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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (146/777)
gen?' "Man Tashshabbah bi Qawmin fa Huwa Minhum." Es ist ein wahres Hadith oder ein schwaches? Sahih? Sahih Hadith. Warum nehmt ihr alles von westlichen Ländern und imitiert sie? Weil sie bauen, rufen die Engel ihnen zu: 'Schande auf euch, ihr Diener unseres Herrn. Wohin wollt ihr gelangen?' Ihr möchtet wie Nimrod sein, der diesen Turm baute, um Allah zu bekämpfen? Astaghfirullah. Ihr nehmt euch Nimrod zum Vorbild? Warum tut ihr das? Warum sagt ihr nichts? Wer von euch gab das Fatwa dafür, um Baytullah herum solche töricht großen Gebäude zu bauen? Wo ist euer "Amr bi l-M`aruf wa Nahi ani l-Munkar" Leute? Wo? Schlafend oder betrunken? Warum sagt ihr es nicht? 'Ja, wir tun etwas, das ganz und gar gegen die Shariatullah gerichtet ist.' Aber niemand warnt sie, und deshalb ist Shaytan unglücklich mit mir. Und ich bin ein schwacher Diener. Ich bin ein schwacher Diener. Aber diese Warnungen mögen sie nie. Sie mögen sie nie. Warum? Weil solche Reden sie dazu veranlassen, auf das nächste Leben zu gucken, nach dem Tod, und sie mögen das nicht. Und sie mögen das nicht. Es gefällt ihnen nicht, daß jemand sie erinnert. Ja, sie sind sehr verärgert. Verärgert über dieses bescheidenen Treffen. Das bedeutet, es ist auf Haqq (7 von 9)04.07.2013 23:13:50

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gegründet. Jeder, der nicht glücklich ist mit unserer Vereinigung... und es sind sehr einfache Worte, die ich spreche, wie sie sie mir eingeben zu sprechen. Aber wir haben auch Madad, himmlische Unterstützung. Auf jeder Ebene können Leute kommen und unsere Worte werden erhöht, ihre Worte sind unter ihren Füßen. Mein Englisch ist so schlecht, wie ein altes Gewehr, erreicht aber das wahre Ziel. Vielleicht sind in ihren Händen Maschinenpistolen, aber sie treffen ihr Ziel nie. Deshalb, Subhanallahi l-Aliyyi l-Azim, dies ist eine Warnung für alle Menschen, die teilnehmen und dann wegbleiben. Sie sagen, einmal ist genug. Einmal ist genug, wenn ihr euch daran haltet. Wenn ihr euch nicht daran haltet, könnt ihr es 100x hören, aber es ist nutzlos für euch. Es bringt keinen Gewinn, nichts Gutes für euch. Ja, Sir, das ist Subhanallahi l-Alliyi l-Azim Nuktatun Khassasah, ein sensibler Punkt. Ihr müßt, selbst eine Handvoll Leute, mit ihnen eine Versammlung machen, um Haqq zu verteidigen. Wenn ihr Verteidiger von Haqq seid, verteidigen und unterstützen euch alle Himmlischen. Aber wenn ihr Haqq nicht verteidigt, kommen alle Shaytane auf euch und machen euch zu einem von ihnen. Leute, Leute, ihr bekommt keinen Anfang zu sagen: Audhu Billahi mina sh-shaytani r-rajim, aber dieses schwere Bombardement ist auf Shaytan und seine shaytanische Festung gerichtet. Leute, jetzt ist der wichtigste Rat an euch alle, die Verteidiger von Haqq zu sein. Wenn ihr versucht, euch selbst zu retten hier und im Jenseits, versucht die Verteidiger von Haqq zu sein. Und Haqq verteidigt euch. Er verteidigt euch hier, läßt euere Ehre nie untergehen. Euere Ehre ist immer hoch hier, und ihr werdet willkommen geheißen, wenn die Menschen eueren toten Körper zum Friedhof bringen, heißen die Engel dort euch willkommen. Versucht, zu diesen Menschen zu gehören. Seid nicht maghrur, laßt euch nicht täuschen durch das, was Shaytan euch sagt. Wenn ihr dahingeht, nehmen sie euch euere Uniformen, die ihr überall benutzt, und jeder stolziert für euch, aber es ist wichtig, wenn ihr zu euerem Grab geht, wer kommt, um euch willkommen zu heißen, Engel oder Shaytane. Engel, oder es kommen Jahannums Arbeiter, um euch so zu nehmen. Seht, wenn nicht heute, morgen. Wenn nicht diesen Monat, nächsten Monat. Wenn ihr nicht dieses Jahr geht, werdet ihr nächstes Jahr zum Friedhof gehen. Denkt daran, wer euch willkommen heißt oder euch einfängt. Die Dunya kommt zu einem Ende. Die Dunya, ihr Buch hat gerade die letzten Seiten erreicht. Sie wird stillgelegt, und es wird in die Trompete geblasen werden, und die Menschen werden für das Göttliche Gericht (8 von 9)04.07.2013 23:13:50

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kommen. Möge Allah uns auf den rechten Weg bringen. Verteidiger der Wahrheit. Verteidiger der Wahrheit werden gerettet, und die anderen werden erledigt. Möge Allah mir vergeben. Dum dum dum dum, dum dum dum dum.. Verteidiger, seid.. Verteidiger zu sein für die Wahrheit, und ihr werdet gerettet hier und im Jenseits. Viel Glück für jene, die Verteidiger der Wahrheit sind hier und im Jenseits. Dum dum dum dum.. Sie werden willkommen geheißen von den Himmeln. Tuba lahum, Tuba lahum, Tuba lahum, Tuba lahum. Fatiha. Lefke, 08.04.2010

WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryHaqq (9 von 9)04.07.2013 23:13:50

2164 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DefinitionOfMan

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DefinitionOfMan


The Definition Of Man

Madad Madad Ya Rijal Allah Madad. A'udhu Billahi Mina sh-Shaitani r-Rajeem Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salamu Alaykum, Ay Yaran Shah Mardan. Salams to the beloved friends of Shah Mardan. To Shah Mardan's beloved friends, the ones who love him & follow his way, Marhaba. Say - Marhaba. Let's give Salam and say Marhaba. May our day and our work be good/blessed. May our end be a good one. May our dunya (this world) & akhira (hereafter) be good. Dastur, Madad O Shah Mardan. The field is yours, go ahead. We want to listen to you, you are Shah Mardan. And those who listen to you, are Yaran (beloved friends of) Shah Mardan. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim - we said this and made the intention to listen to Shah Mardan. Now, the field belongs to him and he has the power and mightiness to punish those who have crossed their limits. Let's say - Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Shah Mardan has said Basmala Sharifa. The field belongs to him. We are weak servants. We need a refuge. Weak ones search for strong ones to protect them so they won't be oppressed. Shah Mardan is the Sultan who protects weak ones. Dakhilak Ya Shah Mardan. Accept us, we are weak servants. For the sake of the sultanate that was given to you, shelter us under the wing of your sultanate. People have become animals because they don't know themselves. Animals are aware of their animal state. People are not aware of their humanity. Go ahead O Shah Mardan, the field is yours. Today is the first day of Rajabul Murajjab... or the second or third day. Allah associated His Name with this month and called it - Rajab Shahrullah. Go ahead O Shah Mardan, the field is yours. What should people learn? They should learn about themselves. People today are (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:13:51

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considered by ignorant ones as - talking animals. No other animals can talk. The ignorant, mindless, stupid people are describing humans as - talking animals. (Hasha) Go ahead O Shah Mardan, the field is yours. Not everyone can describe mankind. Allah (swt)...Dastur Dastur... Our Mawla... Subhansin Ya Rabbi. May this weakness be lifted from us. The philosophers of the 21st century... What are philosophers? The ones running after satan, not searching for truth, nonsense ones. Philosophers have described people as talking animals. What shame! Strike these foolish ones on their heads O Shah Mardan, because they could not describe mankind. Mankind represents Allah (swt) on earth. They are the highest creation. They are an honorable creation. Mankind is created for their Lord, for the servanthood of their Lord and the whole world has been created to serve mankind. That is why people need to know for whom they were created. We were created to be servants of Allah(swt). Since we were created for the servanthood of Allah (swt), then everything in this world is created for mankind. Madad Ay Shah Mardan. The field is yours, go ahead. People have been created to be servants for the One who Created them. The rank of servanthood is the highest rank. You must know this. But now we are in such a time that people are ignorant about themselves. How do they describe themselves? As a talking animal that walks & runs on 2 feet. This is shameful, disgraceful. This isn't the honor of mankind. Allah said, I created jinn and man. I created them to be honored by My servanthood. Go ahead O Shah Mardan, the field is yours. And the people of today are heedless of their nature, about who they are, heedless of their true identity. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. Now everyone has an identity card, what do they call it? Identity card. What is written there - This person is Hasan or Ali or Veli, and in other countries their names are written in their own language. It is called an identity card. Who are you? Give me your ID card so I can see. Let's look at the ID card. You are such and such... This identity card has no value. It doesn't say - I am the servant of the Creator of the worlds, the Lord. It says - Turkish citizen, Egyptian citizen, Russian citizen. This isn't an identity. Be ashamed! Mention your real identity, your real identity - I am the weak servant of the Creator of heavens and earth. People of today don't know their own identity. Shame. And they are saying that people are talking animals. Whoever says this is worse than animals. Mankind has honor. One person is (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:13:51

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more valuable than one world. The value of one person is more than all the treasures of this world. We have such an honor. People are not aware of this. However, the One who Created us has informed us about this. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. People who have forgotten their humanity have become strange creatures. They can't describe themselves. They have written thousands of books but they haven't been able to describe themselves. They can't because they are not the Creator, they are created. The famous cars, Volkswagen, Ford, Chevrolet... can they describe themselves? No, how can they? People cannot describe themselves, because they are created. The One who creates can describe. O people, O sons of Adam, O mankind, I made you My deputy on earth. The most honorable rank. I made you My deputy. What a great honor. There is no honor above this. Well, teach this O foolish ones. For whom were you created? Ask why you were created, teach it, know it. There is no creation more honorable than man. Allah (swt) is the Creator. Go ahead O Shah Mardan, your words are like Dhul Fiqar (his sword). Your words explain the unchanging Truth. They describe mankind. Allah (swt) has given man a sultanate so you can rule on earth in My Name. Rule in the Name of Allah (swt). I made you My deputy on earth. People and jinn will follow you. This honor is for you. What are our foolish people saying? They say - we are mankind, no one is ruling over us. There is a ruler. Who is it? The One who created you. Why don't you say this? Why don't you learn so you can teach it - "Wa 'allama adama l-asma'a kullaha" (2:31) Allah (swt) taught Adam (as) all the names of all creation. Adam (as) knew the names. But the Prophet (sas) knew everything with its wisdom. Adam (as) knew superficially. The Prophet (sws) is the absolute deputy of Allah on earth, not just on earth but Allah's deputy for all of creation... Hz. Sahib Risala, Risalatu Mutlaqa (the Absolute Messenger), the Master of Prophets, Hz. Muhammad al-Mustafa (sws). Go ahead O Shah Mardan. The value of mankind is the highest. The invocation of the Prophet, "Allahumma ahsanta khalqi fa ahsin khuluqi" "O my Lord, you created me the most beautiful, make my morals/ nature beautiful also." They aren't teaching this. They consider mankind at the level of animals. Men are not animals. All animals were created for mankind, but mankind is not created for (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:13:51

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animals. Animals know for whom they were created. Hasha min al huzur. A donkey knows its condition. A horse knows that it is a horse. A cat knows that it is a cat. It also knows what it's supposed to do; it knows to catch mice. Dogs know why they were created. A horse knows why it was created. A donkey knows why it was created. A camel knows why it was created and it follows that way. But the heedless ones who don't know why they were created, are men. Shame on them. They teach everything except teaching humans about humanity. " 'Ala ya'lamu man khalaqa" (67:14) - Allah (swt) said. Doesn't the Creator know? He knows and informs us. Men are the representatives of Allah (swt) on earth. Live and rule under My Name, then you will come to My Presence. O Shah Mardan, your Yaran love you. Your request -Ridha ar-Rahman (satisfaction of the Lord). What you are teaching is where Allah's way will lead us. Why are we living? We are living to make Allah satisfied/pleased with us. O Shah Mardan, the world has become in such a way, people are not aware of their own creation... the nation of ignorant ones. The ignorant ones have been going around and turned this world into a shameful place. It wasn't like this before. The world was made disgraced by satan & the satanic people it teaches. Satans are of 2 types - those made of fire and those created from dirt. Those created from dirt weren't created to be satans. Those who follow the way of satan have become satans. What is satan teaching? It is teaching satanic things, every bad thing. It is teaching every dirty, shameful, wrong action. And for the training of people, Shah Mardan is witness, he is saying and we are listening. Habibullah (sws) said - "Addabani Rabbi, Fa Ahsana Ta'dibi" O people - Innama bu'ithtu li'utammima makarimal akhlaq. Mankind has been created with a wild nature. Wild animals are taken and trained. Who is the teacher who will take away the wildness from mankind? Who was the teacher of all Prophets? It is Habibullah (sws). Listen, learn, and teach. We hope this world won't be afflicted by floods of blood, rains of trouble, and storms of disaster. The curse of today is that people are following satan. They followed it and we came to this situation. Despite the fact that all Prophets say - Aslam taslam. The Sultan of Prophets (sws) said - surrender, accept truth and find salvation. Satan says - "Don't listen, do whatever you want." No. The ones that do whatever they want are animals, bears in the jungle. Mankind must have Adab/good manners (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:13:51

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towards his Lord, and Adab towards our Lord's Beloved One (sws). O our Lord, for the sake of Rajab Shahrullah, which carries Your Great Name, may those who disgraced mankind be disgraced themselves. The spirituality of mankind has been disgraced. And now it's the time for finishing off mankind. Satan is saying - First I will corrupt them, then I will kill them off, until I can rule the whole world. It isn't saying "I want to be khalifa", it's saying, "I want to be ruler". Let dunya be a burden for you, O dirty satan. Do you think this world was given to you? "I don't think, I know" - says satan. "I will teach mankind, whom You made more honorable than me. And they should follow me. I will make them to be worse than me. I will teach them how to be low and despised like me." Go ahead O Shah Mardan, speak. It (satan) chose the low level although Allah (swt) had given it a high level. It didn't obey the order to prostrate. Satan disgraced itself. And now on earth it is saying - "I will rule the world" and "I want to be Sultan of the world." Take dunya and put it on your head. Dunya can be yours, akhira is for believers. You cannot enter. Take dunya and wear it on your head. La hawla wala quwwata illa Billahil Aliyyil adhim. There are so many matters. Satan's vow - "I will make mankind satans." Did it do it? Yes it did. Everywhere is under fire and blood. Satan says - "it's almost finished, I will finish off all of mankind from earth, until I become Sultan of the world." Take it and wear it on your head. Say O Shah Mardan, your words are truth. Listen O Azhar scholars, scholars of Sham, India, China, Turk, Mongol, Tatar. Say O Iranian scholars. If this statement is false, you won't make it past the month of Rajab. All troubles affecting mankind are because they are running after satan and following its way. And this is the situation of today. But - "Al-Haqqu ya'lu wala yu'la alayh" Haqq (truth) is supreme. Falsehood cannot be above it. We have Haqq. Truth has reached us from Allah's Beloved Habibullah (sws). We are above, we cannot be below. Sawfa tara itha-n jala l-ghubaru afarasun tahtaki am himaru. Azhar scholars know this from their literature books. And this saying is famous in Arabic literature. There are those who crossed the limits. This saying is for them. It has been said for those who are proud & arrogant. Sawfa tara idha l-jala l-ghubaru afarasun tahtaki am himaru. The world of today is under the sultanate of ladies. And they think they have all the power and are riding on horses. What did a wise person (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:13:51

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say - Sawfa tara. Amidst the dust and dirt - "I am a cavalry on horse." Your claims will come to an end. You'll see once the dust has settled, if you are riding a horse or a donkey. Be honorable O mankind! Take care of the honor Allah (swt) gave you. Don't kill people. Killing is not honorable. Do goodness, be generous. This is your glory, not killing. The one teaching you to kill is satan who taught Cain to kill Abel. That satan is continuing his work. Let's learn. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. The field is yours. We are hoping that in this holy month, with the blessings of this holy month, those people following satan, who turned into satans...we hope a manifestation will come to finish them. Beware. O our Lord, for the sake of Rajab that carries Your Name, for the sake & glory of Your Habib (sws), make us glorious. "Al-Haqqu ya'lu wala yu'la alayh" Haqq is above, never below. It will be apparent. It has started. It started from today and will continue. With the start of Rajab Shahrullah, the spring is starting to flow. Shah Mardan has given us this good news. Haqq is above, satan's falsehood is under our feet. Take care. Take care of your honor. What is our honor? Servanthood to the Lord. Allah's Beloved one (sws), for whom creation was created, when he was saying Shahada - Ashhadu an la ilaha ill'Allah wa ashhadu anna Sayyidina Muhammadun abduhu wa rasuluhu. Master of dunya and akhira, Sayyidul Kawnayn, he is Sultan. Accept his way. He said - "La Darar Wa La Dirar Fil Islam". O Muslims, where are you? You cannot harm anything in Islam. And you cannot counter harm with harm either. You shouldn't do harm nor should you harm those trying to harm you. Leave them. Sawfa tara - they will see. Alhamdulillah. We have reached Rajab Shahrullah. Our hearts are content, because falsehood will be destroyed. The sultanate of satan will collapse. This new era has begun. Ya Rabbi, terrible satan has no say... what can we do? To mention satan to Allah (swt) is leaving Adab. No. With one ant He can defeat satan. Even one ant can defeat it. "Qalat Namlatun Ya 'Ayyuha An-Namlu Adkhulu Masakinakum" (27:18) Allah (swt) is telling a story from the Quran. Go ahead O Shah Mardan. The ants heard a sound when they were walking. One of the soldiers of Prophet Sulayman... the leader of the said - "quickly move away, enter your homes and hide, don't come out into the field, Sulayman's army will crush you." These days no one is telling this to people - Leave the field because satan's storm is coming to crush you. Don't enter the field. Allah Allah. (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:13:51

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O our Lord, how nicely he is making us speak. There is also someone making Shah Mardan to speak. O Shah Mardan, give us your remarks. This holy month has been blessed for you too. We are asking from your blessings, from your mightiness. We want a manifestation of force/ power to destroy what satan and its followers have done. We are waiting. This month is Shahrullah (month of Allah). A force/ power will strike the head of falsehood. It will finish falsehood. O our Lord, don't let us be on the way of ignorant ones. You have many servants who can correct mankind. For the sake of your Beloved Habib (sws) and Shah Mardan, we are requesting Your protection and care. We are weak Ya Rabbi. Qawwi da'fana fi ridak. Ya Rabbi Ya Allah. We are waiting, it's Rajab Shahrullah. We are waiting for the salvation of Sham Sharif. We are waiting for the people whom You created, to be saved. We hope those who kill people unjustly will find their punishments. Don't let us be from them Ya Rabbi. Allow us to be with those who keep Your way. For the sake of your Habib (sws)...dakhilak, dakhilak Ya Rasulullah (sws). Madad Ya Rasulullah (sws), Help us Ya Rasulullah (sws). Madad Ya Rijalullah. We have become helpless. The world has become the laughingstock of satan. Forgive us O our Lord. We are without a master, let the master come. Send us a master. Amin. Send us Hz. Mahdi (as) Ya Rabbi, for the sake of Your Habib (sws). Wa Bi Hurmati l-Fatiha. Lefke, 12.05.2013

WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryIndividuality, CategoryShaitan, CategoryRajab, CAtegoryWoman (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:13:51

2171 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: DelusionsOfGrandiosity

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : DelusionsOfGrandiosity


The Delusions of Grandiosity (About Gaddafi)

(He will order) the jinn, “Throw away all the concrete buildings.” In one night, they will throw all of them into the sea! The next night he will order, “Construct new buildings according to the old methods, which are suitable for the honor of Islam. A new city appears, that you can't even imagine. The imaam who is coming, is Saahib al-Karamat, the Master of Miracles, can move east to west and west to east. He has such astonishing power! These dishonorable ones think they can show power by using iron materials or electricity. He will cancel all of these in one night! None of them will operate. The time has come. Now they are on the border. The soldiers are waiting now to enter inside, just like they entered Iraq. They will conquer. O our Lord, shukr, shukr, shukr! Alhamdulillah, amaan yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee. May Allah protect us from a bad end! From what happened to that man (Gaddafi), we seek refuge in Allah. We seek refuge in Allah. He ruled for 42 years and did as he wanted, thinking he could do as he wanted forever, but he couldn't and he was stopped. They cut him into pieces and threw him away! The pride of the tyrants does not let them leave; they are too proud to leave. We seek refuge in Allah from (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:13:53

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that! May Allah protect us from a bad end. We don't want such an end. We may be an ordinary, simple servant and it is enough. Neither palaces nor treasures help in the end. He had everything. Was it of any use to him? No, it was not and he insisted to stay longer, saying, “Maybe I can make that 250 million into 300, 400, 500 million, maybe it will become billions!” That wealth has no result. It can't be more than Qaroon's fortune. Compared to the treasures of Qaroon, these are like toys of children. Qaroon is gone (died). We seek refuge in Allah. Allah Almighty says:     Fakhasafna bihi wa bidarihi al-ard. We caused the Earth to swallow him and his dwelling place. (al-Qasas, 28:81) And the Earth keeps swallowing him one foot deeper everyday until the Last Day! Amaan yaa Rabbee. Tawbah yaa Rabbee, we are weak servants! They don't accept their weakness. Shaytan teaches Mankind pride and arrogance, saying, “Claim to be great ones, run after fame.” This is the instruction of evil Shaytan. Amaan yaa Rabbee. Tawbah yaa Rabbee. May He not leave us in the hands of our dirty egos! May He not make us follow Shaytan! What can we do? We seek refuge in Allah. This palace, that palace, who is it's owner? Sabanci? (A rich trader who died.) Orakci? The tinsmith? (joking). Do you carry these huge buildings on your shoulders (to the Hereafter)? Is it Vankulu? (...) The sickness of claiming greatness is it called “megalomania,” a personality disorder. Everybody claims to be great as they don't want to say, “I am only a servant, a weak servant.” They see their ego so big, as if it fills the whole universe, saying “it is all mine.” It is a lie and a wrong thing. Amaan yaa Rabbee. May Allah not leave us in the hands of our dirty ego! La budda min murshideen, there must be a guide, who will show you what is ahead. (...) People come to me and say, “Take care of yourself, look after yourself.” Finally, I bought a mirror for myself and am looking at the mirror everyday, to see in what situation I am! laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billah, tawbah yaa Rabbee. Don't leave us in the hands of our bad ego! Therefore, there must be a guide to teach people. No guide remains now; awliya are hidden, you can't see them. (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:13:53

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Amaan yaa Rabbee. They are making us say this. We are not praising ourselves. We also look at ourselves through the mirror; you also look. That mirror shows our outer looking, but the mirror of the saints of Allah shows our reality. (Should we feel embarrassed now about our unknown side and cover our faces with our hands?) Yes, it is like this. Now the world has been left empty like this, from the saints, and we are left in the hands of tyrants that don't give people a chance to survive or let them speak. They say, “We know and do everything!” And I say, “Then do it by rolling up your trouser leg (as if urinating)!” Is it not suitable for them? Tawbah, astaghfirullah. “Dr. This,” and “Dr. That;” there are so many titles in front of their names. There are so many doctors of Theology, they call it, ilaahiyaat. I asked one of them, “Sing a hymn (in Turkish ‘ilaahiyaat’ is similar to ‘hymn’ and ‘science’). What was wrong with madrasas? They said, “We will change everything.” You did and made everything ridiculous, until you Turks and Arabs have no honor anymore; all are after titles so that they may become a doctor, what they call, “higher education.” Show me the lower education and I may ask him, “What did you learn from lower education that you run to higher education? Tell me! What is ‘alif’?” What can we do? May Allah make us reach good ways. We may try to make the Lord happy with us. May we not be hit by the wrath of our Lord. People do not gain any honor by building apartments. No. They don't know where honor comes from. Shaytan does not let them get accustomed to it but prevents it. We are not praising our egos. They make us say these things. I say, “O our Lord,” and du`a comes (to my heart), “Make those disappear who cut the ways of religion. Send us from Your servants one who will teach us Your servanthood and save us from the animal attributes, and discipline us! Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah astaghfirullah, tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah astaghfirullah. Wa min Allahi ’t- tawfeeq. Fatihah. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. (Du`a) (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:13:53

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Fatihah. Lefke, 22.10.2011 (Translated from Turkish)

WebSufiLive, CategoryOppression, CategoryLibya, CategoryJinn, CategoryQarun, CategoryMehdi
