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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (244/777)
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah. Fatihah. Thank you for your listening. Allah makes us to be from those people whom they are accepting Reality and asking lights and enlightened territories, to save ourselves from dark and darkness territories. Bi jaahi nabiyyika ‘l-kareem bi jaahi Suratu ‘l-Fatihah. Lefke, 30.11.2009

WebSufiLive (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:18

3484 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GiveYourHandToCharityYourSoulToTheLord

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : GiveYourHandToCharityYourSoulToTheLord


Give your Hand to Charity, Your Soul to the Lord

We have been given a part of His Divine Presence, of His Divine Soul, which no other creature has, and have been created in a perfect way for a reason. Just like the earth has been created for a purpose. The sun was created for a reason. The moon was created for a purpose. Every creature has been created for a purpose. We look around and try to find out in which way we can use them. We realise that we are the owners of this earth, we know that no other creature can reach this capacity and authority. There are so many creatures which are much more powerful than man, but they cannot control anything. You can control everything on earth. You can reach the deepest ocean. You can go to the skies and above. It is this kind of authority which makes you different than anything else around you. We try to find out the use of all creatures, except our own. Mankind does not bother to find out what their real reason for existing is. We are at the end of this century, reaching out to the second millennium. Still man is occupied with their physical being, putting their full interest into their material world, even though they are aware of the fact that their material being will be put to an end by death. No-one lives on earth forever. We see thousands of people leaving this world every day. We see dead bodies being taken to the cemetery and put under ground, but we don't really ask what has happened. How is it possible that this body was still running around yesterday and (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:18:19

3485 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GiveYourHandToCharityYourSoulToTheLord

today it can't? Why are we alive one moment and dead the next? Maybe the question comes to some people's mind, but they do not persist in trying to find out. Since the beginning of life on earth Holy Books have been given to us. Man has always wanted to know what happens after death. But our educational systems today teach us nothing but theories about the beginning of life, and nothing about what happens after death. Science cannot bring contentment to people concerning the origins of their future. When someone today talks about death or beyond death, people are so embarrassed that they try to make a joke about it, or even worse: a taboo. It is very difficult today to speak about anything concerning Holy Books, people say these are bygone tales. But the situation of mankind is getting worse, because man needs to believe. Beliefs make a person perfect. Man cannot be perfect without a belief. A person without a belief is a terrible person, more violent than a tiger, bear or wolf. From day to day the violence on earth is increasing. Everybody is afraid of the coming days. Everyone is wondering what the coming millennium will bring. If they are not controlled, the competition between scientists, nations and weapon producers will increase to the point of explosion. Governments are spending 99% of their budget on weapons. What are they competing for? It is according to our violence. It is what our egos are asking for. They think that the most violent one will be the hero. We have not been sent to this life to kill, but to live. But the whole world now is intent on killing. All Holy Books: the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Last Testament, the Holy Quran, mention that when the Last Days approach, violence, killings and wars will increase. People will kill and be killed without knowing why. We are like flocks, whatever our shepherds want us to do, we do. The reason that they can do with us what they want, is that our belief has reached the point of zero. This is what they want: they want us not to believe in anything. They want us to forget our Lord. The whole world is on the point now of not wanting to know anything about their Creator and not to believe, even though we need it. Even the biggest opponent of religions will start crying when he dies: Oh my Creator, oh Allah! Since 60 years I am urging people to believe in their Creator. We believe that all prophets came as messengers from Heaven. Everyone of them brought a message from Heaven. The Lord of Heavens asked mankind to live happily and peacefully. The first man was created in Paradise. The Lord of Heavens would (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:18:19

3486 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GiveYourHandToCharityYourSoulToTheLord

have left them to live in Paradise forever, if satan, who was the first jealous one of all creation, had not wanted this high honour, which we have been given, for himself. When the Lord created us as his Deputies, satan was so angry and so jealous that he started chasing the first couple out of Peaceland, out of Paradise. This is why were thrown out. He will never let us be in peace. But the Lord of Heavens has sent 124 000 prophets, all of them with messages to guide people to a happy peaceful life. Satan wants people to fall into troubles, miseries and sufferings. Unfortunately everything in our days from east to west and from north to south, is turning in the wrong direction, is running after satanic ideas. The Heavenly Message has been thrown away. People are listening to satan and are making 'isms', 'isms', 'isms': communism, capitalism, feminism, kamalism... all of them are false. They are against the Divine Message. These are satanic ideas, his representatives have introduced them to throw people into misery. We are reaching the second millennium. What is going to happen? If we do not change our direction, no doubt it will be terrible. There will be no more living people on earth. The majority will be killed and all buildings will be in ruins. Satan will sit on the mountain of ashes and be so happy: "Finally I have given my revenge to mankind!" We have to see if we can save ourselves from that catastrophe. The Holy Books tell us that there will be a group of people who, even if everything else is going in the wrong direction, will go in the right. Moses* was a great prophet, he was the one who spoke with the Lord. Before his prophecy, when he was escaping from Egypt he came to the country of Kaana. He met Shuayb* (the Prophet Jethro) and promised to be the shepherd of his flocks for 7 years in return for marrying one of his daughters. This was his dowry. It is not permitted to marry anyone without a dowry. It can be anything, but the more you give, the more she will love you. One day Moses* was with his flock in a valley full of wild animals. If he had just looked away for a second, they could have been attacked. It is very important to protect that which has been given to you as a trust. Suddenly he was overcome by a heavy sleep, unable to open his eyes or even to stand up. At the same time he knew, that if he would fall asleep, at least half of his flock would be gone. If he would just be able to keep his eyes open, it would be enough, because the power of man lies in his eyes. So he said, "Oh my Lord, here is (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:18:19

3487 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GiveYourHandToCharityYourSoulToTheLord

your servant, your Will is above mine, it must continue..." with that he fell down, but within and instant he regained his strength. As he stood up he saw that the biggest of all wolves was standing above the flock keeping control over them and chasing away all the other wolves. The Lord addressed him, " Oh Moses*, you are what I want you to be. When you are with me, I am with you. I am looking after your flock, I can even make the wolf to be the shepherd over your flock!" Try to be with Him and He will be with you. If a flood comes, like at the time of Noah*, you will be in safety. No titles which you carry in this life will be of any importance or any kind of life-style. I am teaching you the most honourable style in this life which will make you happy, successful, victorious, in safety and in peace. It is not important if you are a Muslim, a Jew, or a Christian. My advice for you, is to be with your Lord, and He is one. Don't think that Christians have one Lord, Jews another, Muslims another. No! Be for Him. Be for Allah and you will be happy here and in the hereafter. Do your best for people. That will make you enjoyful always. Try to give your hand to charity and your soul to your Lord. 01.01.1997

BookPureHearts, CategoryArmageddon, CategoryWar, CategoryViolence, CategoryGovernment (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:18:19

3488 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GlaubeGibtDenMenschenHoffnung

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : GlaubeGibtDenMenschenHoffnung


Der Glaube gibt den Menschen Hoffnung

Aller Dank und Lob und Preis ist für Allah den Allmächtigen, der uns unter zahllosen Geschöpfen als Mensch erschaffen hat. Uns wurden zahllose Geschenke gegeben, bis in alle Ewigkeit, und wir haben nicht darum gebeten. Er erschuf uns und ehrte uns dadurch. Was beklagt ihr euch? Was wollt ihr noch? Wollt ihr eine Schlange sein, ein Skorpion, eine Ratte, ein Schwein? Wer sich beklagt, den kann Er im Nu in ein häßliches Geschöpf verwandeln. Sagt nicht, wenn ihr in den Spiegel schaut: „Ich verliere meine Jugend“, sondern sagt: „Alhamdulillah, Gott sei Dank, ich gehöre zur Menschheit.“ Niemand hat das Recht, sich über das Älterwerden zu beklagen; denn jeder hat in seiner Jugend das schönste Aussehen. Aber die Zeit vergeht, und wir können nicht das ganze Leben lang auf jener Altersstufe stehenbleiben. Es ist wichtig, Allah dem Allmächtigen dafür zu danken, daß man sich trotz des Alters zur Menschheit zählen kann. Das Haar wird weiß und das Gesicht faltig, das Gewicht verändert sich, und der physische Körper wird älter. Aber aus Händen werden nicht Füße, oder umgekehrt. Seid nicht traurig über diese Veränderung und beneidet nicht die Jungen, denen es bald genauso geht. Ich will damit sagen, daß ihr dankbar sein müßt und glücklich und stolz, weil Allah uns zu Seinen wichtigsten Geschöpfen erschaffen hat. Glück bedeutet, die Veränderung des physischen Körpers annehmen zu können. Denn das spirituelle Wesen bleibt gleich. Dieser Punkt ist das wirkungsvollste Training für alle in Depression Gefallenen. Dagegen gibt es keine andere Medizin. Ihr müßt versuchen, spirituelle Vollkommenheit zu (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:18:20

3489 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GlaubeGibtDenMenschenHoffnung

erreichen. Die Jungen können diese Vollkommenheit nicht so leicht erreichen, aber im Alter nimmt man jedes Ereignis zum Anlaß zur Vollkommenheit. Die Sicht der Welt ändert sich. Darum müssen Ältere vollkommener sein als Jüngere. Der Schöpfer gibt Seinen Dienern etwas in der Jugend, nämlich physische Freuden; aber wenn die Grenze der Jugend überschritten ist, nach dem vierzigsten Lebensjahr, dann müßt ihr euch an eurer spirituellen Vollkommenheit erfreuen. Ihr müßt dann spüren, daß ihr auf der Ebene der seelischen Vervollkommnung ankommt. Statt traurig zu sein solltet ihr Freude und Glückseligkeit empfinden, wie jemand, der lange Jahre fern von seinem Land war und sich darauf freut, in sein Heimatland zurückzukehren. Dies kommt von unserer Seele; sie weiß, daß der Tag der „Landung“ näherrückt. Statt traurig zu sein freut sie sich auf ihren letzten Tag, wenn ihr Visum abgelaufen ist, wenn sie die Erdenschwere ablegt und nach oben abhebt. Dies reicht aus, um das ganze Leben glücklich zu machen, und diesen Frieden und diese Freude kann nur der Islam geben. Keine andere Religion kann den Menschen das noch geben. Sötenich - 11.01.1997 (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:18:20

3490 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GlorifyingAllahGivesYouRealLife

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : GlorifyingAllahGivesYouRealLife


Glorifying Allah gives you real life! Or: the whole universe is an orchestra of divine glorifying!

Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah! Allah Allah, Subhan Allah! Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah! Allah ya Daim! ca. 2o x Allah ya Subhan! ca. 1o x Allah ya Sultan! ca. 1o x Allah ya Jalil! ca. 1o x Allah Dhu-l Jalal! ca. 1ox Hasbi Allahu wa ni’mal Wakil, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Adhim! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Adhim! Ya ‘Adhimu, ya Allah! ca. 13 x Ya Karimu, ya Allah! ca. 8 x Ya ‘Azizu, ya Allah! ca. 12 x (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:18:21

3491 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GlorifyingAllahGivesYouRealLife

Ya Subhanu, ya Allah! ca. 8x Ya Sultanu, ya Allah! ca. 8 x Hasbi Allahu wa ni’mal Wakil, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Adhim! Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! Nothing can be (more) sweet for our souls (than) to make Dhikr! Angels- their lives real life- their lives is Tesbih, to say: “Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah!” Countless kinds of Tesbih may be; it is countless. Everything (is) glorifying Allah, everything! Everything- Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya- everything it has a private structure, everything it has a personality, so that we can’t find through creation, through universe, through universes, to be on same personality. You may say atoms; for example Hydrogen, it is an element. It is different from Oxygen. Do you think that every atom from Hydrogen (is) same? If they are going to be same, they must join to each other, but every atom keeping its personality, never getting to be two atoms coming together, no. Every atom keeping its personality. (It is) special, its personality! As you are not going to be similar for your son, different Therefore man billions of mankind they are all separated and everyone has a personality special. You are special, you have a specialty that making you different from second one, from third one, from others. Also from atoms, each atom it has a private personality, so that not coming to mix with another atom of Hydrogen. If going to be joined with another Hydrogen, going to be one nuclear and around going to be two electrons, it is another being, another creation. Therefore each one keeping its personality. If coming together, never going to be a Hydrogen atom. And also, o people, each atom it has a name, private name, that just given, granted to that atom, from its Lord, from its Creator. And also (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:18:21

3492 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GlorifyingAllahGivesYouRealLife

given a kind, a different kind of glorifying that that one’s glorifying is not similar for second one. Each one it has different glorifying, so that everyone glorifying and that glorifying you can’t count them. You may look an orchestra- may be 2o kinds of instruments: Flutes, even piano, how many!… each one glorifying its Lord in another kind of glorifying. We are knowing nothing! We are saying: “Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah…!” This is glorifying. But same time everything that we have, they are making a kind of orchestra and their glorifying coming in such a way (that) if you can hear, you can fall down! Glorifying Allah Almighty that is that Allah Almighty granted to His creatures: to make glorifying their Lord and whole universe is such a perfect glorifying orchestra! Allah Allah… Allah Allah…! Yes, Allah Almighty, let Him to grant ourselves with His endless Blessings to hear, to hear (the) glorifying of everything! (The) most beautiful glorifying (is) coming from water! Waters’ glorifying (is) in such a majestic (way) that (it is) giving life to dead ones, making it to open, to come in life! Water (is) bringing everything from death to life! Without water, nothing (is) coming into life; therefore the secret, sirr, (the) secret of Allah Almighty that He granted only (to) water, is majestic, because that (is) bringing life, bringing life for dead ones. Allah Allah!… “…wa ja’alna mina-l mai kulli shayin hayy…!” Everything, so that (for) every creation (there) must be a master power from water to come into existence, to be alive. Water is (all the) same. “Do you know how many kinds of water?” “Yes, Sir, we know: spring water, rain water, ocean water…” so many! “Tap water, (?) water…” That is that you know it! Mina-l ma- Alif, Lam, cins… you can’t count (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:18:21

3493 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GlorifyingAllahGivesYouRealLife

the kinds of water! “Wa ja’alna mina ma- alif lam- kulli (shayin hayy)…”… whole things, from being nothing, bringing to be something. That is, to make everything alive, the power, (the) secret power, that Allah Almighty (has) granted to water. So many kinds of water, but you know only rain water, rivers water, well water, ocean water… It is same, but (there are) so many kinds of water that (are) making, bringing life to everything. They were nothing and (then they are) coming to be something! Therefore, Prophets traditional Knowledge that (is) reaching to Awliya and Sahaba from Rasulullah sws, that they were reaching to (such) a level (that) they were hearing (the) Tasbihun Biya; they were hearing (the) glorifying of waters! (When that happens) then that person (is) just stepping to a stage, to a level, that his physical being can’t carry to be there; (there is) appearing another personality. From that mai, from that water; that water different water, (is) bringing people from (a) level, (the) lowest, to (the) highest, and their glorifying (is) going to be much more, much more, much more, much more- without stopping! Therefore- Angels (are) glorifying and they are living! O people, if you are asking real life, happy life, peaceful life, you must continue to make Tesbih, to glorify your Lord Almighty Allah! Then you are reaching to a level (that) you are not in need to eat or to drink, because that levels’ eating and drinking (is) just going (to be) different. And that person (is) never going to be ill; no need to take anything for his cure, water (is) enough! Therefore people (are) bringing (water to me and say): “O Sheikh, blow (on) this water!” That is another sirr, another secret power. People may say: “What is doing Sheikh? Blowing to water and giving people?” I am saying: “You are on the level of donkeys, you are not understanding such a things, don’t ask! You ask from straw and green fields; go there, it (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:18:21

3494 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GlorifyingAllahGivesYouRealLife

is for you! Don’t say: ‘We are not understanding’, it is not your level! You can’t understand!” Therefore, o people, we are doing Tesbih, glorifying of Allah Almighty; that gives you real life, at least you can smell (the) higher levels (re)freshment and pretties (?) and endless possibilities (are) opening to you through that level! That level. Keep on glorifying! Therefore we are making Tesbih after every praying. If you can do that glorifying, if you can continue to make Tesbih, glorifying, then you are reaching a level (that) you are not in need to drink or to eat from the level of animals. Now we are drinking and eating from the level of animals, but there is up, and another up, and another up, (which is) giving you much more pleasure, much more love, much more peace, much more pleasement, much more wisdoms, much more power, much more (divine) Beauty Oceans! They are saying (for) Aphrodite from Paphos (that she was) coming out from sea that they are saying it is the timsal, symbol, of (divine) Beauty… On that level, when you are reaching the Oceans of Beauty, ohhh… Sheikh X. your mind (is) running away, leaving you! Tesbih, reaching to that ocean, carrying people to that… Prophets (are) calling people to that unknown Beauty Oceans, pleasure ocean, pleasement ocean, peace oceans, wisdom oceans, hikmet, ulum, knowledge oceans, but people (are) insisting. They are asking: “No, we are asking only here, that we are looking and seeing”… O people, therefore, try to make much more (Tesbih), to say: “Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah”…After prayings we are saying 33x. We are saying in our Tariqa at least 1oo times saying: “Subhan Allah” … Every Tesbih (is) taking you up from (the) animals level to (the) real level of mankind (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:18:21

3495 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GlorifyingAllahGivesYouRealLife

that they are (the) Khaliphs, deputies of Allah Almighty. Whom they are living on this level of animals, they are not going to be deputies, no! “…Inna ja’alnaka kalifata, ya Daud, fi-l ard…” finishing every kind of your demands, wishings. When you are finishing, then you are reaching to be as Daud a.s., David, (that) Allah Almighty (was) addressing to him: “We are making you now, when you are leaving every kind of your wishings that belongs to your physical being, when you are leaving it and glorifying your Lord, we are making you Khalifa fi-l ard...” Which ‘ard, which Dunya? Special! Special; it is special, for you only, no partner! You are reaching to a universe that it is only for you, no partner! O people, we are knowing nothing, Allah knows everything! Therefore, the most distinguished Naqshbandi Order (is) making people and carrying them from their animal being to Angels’ being levels. When you are reaching to that level that only Angels (are) there- no animals there- you can find your real being there, that just (is) put on your head (the) crown of being a servant to Allah Almighty; (it is) granted to you and also a special, blessed dressing that it is the sign of glorifying of Allah Almighty. You just dressed that level. O people, every kind of our praying that Allah Almighty ordered to His most beloved servant to make, (is) to take you from the level of animals to Malakut, (to) heavenly Beings’ level. May Allah forgive us and grant us- Huuu!- from (the) secret Knowledge and (the) secret Powers of glorifying! He makes us to run after it and to reach to the levels of Angels that it is glorified worlds! May Allah forgive us and lead us, send us someones (that are) leading mankind to that levels. If not, we are all on the level of animals! (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:18:21

3496 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GlorifyingAllahGivesYouRealLife

May Allah forgive me and bless you! For the honour of the most honoured

Prophet and Servant in His divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha! Lefke, 22.4.2007 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryDhikr, CategoryPrayer (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:18:21

3497 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GloriousProphet

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : GloriousProphet


The Glorious Prophet (saws)

O Glorious Prophet! The Prophet of the Prophets! The most beautiful one, who represents the Jamal/Beauty of Allah Almighty, is our glorious Prophet, Muhammad Mustafa (sas). Whatever is written, done for his name, it is maqbool/accepted. Whatever is not written, is not said for his name, is not accepted. Therefore he may put something from the munajat/duas of our Prophet (sas). Whatever he puts from them, it is ok. O our Lord, O our Lord, O my Beautiful Allah. O our Lord, for the honour of Your Beloved Prophet (sas) may You grant us health & strength to be able to perform ibadah/worship services as Your servants. May we not be scattered here, there. We want to walk on the path of Your Beloved, of Your beautiful service O our Lord. Our dunya becomes happy with him & our akhirah becomes joyful with him forever. O Glorious Prophet! May you grant us Shafa'ah & Mercy. We are weak nations. May you send us pure servants who are from your inheritors to guide us, that they show us the right path. May Allah keep us away from those who make Allah & the Prophet forgotten. May Allah Almighty grant us to be pure servants, we ask this for the honour of His Beloved. O Glorious Prophet! Save us from the heavy burdens put on us! Send us the Master who will dispel the clouds of heavy zulmat/darkness that have descended upon your nations- send us al-Mahdi! That he may conquer the West & the East, raise the flags of Islam. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:18:21

3498 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GloriousProphet

O Allah, O Allah, O my Beautiful Allah! The one who represents your Beauty is Your Beloved (sas). O Lord, not only one world but a million worlds be sacrificed for that Beloved (sas). He is sufficient for all of them- Your Beloved Muhammad Mustafa (sas). O Glorious Prophet, send us al-Mahdi who will show us the way! May he, who will show us Your beautiful ways, he to whom Your Beloved has pointed- al-Mahdi may come! With the service & help of al-Mahdi (as), this whole dunya will be clean. May Allah accept us to be from His pure/clean servants. May He keep us away from who go astray. May He send us the Master who will straighten those who go astray- al-Mahdi (as). O Our Lord, Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Astaghfirullah. The suffering mankind is going through is from their own egos/nafs. When we say "from their own nafs", it is because of following shaytan. The suffering men go through is because they follow shaytan, not from anything else. Don't follow shaytan but live peacefully/at ease. Your dunya & akhirah become happy. When you follow shaytan, you have no dunya nor akhirah left. May Allah keep us away from shaytan. May Allah make us to be together with the servants He (swt) loves, Fatiha. The Sultan of the Sultans is our Prophet (sas). May it be salam on his glory. The people of dunya & Heavens