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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (196/777)
t (they are) gaining, to where they are reaching. I was asking someone- now so many people (are) coming and complaining, I am asking: “Where is your husband?” And she is answering: “Working.” “Working? Long time I am not seeing him.” “Yes”, she is saying, “he is working.” “Even I don’t think I met him since years.” And he lives really ¼ hour from our place, but I am not seeing him. But she is repeating, saying: “Working.” “Good. I think he is so hard working one, he bought half of your village?” And she is saying: “We have more and more debts on ourselves. Not taking, but we are falling under huge debts, banks are asking to take everything from us, therefore we are trying so hard to cover (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:16:22

2852 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EveryHourMustBeLoadedWithSomething

or debts and to be free from debts. Therefore we are working.” “You are working for your ego, for Shaitan, and Shaitan (is) making you under such heavy burden. If you are going to work for your Lord, He never makes you under heavy burden, (He is) taking from you every burden, (and) you should be so light, like Angels.” People (are) cheated. What is reason? Because they are not using their mind, they are not using their willpower and mind to change their ways from mistaken to true direction, to be happy here and Hereafter. They are not asking. They are doing, as they like, never interesting (in) what the Lord of Heavens sending to us, (a) balance for every movement, for every activity that we are in and people are going to be punished, beginning from here up to (the) Day of Resurrection. May Allah make us to awake and to understand and to follow (the) steps of (the) servants of (the) Lord. If you are not stepping on their steps, you are loosing and you are running to Hells. May Allah forgive me and bless you, for the honour of the most honoured one in His divine Presence, S. Muhammad sws, Fatiha… La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim! Lefke, 21.06.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryAwareness, CategoryKnowledge (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:16:22

2853 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EveryMuminMustTryToDestroyKufr

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : EveryMuminMustTryToDestroyKufr


Every Mu’min must try to destroy Kufr

Audhu bilahi minesh shaitana rajim…Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim….I will destroy Kufr! One of the 54 Fard is that every Mu’min must try to destroy Kufr on the surface of the earth, to make it clean. Everyone’s intention must be that, with the holy ones’ blessings, holy ones’ intention. Therefore every time we repeat: ‘Meded, ya Sayidi’. Every holy one is or was an enemy of Shaitan, because Awliya, saints, are friends of Allah and enemies of Shaitan. And we say: ‘Audhu bi-llahu mina shaitani rajim’, which means: ‘We run to You, o our Lord from Shaitan and his friends; Audhu bi-llahi min Iblis wa junudih’, ‘we are asking protection from Allah against Iblis and his soldiers’. Iblis is Shaitan, and there is no hope that blessings from Allah Almighty will reach to him, because the position that he is in prevents that. Until he moves from that point, blessings will never come, but cursing. Yet he is insisting to be there and he says to Allah: ’You are wrong, I am right.’ Even in the hereafter. Allah is sending him to Hells, and every years He is ordering the angels to take him out of the fire and to bring him to the entrance of Paradise. They bring him, and Allah is ordering the angels to address him, because He is never addressing Shaitan after he did that bad behaviour. Shaitan did his worst in the divine Presence, accusing Allah. Therefore Allah never speaks to him. He orders the angels to bring Adam a.s. in front of Him to the entrance of Paradise, and on behalf of Allah they say: ’O Iblis, make (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:23

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Sajdah to Adam and enter Paradise.’ But he says the same worst words: ’I am never going to make Sajdah to that one, no.’ That means: I am right, and who is ordering me, is wrong. And he is taken away to Hell once again, once again he goes into the fire. Stubbornness is one of the worst characteristics of the nafs, of the ego. To be stubborn, to be proud, to be angry and to be envious, are the four characteristics that prevent a person to enter Paradise. Even with only one of these four characteristics, which are from Shaitan, a person represents Shaitan, and he is from the people of Shaitan. Anger, envy, pride and stubbornness are four characteristics that belong to Shaitan and to the nafs. Who has them, never enters Paradise. Envious people can’t enter Paradise. Proud people can’t enter Paradise. Stubborn people can’t enter Paradise. Angry people can’t enter Paradise. These dirtiest characteristics of Shaitan come on man and they are the characteristics of man’s ego. Therefore it is important for a Muslim to try a treatment for himself to save himself from these four bad characteristics. Even one of them prevents a person to come into Paradise; it must be taken from him. He may do this by himself? No one can, even a doctor can’t treat himself, but he is calling another doctor saying: ’I can’t treat myself.’ Don’t think that a person may read books and may be able to treat or cure himself; it is impossible. There must be someone, a doctor, to make that one to be clean, to be treated and cured, to be healthy. People run to doctors for a check-up. Useless! Big queue in Harley Street in London. ‘Why you come?’ ‘I am coming for check-up, because the doctor says that I must come yearly for check-up.’ The doctors there are milking those people once a year, fill their bags and say: ’Go and come back after one year.’ If you are not curing yourself, you should be cured before you die, or through your grave, or on Yaum-ul- Mahscher; if it is not enough, through the fire of Hells. You must be cleaned, and then you enter Paradise. Therefore Allah says in the Holy Quran: ’…qad aflaha man tazakka, fa dhakkir ismi rabbihi fa salla’, and that cleanliness is for our egos. Allah is saying that cleaning the nafs is an obligation, Fard, one of the 54 Fard. You must try to be clean from these four satanic characteristics, and from them come so many branches, harming you and other people, destroying your faith, iman, as well as Islam. Shaitan through these four characteristics was proud, very bad tempered, and that means, never getting into Paradise. And if the smallest amount, what we call dharra, of pride remains with a person, he can’t enter, this dharra prevents him. It must be taken from him, and then he may enter Paradise. Allah Almighty is saying (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:23

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that every bad characteristic that belongs to Shaitan and the ego is taken from Paradise people, and then they come in. And these four characteristics stand on hubb-ul-dunya; they are fed through the love of Dunya. Who is giving himself to Dunya or making it his last target, last aim, these four bad characteristics never leave him; they must be with him. Who likes Dunya, must be through him stubbornness, pride, envy and anger. The whole world is in it now, because mankind has nothing in its sight and no aim, except the material world. People ask to reach material aims; they have no aims beyond that Dunya. The last point of mankind now is Dunya, and therefore they have these four bad characteristics. Most people are ill, sick with such bad characteristics- the whole world. You may find through 100.000 people one person, or through 1 billion people 3 or 4 persons who are not ill, but the majority of people, 100% or 99%, has as their last aim Dunya, nothing beyond that. They should be very happy here… Imagine a group of people all asking to reach the same- how you can find among them harmony for a good life, love, respect, kindness, humbleness? Finished. Therefore the whole world is now in chaos for the sake of Dunya. Like ten dogs that find a bone and all jump on it. The one who can catch it, the others will bite it to take that bone from its mouth. Individually people are in such a position now, common people, nations, governments through themselves and outside, men, women, youngsters, old people- all run after Dunya like these 22 people in sport that run after the football who is going to reach it. All may fall and finish and that football is still there, asking: ‘Anyone else coming?’ Making check-up: these 22 passed away, but yet the ball is ready, asking for more foolish ones to come and kick it. They make its out looking like a globe, like our Dunya- everyone kicking it. Everyone is coming and saying: ’O Sheikh, economical crisis.’ Ya Hu- everyone is kicking Dunya like a football; how there can be a good position for economy? Therefore the prophets first of all were teaching about the real position of Dunya, and they were talking about Akhirat, next life, taking care to make man to be satisfied through his knowledge about Dunya. When man understands, then his heart is going to be in satisfaction. What is making that satisfaction? Dhikrullah. Who is occupied with Dunya, forgets Allah and Dhikrullah, and no way for him to be saved. But if anyone makes the remembrance of Allah, Dhikrullah, then he may see what is Dunya and what should be its result and he should find satisfaction through himself and say: ’Even if I should reach to the whole world and its treasures, (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:23

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finally, at the end, I am going to leave, and there is no satisfaction from it. Therefore I must be with someone that is never going to leave me. I must try to be for Him, Who is for me, and Who ordered me to be for Him.’ They are so few people. The majority of people in our days are with Dunya; they have no ideas beyond Dunya, and the pressure of the material life and its heaviness is coming on them day by day more and more, until they are going to be like paper under it. We said to escape from our egos to Allah, and to try to be for Allah. Who is going to be with Allah, reaches his never-ending purpose, never-ending happiness, eternal life, eternal pleasures and enjoyment through eternal beauty oceans, eternal wisdom oceans, eternal perfection oceans- oceans of oceans that belong to Allah Almighty’s divine Attributes. Ma sha Allah! May Allah open our hearts for an understanding. People now are in need of a new understanding. The old understanding just finished, it must be taken away. Therefore Mehdi a.s. is coming and he brings a new understanding, so that everyone should be happy with the holy Quran. There should be a divine feast through East and West, North and South! Every nation and everyone should find what he was asking, and he should say: ’Ohh, that was my last wish and target, thanks to the Lord of Heavens, just He granted to me.’ When Mehdi comes, no one is going to complain, but everyone is going to say: ’I reached what I was asking to reach.’ Allah, Allah…Allah, Allah…Allah, Allah…Aziz Allah, Allah, Allah…Allah, Allah…Allah, Allah…Karim Allah, Allah, Allah…Allah, Allah…Allah, Allah…Subhan Allah, Allah, Allah…Allah, Allah…Allah, Allah…Sultan Allah! Lefke - 21.01.2002

CategoryAdab, CategoryDunya (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:16:23

2857 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EveryNewsIsInTheQuran

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : EveryNewsIsInTheQuran



From beginning of time until now so many prophets arrived with Heavenly Messages where it was mentioned that the life on this planet would reach an end. It will not continue for ever. It is in limits and every day we get closer to that end. The Last Day will come. Just like there was a first day, there must be a last day. It is mentioned in all the Holy Books and by all the prophets. It is also mentioned that the people living in those last days will be darker and more difficult and more oppressing and full of cruelty. There will be big events which will harm people and give them even more sufferings. This will increase. You will find that yesterday was better than today and that today is better than tomorrow. You will find that last year was better than this year and you will see that this year is better than next year. That is why you should not be hopeful concerning the general situation in this world and think that it will be better tomorrow. All prophets warned their nations about these coming days and events. The last Prophet, Sayidina Muhammad, may peace be with him, completed all these news. In our traditional books we can find day by day what is coming. Allah Almighty sent his Last Message through the Holy Quran. People sometimes ask what is in it. What does it include? There is a very short hadith which tells us about this: 'Oh, living-ones, every news and information which has happened since the very beginning of creation right until today, can be (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:16:23

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found in it, it includes everything about everything and everyone.' Even this meeting which we are holding here, is mentioned in it. One day Grandsheik was entering a big mosque in Damascus and he saw some scholars sitting there. They had spread out a big newspaper and told him that they were looking for news. "Don't you read the Quran?" Grandsheik asked them. "If you want to know any Heavenly News, read the Quran! Even if you want to know news about the future, you will find it there in detail." Some people are as stubborn as goats. I am telling them, "There were millions of books in your museums and you were protecting them so carefully. Where did all that knowledge come from which was written in handwriting? Were they written before the Holy Quran? Were they written before the Prophet Muhammad? Where did the people take that knowledge from? So when we even say that daily events are written in the Holy Quran, don't object. You would just prove that you are a goat-head! We have been informed through the Holy Quran which the Prophet commented during 23 years. Maybe there are around 23 or 25 million hadith. Prophet did not have a zip to close his mouth. No! He wasn't like a tap which only gives when you open it. He was like a river, running. And people were taking. So if I say there are 25 million hadith, then don't tell me that it is too much. It could even be 50 million! Just think of how many hadith there were within 24 hours. He was giving commentaries to the Holy Quran. Don't say that when you look at it you don't see it like that, because you are blind, or short-sighted. Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him, looked and saw. If the Prophet had been like you, what had been his prophecy? If he couldn't see that which we cannot see, and if he doesn't hear that which we cannot hear, and if he cannot do what we cannot do, then he would have been an ordinary person. Prophets are not ordinary people, Wahabis say that they are. When the revelations came, his level changed and he reached Divine Presence. No-one can reach that level. Don't ever compare your level to the level of the Prophet. Today is better than tomorrow and yesterday was better than today. Last year was better than this year and this year is better than next year. That is the information which we received from the Prophet. More and more difficulties are coming every day until the Lord of Heavens Allah Almighty will send what He promised (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:16:23

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to His Beloved and Praised Servant to save humanity. He is sending a saviour to humanity. Until he arrives every day will be worse and worse and worse. "Beware of satan!" the Prophet is warning his nation, and all of mankind is his nation. Some of them are accepting him and some of them are disobedient. But one day they will realise that he is the Last Prophet and that he is the Saviour and that all the saviours are under his wings. No-one can be a saviour without him. If people cannot accept this today, then they will tomorrow. If they cannot accept it here, they will accept it in the hereafter. They will accept it on the Day of Resurrection. People will run from one prophet to the next until they reach Prophet Muhammad and they will realise that he is the saviour. Jesus Christ will also send his people to Muhammad and tell them that he is the saviour, he is the praised-one. All prophets will be on their knees trembling for fear of God. Only Muhammad will be standing up in the Divine Presence. May Allah forgive us... Oh, Allah, send us the Sultan of Islam, the Sultan of the world to be with us. Send the Sultan with the Heavenly Sword! LONDON - 28.03.1993

BookKeysToParadise, CategoryMuhammad, CategoryQuran (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:16:23

2860 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EveryoneHasAStar

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : EveryoneHasAStar


Everyone Has a Star

(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Dastoor ya Sayyidee, madad. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar, la ilaha illa-Llah, Sayyidina Muhammadun Rasul Allah, radeena billahi rabban wa bi 'l-islami deenan wa bi Sayyidina Muhammad rasoolan wa nabiyyan, wa bi 'l-Qurani kitaban. Allahumma thabitna `ala 'l-haqq. O our Lord, Lord of Heavens, grant us from Your endless Mercy Oceans! A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem, wa laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyi'l-`Adheem. Al-`azhaamatu lillah, al-`izzatu lillah. All praising and all glorifying is only for the Lord of Heavens! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) All of us are on the level of servanthood. We must know this; we must try to keep advices of heavenly messengers. If we are not following a guide, we may be just like a person found through a huge desert. If he is not asking for a guide he may lose everything, every chance for his life and he can't be able to reach his last (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:16:25

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talab, request. He is going to disappear; he is going to die and to be dust. Wild animals may run on him, eating his flesh. If being buried and not knowing about himself, he is going to be eaten; he is going to be a carcass. As-salamu `alaykum, our happy listeners! I am trying to see you, if I can be able to be with you. It is not possible now but some people, they have radars and they may see from far distances. Not everyone has a radar. I wish to have such a radar, yes. We can find it, but who is going to work on it? Who is going to use it? Therefore I am asking madad ya Saahib al-Waqt, O Master for this time on Earth, I am calling to you because you are the holiest in this world now and you can reach to heavens through your heavenly power. You are not cut off from the heavens. Whoever is cut off from heavens has no value. If a person is not reaching a station through heavens, then it means that he is a carcass. He who may reach that point should be in a strong stage, able to stand on it. Therefore, I am asking from the master of this world now. If you are not knowing, learn! If you are not hearing, hear! Don't think that you can know everything through east and west, particularly if you are claiming that, "I may reach anywhere or everywhere with my phones." (Mawlana mimics phone conversation) "O sir, who is speaking"? "Finance minister of WC on Earth." When he is speaking with that one, coming another call: "Yes sir, what about. Ah-aha. You don't know me? You know me." "How I can know, you are not in front of me? "I am that one who is knowing you well from childhood. Ah, ha, ha, put that down. Yes sir, I am speaking to you from Far East, the prime minister of Korea, very proud president or chief minister, prime minister. Yes I am reaching east and west." "No, it is not reaching. That everyone may do." "We are asking who may reach to heavens, but we are never understanding about heavens." You are so ignorant one when you are saying this, because you are not looking around yourself what happening here and there. You are using only your physical capacity. Through your physical will, you may reach only a distance of ants. But this space is so big. Look up, time after time, and you can find something (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:16:25

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that you never thinking on it. You can find what you are asking through holy books and that one who is master of this world must open your heart and make your radar to work." Prophets would sit with their companions and sometimes their out-looking (appearance) just changed. They are leaving that community and coming through himself (a heavenly manifestation), because it is at this time that he is in heavenly connection, then he may speak to you. They have a chief radar for the whole world and they may grant it every time for the master of this world, the pole. "Pole," not "pope." Star of the pole (polestar). Do you think anytime that there is star of pope? (laughter) No. But I may relate a tale that they are giving me through my radar and from that we must believe. We must believe that for everyone there is a star appearing through space, when that one is born. That is mentioned through the Old Testament, New Testament and in the Holy Qur'an. For everyone there is a star until that person leaves this life. That star is shining and when it is disappearing the person takes his last breathing, finished. For everyone there is a star. Don't say that is below everything and we are not finding. No, I am reminding you, O learned ones, chief rabbi, and the chief of Christianity, all holy ones living on Earth. The Lord of Heavens sent all the prophets as messengers to warn his servants and the last was Sayyidina Muhammad (s). He was the last Warner, who said that Judgment Day was approaching and that they should take care. Accepting the reality of truth is only for truthful ones and most people are running away from the truth. Being truthful is the highest rank for Mankind! A very few people are coming to accept the heavenly revolution. It is important. As we said for everyone there is a star appearing for everyone who is born. O People, the Last Days are approaching! Everyone's star one day is going to finish! Take care of the one who has got the position to be the representative of the Seal of Prophets (s)! Firaun’s, Nimrod’s and their followers were not accepting heavenly knowledge. They were saying, "We are lords on Earth and we are not accepting any other over our power." The Lord of Heavens drowned Pharaoh under the Red Sea. The second one who was claiming to be the Lord of the whole world, Nimrod, was killed by a mosquito. One mosquito killed Nimrod and his armies. Whoever says that he is powerful and he is your god, Allah is making them razeel, not only down, but worse--finished. Abraha and his army came to destroy the House of the Lord in Mecca al-Mukarramah. They were destroyed through a community of birds throwing on them very small stones, making them to explode and finishing. (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:16:25

2863 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EveryoneHasAStar

O People! Take care on this point. Anything that has a beginning through Creation is going to end; it has a beginning and ending. Now this world and Mankind, for a time they should be here. Then they should be taken away because for every beginning there is an ending. That is an unchangeable rule. People believing, a whole billion people saying that the first man was Adam (a) and the first glorifying as a prophecy, that crown was put on Adam, peace be upon him. What did Adam (a) say for the Last One? All people saying that the first prophet was the first man, okay. Now we are asking, do you think that the last one was not mentioned through your holy books? I am asking the chief rabbi, I am asking His Holiness, the Pope. Everyone who claims, "We are religious leaders, we know more than others," I say to them that it is mentioned through holy books that when someone is born, his star must appear and when he passes away that star passes away also. It is written and mentioned through the history of religions, that Sayyidina Ibrahim (a) was not the Last One. Sayyidina Ishaq (a), Isma`eel (a), and other prophets were not the last ones. Hundreds and thousands of prophets came from the line of Sayyidina Ishaq (a) and Sayyidina Yaqoob (a) The Bani Isra`eel were granted the Old Testament and the New Testament through Jesus, Sayyidina `Isa (a). Perhaps they never heard what I am saying now, but it needs to be said. It is a very strong base from which I am speaking; it was just mentioned that the Bani Isra`eel were knowing the Last One is going to come, to be sent from Arabia. Where was the House of the Lord that Sayyidina `Ibrahim (a) built? They know this, yes, and they were knowing also that the Seal of Prophets (s) must come from Arabia. Okay. Therefore they were migrating to the Khaybar and other places, but mostly they were in Madinat al-Munawwarah, `ala saakiniha afdal as-salaat wa 't-tasleem (upon its special inhabitant the best of praises and greetings of peace). If you are saying something you must say, "Give your proof, bi 'l-`arabi haatoo burhaanakum." Yes they were there, but for what? It was even mentioned that the Seal of Prophets (s) would come to Arabia and he should be from the Children of Isma`eel (a), but they were hoping that he may be with them, from the people living in Arabia, particularly the Jewish brothers. They were making centers there and were looking to see what was happening, searching. On the night of the birth of Sayyidina Muhammad (s), a Jewish rabbi came running and was (happily) shouting, "O people of Madinah! The star of Muhammad has just appeared, it is just rising! Mujla. Good tidings for you! The star of the Seal of Prophets, Ahmad, has just appeared," and until morning he was running around the streets of Madinat al-Munawwarah. Anyone denying this? Wahabi people not knowing, (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:16:25

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Salafi people not knowing, Egyptian `ulama not knowing. Why are they not saying that for everyone there is star that must rise, and when his life is finishing that star must set? Therefore, we are saying now what they are making me say, that there are stars for everyone! There is a star appearing for everyone and as a proof we are saying that Jewish rabbi running around Madinat al-Munawwarah, who said, "Tonight the star of the Seal of Prophets has just appeared." You must believe this, Children of Adam! You must believe this! I am nothing. Even though I am nothing, through their powers, something. Who is going to refuse what they are saying? O my Christian and Jewish brothers, His Holiness, the Pope, and the Chief Rabbi, you must look to your books. What do you think? New gold and old gold. People running to the old one or to the new one? No-mind people are not understanding, saying, "Old books, you cannot reach it." What you are writing is muharrak, and giving meanings according to your hawa so many things. O People! We are warning. I am under the Warner of Mankind! I am a very small servant and they are making me to speak and to address all people, who may understand. If they are not understanding they should run through sewage channels to Shaytan! May Allah (swt) forgive us for the honor of the most honored one. Fatihah. (46 minutes Sayyidee) SubhanAllah. (Mawlana sings) Dome, dome, dome, dome 8x As-salamu `alaykum! (mu`azzam