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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (211/777)
nspiration nicht in mein Herz, aber in der Nacht sagten sie mir, daß das Galatasaray Gebäude, das 100 - 150 Jahre alt war, zu Asche verbrannte. Ich fragte: Warum? Später sagten sie mir: Das ist der Grund: Sie nahmen das Bismillah herunter und hängten ein Porträt an seine Stelle. So kam es jetzt an die Reihe und verbrannte. Sie sollten vorsichtig sein, daß was immer sie bauen, die Paläste, die sie bauen, die Residenzen, die sie bauen, die hohen Gebäude, mit denen sie glücklich sind... sie werden mit ihnen verbrannt werden, weil sie das Bismillah nicht aufhängen. Warne sie, sprich eine Drohung aus. Wenn sie nicht hören, wer das Bismillah nicht aufhängt, wird verbrannt mit seinen Gebäuden. Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim. Es gibt euch Kraft. Auch nicht diese... die aus Europa kommen... Was sind sie? Die Flugkörper. Die Flugkörper reimen sich mit Museum. Flugkörper, die mit Museum reimen. Sie sagen, 'Die Flugkörper sind angekommen', mit Stolz. Was ist ein Flugkörper? Was ist ein Flugkörper? Ihr habt in der Hand den Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim Flugkörper, der besser ist als alle Flugkörper der Welt. Er kam herunter zu uns von den Himmeln. Warum sagt ihr nicht Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim? Warum hängt ihr es nicht in euere Büros? (12 von 15)04.07.2013 23:16:59

3053 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FireIsBreakingOut

Was seid ihr geworden? Ihr hängt ein Porträt auf und nehmt das Bismillah herunter. Ihr werdet verbrannt. In einem Beben wird Istanbul verschwinden. Ankara ist schon weg. Allah... Allahu Akbar. Es gibt so viele Dinge in der Macht von Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Rezitiert täglich mindestens 40x Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Lehrt das, und ihr werdet keine Flugkörper, keine Kanonen, keine Flugzeuge brauchen. Wenn ihr euch nicht daran gewöhnt, wird es euch zu Asche machen. Der riesige hölzerne Palast ist verbrannt - Galatasaray. Der Sultan baute ihn und dekorierte ihn mit Bismillah Tafeln. Sie nahmen sie herunter. Sie nahmen sie herunter und hängten Porträts an ihre Stelle. 'Wartet, wartet', sagen sie, 'wartet auf das, was auf euch kommen wird.' Dieses riesige Gebäude brannte herunter letzte Nacht - Galatasaray. Die Häuser und Autos, die kein Bismillah innen haben, werden auch verbrannt. Die Büros, die kein Bismillahi haben, werden verbrannt. Das Feuer kommt und wird verbrennen. Was zwischen ihnen unterscheiden wird, ist das Bismillah. "Ghaydh" ist die Härte, die von den Himmeln kommt, und was sie aufhält, ist Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Leute! Nehmt das nicht als leere Worte, eines Tages verbrennt das Feuer auch dich. Wir suchen Zuflucht in Allah. Ya Rabbi Tawba. Ya Rabbi Tawba. Ya Rabbi Tawba. Tawba ya Rabbi. Mögest Du uns Diener senden, die uns das lehren. Sende uns Kraft, o unser Herr. Wir sind in den Händen von Char Chur, Drecksleuten. Wir können nichts tun. Sie sagen: Das ist gegen unsere Gesetze. Wir können das nicht tun. Okay..Wenn ihr das nicht tun könnt, wird es euch eines Tages auch erfassen, und das Parlament wird in Flammen stehen. Sie lassen mich das jetzt sagen. Das Parlament wird in Flammen stehen. Ich sage nicht, wieviele seiner Mitglieder verbrannt werden. Das Parlament, auf das sie stolz sind. Welche Gruppierung auch immer es ist, die nicht das Bismillah sagt, eines Tages sind ihre Türen auch verschlossen, und sie werden darin verbrennen. Sie sollten sich hüten. Dieser Arme, er ist alt.. Es kommen Anweisungen zu mir von den Heiligen. Mit ihrer Barakah spreche ich für sie zur Welt. Aber der erste Befehl ist für die Muslime: Macht ein Bismillah Zeichen und tut es in euer Auto. Wenn ihr es nicht im Haus habt, tut es in euer Haus. Tut es überall hin, das Bismillah. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Ich habe keine Kraft für irgendetwas. Ich kann aufstehen... O Herr, gewähre mir auch gute Gesundheit. (13 von 15)04.07.2013 23:16:59

3054 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FireIsBreakingOut

Diese Worte, diese Worte Deiner Awliya, mögen sie von Ost nach West reichen. Ich brauche kein Radio oder.. was ist das andere? Ist es Inter-Pod? oder wie auch immer es genannt wird, ich brauche keins von diesen. Ich kann die Welt erschüttern. Wenn ich sage "Allah", kann ich die Welt erschüttern! Ein Mann auf Null Ebene.. Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Leute, besonders ihr Türken, reißt euch zusammen. Sonst sagen sie: Der Wald hat Feuer gefangen. Es brennt! Ein Wald wird nicht verbrannt. Kein Feuer kommt zu den Wäldern. Wegen euerer geschmacklosen Taten brennen die Wälder, die Tiere darin brennen. Von ihnen allen kommen Flüche auf euch. Ihr könnt nichts Gutes finden. Erwartet nicht von den Deutschen... was ist das? Partona? daß es kommen wird und euch schützt...Wenn Allah euch nicht schützt, wofür sind die Flugkörper oder Museen? Was erwartet ihr von ihnen? Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Sagt das und marschiert. Ya Ghaliban Ghayra Maghlub. Ya Ghaliban Ghayra Maghlub. Marschiert so, und es kann keine Flugkörper oder Museen geben, die euch im Weg stehen. O Herr, vergib uns. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba Astaghfirullah. Araber! Ihr seid Muslime. Manche von euch vertrauen den Russen, manche vertrauen den US, manche vertrauen Europa.. O Allah, vergib uns... Mögen wir zu Dir zurückkehren, o Allah. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Zu Ehren dieser heiligen Nacht, die das Mawlid Deines Geliebten ist, sende uns einen Sultan, o Herr. Sende uns Mahdi (as), o Herr. Möge die Majestät des Islam erscheinen. O Muslime, laßt das Bismillah schreiben und hängt es auf. Fürchtet euch nicht. Sonst werdet ihr auch verbrannt. Feuer verbrennt nicht nur Gebäude, sondern auch viele Menschen darin. Ya Rabbi Tawba. Ya Rabbi Tawba. Ya Rabbi Tawba. Zu Ehren Deines Geliebten. Ich weine. Sie fragen: Warum weinst du? Hier ist es, wir sind in Händen von Leuten ohne Verstand, und wir sind auch solche ohne Verstand geworden. O Herr, vergib uns. Sende uns einen Meister. Sende uns einen Sultan. Ya Allah... Möge Allah die Gräber derer, die unsere Moscheen geschlossen haben, verschließen. Möge Allah denen ein langes Leben geben, die sie öffnen. Die riesige Hagia Sophia, sie eroberten sie mit dem Schwert, machten sie zu einer Moschee, und wir machten sie zur Kirche, machten sie zum Museum. Es ist eine große Schande, eine große Schande auf den Muslimen. Möge Allah uns einen Meister senden. Sende uns einen Sultan. Ya Rabbi, Du weißt. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Al Fatiha. Sagt ihnen, sie sollen es handgeschrieben von den Kalligraphiekunstplätzen in Istanbul holen. (14 von 15)04.07.2013 23:16:59

3055 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FireIsBreakingOut

Ich will keine gedruckte Schrift. Die Kalligraphen sollen schreiben und die Menschen von ihnen

nehmen, ihnen Lohn bezahlen. Sie sollen keine Furcht haben. Fatiha. Lefke, 23.01.2013 (23.02.2013)

WebSaltanatOrg, WebSufiLive, CategoryTurkey, CategoryNature, CategoryEducation (15 von 15)04.07.2013 23:16:59

3056 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FirstBelieve

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FirstBelieve


First Believe, Then Be Truthful

(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah Yaa Rabbanaa ighfir lana. Yaa Rabbana salli `ala habeebika 'l Mustafa (s). Istafaytahu min al-azali ila 'l- `abadi an yakoon khalifatullah. Subhaan Allah. Subhaan Allah. Sultaan Allah. O yaa Rabbana zidhu `izzan wa sharafan, nooran wa surooran, ridwaana wa sultaana. Haadhihi 'l-laylati 'l-mubarakah, laylatu 'l- Jumu`ah. Yaa Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa’l-Akhireen ishfa` lana `inda 'l-Rabb `azza wa jall, nahnu naltamis min hadrati 'l- haqq an yaslih ahwaalana bi jaahika `indahu, ameen. Wa 's-salaatu wa 's-salaam `alayka sall-Allahu `alayhi wa `ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasleeman katheera. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Madad, yaa RijaalAllah. Yaa Sahibu’l-Imdaad, madad. Madad, yaa Qutb ul-Mutasarrif. Asking your heavenly support for addressing all nations in the east and west. Dastoor, yaa RijaalAllah. O holy ones, (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:00

3057 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FirstBelieve

whom they are asking always to be closer to the heavenly presence of the Lord of Heavens! Yes, and we are saying to our attenders now, just cut off everything that belongs to myself, and just rabitaatu 'sh-shareefah (connect your heart to heavens.) This is also making Salafi `ulamas very angry. They are saying this is shirk, and shouting at me ... he must come back and continue! O our attenders! Give half-an-hour or more (to listen); you are giving all day for dunya and Shaytan, also give half-an-hour or less or more for hearing something that belongs to heavens! And we are saying, as-salaamu `alaykum our attenders, who are attending that declaration, asking to know, asking to understand, and asking to fulfill some orders that have been said on the Day of Promises. We are doing Your orders. O Ahlu’l-Sunnah wa’l-Jama`ah `ulamas! O Salafi `ulamas or teachers of Wahabi sect! Marhaban! What are you saying about this point that they are making me to address to you in particular? Leave Christianity and Judaism; if they are giving me an order, I'm discussing with them. Now it is important to discuss the beliefs of Muslims under the heavenly lights of the Holy Qur'an, because blind people are never seeing when they're opening the Holy Qur'an that each letter is giving light. You are looking and seeing or not? L`anatullahi kaadhibeen, l`anatullahi kaadhibeen (Allah's curse on those who lie [cf 3:61])! Say the truth! If you are not seeing don't say, “We are seeing.” It is the worst characteristic of Shaytan, and also the worst characteristic of egos. Therefore, liars are thrown away, and thrown away the second one, our egos. Our egos and Shaytan have the worst characteristics on both sides: to speak lies, always speaking lies. Shaytan is never speaking truth, never being a shahid, witness for truth, never accepting true ones. If we are making our egos follow Shaytan, our worst egoistic characteristic is to say lies. Prophet (s) was saying, laa yajtami`aan al-imaan wa 'l- kadhib (two characteristics cannot come together: faith and lying). Impossible. Where there is true imaan, if there are lies there, can’t be truth there. O our `ulamas, I'm asking a question. All my life I ran after one true one, jadl min Allah (intertwined with Allah.) That is a favor from Allah Almighty. What about our `ulamas, were they following one? Say his name, because Allah Almighty is saying:          Yaa ayyuha'l-ladheena amanu kunu ma`a as-saadiqeen, O believers, fear Allah and be with the trustworthy people (in word and deed). (9:119) (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:00

3058 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FirstBelieve

It is enough to follow that command of Allah Almighty; not just enough, it is more that enough! Who is carrying something in their jumjumah, skull, say the truth and try to be a true one: that is Islam, that is the real religion acceptable in the Divinely Presence! The pope must be a true one, and chief rabbi must be a true one, because they made me ask some questions. But heavy bombarding is coming on Christianity and heavier on Judaism! Now normal bombarding, what they are making me to bombard on Ahlu’l-Sunnah, and heavier on Shi`a, and coming after that other sects. Everyone is claiming, “We are on the true way.” I hope that bombarding comes through the weakest servant, and (shakes up people) in the east and west. Allah Almighty’s first command is to be true ones, yes, istaqeemu, that is be true ones, holy command coming from heavens to prophets. Ahlu ’s-Sunnah `ulamas, Salafi `ulamas and Wahabi teachers who are claiming to know everything. Do you remember hadith shareef an-nabawi? Ja'a yawman `arabiyun, to hadratu 'r-risala, holy hudoor, presence. And saying, “Yaa Rasoolullah, I am rajul, I am such a simple man, I'm not knowing how to read, or to write. I heard that you were sent as the Last Prophet to all nations. I'm believing in you and what you say! O beloved one, O most-honored one, I heard that you are speaking to people, giving so many orders and advices making people, "do this, don't do that." I’m a simple one, I don't think that a person is more simple than me. I accept you! You are Rasoolullah! Amantu bihaa, amantu wa bimaa b`athaka rasoolan bi 'l-haqq! But I like to learn something that may guide me to the end of my life, saving me here and Hereafter. O Prophet, our real rasool, ansah lee wa awjuz (advise me and summarize it for me.) O Ahlu’l-Sunnah wa’l-Jama`ah `ulamas, Shi`a `ulamas and other sects! What was Rasool’s (s) jawab, answer? Rasool (s) said, salawaatullahi `alayk, “O Arabi, qul amantu bi-Llah thumma 'staqim.” Haqq or baatil? Say! Where is your Islam? Hadha 'lladhee yal`ab bikum ad-dunya (this is how dunya is playing with you), how you can tad`oona innakum `ala 'l-istiqaamah (how can you pretend you are on righteousnous?) How do you claim to be on istiqaamah? Therefore, I’m swearing because laa`na 't-Allah `ala 'l-kaadhibeen, "Allah's curse is on the liars!" I'm asking `ulama Ahlu ’s-Sunnah, `ulama Shi`a, `ulama of different sects, are you understanding what Prophet (s) said? You must understand. Are you keeping his advice? What do you think, `ulamas, enough or not enough or more than enough? To summarize, the Seal of Prophet (s) said, “O brother, Arabi, say, ‘I’m believing in the Lord of Heavens, Allah.' Say, say, say! And then say, qul Rabbee Allah, 'Who created me, Who brought me (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:00

3059 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FirstBelieve

from Unknown Territories to this world, I’m believing in You, my Creator, my Lord, Allah!' And the second command, say this, 'thumma 'staqim.'" What does it mean? Say! What was the tafseer of Muhmmad ibn `Abdul-Wahhab about this hadith? He spoke on it or not? Say to me, and bring a proof that he said this. Why not saying? We are so simple ones. You may say, like that Bedouin. We are also going to be addressed through Prophet’s (s) answer, thumma 'staqim. What does it mean? “Say, ‘My Lord, You, O Allah,’ say this first, then try to believe that command, thumma 'staqim, O Bedouin, believe in your Lord and try to be a true one, a right one.’” Why is the `alam al-Islam, Islamic world coming down? Because they lost keeping that advice of the Seal of Prophets (s). I am addressing to whole jalaalatu 'l-mulooku 'l-`arab wa `ulamakum mashaykh, addressing to all of them, why are they are not writing that hadith, kalaamu 'n-Nabi, holy words of Prophet (s) that he was never speaking an-nafsu, on behalf of himself? He was, 'wa maa yantiqu `ani 'l-hawa,' you know he was never speaking on behalf of his ego, he is always speaking what his Lord was speaking by words and by understanding! And why Arab kings are not writing that hadith shareef with golden letters everywhere, to say, "O Muslims! That is Prophet’s (s) advice to you! If you are asking to save yourself from fitna, crisis, and to save yourself from hells, look, 'Qul amantu bi-Llah thumma 'staqim.'" Put everywhere with golden letters, silver letters, diamond letters! If not, with musahhah, ink, why not writing this in our calligraphy? O people! Why are you not ordering the calligraphers to write this on hundreds and thousands of tablets and why are people not asking this? Because you are not reminding them! O `ulamas Ahlu ’s-Sunnah, `ulamas Ahlu ’s-Salaf us-Saalih, `ulamas Shi`a! Why are you not following what Allah Almighty is making His most beloved, most honored, most glorified on to say, thumma 'staqim? O People! If I am going to speak on it up to next year it will be never ending! I am asking who understands, and I am asking who is going to practice that? May Allah forgive us for the honor of this holy night. Yaa Allah! Send us someone to wake up all of us who are sleeping, or all of us who are drunk! Tawbah yaa Rabbee. Tawbah yaa Rabbee. Tawbah yaa Rabbee, Tawbah Astaghfirullah. O our Lord! Forgive us. And we are looking for Your blessings for the honor of the most honored one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:00

3060 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FirstBelieve

Fatihah. (38 minutes) Du`a. Dome dome dome dome 8x Yaa Allah, yaa shaykh. (Mawlana Shaykh asks for Shaykh Hisham Effendi, who is en route to Singapore.) Give my salaam to them. Lefke, 29.04.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryHaram, CategoryGuidance, CategoryMuhammad (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:17:00

3061 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FirstCommandIsToBeCleanOnes

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : FirstCommandIsToBeCleanOnes


The First Command is to Be Clean Ones

(Mawlana stands.) Dastoor yaa rijaalAllah. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, wa lillahi 'l-hamd! Alfu salaat, alfu salaam `alayka wa `ala aalika yaa Sayyidina yaa RasoolAllah, yaa Habeebullah narju shafa`atak yaa sayyidi 'l-awwaleen wa 'l-akhireen Ishfa` lana shafa`atan li-ummatik fi 'd-dunya wa 'l-akhira mina 'l-awwaleen wa 'l-akhireen. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem (Mawlana sits) Welcome to you, O Mankind. Welcome and blessings on you, those that they are taking a care for hearing, for learning and for granting all their praises and glorification according to their possibility. Allah grants you from His endless blessing oceans. First of all, He is asking that we must be clean. Tahir thiyabaka.   wa thiyaabaka fattahir And keep thy garment free from stain (74:4) (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:17:01

3062 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FirstCommandIsToBeCleanOnes

First of all the Lord of Heavens is sending His Holy command through His most holiest one, to all prophets and their nations. First, He is asking that His deputies must be clean ones. If they are not cleaning themselves then it is impossible to be granted to those people who are not coming cleanly. Cleanliness is the first command from the beginning up to the end. Allah Almighty is never accepting a dirty one. He is saying you must be clean. No one can go to a king's presence with dirty clothes nor can one ask to be seen in a king's presence with an ugly appearance, yes. Everyone is asking to be the most clean and good looking one in that assembly. Therefore, we must try to be clean ones. O our listeners, don't listen to me, but the master of this planet, according to His holy commands is asking us to be clean ones. We were in school, school boys and our school master was making our hands like this on the desk. When he was looking at our nails which were not clean. He was making like this (hits) and looking also at our ears if they were clean or not. Look, what about that you are you asking to go to the Heavenly Presence of the Lord of the Heavens? Asta`idhu billah.      wallahu yad`oo ilaa daari 's-salaam But Allah doth call to the Home of Peace. (10:25) O our Salafi ulemas, why are you not telling people to look at their nails, to look at their cleanliness? Why are you not ordering and I am asking his Holiness the Pope if he is ordering Christians, Catholics or Orthodox or Protestant to be clean? Why are they not giving this command? A clean one is going to be well known when his dead body is put in the kaffan. You may understand if he is clean or not. If a bad smell is coming from his dead body that means he is not clean. Once, when I was in Damascus the government was asking to build a wider road to make transportation easier, because there were so many cars and it was impossible to move the traffic. They were asking to take away some buildings to make a large way, a wider boulevard for traffic. On that way there was a saint, who had been lying in his tomb for 600 years. They were forcing people to give permission so that they could take a grand wali's body from his maqaam, to a further place. That grand wali wasn't happy to be taken from his first tomb to another place, for two reasons. One reason was he wasn't asking for his body to be shown. Some people are in their graves, and their flesh is finishing. Awliya are never like this. They are not a skeleton and (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:17:01

3063 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FirstCommandIsToBeCleanOnes

they know this and are keen not to have their miraculous bodies be seen by anyone. The government was forcing that "we must take this." Once before that event, perhaps 40 years ago, at the time of the French government, the High Commissioner in Syria was ordering that this tomb must be taken away. At night, Shaykh Hasan was coming to that one, the High Commissioner of the French government saying, "Are you saying that you must take my grave from here? Not you, not your country, the soldiers or all your people can come and take me from here!" In the morning, they were saying "No one is touching that one." Karaamatu 'l-awliya haqq, the miracles of saints are real. (an article of faith). O Salafi ulema, you must believe this, karaamatu 'l-awliya haqq. You must say this. The miracles of awliya are a grant from Allah Almighty to them. You must believe that happened. The second time that French High Commissioner was leaving Syria in the hands of Syrians. Much more traffic was coming and they were asking the descendants of Shaykh Hasan Jibawi, hadrati `aala-Allahu ta`ala darajaatihi daa'iman, ya Sayyidee dastoor. Bi idhnAllah, you may hear. O Salafi `ulama you must believe in karaamatu 'l-awliya. If you are not believing I don't like to make anything for you but those who are appointed to keep the honor of anbiya and awliya may touch you. They are not sending you bombs or bullets, one small creature may touch you at night and by morning people are running and coming to take your dead body. Fear Allah. Don't speak against awliya. Don't think that now you can find awliya, as before this time they were hiding themselves. Therefore, you ordered to destroy everything through Jannatu 'l-Mu`ala and Jannatu 'l-Baqee'. But now it is not the same time and you must fear. At least two jinns may take your body one from one ear and the other from the second ear and then they are putting you through a desert until you are passing away. Fear Allah (swt) Allah Almighty, He is not looking at such a thing. But on behalf of the Seal of Prophets, there is another tajalli, a manifestation now, that may touch (you.) The manifesatations have just changed from the beginning of this Muharram. You are hearing that in Iran, there are so many troubles. Before, people were not doing anything and they were peaceful. But now, they are standing up and saying, "We are asking to do what we like, we are not people like our ancestors before us who were saying, 'O yes sir, we are not saying (anything) now.' If you are looking and seeing anything wrong, now we are coming in front of you. We are (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:17:01

3064 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FirstCommandIsToBeCleanOnes

asking our rights. We are not accepting your system, we want the system that the Lord of the Heavens sent to us. We are a hundred million Iranians here not just one person asking to do as he likes. You must listen to us. We are not happy with you because you are not going on the right way and the Lord of Heavens is looking and seeing what you are doing." You are only through two breaths one up, one down. Fear Allah, O our leaders. Come to shari'atullah, Allah Almighty's order. Now, therefore, time has just changed from the beginning of this Muharram, 1431. It is never going to be same circumstances as before. Everything is going to be changed according to the holy command of the heavens. Allahu akbar, Awliya. Allah, Allah, keep their respect. O Wahabis, it is not easy now to take people away form visiting tombs of awliya and anbiya. Take care on this point. Be careful. This is a warning coming from the heavens. They may send to you a small creature and in the morning people are finding your body, no soul. Don't look to me. You must think, who is warning you? All prophets are coming as warners. Those who are taking care will be saved and those who are not taking care will be taken away. Don't say who is that one? I am nothing. You may understand the power that runs through my heart after a while, but it should be too late. At the time, the descendants of Shaykh Hasan Jibawi, a grand wali, were coming and they were praying for three days and three nights, night and day, on his minaret. Salaamun `alayka yaa RasoolAllah Salaat was salaam `alayka yaa HabeebAllah, As-salaat wa salaam `alayka yaa NabeeAllah As-salaat as-salaam `alayka yaa Noor al-Arshillah. Then sakeena coming. Satisfaction and peacefulness was coming after three days and three nights. His last descendant understood that Grandshaykh was giving permission to be taken away. I was there that day and they were opening and finding his body. Allah and His Rasool are witnesses, the awliya are witnesses, buddalah of Sham are witnesses. When they were looking at what was happening and they opened his grave, there was a beautiful smell coming. The jewelery that Prophet (s) in Madinah Munawarrah, pink roses, this smell coming. The people around doing like this. (smells) (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:17:01

3065 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: FirstCommandIsToBeCleanOnes

They were taking the marble cover and coming this more and more. They were opening and looking. The Shaykh was sleeping like this, his body was as it was before and his beard just like my beard now. (laughs) He was lying and his descendant was putting his hand under his head, surrendering and saying, "O my grandfather, O waliullah, that is oolu 'l-amr, their order." His coffin was white, not gray, just like wheat which is fully grown, and no longer green, but yellow. Taking and putting in a new coffin and taking. This place that just people saying (smells), People were just saying Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammad, Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammad. People were running to reach his coffin. Even with their fingers they couldn't reach. From this place up to the mosque it was two hours away. Crowds of Muslims were going around the coffin in crowds, and at `Asr time he was put in his new maqaam. I was living there at that time, and after ten days, on Jabal Qasiyoon in the maidan in Damascus, I was taking something for a needy family. I was passing and some children came running after me with soil in their hands, bringing it, saying, "O Shaykh, smell, smell." I was smelling and there was just the perfume of rose. They were bringing it after 10 days from where he had been lying for 500 years. And SubhaanAllah, I am a witness. Inshaa-Allah, I am not lying to you, that is a clean one. There are so many people that are dirty ones. I was burying some of them. When you are standing for