! And we have knowledge about the time of Sayyidina Mahdi (a): he will come to power in `Arafat in Hajj al-Akbar, and this Monday was the day of `Arafat and Tuesday was `Eid. Now standing up and asking forgiveness was Monday, next year it is going to be on Friday. And up to today we are knowing that the power of Heavens that will destroy Shaytan's kingdom is going to appear on Hajj al-Akbar, the day of Friday, in `Arafat. (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:18:52

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That is good tidings that am taking and I may say to people, look what is going to happen after one year. He will take the sword of Heavens on Shaytan and Shaytan's soldiers, agents and armies to destroy them. That is making my heart happy! Ask that you will reach that pleasure and good tidings; look for it. May Allah forgive us and may we ask, "O our Lord! Make us to be with Sayyidina Mahdi (a)!" I have been waiting for Mahdi for 70 years and my pleasure is that good tiding! I am feeling inshaa-Allah I will reach to that most brightened day to see Mahdi (a)! O People! Try to be Muslims, and come to Islam. Aslim, taslim, salamaat; you will be in safety, here and Hereafter. May Allah forgive us. Bi jaahi man anzaltahu `alayhi, Surat al-Fatihah. (36 minutes) Mashaa-Allah. Lefke, 19.11.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryHajj, CategoryJumaSohbat, CategoryMehdi, CategoryArmageddon (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:18:52

3671 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HalalMeat

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HalalMeat


Halaal Meat

(Translated from Turkish) (Guest: They are the ones with all kind of diseases, stress, anger, and aggression.) That’s because they slaughter animals with zhulum, oppression, which allows these animal qualities to transfer to them from their meat. No animal slaughtered without mentioning the name of Allah will ever make its meat halaal for people. Any animal slaughtered outside the rules of Shari`ah will not make its meat halaal; it will be a cause for sicknesses, na`oodhu billah. It is the animal’s due right (to be slaughtered in the name of Allah)! For the one who eats that meat, the animal will say, “You’ve now become an animal!” (Guest: O Sultan, nowadays there’s no one left who thinks like this.) How would they be left? All people have become animals. That’s why at the time of death, they all die in torment. There’s no one in Europe who dies in peace, no. The animal prohibits its own meat from being eaten, and therefore, chicken and beef become poison for themselves. They eat from that haram creature’s meat, which prevents them to live a peaceful life, and at the end, all kind of illnesses emerge. That is the reason for the increase in diseases. It’s like they’re eating straw; it won’t do any good, as it will only be a cause (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:18:53

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for sickness. Unless there are Muslim butchers, animals are slaughtered with oppression. Any animal that was slaughtered without mentioning the name of Allah will not make its meat halaal for people. (Du`a) Yaa Allah! Do not prevent us from being under the flag of Prophet (s). Make us not of those who arrive at the Pool of Kawthar, but then are sent away! Yaa Rabb! You know, these people are fuqaraa, indigent. Send down your Inaayati Rabbaniyya, Lordly Favors upon these fainthearted Muslims so they become courageous Muslims, and anyone who looks to their faces will be overwhelmed in fear! These Muslims have become fearful even from the shadow of Allah’s enemies. Don’t be afraid! They must not be afraid! O Allah! Keep our families and children from straying away from deen and imaan. Have them know who their ancestors are, who their Prophet (s) is! Have them know their ways, what is halaal and what is haraam, and to live as human beings, as Muslims. Have them attain Your good pleasure, and make Jannat al-Firdaws their station. Tawbah yaa Rabbee! O Sultan, abundant with Mercy! We’ve made several sins without count; however, our sins do not even remain a speck next to the vastness of your Bahru ‘l-Rahmah, Mercy Ocean. But according to the command, edep yahu, “Adab, O servant!” send us those who will teach us how to keep adab, good manners. And as for those who despise Muslims, as soon as they see a Muslim, make their hearts tremble! Allahu Akbar! May Allah grant us good endings. Fatihah. Lefke, 24.02.2011

WebSufiLive, CategoryFood, CategoryAnimal, CategoryOppression (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:18:53

3673 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: HalaSultan

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : HalaSultan


Hala Sultan

Daim Shukurullah Daim Subhanallah Daim Shukrullah As-salamu alaykum O believers Asbhna Wa Asbaha l-Mulku lillah We reached morning. Dominion belongs to Janabul Haqq. We wander inside His domain and pay respect to Janabul Haqq. Thanks to our Lord, we win Allah's divine favours. Shukur Dastur, madad ya rijalAllah, Allah's beautiful servants, clean servants. Our Sultan Umhal Sultan's support... helps us. At their doors we are slaves. They don't accept but we say this: at the door of the Sultan, everyone... finds honor with servanthood. The Sultan is one, not two. It is called the Green Island (Cyprus). It is a small island. Compared to the greatness of the world, it is a small place, but... with the honor of our Ummuhani Sultan, who rests here, it is honored, Green Island, by it's greenness and sayyidatina, Honourable nurse of our Master (sas). We are on an island blessed with our Sultan's divine gifts. If we knew and said it everyday, Oh our Master's honorable nurse, Umhal Sultan, look at us, expel us from beneath your banner. If we said this, what would happen? But our time it is the End Of Times. Signs are emerging that now is the end of times. Whatever appears is a tasteless image, shown by.. ignorance and the devil. People have an unpleasant image. People living on this island their faces are beautiful. It was much more beautiful because of the Sultan of our Green Island. We can't describe her honor & beauty. Allah gave her such honor - The wet nurse, loved by our Master(sas) came as a guest to us. Our Master(sas) gave good tidings. I may stay here because you are here. She came by sea. It is written that she fell from the horse but that was just what appeared. Her time of death came here, and she fell from her horse, she submitted. Her horse knew who it was carrying, it wasn't unaware. It knew. It brought her there, she dismounted, submitted. Her horse stood by her side. She fell down. This, that - these are meaningless stories. This is the only station in the world that (1 von 13)04.07.2013 23:18:54

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is Umhal Sultan's station. It is an extraordinary island. Our holy Sultan, she has rested here for 1.500 years. Show me someone, who isn't forgotten for 1500 years, who is respected and whose tables are spread. What should I say? Should I say headless? Should we say shameless? Should we say ignorant? Know her value, what kind of Sultan you have. Umhal Sultan, we say Hala Sultan directly. She has been visited for 1500 years. She is still visited. Still everybody goes there. They say we are going to Hala Sultan and they feel happy. Oh Hala Sultan give us support, give us power. Give us strength to talk about you, to serve you, to praise you. I'm weaker, oh our Sultan, i'm weaker. I'm always ready to rest underground, but I want the honor of serving you. I want to be honored by serving you. Since my first visit when I was 6-7 years old, our Sultan paid compliments, I took honor. When they said we are going to Hala Sultan, we trembled. They used to say it in the past. They came from Karpaz on foot. They came riding. They came from Paphos. They came with their presents. They laid the table for eating. The tables are laid, blessings descended on the table because of them. It is the station, circumambulated by the angels. Oh Sultan, what shall I do? I want to pay respect to you. I want power. We used to have old houses, there... Our Sultan loved them. They destroyed them & couldn't build anything instead. They made simple things, some headless people opened a bar also. They died, they are gone. Their bar fell on their heads. It is the blessing of our Sultan today. Oh lovers of Shah Mardan! O holy ones, their honor is said with Gulbangi Muhammad, in heavens and on earth. Oh Shah Mardan, we say your honor. We say our ashabs (Companions) honor. We confess the honor of being Muslim. We find peace. May his bravery in the arenas... may the love of Shah Mardan's love be placed in our hearts. May the blessings of Ummuhani Su