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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (226/777)
euerung' nennen, ist Shaytan, der sie dazu bringt, ihm zu dienen. Das Problem mit all diesen Neuerungen ist, daß Shaytan die Kinder Adams dazu brachte, ihm zu dienen und ihren Herrn zu vergessen. Er ließ sie ihren Herrn vergessen und ihm dienen. Und die Situation heute sind die Probleme, die auf jene herabkommen, die Shaytan dienen. Sie haben keine Regelung für ihre Finanzen. Sie wissen gar nichts. Sie haben kein Wissen, noch haben sie Mitgefühl. Sie haben auch kein Geld in der Tasche jetzt. Die ganze Welt erbittet Geld einer vom anderen. Erstaunlich. Erstaunlich. Erstaunlich. Der große Sultan Abdulhamid, möge das Paradies sein Aufenthalt sein, regierte das Reich von 7 Millionen Quadratkilometern 40 Jahre lang. Alle hatten Gold und Silber in der Tasche. Was ist jetzt aus ihnen geworden? Sie drucken Geld. Ihr könnt das Papier, das ihr druckt, als Klopapier benutzen, wenn ihr wollt. Es hat keinen Welt, keinen Wert.. Es gibt so viele Maschinen, die dasselbe drucken, was ihr druckt, und es auf den Markt werfen. In diesem Land, in dem wir leben, gab es in den 30er Jahren, im ganzen Land, 75 Fahrzeuge. Wir nannten es Tamofil. Es gab 75 angemeldete. Als ich nach Istanbul kam, war die letzte Zahl dieser Maschinen 757. Es war das Auto des Richters, ich weiß. Ich bin alt, aber ich weiß es alles. Ich erinnere mich an jeden einzelnen von ihnen. Es gab ein Auto, und es war das Auto des Richters. Und mein Vater, der ein Arbeiter beim Awqaf, der Stiftung, war, ging zu Fuß. Jetzt? Jetzt hat die Zahl der Autos 1 Million erreicht? Oder sind es 2 Millionen? Alles ist voller Autos in diesem Land. In Lefke gab es eins, wir nannten es Bioforio. Sie machten eine Versammlung oben auf einer großen Maschine. Sie taten Bänke darauf, so daß es wie ein Bus wurde. Es fuhr von hier am Morgen ab mit dem Ruf: 'Wer geht nach Nicosia?' 3 Leute oder 5 Leute gingen. Es nahm sie mit und brachte sie nachmittags zurück. Aber jetzt ist die Wildheit, die Verrücktheit grenzenlos. Früher kamen sie mit 3 Kurush täglich, (6 von 8)04.07.2013 23:17:37

3250 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FoundationOfTheDay

sehr wenig Geld, aus. Jetzt, selbst wenn du ihnen 3 Millionen gibst, sagen sie 'Es ist sehr wenig. Wir kommen damit nicht aus.' Warum kommen sie damit nicht aus? Weil sie euch nicht die Methode der Bewirtschaftung beibrachten. Ihr habt euer ganzes Leben Shaytan verschrieben. Ihr habt euch dem Dienst Shaytans verschrieben, also läßt Shaytan euch nicht in Ruhe. Er behält diese Person in seinem Dienst wie einen Esel. Er behält die Leute so. Heute Nacht wird Shaytan die ganze Welt verrückt machen. Heute Nacht wird die Nacht sein, wenn die Leute durchdrehen werden. Das gibt es nicht in unserer Religion, noch gibt es das in unseren Bräuchen. Aber die Leute werden durchdrehen. Und ich sage: Möge es das Ende davon sein. Möge es das letzte Mal sein. Möge unser Herr uns einen Sultan schicken zu Ehren Seines Geliebten (saws). Einen Sultan, der geistige Macht, Majestät hat. Es heißt: 'Der Sultan ist der Schatten Allahs auf Erden.' Ich warte darauf. Ich will, daß es nicht noch eine Nacht gibt, in der die Menschheit durchdreht so wie heute Nacht. Sie haben alles verdorben. Morgen sagen sogar unsere Leute 'Frohes Neues Jahr' und folgen der Mode. Welches neue Jahr? Es ist so geworden. Shaytan brachte die ganze Welt dazu, seinen Weg, sein System anzuerkennen. Möge er ausgespielt haben. Bis die Menschen nicht zu Sinnen gekommen sind, werden die Probleme und Katastrophen sie nicht verlassen. Und sie können nicht vor der Qual des Grabes gerettet werden, wenn sie sterben. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Möge Allah uns vor der Qual des Grabes schützen. Die Religion ist vergessen. Der Glaube ist vergessen. Dienst ist vergessen. Gutes Benehmen ist vergessen. Guter Charakter ist vergessen. Wir sind zu einer Herde geworden. Es ist nicht mehr erkennbar, ob wir Menschen oder Tiere sind. Möge Allah uns vergeben. Wa min Allaha t-Tawfiq. Al Fatiha. Aman ya Rabbi. Wir erreichten den Morgen sicher, mögen wir auch den Abend sicher erreichen. Mögen euere Hände geküßt werden. Steht fest. Steht fest. Tut das, bei dem jene sagen 'Tut es nicht', und tut nicht das, bei dem sie sagen 'Tut es', und ihr werdet gerettet werden. Auf Wiedersehen. HF: Allah segne dich. M: Möge Allah unsere vergangenen und zukünftigen Tage alle khayr machen. Möge Er (swt) uns mit guten Werken, mit Seinem Dienst leben lassen. Wie schön, wie schön ist unser Herr. Fatiha. Möge euer Tag khayr sein. Die Schwerter werden gezückt werden. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Alfu Salat, Alfu (7 von 8)04.07.2013 23:17:37

3251 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FoundationOfTheDay

Salam auf dich, o geliebter Prophet Allahs! Ich möchte Kraft, Stärke dafür, sonst ist mein Grab dort auch fertig. Sie werden mich dort hineinlegen. Vorher möchte ich den himmlischen Befehl durchführen. Allah ya Rabbi, Tawba. Fatiha. Wie geht es dir, Hj Mehmet, gut? Möge Allah dein Nur vermehren. "Salam Qawlan Min Rabbi r-Rahim" für all unsere Kinder. O Herr, sende den Meister, der das Sultanat Shaytans zerstören wird. Lefke, 31.12.2012

WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryPrayer, CategoryTurkey, CategoryEconomy (8 von 8)04.07.2013 23:17:37

3252 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FoxAndSnake

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FoxAndSnake


The Fox and the Snake - Shaytan Only Brings Misery upon Mankind

Fatiha. You are creating us , whole creation from You, You are our Creator fro m pre-Eternal up to Eternal and we are asking humbly O our Lord through this holy month a grant from your Heavenly grants to make our egos under our feet and to help Your servants and to call them to come to Your servanthood . You are Sultan. You are Subhan. Give more glory to Your most glorious One, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). Whole Glory and whole praisings only for You O our Lord. Give us from Your endless forgiveness, from Your endless blessigns. As-salaatu was- saalamu `alayk, whole praisings that is is a countless, never ending, never ending praising on you O our beloved Prophet (s) and our most glorious messenger from Heavens to whole creation. Alfu 's-salaat, alfu 's- salaam whole glory and praising to you O most beloved One in Divinely Presence. And we are saying, A'udhu Billahi min-as Shaytan-ir-rajeem, Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem. We must be awakened people, not to be heedless ones, No! We must try to be awakened servants and to try to give our best praising to our Lord. Shaytan, the worst creature that it is against mankind and we must run away from that one to Heavenly shelter. The Lord of Heavens just granted us Heavenly sword from Heavens : Bismillah- (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:17:38

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ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim. That is biggest protection for mankind against Shaytan and Shaytanic ones. If you are asking a shelter, say: Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim. By the name of Allah Almighty, most Beneficent, most Munificent. Then O our listeners, I am not making you to listen but you are very lucky ones because you may force your egos to sit down and to hear and listen and then to obey. Whole messages with whole messengers coming from heaven asking from people to listen and to obey and our honour according (to) our obediency and I am saying to whole listeners, As-salaamu`alaykum. (Wa alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakutuh). That is amaan, (safety-peace) that is Heavenly shelter for every man whom they are asking a shelter. Shaytan, Sadanas, reaching everywhere and asking to make people unhappy and his most important wazife, his main subject, that Sadanas running after it to make people unhappy. That is Sadanas' most important mission. He is asking to make people unhappy and to fall in miseries and sufferings and every badness, cursing coming on people. Because he is cursed from Heavenly Presence of the Lord of Heavens, just it was thrown away and cursed, and it has such a hatred against mankind. He never likes a person to be happy, enjoyful and in pleasure. Asking to make people unhappy, not to be enjoyful, not to be happy, not to be in peace. That is Shaytan's, Sadanas' mission. Therefore from beginning, Sadanas began entering to Paradise and first man and first woman they were in Paradise, in best life with full enjoyment, happiness, for them. Everywhere they are going getting a pleasure, a enjoyment, looking and taking. No fear, no hopelessly, no enmity, no any suffering or misery there. They are so happy. Shaytan saying "I must try to make that man to fall in worst level that they never going to taste anything, even in Paradise or out of Paradise." OH PEOPLE!! Beware and Shaytan. But people writing on their doors of their homes, "Beware Dog!" Beware Dog! no one writing "Beware Shaytan" because Shaytan coming to them as a best friend, a best teacher, best trainer, claiming and saying people, "Follow me, you should be so happy, so in enjoyment. So pleasure for you." Asking to cheat people to make them to fall into its traps. When falling in its traps beginning to laugh, "O my friend! How you are feeling now yourself,what is your feelings now? Just I put you in that trap, now you should understand what should happen to you." (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:17:38

3254 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FoxAndSnake

Once upon a time, when I am saying "once upon a time," people beginning to say "dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm,dumm." Once upon a time, Shaytan's friendship, how is it going to be? Once upon a time a fox, don't say fox. Don't say fox, fox very strong one for cheating people. Don't say that other creature name, the Lord of Heavens making a fox to be friend with a snake. A snake worse, fox worst, Snake idiot; fox very clever one. They said "we may do, we may be with you friends, I am going, come we may travel together through gardens, through homes of hens and through jungles, we may be together to be much more happy, and enjoying." Fox looking and saying, "we may do." and they were beginning to be friends. Understanding? "O my friend, you are so quick. I can't reach to you, Fox" Snake, "I am tiring," "Don't worry because I like to move quickly," "but I like to move slowly" saying snake. They are going and finally they are reaching to a water and fox, our friend the fox, so many people now they are like fox, learning from fox so many things. Look fox what doing, what it can do? Coming. When entering fox in water, the snake said, "O my friend! (you are) leaving me here and you are passing on water?" "why not coming?" "Because I am not a heavy animal like you, Water can't carry you but may carry me." "Therefore come, together we must pass." "How it can be?" Fox asking and snake saying, "Oh, I may come around yourself till passing. When done passing I am going down and we may continue." "We may continue." "We may continue." Then fox hearing and saying, "yes, doesn't matter, come." Then (snake) wrapping (around fox's neck) and passing to second beach. Then asking fox, "Just we passed, are you not going to leave me and we may continue?" Snake saying, "No! You are my hunt. I can't leave you. I am going to get in your mouth down and eating everything inside making for my small ones, a nest." "It is not true. Up to here we are friendly and now you are saying this." "Because my creation in such a way. I hunted you now and I am getting inside and I am getting rest, bringing (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:17:38

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small ones and sitting there." How many times fox raja etmek, begging. "O my friend don't do this for me. I am begging you." "No cant' be." When it was hopeless, fox saying, "O my friend. So long time we are having friendship. Now I like to come and to look to your beautiful eyes. Beautiful eyes. I must look to them, then I am just surrendered to you." Snake, he is idiot. Coming like this, "Look, O my friend to my eyes." "A little bit, come closer I like to kiss you." And idiot coming and HAAATT!! Fox biting, spitting, kapasi gitti, it's head went away. And then beginning to open itself and then our friend the fox, so many people they are like fox, taking from one side, making on earth like a sey dened gibi, a stick. and saying, "Look O my friend, friendship must be like this straight. If you are making like that then you must end up like this." Now Shaytan making people for biting and to finish them. That is its mission, asking to ride on you through east and west and if you are saying come down saying, "I am not riding on you to come down. I found like you a donkey animal for riding on it. I found a ride like you. How am I getting down?" Yahuu! Leave this. Making people in such a way, that is Shaytan's mentality and it's mission to make people in such a way to fall down through trap and then when falling in trap, going to be in miseries and sufferings saying, "ah,ha,ha,ha! I am so happy making you through this trap. Live there, live there." Shaytan's mission but people now heedless, never believing Heavenly orders or Heavenly wasiyya, advice, saying now "no." Now ask everyone, saying "Shaytan is our best friend. if not Shaytan we cannot be happy and we can't enjoy ourselves. How you are saying Shaytan enemy for us, look every kind enjoyment Shaytan preparing for us and we are so happy." And Allah saying "      - inna ash-shaytaana lakum`aduwan fatakhidhoohu `adoowa - Verily Satan is an enemy to you: so treat him as an enemy." (35:6) Oh my creatures, Shaytan is the worst one for you, leave him, don't follow him because that is worst one asking you to fall into crisis. Eh, comment cava? not comment cava? Not a good condition. French boss speaking to a English boss. I am saying, "Comment cava?" and second saying, "Monsieur. Why?" "Because there is crisis and we never knowing how we can find a way, how we can get out from this crisis?" "Oh monsieur you have little bit mind?" "Yes, I am little bit clever one." (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:17:38

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"Now, you also make against trap of Shaytan, another trap put for it." "O monsieur, just I tried but getting worse." Shaytan he is laughing, whole crisis on earth is heavenly punishment because they are following Shaytan not following Heavenly messages. OH PEOPLE!!! come and listen. So many foxen, so many dragons running around this world through continents and through oceans. OH PEOPLE!!! Beware and dog, What is dog? Dog is Shaytan. You can't be in safety from dogs, you can't trust dog. Why? When Allah Almighty created Man, as creation, Satan coming and looking there. And he was going from up getting out, looking everywhere for new creation for Adam. Then it was so angry, making "spit", spitting on Sayyidina Adam Alayhissalam. Allah Almighty ordering Jibraeel Alayhissalam take this piece out, and Jibraeel Alayhissalam taking this out and this (w)hole from that and created from that dog. Therefore dog so closer to mankind but you can't trust dogs. Going with man but sometimes may attack on you, therefore dog is dirty. Dirty one. Because coming with man also and then suddenly making khiyanet, betraying it. Don't trust Satan and its teachings. As long as man following Satanic ideas never going to be happy, here or Hereafter and always they should be under Divinely anger and they should be under Divinely cursing. Can't be in safety, mankind on earth until they are leaving Shaytan. dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, That music singing. Two kinds. One kinds Heavenly singing giving refreshment to your soul. Another singing that belongs to Shaytan, hurting you. Giving you trouble. We are trying to say, when I am saying, "dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, .. cifti dayi cifti dayi sen sen ekersin su bugdayi sen ekersin su bugdayi yesertirsin dagi tasi dum dum dum (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:17:38

3257 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FoxAndSnake

minnet sana sukran sana ey yaratan mevlamiz sensiz sen tesbih eder seni daim dum dum dum minnet sana sukran sana ey rabbimiz sukran sana (43 minutes) Everything that coming a day may be heard heavenly listenings saying to people, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm whole people may say that at that time, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, Oh our Lord shukran sana Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm Ok? (45 minutes), tamam. Thank you for our listeners. I hope they should hear Heavenly singings through their souls. My sound is not so singer sound, but it is something. Yessir! Welcome to you. Lefke, 14.09.2009

WebSufiLive, CategoryShaitan, CategoryAnimal (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:17:38

3258 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Freedom

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Freedom



So many people in western countries everywhere are asking for more freedom, more freedom. what more freedom? Do you think that if you put a big cage, a lion in the will come and enter it, saying, "Shut the door, I will sit inside." Do you think this? It is so now to catch hold of people and to make them be a situation in which everything is in measure, with discipline. Now it is, as they say, "the Age of Freedom." It began from the year 1789. You know that date? The French Revolution. Heads rolled, feet rose up. The turmoil (fitnah), of the whole world began from that time, the time when they put the noble people under their feet and the lowest level took their place. The door was opened at that time and it is still going on. It is impossible to close it except by God Almighty's will and power. No one can stop it. Now, each day, from those seeds, is coming terrorism. Finished. All governments are trembling from terrorism everywhere. They can't stop it, because they opened - they opened - the door for the wild nature to come out and to do everything under the title of "democracy." Yes. There is the zoological garden here, the zoo. Have you seen it? I went eleven years ago. I saw a strong building, stronger than any other. On it was written "Lion House." I went through the passage. On both sides tigers and lions were sitting and looking, like this, very angry at the children of Adam, as if to say, "Why have you put us here? Let us have our freedom." Yes. Can you think, if they give freedom to those animals, what (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:17:39

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they would do? I also saw poisonous snakes and lizards inside, well-protected. Why do they not leave them free? They must be free because we have democracy! Is democracy only for people? They must give it to animals, also. Yes. they must. And I also went to Safari Park where they give more freedom to wild animals. They say, "Lions walk around here as they like," but I saw a wall, perhaps ten meters high, with iron bars all around. Then they say, "We gave them freedom," but it is not true. The animals are very angry, sitting by the walls, looking around. "What is this freedom?" they say. "It is not freedom." As so many people in our time are saying, they also say, "This is not yet freedom. We want more freedom." It means take down all the walls. Leave them. They will destroy anything that may come in front of them. That is their freedom, and they are asking for more. Very angry, because guards are waiting with rifles, and those big doors open by electric commands. If one of them rushes at a guard, a bullet will go through his head. This is freedom? They do not want such freedom! So many people in western countries, everywhere are looking for more freedom. what "more freedom?" They mean to say, "We must be like lions in the jungle - African jungles or Indian jungles - where we can move everywhere without any hindrance. We may see, we may like a woman and we must ride her. We may like to eat; from anywhere we may take. We may take any car, any jewels, anything - we may do anything we feel like doing." That is their "freedom." That freedom, that bad freedom - I mean to say, what we have of those wild animals within ourselves - wants more freedom. The first step was from that time, 1789, the French Revolution. They have opened that door and they are unable to shut it now. From there it spread to every place and now they are trembling from terrorism - the French government, the English government, the Turkish government. Only the Russian government is not trembling. Communist governments never tremble. But democratic countries, all of them, are trembling, like this. Yes it is good for them. May they continue with democracy! Then the dragon of terrorism will swallow all of them. That is coming now. We are giving the Prophet's (saws) information. It is something which has to happen. No one can stop it because democracy is feeding them, and it must be. Therefore, from the time that we gave freedom to everyone - for good ones and for bad ones, and the bad ones have more courage, no shame to rule over others, but good people are ashamed, without courage. Therefore, bad people have covered the whole world. (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:17:39

3260 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Freedom

That is why we say that governments are trembling from bad people, from terrorists. They do so many bad things, but governments still say, "There is a law, there is humanity. We must protect them not punish them. They may kill but we can't kill them." Those who do not give their voice or vote for the execution of killers, they will be killed, also, because it is impossible to stop killers without killing. Everyone must know that whoever kills is going to be killed. Put a guillotine in the Champs Elysees, and every day put one murderer on it and cut of his head, all the people looking. Will they begin to tremble, or not? In the Tower of London there is a big wooden log with an ax. They used it to cut off the heads of kings and queens. Bring killers. Put one there with an ax on his head. Then see who becomes bold to do such things. But you are talking about dragons. "Oh, we must keep those. Democracy - we have democracy. what shall we do? Even if you eat us up, we must keep democracy!" They are swallowing people and yet they are saying, "May you be pleased with us! Eat as many as you like, but we must keep you in the same democracy." You understand? No intelligence with people now. Finished. This is correct. This is the meaning of democracy - to give the good person and the bad person the same chance. You must know that bad people have courage. They quickly conceal everything, taking matters into their own hands. Then good people become like sheep under a shepherd. What mentality can accept this? If people are bad, you must give no chance for badness, for evil. That is the perfect government, not to give every bad one an opportunity to do as he likes. With democracy, everything is all right for bad people. Then, how can a person in our time agree to come and say, "I agree to be in a cage?" They say that if they come into Islam, they must be under a discipline. There is a discipline in it, but they want freedom. That is the reason why people are running away from Islam, nothing else. Nothing else. What is wrong with Islam? Nothing. Something is wrong with them. Who can agree to be in a cage without doing anything that his ego says to him? People want to make everything permissible (ibahiyah, religious libertinism), a kind of thought in which they say that everything is permissible (halal) for them. No harm. They do anything their egos dictate and then they say, "It is all right." That is an old way of thinking. Now most people practice that school of thought. They say, "We must give our ego everything that we are able to give it. We must make our ego pleased with us by any means, without my (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:17:39

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hindrance." Men can be women, women can be men. That is the worst thing. They are asking for this, making laws, also. You can understand from this what condition people are in now. This is one of the fruits of democracy, also. In democratic countries people are fighting against nature, changing nature. Therefore, the Prophet (saws) said that the time will come when men will be women and women will be men, and a curse will fall on them. Once Jesus (as), was walking. He saw a man and a boy. The man was on fire, burning the boy, and the boy was on fire, burning the man. He was astonished. What was that punishment for the two of them? That is the worst action. Those people were making fire come on them. Therefore, God Almighty is punishing, His curse coming on earth by fire. It is impossible to stop World War III - Armageddon. They say this in all books. It must be. Don't suppose that the fire from nuclear weapons is without wisdom. No. It is by the Will of God Almighty, to burn them, to burn every dirtiness on earth. "I seek refuge in God from satan" (istighfar Allah). Whoever comes to a Muslim teacher to listen and to say, "You are right," then his ego or her ego, like a dragon, catches him by his ear, taking him out. "I do not give you permission to do more than only go and see what is in this Regent's Park Mosque - to see how it is built; what is inside, what they are eating and drinking, what they are saying; to look at it as an exhibit, not to learn Islam from these teachers. I do not give that permission. You can just go and look around. Then it is like an exhibition in Alexander's Palace. Leave. it is enough. Who said you should sit down to learn what religion is, what Islam is, what it orders? What is this? Get out," it says. Therefore, the one who may be able to put his ego under foot, he or she is a real hero / heroine. Without overcoming your egos, none of you can come to me from Germany, from America, from Sweden, from every part of the world. So many people are coming. You are overcoming your ego so that you can come. Yes. Your names have been written as heroes and heroines on the Guarded Tablet. It is not an easy thing to overcome your ego and almost all of you are young people with egos like spirited horses. All of you, all of you, you may fly - strong ones, your egos. That is the reason that you have been written as heroes and heroines on earth. Wherever you may go, there is light, lighting you as we look at the stars at night and heavenly people are looking on earth and seeing you also with light. Say, "Praise belongs to God, the Lord of the Worlds." Disciple: You were speaking yesterday about respect, and I would like to understand. How do we respect (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:17:39

3262 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Freedom

those people who are like wild animals or people who are oppressors or who are really wicked? The Prophet (saws) said, "You must help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or oppressed" (unsur akhaka dhaliman au madluma). You must give your help because all people have be