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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (135/777)
ly and we are not running after new fashion clothes that Shaytan makes. How many from one-hundred people can you find using a heavenly uniform or real Islamic uniforms? Say! You are looking and saying, "This fashion is much more suitable for my rank, my position." You are looking for tailors and fashion designers. "Please create a new design for me, for our national show. That day I must wear a very rare, new design, and look at myself to see how I will be with that new design." People are running after designers! All designers and who are accepting them are also Shaytan's "labor party"! "Don't bring that labor party's dressings, our position is just 100% different. Therefore, if you are making this button, it must be different from common people's fashion; our fashion must be one only for our level people." O People! Don't waste your valuable time with such foolishness! Our most precious uniform from the Heavens just reached; take it and dress in it! Why are you using trousers, jackets and shirts, for what? That is an Islamic uniform? One day when your eyes and mouth are forced shut, you will know the truth about your useless fashion, and you will cry, "Why were we not using Islamic fashions, Islamic models that came from the Heavens? Why were we not using Islamic uniforms for men and women?" And ladies are also much more fashionable. "Yes sir, your wife is much more fashionable than you. You are a little bit fashionable, but she is following new fashion clothes, modern clothes, very carefully following new fashions coming in so many magazines." They follow fashion magazines and instruct, "It must be like this, not like that." "Make it much more like this, to be shown also." "Yes sir, that is very good fashion, yes." (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:13:16

2010 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CostumeDesignedInHeaven

That is Islamic fashion or uniform? I am asking women and men, Muslims. What did the Seal of Prophets bring of heavenly uniform for Muslims? Look, I am asking Salafi `ulamas to make a kind of awakening for you and for all people. There is a hadeeth of Rasoolullah (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem.        . bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem al-ama'im tijaan al-`arab. man wada`ooha wada`Allahu `izzahum. Turbans are the crowns of the Arabs (i.e. Muslims). Whoever took them off, Allah lowered their honor. (ad- Daylami in Musnad al-Firdaws) And: Al-amaa'imu tijaanu 'l-`Arab, man a`azzahu a`azzahullah wa man ahaanahu ahaahanhullah. The turbans are crowns of Muslims, of Arabs. Whoever honors it Allah honors, and whoever dishonors it Allah will dishonor. Yes, if you are not knowing, look at hadith books. This is from Islamic fashion and the Seal of Prophets distinguished Arabs, "O Arabs! Allah Almighty is making turbans as crowns for you from heavenly fashions. If you are leaving it and putting it down, then Allah Almighty is taking glory from you." I am sorry to see in Meccatu 'l-Mukarrama and Madinatu 'l-Munawwara those soldiers put hats on their heads. Why? It is not heavenly fashion, but they are putting it and Allah Almighty is making their honor down, down, down. O People! Use Islamic uniforms for men, women, and children, young and old ones, so that you will be supported by heavenly powers that no one may assault on you from nuclear weapons, nothing will touch you. O People! Come and listen! That is an important speech to make people understand Islam and the Islamic uniform. That is new, perhaps all Muslims never heard about it, that there is an Islamic uniform. If you do not know about Islamic uniforms, what do you know about Islam? Don't follow non-Muslims' steps, but use qadami sidq and follow the steps of the Seal of Prophets (s) and you will be happy and honored here and Hereafter. May Allah forgive us, for the honor of the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:13:16

2011 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CostumeDesignedInHeaven

stands and sits) Fatihah. (40 minutes) (981 viewers) Good, because today is `Eid and people are running to look for new fashion clothes! La hawla wa la quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Adheem. (Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka`at Salat ash-Shukr.) Fatihah. As-salaamu `alaykum! Allah, Allah, Subhaan Allah. Lefke, 11.09.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryDressing (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:13:16

2012 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CountlessEastsAndWests

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : CountlessEastsAndWests


Countless Easts and Wests

Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah Alfu salaat, alfu salaam! As-salaamu `alaykum, yaa `ibadallah (worshippers), who are just honored by a heavenly honor! As-salaamu `alaykum, who are just knowing that and are asking to keep that honor from pre-Eternal up to Eternal! O People! As-salaamu `alaykum. We are asking for madad, heavenly support from that one who he is in charge of everything happening in this world from beginning up to end, and we are asking Huuuuuuu, heavenly support for addressing to everyone from the east through to the west. Where is the east? Where is the west? (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:13:17

2013 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CountlessEastsAndWests

O Salafi `ulamas! Do you know where is the east and where is the west? It is a difficult question because everywhere it may be the same time east and the same time west. For what? According to the sun's movement which is making countless easts and countless wests, what are you saying, O Salafi `ulamas? It is something that is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an:    Rabbu 'l-mashaariq wal-maghaarib, Lord of the easts and wests. (70:40) Do you need the proof? That means only the Creator is knowing the numbers of the rising and the setting of the sun. Daily, there are different and countless mashaariq (easts) and maghaarib (wests). Allahu akbar! They are saying to our grandshaykh that he may support us by any means, by so many means the east and every rising is bringing something to make some people arise. Also so many settings are making countless people to set down. May Allah Almighty grant us an understanding, and we are saying a`oodhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir rajeem. We are running away from Shaytan and his wrong ideas and are saying, Bismillahi 'r Rahmani 'r-Raheem, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. That is the entrance for Mankind to enter and to see new views and there is a changing through every moment, or through every second or third. O Salafi `ulamas! What is that proof on the last word? You must bring your proof, qul haatoo burhaanakum. If you are saying something, you must have proof that supports what you are saying. Which thing is supporting what you are saying now, that everything is going to be changed, countless risings, countless settings. According to the rising of the sun, this is happening; this world is carrying something and the rising sun is asking Earth for the sun to send us some new things. Now we are getting older and we are in need of a new one, new ones, new visions. And what is the proof from Holy Qur'an for this point? The sun rising and the sun setting, that means nothing is going to be stable. It is changing countlessly because of renewal? A renewal is a grant reaching people from the heavens. Renewal, kullu jadeedin ladheedhun. Every new thing is tasty, delicious. Therefore, the Lord of Heavens has a countless 'renewment' in every minute or second, down to the shortest measure of time because renewal is giving people refreshment, enjoyment and pleasure. Every change is bringing new pleasure for Mankind. (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:13:17

2014 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CountlessEastsAndWests

Therefore, He knows our situation or our levels. Subhanallah. He knows the demands of His creatures and He is asking to grant to them kullu jadeedin ladheedhun, (every new thing is tasty). He is asking to give more different enjoyment and pleasure. He is asking to grant His deputies, who are 'deputy' by name and are never going to be a real deputy. Everyone has a limit. When Men are asking, their asking is always in limits, it can't be countless. Therefore, the Lord of the Heavens is granting everything for Mankind in limits. When we eat, we eat small pieces of food, we are not eating like giants. We eat little-by-little. Why is He making His servants taste from His endless tastement (flavors)? With each drink or bite they will have a kind of pleasure, an enjoyment. Man is not like a gigantic boa snake that may swallow without taste. He is making Man taste everything each time, to reach a new enjoyment and a new pleasure. The Almighty may do as He likes to arrange for our provision, but He is making it for chewing and drinking, so that we are getting much more enjoyment and pleasure. Also, Allah Almighty is making for Man some food that is salty, some that is sweet, some that is bitter, and some that is sour; a different taste for everything. This life is an imitated life and it is signing (indicating) an example on this planet of Allah Almighty's endless grants to Man for eating, drinking and tasting, to be endlessly for them in Paradise. Every time you are eating and drinking you are finding another taste, another pleasure, another enjoyment. Why are you running away from that direction? This is coming as a simple understanding for Man's future pleasures, like a cook giving someone a sample to taste, to be pleased and in pleasure more and more each time. O Salafi `ulamas! What are you saying for this? I think some of you when you come for a lunch or dinner or breakfast, like it to be different and not the same. The Lord of the Heavens is asking to grant His deputies a new taste with everything. When we are saying "deputy", it is never going to be a real deputy. He has dressed only one to be a deputy according to the level of Creation, not beyond Creation, and that is Sayyidina Muhammad, sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallam. (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) Allah Almighty is saying through the Holy Qur'an, why He is making the sun rise, sun set countlessly and they are never going to be a hundred percent the same, they are a hundred percent different! He is asking to make His servants pleased! There are countless grants from Allah Almighty that are not a hundred percent the same. Today's pleasures are not the same as yesterdays or the pleasures of the coming days. New, new, new. What is the proof for the point that everything is changing? Allah Almighty is saying, kullu yawmin huwa fee sh'aan, kullu yawmin huwa fee sh'aan, kullu yawmin huwa fee sh'aan. (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:13:17

2015 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CountlessEastsAndWests

          Yas'aluhoo fi 's-samawaati wal-ard, kullu yawmin huwa fee sh'aan, Of Him seeks (its need) every creature in the heavens and on Earth, every day in (new) splendor does He (shine)! (55:29) This is an endless ocean for understanding or for explanation. Who is Huwa? Allah Almighty is never accepting to be changed. No, it can't be. Allah Almighty is the same as He was in Eternal and pre-Eternal. He is Eternal and Eternity is only for Him. He never accepts a changing when He says, kullu yawmin huwa fee shaan. Which day is He saying? Yawm. Who is Huwa? To where is He coming? To that point where our understanding is never reaching, but subhanallahi 'l-Muqtadir, the point of proof. Who is that One, Sh'aan? And Allah Almighty, laa yazaal wa lam yazaal, is never accepting a changing. Kullu yawmin huwa fee sh'aan. It means that One. The One, that Hu, you are never going to understand. Who is that, fee sh'aan? Not coming on Him because Allah Almighty never accepts a changing. That means for Mankind, Bani Adam, it is just granted to them. Either their ways are in a bad direction or their ways are in a good direction, both of them. So every day, there are going to be two different dressings appearing on Man: one makes him happy, another one makes him unhappy. Therefore, the whole responsibility is on Mankind. They may reach one (or the other). Every moment, every second you may look and you may reach a happiness and enjoyment and pleasure and understanding and new enlightenment. May Allah forgive us for the honor of the Seal of Prophets (s). Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah Fatihah. (43 minutes) Dome Dome 4x Be happy! Our Lord gives us some understanding, grants us some new understanding to be in pleasure, here and Hereafter. (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:13:17

2016 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CountlessEastsAndWests

Fatihah. Yes sir. (Many people sending salaams, Sayyidee.) Happy? (Yes, they are very happy, Sayyidee.) May Allah make them happy forever! (523 thousand.) They are fearing to come down, if coming down from more than 500,000 they are making me not to speak to

them. Yes, sir. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks with Hajjah Naziha on the phone.) Lefke, 01.02.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryAllah (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:13:17

2017 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CreatedFrom4Elements

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : CreatedFrom4Elements


Created from the Four Elements: Fire, Earth, Water and Air Destur ya Sayiddi, meded. Meded! (Sultan stands) Subhanallah, Sultan Allah, Ant Allah You are the Creator, O our Lord, Lord of creation. Whole praise for You, whole majesty for You, whole praise from pre-eternal to Eternal for You. Forgive us. We are always on wrong way. O our Lord! Make our ways True Ways. Allahu Akbar, Ant Allah, Ant Allah, Ant Allah. Allahu Akbar wal Akbar, Subhan, Sultan, Subhanallah, Sultan Allah, Subhanallah, Sultan Allah We like to stand up from pre-eternal up to Eternal in Your Heavenly Presence standing up and to look to Your Heavenly Majestic blessings. We like to stand up for Your endless glory. Forgive us and we are asking Your endless praises on Your most beloved servant and Your representative through whole creation. For his honor we are standing because he is representing to You and whole, whole honour and glory that can reach a servant only that one Sayyidina Muhammad (s). Everyone must know something for his honour. Alfu salaat alfu salaam thousands and thousands blessings and praising on you O our most beloved representative, most beloved Prophet for ourselves, most beloved one in Divinely Presence. We love you. Your life giving us life! O Muhammad! Peace be upon you. Your lights lightening everything from pre-eternal up to Eternal and whole honour oceans, lightening oceans, glory oceans just granted to you that only may be given to a servant. No anyone else can reach your level, your position, your high level. Allah! No one knows His real being, no one knowing if anyone knowing Allah as He knows Himself must be (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:13:18

2018 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CreatedFrom4Elements

two lords, two creators, two sultans, can’t be two sultans of one throne. (Sultan sits down) O our master that through your graduated and honoured being may give something about that one, that special one through creation, most special one, most glorified one, most honoured one, most majestic one, Sayyidina Muhammad, peace be upon you O our Prophet! (Sultan stands) Only you, only you. Huuuuuu Huuuuuu Destur. Your support, our master, through this life and also after this life - our master that means whom representing Holy Prophet. They are masters whom they have been granted a very small spot from that special one’s oceans. O people! As-salaamu `alaykum! O mankind! As-salaamu `alaykum! O mankind! Beware from wrong ways, beware from wrong understandings. As much as you may give honour and you may give praising about the Seal of Prophets whom representing the Lord of creation it is nothing! O people! You are not coming here for eating and drinking and for your physical pleasure, no! Try to reach Heavenly ones and most closer one to the Lord of Heavens. That is the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Rasulallah Muhammad (s). (Sultan stands) Destur ya Sayiddi! We are asking to give to your Holy Presence more and more and more love and honour and praising. (Sultan sits) (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:13:18

2019 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CreatedFrom4Elements

So many masters from beginning up to end and no ones beginning for this planet and to where ending no one knows. We are landed on it. O people! Say A`udhubillahi mina 'sh-Shaytani 'r-Rajeem. Run to Allah Almighty and His most beloved representative from Sadanas from Shaytan that always calling you to wrong way and to wrong understanding and to wrong activities, Sadanas, Shaytan. O our Lord! Protect ourselves from Sadanas. That one was asking top point for Divinely representing but its understanding so small, small, small and as an atom small or smaller than atom. He was in such a position and he was asking an understanding for whole creation. It was looking itself Sadanas saying I am so big, I am so big, I am so high level one, perhaps I am on highest level one. I am that one I must understand. I must understand Who is that One that creating me? Who is that One that created me? And I was trying from beginning of my existence through earth and its levels I was asking this to reach on a level that on that level I can understand Who created me. Or Sadanas was asking and saying, "I am fire and fire as my knowledge and understanding fire is not a creation, no. No. Fire no need to be created and fire’s existence it is not such an ordinary existence. I have a specialty through creation because I have been created from fire," when he was looking and seeing that the Lord of Heavens created a new creature. We are saying Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. O our Lord! Your representative let him to teach masters and masters can teach ourselves. We are so, so far away from understanding through ourselves. We are so far for understanding. We are in need someone to give us an understanding and Sadanas was saying "only I am not in need someone, some new one for making me to understand more than I am understanding. I am that one and my level top level and I am, I am a special being through creation." Therefore, why addressing to Heavenly beings, Heavenly beings and saying, "I am creating someone, someone that that someone going to be My representative through Heavens" and Shaytan was very upset. When he was hearing this very upset suddenly saying, “For what? When I am here why the Almighty is saying 'I am creating someone, new one through heavenly beings. Why? And He is saying, 'I am creating that one from four kinds of elements. Four elements I am using for his creation: fire and earth and water and hawwaa, wind, and mixing that four elements and asking to create a new creature,' that I know most powerful one through four elements is fire and I am whole fire. I have been created from fire. That new one it should have (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:13:18

2020 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CreatedFrom4Elements

only one part from four, fire, and according to my knowledge I was, I am knowing that through four elements most powerful that is fire. That fire giving a power to that new creation but I am only fire." He wasn’t understanding that to be in a creation one element more giving much more, much more kamal, perfection. He was not understanding. He was saying, "I am fire, I am so powerful, the new one the Lord giving to him four elements and only one of four it is fire." Never understanding that every element giving another personality, identity to that new creation. Never thinking and saying, "I am here, I am not bowing to Adam" and Adam granted fire and besides fire earth, water and air. Each one giving another personality and power and new sight manifestation or new appearance. Not understanding. That making it to fall down because he was thinking that whole, to be created from fire and going to be same as granted to creation of Adam. He was thinking that he has whole qualifying with fire and fire through creation of Adam not reaching its fire, no! It was wrong. Same fire that was granted to Adam and granted on it water that its secret, secretness no one knowing! Wa ja alna min al maee kula shaien hai That sirr was with Sayyidina Adam but not with Sadanas. No life. Fire never giving life but water giving life. "Wa ja`alna min al-ma'i kulla shayyin hayy - Just We granted to every living creature life through water." That not granted Shaytan and also third one, air, granted to Adam (peace be upon him) that making water and heaviness of water and fire to get up and also fourth earth just carried up through air. If not air, not air that you are understanding this, that is Qudsi Sacred, Sacred air not that you are understanding from air, no. Only its name is air but its real position unknown from anyone. Only the Creator may know. Therefore, these four elements just arranged in a new creature that no any other creature granted that sacred elements. Through one being, one creature. That is a secret of the creation of Adam and a secret or secrets that the Lord of Heavens granted to him to move through whole creation and Adam (peace be upon him) his majaal, his level can’t be understand through other ones. Angels they are created from lights and Shaytan from fire. Adam created from four different elements and his being can’t be known and Adam’s level was Heavens, Heavenly level, Heavenly Presence that granted to him by his Creator that level Heavenly not Divinely. Divinely no one, no any creation may be there, no, never! Subhanallah! Whole glory for the Lord of creation! (Sultan stands) (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:13:18

2021 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CreatedFrom4Elements

O ya Rabb! Subhaan glory to You, endless glory to You, endless, endless! That level that we know only its name Divinely, Divinely stage, Divinely level, no one there except Him Almighty. (Sultan sits) That is the Lord’s, it is only our Lord’s, that belongs only to Him no one else that is la shareeka lah. No any one else may be there, never! Who asking to reach to there that is shirk, can’t be, can’t carry any one. If asking whole creation and forcing to enter to Divinely Presence, from Divinely Presence coming a shahaab thunder, lightening, shahaab that running after stars and taking them away and that should be happen if whole coming and asking to be in that Divinely Presence a black hole coming and swallowing, finishing, disappearing, taken away from their existence. That black hole they are saying, black hole taking its existence once again, once can’t come those things, those creature in existence and there is also white holes. White holes coming new creation from pre-eternal up to Eternal on the level of Heavenly level. If we are saying that there is also red holes don’t be surprised. If we are saying there is green holes don’t be astonishing and if we are saying only seven colours through seven colours seven different holes that coming through them countless creation according on that level. They are all of them on Heavenly level and O people don’t think that the Lord only He has seven colours! Countless colours and countless majarir, channels from Allah Almighty’s high Siffaat High Attributes, attributes only you can’t add it, coming, coming different colors and different creatures creating coming, coming, coming. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Subhan sen ya Allah, Sultan sen ya Allah You are Sultan, You are Subhan! O our Lord! La ilaha illa Anta Subhanak innee kuntu min 'adh-dhaalimeen! (Sultan stands) Give Your most high honor to Your most honored servant Sayyidina Muhammad (s). Dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:13:18

2022 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CreatedFrom4Elements

Dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum… From pre-eternal up to Eternal angels and everything singing our Lord’s most high respect and honour and glorifying from everywhere coming… Dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum