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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (238/777)
As-salaamu `alaykum! How are you today? Collecting too much money? Yes. Everyone now asking to collect more and more and more from nonsense treasures of this life on this planet. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, laa ilaaha illa-Llah. O our Lord! For the honor of Your (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:09

3408 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GenerationOfParadise

most honored one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) O People! If there was a value of treasures in this world, Allah Almighty was going to make those treasures to fall on His most beloved one as rains! He is able to send from heavens pearls, diamonds, rubies, and emeralds, yes. He is able! O our Salafi `ulamas! Marhaban! Kayfa ahwaalakum? You like dunya? I think that you may find only a handful of people who hate dunya. Very few people you will find that are not going to prefer rains of pearls, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and so many kinds of precious stones, if raining. I don't think to be on that place, who is not running to take something from it, very, very, very few ones. Try yourself, don't say to anyone else, but you try yourself. Say, "Shaykh Qurani, how are you going to be if raining one day from heavens emeralds, pearls and diamonds?" What do you think? Say righteously! Say, "I am not running to take even one." Can you say this? Say, for the honor of the most honored one. Are you thinking to run and to take even one diamond or one pearl? What do you think? Our egos are making us to say, "If it is raining jewels, how I can stand here? I must carry as much as possible, I must collect, and bring a camel with sacks to fill it. But I am not looking to take too much, but they are so beautiful and my wife is going to be too happy! I must put in my pocket some of these pearls, or my wife will come to me with a stick if I tell her I was running in a valley of jewels! But I am scared to put so much, and then I am remembering, saying, 'O my darling, you like diamonds! Therefore I am taking (for you). Because I am a big `alim, scholar, I am only taking and putting to make you happy!'" (And his wife answers) "O big Shaytan, you are Shaytan! Why not carrying to me even one handful? Instead you are coming to me saying you are zaahid (ascetic)! Why aren't you bringing those jewels of dunya to me?" O Salafi `ulamas! If Allah Almighty, Qaadirun Muqtadar, the Most Capable Above All Capable, may do anything and everything! Perhaps in deserts He sends an instant rain of jewels! What are you going to do? O People! Particularly doctors of Shar`iah, you must hear what Allah Almighty is saying! Bismillahi 'r- Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.)     (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:09

3409 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GenerationOfParadise

Wa la-nabluwanakum bi shay’in min al-khawf wa'l-ju`i wa naqsun mina'l-amwaali wa 'l-anfus wa 'th- thamaraati wa bashshiri 's-saabireen, Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere. (2:155) You know that ayatu 'l-kareema? Wa la-nabluwanakum bi shay. (Mawlana Shaykh sits). Allahu Akbar!!! Allah Almighty is saying, "I am never leaving My servants, I am testing." Tajruba, test them all, they are mukallaf, responsible adults. Wa la-nabluwanakum bi shay "I am not leaving. I am going to try everyone at every level with so many things with different tests." You understand, Salafi `ulamas? Why are you not saying to people and whole `ulamas? They are saying they are learned ones of Ahlu’l-Sunnah wa’l-Jama`ah or saying they are Shi`a, and that addressing, that khitaab of Allah is coming to them also. But the Lord of Heavens is looking to His servants, trying and testing them, making some of them to sit on hives of bees, saying, "Stay here but don't touch, that is amaana (a trust)." Is that true? When the Lord of Heavens is saying, "Don't touch it," Shaytan is coming around and saying, "What are you doing here?" "I am guardian on this hive." "You tasted some of it?" "It is forbidden to taste." “Why? Yes, if not eating, but taste a little bit, look I am tasting.” "Don't touch, this is amaana, a trust." “Put a little bit, like this (in your mouth).” “I can't.” Shaytan is never leaving until cheating him or putting a trap for him and using its countless tricks, saying, "Put a little bit (from that trust). Happy for me?" IT is never coming to his memory is from Shaytan, and when he looks, he sees Shaytan takes that and nothing happened, so he is also taking (from what is forbidden). O People! O Salafi `ulamas!! I never heard from Salafi `ulamas or other doctors of Shari`ah or `ulamas from (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:09

3410 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GenerationOfParadise

al-Azhar, to say in their speeches or addressing to people, warning people and saying, "O People, do you know that we were nasl al-Jannah, the generation of Paradise?" Yes. We don't know because you are not saying such things, Salafi `ulamas! Are you saying this?! Bring your addressing and declaration to people! Did you ever you say, "O Mankind, you were a generation of Paradise?" Is it true? We are nasl, generation of Paradise, and how it happened, we are thrown out of Paradise? Why are you not making clear what happened to Adam and Eve? Why are you not speaking of their generation? (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allah Almighty is asking that honor to come into existence, and He appointed Mankind deputies, the highest rank of all Creation.This is an ocean of knowledge; what is coming to me to speak about such things is a reality and ocean of knowledge opening to Adam (a), whom Allah Almighty created by His divinely hands. (Mawlana Shaykh sits). O Salafi `ulamas! Allah Almighty, jalla jalaaluhu, is giving hands to His deputies, what do you think? Does He have Hands? He is without hands and only giving us hands? Yes? Give an answer. Say, is there a Hand for Allah jalla jalaaluh? But you aren't able to know about the real being of the Hands of the Lord of Heavens. Who is giving from His endless treasures of everything, Who is granting? Who is sending from skies rains and giving countless pleasures to Earth? And you, Mankind, eat and get pleasure, in endless pleasement. Without a hand, Allah (swt) is sending? Do you know such things? I don't know, but now it is coming and I am saying. I don't claim that I know such things, I know nothing! But the Lord of Heavens, according to His Divinely Will, is sending to His beloved one, and that beloved one is sending to someone in his ummah, and no one knows them, only that most well-knowing one knows as much as his Lord is giving to him, the Seal of Prophets (s). (Mawlana shaykh stands and sits.) How is He giving? Salafi `ulamas, say!!! Say realities, because some people are asking! And people, from beginning up to end, are drunk now and they are asking such a question! Yes, Adam and Eve were in Paradise because their ranks were so high and it was impossible with that honor to be sent on Earth, full with every trouble, everything giving trouble to people, to Mankind. But the Lord of Heavens was asking that new Creation for them in a place according to maqaam, station, according to their honors. Therefore, Paradise was in existence and Allah Almighty created Adam there and getting up. Then what happened, because Man was tested to be under imtihaan, `inda 'l-imtihaan yukramu al-mar'u aw (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:09

3411 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GenerationOfParadise

yuhaan (from a test, whether we succeed or not). Allah Almighty asking to give much more to Adam (a), to give to him higher Paradise's stations, but first testing and he fell down. Saying, "No, you must get out." What was the reason, O Salafi `ulamas, you know it?        wa laa taqrabaa haadhihi 'sh-shajarata fatakoona mina 'zh-zhaalimeen, Don't approach this tree, for you will be of the sinners. (7:19) Ayatul-kareema. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Holy order of the Lord of Heavens, "I am giving everything, but I am preventing you from that tree. And I am Lord, you are My servant. I have My right to test you, and every test is going to be a reason for a person either to get up or to fall down." (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Yes, they are making me to speak on a hive of bees! Shaytan coming, saying, as it came, entering Paradise and saying, "Don't eat, but taste, taste! I am happy! I am coming to you to give much more honor and to know much more from secret knowledges!" That is tree from secret things that no one knows but the Lord of Heavens. But they are hearing and listening and following shaytanic advice, shaytanic suggestions, "Come! Don't eat, but taste just a little bit." When putting that here (Mawlana Shaykh points to mouth), that raining from Divinely Existence coming on them is immediately cut off, and they are standing, naked ones! O People! Say such wisdoms. Holy Qur'an is not a book of histories, but you must take hikmat, wisdom. Say to people, "You must not run after dunya, but you must run after heavenly grants, you must run after that one not sufli, lowest level. Try!” But the `ulamas are not saying such a things. I am nothing, but making me to address all people from east to west, from book-given people also whom are granted Old Testament and Injeel Shareef (New Testament), to all of them: I am bombarding shaytanic aspects! That is my mission, and this is very, very, very simple bombardment. Heavy bombardment coming after me. O people, look, listen and accept or heavy bombardment taking you away. May Allah forgive us, for the sake of most honored one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) Fatihah. Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee. (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:09

3412 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GenerationOfParadise

(40 minutes) Mashaa-Allah, alhamdulillah. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks with his beloved daughter, Hajjah Naziha, on the phone.) Lefke, 19.04.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryParadise, CategoryHaram, CategoryAdam, CategoryOhMyDarling, WebsaltanatOrg (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:18:09

3413 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GeneticEngineering

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : GeneticEngineering


Genetic Engineering: Don't involve yourself in the Will of the Creator

The sign of perfection of a servant is to accept everything. A perfect person will see everything which happens in the past, present or future as perfect. If we see anything which is imperfect, it is perfect in its imperfection. The highest adab of a servant is to be able to see everything as perfect. Could you imagine a wezir in the presence of a sultan to say that something is wrong, even if he was allowed? Never! This is how people should behave towards each other, so how about towards Allah? Imam Ghazzali said, "It is impossible for anything more suitable for this time to be in existence now. Tomorrow it may be changed." Servants must learn to accept everything from the Lord in an excellent way and to say, "As You like! What You did is perfect." This is the highest level a servant can reach. Any objection would be an involvement in His Will meaning to put your will above His. That is the biggest sin, to want to prevent His Will. If you do, it is possible that something could appear in the beginning which you like, but then something much more powerful will develop which is out of your control. For example: people wanted to put a barrier in front of the River Nile to cause it to run the way they wanted, not the way the Lord wanted. What is the result of this involvement? Now the River Nile is going deeper than the 100 meter deep columns carrying the foundation of the dam, and the water is starting to creep through it. After some time it will be torn down and all of Egypt will drown. It is a teaching not to involve in such matters. (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:18:09

3414 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GeneticEngineering

Today someone wrote me a letter telling me of a rose she had given me a few days ago. She thought it was a normal rose, but then she understood that it only had the appearance of a rose. It had sacrificed its smell to be able to grow quicker. Man had genetically interfered and made the rose grow in a few hours, what would normally take a few days. This is the kind of nonsense involvement mankind is doing now. It will result in a terrible end. Tomatoes are made to grow quickly, in 2-3 hours they get their size. Chicken can reach the size of a 3-4 month old chicken in 3-4 days! All of this harms and destroys people. Terrible involvement from scientists give horrendous harm to the physical body as well as to the spiritual lives of people. Scientists say that they have to genetically engineer to be able to feed people. They need quick production and quick consumption, because people are wasting in a big way. That which is necessary for mankind is 1% of what they are producing. They throw away 99%. This is why they think they need to interfere. Everything in the life of man is getting worse and worse. People now are brothers of satan because they are wasting. If they wouldn't, the naturally grown food would be enough. Physically and spiritually people have lost their health. They have no peace, they are punished from both sides. Just this one word of tariqats could save all nations, "Not to involve in the affairs of Allah the Almighty." He knows what is necessary for all nations. They say that the oceans are polluted because so many things are poisoning and killing it. Technology is the greatest danger for everyone. Until it is defeated and thrown away, there will be no more peace physically or spiritually. When Mehdi comes after the biggest war he will be ordered to stop everything by saying, "Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar!" These three tekbirs will destroy technology. It will be finished! People have been given such a huge power through the use of electricity. But instead of using it for the benefit of mankind, they used it to destroy mankind physically and spiritually. This is why the tekbir will destroy the power of electricity and the technology with it. Try not to be slaves of technology! Avoid it as much as possible and use less and less. Try to use natural ways, if you have a choice. Live your life with nature. Don't run away from nature. If you run away from nature everything which is against nature will follow you, destroy you and kill you! The best is to be as Allah asks you to be: simple! Be free! Don't let anyone force you and employ you as their servant. Make yourself free of technology. Everything Allah has created is excellent and best. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:18:09

3415 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GeneticEngineering

When your thoughts become clean, you will be clean of everything. As long as your mind is dirty you cannot reach cleanliness, which means there is no rest for you physically or spiritually. People are now losing their spiritual balance, so they decline spiritually and physically. Beware and keep good behaviour in front of Allah. Whatever Allah says is right! When He says something is wrong, then it is wrong. If you want to know what is right or wrong use the balance of Islam, the balance of the Shariah which is the balance of Heavens. If it is good, keep it. If it is bad, leave it! Try to come from badness to goodness. Don't allow yourself to run from goodness to badness. That is rebellious. The first rebellious one was satan. May Allah help us to change our direction from a bad to a right direction. - 01.01.1997

BookPureHearts (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:18:09

3416 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GetConnected

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : GetConnected


Get Connected!

Even if you feel strong, don't use your knowledge and waste your energy on those who will never understand. Give them what they need and that with which they will be happy. Give the donkey straw and barley to the horse. Cats will never like barley. Grandsheik used to tell me the following story: Once upon a time a person told his neighbour, "My cat only eats meat, nothing else." "You are not giving it a good education. Give it to me for 3 days. I will teach it to even eat barley." "That sounds impossible." "Don't worry, I am an expert in such matters." So the neighbour gave his cat to him. He took the cat, put it in a cage with only water inside. Outside he put a pot of barley mixed with water. The cat started to miau. This continued for 3 days. Then the man went next door and told his neighbour to come and have a look, "Now your cat knows how to eat barley, I have just finished teaching it." The owner came and opened the cage. The barley was still standing there and the cat ran straight to it and started eating with pleasure. In the same way, if a person does not understand, do not waste. Give everyone what they need. No more! If you give more, you will waste your knowledge. If a person starts arguing with (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:18:10

3417 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GetConnected

you, don't argue back, because arguments will extinguish the lights of faith. If foolish people come to argue with you, tell them, "I do not believe what you believe in, so go away!" Islam has perfection, because it is not man-made, it has come from Heavens. It came down to give a perfect programme for the life of mankind. Nowadays there are many people who are computer programmers. You wouldn't be able to do that. Not everyone can. Before you do, you must learn a lot. The complete programme of life in its perfect conditions has been programmed by the Lord of Heavens. Our minds could not work out such a complete programme. This is knowledge which everyone should know. Islam has come to make connections between human beings. It never wants people to be cut-off from each other. Men and women should be connected as husbands and wives; children with each other; sisters; neighbours; students and teachers, teachers and students; governments with the public, the public with governments... Islam never makes it possible for connections between mankind to be cut-off. In our days it is the opposite. We find everyone separated and everyone wants to be in their own tower independently. They say, "I am alone and I like to live my own life, I don't care about others. I am in my ivory tower." They want to be silkworms in their cocoon. That is the fashion. People want to be separated from everyone. No-one can be closer to you than your parents. But nowadays people escape from their parents. They want to be free, by themselves. Even when people marry they want to be free, they want to be in their own cocoons. Sometimes already after the first night. Fanatical unbelievers calling themselves Muslims are behaving in a way that most people cannot accept Islam today. Islam does not give a person a chance to separate from their own centre. But today our children tell us that we are old-fashioned and that they know better. They do not want any advice. They cut themselves off from the ones who are closest to them. Islam put people together in a perfect connection. When a tree grows the wood gets harder and higher. After a while it will get branches, but those branches will always be connected to the roots. Branches are fresh, but they are not too proud to be connected. If they would, the axe would cut them off and after a few minutes they would be dead. In the old days people were with their parents. They would cry if their parents would build a new house for them to go and live in. They were under their wings because Heavenly Blessings come through the old ones, come through the roots. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:18:10

3418 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GetConnected

The more a community holds together, the more power, light, wisdom and blessings from Allah it will get. If it doesn't, it will lose the blessings, wisdom, lights and even its life. That is why Islam has so many enemies, because it connects people, connects their hearts and does not give the people a chance to be cut-off from their ancestors, roots and cultures. Nowadays those devils have put every culture upside down. You must fight against every idea concerning that point. You will never find any 'ism' to teach people any good manners. Every 'ism' wants to separate people from each other. That is the main aim of the satanic kingdom on earth. Satan has established his kingdom on earth and he knows, that if the connections are not cut-off between people, the satanic kingdom cannot be in force. So every means is being used to separate people from each other. Sheik Sharaffudin told Grandsheik that there would come a period in which 5 enemies will sit down at one table and eat; wife and husband against each other, children against their parents and amongst themselves... That is the time in which we are living. People are even against each other when it comes to which football team they are supporting. That foolish football even causes people to kill each other! Islam takes away all those bad manners and will bring perfection. When satan sees two people sitting together and being happy, he will come up to one of them and start whispering, "Why are you sitting with that person, he is such an idiot!" Then he will go to the other one and whisper, "Look at him, he is only thinking about himself!" That is how quarrels start... 01.01.1996

BookSecretDesires, CategoryDiscord, CategoryCommunity (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:18:10

3419 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GiddyUp

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : GiddyUp



Dastur Ya Sayyidi, madad. Dua after food. May what we eat and drink be a strength for us that will draw us near to our Lord. As-Salamu Alaikum O attending ones. Dastur Ya RijalAllah; O who carry the manifestations of Allah's Qudrat (Omnipotence), the awliya. Those awliya are the holy ones who are granted the manifestation of Qudrat. Above them are the Prophets, above the Prophets are the Ulu'l Azm Prophets and above all of them is our Great Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad (sas). The one who represents Allah Almighty is our Prophet (sas). Stand up. Glorify the Prophet (sas). Ya Sayyidi Ya Rasulullah. We reached the morning in goodness, insha Allah we reach the evening in goodness also. May our day be good, may it be blessed. May it be joyful. May Allah Almighty dress us in the dress of iftikhar (honour). Marhaba O children of Adam who have faith. O mankind who believe in spirituality, listen! Listen! Listen and obey! This is a sohbat. Everyone takes his own share. We are also here to take a piece from the Divine Manifestation (fuyudat) which descended on our Prophet (sas) and which came from him to the awliya who are his deputies. We may take a piece from it so that we find strength, so that Allah Almighty dresses us in the dress of majesty. Of course the Lord Al-Jalil (Majestic) is Allah Almighty (jj), He (swt) doesn't want His servant to be debased. The Lord Al-Jalil also wants the servanthood dress that His servant dresses in to be the dress of honour. There are two kinds of servanthood: one is the dress which is dressed on who is aware of his servanthood and the second dress is the one which is dressed on who is not aware of his servanthood. Beautiful dresses are for humans because they are aware of their humanity, because they are aware of their servanthood. Who is not aware of his servanthood is a fourlegged one and what is dressed on them is a saddle. They put saddles on them. Man... What is (1 von 17)04.07.2013 23:18:11

3420 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GiddyUp

the most majestic one, the closest one to man among animals is the horse. They ride horses. For the others, four-legged donkeys are enough. Who don't ride it walk on foot. Marhaban. Expand. Be relieved. Marhaba descended from the Heavens. And we too are saying marhaba to our listeners. They say "giddy up!" for who don't listen. Who don't listen are fourlegged. For who listen, it is said "Marhaba" in respect to them. For the others, for who don't listen they say "Giddy up!". If they don't understand, they are hit with a stick. If they don't understand, they are whipped. Insha Allah we don't fall into the "Giddy up" category. Because Allah Almighty honoured us. Mankind is not addressed with "giddy up". It can be said for animals but can't be said for mankind. "Giddy up!" is for animals. For man the address which is suitable for his level and honour comes. We may say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim before this entrance. We may stand up and recite the Holy Name of Allah Almighty; the Bismillah which is written on the Divine Throne. We may say it, we may be proud with it. Who says Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim is an accepted one on earth and in the Heavens. It is the Effendi (good manner) attribute. Who don't say it are in the "giddy up" category. The people of this time, all of them, only understand when they are addressed with "Giddy up!" If they still don't understand, they are beaten with a stick. If they still don't understand after the stick, they are whipped. When they are not whipped, they are hit with the stirrup. It is an insult for Man. Man should be aware of his honour. The honour of man starts with saying Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Masha Allah. Which category do those who don't say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim belong to? They are in the "Giddy up!" category. Man is two-legged and the address to Man is marhaba. This is his address. You can't say marhaba to the four-legged ones. How do the ones in four-legged category understand? "Giddy up!" The people of this time don't know or don't seek what gives them honour because, they call it the 21st century but Allah knows which century it is. Shaytan mounted them and makes all of them move saying "giddy up!". There is no nation left, nor any leader who is left in power in these nations among today's people who obeys and shows respect for the Heavenly decree. They are ashamed to say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Shame on you. He comes and sits on the chair. And then he stands up. He doesn't greet with Salam. He says "O my brothers!" What brothers? You are not blood brothers. Brotherhood here means the brotherhood of "giddy up!" category, in which, not sometimes but all the time, they kick each (2 von 17)04.07.2013 23:18:11

3421 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: GiddyUp

other. They kick each other, they bite each other. They bang into each other. This is not humanity. This is not the state of humanity but of the "giddy up"category. The human category say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim when they stand up. Why don't you say it? You sit all proud in the parliament, read this, say that... What is it that you speak? Who is your audience? What you speak is straw. It cannot even be considered as straw, rotten straw. And your audience is the "giddy up!" level ones. There is such a fight among them. What makes man, Man is Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. If you see someone saying Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim it means he is in the human category and he is an honoured one. He is a granted, respected one whose respect in Heavens is immediately remembered. He (swt) says "My servant remembered My Holy Name", The Lord Almighty to Whom the sovereignty of Heavens & Earth belongs. "This is My servant! He remembered My Holy Name". People find it difficult to say. Ok, we understand that Christians and Jews don't say it but what about the Muslim World? What about you? You are pushing to put yourselves in "giddy up" category. We see the situation of those who do. You see them also. What shaytan strives for is to make all mankind enter the "giddy up" category. "Ya 'A