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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (167/777)
ps one believing person in one-hundred. People running away to believe something. And people are occupied only for their stomachs and under their stomachs and nothing else; and that is animal’s sifat, nature. Animals are living for two subjects, but we are over animals' level. We are animals from animals' world, but we have been honored to be deputies of Allah Almighty. Everything on this Earth, Allah Almighty is making under our command. Everything is just created to help or to serve Mankind. (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:14:59

2451 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontBeLikeAnimals

But now, we are not thinking about that honor which the Lord of Heavens granted to Mankind. He never giving to any other creature (the station) deputies of Allah Almighty. Everything for Mankind, to help them and created for their service. Now people are saying, "We are living in 21st century." Yes, you may live in the 31st century, but if your whole characteristic is not changing, you are going to be an animal, animal, animal! When your character is going to be changed, there is a difference between you and animals. But if you are not making that difference between the animal world and human nature, you and animal's level are going to be similar. You are up and animals level is down. If you’re not asking to reach your human level over, up towards Heavens and remaining as animals, you and the level of animals are going to be the same. And that makes the Lord of Heavens, our Creator, to be angry with us. For example, if a king makes his son crown prince and that one is leaving his palace, leaving his honor and running on the level of common people, that king going to be happy with that one? Never. Allah Almighty created you and granting you a level that you can’t find over it another level to be deputies! And now people are saying, “We are learned people.” Spit on your reading and teachings of Shaytan. Shaytanic practices making people to come down to the level of animals. Why you are not knowing who created them? Who are you? If you ask a donkey, “Who are you, O my darling?” he will answer, “I am donkey.” Ask, “For what have you been created?” and he will answer, “I was created for the service of Mankind.” Okay. Call one person now, from perhaps seven billions of people, and ask, “Who are you?” They will answer, “I am a man.” Ask, “That is your knowledge about your identity?” He answers, “Yes. I am one member, my membership to be from human nature.” Say, “Well done! What is your mission? For what you have been created? Say to me.” He answers, “I don’t know?” You say, "If I am asking a donkey, it is saying it is created to help Mankind, and you are not knowing for which purpose you are created? You are not knowing your identity? What is this foolishness? What you are learning from east to west, and north to south, at high schools and universities and academies? What are they teaching?” That is their civilization. They are going to be so proud, thinking we reached top point of civilization! Animals are better than them. Allah Almighty is preparing a punishment for them. This century never going to be ended till such an unbeliever (is reckoned with)! Yes! Therefore, if you are beginning to sit until next Friday, my swearing never ending for those Shaytanic people. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:14:59

2452 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontBeLikeAnimals

Today it is `Eidu 'l-Adha. What we shall do? Sometimes I am making people to laugh! (Mawlana is very happy.) As-salaamu `alaykum. May Allah (swt) bless you and forgive us. Time is over and we must pray `Eid prayer. And some people among ourselves going to make slaughtering, qurbaan, sacrificing today. Alhamdulillah, today our imam is Shaykh Muhammad, and he is an honored shaykh, most quick for making people to listen and so you may move quickly. May Allah (swt) forgive us and send us someone who can collect our hearts on real belief to Allah Almighty, and to be under his command and this world not too much time under it. O People, keep yourselves. Give your most high respect for our Lord Almighty Allah, so that He forgives us and blesses us! Fatihah. We are praying two raka’at, you must follow imam, then listen to the khutbah. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illa-Llah! Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi’l-hamd! Lefke, 27.11.2009

WebSufiLive, BookTheSufiliveSeries6 (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:14:59

2453 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontBeLikeStonesAndRocks

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DontBeLikeStonesAndRocks


Don't Be Like Stones or Rocks

(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illa-Llah. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, wa li' Llahi 'l Hamd! Dastur ya Rijal Allah! Madad ya Sultan al-Awliya! This is our level to ask from holy ones. We can’t reach the level of the Seal of Prophets; how we can reach Divinely Presence? Therefore, we must begin from first step then they may take us up. Alfu’s-salaat alfu’s- salaam. Countless salutes for you, O most blessed one, most honored one in Divinely Presence, only you Sayyidina Muhammad (s) up to Yawm al-Deen (Day of Resurrection). Oh, we are weak servants. O holy Ones! Teach us that we can be able to destroy batil, false of Shaytan and those following its way. Shaytan down, Prophet (s) up. We are saying, a`udhu billahi min ash-Shaytani' r- rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Madad ya Sultan al-Awliya. O our master! Now the Holiest one who following the steps of the Seal of Prophets, we are asking your Heavenly support, spiritual support to make a weak servant to address whole mankind, doesn’t matter. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:15:00

2454 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontBeLikeStonesAndRocks

I must look (gestures with eyeglasses), where is Shaytan and his followers? When I am bombarding them, they are trembling. They are thinking that I have some power. I am powerless one, weak servant, but if we are using.... I am like an atomic bomb, atomic bomb! As-salaamu `alaykum! Yes, and that is my mission...on Satanic forts and fortresses. Yes, O Mankind. How I can, swearing to you… and you have a perfection, no doubt. And I am saying a`udhu billahi min ash- Shaytani' r-rajeem.. I am trembling from the Day of Resurrection if my Lord, Allah Almighty, asks, “What you did with My servants?” If He asks me, I am trembling. Oh! That is the Day of Resurrection, that all prophets falling on their knees from the fear of our Lord’s anger! La hawla wa la quwatta illa billah, Allahu akbar. Therefore, I am saying a`udhu billahi min ash-Shaytani' r-rajeem. I am also swearing at my ego, I am warning it, “Don’t run after Shaytan. Don’t ask Shaytanic works. Don’t accept Shaytanic ideas. Don’t ask, and don’t accept Satanic theories, and ideas!” (Mawlana Shaykh sneezes) O my listeners, I am sorry to make (sneeze), but it is out of our free will, you know. Not free will only on cars…now our cars going swimming; that means closing down engine and free will going. And also I am free will; (when I sneeze) I can’t stop it. O my listeners, how are we today—happy? How much money, Mr. Jones? How much money, American people, you collected today? O bishop! How much money you collected or to where your steps stepping today your feet? Up and down. Which way you are doing something? You are thinking you are stepping. O religious people, including Wahhabis and Salafis (ha ha)! O, you are listening, and I am saying that I am a weak servant, but they are making someone to speak. Yes, I am nothing. I am nothing! I am asking, O my listeners, from Christian brothers, and Jewish brothers and Wahhabi and Salafi people. I am not saying … because they are not accepting me; they are making people to worship him. They are so ignorant ones. What is the differentiation between respect and obedience? Respect is to give worship. Worshipping is something else and respect is something else. But they’re mixing two things. They are saying if a person respecting second one, they are doing something wrong because respect only for Allah. No! Respect not only for Allah or Allah’s Lordship. You are not going to be most high respect; most high respect only may be creature. Cannot say most high respect. Respect is for creatures. But they are not understanding, so stupid ones! That is mixing. If I am respecting someone, they say, “Don’t (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:15:00

2455 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontBeLikeStonesAndRocks

respect!” What? Allah is respecting His servants, and ordering us to keep our respect to each other through holy commands and through all holy books. People of (other faiths) have been ordered to give their high respects to Sayyidina Dawud, to Sayyidina Sulayman. Are they doing wrong? That is Satanic way, making people now not to give respect one to another one. No, they are never giving glorification. Glorifying. No, they are not giving this. And the Lord of Heavens glorifying His most beloved one in the Divine Presence, “O My most high, most glorified, most honored, most blessed, most enlightened, and most beloved one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s).” (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) They are no-mind people! My language is not Arabic, but their language is Arabic and they are not making a differentiation ta`abbud wa ta`dheem, takreem, between worship and between respect, because they never understanding from wisdoms. They are like trees growing through deserts, yes. O People! I am giving my respect to you. My respect to those whom they are giving their high glorifying to highest glorified one (s) in Divinely Presence. I must give to them my respect. They think that this is munkar (evil doing?) That is their understanding. Through Knowledge Oceans, they are never taking anything. They are like stones in the oceans, never taking any drop of knowledge. They are inside. Big stones, they are not taking anything, even they are in the ocean. Not even (taking as much as a small creature) because those stones, no life. But who they are, they have life and secret of being a living creature, they are taking. So through whole Mankind, you can find millions of people, all of them now they are in Holy Qur’an Oceans, but there are 99%, they are like … never taking anything from Holy Qur’an. To those people saying this, they are Satans, and followers of Satan. But there is something heavenly, heavenly, heavenly support for weakest servant, to speak, to address to them, with their machines. I am not trying to learn this also, never. But against them going to be witness. Ninety-nine percent of living people, they are not taking anything from the Ocean of Holy Qur’an, why?! Arabs, Turkish, Kurdish, Iranians! Why not taking? And whole people they are running after Western civilization, they are saying, “That is power, last target, to be one of Western people.” What is Western people? You are looking under their clothes and going to WC (bathroom)? How much you are following? And Islam is holy Order from heavens coming: be clean - dhaahiran wa baatinan - outward looking and inner looking. Now, like seven seas, seven oceans. Holy Qur’an (is) up! But people are not taking anything from Holy Qur’an because they are like stones, sakhrah, rocks and stones, never getting in it from Oceans. But because they are (3 von 8)04.07.2013 23:15:00

2456 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontBeLikeStonesAndRocks

dead bodies, they are not taking anything from Holy Qur’an; laa hayaata liman la tunaadee - they are dead materials, from stones and rocks. But living ones, they are taking from the Oceans of Holy Qur’an; taking and getting in existence. They are trying to do their best for their Creator, Allah Almighty, and giving most high glorifications for their Lord. (Their) tasbeeh is, “O our Lord.” Now, whole world’s people are like stones and rocks, not taking. Islamic world, look from beginning up to end. Who taking orders from Holy Qur’an and saying that is orders from Holy Qur’an? Which country is doing this? Which countries? All of them asking to be (mimics), “tamocratical civilizations,” and animals’ dirt on their heads. One person was very angry with second one, and unable to keep himself, sneezing on second one, “habshoo,” and the second one saying, “Alhamdulillah, (it’s) raining!” (joke) Everything they are saying also, “alhamdulillah, raining.” (ignorance) Come and listen what to Holy Qur’an teaching. Be alive! Only one condition for people to reach heavenly blessings is to be alive. And the sign of being alive is to take something from the Ocean of Holy Qur’an: if you are not taking anything, you are like rocks! No life for them. Laa hayaata liman la tunaadee. No life for them. Allahu akbar, O our Lord, You know best. Don’t let our egos to be like rocks! We are asking our egos and to understand. And as Prophet (s) was saying, as he was writing his holy message to emperor of Byzantines, he was saying at the beginning, "aslim taslim -Come and accept Islam, open your heart to enter Islam; that gives you real life here and Hereafter.” That is Holy Qur’an’s iqbal (informing). When Prophet (s) was calling them, “Come and accept holy life from Heavens,” they are saying, “O Muhammad, (Mawlana Shaykh stands, sits) our hearts just locked. Nothing entering in it. What you are saying coming from here, going from there (in one ear out the other)...our hearts not accepting.” One of the best ones on earth, one day people looking and seeing him in the cemetery, and he was carrying a stick with him, and taking from the graves a skull, head of skeleton. Why listening if not understanding? Go away. People looking and seeing that is a blessed one. Always his heart with his Lord. (Mawlana sings) (4 von 8)04.07.2013 23:15:00

2457 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontBeLikeStonesAndRocks

Allah Allah, Allah Allah Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Allah Allah, Allah Allah Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome, ya Allah! Looking and seeing that, making a stick, taking that jumjuma, head of a skeleton and looking the place of the ear, putting stick inside. If not entering, throwing it away. Some of them, some other skeleton, trying also, making like this (mimics) and passing from one ear through other ear, throwing away also. Some others, entering, but not passing through the other side. These taking with care and burying. Some people asking “… what are you doing?” Don’t ask. “I am trying people.” “When they are dead?” “When they are alive they are never coming to me, but I caught them through the graveyard.” “Ya `Abdu Rabbee, O servant of my Lord, I am trying what or which characteristic with that one. This stick I am making through skeleton’s head, making through the side of the ear, and if not entering, I am throwing away. Some of them just entering and passing also second side, (and I am) throwing. Some of them I am putting, entering but not going out.” “But what does it mean?” they say. "You are such a no-mind person, but (I will) explain to you. If not entering, ears were closed for listening to heavenly message. Leave it; throw it like in football (soccer)… SHOOT!" (5 von 8)04.07.2013 23:15:00

2458 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontBeLikeStonesAndRocks

"Second one that I am trying, entering fully, but getting out from second side. This also useless one, because he is hearing, and from one side entering, from other side running away." "But SHOOT! Like in playing football. Shooting. Heavenly message getting inside but going away, useless." "The third one whom I tried their ears, entering but not getting out. But heavenly message getting in, but not going out. Keeping holy messages from heavens and not getting out these are good ones. But how many like that?" Pope and rabbis and Dalai Lama, the president of Buddhist people... I ask a question: how he (Buddha) was living, hearing, not hearing, keeping? Ask for them also. People never listening, or never asking to listen to heavenly messages, because satanic messages just filling everywhere, so how they are going to hear heavenly orders? fee quloobihim ghulfun (their ears are wrapped up). O, so many people, their hearts just locked up. Nothing entering (and) nothing coming out also. Followers of Satan; mostly 99% of people are followers of Shaytan. Follow! Tomorrow look what is coming on your head! Saying, “O my head, O my stomach, O my heart.” You are closing your physical being for divinely message. Whom they are keeping their body in safety, and their understanding to be … O People! Whole world like stones and rocks through oceans. Don’t try to do anything, leave them. But I am sorry to say that Muslims being like those people, like rocks and stones, denying every spirituality in Islam, and Islam mixed up … (cell phone ringing) Islam with spirituality. That making me to stop (phone), Shaytan … because I am in connection with heavenly powers. Cutting line to come to me now, such a telephone. Shaytan making you to be trouble to me and trouble to people; don’t bring here such a thing! I am addressing to whole mankind, I am not playing here! (no cell phones in Mawlana Shaykh’s suhbah!) You are not understanding that Islam full with spirituality. If not, (you) don’t belong to Lord of Heavens. Coming from heavens and Holy Qur’an full with spirituality to save people from the darkness of their material beings, and to take them to high positions in heavens. It is not for dunya, no! It is only for your spirituality, to make you (ascend) up, to be closer to heavenly levels!! O our Lord, forgive us. (6 von 8)04.07.2013 23:15:00

2459 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontBeLikeStonesAndRocks

Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Don’t make us, O our Lord, like stones or rocks. We like to reach to Your Heavenly Presence and Your strong support, O Lord of Creation! Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Once upon a time when I was in elementary school, they are teaching do, re, me, fusulye (beans), do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do (voice scales in music), but now I am forgetting; don’t blame me that I don’t know music1 (smiling) Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome (7 von 8)04.07.2013 23:15:00

2460 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontBeLikeStonesAndRocks

I am singing for my Lord only, Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome (47 minutes) Fatiha. Allah bless whom they are listening, and give their respect to such a weak servant. Allah bless them. Who they are keeping through their hearts envy, they should be far away from me, here and Hereafter. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks to Mawlana Shaykh Hisham and Hajjah Naziha on phone, extremely happy!) Lefke, 07.10.2009

WebSufiLive (8 von 8)04.07.2013 23:15:00

2461 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontBeProud

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DontBeProud


Do Not Be Proud for Man is Created Weak!

Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah. As-salaamu `alaykum all Mankind from east to west, from north to south. Dastoor yaa RijaalAllah, madoona bi madadikoom. O chosen ones from Mankind on this planet, as-salaamu `alaykum! And we are requesting from your heavenly powers a support for addressing everyone who is asking to know something. Huuuuuuu. We are saying a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. We are weak ones, but people are thinking they are powerful ones. That is their imagination, because Allah Almighty is saying, (Mawlana Shaykh stands), wa khuliq al-insaanu da`eefah, “For Man was created weak.” (an-Nisa` 4:28) (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Allah Almighty is saying that Mankind is just created and they are weak ones. But Mankind is thinking they are much more powerful ones and they are such heedless ones. How can you claim, "I am a powerful one." How are you claiming you are powerful and running away from one virus that you can't see under a microscope? How are we saying we are powerful ones? But no-mind people are not thinking on it. We are maghloob, defeated in front of a virus. How are we claiming we are powerful? If you are powerful, catch the virus! (Mawlana Shaykh laughs.) (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:01

2462 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontBeProud

Once upon a time, Grandshaykh (q) told a story (that I will repeat now), because when we are saying something people are going to sleep. When I am saying a story, people are saying, "What is Shaykh saying? Sometimes he is speaking good stories, and we are pleased." Therefore I am saying, it is important, but our doctors are never going to be humble to say, "Once upon a time, there was an ant." (Mawlana Shaykh laughs.) Grandshaykh (q) was saying, once upon a time in Caucasus, one person who was selling clay pots was going to a village whose people were well-known that they are like idiot ones! (Mawlana Shaykh laughs.) Going on the way was that mule, and may be it was seeing something, making like this (jumping) and whole clay pots were broken, and saying, "Ohhh, what shall I do now? My whole capital is just finished!" He was beginning to think and cry, "Oh my capital is just finished and I am going to those idiot-ones." Then one shaytanic one was coming and saying, "Sit down and make it dust, fill sacks and go there." He did that and went, reaching to those people. People were saying, "Oh welcome, what are you selling?" "I am selling a medicine against fleas. I am bringing first class medicine against fleas." And people were running, because there were so many fleas in that place and buying, buying, finishing. Then he was getting out and he was beginning to run as much as possible, but he was looking and seeing several people were also running after him and he was also much more running. Then those people were saying, "O our fellow, don't run, we are tired, we are coming for you, don't worry." Then he was stopping and coming down. "You, as-salaamu` alaykum." "Wa `alaykum as-salaam. We bought that medicine that you are using against fleas but how can we use it? We are getting surprised, we bought it, but how can we use it?" He was saying, "I am teaching you, yes. You may catch a flea, open its mouth and put this there, leaving and finishing." "Very good way for using this. O thank you sir! Thank you sir!" and sending on doctors fleas, finished. Now I am saying to our doctors, why do you fear from pig virus? Very easy, catch it, open its mouth, put poison and finished! Yes. But they are trembling, putting something like this, but from where going in virus? They do not know. Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar. That is what we are saying and Allah Almighty is saying, "I created Man weak," but they are looking at (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:01

2463 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontBeProud

themselves and thinking they are such powerful ones. Where is your power? It is not power to have missiles or nuclear bombs, nuclear weapons, or nuclear navy. You have such power, why are you not fighting against the pig flu? We are weak. We are weak, but Shaytan always makes people to look and say, "We are such people that can do everything," giving them pride. Therefore, everyone now is thinking that they are something, and they are nothing! And they are asking to fight the Lord of Heavens. They are saying that, "We are not listening to You. We are not following Your orders. We are free to do everything and we are not accepting Your commands." That is a shaytanic teaching, and the Seal of Prophets (s) was saying, "My honor is that I am a weak servant to my Lord." But now people are growing up with shaytanic characteristics. They are so proud. They are so envious. They are so greedy for dunya and everything in it. And Shaytan is teaching them and saying to them, "If you are using such things, you will be forever in this life." And doctors are looking and making research, for what, to catch the secret power in Man. That is their main aim, to catch that secret power so that they are not going to die. That is also a shaytanic teaching, but we must try to understand that we are weak ones, because the Creator is saying, "I created Man weak." And when Allah Almighty is saying "weak," no one is reaching the limits of weakness that Man is carrying. O People! Therefore, listen and obey, and follow heavenly orders. I am sorry to say that whole nations, whole religions, including Islamic religion’s people are running after dunya and asking to create a new dunya where no one is going to die in that new dunya. That is the limit of being proud and idiot ones. Yes, that is an important point. We are sitting here, and they are making me to speak on such points that are pillars of our beliefs. We are trying to teach people to know something of Divinely Attributes and on which pillars our beliefs are sitting on. People now are building high buildings from concrete, and architects are looking, calculating that according to the height of a building they are using iron. For what? To carry that high building. They are not using one-centimeter diameter, looking and making it strong. And we also, Mankind, must try to reach to such a strong base that he may build on it his beliefs. But people are not giving such things to people. They are speaking, speaking, speaking. Say! You are Azhar `ulamas, and (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:15:01

2464 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DontBeProud

Salafi `ulamas, why are you not saying,    wa khuliq al-insaanu da`eefah, "For man was created Weak" (4:28)