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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (163/777)
r them. They are nothing and glory, endless glory their Creator. Creation is an unknown Divinely Attribute. That is unknown, sirr, secret, secret for creating. Unknown situation and unknown Divinely Attribute to create. When reaching tat point, there just coming and opening to Muhiydeen ibn al-`Arabi. [Adhan is called, Mawlana Shaykh stands up] And, ya Shaykh Adnan Effendi, that appearance coming, and looking that wali on that level, saying alhamdulillah. But they are looking, there is countless creation, countless creatures, but no one they have a real being, position, no existence, no real existence, but their nouri existence, but no existence for them. That’s why Muhiydeen ibn Arabi saying alhamdulillah khalaqal khalqa min `adamin fa `adamah. And He created countless creatures, but all of them are not going to be something; the real being is in Divinely Presence. One whom he was looking and seeing countless creatures when he was using his real looking to things, he was looking, but really I am looking nothing there, nothing there. Now there is telephone. We are looking that a way, perhaps someone they have a picture also. He was thinking that it is something, but after a while it is disappearing, there is no existence. Alhamdulillahi’ ladhee khalq min `adamin. That is the sign that He never accepting any partner of countless creatures, if anyone standing up to claim “I am this one, that one,” taking them away. Teaching them you are from Adam, from Adam you are going to be seen as `alam, `awaalim, nothing else. Then `adamahum, there is black holes. What black holes, you know? You understand black holes? Ha ha. Who is claiming, I am here putting in that black hole is disappearing. Gigantic galaxies just disappeared through these black holes reaching to its first position. Its first position was nothing, then coming and appearing as something, and (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:14:44

2391 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DivinePresenceIsOnlyForOne

getting to be proud, saying, “I am here, taking that black hole, carrying that proud one inside,” finishing, adamu! Qalamuhu Muhiydeen, Holy words of Muhiydeen ibn al-`Arabi, Alhamdulillahi’ ladhee khalaqa’ fa `adamah. When he is claiming they are something, making them through black holes `adamahum.Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Subhan Allah, Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah. Fatiha. [Sultan singing] dumm, dumm dumm, dumm That is only for those people whom their heads going to be like footballs. Because they are never understanding dom, dom except footballs, footballs, footballs. dumm, dumm dumm, dumm because they are never understanding. Except that ball, that ball, that ball, dumm, dumm Lefke, 06.08.2009

WebSufiLive (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:14:44

2392 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DivineServiceIsHigher

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DivineServiceIsHigher


Divine Service Is Higher than Earthly Royalty

Yaa Rabbee shukr, Yaa Rabbee shukr, Yaa Rabbee shukr! Madad yaa Sayyidee (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Laa ilaaha illa-Llah, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadur Rasoolullah `alayhi salaatullah. As- salaamu mina 'l-azaal ila 'l-abad. Thumma salaamu 'alaykum yaa anbiyaaullah yaa `ibaadAllahi 's-saaliheen, yaa ashaabu 'n-nawba, yaa Saahib az-Zamaan, yaa Awtaad, yaa Aqtaab, yaa Budalaa, yaa Nujabaa, yaa Nuqabaa, yaa Akhyaar! Amidoonee bi madadikum, until we may reach blessings in this holy night! We are saying a`oodhu billahi min ash-shaytani 'r-rajeem. Say! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! Don't worry! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Don't think that the one who is saying Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem is going to be khaa'ib khaseer, losing. O People, our attenders, say Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! And be hopeful, be in contentment in your heart; the one who says Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem (Mawlana Shaykh stands) is never going to the Fire! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) It is the biggest grant for the nation of the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s) (Mawlana Shaykh stands). Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) What is Allah saying? (Mawlana Shaykh stands) (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:14:45

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innahu min sulaymaan wa innahu Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Verily it is from Sulayman and verily it begins with the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. (27:30) O People! Say Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem, and don't worry! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah. Yaa Rabbee, yaa Allah! Yaa Rabbee, yaa Allah! Qawwiyy d`afana li-ridaaka, bi barakati Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana is absorbed in brief dhikr.) O our Attenders! O Salafi `ulamas! Say that the biggest grant from the Lord of Heavens is Bismillahi 'r- Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) One thousand times, stand up and sit down! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O, weak servants, ask to be powerful by saying that holy Name of Allah Almighty. We are weak ones, but if we are asking to be honored and powerful, and to be forgiven and to be the best ones, say daily at least 100 times, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sings) Bismillahi 'r- Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) We are asking protection here and Hereafter and shelter, also. We are asking shelter here and Hereafter. For everything that weak servants think might touch them with trouble here or Hereafter, they must try to say Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! Don't worry. O Salafi `ulamas! If you are speaking on the secret knowledges, secret powers, secret grants from the Heavens that are coming from Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem, you can't finish. O Salafi `ulamas, marhaban! Sit down and say Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Up to the end, say Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r- Raheem. Yaa Rabbee, shukr! Whoever is eating or drinking, begin with Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. By saying Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem, whatever that one is drinking or eating is going to be noor, light, and is quickly transforming, changing, changing. First blessings are coming on him. Bismillahi 'r- Rahmaani 'r-Raheem, from the beginning of this world up to the end, you never finish. Allahu Akbar! It is a grant for Mankind, but people are heedless and they are forgetting. And what is the reason for forgetting? Because when say, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem, that is putting you in a safe position, and safety and pleasure are granted to you. O Salafi `ulamas! Shaytan is never happy for Mankind to be in pleasure and happiness. Therefore, leave everything and only speak about the power of Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Then call me and say, "O Shaykh! We hope we finished what you are giving to 'abeedullah, the servants of Allah (swt). We are (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:14:45

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finished." That is the biggest ignorance. If we start at the beginning of Creation up to the end, we are never finishing those special grants coming to the nation of the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) Do you know hudhud, the hoopoe bird? Holy Qur'an is teaching everything; every holy verse, word and letter in it give Mankind countless lessons that grant them countless honors of Heavens. Subhaan Allah! Allah Almighty is sending Holy Qur'an to Mankind to teach them such things according to their capacity or ability. Why is Allah Almighty speaking on the sultanate of King Solomon, peace be upon him? There are so many wisdoms in every word. He sat on his holy throne, but don't think that every throne is holy, no. O Salafi `ulamas! Look and try to understand! Don't think that every throne is holy and honored and blessed. No. Each throne is going to be according to the person who is sitting on it and how he is taking care for his servanthood. For that throne to be the best throne, to be an enlightened throne, to be a glorified throne, or to be a majestic throne, it is according to that one who is sitting on it. Allah Almighty is teaching all mulook and sultans. He is teaching everyone from east to west, from north to south. The Lord of Heavens is asking to teach people something. Subhaan Allah! And people think that Allah Almighty has only one throne for Sulayman (a). If Sulayman (a) is sitting on a throne, what about the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)? (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Say, Salafi `ulamas! What is his throne? Say! Allah Almighty is saying:       `asaa an yab`athaka rabbuka maqaaman mahmoodah. (O Muhammad!) It maybe that your Lord will raise you to the Praised Station. (17:79) It is only for the Seal of Prophets (s) and people are hasood, jealous of him because we are giving him so much honor! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Yaa humaqa! "O idiots!" Allah Almighty is giving honor to His most glorified, honored, majestic servant. I am ashamed to say "servant," but he is Allah Almighty's deputy from pre-Eternal up to Eternal. And those no-mind Wahhabi people are getting so jealous and angry! Who are you to say this? If Allah Almighty is honoring him, why do you object to people honoring him? You say, "They are giving salaatu w 'as-salaam, standing up, giving `alaamat at-ta`zheem, a sign of glorification.” They are such jealous people, and jealousy is a sign of no faith! O Salafi `ulamas! Teach your mulook, on what basis are they sitting on their thrones? Do they have rights to (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:14:45

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sit on it or not? If it is coming from the Heavens you have a right. Otherwise, you may put an ordinary chair next to it and say, "This throne is only for the Seal of Prophets (s)." That is adab for the most glorified and honored servant! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) There are so many things that if anyone could understand and apply, this world would be such a paradise, but they are not thinking about it. King Solomon (a) sat on his throne, a holy throne, not a throne from Mankind, which gives nothing to people but a big responsibility. King Solomon's throne was heavenly and, therefore, he was ordered to sit on it. His throne was such that a person looking at it would be mundhish `alayh, astonished and fall down when that heavenly appearance came on it. It was made of gold, but not earthly gold. `alayhi ar-ridwaan, jinns made it and brought it to him, and it was such a magnificent throne that no one could raise his head to look at it. That is how Allah Almighty (swt) dressed him, with such a heavenly glory. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Some may ask, "Why wasn't the Seal of Prophets (s) granted with such a throne?" Because he was the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), (Mawlana Shaykh stands) who preferred simpleness, saying:          ajlis kamaa yajlis al-`abd wa aakul kama yaakul al-`abd. I sit as a servant sits and I eat as a servant eats. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) That heavenly appearance that was coming on Sayyidina Sulayman (a) was something else, showing the heavenly glory and might on him. What he was granted was meant for ins wa 'l-jinn, Mankind and jinn, to bring just one small spot from the greatness, might, and glory of the Lord of Heavens, Who did not accept this for Sayyidina Muhammad (s). He was saying, "Alright, teach people, because in your time people will try to climb up and show themselves as glorified, majestic, or mighty ones." Therefore, he taught his nation, "O People! Don't ask for glory and majesty and mightiness through your furniture, your thrones. That is something granted to some servants of the Lord through heavenly wisdoms." Sayyidina Muhammad (s) taught the highest level for servanthood is to say, "I am only a servant." If people open beyond that horizon, they are going to be much more dirty, and they will never let anyone live; they will do their worst for Mankind, making its condition come down. The Seal of Prophets (s) said, "O my nation! I am teaching you that the last nation is my nation and the Last Day is coming on them. Therefore, I must teach you how to be acceptable in the Divine Presence." But Shaytan is now teaching everyone kibr, to be (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:14:45

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proud. Everyone is saying, "I am someone, now if I can just find a throne to sit on!" That can't be. That is their highest, egoistic, last demand and the main spring coming to people from east to west, from north to south, because everyone is asking to be a Nimrod, or a Pharaoh, or a tyrant. The Seal of Prophets (s) said: (Mawlana Shaykh stands)     adabanee Rabbee fa ahasana taadeebee. My Lord has taught me excellent manners and perfected my manners. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O People! Don't make any level higher than the level of servanthood, as the Lord of Heavens is never happy with that, saying, "I am not granting that to you here, but for Eternal Life. I am not granting that you should be a king or tyrant for three days, no. I am offering that you should be humble servants, and then when you come to Me, I will grant you real, never-ending honor." O People! May Allah (swt) forgive us. They are making me begin with something that is most necessary for Mankind to reach: a peaceful, happy, sweet life here. But people of all nations, beginning with Arabs, Turks, Persians, Iranians, Pakistanis, Malaysians, and Afghanis, everywhere people are trying to reach the honor of being kings or queens, not the honor of being servants! The Seal of Prophets (s) was sent to teach Mankind how to be servants of the Lord of Heavens. O Salafi `ulamas! Try it, and if anything is wrong tell me, "That one is speaking non-truth." Astaghfirullah, if I am speaking wrongly, I am asking forgiveness from our Lord, Allah Almighty. He is teaching us how to be in this life, in the positions for which we have been created. He wants to teach us and send us to Paradise, not to Hells. O People! You may understand more than Salafi `ulamas, and Wahhabi people are never understanding! Therefore, they are making me to say, come back, and leave the western countries. We don't like anyone from Muslim countries to be there, because you are going to be the worst example for Islam. The fundamentalists do not belong to Islam, they have cut their lines from Islam! Therefore, we are not happy with them that they should be in western countries. They must come back to their homelands to learn Islam and keep it so people can look at their examples and say, “Okay, that is Islam.” (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:14:45

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May Allah forgive us, for the honor of the Seal of Prophets (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) Fatihah. (41 minutes) Mashaa-Allah. (1,241 viewers) Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar! Mashaa-Allah, Allahu Akbar. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks with Shaykh Hisham Effendi on the phone.) (To Shaykh Hisham) May Allah bless you and open to you for your service, yaa Shaykh. (Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka`at Salaat ash-Shukr.) Lefke, 14.10.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryWesternNation, CategoryMigration, CategoryWahabism (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:14:45

2398 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DivineTrap

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DivineTrap



Audh billahi min ash-shaitan nir rajim, Bismillah hir-rahman nir-rahim, La hawla wa la quwwata ila billahil aleyhi adhim..Madad ya sultan al-awliya… If you like to depend on, to entrust the protection of your back to a man … a man, if we are saying a man that means any kind of creatures… if you like to depend on someone, the most powerful ones that you are know are the rich ones. Rich ones. You think that their richness makes you stand up. And there are some multi- millionaires, but such huge riches never give that person any more enjoyment. He may have perhaps one billion dollars, or more or less, but when old age comes to him it is finished for him. That huge richness can't give you any security, whenever you are using it as a timber to keep your roof up it is going to fall down, because it is powerless. Madad ya sultan al-awliya, madad ya rijal-Allah. Therefore, you must ask for some power that is not from the same kind of power that you invented, that you are using, no. It is so difficult for technology to give you security, to make you safe. Whoever is asking for peace and satisfaction in his life, must look for some place, which belongs to that One only, do not to say so many partners for me on this place, no. Therefore, we are asking forgiveness from Allah Almighty, and we are also saying endless shukr for Allah Almighty. As much as you give more shukr, more honour and nur, lights, will come to you, and also if a person is not saying but is (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:14:46

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going to Jama'at and they are sitting up to Doha prayers and up to midday prayers and then evening prayers and then night prayers. But it is not easy for that person to keep his ego away and to try to hold his oath to Allah from the Day of Promises. All of us gave our oaths to Allah Almighty saying, "We are going to be Your servants, we promise ourselves to You for Your Divine Service, we promise that we shall be servants for the Heavenly Service of Allah Almighty." Now everyone must ask himself, what is his intention, or for what is he working, or for whom is he working, for what? For what purpose are we running from here to there? We must all try to think on it and know that everything that is not for Allah, even though you may spend millions of dollars on it, that it is going to be finished. Allah knows everything, he knows that the Children of Adam throughout the 20th century were never following His Orders. Never. Never was any country following the Orders of Heavens. The Order of Heaven means the Orders of Allah. Everyone is trying to make something according to his thinking, according to his knowledge - and all that knowledge is the nonsense subjects they are reading in universities. Everything is only based on materialism , denying everything of spirituality, denying everything after this life, denying everything over this world! Any one who never thinks about his Divine Service must go down. He may even be the most powerful or richest person on earth, but it will be of no benefit to that person. Therefore try to depend on Allah Almighty. If Allah Almighty is supporting you, and you are depending on Him, no harm can reach you here and hereafter. But if you are not following even the most simple commands of Islam you should fall down, you should be taken away quickly(soon?). Allah Allah. Perhaps these days you are finding that the taste of coffee is finished, you may see, or you may try, something and it has no taste for you. That will finish, this belongs to mankind through this millenium. In the third millenium, so many people gerbal(a turkish word?), it is a stone mill that you use by hand destroying everything, nothing is going to be used for Shaitan, because Shaitan is making every terrible and horrible thing for mankind. Satanic teachings make people think wrong, and to intend wrong, and to do wrong. Therefore it is a Divine Trap for all of mankind who think that there is no more Heavenly Involvement on earth. They are saying, "We have thrown away kings and sultans, now we are the owners of everything that we have taken from them, it is for us not for them!" So, only one intention may save people. And one word may make mankind fall down. Now his feet are down and his head is up, but mankind will fall with his head (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:14:46

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down and feet up, everything is going to be upset if people are not taking care and attention for their Lord's teachings and orders. He may take everything from you. There is no more taste for people, there are so many kinds of fruits and vegetables that they are asking to eat but they are saying, "They have no taste - nothing. That is a banana but when we eat it it has no taste, there is nothing in our mouths helping us to taste these things." And if a person is making wudu or making ghusl, he must try to pray two raka'ats, but people have lost it, people have lost it. And nearby, step by step, we are approaching, some people are approaching the Divine Presence through their love and through their respect, they are even having their baby to make Allah Almighty happy with them. Alhamdulillah ya Rabb. Ask Allah Almighty for the best things for the new century, ask for the best ones. Anything that you are asking must be the best, it must also be most expensive. Don't ask for straw, but you may ask for a horse instead of straw , you may ask for one horse and He is giving a horse, He may order, "Give that servant of Allah Almighty, as much as you give to him from My treasures make it double and give him his horse also!" So that if any one depends on Allah, jalla jallalu, they should be victorious here and hereafter. Anyone who is asking to depend on man - man is going to die and his pillar will fall down. If a person depends on his money, money is going to vanish and change in one night, then you can do nothing with that money. So you may ask from Allah Almighty for a safe place in the coming days, with good ones around you, not to be touched by any wild animal, where you may keep yourself safe, as well as Allah Almighty protecting you. May Allah forgive us, forgiveness and blessings coming to you from Allah Almigthy. And in this holy month some unexpected events are going to appear, day by day, and chaos is going to climb day by day, more and more. May Allah protect you, ourselves, our families, and forgive and make them good servants, and our children and grandchildren. Amin. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah! Sultan, only Sultan Allah, we are all servants. May Allah accept our service - bihurmatil habib fatiha (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:14:46

2401 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DivineTrap

Lefke - 01.05.1999

CategoryAwareness (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:14:46

2402 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DivineWarnings

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DivineWarnings


Divine Warnings Falling on Mankind

(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, la ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi 'l-hamd! Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, la ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi 'l- hamd! .... Sayyidina Muhammad, Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-Akhireen ... (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Dastoor, yaa Sayyidee, yaa Sultan al-Awliyaa. Madad, yaa Saahib al-Imdaad, madad. He (s) is the beloved one in the Divine Presence, with one foot on this world he may take this world from its orbit! Huuuu. Because Allah Almighty is dressing them from heavenly power, if he makes his hands like this at nighttime from east to west, he may grab all the stars and throw them away! Arabic. Because they are representing heavenly powers and that is a very simple power that for him (s) is like a marble. O People! As-salaamu `alaykum! Try to give your Lord the highest ta`zheem, glorification. He is the Creator and no one knows His Power Oceans, of which there is no beginning and no ending. And He is dressing you to be His deputies in this world. It is such a big honor to you to wear the dress of deputy for Him, Almighty! O People! All of us from east to west, from north to south, are becoming with no adab and no glorification for our Lord, Almighty Allah, and it is not good for the Children of Adam. Allah Almighty is dressing us with such endless honor and glory, making you His deputies, but you are not appreciating that and are running away from His Divine Presence. He is calling you five times daily to come to His Divine Presence! (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:14:46

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We have been granted such an honor that He Almighty is calling us to His Divine Presence five times. If one simple king invites you, you will run to his royal invitation. Today in London there is a marriage ceremony and everyone was asking to be from those who are honored by an invitation from Her Majesty, the Queen. What about Allah Almighty, Who is asking five times with His endless glory, calling you, "O My Servant! Come to Me!" However, we are refusing. Such an honor no one can give except the Lord of Heavens! He Almighty (swt) is calling us five times, "Come to My Divine Presence! Leave everything and run to My invitation!" If one sergeant says, "Come to me at 3 o'clock," you can't say, "I am going to another work;" you will quickly go to that person! Yet, your Lord is calling you, but you are not accepting His Divine invitation. La hawla wa la quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem. Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem. Therefore, people of the whole world are going to be punished now because they are never giving any appreciation or glory to our Lord. Now He is asking to punish people, and the signs of that punishment are like drops beginning to come on oceans or on continents. He Almighty may take everything in the oceans, which may rise up and carry away all the continents! Where is your technology to stop this, or to where can you escape? He may order continents to sink down, finished! Some drops will come to people as a warning. Last month there was a tsunami that took Japan. Now we are hearing about a tornado coming from up, taking people and everything and throwing them away. What can Man's technology do to protect them? Nothing, finished! Those are just drops. Therefore, all awliya are fearing now, because if such a thing comes, not in moments but in seconds this whole world may be under oceans or everything may be taken up and thrown away! O People! O Mankind! Try to keep full respect for your Lord; if not, a heavenly punishment will come under your feet or over your head, and you will be finished! Fear your Lord, your Creator, and try to keep His orders, and try to be a good servant for your Lord, to be in safety here and Hereafter. This is a warning. I am sorry that throughout east and west, from north to south, no one is warning people in such a way as we are, but I am a weak one. Leaders from Christianity, Judaism, or from Islam also, who (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:14:46

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claim, "We are so big and glorified," I never hear they are warning people in such a way. O Learned People (`ulama)! If you are not making that warning to your people, you will be much more or the most heaviest responsibility is on you or you may be punishment more than others here and Hereafter.