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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (174/777)
chiefs of holy ones, to address people daily. But they are addressing. Don’t think the Lord of Heavens closing down for them if they are addressing every day! May Allah (swt) forgive me and thank you, my listeners! I am not asking for any rank, for any honor in this life, no. I am asking honor for heavenly levels of the Lord of Heavens. May Allah (swt) forgive me and you, and make us to live according to His holy commands, (then we will be in) endless satisfaction and honor and pleasure and enjoyment and lights forever! Allah (swt) is The Great, and His most beloved one is most praised, and His holy prophets are on their ranks and glorifying Him! Ameen. Fatihah. 44 minutes Sayyidee. (Mawlana smiles and sings) Dome dome dome dome 5x Let us to listen and let us to hear heavenly singing of my Lord's angels, here and Hereafter. (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:15:19

2550 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DressOfHonorIsFromHeaven

O my Lord, whole praising for You,

whole glory for You only.

Give us Your pleasure,

give us honor from Your generosity.

O our Lord, and forgive us! Fatihah. Lefke, 22.10.2009

WebSufiLive, CategoryBiography, CategorySohbat (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:15:19

2551 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DropFromTheOceansIsAllYouCanTake

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DropFromTheOceansIsAllYouCanTake



Everyone and everything is powerless in relation to Allah Almighty, and no one has any power without his Lord’s giving it to him. If the Lord Almighty gives power to servants, they may become powerful, but their original state is one of total powerlessness. If a servant declares his powerlessness in front of his Lord, it is an honour for that servant, and as a result of his humility his Lord will grant him power and support in every situation. The Prophet Muhammad (sal), was the first to declare his powerlessness in the Divine presence; therefore, Allah Almighty has granted him more power than He ever gave to anyone. This is a very good lesson for mankind: if we are seeking more Divine Support and spiritual power, we should first admit oyur own powerlessness. Now Grandsheikh is explaining more upon this point: Allah Almighty gives of His Power to His beloved servants so that they may swim in those Oceans of Knowledge and Wisdom. What they take, they take eternally; they ask endlessly and are endlessly bestowed upon by their Lord. Neither servant nor Lord is ever going to say ‘enough’; rather, the Lord will say, “My servant, ask for as much as you can because I am always giving more and more. Ask ten and I will give a hundred, ask a hundred and I will give a thousand, etc.; if you don’t (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:15:20

2552 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DropFromTheOceansIsAllYouCanTake

ask, I shall become angry with you.” It is one of Allah Almighty’s attributes that He always wants to give more to His servants – if you can recognize this attribute, it will give you satisfaction. If Allah were to say, “That is enough, don’t ask more,” it would mean that He doesn’t have any more to give to His servants, and if it were so the hearts of mankind would explode. But Allah Almighty says, “Oh My servants, ask more and more, and I will bestow more than you can possibly imagine.” We must thank Allah for this and be happy that we have such a Creator, such a Lord. Our Grandsheikh says that although you may take more and more from Allah’s Wisdom and Knowledge oceans, don’t think that you can take all, for in reality you can take but one drop, not a bit more. Perhaps that drop may even be a huge drop, but it is still only a drop, and no matter how large it is, it still has bounds, whereas His Oceans know no boundaries. In this is real pleasure for us: Everything that Allah Almighty is giving us grows within bounds. If we could go beyond the realm of boundaries we would become partners to Allah, and that is an impossibility. Now my Grandsheikh was saying that there are two kinds of knowledge. One kind belongs only to the Almighty Himself, and the other kind Allah Almighty gives to His servants. We are speaking about that second kind only, for the first kind, the knowledge belonging to His Essence (Dhat), is impossible to behold, even for the Angels, Prophets and Saints – off limits. The endless oceans which He bestows upon His servants are nothing compared to His Essential Knowledge, which He is keeping to Himself. Look at this point also: When Allah Almighty called His Prophet on the Night of the Ascension (Laylatul-mi’raj) and spoke to him without intermediary; He imparted unto Muhammed three types, or areas of knowledge. One part of this Knowledge, He ordered the Prophet Muhammad (sal) to keep for himself only: “No one can know that; it is private between Me and you.” The second part, He allowed the Prophe Muhammad (sal), to share with a selected elite (Khawas) of the Nation (Ummah), and the third part He ordered to be opened to everyone. The accounts we read in books about the mi’raj are from the third part of this knowledge, and further knowledge of it is given to people according to their individual ranks. The palm (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:15:20

2553 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DropFromTheOceansIsAllYouCanTake

tree has knowledge that it may produce dates; the orange tree has a different knowledge, as it learned from its Lord to make oranges. Apple trees produce apples, olive trees olives, and just so everything in the universe is producing according to its rank and position. You have also been taught knowledge from your Lord, but now in our position it is covered. You are yet like a seed which hasn’t even been planted. You must plant yourself in seclusion (Khalwa). As the seed must be covered from this world – then you can know yourself. When a seed is in the ground for ten days, it will sprout, but our seed has not yet been planted and thus we cannot yet see whether we are orange trees or olive trees. This is the reason why the Prophet relates from Allah Almighty: “As long as you don’t know yourself you can’t know your Lord.”

WebSheikNazim2Com, CategoryKnowledge, CategoryMiraj (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:15:20

2554 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DrunknessAndHeavenlyBalance

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DrunknessAndHeavenlyBalance


Those Who Are Drunk with Dunya Lost the Heavenly Balance

(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Qadeer Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah Subhaan Sensin, salli wa sallim yaa rabbana `ala habeebik al-mustafa maa daamat as-samawaatu wa 'l-ard. Zidhu yaa Rabbee `izzan wa sharafan nooran wa surooran, rwaanan wa sultaana. Yaa rabbana yaa rabbee 'ghfir w 'arham wa Anta khayru 'r-raahimeen. Yaa Rabbee, yaa Allah! asqina 'l-ghayth wa laa taja`lnaa mina 'l-qaaniteen. Ija`lnaa yaa Rabbee ma` `ibaadika as-saaliheen, thumma as-salaamu `alaykum yaa anbiyaa Allah wa yaa awliyaaullah yaa `ibaadAllahi 's-saaliheen. Look after your weak servants, yaa Saahib az-Zamaan, yaa RijaalAllah, Ameen. And we are saying, all of our attenders and all Salafi `ulamas, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem, and Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r- Raheem! Who carries that sword of Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, his head will be always up. Allah Almighty will never give him sorrow. Say, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem! (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:15:21

2555 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DrunknessAndHeavenlyBalance

O People! Every time when you are feeling something wrong with yourself, say Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r- Raheem at least seven times. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) I am a weak servant, and by the holy ones' order, when I am saying Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem I feel power and joy. Whoever is saying Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r- Raheem will drink from nahru 'l-asal, nahru 'l-laban, nahru 'l-haleeb, nahru 'sh-shrabb, rivers of honey, rivers of milk. Yes, yes, yaa Rabbana, yaa Rabbana. Yaa Rabbee 'ghfir w 'arham wa Anta khayru 'r-raahimeen! O our Attenders! Welcome to you! How are you today? So many of you are filling your bags. Today only one bag? Must be two bags today, I think. You must be careful about that point. You say to me, “O our master! We are running and working so hard.” But if Allah Almighty is not giving, how are we asking to fill our bags by ourselves? You must be a drunk one; you forget that Allah Almighty, your Creator, gives or prevents and we are asking to learn. O People! Don't read a holy book as if you are reading a newspaper. It will give you nothing if you read the Holy Qur’an like a magazine, newspaper, or a book of tales! You must read it for understanding; it is Holy Qur’an, bringing oceans, oceans, oceans, and every moment there come new, endless oceans, and in every heavenly dominion Holy Qur’an appears with yet another heavenly appearance! O our Attenders! Beware of Shaytan, making you to be greedy. What the Lord gives you must give for your Lord’s honor, and that gives you honor. If you are granted something from heavenly treasures, give, and Allah will give you much more. You ask, “O Shaykh! You are saying ‘heavenly treasures’ and we do not understand that; we only understand treasures on Earth." That is because you are not trying to learn about Heavens, but only for business, business, business. You may make heaps of gold or diamonds or pearls, but you can only look at them; they can't really give you anything! This is earthly treasure, but heavenly treasures are in heavenly dominions that contain countless oceans of treasures! That happiness is never granted to those who run after this world’s useless treasures. When your treasures are useful, you are making a way from here to Heavens, then you will reach heavenly treasures! (Mawlana addresses an Egyptian.) You are from the country of Pharaoh, where they collected heaps of gold. If a command is issued, it is because there are some selected or chosen ones. Twenty chosen ones look after khazaa'in al-ard, treasures of the Earth. Jinns are also under their command, who they can order, "Collect all the gold from the time of Pharaoh," and it will be like a thousand of your pyramids! (Mawlana Shaykh (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:15:21

2556 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DrunknessAndHeavenlyBalance

laughs) I am laughing. For what? If a weak one orders to carry all the gold and all the treasures of the Saudi people and the Arabian peninsula’s kings and imams and put them there, it will be like a big pyramid. And in the morning they will ask, “Where is our gold?” (Mawlana Shaykh claps his hands) Allahumma arham! They will run to mental houses, where one weak guardian may carry them, making this gold under one pyramid. But their holders will lose their minds and become crazy ones, running like this and like that. They may collect all of them that are so proud with their treasures, bringing them under a tent, and they will say, “What happened? What happened? What happened?” I am saying, "Play now, as they took all of that from you and now you have no responsibility on Day of Resurrection, so be happy!" I am playing; I am happy with my Lord, and happy with all anbiya and Sultan al-Anbiya (s), and with all holy ones. But now we are living in a time when people are not happy with holy ones; they don't like them because holy ones are not happy with their treasures. They say, “No-mind ones are not collecting as we are, and there is going to be for it a guardian.” O People! Use your minds! O Salafi `ulamas! Why are you not awakening your kings and princes, and scholars? Wake them up because they are sleeping and more, they are drunk! And the worst drunk is drunk with dunya. What they are drinking--whiskey, champagne, vodka, spirits--is nothing. But people now in our days are drunk with dunya. That is the biggest curse on people! They are sleeping with and waking up with dunya. What is that? Why be drunk with dunya? Those people who are making heaps of gold or pearls or diamonds are really sakraan, drunk ones. Now men and women are asking for a treasure. Is it not true? O Salafi `ulamas! Where are you (what is your position)? Is it true or not? They are making me address you on Haqq. They are making me speak about reality and truth, because people are drunk with dunya. Why dunya and nothing else? But dunya is such a magic one that never says to one individual only, "I am for you," but it says to everyone, "I am for you, I am for you! I love you, I love you, I love you!" Kadhib `alaa kadhib, "lies on lies." And people, from early morning up to evening and late night, are thinking, "O, such a beautiful one!" They even dream and imagine about that beautiful dunya and its treasures. They sleep and awaken with dunya! That is the lifestyle or life philosophy for 21st century people. They are not saying, "We can do more and more for the benefit of Mankind, and for the honor of the Seal of Prophets (s), and for the honor of the (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:15:21

2557 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DrunknessAndHeavenlyBalance

Lord of Heavens, Allah Almighty, (Mawlana Shaykh stands) that He granted us and we may grant for Him!" (Mawlana Shaykh sits) But people are now understanding everything wrongly, and wrong works are never giving pleasure to people. Always they are under the heavy pressure of dunya and sometimes people kill themselves because of that; they can't carry it and their minds are exploding. What shall we do now? Say, Salafi `ulamas! Do you know Holy Qu'ran? Part of a holy verse they are giving to me to say to you, particularly for Salafi `ulamas, Allah Almighty is saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands)   Wa wada`a l-meezaan. And He has set up the Balance. (ar-Rahman, 55:7) Do you know it or not? Is it the Turkish language or English, or is it the original from Holy Qur'an? Wa anzala 'l-meezan. And He brought down a Heavenly Scale. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Yes, He put a Heavenly Scale, a Heavenly Balance. Allah Almighty is saying, "I have put a Balance in front of you in this life. For what? I am not using balance; it is for you, to arrange your lifestyle." And you lost it, 21st century people, as you are not taking care for the Heavenly Scale, the Balance! O Salafi `ulamas! Why are you not teaching people? Teach people instead of quarreling with people, saying, "You are wrong, you are right, you are Muslim, you are mushrik, you are haraam maker, you are sahib bid'a, innovator." Leave that and bring the balance of life that Allah (swt) is sending! Why are you not saying? Teach your mulook first, your imams, your princes, your leaders, first of all teach them what is the heavenly balance that Allah Almighty is putting. And you are Arabs, saying, "We are understanding." If you understand, what does it mean, wa wada'a l-meezaan, wa anzala 'l-meezaan? For what? Allah (swt) will ask you. You are only claiming, "We are Salafi `ulamas." Your real Salafi `ulamas were using that Scale, that Balance. What is that Scale of Balance that the Lord of Heavens sent you, O Mankind? Firstly, to the Arabs, that they used it at the beginning of Islam and then they began to lose it, and then were changing it with some other balances. Why are you using democracy? Does it have a balance? Everywhere, they are saying, "Democracy, democracy." What is that? Why aren't you calling people and saying, "If you are not enough, where are Azhar (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:15:21

2558 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DrunknessAndHeavenlyBalance

ash-Shareef `ulamas? Why are they not putting that balance that Allah Almighty (swt) put? Azhar ash- Shareef `ulamas, why are you not saying and showing? You are living in Egypt. Is Egypt putting an Islamic balance? Is Libya putting an Islamic balance? Heavenly balance in Turkey or Iran or Afghanistan or Pakistan? Where is the heavenly balance that Allah Almighty sent to you? Show me! Don't swear at me! Shaytan swears at you. Bring that meezaan, that balance Allah (swt) put for Muslims and for believers. If you are not doing this you are always going to be humiliated. There is no honor for you; you lost your honor! That is the world's biggest crisis, because learned people are not putting this into action, particularly the Muslim world's `ulamas, who are not putting heavenly balance in Islamic countries. Where are you, `ulamas of Azhar ash-Shareef, who are so proud to have written in front of their names "Doctor Fulaan (so-and-so)." What is that? (Mawlana Shaykh laughs) Say, Salafi `ulamas! You shout at Azhar ash- Shareef `ulamas, Azhar ash-Shareef `ulamas may shout at some Shaam `ulamas and Shaam `ulamas shout at Baghdad `ulamas, "Who is ordering? Is Allah (swt) ordering to kill each other?" Allah Almighty is saying: asta`eedhu billah (Mawlana Shaykh stands)    Wa laa taqtuluu anfusakum. And do not kill each other. (an-Nisa, 4:29) (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Why do you kill each other? Is that a heavenly balance ordered for you to keep? May Allah (swt) forgive us. O our Attenders! Try to understand the mission of Islam, for what Islam was sent and for what the Seal of Prophets (s) was ordered with Shari`atullah. He brought heavenly orders and put them in action! If we do that, all dunya will be like Paradise! If not, this dunya is going to be like hells, everywhere fire, killing, and every curse. May Allah (swt) forgive us. Tawbah, yaa Rabbee! Fatihah. (38 minutes) Ameen. Yaa Rabbee, shukr yaa Rabbee. (Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka'at Salaat ash-Shukr.) (Mawlana Shaykh speaks with Mawlana Shaykh Hisham on the phone.) (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:15:21

2559 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DrunknessAndHeavenlyBalance

Lefke, 02.10.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryMaterialism, CategoryUlema, (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:15:21

2560 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Du Bist Nie Alleine

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DuBistNieAlleine



Wenn einer mit einem schönen Mädchen 40 Tage auf einer Insel alleine ist und in sein Herz nicht ein Gedanke an etwas Verbotenes kommt, wenigstens 40 Tage lang - und es gibt keine Grenze für eine längere Zeit - dann ist er auf der ersten Stufe wahren Glaubens. Er mag für immer dort sein und nie kommt in sein Herz ein schlechter Gedanke über dieses Mädchen. Dieser Glaube gibt dem Mann eine Kraft, die ihn beschützt, so daß kein Gedanke über Haram zu ihm kommen kann. Denn selbst, wenn er über das Gesetz nachdenken würde, könnte ihn das zur Unzucht führen. Denn ohne Zeugen gibt es keine Erlaubnis dafür, über eine Heirat nachzudenken. Was beschützt ihn davor, daran zu denken? Wenn ein König mit seiner schönen Königin auf dem Thron sitzt, und du kommst herein und weißt, daß er sehr eifersüchtig ist, bist du dann frech genug, die Königin anzuschauen? Er kann dich sofort köpfen lassen. Nie wirst du hinschauen - aus Angst vor dem schrecklichen König. Allah ist eifersüchtiger, wenn es um Haram und Halal geht, als der König. Wenn ein Diener diese Ebene erreicht, fühlt er Allahs Gegenwart und seine Eifersucht. Dann - wenn dies möglich ist - sind wir bei wirklichem Glauben angekommen. Halal ist nie schmutzig, aber über Haram nachzudenken ist schmutzig. Ein Mann mit wirklichem Glauben weiß sich immer in Allahs Gegenwart. Einst gab es einen Scheich, und ein neuer Schüler kam zu ihm, ein "Mustaid" - ein Bereiter. Der Scheich widmete sich ihm immer. Die anderen waren eifersüchtig, und der Scheich wußte davon. Er sagte eines Tages: "Morgen gehen wir zu einem Picknick. Jeder von euch bringt ein Huhn, und wir mögen es schlachten (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:15:22

2561 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Du Bist Nie Alleine

und Picknick machen." Jeder brachte ein Huhn mit. Als sie zum Scheich kamen mit den Vögeln, befahl er ihnen: "Geht zu einem Platz, wo keiner euch sehen kann. Schlachtet das Huhn und bringt es zu mir." Nur der eine Schüler ging nicht und schlachtete nicht. Da freuten sich alle, daß der Neue nicht geschlachte hatte, daß er ungehorsam war. Der Scheich fragte ihn: "Warum, o mein Sohn, hast du nicht gehorcht?" "O mein Scheich, Allah und der Prophet (FSmi) und du, oh Meister, ihr habt mich beobachtet, wohin ich auch ging." Der Scheich sagte: "Schaut, Allah ist mit euch, wo ihr auch seid, aber wir sind nicht mit ihm." Und er erklärte den Schülern die hohe Stufe dieses Neuen und den Grund, daß er den Neuen über sie stellte, denn sie waren nicht mit ihrem Herrn, nicht einmal mit ihrem Scheich. Ein Schüler muß sich immer der Gegenwart seines Scheichs bewußt sein, darf sich niemals mit sich selbst allein wähnen. In Damaskus gab mir einmal ein alter Mann ein Bonbon und bestellte meinem Großscheich viele Grüße. Als ich Großscheich die Grüße ausrichtete, fragte er mich: "Hast du auch ein Bonbon für mich? - O mein Sohn, du mußt sagen, das eine ist für mich, und noch eins für meinen Scheich." Selbst bei Millionen von Schülern muß der Scheich immer mit dir sein. Du mußt mit dem Scheich sein, dann kannst du mit Allah sein. Denn du kannst dir Allah nicht vorstellen, aber du kannst dir vorstellen, daß der Scheich mit dir ist. Dann gehst du voran und siehst später mit den eigenen Augen, daß der Scheich mit dir ist. Zuerst mußt du wissen und glauben, daß der Scheich bei dir ist, später wirst du seine Gegenwart fühlen, und schließlich wirst du mit den Augen sehen, daß der Scheich an deiner Seite ist. Einer unserer Brüder aus Ceylon fühlt immer den Scheich an seiner rechten Schulter. Später siehst du den Scheich immer mit dir. Das ist "Huzur" , du bist mit mir, und mit mir sind der Prophet (FSmi) und der Herr Allah. Diese Person auf der Insel, ist da niemand? Der Scheich, der Prophet (FSmi) und Allah sind dort, denn der Mensch braucht spirituelle Unterstützung vom Scheich. Böse Kräfte sind immer hinter dir her. Mein physischer Körper könnte nie all eure Probleme tragen, wenn ich nach hunderten von Leuten immer schauen würde. Aber spirituell bin ich mit allen von euch. Ich muß euch tragen und unterstützen. Wenn ich nicht autorisiert wäre, könnte ich das nicht. Das ist ein wichtiger Punkt, den Großscheich uns sagen will. Jeder Scheich hat auch physische Kräfte, und eine sexuelle Beziehung ist auch für Propheten und Heilige wichtig. Die Vollkommenheit eines Menschen umfaßt auch die sexuellen Beziehungen. Wir sind keine Engel. Halal ist sauber, Haram ist schmutzig. Es gibt ein heiliges Kommando: "Wa ankiha" (Befehl zum Heiraten), und auch das ist notwendig für unsere Perfektion. Jedes Kommando bringt dich näher an die göttliche (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:15:22

2562 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Du Bist Nie Alleine

Gegenwart, ebenso wie dich Haram weiter von ihr weg bringt.(aus dem Englischen) - 01.01.1987

BookGenerelleAntwortaufalleFragen (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:15:22

2563 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DunyaIsAMarketplace

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DunyaIsAMarketplace


Dunya Is A Marketplace

As-Salamu Alaikum O Muslims. May peace be upon you. When believers come together, one should explain and the other take benefit. This is the method. Let us remember the Ism Al-Jalal of Allah Almighty: Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa LiLlahi l-Hamd. Alfu Salat alfu Salam 'ala Sayyidina Muhammad Sayyidi-l Awwalin wa-l Akhirin wa Habibi Rabbi-l 'Alamin. Allahumma qawwi dha'fi fi Ridaq. Welcome to you, welcome to you O our attending jama'at. May your day be nice. May your faith be strong. May your body be in health. May the dress you wear dress you with the faith and the honour of Islam. We are trying to keep the way of the great ones. Our religion is the religion of Islam. We are Muslims, shukur Allah that we are Muslims. Let us say it and our assembly be an enlightened assembly. So that Nur rains upon us. Then we may crown this sohbat of ours. We may put a crown on our assembly and on our sohbat. What is its crown? Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim. I want to stand up 100 times but our strength and power is enough to stand up for one time only. We may say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Grant us power O Lord, and we will destroy unbelief. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim is the key of all treasures. What allows us to open the doors of all external and spiritual treasures is Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. What is the value of treasures of earth? Only trash. It is a shame for a Muslim to say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim to complete a goal that belongs to this dirty dunya. Let's say a man is going to the market to buy bread, or to buy an onion, or to buy garlic. A person who gives gold and gets onion has no mind at all. Because a copper coin can also buy it. Copper is worth whatever you need, whatever you want. We remember that when we were small ones, the daily wage of a worker was three kurush, or two kurush. It was like this. Two kurush, meaning the copper coins. These copper coins; when (1 von 16)04.07.2013 23:15:24

2564 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DunyaIsAMarketplace

a person went to the market he was able to get all he needed with three coppers, or two coppers, or five coppers. We would call it "five kurush". There was no person who took with him gold when he was going to the market place. Let's say a person goes to the market. He will buy his daily needs. He wouldn't go putting gold in his pocket. Why? It wasn't worth it: meaning he will buy onions, or garlic, or potatoes, that person does not go to the market with gold. He can buy all he needs with one copper, or two kurush, or three kurush. Or one shilling, or half shilling can buy all he needs. He can buy all that he needs with the three coppers, and come back. There was no one who went to the market place putting gold in his pocket. No, why should he? They would not go to the market place putting gold in their pocket to buy vegetables or the daily foods needed. No. What will they do with gold? They wouldn't take silver either. It is still too much for it. Because you should receive something valuable for the money you give. Three kurush is enough for you in the vegetable market. They don't go there putting gold in their pockets. Gold has an honour. Since gold has honour no one takes it to the municipality market. Where do they take it to? They take it to the jewelery market. A person who enters the jewelery market to buy jewels. He does not go there with copper because he will buy jewels. Copper is for the municipality market place. We would call it Bandabuliya here, which means there would always be goods, vegetables there that the villagers brought. A person would go there and buy his needs with his copper money. A person who wants to buy jewels, who wants to buy things for a ceremony, or to get married would go to the jewelery market. And he would have gold and silver money in his pocket. We would call the other one Bandabuliya, which is the one always open, which sells onions, garlic, bread, cucumbers... It is the market that sells on