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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (223/777)
Du diese Müdigkeit von uns aufheben mit der Barakah des Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Du bist der Herr Al-Jalil. Die Diener meines Jalil Herrn können nicht elend sein. Die Diener unseres Jalil Herrn können nicht erniedrigt werden. Hasha! O Herr, o Herr, o Herr.. In diesem drei-Tage- Dunyaleben ist das Vergessen Deiner der größte Fehler. Allah zu vergessen für dieses dreckige Leben der drei Tage und um die Dunya zu kämpfen ist nicht der Ruhm des Menschen. Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim und alle Türen öffnen sich für euch in Dunya und Akhirah. Sonst, leidet. Und sie werden leiden. Hiebe über Hiebe werden kommen. Astaghfirullah. Astaghfirullah Tubna wa Raja'na ilayk ya Rabbi. Wir sollten nicht vergessen, oder wir werden vergessen. Unser Herr ist Allah der Allmächtige. Es gibt kein Ende Seiner Gaben und Großzügigkeit. Herr, ich suche Zuflucht bei Dir davor, elend zu sein. Hasha. Diener von Rabbu l-Jalil können nicht elend sein. Kann nicht sein. Unser Herr, Tubna wa Raja'na ilayk. Wir bitten für alle Menschen, o Herr, für alle Menschen. Der Prophet des Zeitenendes kam für alle Menschen. Er (saws) kam, um alle Menschen zu retten, um uns vor dem Übel Shaytans zu schützen, und er kam, um uns vor dem Feuer der Hölle zu schützen. Respektiert ihn, liebt ihn und haltet seinen Weg ein. Euere Dunya und Akhirah werden erfolgreich sein. Ya Rabbi Tubna wa Raja'na ilayh. Ya Rabbi Tubna wa Raja'na ilayh. Wir bereuen, o Herr. O Allah, unser Subhan, unser Sultan, sende uns einen Meister zu Ehren Deines Geliebten. O unsere Umm Hiram Sultan, mögest du uns mit deinem himmlischen Blick ansehen. Ich bin schwach geworden. Mögen wir stark werden. Mögen wir gestärkt werden in diesem Leben und auf dem Weg der Dienerschaft unseres Herrn laufen. Sende uns Göttliche Unterstützung. Amin wa Salamun `ala l-Mursalin. Gelehrte, Allah der Allmächtige sagt: "Wa Dhakkirhum". "Wa Dhakkirhum Bi'ayyamillahi" (14:5). Gemahnt diese Leute an die guten Tage und Gaben Allahs des Allmächtigen. Gibt es jemanden, der herauskommt und sagt: Das, was ihr tut, ist falsch? Es gehört sich nicht, daß ihr auf den Straßen schreit! Habt ihr keine Moscheen? Warum vergeßt ihr die Einladung Dessen, Der euch erschuf? Gibt es für euch keinen Schöpfer? Es gibt einen. Wenn es einen gibt, wendet euch Ihm zu und bittet Ihn. Ya Rabbi, mögest Du uns vergeben. Mögest Du uns den Meister senden, den Sultan, der uns die rechten Wege zeigt, o Allah. Dieser Meister wird keiner Waffen bedürfen. Er sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, und seine Arbeit ist erfolgreich. Die Arbeit (14 von 15)04.07.2013 23:17:27

3209 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ForGotten

dessen, der nicht Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim sagt, hat niemals Erfolg. Aman ya Rabbi. Wir suchen Zuflucht bei Dir. Mögest Du uns die Erinnerung Deines Ismu l-Jalil nicht entziehen. Er (swt) tut das nicht. Wir dürfen sagen Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Wa bihi Nastan'in. Wir suchen Zuflucht bei Allah. Wir dürfen bitten um was wir wollen zu Ehren des Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim, zu Ehren Seines Geliebten, und unser Herr gewährt es uns. Er ist der Großzügigste der Großzügigen. Ya Rabbi Tawba, ya Rabbi. Möge diese Müdigkeit von uns aufgehoben werden. Mögen wir wie Löwen auf Deinem Weg gegen Shaytan und seine Armeen stehen. Wir sagen Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Fatiha. Lefke, 24.02.2013

WebSaltanatOrg (15 von 15)04.07.2013 23:17:27

3210 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ForMyEgoOrForAllah

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ForMyEgoOrForAllah


For my ego or for Allah?

O our Lord, keep us under Your shelter, we are weak ones; we need every moment, every second Your divine support… Everything that Allah Almighty is doing, is perfect, and His Judgment for everyone is perfect judgment. What He is preparing for ourselves is best. What we are preferring, something for us, it is so useless, harmful and has a bad result. If we can be able to accept without putting our will over His Will, that is perfection for us. But always our ego asks to make its will first and to take away the Will of Allah. And all troubles in the world through East and West, North and South have only one reason: People try to put their wills over the Will of their Creator, the Will of the Lord of Heavens, the Creator of the whole universe or universes, This is the reason. It must be this, because people don’t get an introduction with their Lord. People mostly know nothing about their Lord, and all mankind is making an introduction only for Shaitan. Every advertisement is only for what? It is only to make people understand or to know about Shaitan, and satanic works now running through East and West, North and South, and people mostly are under the command of Shaitan. He is asking to be well known by all mankind. People through their egos are only accepting the existence of someone they don’t see, but they follow him so easily, so powerfully, so speedfully, so lovely. People follow Shaitan through this 21st century, because about himself countless advertisement everywhere. Everything is for his honour, the honour of Shaitan, and really no honour for him, but people (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:17:29

3211 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ForMyEgoOrForAllah

exalt him. They don’t know anyone more exalted than Shaitan; they make him their Lord, they obey him, don’t make any objection. This is the general view for the people of the 21st century. People follow Shaitan, but they don’t say ‘Shaitan’; they think he is their Sultan, their highest supporter and beyond him people never accept anything or anyone. They call him: ’Our best friend’, and: ’The most exalted one in our sight’, ‘The only one’. Beyond that they are not declaring anyone’s existence. They follow Shaitan as their king, without objecting on his treatment, his activities. For each activity that Shaitan gives to people they say: ’Ohh, so perfect’, for every new fashion through the life of mankind now, for women and men. The founder of new fashions may be so ugly, but they accept them and say: ’They are so perfect’, because satanic advertisement is coming everywhere. If anyone says: ’This fashion is so bad’, they may attack you and say: ’You are a dishonoured person for our king, our chief. We move through his inspiration that he is giving to us. How you refuse and don’t accept? Why you say that this is ugly? It is perfect!’ This is what Allah Almighty is saying: Allah forgives every sin except to make for Him a partner; He doesn’t forgive those people, and the partner is that one, whose details or description is just coming- Shaitan. And people don’t think. If I make my hand on a holy place (like touching the Black Stone etc), I am going to be a Mushrik? Those things are nonsense from Wahabi people. But if partnership, is to make Shaitan partner. And people don’t even make him a partner, but they say: ’No one except Shaitan.’ Most people don’t believe in God Almighty. If they believe and also follow Shaitan, that means they make Shaitan partner to their Lord. Therefore Shaitan for some believers is going to be partner; those who believe in God and follow Shaitan are going to be accused to keep a partner to Allah. But now people fully deny the existence of God Almighty and only reach to Shaitan; beyond him they don’t accept anything. So that there is no partnership, because Shaitan is going ot be their Lord and they say: ‘Only Shaitan. No God but Shaitan’, they say. A lot of people say: ’No God but Allah’, but they follow Shaitan, and that is partnership to Allah. Allah is getting very angry with those who say: ’We believe in Allah’, but they don’t follow Him and who say: ’We are not accepting Shaitan’, but they follow him. That makes Allah Almighty to be angry with them. Now most people say: ’No God but Iblis’, and Allah Almighty is very angry with those people who say: ’La ilaha illa Shaitan.’ Those who move with their egos, the steps of those who follow their ego reach to Shaitan, (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:17:29

3212 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ForMyEgoOrForAllah

and either he is are going to be a partner of God Almighty for them, or they say: ’No God but Iblis, Shaitan.’ Now we see that all people believe in Shaitan. If they say: ’We are Christians’, and they believe in Shaitan, they really make Iblis the partner of their Lord. But a lot of people, the majority of people that don’t follow Christianity or Islam or Judaism, they say: ’No God but Shaitan’, making him even more than a partner. The first group of people says: ’No God but Allah’, but through their actings really they follow Shaitan and say: ’No God but Shaitan’. Now it is such a difficult time to carry the partnership of Shaitan from the minds of people. Allah is very angry, and more than this he is angry with people who not only make Shaitan a partner, but who say: ’No God but Iblis.’ Mankind now is in a very dangerous position. From both ways they must be taken away, because mankind is through two groups: One group makes Shaitan a partner to Allah, the other group says: ’No God but Shaitan.’ And as long as they are on that way, people must be destroyed, taken away; they must be killed and die. The majority of people follows Shaitan. Some say: ’He is our Lord’, some others say: ’We believe in God’, but they follow Shaitan, making him partner to Allah, hearing and obeying to him, not to Allah. The ego belongs to Shaitan, and Allah never forgives those people who make Shaitan partner or Lord. Look whom you are following, after whom you are going. If it is a satanic work, you must quickly leave it and come back; it means you lost your way, you are on wrong way, and you must correct it. A very dangerous time is coming on people, and very few people are going to be saved, because the majority of them keeps Shaitan as their Lord and some others use and keep him as their partner for their Lord. Both sides is worse. For every activity you must ask: ’Is this for my ego or for Allah? Who is going to be happy with this activity?’ If you know that your ego is going to be happy, it means, you are keeping a partner- your ego. The ego is saying: ’I am your Lord. On behalf of your Lord I am your Lord.’ The nafs, the ego, is saying: ’You must obey me.’ And what our physical being tastes from enjoyment, is very short and a very small amount; cheating people and they are asking to follow Shaitan. That is the reason. I began with our association, and our target, our aim is to save people from false beliefs, false activities and bad movements. If Shaitan catches you from one side, he may carry you away. Don’t give a chance to him to carry you away from the right path, because he is so fast to run after people, to follow and to catch them. It is a dangerous situation that people get in now. Day by day darkness and danger is climbing, and people fear (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:17:29

3213 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ForMyEgoOrForAllah

and don’t take taste from the physical life, because the heaviness from the soul is coming on them. And they escape from their souls, good dealing ones, and fall into the darkness of false, Batil. This is what everyone must take care on, because it is so important: When one group of mankind says that Shaitan is a partner, and the other group says: ’No, he is Lord’, you must try to save your ego from both mistaken ways. If not, you should be carried away with the others to a bad result, very bad result… May Allah forgive me and bless you for the honour of the most honoured Prophet Sayidinna Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasallim. Lefke - 05.03.2002

CategoryWahabism, CategoryIdolatry (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:17:29

3214 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ForNewMuslimsBeaRealMuslim

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ForNewMuslimsBeaRealMuslim


For New Muslims: Be a Real Muslim

(On going to schools in Islamic countries to learn Qur'an and Arabic) Our Grandsheikh says that most important for new Muslims is to try to be a real Muslim, not to be a learned person in Islam. Important is to live a real Muslim life. We see now so many learned people not living Islam. We are interested in keeping the principles of Islam. Learning is very easy but to be a real Muslim is too difficult. The whole world is Allah's kingdom and we are His servants. In every place, not only in Islamic countries, we may live and show to others His Kingdom by saying: La illaha il Allah Muhammadan Rasulullah. This is honour for you, making divine light on every foot of land. You can learn everywhere. Islamic books are translated into many languages. Be a right Muslim, a bright personality with your faith among people. I can teach you the principles of Islam in one meeting. Can you take it? Can you keep it? In one moment's looking to the Prophet (peace be upon him) a man (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:17:30

3215 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ForNewMuslimsBeaRealMuslim

could take a bond with his heart, receiving what he needed for his life and others. We must follow an inheritor of the Prophet. A real Muslim lives for others, not himself. Take knowledge and give, don't take and keep for yourself. 01.10.1979

BookMercyOceansBookTwo, CategoryIslam, CategoryGuidance (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:17:30

3216 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ForSafetyRespectHisBelovedOne

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ForSafetyRespectHisBelovedOne


For Safety: respect His beloved-one!

This year more and more people are coming who are interested in the true way. It is a good sign that so many kinds of people are coming from so many parts of the world. The Lord of the universes is calling his servants to his Divine Service. We only here for that purpose only, to call people to the service of the Lord because people have stopped serving their Lord. Service to the Lord is worshipping. People have stopped doing that. They are running after satan and are making everlasting contracts with him promising to serve him. May Allah forgive us. That is an important point. We are seeing that youngsters are trying to come and to accept to serve their Lord, Almighty Allah. Try to keep it that way. Say, 'I am the servant of the Lord only and of his prophets, peace be upon them.' Without being the servant of the prophets and of the Seal of Prophets, Sayidina Muhammad, the praised-one, Allah Almighty, the Lord of Heavens will not accept your service. We are calling you to worship Allah, that is the service and to give your most high respects to Sayidina Muhammad, because he is representing the Lord of Heavens in creation. It is important that you understand that point clearly. My purpose is to make people have full respect for the Lord of Heavens, to worship Him and to also have full respect for his servant Muhammad, may peace be upon him. People may reach the highest stations in Divine (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:17:31

3217 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ForSafetyRespectHisBelovedOne

Presence if they follow his way. Whoever respects Allah must also respect His respected and praised-one. Just like we are saying, 'Ashaddu Allah illaha illalah, ashaddu anna Muhammad abduhu Rasul Allah.' No- one's faith can be complete without saying that. That is why you should keep highest respect for the beloved servant Muhammad, may peace be upon him. The Command of Allah Almighty continues and any command that goes against the command of Allah Almighty or his servant Sayidina Muhammad, is the way of satan. If you want to be in safety here and hereafter. If you want to be in happiness, then respect the beloved-one of Allah and his way. If you want to be in the best condition here and hereafter so that you will have no fear of the coming days and no sadness concerning the past times, then respect him. LONDON - 21.02.1993

BookKeystoParadise, CategoryShahada, CategoryMuhammad (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:17:31

3218 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ForTheBelieversWeAreAskingAnOpening

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ForTheBelieversWeAreAskingAnOpening


For the believers we are asking an opening

Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim... For the believers we are asking an opening, for the unbelievers guidance, hidayat, but those who are misleading people will see the consequences and taste the divine punishment of Allah...Who is leaving the way of Allah will suffer in Dunya and in Akhirat... Allah has given us mind and understanding... Daytime there is the sun. Who put it up there in the sky? And in the evening the light gets weak and everything sinks into darkness. Whose mind is working may ask: Who is it that makes the sun to rise in the morning until it stands over our head and who lets it set in the evening? The morning light is born, rises over our head and gets strong, and then looses its power and drowns in the evening light and then there is darkness... It is the beginning of Ramadan. According to the solar year the twelve months are fixed. The lunar year consists also of twelve months, but they are changing through the seasons. There is a creator directing everything... It is Allah who teaches us knowledge- one cannot learn without (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:17:32

3219 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ForTheBelieversWeAreAskingAnOpening

any teacher... The most honourable science is Ilmu hisab- Arithmetics. Man is a strange creature with his 1 1/2 meters of height and on it a head of 2o-3o cm length and a diameter of 15-2o cm. In it is the brain, a jewel, a cevher. Who put in in there and how? Anyone with a functioning mind comes to the conclusion that we didn't create ourselves. We are appearing and again disappearing. If we had created ourselves, we would also be able to keep ourselves in existence. But we have been granted existence from somewhere else. And we see people die- to where their existence leaves? Who is taking it from them? Something is leaving. So that there is an unseen world, and that is the first order: to believe in the unseen and in the existence of Allah. Every animal knows about their Lord and makes Dhikr, tesbih. Only man doesn't. He makes statues from wood and metal and worships them. How crazy they are! You made this form, how you can worship it? In Sri Lanka there is so many of them. There is a bare tree that has neither fruits nor blossoms, and the Buddhists venerate it wherever they find it, because they say that Buddha slept under such a tree, a cobra next to him(?). And there are so many different Buddha statues. In Singapur there is one of 25 m hight. I touched it and immediately the guardian ran towards me. He said: You may only look at it... The action is valued according to the intention behind it. I said: "These statues represent Buddha - but they are not Buddha himself. If I hit him, is he going to do anything? Can he see? Hear? Feel? Why you worship to this statue? From where you take this idea?" "I don't know", the man said... What is it, that dishonours man? That they worship something that has no soul, no life. They make it their idol, and for that reason Allah destroyed so many nations, because they attracted the divine anger. May Allah not let us be from them. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:17:32

3220 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ForTheBelieversWeAreAskingAnOpening

This Ramadan begins on a Friday, and it began with 'azamat, heybet, power. If everything continues like it is going on, then everything will be finished at Bayram... Ya Allah, we believe in You and Your Power, accept us as Your servants, dress us servanthood... It is over, wait and see what is going to happen after Ramadan! May Allah forgive us! Fatiha. Lefke - 15.11.2001

CategoryIdolatry, CategoryAnimal, CategoryBuddhism (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:17:32

3221 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ForTheHonourOfTheMostHonoured

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ForTheHonourOfTheMostHonoured


For the honour of the most honoured one we are sitting here

You are ready?…Here or anywhere else?…Now we are trying to get up, we are on runway… Destur ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Anbiya, Meded, Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah…Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim… For the honour of the most honoured one we are sitting here. For the honour and glory of the most beloved one’s honour we are sitting here! You know it or not? Don’t forget, (or you are) going to be forgotten. Who (is) forgetting (the) most beloved one, (he) is going to be punished to be forgotten from Allah Almighty’ s Mercy, (and) if (His) Mercy (is) getting up, cursing (is) coming on them. Therefore for the honour of the most honoured one we are sitting here. Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik alayh. Zidhu, ya Rabbi! Oh our Lord, give much more honour and Glory for Your most praised one in Your divine Presence from pre- eternal up to eternal, S.Muhammad sws! (In) every meeting, (in) every gathering, (when you are) sitting anywhere, you must remember the Seal of Prophets, our Prophet, (the) most beloved one in divine Presence. You must know that you are living for his honour. The creation (was) just brought from unknown territories, (from the) unknown Dominions of Allah Almighty (it was) coming in appearance. If he (S.Muhammad sws) is not there, nothing (is) getting to be in existence. You must live for his honour! You must try to be his servants, because his servanthood is (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:33

3222 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ForTheHonourOfTheMostHonoured

servanthood of his Lord Almighty. Alhamdulillah- we are thanking to Allah Almighty that He is granting us through 24 hours even (a) very short time to give our most high respect to that most glorified one. And you are coming here from East, from West, from Far East, from Far West, from North, from South- you are coming here to be honoured for his honour. I don’t think that you can find such a meeting now on earth through East or West, through Islamic countries or (through) Non-Muslim countries. I don’t think you can find. As (it is) my authority, I am looking through East and West, and I am not seeing. Therefore you have bee honoured and for your honour I have been honoured that you are coming and (you are) attending this humble meeting. If no one (was) here, I must speak to (the) columns of this building, to the walls of this building, to the ceiling of this building, to the roof of this building- Alhamdulillah you are here! And your level (is) over (the) level of donkeys- it is okay, I am putting your level over donkeys, it is enough. Happy? Understanding what I am saying? Who is making his hand up and saying: “La ilaha ill-Allah, Muhammadur Rasulullah sws” never (is) going to be down! No one can stand on your shoulders! La ilaha ill-Allah, Sayyidina Muhammadur Rasulullah sws. Biggest honour, biggest glory for us, that we have been chosen people to be here. You should find this short time (on) the Day of Resurrection coming to you with heavenly Lights, and you should be dressed heavenly glorified dresses with heavenly crowns. Who (is) not attending, who (is) putting out from their hearts (the) glorifying of their Lord- and glorifying is (the) most beloved one’s glory- they are dustbin, ‘zibil’, rubbish. (They) should be rubbish. It is not honour for you to live here several years and finally (you are) going to be rubbish. It is blame to mankind that (they are) going (and) living this life without dressing (the heavenly) dress of honour and going without (being) coronated by heavenly crowns. Big blame! You must change your direction; you must change your face and your heart from Dunya to Maula, to Allah. Everything that you may ask, you can find (it) through His countless treasures. What you are taking? Or to which amount of this life’s precious jewels or treasures you are reaching? Even Kings and Queens or Sultans; (they) have treasures, but in comparison to (the) bigness of this Dunya’s treasures, a King’s treasure is going to be nothing. And no one can reach (even) one Sultan’s treasures now, no, because (in the) past time only one King was collecting and keeping treasures for his nation. Now (there are) countless wolves, jackals, bears, foxes, running to take: “A little bit for me, a little bit for me”, (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:33

3223 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ForTheHonourOfTheMostHonoured

putting for themselves, not for their nations. Kings were keeping treasures for their nation, because they were Sultans from beginning up to end. But through democracy, people who (are) coming on (the) power point, on treasures, (they are) saying: “As much as possible we must carry from these treasures for us, for our people, for our tribes, for our relatives”, (and) they never getting to be satisfied. Therefore even you have reached whole treasures here, it is going to be (of) no value. You should be asked: “Oh, that one, oh man! You just saved so many treasures, but it was not for you. Now you are looking (that) we are taking you away from your treasures and (we are) putting you under earth.” One person’s beloved one to him died and (he) buried (him) and he was asking: “What I must write on his tomb stone?” One (other person) like Bahlul Dana was saying: “Write as that one that (is) buried (there) now (is) speaking to me (that) yesterday he was stepping on grass, (and) now over his grave grass (is) growing: 'You must write on my stone: Yesterday I was stepping on grass, but today that grass (is) growing on my graveyard and people (are) stepping on me now.' " That person (is) going to be rubbish. If you are not using everything that He granted to you for his (S.Muhammad’s) honour- He has endless honour; for Allah Almighty glory (is) endless, but He is asking (it) to be used for the honour of that one who is most glorified one in His divine Presence- you lost everything! You and everything (that) you reached from Dunya is going, you and what you collected and saved, (is) going to be rubbish. You and those saved material treasures (are going to bi thrown) in(to the) dustbin. Allah Almighty (is) asking: “Take this dirty one from My divine Presence that I granted to him a balance for balancing what is valuable, what is a jewel, a treasure, (a) real one, and also My balance was showing what is imitated and (of) no value. But I am looking that servant ran after no value, not valuable matters and he became also rubbish, and everything that he collected and saved (became) rubbish also.. Throw him and everything (that) he saved in fire! No value (for) that one except to be burnt and to be nothing.” People now are in trouble, endless trouble. So many people (are) coming and asking to complain to me. I am saying: “Don’t speak! Say thanks to Allah! Don’t complain! You are in a good condition, but you are not giving your thanks and praisings to your Lord (and) therefore you are becoming to complain. No! What Allah granted to you is best for you and He is looking and asking from you for Him glorifying and praising from His servant. He likes it, but people like to complain: “My salary (