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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (192/777) (11 von 14)04.07.2013 23:16:13

2799 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EvenIfAfterSomeTime

die Alawiten als auch die Schiiten sind zu weit gegangen. Ihr einziges Talent ist, Menschen zu töten, nicht sie zu verbessern. Tatsächlich waren ihre Vorfahren, die Könige, die persischen Shahs die ersten in Großzügigkeit. Jetzt ist es Drecksleuten überlassen. Aber es ist im Anmarsch. Wartet nur, ein Sultan kommt, um die Perser und Türken zu regieren. Um die Welt zu regieren. Er kommt. Haa. O Perser, ihr könnt das Leben, das Allah (swt) gab, nicht wegnehmen. Wenn ihr das tut,werdet ihr vernichtet. Es gibt verborgene Soldaten, um euch zu überwältigen. Sie sind in den Himmeln. Die, die zu unserem Propheten (saws) herabkamen, waren 1000, dann 3000, 5000, 7000 werden herabkommen, um die ganze Welt zu ändern. Fürchtet Allah (swt). O Shah Mardan, nimm uns nicht von deiner Türschwelle, von deinem Adab. Wir sind mit dir, o Shah Mardan, mit dir. Wir tun niemandem weh. Das Leben, das Allah (jj) gab, versuchen wir nicht, wegzunehmen. Die das tun, sind Unterdrücker. Rabbu l-Izzah Allah (jj) wird sie überlisten. Paßt auf! Die Menschen sind wild geworden heutzutage. Sie folgen Shaytan. Sie folgen nie dem Propheten (saws), noch Shah Mardan. Aber wenn Shah Mardan einmal ruft, wird keiner stehen bleiben. Kein Perser, kein Alawit wird bleiben. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Gegen jene, die kommen, o schwache Gläubige, sagt zu denen, die euch angreifen, sagt "Allahu Akbar", und das wird genug sein. Das Gewehr in ihrer Hand wird herunterfallen, nicht losgehen. O Gläubige, hört auf Shah Mardan. Sagt "Allahu Akbar" zu denen, die gegen euch kommen. Das Gewehr in seiner Hand wird herunterfallen. Weil jetzt die Zeit ist, es ist Zeit. Viele merkwürdige Dinge werden geschehen. Die Unterdrückung wird enden auf Befehl Allahs (jj). Jene, die wie Shah Mardan sind in dieser Welt, werden Shah Mardan vertreten. Sie werden von den Himmeln herabkommen. "Inna Fatahna Laka Fathan Mubina" (48:1). Er wird Engel herabsenden, die das tragen. Der Islam ist Groß. Jene, die den Islam falsch verstehen, werden eines Besseren belehrt werden. Es gibt den Sultan der Zukunft. O unser Herr, sende uns Shah Mardan, um gute Weisen der Dienerschaft zu lehren. Möge er sogar noch mächtiger werden. O Shah Mardan und o Freund Shah Mardans, nehmt uns auf in euere reine Versammlung. Wir wurden nicht geschaffen, um Menschen zu töten. Schande auf euch. Kein Prophet wurde gesandt, um Menschen zu töten. Auch die Christen verstehen das nicht, noch die Schiiten. Die Muslime verstehen es. Allah (jj) erschuf uns nicht, um andere zu töten. Schande auf euch. Schande auf die christliche Welt. Schande auf Persien und denen, die ihnen folgen. Folgt Shah (12 von 14)04.07.2013 23:16:13

2800 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EvenIfAfterSomeTime

Mardans Weg, Shah Mardans Weg, den Weg des Löwen. Seid keine Schakale, seid Löwen. Einer, der mit Löwen geht, wird ein Löwe. Geht mit Löwen. Geht nicht mit Schakalen, Wölfen, Bären. Geht mit Awliya, mit Allahs (jj) Geliebten. O jene, die viele Geschichten machen über den Propheten Isa (as), o jene, die viele Geschichten über Menschen machen. Ignoranten töten, dann sagen sie: Wir sind Schiiten. Sie töten Menschen und sagen: Wir sind Alawiten. Beides sind Lügner. Walaw Bade Hin (Hadith Qudsi). Ich werde Rache üben. Wenn nicht heute, eines Tages werde Ich an diesem Unterdrücker Rache üben. Paßt auf! Hört auf, Menschen zu töten. Hört auf, Wölfe, Hyänen zu sein. Tretet ein in den Weg Shah Mardans. Seid stark. Reitet stramm auf eurem Pferd. Reitet stramm um Allahs (jj) willen, damit Allah(jj) euch euer Königreich geben kann. Wenn ihr ein Tier reitet für Shaytan, dann seid ihr ein Tier. Ihr werdet endlose Peitschenhiebe bekommen, werdet verprügelt. O Yaran Shah Mardans, wir achten Shah Mardan. Wenn ihr sagt, das ist falsch, erreicht ihr vielleicht Ramadan nicht. O Herrscher, sagt jeden Tag die Basmala. und geht hinaus aus den zeremoniellen Palästen. Ihr werdet begrüßt werden. Kommt jeden Tag heraus und sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim und sagt Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illa Allah wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Laß diese Zeremonien stattfinden, König des Hijaz. O Herrscher, Sultane, achtet auf diesen Adab. Sonst weiß ich nicht, ob ihr Ramadan erreichen könnt oder nicht. Aber es gibt Zeichen von Shah Mardan. Jene, die diese Zeremonien nicht durchführen, werden Ramadan nicht erreichen. O unser Herr, wir sind schwach. Sende uns einen, der uns führt, ya Rabbi, einen, der uns vor der Unterdrückung dieser Unterdrücker schützt. Sahib Imdad, Sahib Liwa, Liwail Islam. Sende uns einen Sultan, unser Herr Huu, Huu. Die auf Erden und im Himmel erzittern damit. Sagen wir Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Nichts Schlechtes kommt dann zu euch. Gutes kommt. O die, die in Ägypten regieren, guckt nicht fassungslos, o die, die in Persien regieren, guckt nicht fassungslos. O die, die die Türken regieren, seid nicht fassungslos. Wenn ihr die Basmala nicht sagt, wird euere Welt über euch zusammenfallen. Ich weiß nicht, ob sie im Rajab oder später fallen wird, aber sie wird fallen.. Unser Herr, Allahu Allah, Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabbi, Allahu Allah, Allahu Hasbi, Allahu Allah. La ilaha illa Allah, Sayyidina Muhammadun Rasulullah. O Shah Mardan, ma sha' Allah. Unsere Seelen leuchteten auf. Die, die nicht auf Shah Mardan hören, die noch an ihren Waffen festhalten, werden die Hilfe der Himmel missen. Sie werden fallen und enden. Sie werden sterben. Allahu Allah, Allahu (13 von 14)04.07.2013 23:16:13

2801 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EvenIfAfterSomeTime

Hasbi, Allahu Allah. Sagt Allahu Rabbi und fürchtet euch nicht. O Shah Mardan, o Freund Shah Mardan, wie schön du sprichst. Dank sei Allah (jj). Möge unser Tag ein guter sein. Mögen unsere Taten gut sein. Möge unser Herz erleuchtet sein, unser Glaube reichlich. Laufen wir, um Diener unseres Herrn zu sein. Lauft hinter nichts anderem her. Fatiha. Lefke, 11.04.2013

WebSaltanatOrg (14 von 14)04.07.2013 23:16:13

2802 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EventsLeadingToTheThirdWar

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : EventsLeadingToTheThirdWar



Allah knows what is going to happen, and if Allah is teaching, or is giving from his Secret Knowledge to anyone, then that is alright. No-one may ask, "Why did You teach some people about secret knowledge?" Allah may teach anyone of his servants about the news of the future, the news of the coming days. This is never prohibited. Allah knows what is coming in future and if he likes to give these news, no-one can ask, "Why?" No-one! All Prophets knew about the coming events, particularly the Seal of the Prophets, Sayidina Muhammad sws. He had been given the whole knowledge up to the Day of Resurrection of what is going to happen. The headlines of this is given to the prophets and the details to the holy-ones. Our Grandsheik is giving us good tidings. He is telling us, that Muhiddin Ibn Arabi was one of the servants to whom Allah Almighty was giving exact knowledge about coming events. When Muhiddin Ibn Arabi wrote down something or said something, that must happen. But not everyone can understand the words of Muhiddin Ibn Arabi. It is so difficult. Our Grandsheik Abdullah Daghistani, may Allah bless him, spoke about Muhiddin Ibn Arabi and said that he was writing his books in 3 ways: 1. When he was in Divine Presence and he himself ceased to be in existence. At that point he entered the Divine Unity Oceans and was no more in existence. His existence was the Existence of the Lord Almighty (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:16:14

2803 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EventsLeadingToTheThirdWar

Allah. He was taking Divine Knowledges from the Divine Presence and writing it down in his books. That kind of knowledge was written down in that state. When he was himself again, he would read what he had written, but the meanings were secret, even to him. It was only Naqshibandi Sheiks, and even of those only the most distinguished ones, who were able to understand the meanings. 2. Muhiddin Ibn Arabi was often in the Presence of the Prophet. Here he listened and was ordered to write down. This all the Grandsheiks of the Naqshibandi and of the other tariqats can understand. Ulemas, learned- ones, can neither understand the first nor the second part. 3. He was also meeting holy-ones and living holy-ones in interspace. He was able to meet them in their assemblies. From there he also took knowledge and wrote it down in his books. Some scholars can understand this, but the ones who don't, are the ones who are always coming against him. Because that is a rule, if someone does not understand, he will attack. That is Grandsheik's report about Muhiddin Ibn Arabi. Everything that he has written, must appear. When we take from his secret knowledge about coming days, then we know that there must be a war, a Third War. According to the Hadith of the Prophet, a Third War must be before the coming of Mehdi,as. According to that hadith, the biggest war of all must come. Muhiddin Ibn Arabi is also writing about that point: The Russians must move over Turkey and that is going to be the reason for the Great War. At the same time they will rush into Berlin and East Germany into West Germany. But quickly the situation will change, East Germany will go with West Germany. Not like the Russians want it to be. No! And Muhiddin Ibn Arabi is saying, that when the Russians are moving towards Turkey and Iran up to the South, then there will be a Great War for 3 months. Allah Almighty has appointed two nations to directly revenge against Russia. From the European side Germany. They are appointed by Allah Almighty to go against Russia. It will not be the same which happened in 1941. No! They will not be broken. And Japan will come from Asia. These two countries. The third nation will be Turkey from the South. No more Soviet Union... That is something which is signed by Muhiddin Ibn Arabi in his writings. It will be a huge and terrible fighting, but the Germans are full of revenge against Russia, just like Japan, both nations. When the Second War finished, the Russians harmed these two countries. If they had given their best to these nations, they would not want revenge. But Russia did its worst. Therefore they are full, and no-one else but Allah Almighty is filling their hearts with revenge towards Russia. Turks are also full with revenge against communist Russia. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:16:14

2804 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EventsLeadingToTheThirdWar

In Damascus there will be a huge power, a gigantic army which ill come to the West of Aleppo where there is a big plain, Amuk, where there will be a great battle. The 'red-ones' will be broken there, and Mehdi as's hand will be with that army. Those are a few of the news of coming events. Holy-people take it from the books of Muhiddin Ibn Arabi. Lefke - 08.02.1988

BookPowerOceansofLove, CategoryArmageddon (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:16:14

2805 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EverlastingPeaceIsInYourHeart

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : EverlastingPeaceIsInYourHeart


Everlasting Peace is in your Heart

All praises belong to the One Who supports True Ones. One of the greatest attributes of Allah the Almighty is that He only supports trustworthy and true ones. Satan also supports, but he supports the dirty, untrustworthy and dishonest ones. You must know, that if you obey Allah in your actions, He will support you. So many people come to me and complain about their situation. I can see that they are not getting any Divine Support. If He supports you, things will go smoothly. Anyone who complains must look once more at their habits. They must take a close look at their relationship to their Lord. Like a driver has to look at the engine of his car when it is not functioning properly anymore. When the car stops, there must be something wrong with the engine. It needs a check-up. If you do not find the mistake, it will not move. People need to check-up their spiritual beings. They need to see how their relationship with their Creator is. You must find out what is wrong and repair it. In this way Divine Support will come to you. I am praising Allah the Almighty for supporting His true servants and never letting them down. He supports His trustworthy servants because they are inheritors of His prophets. They are always in Divine Service. If anyone wants to improve their situation they must make their Divine Service the priority of their daily lives. This will give you a best relationship with Allah. As long as you put this worldly life first, you are not (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:16:15

2806 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EverlastingPeaceIsInYourHeart

considered to be true and trustworthy. It is the most important teaching for mankind. Without that responsibility no one can be respected. In a kingdom, or in an empire, the King and Queen have the highest respect, but they also have the greatest responsibility here and in the hereafter. Whoever has a responsibility will be asked by their Lord how they used it. Governments have much more responsibility than what they are doing today. They think that they only have to organise the economy and take the right tax. That is their main concern. They ask for human rights, but they never think about the rights of the Lord. We are trying to change the minds of people. We need to make a U-turn, because we are heading towards the most dangerous direction. If we don't turn back, mankind will be destroyed. The day can come when there will be no more London or Paris or any western or oriental civilisation at all. The day can come when everything on this earth will be destroyed and the only remainder will be a laughing satan with his laughing devils. Governments could make laws for people to obey. With their authority they could stop evil quickly. But they are not using it which is why Allah the Almighty will punish them. We cannot do anything for our children to save them from the hands of devils as along as we are not supported by the governments. They say that we have to be free. What foolishness is that? In which religion has Allah the Almighty told us to be free? They are under the control of devils and it will destroy them. The first thing a government must do is Divine Service. Every department of the government must pray and give their highest respect to Allah before anything else. If not, there will be no blessings coming on earth from any direction. People want to have peace through material aspects. But don't think that richness will bring peace to you. Don't think that jewels will bring you peace. Don't think that beauty or youth will give you peace. One day all that will be gone. The love for anything material will never give you satisfaction, enjoyment, peace or contentment. This you must know. You must ask for valuable aspects from the spiritual world which can never be taken away from you. If you want to have a happy life, feed your spirituality, feed your souls. 01.01.1997 (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:16:15

2807 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EverlastingPeaceIsInYourHeart

BookDefendingTruth, CategoryGovernment (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:16:15

2808 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EveryActingForTheHonourOfRasulullah

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : EveryActingForTheHonourOfRasulullah


Every acting for the honour of Rasulullah

Every acting for the honour of Rasulullah sws…and to give honour to Rasulullah sws the way to give honour for holy commands of Heavens. Holy commands of heavens that is holy commands of Allah Almighty, the Lord of Heavens. Now we are sitting in a holy meeting, it is not a lecture hall or it is not a class room through university or through schools, but it is a humble place for common people and we are not claiming anything except to say that I am on first level of people that they are most simple people, most simple people are most humble people. And it is easy for me to sit with common people and with simple people and humbler people. And by a good fortune that the Lord of Heavens He sent to our meeting from America one of his servants with some questions. I hope that it is a good sign for awakening to be sent from a famous university in US up to lowest level of a group of people, and he is bringing some questions to ask. And we are knowing through traditional books that Allah Almighty, the Creator, is giving is wisdoms as He likes. There is not a condition that forcing the Lord of heavens to give His wisdoms, if a person has such and such a condition. No. He may give from His wisdom to an uneducated person. He may grant from His wisdom to a simple pheasant. He may grant from His divinely wisdoms to an old person or to a woman, or to an unknown person, and it is from Prophet's teachings, that their teachings belong to Heavens, if a person (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:16:16

2809 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EveryActingForTheHonourOfRasulullah

asking to know from wisdoms, the Lord of Heavens may give to anyone from His wisdoms and He may speak to that person, may give to him some wisdoms. Therefore Mr. Daniel coming from… which university? Johnson university?… John is happy? Happy University?… (John Hopkins University) …Doesn't matter, that is important university… I am making this important that he should be happy also Mr. Daniel… coming in famous suit… and my ego also very happy, that… Eh, we shall look… Now he is bringing so many questions, I am not claiming that I can answer or not… It is something belongs to our headquarters of spiritual world, if they are granting answers and they hope it should be beneficial for people, should give some answers according to our understanding level… Now we are saying Bismllahi Rahmani Rahim… He may ask now, what he prepared. You prepared these questions or university prepared?… Professor Daniel he prepared… Bismillah! How has been a religious leader affecting your life, your relationship with God and your ability to…(?) ? This is a question that up today no one asking me, and it is a good question, that university people they are radical people and they are searching the roots, not looking what is appearing on earth or on branches, but they are interesting to know about root, about body, that these branches taking what is necessary for them. Yes, if a person claiming to be from spiritual world member, his way, his line must reach to the lines of Prophets, who they are belonging to Heavens. Whole prophets, because prophecy means a connection from earth to Heavens, or from Heavens to earth. If a person claiming that I am a prophet, if a person claiming prophecy he must bring his proof that he is in connection from Heavens. Therefore anytime one prophet coming or a prophet had been sent to his nation, his nation first of all asking who are you? And he is saying: I am prophet, I am coming from divinely Presence of the Lord of Heavens. And people, his nation asking: What is your proof. And he is saying: I have proofs that signing to you that I am belonging… I am in connection with spiritual world or I am in connection with Heavens. And they are asking: Do this that whole prophets just brought some miracles, miracles are proofs of prophecy for a person. Without bringing a miracle we are saying No, you are like ourselves, you are not in connection with Heavens, because heavenly people can do something with their spiritual power, bringing miracles. If you can do this for us, we are believing that you have been sent by the Lord of Heavens. Therefore everyone from prophets have lines through their nations as through Children of Israel, they have (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:16:16

2810 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EveryActingForTheHonourOfRasulullah

12 tribes. One tribe only are from that line coming prophets, not form others. From other coming kings or someone else, but prophecy was only one line through 12 tribes, not another tribes. Just they have been granted and chosen fir that purpose to be in connection with Heavens. And whom reaching to those people taking also from the lights of Heavens, and we also now, we are living in 21st Century, yet the lines of prophets with their lights running through people, but just it is covered. Covered, that lights covered, as this wires, they have lights but if not putting this lamp, you can't see. But it has wires, carrying that power. If you are not putting lamp, not giving lights. If you are not putting a machine, engine, you can't see that it has such a power, and if you are not carrying any lamp or any engine, motor, we may say Try it. If you say it is ordinary wire, I am saying Catch it! You are saying tis and this same. No it is not same, Catch it, then you can know, Therefore every time who claiming that they have a connection from Heavens they are real ones for being in connection with Heavens, they are not claiming something without a proof. Now anyone if you are asking what is your way, that you are claiming a connection, we are saying: Just I am reaching to my Sheikh, and my Sheikh reaching to his Sheikh, and from me up to the Seal of Prophets, last prophet there is 40 Saints that all of them are Saints and Sufi-Masters, reaching to Sayidinna Muhammad sws, and from him, Bismllahi Rahmani Rahim., from Prophet: Nabi, Siddiq… (reciting the whole chain of Naqshbandi Grandsheikhs up to) Sayidi wa Maulayi Sultan-ul-Awliya Sheikh Abdullah ad Daghestani… 39 persons reaching to me, I am 40. That is… without cutting coming this line. Therefore my way, as I said to you, spiritual connection through these famous people all of them, coming up to me and I am their servant, nothing else, they are kings, I am servant, because servant is enough for these people, no need kings, If kings coming… must be so many kings... What does your daily regiment consist of and how do you incorporate discipline in your life? When I married?… I was 3o years old… Tell him to speak English… Which language he is speaking… What is your daily practice…? What mankind eating, I am eating…what you are asking once again? Religious diet belongs to Mufti, I am Tariqat person… that is for Mufti, for what you are asking about Shariat, about the rules of Islam, it is well known by scholars, and top of scholars there is Mufti, we are saying, he knows well. But my branch is Tariqat, the ways leading to Heavens. I know this. Schariat preparing people, as if someones going to be sent through (3 von 8)04.07.2013 23:16:16

2811 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EveryActingForTheHonourOfRasulullah

rockets, to space, these people prepared, but to send them and to look after them if they are okay, there is someone looking for that. If he is saying okay, come in, then they may go up. Schariat: heavenly rules, preparing people for the ways of Heavens. I am looking: prepared? Ready? Then we may send. As inspector in train station- if ticket, going. Ticket cut? Get in, get in. They may go… Understanding my English? Shakespeare English is not like your English… How do you comfort a person who is suffering? Now mostly their illnesses belong to mental house, they need mental house. 21st century people one after one everyone needs to come to me, because I am international mental house director, I must look, if he is okay, or she is okay, then I can deal with them according to their degrees of craziness… because so many kind craziness… 7o kind craziness… You heard about it? There is 7o kind at least craziness, you understand? I know 7o kinds… who coming, just I am looking… Now in our days… before it was 7o, in our days becoming 7oo kind so craziness, but I am bringing them in the roots, that growing up as branches of craziness, and we try to make, to bring them to their real sizes, because people now all of them getting out of their real sizes. There is a kind of craziness, that everyone looking and seeing himself as big as this world. Like balloon. I am making this opening… taking them out… This balloon coming, coming, coming… when coming in its real size, finished. But it is very bad illness from craziness. Everyone asking to be a big one, everyone asking to be Nr 1, to be one Nimrod, everyone saying that: I am the Lord. Therefore that is my order: if coming and seeing himself like giant, I am making every day… making him smaller, smaller, smaller, that is my duty, bringing people to their real sizes. And this craziness giving endless troubles for mankind. What do you say to someone who is sick, who is a mourner, to comfort them? It is according to their craziness. I am looking, and we have… we are not like doctors to make like this… open tour mouth... No, I am looking, and I am knowing and understanding on which level his craziness. Then little by little, step by step we are keeping out treatment on them... here coming so many learned people coming to me, nut when they are coming they must be as an ordinary person, on first level. He can't be able to raise his head up when I am here. When they are surrendering we may do our treatment on him, on her… finished… And it is 40 days enough for them, bringing them to their real sizes. 4o days it is enough. Throughout your life, whom have you particularly admired and what have you particularly admired about (4 von 8)04.07.2013 23:16:16

2812 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: EveryActingForTheHonourOfRasulullah

them? My teacher… if my teacher not in existence, if he is not with me always, I am nothing, I am in existence with him, and my power running to me through himself. So many taps, but every tap reaches to some springs or water centres, everyone taking their water from different places, and also I am taking my spiritual power or ability or capacity form my Grandsheikh, I am on his line. What is the greatest spiritual adversity in your life and how did you respond to it? What was the greatest challenge in your life? The most difficult thing with my ego. And most difficult hindrance in front of mankind their egos. Ego never asking that it is in need for improvement, always claiming that I am perfect and they are not perfect. Therefore from beginning up to end you must fight to your ego, to surrender, to accept that he is not in perfection, but perfection is with our souls. Man's perfection is not according to their egos, because egos belong to animals world, belong to earth, and perfection of mankind is through their souls, and that souls belong to Heavens. But always our ego coming in front of our soul and saying: I am in perfection. Why you are in perfection? What is your perfection? To carry heavy things up, that is perfection? To run- that is perfection? To jump- that is perfection? To swim- that is perfection? To kill people- that is perfection? To eat too much, to drink too much, to ride on women too much- that is perfection? No, that is not perfection. But ego always saying: Oh, champion, carrying, wrestling or boxing… they are thinking. That all belongs to egos! What is that? That is perfection for man? But people run after such foolishness. It is not perfection. They are making perfection… perfection, real perfection for souls, and they run after the special… descriptions (qualities?) that belong to animals. Making Olympiads! What is Olympia, for what this? People going to be foolish now, crazy, 21st century people, running from one Olympia to another Olympia. What is that? That is perfection, giving medals… making like this, clapping hands… what is that foolishness? People lost real perfection that belongs to mankind that belongs through their souls, they run after egos, ego always coming and saying: I am perfect one. For what? Because I may run 1oo metres through… New record… Champion… this is foolish… what is that foolishness. How people going to be in peace through that foolishness. Peace needs perfection. Peace coming from perfection and people running another way. Therefore- biggest hindrance in front of people their egos. Egos always fighting to souls. Souls asking to go up, egos asking to come down… It is clear for you, you are understanding? (5 von 8)04.07.2013 23:16:16
