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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (118/777)
ders). So many people come to Damascus from different countries in order to visit us. Some of them already belong to a sheikh and a Tariqat order. They are now asking for new Bayyat from us. One of them, Sheikh Salahuddin, is finding conflict in himself about this. This is why we have to make clear to everyone all over the world so they may know as to what is Tariqat, who is a sheikh, how many Sheikhs may one follow, and what the relation of Sheikhs to each other is. Allah Almighty will ask from everyone on the Last Day, “What did you bring today, oh My servant? Did you bring Qalb-us-Saleem, a pure heart, a golden, precious heart?” Allah Almighty is asking from everyone to have a clean heart. You may make it pure only through tariqat orders. Those without tariqat are only occupying themselves with the outer life and leaving out the heart. There are 41 tariqats (Sufi Orders). Forty (40) of them springing from the heart of Imam Ali, and one (1), the Naqshabandi order, coming from the heart of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, (may Allah be pleased with them). The Prophet had 124,000 companions. Who was the Grand companion? It was Abu Bakr. The Prophet said, “The whole of what Allah entrusted to me on the Night Journey I put into the heart of Abu Bakr.” Sayyidina Ali was connected to Abu Bakr in such a way as to make Ali the entrance of the City of Knowledge. This is well known among (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:12:32

1781 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ChangingOfTheMasters

the real tariqat Sheikhs. They respect the Naqshbandi Order as the first one. I am talking about the real Sheikhs, not of those giving titles to themselves. All of the Great Sheikhs, Jilani, Rumi, Darqawi, Rifai, knew the real station of the Naqshabandi order. If a person is following one of these other tariqats, they may take Tariqat Naqshabandiya also and remain free to follow those exercises or follow the Naqshabandiya exercises. If also they only follow the Naqshabandi exercises it is enough. It doesn’t matter whether you are coming from another Tariqat into the Naqsahbandi Order. Some fear that their first Sheikh will hear they have taken a second tariqat and be angry with them. If he is a real Sheikh, how can he be angry? A real Sheikh must know if his mureed was given to him on the Day of Promises or not. A shepherd knows his sheep, even one from a thousand and even if they are all white. He has light in his eyes and recognizes them without mistake. In Tariqat there is no sorrow or anger if any mureed goes to another Sheikh. We are thankful to the first Sheikh for training him until he reaches his real Sheikh. Abu Yazid al Bistami said, “During my search, I met 99 sheikhs before reaching my Grandsheikh.” You may meet so many Sheikhs and take exercises, but you may not find satisfaction until you find your Grandsheikh and then it is like a river meeting the Ocean. So many Sheikhs are only trainers, but finally a Grandsheikh must call you. Not by letters but from heart to heart. There are ways. If a Naqshabandi Sheikh is giving tariqat, he must tell the mureed who the Grandsheikh for the Naqshbandi Order is in this time. He must point out to him. So many people from the West are coming now invited by the way of hearts, to our Grandsheikh. The chain of Sheikhs ends in one. Our Grandsheikh is the last link in the Golden Chain and he is holding that position. I am only his servant. As for the other Naqshabandi Sheikhs, we are waiting for them to renew their Bayyat with us or else they are only putting on titles for themselves. Seyyadina Muhammad Mahdi alaihi salam and his seven (7) Grand Wazirs, his ninety nine (99) Caliphas and the three hundred and thirteen (313) Grand Murshids are all from the Naqshabandi Tariqat. In this time, there is no power for other tariqats to carry people all the way to the (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:12:32

1782 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ChangingOfTheMasters

ultimate goal. All are invited to renew Bayyat to our Grandsheikh and then they may observe their improvement. In our time, there may be one thousand (1000) Naqsahbandi Sheikhs, but there is only one Grandsheikh bringing them all together and he is the Imam. If you bring the 124,000 Sahaba together, who is the Imam? It is Abu Bakr as Siddique (ral). Each Sheikh must appoint one Deputy. Mevlana Khalid Baghdadi appointed Sheikh Ismail, but so many Naqshbandi Orders lost him in their Silsila (Chain of Spiritual Transmission) and lost also the secret of our Grandsheikh. Now there are so many Naqshabandi Sheikhs in Damacus, Aleppo and Homs who can’t find a successor. Except for our Grandsheikh, no one has pointed to a Deputy. This is because we have Sheikh Ismail in our Silsila. If my Grandsheikh’s power would fully appear, no one could be sitting here; but that tremendous guiding and directing power (Irshad) is being stored up for the time of Sayyidina Al- Mahdi. At that time, al other Tariqats will be engulfed by the huge irshad – power carried through the Naqshbandiyya Tariqat – they will be engulfed like inland seas being absorbed into a great ocean. Other Tariqats are already all slowly grinding to a halt, not moving forward. Since no Grandsheikhs are appearing among them, all that is left of them is their saying, “Follow this Tariqat or that one.” Since no Grandsheikhs are now appearing among them, they are only imitating what they found their predecessors practicing, without being able to improve – like soldiers marching in place. (A person in attendance commented) : “Some of the Sheikhs of the other Tariqats are angry at you for your making such statements; they think that you are making Naqshbandi politics, trying to take away their disciples.” (Sheikh Nazim replied): Don’t speak foolish words. They may scream, “Politics!” and they may be angry, but they must know that what we are saying is reality, not politics; for we hate politics. If they have real spiritual knowledge (Maanawi Ulum), then they may see the reality of what we are saying; if not, they may be angry – but their anger is useless. Now, the Last Prophet, Muhammad (sal), is present in the spiritual realm and for the Awliya there is an assembly with the Prophet’s Presence every night. If they are there, they may realize and (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:12:32

1783 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ChangingOfTheMasters

know; if not, then they are only with us – not seeing what will happen and not seeing the reality of what happens now. If the latter is the case, then they are only looking at books and talking, and you can’t know these things like that – no, that knowledge is distinct, it comes by way of the hearts. When you are mentioning the names of persons, we may know whether they are inside or outside. In the time of Abdul-Qadir Al-Jilani, a great Grandsheikh, there was another sheikh who heard about him and said to his pupils : “I have heard so much about this Sheikh Abdul- Qadir, but I have been waiting at the entrance of Allah Almighty’s Power Castle for thirty years, and up until now I haven’t seen him entering or leaving, so how is it that they are saying he is such a huge Sheikh?” When Abdul-Qadir heard this, he laughed and said: “How can a doorkeeper know who sits in the presence of the King, in the proximity of the Majestic Lord?” And so, you may find so many Tariqat Sheikhs, but their levels are different. So why are they angry? Do they claim to know everything? What we have stated we know from the Heavenly Assembly, and that knowledge is coming to us from the ‘central power station’, so that if they bring forward a statement, claim or knowledge, we know from where they are bringing it. If anyone is angry because of these things, he is providing proof that he is not from the Assembly of Awliya; but he who says, “I believe in this and more,” you must know that he is from within. Al Tariqats teach people humbleness and to accept the truth. Who accompanied the Prophet when he made his migration (Hijra) from Mecca to Medina? – Abu Bakr. And what did the Prophet say about Abu Bakr? – “Everything My Lord put into my heart, I have put into the heart of Abu Bakr.” Which Sheikh can come to argue with us saying, “Abu Bakr is our father in Tariqat”? (1) Grandsheikh is the inheritor of Abu Bakr – only ignorant people can deny this.

WebSheikNazim2Com, CategoryNaqshbandi, CategoryGuidance Notes: (1) Only the Naqshbandiyya Tariqat traces its lineage back to the Prophet through Abu Bakr, the rest of the Tariqats came through Sayyidina Ali (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:12:32

1784 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ChangingOfTheMasters (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:12:32

1785 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CharakterEinesMenschenBestimmtSeineUmgebung

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : CharakterEinesMenschenBestimmtSeineUmgebung


Der Charakter eines Menschen bestimmt seine Umgebung

Unser Großscheich erzählte uns die folgende Geschichte über seinen Großscheich, Abu Ahmad as-Sughuri, möge Allah mit ihm zufrieden sein: « Mein Großscheich lebte in einem Dorf in Kaukasien. Als er eines Tages in der Nähe seines Hauses spazieren ging, sah er, wie eine Katze des Nachbarn Huhn einfing und mit ihm im Maul davonlief. Sofort sagte Abu Ahmad, möge Allah zufrieden mit ihm sein: „Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji‘un!“ Dies ist ein Vers aus dem Qur’an (Baqara, 156), und es ist Sunna, ihn zu sagen, wenn uns eine schlechte Sache oder Betrübnis begegnet. Es bedeutet: Zu Allah gehören wir, und zu Ihm kehren wir zurück! „Seit wie vielen Jahre lebe ich schon in diesem Dorf ?“ dachte er, „bis jetzt sah ich niemals zuvor eine Katze ein Huhn angreifen. Ich muß dieses Dorf und diese Leute verlassen. Es kommt keine Barmherzigkeit hier herab.“ Er wanderte in ein anderes Dorf aus, das einen halbstündigen Fußmarsch entfernt war, und lebte dort für den Rest seines Lebens. Er sagte: „Wenn es in den Menschen keinen schlechten Charakter gäbe, würden alle Blüten an den Bäumen Früchte tragen, und keine einzige würde zu Boden fallen.“ » Was hat diese Geschichte zu bedeuten? Warum verließ Abu Ahmad, möge Allah mit ihm zufrieden sein, sein Haus, als eine Katze ein Huhn fraß? Er tat es, weil er wußte, daß der wilde und schlechte Charakter der Menschen eine Wirkung auf ihre Tiere hat. Die schlechten Eigenschaften der Menschen in jenem Dorf zeigten sich an ihren Tieren. Man konnte sehen, wie sie sich bei dieser Katze auswirkten, die bis dahin niemals je Hühner angegriffen hatte. Es ist ein wichtiges Zeichen; wenn der Charakter der Menschen gut (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:12:33

1786 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CharakterEinesMenschenBestimmtSeineUmgebung

sind, zeigt es sich in ihren Tieren. Wenn ihr Charkter schlecht sind, ist auch in ihren Tieren Schlechtes und Wildheit. Salomon, der Friede sei auf ihm, traf eines Tages auf zwei kämpfende Hunde. Da ihm die Macht gegeben war, mit allen Geschöpfen zu sprechen, fragte er sie: „Warum kämpft ihr? Ihr seid Hunde, keine Menschen! Was von dieser Welt kann euch Grund sein, darüber zu streiten?“ „Ja, o Prophet“, antworteten die Hunde, „es ist, wie du sagst. Wir haben nichts von dieser Welt. Es sind die schlechten Eigenschaften unserer Besitzer, die du hier kämpfen siehst!“ Ihr könnt diese Qualität ebenso in Kindern sehen. Harte Leute werden wilde Kinder haben, wohingegen sanfte, freundliche Leute freundliche Kinder haben werden. Deshalb: Unsere guten und schlechten Eigenschaften haben eine ausdrückliche Wirkung auf alle, die um uns herum sind – unsere Familien, unsere Nachbarn und unsere Tiere. Wir müssen einen guten Anblick auf unsere Umgebung hinaustragen, nicht Dunkelheit. Als Abu Ahmad, möge Allah mit ihm zufrieden sein, diese Katze in wilder Art agieren sah, wußte er, daß die Charaktere der Menschen im Dorf nicht gut waren und daß es für ihn Zeit war, fortzugehen. Es liegt auch an dem schlechten Charakter der Leute, daß die Blüten verwelken und absterben, ohne Frucht zu tragen, und Insekten sie befallen. Wie viele Medikamente und Chemikalien sind in diesen Zeiten notwendig, um etwas wachsen zu lassen! Wäre der Charakter der Menschen gut, bedürfte es nicht all jener Dinge. Jetzt haben wir das 20. Jahrhundert. Die Menschen sind stolz auf ihr Gelehrtsein und ihre Technologie. Aber ursprünglich, vor all den modernen sogenannten Verbesserungen, empfanden die Menschen das Leben als leichter. All die Dinge, die das Leben leicht machen, waren griffbereit. Diese Zufriedenstellung ist jetzt verloren. Heute ist es unmöglich, irgendwelche guten Leute zu finden. Überall wächst der schlechte Charakter. Deshalb müssen wir darum kämpfen, unseren schlechten Charakter auszulöschen, auszuwischen (mahw). Je mehr wir unseren schlechten Charakter auswischen, um so mehr Glück wird an diesen Ort kommen. Heutzutage kommt keine Glückseligkeit herab. Solch schmutzige Orte! Überall ist Grausamkeit. Du kannst nicht einen Platz finden, auf den du hintreten könntest! Diese Welt ist mit wilden Charakteren angefüllt, die eine Kraft sucht, alle Menschen zu entfachen. Solche schreckliche Waffen. Es ist ein Zeichen! Wenn keine Barmherzigkeit herabkommt, bedeutet das, daß es dort keine guten (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:12:33

1787 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CharakterEinesMenschenBestimmtSeineUmgebung

Charaktere gibt. Gute Charaktere leben in Meeren der Barmherzigkeit Allahs des Allmächtigen. Ohne Glauben an unseren Herrn gibt es keinen guten Charakter oder Barmherzigkeit bei den Menschen. In den Herzen der Ungläubigen ist nicht die geringste Barmherzigkeit zu finden. Heute erhielt ich einen Brief. In ihm war ein Zeitungsausschnitt, vielleicht vom London Daily Telegraph. Darin steht, wie der Marxismus 143 Millionen Menschen getötet hat: 65 Millionen in Rußland von 1917 bis 1959, 63 Millionen in China! An anderen Orten, insgesamt 143 Millionen! Denn der Marxismus leugnet alle Propheten, alle Religionen und alle heiligen Dinge, in ihnen ist keine Barmherzigkeit zu finden. Marxisten haben keine Barmherzigkeit für andere Menschen, nicht einmal sich selbst gegenüber. Keine Barmherzigkeit gibt es im Marxismus! Wie wir sagten, gute Charaktere leben nur in Meeren der Barmherzigkeit, wo es Glauben an Allah den Allmächtigen gibt. Deshalb müssen wir darauf achten, daß die Barmherzigkeit in unseren Herzen wächst. In dem Maße wie deine Barmherzigkeit wächst, näherst du dich Allah. Abu Yazid al-Bistami, möge Allah seine Ehre vermehren, betete zu seinem Herrn: „O mein Herr! Du hast Macht, Du kannst alles tun! Ich bitte Dich, meinen Körper größer und größer werden zu lassen, bis er Deine Hölle zur Gänze ausfüllt, so daß dort kein Platz mehr bleibt, irgend jemand anderen noch dort hineinzuwerfen! Nimm sie ins Paradies und gib mir die Strafe!“ Wenn dein Glaube wächst, wächst deine Barmherzigkeit. Alle Heiligen haben in ihren Herzen Meere der Barmherzigkeit. Ein anderer sagte: „O mein Herr! Mache mich zu einer Brücke über die Hölle, daß Deine Leute über mich das Paradies erreichen mögen!“ Derart ist es. Sollte einem von ihnen Erlaubnis zur Fürsprache, shafa’a’, am Tag des Jüngsten Gerichts gegeben worden sein, werden sie nicht einen Menschen in die Hölle gehen lassen! Dies ist die Bedeutung von iman, Glauben. Wenn einer sagt: „Ich bin ein Gläubiger“, und hat keine Barmherzigkeit, ist er ein Lügner. Ohne Barmherzigkeit kein iman. Das größte Meer der Barmherzigkeit ist für unseren Propheten, der Friede sei auf ihm. Er wurde als eine Barmherzigkeit für alle Wesen, für das gesamte Universum, gesandt. Ein jeder wird seine Taten am Tag des Gerichts sehen, ob sie in den Himmel oder in die Hölle gehen. Dann wird Allah entscheiden. Er kann tun, wie Er will. Der Allmächtige ist nicht verpflichtet, zu verzeihen oder zu bestrafen. Er kann, wenn Er will, einem jeden verzeihen. „Wie sieht es mit dem Mann aus dem Qur’an, Abu Lahab, und seiner Frau aus?“ fragte einer der Brüder. (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:12:33

1788 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CharakterEinesMenschenBestimmtSeineUmgebung

„Verspricht Allah nicht Bestrafung für sie?“
Diese Verse (Sure Lahab) wurde nur als eine Warnung geschickt, so daß die Leute nicht handeln mögen wie Abu Lahab. Allah der Allmächtige will jedem Seiner Diener am Tag des Jüngsten Gerichts zeigen, was er mit seinem Leben getan hat. Aber Er, der Allmächtige, ist frei, Barmherzigkeit zu geben, wie es Ihm beliebt. Die Umma, die Gemeinde, eines Propheten, ist diesem Propheten näher als Kinder ihren Eltern nah sind. Angenommen, du hast einhundert Jungen, neunundneunzig wären bei dir, einer aber wäre im Gefängnis, wärest du glücklich? Nein! Denn einer von ihnen erleidet Bestrafung. Selbst wenn einer von eintausend leidet, ist dein Herz mit dem, der leidet. Daher wird unser Prophet, der Friede sei auf ihm, beim Eingang zum Paradiese stehen. Wie könnte er Freude haben im Paradies, wenn seine Gemeinde in der Hölle ist! Wie?! Er wird beim Eingang stehen, und wenn Allah der Allmächtige spricht: „Tritt ein, o Muhammad!“, so wird er sagen: „O mein Herr! Ich kann nicht eintreten, bevor nicht meine Gemeinde eintritt.“ Er wird dann schauen: „Eins, zwei, drei, vier ...“, und sollten irgendeinige fehlen, wird er sagen: „O mein Herr! Ich kann nicht eintreten!“ „Maulana, wer ist die Umma? Wer wird zu ihnen gezählt werden am Tag des Gerichts?“ Er, der Allmächtige, weiß. Seid nicht beunruhigt, Europäer zählen ebenso zu seiner Gemeinde. Amerikaner ebenso, Russen ebenso, Chinesen ebenso, Hindus ebenso, Schwarze ebenso; alle sind von seiner Gemeinde! Der Prophet, der Friede sei auf ihm, sagt: „Wenn mir Erlaubnis gegeben wird, werde ich nicht einen zurücklassen!“ Versteht ihr? Du kommst nach Hause mit deiner Hundertschaft Jungen, auf ihren Pferden reitend, den Palasttoren entgegenkommend. Du hältst an und zählst: „Dreißig, fünfzig, einhundert Jungen.“ Wenn du siehst, daß sie alle sicher darinnen sind, wirst du die Brücke überqueren und hinter dir zuschließen. Nicht einen, zwei oder zehn wirst du draußen lassen. Nein! Besonders wenn sie kleine Jungen sind. Vater wird kommen und die kleinen Jungen zuerst hereinholen, dann wird er eintreten. Ja? Sehr viele gute Nachrichten für uns. Wir sind wie kleine Jungen. Wir brauchen keine Sorge zu haben. – Ihr seid große Jungen? Masha’llah! - 01.01.1979 (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:12:33

1789 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CharakterEinesMenschenBestimmtSeineUmgebung (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:12:33

1790 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CharityInIslam

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : CharityInIslam


The place of Charity in Islam

In Islam rich ones must look after poor ones, powerful ones must look after weak ones. That is important. In Islam there are no big mouths eating the provisions of the poor. Islam is against big business like supermarkets. Supermarkets kill or destroy small business people. Islam is against that. Big companies take the provisions of all the people for themselves. Those companies must allow ordinary people to make small business for everyone, not make people slaves to a handful of people. Therefore, the Islamic economy is the best one and looks after all poor and weak people. Poor people must be protected and weak people also must be looked after, must be taken care of. Muslim community must respect each other, must extend help to each other, must try to establish in their neighbourhood charity purposes, WAKF, charitable foundations or trusts for the benefit of the community. Everyone must try. In earlier times we had that good traditional custom - even peasants were giving one olive tree or one carob tree or a piece of land for the benefit of the community (to revere?). They were trying to make charity. That is most important for everyone to do. The beauty of Islam is charming, the perfection of Islam is so magnificent, but ignorant people do not understand. The Islamic world is full of charitable foundations, thousands or ten thousands or hundred thousand of foudations or million foundations for charity, living now. That is also our relationship with each other and towards the government. You must be obedient and you must try to do something - leaving charities for every. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:12:33

1791 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CharityInIslam

Overtime work should be for the purposes of charity, for the sake of Allah, to support his religion, to support Muslims and to support humanity, not himself. After eight hours work, overtime should be in Islam for the Ummah or for humanity, for the sake of Allah - it is not for yourself. But this has stopped now - everyone is working only for himself. Overtime, undertime - it is for themselves. Islam is bringing perfect rules for the life of mankind. Therefore, I say overtime should be for the Ummah, for the nation, for humanity. Islam is the most perfect humanitarian - you can't find a more humanitarian system than Islam. If we can practise that, this world will be changed into Paradise. Because, everyone can think about it, if one million people are giving one hour, that comes to one million hours, at least one million hours daily you could give for the charity of mankind, for the nation - how would this world be? Who can bring more than this, more perfect than Islam? Whatever a person does after his eight hours - it is for Allah. We are saying - eight for you, eight hours for Allah. During that you may give one hour, two hours, three hours, for worship in these hours, you may dig your garden in these hours (because it is going to be charity for the nation), you may read books for the sake of Allah - to learn, to teach or to practise - it is for Allah, you may sit with people, making association, you are looking after guests for the sake of Allah, it is for Allah, looking after your children, teaching them for the sake of Allah, it is for Allah.

BookLadyChadijasQuestions, CategoryCharity (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:12:33

1792 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CheatingWillDestroyYou

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : CheatingWillDestroyYou


Cheating and Dishonesty Will Destroy You

Prelude to holy suhbah: So many people are occupying our time, occupying these cameras also, but most important is that people must imagine only who is speaking when other things are making them to lose something else, because their attention is going for other things also. Therefore, when finishing Fatihah (at the end of the live broadcast) close all things; that is coming to me tonight; it is official for people to hear. It is not good with whom you are speaking, no need, even as-salaat w 'as-salaam is taking perhaps ten minutes. Some people are busy and they are shy to leave and go; therefore, after the broadcast you may do as-salaat w 'as-salaam and any people also if they are giving salaam and going, no need. We are official. We must do this and it is not true to force people to wait for as-salaat w 'as-salaam. It may be they are in a hurry to go. Inshaa-Allah, inshaa-Allah. Amaan yaa Rabbee, bismillah. Dastoor yaa Rabbee. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Dastoor yaa Sayyidee. Madad yaa rijaalAllah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah,`Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:12:34

1793 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CheatingWillDestroyYou

Wa nashahadu, we are testifying that the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s) is the most glorified, most honored one in Divine Presence. Allahumma salli wa sallim wa baarik`alayh. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Astaghfirullah. Madad. As-salaamu `alaykum attenders! Happiness to you and honor to you, for attending a heavenly meeting that now is very rare to find heavenly meetings for the sake of Allah Almighty. Yes, you may find official centers where official people may do some meetings or discussions. We don't like discussions, or using arguments because Shaytan is ordering to them to be arguing ones. You speak, your understanding is correct, yes. And we are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. As Islamic adab, good manners, we must address first to Allah Almighty with His Holy Name, then this addressing runs to whole Creation, particularly on our planet, and everyone is going to be ready for defeating Shaytan and its works! To say, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem is Allah Almighty’s order and we must use it. But when we are asking that, it is quickly running for guardians of Mankind in the east and west who are hearing from where it comes, and in which meeting people are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem, then they are running there and defeating Shaytan and its soldiers away! Yes! Therefore, it is important to say, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem as a special protection comes on that meeting. Now there are so many meetings, but they are not using, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. They are thinking they are enough to protect themselves but it is wrong, because Man is created weak and we are always needy for a connection with Unseen Territories that may reach us. Without that, we are going to be on Earth like an animals' world. No, you must do a tameez, differentiate, you must do that. We are belonging to Mankind, the Children of Adam that has been honored to be deputies for the Lord of Heavens! SubhaanAllah! And we are saying, bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Now we are taking heavenly sword in our hands. Who is forgetting to take his sword may be easily falling into tricks of Shaytan, or may be easily caught in shaytanic traps. Therefore, people in our days are so strange; to find such a meeting it is so rare, rare, rare! And people mostly are official ones and rasmiyaat, officiality is taking away familiarity from people. Officials are not opening to each other in their hearts, but they are using their official identities and leaving their real beings (as Muslims) and taking an imitated personality that has no value. Do you think (a synthetic) diamond is the same as a real diamond? But from far away you may say both of them are diamonds, but no, never! (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:12:34

1794 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: CheatingWillDestroyYou

So that officiality is making people leave their real beings and dress in imitated identities, and that is a shaytanic order. Therefore, one of the biggest awliya in the Islamic world, Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi (q), was saying, "O People! Be as you are showing yourself to people; don't cheat them, don’t use two personalities. Use one personality and your real person is going to be in your spirituality. But you are not using; you are hiding your real being and showing yourself (opposite to) that. That is haraam. Be as you are!" Don't use two personalities you may cheat people but you can’t cheat the Lord of Heavens, you can’t cheat heavenly beings, no! About those who cheat people, the Seal of Prophets (s) is saying, "That one is not from my nation." That is a very heavy warning from Prophet (s)! O Our Salafi `ulamas! You must know this hadeeth shareef, the holy words of the Seal of Prophets (s)! This is a very important warning and caution also for whole Nation of Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Zidhu yaa Rabb, nooran wa suroora wa ridwaanan wa sultanan. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) This is giving full fear, because (in that state) you can’t change your direction to righteousness and leave that way because you are using something for your egoistic wishings. That is a very important warning. Where can we find such people now? Old people now are trying to show themselves not as their real personality, but they are asking to cheat people using two personalities: one keeping for themselves (private behavior), and one when they are dealing with people. They are using their second personality for the sake of Shaytan. That person may show, "I am so trustworthy. I am like good," but when reaching his target he removes his mask and shows who he really is, taking power from people and cheating them. That is the worst shaytanic characteristic that all prophets warned against, saying, "Beware of Shaytan, because he is trying to make