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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (247/777)
darin übrig bleiben. Sie sagen die Bevölkerung ist 14 Millionen. Vielleicht werden hunderttausend übrig bleiben. Es wird die Gebäude wegfegen. Sie sagen immer noch "wir werden eine dritte Stadt in Istanbul bauen..." Lasst das! Lasst das und schickt jeden zurück an seinen Ort. "Bi kulli makana makin". Ist es nicht so? Jeder Ort hat seine eigenen Einwohner. Versammelt nicht die ganze Welt in den Städten. Sie werden sofort zusammenbrechen. Die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung wird in diesem Beben verschwinden. Möge Allah uns vergeben. Wir sollten zu Allah zurückkehren, am Bismillah festhalten und in Dunya und in Akhirat geschützt sein. Ya Rabbi tawba Ya Rabbi, Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Astaghfirullah. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Die Heilung für alle Schwierigkeiten ist Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Mögen alle Schwierigkeiten von uns gehen. Die Dunya ist zu einem Krankenhaus geworden. Sie können nicht mit allen Patienten fertig werden. Sagt Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim anstatt die Leute zu schneiden! Aman Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi. Zu Ehren Deines Geliebten, oh Allah, mögest Du uns einen Meister schicken, einen Sultan oh Herr! Amin. Al-Fatiha. Lefke, 30.01.2013

WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryArmageddon (11 von 11)04.07.2013 23:18:27

3526 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GoldenChainOfTheSheiks

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : GoldenChainOfTheSheiks


The Golden Chain of the Sheiks

Keep your Sheikh in your heart - If a murid does this he can be able to be forever with his Sheikh. That is the best because he helps you at any time. Carrying you – but when you are forgetting, leaving you to you. Your power is only like a battery but when the Sheikh is coming it is like electricity coming. That power continues, but a battery has limits. Therefore they are asking for mureeds (followers of a sufi sheikh) to be with his Sheikh. That fills him up with Divine Power that runs to the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad, (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him), and running from him to the saints, to Grandshiekh – and when you are taking your sheikh with you, that power is running to you. Because man is created weak and needs support. Allah Almighty gives that support from His Divine Power through His beloved servant, Sayyidina Muhammad (May peace be upon him) and on through saints. Awliya (saints) are like springs, you may reach them. You may wash yourself. You may do everything. If no springs you can’t do anything. Allah Almighty made for His servants, Prophets, and saints so that ordinary people may reach His Divine Oceans through those springs which come from the Divine Oceans. As much as you need, try to be with them. And try to be with one who is closer than you. Grandsheikh is now with the Messenger of God, ( peace be upon him). He left someone to be with you, one who is like you - – that is my mission. Because Grandsheikh gives from his spiritual power – so that who (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:18:28

3527 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GoldenChainOfTheSheiks

touches my hand is touching the hand of Grandsheikh. Who asks, may ask through me because I am connected to them. I am not alone; I belong to the silsilah. The Chain is not broken. Praise be to God. God’s Messenger, Sallallahu ‘alayhi was-salam, Giving his holy hand to Siddiq, Siddiq giving to Salman, Salman to Qasim, Qasim to Ja’far Jaf’ar to Tayfur, Tayfur to Abul Hasan, Abul Hasan to abu ‘Ali, Abu ‘Ali to Yusuf, Yusuf to Abu l’Abbas, Abul Abbas to Abdul Khaliq, to ‘Arif, Mahmud, ‘Ali Muhammad Baba As-Sammasi, Sayyid Amir al Kulali, Khwaja Baha’uddin Naqshbandi, Giving his hand, And the hand of rasul allah ( sallallahu’alayhi was-salam), reaching to Shah Naqshband Giving to Alauddin Ya’qub Ubaidullah Muhammad azZahid, Darwish Muhammad, Kwaja Amkanaki, Muhammad al Baqibillah Giving to Ahmad al Faruqi Giving to Muhammad Ma’sum (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:18:28

3528 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GoldenChainOfTheSheiks

Sayfuddin Nur Muhammad Habaibullah Giving to Abdullah Giving to Sheikh Khalid giving to Sheikh Isma’il to Khas Muhammad, giving to Sheikh Muhammad Effendi Yaraghi Giving to Sayyid Jamaluddin al Ghumuqi Giving to abu Ahmad as-Sughuri Giving to abu Muhammad al- Madani Giving to Sayyidina Sharafuddin ad- Daghistani, He’s giving to Sheikh Abdullah ad-Daghistani He’s giving it to me And I am reaching To you. Therefore anything may be asked. I am only a channel – nothing else. What they are sending me, I am giving to you. Wa min Allah taufiq.

CategoryNaqshbandi (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:18:28

3529 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GoldUndStein

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : GoldUndStein


Gold und Stein

Wer betrügt und betrogen wird, gehört nicht zu uns, sagte der Prophet (s.a.s.). Wer betrogen wird und wer betrügt. Wer betrogen wird, sich also in seinem eigenen Ego irrt. Jemand also, der sich selbst nicht kennt, sich für etwas anderes hält, als er wirklich ist, und andere mit dem, was er nicht ist, zu überzeugen versucht, also betrügt. Ähnlich einem falschen Arzt, der sich einen weißen Kittel anzieht und behauptet, er wäre eine echter. Und die Kranken, die zu ihm kommen und Heilung suchen, werden gänzlich krank und sterben. Deshalb ist jemand, der etwas behauptet, so lange ein Lügner, solange er das, was er behauptet, nicht beweisen kann. Es gab zu einer Zeit in einer Provinz in Indien einen Shaykh, einen Freund Allahs. Mit seinen Wundern ließ er das ganze Land dort an sich glauben und gewann Akzeptanz unter den Leuten, so dass die Zahl seiner Schüler von Tag zu Tag mehr wurde. Wie die Bienen zu den Blumen, so kamen die Menschen, um von dem Honig, der sich aus seinem Mund ergoß, zu trinken. Das nahm solche Ausmaße an, dass die Religionsschulen leer wurden und die Gelehrten ohne Schüler blieben, da sie alle um den Shaykh herum waren. In einer von diesen Schulen gab es einen Gelehrten, der diesen Shaykh nicht ausstehen konnte und Neid auf ihn hatte. Einmal schickte dieser einen seiner noch treu gebliebenen Schüler in die Dergah dieses Shaykhs, damit er ihm berichte, wer dieser Saykh denn sei und was er denn mehr hätte als er selber, dass die Menschen um ihn herum schwärmen. Sein Schüler ging, sah und kam zurück und berichtete ihm und sagte: „O mein Meister, soweit ich gesehen habe, liest er den Qur’- an, sie lesen ihn besser als er. Er erzählt von (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:18:29

3530 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GoldUndStein

Hadithen, sie kennen viel mehr als er. Er betet, sie beten tausend rek’at mehr als er. Das einzige, was ich sah, was er mehr hat als sie, sind sein grüner Turban, seine grüne Cübbe, sein Stock in der Hand und sein langer Bart, das ist alles. Kleideten wir sie auch mit einem grünen Turban, einer grünen Cübbe, gäben wir ihnen auch einen Stock in die Hand und ließen wir ihren Bart auch noch lang wachsen, so hätte er nicht mehr als sie, sondern sogar noch viel weniger.“ So machte er, was der Schüler ihm riet, und dachte sich, nun gut, gehe ich mal zu diesem Shaykh und lasse mich mal dort blicken und prüfe ihn. Der Shaykh war versunken in eine seiner honigsüßen Sohbets, als der Gelehrte in die Dergah platzte und sprach: „Oh, Shaykh, jetzt ist nicht die Zeit für Sohbet, jetzt ist die Zeit, um Rechenschaft abzulegen. Hör’ mir zu. Was ist es, was du mehr hast als ich? Du trägst einen Turban auf dem Kopf, den habe ich auch. Du trägst eine Cübbe auf deinem Rücken, ich auch. Den Stock in deiner Hand habe ich auch. Sogar unsere Bärte sind gleich. Sprichst du von Hadithen, so kenne ich mehr als du. Liest du den Qur’an, so lese ich ihn besser als du. Was ist es, das du mehr hast als ich, dass alle diese Menschen um dich herum schwärmen und wir niemanden mehr haben?!“ Als der Shaykh das hörte, lächelte er nur und sagte: „O Gelehrter, du sprichst wahr. Die Hülle hast du gut hinbekommen, nicht einmal unsere Mütter würden uns auseinanderhalten können. Aber, was ist mit der Essenz? Berichte doch mal etwas von der Essenz, dem Inhalt. Die Verpackung ist gleich, nur, du und ich sind wie Getreide und Mehl. In einem ist Getreide, im anderen Mehl. Von der Erschaffung her sind wir gleich, jedoch hast du darauf beharrt, Getreide zu bleiben, deine Größe unter Beweis zu stellen. Ich jedoch habe gesehen und erkannt, dass, wenn ich Getreide bleibe, ich niemandem nützen werde. Ich würde hart und unverdaulich sein. So ging ich und habe mich den Händen eines Müllers anvertraut, und dieser hat mich geschlagen, zermahlen und so klein wie Mehlstaub gemacht. So sehr, dass von meiner ursprünglichen Härte und Größe nichts mehr übrig blieb. Von meiner Härte. Du jedoch bist an der Tür gestanden und hast Trotz gezeigt, dass du deine Härte und Größe behalten willst. Daß du dich von niemandem kleinkriegen lässt, von niemandem zermahlen lässt, von niemandem zu Staub machen lässt. Daher bist du für niemanden von Nutzen. Wir jedoch nützen allen. Mag sein, dass deine Kapazität größer wirkt als unsere, aber du nützt niemandem. Wenn du also hier bist, um etwas zu behaupten, dann bist du jetzt verpflichtet, den Beweis dafür zu erbringen. Wenn du den gleichen Rang wie ich kleidest im Augenblick, sei es auch nur äußerlich, musst du jetzt den Beweis erbringen.“ Der Shaykh nahm einen Stein vom Boden und sprach: „Nimm diesen Stein, drücke ihn fest in der Hand und mache ihn zu Gold.“ Der Gelehrte nahm den Stein, drückte ihn und sprach alle Gebetsformeln, die er kannte, doch als er die Hand öffnete, war der Stein immer noch Stein. Der Shaykh lachte und nahm ein Goldstück aus der Tasche und gab es dem Gelehrten. Er befahl ihm, das Goldstück in der Hand zu drücken und es zu (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:18:29

3531 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GoldUndStein

Stein zu machen. Der Gelehrte nahm das Goldstück und drückte es wieder in der Hand. Als er die Hand aufmachte, war das Goldstück tatsächlich zu Stein geworden. „Ich habe es geschafft!“ „ Was hast du geschafft? Was kann man dir denn anvertrauen? Wenn man dir einen Stein anvertrauen würde, damit du ihn zu etwas Wertvollem machst, bliebe er Stein. Brächte man dir Gold, so würdest du seinen Wert in Stein verwandeln. „Schau“, sagte der Shaykh, „das ist der Unterschied zwischen uns beiden.“ Er nahm den Stein in seine Hand und drückte ihn, und er wurde zu Gold. Er nahm das Gold, drückte es, und es wurde zum Diamanten. „Siehst du, o Gelehrter“, sagte der Shaykh, „solange du das, was du behauptest, nicht beweisen kannst, bist du ein Lügner. Du musst die, die als Steine zu dir kommen, zu Gold, die als Gold zu dir kommen, zu Diamanten machen. Du musst so werden wie deine jetzige Hülle.“ Darum heißt es, o Mensch, betrüge weder dich noch andere. Dieser Gelehrte kannte seine Winzigkeit nicht. Es heißt, wer sein Ego kennt, kennt seinen Herrn. Wer sein Ego kennt – im Sinne von, wer seine Winzigkeit kennt –, kennt die Größe seines Herrn. Er kannte sein Nafs nicht. Wie soll jemand, der sein eigenes Nafs nicht kennt, das Nafs anderer Leute erziehen? Deshalb möge Allah uns davor bewahren, unserem Nafs zu verfallen, und uns zu solchen Menschen machen, die ihre Grenzen und Kapazitäten kennen. Fatiha - 01.12.1999 (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:18:29

3532 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GoodCharacteristicNotToBeCutoffFromHisHomeland

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : GoodCharacteristicNotToBeCutoffFromHisHomeland


It is a good characteristic for a person not to be cut off from his homeland

(Today it was snowing in Cyprus, and there are some Pakistani guests. Sheikh asked them about the weather in Pakistan, but the brothers live in England.) It is a good characteristic for a person not to be cut off from his homeland. You left your homeland and went to Europe, to England, to Germany, but you must not forget your homeland, your birthplace. That is according to the Hadith of Rasulullah sws: 'Hub-ul vatan mina-l iman; love of one's homeland is a sign of faith, or iman, or it is a part of iman. Therefore you must not cut yourself off from your homeland. But now people lost so many things, so many good characteristics, which they had before, and people become day by day more materialistic. And that is the main target of Shaitan; and he is teaching people satanic ways and ideas. Therefore always I am saying: Meded, asking for spiritual power for myself, that I may be supported spiritually, and it is a sign that I am not a materialistic person. (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:30

3533 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GoodCharacteristicNotToBeCutoffFromHisHomeland

You must show that you are not a materialistic person; you must show that you believe in something beyond the material ideas. We believe in something beyond the material world, surrounding the material world and universe. They say our world or earth is a global thing, Dunya is like a globe, and that there is an atmosphere surrounding this earth. I am asking: 'What is its distance? Up to where is this atmosphere surrounding Dunya, the earth?' They may say 8o kms, or 1oo kms, less or more. I am asking: 'That atmosphere- with which thing is it surrounded? You think it is something material, or that your material world finishes with its atmosphere? That atmosphere is a kind of material also, like gas, because it is oxygen and hydrogen or another mineral, as minerals may be in it. They say that it is only reaching up to a distance, and beyond that there is no more atmosphere. So I am asking: 'Which thing surrounds the atmosphere? What is that? It means the material world finishes. Which name can you give to that which is surrounding the world and the atmosphere also? In which thing are our world and solar system swimming, as well as our galaxy and billions of other galaxies? Swimming or running or sinking in it, appearing and disappearing? What is that medium? You think it is material? Never! Can't be. What is it? In which thing they are moving? Any answers from scholars of positive knowledge? From professors? Why they are trying to make everything through a material vision, a material world, and no more? They are fully wrong. They must answer to what we are asking: 'In which thing our world is running, turning, whirling? And from where to where? Which thing is affecting on it to turn around itself or to move in a direction that is no direction?' Because after reaching beyond the atmosphere you can't say anymore East, West, North, South, up or down, left or right- no. It is a big trick that modern science uses for cheating (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:30

3534 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GoodCharacteristicNotToBeCutoffFromHisHomeland

people, to make people's care only on earth, not to look up; to make them a piece of material world only, not to be interested in anything beyond material things. That is materialism. And it is a big false. Shaitan established a materialistic school, to make Batil up and Haqq down. I am sorry to say that the whole world says 'Yes' to the material view and 'No' for spirituality. Therefore coming on people such a heavy burden, and material is killing people. Under the big heaviness of materialism people are going to be like a plate. They can't stand up anymore, and people in the whole world are beginning to fall down on their knees; materialism is going to finish them. It is not an economical crisis, no. That is another cheating. Satanic teaching is making people not to look to the real point. It wants them not to look to the important point, but to loose the main problem for mankind, and change their cares to another direction Now we live in the 21st century, and humanity is just facing the biggest problem through all historical periods. And Shaitan is making people not to look what is the real solution for that biggest problem of mankind that never faced such a big problem. We say that what is coming to Argentina is going to come to America, to England and Europe, to China and Japan, to Turkey and Arab countries- to East and West, one after one, because every country and mankind there is facing the same problem. That is the main problem: Shaitan is showing to people their problem as something only material, and they look to it like that, no more. They say: 'No, don't say spirituality- you are not a man of this century, you are not of our age, you don't belong to our time. You should have lived before our age, you can be there, but you are not suitable to be with us through this (3 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:30

3535 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GoodCharacteristicNotToBeCutoffFromHisHomeland

age.' They prevent people, who can think, and defeat them, throwing them out from their communities, saying: 'You are not suitable to be with us. We are materialists and you come and say something else, we don't understand and we are not accepting. We say that it is only economical problems that make people in such bad conditions.' This is through East and West, and yet America, who is claiming to be the boss of the world, does not understand. And their Number one citizen, their President, is never able to open and say that it is something else, and to say: 'Our problem is not a material problem.' Up today I am asking to hear this from that President. Because they have billions of Dollars, perhaps quadrillions. They threw in Afghanistan up today bombs for billions of Dollars. That means they have enough money, enough material support, so that they can waste billions of Dollars and bombard mountains. And they may print trillions of Dollars and no one is asking if they are putting anything in the cases of the banks for those printed Dollars. Every night on T.V. I am seeing people counting money, especially in Turkey. They show how they print money, how they cut it and put it in the machine for counting, how they put it in bags and how they are giving it out. What is that? They have money. But all that richness never gives any benefit, because all rich ones, rich companies and very rich business people are fearing, too. They live in a depthless fear, not knowing what is going to happen. That means: no money can bring a solution for the problems of mankind, and I would like to hear from this from the President, to speak on that point. But maybe he is prevented, and it is prohibited and forbidden for him to speak on spirituality. How about if the Number One person on earth would speak and say: 'O people, it is not only a material problem, but beyond materialism there must be something that prevents us not to reach peace and (4 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:30

3536 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GoodCharacteristicNotToBeCutoffFromHisHomeland

happiness on earth, not to arrange everything and people everywhere not to be in contentment and satisfaction'? But he is not saying this. He can't speak yet, but I like to hear this from him, as well as from Turkey, Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia, Japan. But no one yet is speaking. They fear some ones. It is not the Israel-problem, or the Palestine-problem, because this world is prepared for mankind, and really Allah Almighty is giving right to His servants to live freely everywhere, not to put borders, no. This world is created for all mankind, and they have the right to live everywhere, and not to be prevented, as long as they serve Allah, keep the rights of their neighbours and give benefit to each other. Only troublemakers are not given a chance to be anywhere. At least they should be in prison; or they should be killed, because they are dragons and wolves; they can't live among people. Their out looking is like man, but inside they are like a wolf or a dragon. Therefore this is the holy order from Heavens: If you find through yourself a wolf or a dragon, harming people, killing people, making trouble for people- take him away. At least send them away, take them from the community and send them away. Once in Cyprus in 1931, when Cyprus was a British colony, there was a trouble against the government. Greek people were cheated by devils and did a worst thing against the government, attacking it. I was that time 9 years old. Then the British government took those people who were the head of that trouble away and sent them to the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean, so far, that during one year not even one ship passes by.The second day the trouble in Cyprus was finished. The holy command of Allah Almighty is at least this: 'O people, who harms the servants of Allah and gives trouble to them- take them away, send them far away, so that they can never be able to come back again.' Or: 'Cut their (5 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:30

3537 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GoodCharacteristicNotToBeCutoffFromHisHomeland

heads.' That is the heaviest punishment- to kill terrorist people. First cut one hand. If they are going to make it again, cut one leg. If they don't finish, hang them, or, which is much more easy, take them away. In the Ottoman Empire they were sending people to the desert of Fisan in Libya. There are some oases, and they left people there, and they couldn't escape. If they would try, they should die, because they can't be able to reach to anywhere. Abdul Hamid was not killing people, but sending them away. That is such a simple, but very effective punishment, and people were quiet. Now the whole world is full with terrorists. The USA just lost itself, and it doesn't know how to deal with these people, how to reach to the terrorists. They left the holy command of Allah Almighty and they got punished. Everywhere is full with terrorists. And all governments now lost their mind: How should they find them? It is impossible. They are living with people; you can't be able to say it is this one or that one. Full everywhere now. They accuse someone in Afghanistan, but there are countless terrorists in their own country, because their government system is giving them a chance to live. Democracy is giving a chance for those people to live among people. It is like someone who has a flock of sheep and the government is saying: 'You may keep among your sheep also wolves. Wolves also may live'. How can be wolves among sheep! Or, another example, chicken-farm: 'Democracy is saying that you may keep among your chicken also foxes'. - 'How it can be? It is an order from the government?'- 'Yes.'- The government is saying to the fox: 'Now you may live with the chicken'. And the fox is very happy, waving the flag and calling the other foxes, saying: 'O, the new system of democracy is telling us now to live with the chicken. Come on!' And up to the next morning there are no more chicken left. (6 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:30

3538 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GoodCharacteristicNotToBeCutoffFromHisHomeland

Sheikh Hussein from Afrin, the Kurdish khalifa of Grandsheikh, used to tell this story: 'Once upon a time it was said to the wolf: Did you not hear the latest news? -What is that? -That the people of this village are fed up from shepherds and they think to make you shepherd on their flocks. -And the wolf begins to cry: O, if this news should be real, and I would like it to be real, I am so happy, that I am crying. -You don't know that democracy is coming, and wolves may be shepherds? -I am supporting democracy 1oo%. For the honour of democracy I am so happy, I am crying. If it is true, I may prepare my small kids to look after lambs. I may look after big ones, my small ones may look after lambs.' That is democracy! But yet people do not understand, and everywhere there is advertisement for democracy. Democracy finished humanity and mankind; it is mankind's biggest enemy. All troubles are on behalf of that democracy, fighting to Allah, His Prophet and fighting against the holy Books. Therefore, as long as democracy is living, terrorism is also living. When people throw that worst and foolish system of democracy, terrorism also should leave and Haqq is built. Now Shaitan just established the shaitanic Sultanate everywhere in the Muslim and the non-Muslim world. Keep this. But you can't say. No one is accepting, neither Turks, nor Arabs or Europeans or Russians, no. And from democracy making women to be with men. That is another kind of fasad and big trouble that living people now take the barrier between men and women away. When they took it away, it was finished; fasad began. Therefore- men to their works and sides, women to homes. If not, there will be never ending troubles and terrorism. Democracy takes women out of their homes and even makes them soldiers, pilots, captains on planes, or Lieutenant. And men throw their guns, not fighting, saying: How we can shoot them? And if men shoot up, the ladies throw their weapons. That is cinema- fully fasad. (7 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:30

3539 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GoodCharacteristicNotToBeCutoffFromHisHomeland

This is an important association. We didn't expect to speak on such things, but every day now. If anyone is going to be unhappy, that means he belongs to the terrorists- man or woman. It is Haqq what we speak on, right, and we are asking righteous, true and trustworthy people Our Dunya is going to finish, but we hope that now for every evil and devil comes an end, to finish. May Allah make it quickly to be people, His servants, in peace in their life, to be servants of Allah Almighty and to reach His pleasement here and hereafter. Lefke - 09.01.2002

CategoryDemocracy, CategoryCommunity (8 von 8)04.07.2013 23:18:30

3540 Maulana She