Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (80/777)
endein anderes Geschöpf an. Nein Janab Haqq sprach den Menschen an. Er sprach zum Menschen. Die höchste Ehre, "Wa Laqad Karramna Bani Adam" (17:70), wurde der Menschheit gegeben, sagte der Herr. Die Engel verlangte danach. Ihnen wurde gesagt, nein. Die Menschen sollen Meinen Ruhm tragen. Niemand sonst kann ihn tragen. O unser Herr. Nahnu `Abiduk - Wir sind Deine Diener, o Herr. Deine Diener, o Herr. Wir wollen Dich, o Herr. Wir zielen auf niemand sonst. "Allahi Anta Maqsudi" - O Herr, wir wollen Dich. Du bist der Eine, Den wir brauchen, der Eine, Den wir brauchen, sagte Yunus. Allah Allah. Die Göttliche Liebe wurde der Menschheit gegeben. Die Stufe des Menschen ist, daß ihm Göttliche Liebe gegeben wurde. Unserem Propheten (saws), dem Stolz des Universums, gab Er Göttliche Liebe. Er goß sie in sein (saws) Herz. Der, der ihn liebt, liebt Allah. Der, der Allah liebt, ist der höchste. Der ist in der Gegenwart des Herrn angenommen. Harunu r-Rashid, `alayhi Rahmatullah, befahl seinen Dienern, seinem Schatzmeister, die in seiner Versammlung anwesend waren: Bringt meinen kostbarsten Schatz und stellt ihn hier vor meine Geliebten, die in meiner Versammlung versammelt sind. Verstreut die Schätze vor meinen Freunden. Schätze, jeder im Wert einer Welt, wurden vor ihnen verstreut. Jeder von ihnen rannte hin, um diese wertvollen Schätze einzusammeln, außer einer von ihnen, die zu Harunu r-Rashid rannte und ihn umarmte. Harunu r-Rashid fragte sie: Warum hast du die Schätze nicht eingesammelt? Dies sind sehr wertvolle Schätze. Die anderen Jariya, Sklavinnen, liefen, um die Schätze einzusammeln. Diese sagte: Ich bin nicht hinter Schätzen her, sondern hinter dem Sultan. Ich will den Sultan, keine Schätze. Ich bin nicht an Schätzen interessiert, die hier herumliegen. Ma sha' Allah. Könnt ihr das auch sagen? Was ist die Welt? Was sind die acht Himmel, die acht Himmel, wenn wir den Herrn haben können? Und wenn der Herr diejenigen annimmt, die sich mit Ihm vereinigen wollen, was ist dann der Wert derer, die hinter der Dunya herlaufen? Müll! Diese Sklavin sagte: Diese Steine, Schätze, haben keinen Wert für mich. Was ich brauche, ist der Sultan. Ich (9 von 11)04.07.2013 23:05:38
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will den Sultan. Ich will diese Schätze nicht, die vor uns ausgebreitet sind. Ich will den Besitzer dieser Schätze. Also umarmte sie ihn. "Allahi Anta Maqsudi", o unser Herr, Du bist der Eine, Den wir wollen, nichts oder niemand anders. O Shah Mardan, wie schön kommen diese Worte zu deinen Freunden! Jene, die die geliebten Freunde Shah Mardans sind, jene, die ihn lieben und mit ihm sein wollen, verlangen nicht nach anderem. Ob von den Welten oder den acht Himmeln, welchen Wert haben sie ohne Ihn? "Allahi Anta Maqsudi". O Herr, alles, was ich will, bist Du! Du bist der Eine, Den ich brauche, sagte Yunus. Was kann ich ohne Dich machen in dieser Welt? Was soll ich im Himmel tun, wenn Du nicht dort bist? O Herr, mögest Du uns mit Liebe und Verlangen nach Dir erfüllen! Lade uns mit Deiner Liebe und Sehnsucht! Erfülle uns mit Deiner Liebe und Zuneigung! Mögen wir Dich und Deinen Habib lieben! Sagen wir: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Alle Türen werden sich für uns öffnen. Lauft nicht Heu hinterher! Kadaver, Raben laufen Kadavern hinterher. Ein Rabe ist ein Vogel, ein schwarzer Vogel, der auf einem Kadaver hockt. Was soll ich damit? Was wir brauchen, ist, Ay Yaran Shah Mardans, unseren Herrn. O Herr, mögen sich unsere Herzen öffnen. Es ist Rajab Shahrullah, mögen wir mit den Segnungen dieses heiligen Monats bekleidet werden! Mit Deiner Liebe und Sehnsucht, mit Deinem Habib, von der Liebe und Sehnsucht Deines Habibs. Mögest Du uns Deine Göttliche Gabe gewähren, ya Rabbi! Rajab Shahrullah ist fast zu Ende. Laßt uns nicht zu den Aaskrähen gehören! Sagt: "Allahi Anta Maqsudi". O Herr, Du bist der Eine, Den ich will. Sagen die Schiiten oder Alawiten oder andere das? O Herr, wir wollen mit Dir sein! Warum tötet ihr immer noch Menschen? Menschen zu töten, ist nichts, was der Menschheit nützt. Sagt: O Herr, wir wollen Dich! Warum tötet ihr weiterhin Menschen? Ist das Töten von Menschen der Weg Allahs? Sie haben jedoch den Verstand verloren. Shaytan reitet auf ihnen. Sie sagen, 'Wir sind Schiiten', 'Wir sind Alawiten'. Ihr seid weder Schiiten, noch Alawiten! Wenn ihr nicht fähig seid, euer Ego zu reiten, habt ihr keinen Wert. Was erreicht ihr mit dem Töten von Menschen? Was wollt ihr? Auf was zielt ihr ab mit dem Töten von Menschen? "Wa la Taqtulu Anfusakum" (4:29). Tötet einander nicht! Tötet nicht diejenigen, die Ich erschuf! Allahu Akbar! Seid barmherzig mit denen, die Ich erschuf! Allahu Dhu l-Jalal sagt, barmherzig zu Seiner Schöpfung zu sein. O Schiiten und Alawiten! Sagte Allah das oder sagte Er, die Menschen zu töten? Ihr habt den wahren Weg Allahs verlassen! Shah Mardan wird euch abschneiden! (10 von 11)04.07.2013 23:05:38
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Shah Mardan hat sein Schwert gezogen. Er ist bereit. Denjenigen, die sein Schwert verdienen, denjenigen, die die unterdrücken, die Allah erschaffen hat, die die Unschuldigen verbrennen, vernichten, denen eine Lektion zu erteilen, ist Shah Mardan bereit, um ihnen ihre Grenzen zu weisen. Bitte Shah Mardan mach weiter, die Arena ist dein. Halte uns unter deinem Banner. Kommt unter das Banner Shah Mardans, o Schiiten und Alawiten und Muslime! Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Möge Allah uns vergeben! Möge Allah uns bereit machen für den Dienst an dem Eigner der Zeit, Sahibu z-Zaman, Hz. Mahdi. Seien wir bereit, Shaytan und die Anhänger Shaytans zu vernichten! Erhebt das Banner des Islam! Sagt nicht: persisches Banner, Saudi Fahne. Sagt nicht persische Fahne. Erhebt das Banner Allahs und seid darunter! O Herr, vergib uns. Wir sind müde, ya Rabbi! Möge diese Müdigkeit uns verlassen! Shahrullah war da, Shahru Rajabu Murrajab, mach uns zu denen, die den Respekt der heiligen Monate wahren, ya Rabbi, denjenigen, die den Unterdückern ihre Grenzen zeigen. Sende uns den Sultan, ya Rabbi. Al Fatiha. Lefke, 01.06.2013
WebSaltanatOrg (11 von 11)04.07.2013 23:05:38
1046 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeWithGoodPeople
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BeWithGoodPeople
Always Be with Good People
(Baya`) Allah thaabitnaa `ala ‘l-Haqq. Fatihah. You are happy with us? (Yes sir!) We are asking our Lord to be happy with us. Even though we are sinners, His Blessing covers everything of sin. Fatihah. Shaytan is asking to make people unhappy and to push everyone and cheat them into difficulties and miseries so they will not be happy or in pleasure. Therefore, anyone going with Shaytan always has trouble, miseries, and his life is unhappy here and Hereafter. Therefore, we must try to keep ourselves from Shaytan and its followers. Shaytan is calling people to the Fire and Allah Almighty is calling His servants to be in Paradise forever! Always be with good people. Bad people are Shaytan’s agents. You know that, and when you look at their faces you will understand. Look at good people, run away from bad people! All prophets said, “O People! Follow good people and run away from bad people.” That is the advice of all prophets. It is so easy: if you follow bad people you will reach a bad end and if you follow a good one you will reach a sweet life, here and (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:05:39
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Hereafter. Allah is blessing you. Pray for me. I am weak and old. But even if you were going to live a thousand years you will still finish, just as one billion years are going to finish. Every number, as big as it may be, is going to end. Therefore, you must ask for eternal life. Eternity is never ending! God bless you. Fatihah. (A group from Spain visits and Mawlana stands as Spanish sisters sing Nur Muhammadi.) Mureed: We are from Granada, Valencia, and Alhambra. You like Alhambra? Group: Yes. (Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani gives baya` to the group.) May Allah grant Paradise, Firdaus, to you, your children and your ancestors. He granted heavenly blessings for your honor, because you are saying, “la ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadan Rasoolullah.” It protects you and gives to you from His divine protection to be in safety here, and with blessed people until the Day of Resurrection. Fatihah. I hope that this year there will be hundreds of thousands running to Islam, because blessing is coming with Islam, when people say, “O our Lord! Forgive us and give us Your blessings.” I hope it will be this year that tens of millions will run through heavenly blessings, and you will be of the first people coming in front, and others will follow! Pray for me. Allah knows how long I am going to be with you, but I hope that I am going to be with Mahdi (a) and `Isa (a). Pray for me. Fatihah. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:05:39
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Lefke, 28.05.2011
WebSufiLive, CategoryGuidance (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:05:39
1049 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeyondSelf
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BeyondSelf
Beyond Self
Madad Ya Sultan, madad Ya Rijal Allah, dastur Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Aziz Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Subhan Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Sultan Allah O our Lord, our Creator, forgive us and give Your blessings for the honour of most honoured one through Your Divine Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad (sas). Zidhu Ya Rabb izzan wa sharafa nuran wa surura ridwanan wa sultana wa man tab`iahum ila yaum al qiyamah. Madad Ya Sultan al Awliya, Ya Sayyidi, O Holy Ones, O Sultan of Holy Ones on this planet, on dunya, support us, grant us what is necessary for us to know, and to understand, and to do. Oh, we are such heedless ones. May Allah forgive us. Assalamu alaykum our Attenders, through east and west, who have been honoured to be deputies, for the Lord of this planet. We are speaking only about our planet. And we are saying: Audhu Billahi min as shaytani'r rajim because everywhere you are finding shaytan. If anything coming to you from heavenly lights, that enlightens us, coming and asking to put a dark veil on it, so that we can't see behind that, what is there. That is shaytan's mission, khazahullah, aman Ya Rabb, aman Ya Rabb. As a protocol, we must say 'O our Lord' but, I am ashaming to say O our Lord protect ourselves from shaytan. What is that? Why? But Allah Almighty, that His Kingdom from pre-Eternal up to Eternal. Endless oceans for His territories. Endless universes, countless mulk, countless territories, dominions. Aha, I was thinking that word but, dominions, oh, oh! How? If a person fearing from something in front of a sultan's palace he is going 'O Your majesty, adrikni, reach to me, save me from this one'. Particularly shaytan that is ugliest one, ugliest creature that was created, from pre- Eternal up to Eternal. Can't be more ugly, or uglier than shaytan. Hmm. And asking, 'Come (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:40
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come save me from this'. What is that? But because our understanding as something through an atom. An atom. What it may include of something, can you imagine? Our understanding in such a way, therefore we are saying. But astaidh Billah, His Holy Command, as an order of our Lord we are saying or an ant may do, for destroying shaytan and its works so easily. An ant. As His Command, we are saying: Audhu Billahi min as shaytani'r rajim, ash-shaytan, O our Salafi ulamas, marhaban. Assalamu alaykum also, don't worry, I am only angry against our egos not your being. Your being is from Allah Almighty. Kamil, perfect, mukammal Man, Adam. What does it mean, 'Adam'? You know that meaning, O Salafi ulamas? Say to me, what does it mean 'Adam'? Adam showing Alif, it has a meaning. Daal it has another meaning, Meem it has another meaning. Alif.. Allah, Alif. Daal, `aada, Daal, pointing to continuous, Meem it is an ocean that it is impossible to approach that Meem, that muntaha yushir (indicates) muntaha/last point and last point is for you, for creatures, not for Creator, azaliyun-abadiyun. Alif, azali, Meem, mu'ammar, Eternal. Dal, dawam (continuous) of the Lord's hegemony on everything that was created for the honour of the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad (sas). Creation is continuous. No one knowing beginning, or ending. No one can be able to approach for an understanding, less or even the least meaning of azali, Eternal and abadi, pre-Eternal and Eternal. Subhanallah, Subhanallah. Most high honour that granted to dhawi'l uqul, those who have been granted enlightenment of aql/mind. Subhanallah, just granted and no one without that enlightenment can reach to pre- Eternal, azali and Eternal. And Allah Almighty granting mankind such an honour for an understanding. And, what is main aim of understanding the Lord of Heavens? All obedience that we are doing is giving us a heavenly enlightenment. There are 500 majabihi an-nabi that the Seal of Prophets taught to his nation. 500 kinds of honour and every honour belongs to one Order. If you are doing it, asking to reach that honour, that honour belongs to this level of enlightenment. Each one of heavy commands that the Seal of Prophets was granted and taught and declared, each one making that person to reach that `amal as-saleh, that obedience and you are getting closer to Divine Presence. Real meaning of all obedience is not for Paradise. Paradise people are on common level of ummah. Those who are asking more than those eight paradises are going to (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:40
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disappear through That One's glory and lights. Therefore hadith that our Salafi ulamas must know when the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (sas) when he was asked, 'Ya Rasulullah, what is the best of actions, best one of all our good dealings, what is that that grants to people such an honour that with any other order you can't reach to that level?' and he was saying: al `ilmu Billah, al `ilmu Billah Subhanahu wa Ta`ala. And companions they were astonishing, they were saying, 'We are asking from good manners and obedience and Rasulullah (sas) was saying..' What was he saying? 'Al `ilmu Billah'. And it is not action/dealing, it is something else. All `amal, actions and obedience that we are doing, their real aspect, to reach to an understanding level of the Lord of Heavens, Who He is. That 'Who He is' you can't understand until you are going to ifnah, annihilate. You have cars, you have trains, you have planes, your real aspect to have a car, to have a train, to have a plane or using those to reach to take you from your city to another city? Therefore all majabihi an-nabi that Prophet (pbuh) was teaching to his Nation it is not bi dhatihi matlub, it is not in itself the target. It is not only to pray or to fast and to go for Hajj and to give money, but beyond that we are asking to reach something. And that something, therefore Prophet was saying afdal ul `amaal. That concluded all good deeds to take you to a level so that you are not in need of any deeds there. There you are like a drop coming from clouds, reaching ocean and you are going to be ocean, fana’u fi'llah baqa’u bi'llah. Finished. O People, therefore we must try to learn. To learn beyond ourselves. When we are going to be dust, what remaining and for what we are on this planet? For what we are living? For which purpose we are taken away? Why giving a limited life here and taken from us. What is real maqsad, aim? Yes? We must try. Now we are Subhan Allahi 'l Aliyyi'l Azim we are through darkness of ignorance. Darkness. People they never using what they have been granted as a heavenly honour. What we have been granted, we are not using it. They are putting there and putting there, people to look and see, 'I have this'. No it is not for show, to make show, but you must use it to reach to that level that your identity just disappearing and appears really there identity of heavenly beings and after that divinely level that finishing through an ocean, through countless oceans and countless dominions. May Allah forgive us. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. O People, it is short time, O Salafi (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:40
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ulamas say such a knowledge to people, balligh an naas, balligh an naas. Reach to people such a knowledge that they may stop their juhd, making down all their efforts and they are changing towards Divine Presence. That signalling why Allah Almighty putting baytullah, kabatullah, to leave everything and look there. To put all attention there, why you are not saying? If not knowing you must ask someone who knows such things. They must be warithatu'l anbiya, must be those that are inheriting from prophets, must be among men, but it is not easy to find them or it is not as you like that, 'that one may come to me and teach me', no. You must run after them, to find someone so that you would be rabbani. It means you are going to be heavenly ones and you will be dressed in heavenly uniform, heavenly dressing. O People, O Ulama, O Pope, O Patriarchs, Bishops and Rabbis, You are knowing from your books but you are not understanding. I am not understanding till they are granting to me to speak, (then) I am knowing something. May Allah forgive me, forgive you for the honour of most honoured one Sayyidina Muhammad (sas) Fatiha. Lefke, 17.04.2010
WebSaltanatOrg (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:40
1053 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeyondTimeAndSpace
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BeyondTimeAndSpace
Beyond Time and Space If Allah wants to put the whole universe into a thimble, He can. If He wants to put it all into one atom, He can. If He wants He can ask the atom to give up its existence and be like before. It can all be dissolved in His endless power oceans anytime. There are huge galaxies, which according to reports include billions of stars. Looking at it with the naked eye, it only looks like a spot. But if you were there, this whole universe might even be invisible, because we are smaller than that. You would be invisible, finished, not in existence! When you start approaching it, the world becomes clearer and clearer and by the time you land on it you will disappear. Everything you see is not in its real position, especially in the sky. It is not the way it appears to be. The moon is not a circle with a diameter of 20 centimetres. That is not the real moon. The real moon is not a circle, but a ball. What you see is not real. If you get closer to it, you will notice. But if you are somewhere else, it will be different. We are cheated by our vision. If Allah the Almighty wanted to put all stars into one place, He can. If He wants to put the whole universe and all galaxies there too, He can. That is the greatness of Allah and His power oceans. He can do anything in perfection. If you look at yourself, it is not perfect. When He looks at you He does so in a perfect perfection, nothing is hidden from Him. It is difficult to speak about the limits of creatures and their connection to Allah the Almighty. No one can understand this connection. He knows them inside and outside, nothing is hidden from Him. Everyone has been granted physical powers and spiritual powers. What you have been given as physical powers within your physical being is very narrow, but your spirituality is something else. It is beyond time and space. When people train themselves, they can get out of the prison of time and space. When you are beyond time and space a second can be a billion years without any difficulty. But it is not easy to reach such a (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:05:40
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position. To be able to you must do exercises and train according to spiritual rules. These should enable you to take your soul from the prison of your physical body and free it into its spiritual world. Until that moment you are imprisoned on earth. When Allah opens up this ability you can look anywhere in a second of time without any hindrance. The Prophet* made his Mirage which in actual fact was a journey of billions of years, but when he returned, his bed was still warm. Everyone who wants to reach such Heavenly Positions must get help from someone who already has these powers, someone who can be here and there at the same time. The wisdom people reach there is very different. You cannot find two holy people saying the same things, using the same words. The wisdom run from their hearts to their tongues and will give something from the universes to common people. Prophets came from Heaven to be such messengers. This is a deep and terribly dangerous ocean. We cannot move in it. We can only stand on the beach and look. Holy people and prophets can go inside and bring back pearls. -
BookDefendingTruth, CategoryHoliness, CategoryScience (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:05:40
1055 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BigCityIsPoisonous
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BigCityIsPoisonous
Big City Atmosphere is Poisonous (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Stand up for the honor of your Lord, Almighty Allah, as much as possible, to give most high praisings and glory! Say through our language, we are saying in Arabic language, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illAllah, Allahu akbar! AntaAllah! Subhan Allah! Sultan Allah! Give us Your forgiveness and support us, O our Lord, against Satanas and its followers! I am ashaming to address directly to You, O our Lord. Even I am ashaming to ask from Your Most Glorious One, Your most Beloved One through Your Divinely Presence. I must ask from the Holy Ones, that they are Masters through Creation. And we are saying, may endless honor to be granted to Your Most Beloved One! And we are saying, Allahumma salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammadan Nabiyyul `ummi wa `ala `aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim. Adkhilna fi rahmatika ya arhamar rahimeen! (Mawlana sits) As salamu alaykum. O our listeners, I must look to you. Even you are on far distances and for far distances, one of our followers he was saying, "O Shaykh, put eye glasses to look through east and west!" And I am listening here and to Shaykh Hisham, and saying I must put looking glasses to look around who is there. Therefore, I am putting and asking from our master, king of masters in our times, no lie, that he is qutb, pole granted some honor and some specialities to have a power for carrying responsibility as a master for this planet, dunya. Dunya, dunya. O people! and I am saying a'udhu billahi min ash-Shaytan' r-rajeem, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, alfu alfu salawat alfu alfu salaam ala sayyidi 'l awwaleen wal akhireen Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim. I am trying to see all of you with my eyeglasses, but it is impossible. If the Lord of Heavens giving a power for (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:41
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me to look through these glasses, to look through east and west, it can be possible. But, through these manmade eyeglass, I don't like it, because showing through a very short distance. But I am asking that, to be granted a little bit more lights to my heart to make through east and west, easy to be seen. Yes. Very important to be granted a Heavenly light, to be with a servant. That light may be as an atom's light. What do you think, O my listeners from Adam's children. Welcome to you!!! Be happy, be proud also that you have been brought into existence by our Lords's order. He is saying only 'Be' and must be what He is asking to be in existence. O People, O Mankind, as salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh and sending Heavenly Salute! Heavenly Salute is important, more important than what you are saluting people; that is nothing. But prophets, they were saluting people and their saluting is Heavenly. That salute going to be full of heavenly, holy breathing. Therefore, I am giving that salute for whole living children of Adam Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam! As salamu alaykum, peace be on you, here and Hereafter, on earth and on heavens. O people! O my Lord's creatures! I am one of you, nothing else. And the Creator may grant His Heavenly Salutes to you, and Heavenly Salute may take from you every heavy burden. Therefore, the Seal of Prophets (s) was urging his nation and saying alfu's salaam! Make salaam between you, because that changing the atmosphere that you are in. People running to smell a good breathing through mountains, through pine trees. They are saying, "Oh, we must go a little bit around, we must leave our cities. And, time by time, we must get up and we may breathe a good weather." For what? Because good weather is full with life. Therefore, it is forbidden (for) Man to (dwell) in big cities. Big cities, it is not preferred for Man's life; (it is) giving trouble but not taking troubles. SubhanAllah! Most Glory for our Lord! Giving a recipe for people, how they should be through this life, happy and peaceful. This recipe is never changing. The atmosphere where you are living is mostly going to be poisoned, particularly in our days. I must look once again, if it is true or not? Yes, I think that what we are saying, it is written through Holy Books. You must think on this. You must be a VIP person also when they are putting (their eyeglasses) like this, "O Shaykh, don't put like this put like this (moves eyeglasses up). No, this is better (moves eyeglasses to tip of his nose, laughter) because I may see, it is changing. SubhanAllah. Dirtiness making trouble for people. (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:41
1057 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BigCityIsPoisonous
Therefore, the atmosphere that is poison, giving trouble to your physical being, go out from that atmosphere. That is, as we said, the knowledge reaching to learned people. O people! Go around! Take yourself out of that poisoned atmosphere. Don't imprison yourselves through small places because that gives you trouble. Particularly people that are smoking, giving much more trouble to you and your circle, muheet (surrounding). People whom they should be with you, leave it; don't make your atmosphere poisoned. SubhanAllah! Endless Glory for our Lord, most High, most Praised, most Mighty, most Glorious and most Magnificent. The Lord of Creation has endless Names and endless Oceans belonging to each of those Holy Names. Yes, everything, everyone just surrounded with something either giving benefit to you or giving trouble to you. Which, for material being of Man, that spe
endein anderes Geschöpf an. Nein Janab Haqq sprach den Menschen an. Er sprach zum Menschen. Die höchste Ehre, "Wa Laqad Karramna Bani Adam" (17:70), wurde der Menschheit gegeben, sagte der Herr. Die Engel verlangte danach. Ihnen wurde gesagt, nein. Die Menschen sollen Meinen Ruhm tragen. Niemand sonst kann ihn tragen. O unser Herr. Nahnu `Abiduk - Wir sind Deine Diener, o Herr. Deine Diener, o Herr. Wir wollen Dich, o Herr. Wir zielen auf niemand sonst. "Allahi Anta Maqsudi" - O Herr, wir wollen Dich. Du bist der Eine, Den wir brauchen, der Eine, Den wir brauchen, sagte Yunus. Allah Allah. Die Göttliche Liebe wurde der Menschheit gegeben. Die Stufe des Menschen ist, daß ihm Göttliche Liebe gegeben wurde. Unserem Propheten (saws), dem Stolz des Universums, gab Er Göttliche Liebe. Er goß sie in sein (saws) Herz. Der, der ihn liebt, liebt Allah. Der, der Allah liebt, ist der höchste. Der ist in der Gegenwart des Herrn angenommen. Harunu r-Rashid, `alayhi Rahmatullah, befahl seinen Dienern, seinem Schatzmeister, die in seiner Versammlung anwesend waren: Bringt meinen kostbarsten Schatz und stellt ihn hier vor meine Geliebten, die in meiner Versammlung versammelt sind. Verstreut die Schätze vor meinen Freunden. Schätze, jeder im Wert einer Welt, wurden vor ihnen verstreut. Jeder von ihnen rannte hin, um diese wertvollen Schätze einzusammeln, außer einer von ihnen, die zu Harunu r-Rashid rannte und ihn umarmte. Harunu r-Rashid fragte sie: Warum hast du die Schätze nicht eingesammelt? Dies sind sehr wertvolle Schätze. Die anderen Jariya, Sklavinnen, liefen, um die Schätze einzusammeln. Diese sagte: Ich bin nicht hinter Schätzen her, sondern hinter dem Sultan. Ich will den Sultan, keine Schätze. Ich bin nicht an Schätzen interessiert, die hier herumliegen. Ma sha' Allah. Könnt ihr das auch sagen? Was ist die Welt? Was sind die acht Himmel, die acht Himmel, wenn wir den Herrn haben können? Und wenn der Herr diejenigen annimmt, die sich mit Ihm vereinigen wollen, was ist dann der Wert derer, die hinter der Dunya herlaufen? Müll! Diese Sklavin sagte: Diese Steine, Schätze, haben keinen Wert für mich. Was ich brauche, ist der Sultan. Ich (9 von 11)04.07.2013 23:05:38
1044 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeWithAllah2
will den Sultan. Ich will diese Schätze nicht, die vor uns ausgebreitet sind. Ich will den Besitzer dieser Schätze. Also umarmte sie ihn. "Allahi Anta Maqsudi", o unser Herr, Du bist der Eine, Den wir wollen, nichts oder niemand anders. O Shah Mardan, wie schön kommen diese Worte zu deinen Freunden! Jene, die die geliebten Freunde Shah Mardans sind, jene, die ihn lieben und mit ihm sein wollen, verlangen nicht nach anderem. Ob von den Welten oder den acht Himmeln, welchen Wert haben sie ohne Ihn? "Allahi Anta Maqsudi". O Herr, alles, was ich will, bist Du! Du bist der Eine, Den ich brauche, sagte Yunus. Was kann ich ohne Dich machen in dieser Welt? Was soll ich im Himmel tun, wenn Du nicht dort bist? O Herr, mögest Du uns mit Liebe und Verlangen nach Dir erfüllen! Lade uns mit Deiner Liebe und Sehnsucht! Erfülle uns mit Deiner Liebe und Zuneigung! Mögen wir Dich und Deinen Habib lieben! Sagen wir: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Alle Türen werden sich für uns öffnen. Lauft nicht Heu hinterher! Kadaver, Raben laufen Kadavern hinterher. Ein Rabe ist ein Vogel, ein schwarzer Vogel, der auf einem Kadaver hockt. Was soll ich damit? Was wir brauchen, ist, Ay Yaran Shah Mardans, unseren Herrn. O Herr, mögen sich unsere Herzen öffnen. Es ist Rajab Shahrullah, mögen wir mit den Segnungen dieses heiligen Monats bekleidet werden! Mit Deiner Liebe und Sehnsucht, mit Deinem Habib, von der Liebe und Sehnsucht Deines Habibs. Mögest Du uns Deine Göttliche Gabe gewähren, ya Rabbi! Rajab Shahrullah ist fast zu Ende. Laßt uns nicht zu den Aaskrähen gehören! Sagt: "Allahi Anta Maqsudi". O Herr, Du bist der Eine, Den ich will. Sagen die Schiiten oder Alawiten oder andere das? O Herr, wir wollen mit Dir sein! Warum tötet ihr immer noch Menschen? Menschen zu töten, ist nichts, was der Menschheit nützt. Sagt: O Herr, wir wollen Dich! Warum tötet ihr weiterhin Menschen? Ist das Töten von Menschen der Weg Allahs? Sie haben jedoch den Verstand verloren. Shaytan reitet auf ihnen. Sie sagen, 'Wir sind Schiiten', 'Wir sind Alawiten'. Ihr seid weder Schiiten, noch Alawiten! Wenn ihr nicht fähig seid, euer Ego zu reiten, habt ihr keinen Wert. Was erreicht ihr mit dem Töten von Menschen? Was wollt ihr? Auf was zielt ihr ab mit dem Töten von Menschen? "Wa la Taqtulu Anfusakum" (4:29). Tötet einander nicht! Tötet nicht diejenigen, die Ich erschuf! Allahu Akbar! Seid barmherzig mit denen, die Ich erschuf! Allahu Dhu l-Jalal sagt, barmherzig zu Seiner Schöpfung zu sein. O Schiiten und Alawiten! Sagte Allah das oder sagte Er, die Menschen zu töten? Ihr habt den wahren Weg Allahs verlassen! Shah Mardan wird euch abschneiden! (10 von 11)04.07.2013 23:05:38
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Shah Mardan hat sein Schwert gezogen. Er ist bereit. Denjenigen, die sein Schwert verdienen, denjenigen, die die unterdrücken, die Allah erschaffen hat, die die Unschuldigen verbrennen, vernichten, denen eine Lektion zu erteilen, ist Shah Mardan bereit, um ihnen ihre Grenzen zu weisen. Bitte Shah Mardan mach weiter, die Arena ist dein. Halte uns unter deinem Banner. Kommt unter das Banner Shah Mardans, o Schiiten und Alawiten und Muslime! Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Möge Allah uns vergeben! Möge Allah uns bereit machen für den Dienst an dem Eigner der Zeit, Sahibu z-Zaman, Hz. Mahdi. Seien wir bereit, Shaytan und die Anhänger Shaytans zu vernichten! Erhebt das Banner des Islam! Sagt nicht: persisches Banner, Saudi Fahne. Sagt nicht persische Fahne. Erhebt das Banner Allahs und seid darunter! O Herr, vergib uns. Wir sind müde, ya Rabbi! Möge diese Müdigkeit uns verlassen! Shahrullah war da, Shahru Rajabu Murrajab, mach uns zu denen, die den Respekt der heiligen Monate wahren, ya Rabbi, denjenigen, die den Unterdückern ihre Grenzen zeigen. Sende uns den Sultan, ya Rabbi. Al Fatiha. Lefke, 01.06.2013
WebSaltanatOrg (11 von 11)04.07.2013 23:05:38
1046 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeWithGoodPeople
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BeWithGoodPeople
Always Be with Good People
(Baya`) Allah thaabitnaa `ala ‘l-Haqq. Fatihah. You are happy with us? (Yes sir!) We are asking our Lord to be happy with us. Even though we are sinners, His Blessing covers everything of sin. Fatihah. Shaytan is asking to make people unhappy and to push everyone and cheat them into difficulties and miseries so they will not be happy or in pleasure. Therefore, anyone going with Shaytan always has trouble, miseries, and his life is unhappy here and Hereafter. Therefore, we must try to keep ourselves from Shaytan and its followers. Shaytan is calling people to the Fire and Allah Almighty is calling His servants to be in Paradise forever! Always be with good people. Bad people are Shaytan’s agents. You know that, and when you look at their faces you will understand. Look at good people, run away from bad people! All prophets said, “O People! Follow good people and run away from bad people.” That is the advice of all prophets. It is so easy: if you follow bad people you will reach a bad end and if you follow a good one you will reach a sweet life, here and (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:05:39
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Hereafter. Allah is blessing you. Pray for me. I am weak and old. But even if you were going to live a thousand years you will still finish, just as one billion years are going to finish. Every number, as big as it may be, is going to end. Therefore, you must ask for eternal life. Eternity is never ending! God bless you. Fatihah. (A group from Spain visits and Mawlana stands as Spanish sisters sing Nur Muhammadi.) Mureed: We are from Granada, Valencia, and Alhambra. You like Alhambra? Group: Yes. (Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani gives baya` to the group.) May Allah grant Paradise, Firdaus, to you, your children and your ancestors. He granted heavenly blessings for your honor, because you are saying, “la ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadan Rasoolullah.” It protects you and gives to you from His divine protection to be in safety here, and with blessed people until the Day of Resurrection. Fatihah. I hope that this year there will be hundreds of thousands running to Islam, because blessing is coming with Islam, when people say, “O our Lord! Forgive us and give us Your blessings.” I hope it will be this year that tens of millions will run through heavenly blessings, and you will be of the first people coming in front, and others will follow! Pray for me. Allah knows how long I am going to be with you, but I hope that I am going to be with Mahdi (a) and `Isa (a). Pray for me. Fatihah. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:05:39
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Lefke, 28.05.2011
WebSufiLive, CategoryGuidance (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:05:39
1049 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeyondSelf
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BeyondSelf
Beyond Self
Madad Ya Sultan, madad Ya Rijal Allah, dastur Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Aziz Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Subhan Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Sultan Allah O our Lord, our Creator, forgive us and give Your blessings for the honour of most honoured one through Your Divine Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad (sas). Zidhu Ya Rabb izzan wa sharafa nuran wa surura ridwanan wa sultana wa man tab`iahum ila yaum al qiyamah. Madad Ya Sultan al Awliya, Ya Sayyidi, O Holy Ones, O Sultan of Holy Ones on this planet, on dunya, support us, grant us what is necessary for us to know, and to understand, and to do. Oh, we are such heedless ones. May Allah forgive us. Assalamu alaykum our Attenders, through east and west, who have been honoured to be deputies, for the Lord of this planet. We are speaking only about our planet. And we are saying: Audhu Billahi min as shaytani'r rajim because everywhere you are finding shaytan. If anything coming to you from heavenly lights, that enlightens us, coming and asking to put a dark veil on it, so that we can't see behind that, what is there. That is shaytan's mission, khazahullah, aman Ya Rabb, aman Ya Rabb. As a protocol, we must say 'O our Lord' but, I am ashaming to say O our Lord protect ourselves from shaytan. What is that? Why? But Allah Almighty, that His Kingdom from pre-Eternal up to Eternal. Endless oceans for His territories. Endless universes, countless mulk, countless territories, dominions. Aha, I was thinking that word but, dominions, oh, oh! How? If a person fearing from something in front of a sultan's palace he is going 'O Your majesty, adrikni, reach to me, save me from this one'. Particularly shaytan that is ugliest one, ugliest creature that was created, from pre- Eternal up to Eternal. Can't be more ugly, or uglier than shaytan. Hmm. And asking, 'Come (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:40
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come save me from this'. What is that? But because our understanding as something through an atom. An atom. What it may include of something, can you imagine? Our understanding in such a way, therefore we are saying. But astaidh Billah, His Holy Command, as an order of our Lord we are saying or an ant may do, for destroying shaytan and its works so easily. An ant. As His Command, we are saying: Audhu Billahi min as shaytani'r rajim, ash-shaytan, O our Salafi ulamas, marhaban. Assalamu alaykum also, don't worry, I am only angry against our egos not your being. Your being is from Allah Almighty. Kamil, perfect, mukammal Man, Adam. What does it mean, 'Adam'? You know that meaning, O Salafi ulamas? Say to me, what does it mean 'Adam'? Adam showing Alif, it has a meaning. Daal it has another meaning, Meem it has another meaning. Alif.. Allah, Alif. Daal, `aada, Daal, pointing to continuous, Meem it is an ocean that it is impossible to approach that Meem, that muntaha yushir (indicates) muntaha/last point and last point is for you, for creatures, not for Creator, azaliyun-abadiyun. Alif, azali, Meem, mu'ammar, Eternal. Dal, dawam (continuous) of the Lord's hegemony on everything that was created for the honour of the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad (sas). Creation is continuous. No one knowing beginning, or ending. No one can be able to approach for an understanding, less or even the least meaning of azali, Eternal and abadi, pre-Eternal and Eternal. Subhanallah, Subhanallah. Most high honour that granted to dhawi'l uqul, those who have been granted enlightenment of aql/mind. Subhanallah, just granted and no one without that enlightenment can reach to pre- Eternal, azali and Eternal. And Allah Almighty granting mankind such an honour for an understanding. And, what is main aim of understanding the Lord of Heavens? All obedience that we are doing is giving us a heavenly enlightenment. There are 500 majabihi an-nabi that the Seal of Prophets taught to his nation. 500 kinds of honour and every honour belongs to one Order. If you are doing it, asking to reach that honour, that honour belongs to this level of enlightenment. Each one of heavy commands that the Seal of Prophets was granted and taught and declared, each one making that person to reach that `amal as-saleh, that obedience and you are getting closer to Divine Presence. Real meaning of all obedience is not for Paradise. Paradise people are on common level of ummah. Those who are asking more than those eight paradises are going to (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:40
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disappear through That One's glory and lights. Therefore hadith that our Salafi ulamas must know when the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (sas) when he was asked, 'Ya Rasulullah, what is the best of actions, best one of all our good dealings, what is that that grants to people such an honour that with any other order you can't reach to that level?' and he was saying: al `ilmu Billah, al `ilmu Billah Subhanahu wa Ta`ala. And companions they were astonishing, they were saying, 'We are asking from good manners and obedience and Rasulullah (sas) was saying..' What was he saying? 'Al `ilmu Billah'. And it is not action/dealing, it is something else. All `amal, actions and obedience that we are doing, their real aspect, to reach to an understanding level of the Lord of Heavens, Who He is. That 'Who He is' you can't understand until you are going to ifnah, annihilate. You have cars, you have trains, you have planes, your real aspect to have a car, to have a train, to have a plane or using those to reach to take you from your city to another city? Therefore all majabihi an-nabi that Prophet (pbuh) was teaching to his Nation it is not bi dhatihi matlub, it is not in itself the target. It is not only to pray or to fast and to go for Hajj and to give money, but beyond that we are asking to reach something. And that something, therefore Prophet was saying afdal ul `amaal. That concluded all good deeds to take you to a level so that you are not in need of any deeds there. There you are like a drop coming from clouds, reaching ocean and you are going to be ocean, fana’u fi'llah baqa’u bi'llah. Finished. O People, therefore we must try to learn. To learn beyond ourselves. When we are going to be dust, what remaining and for what we are on this planet? For what we are living? For which purpose we are taken away? Why giving a limited life here and taken from us. What is real maqsad, aim? Yes? We must try. Now we are Subhan Allahi 'l Aliyyi'l Azim we are through darkness of ignorance. Darkness. People they never using what they have been granted as a heavenly honour. What we have been granted, we are not using it. They are putting there and putting there, people to look and see, 'I have this'. No it is not for show, to make show, but you must use it to reach to that level that your identity just disappearing and appears really there identity of heavenly beings and after that divinely level that finishing through an ocean, through countless oceans and countless dominions. May Allah forgive us. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. O People, it is short time, O Salafi (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:40
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ulamas say such a knowledge to people, balligh an naas, balligh an naas. Reach to people such a knowledge that they may stop their juhd, making down all their efforts and they are changing towards Divine Presence. That signalling why Allah Almighty putting baytullah, kabatullah, to leave everything and look there. To put all attention there, why you are not saying? If not knowing you must ask someone who knows such things. They must be warithatu'l anbiya, must be those that are inheriting from prophets, must be among men, but it is not easy to find them or it is not as you like that, 'that one may come to me and teach me', no. You must run after them, to find someone so that you would be rabbani. It means you are going to be heavenly ones and you will be dressed in heavenly uniform, heavenly dressing. O People, O Ulama, O Pope, O Patriarchs, Bishops and Rabbis, You are knowing from your books but you are not understanding. I am not understanding till they are granting to me to speak, (then) I am knowing something. May Allah forgive me, forgive you for the honour of most honoured one Sayyidina Muhammad (sas) Fatiha. Lefke, 17.04.2010
WebSaltanatOrg (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:40
1053 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeyondTimeAndSpace
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BeyondTimeAndSpace
Beyond Time and Space If Allah wants to put the whole universe into a thimble, He can. If He wants to put it all into one atom, He can. If He wants He can ask the atom to give up its existence and be like before. It can all be dissolved in His endless power oceans anytime. There are huge galaxies, which according to reports include billions of stars. Looking at it with the naked eye, it only looks like a spot. But if you were there, this whole universe might even be invisible, because we are smaller than that. You would be invisible, finished, not in existence! When you start approaching it, the world becomes clearer and clearer and by the time you land on it you will disappear. Everything you see is not in its real position, especially in the sky. It is not the way it appears to be. The moon is not a circle with a diameter of 20 centimetres. That is not the real moon. The real moon is not a circle, but a ball. What you see is not real. If you get closer to it, you will notice. But if you are somewhere else, it will be different. We are cheated by our vision. If Allah the Almighty wanted to put all stars into one place, He can. If He wants to put the whole universe and all galaxies there too, He can. That is the greatness of Allah and His power oceans. He can do anything in perfection. If you look at yourself, it is not perfect. When He looks at you He does so in a perfect perfection, nothing is hidden from Him. It is difficult to speak about the limits of creatures and their connection to Allah the Almighty. No one can understand this connection. He knows them inside and outside, nothing is hidden from Him. Everyone has been granted physical powers and spiritual powers. What you have been given as physical powers within your physical being is very narrow, but your spirituality is something else. It is beyond time and space. When people train themselves, they can get out of the prison of time and space. When you are beyond time and space a second can be a billion years without any difficulty. But it is not easy to reach such a (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:05:40
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position. To be able to you must do exercises and train according to spiritual rules. These should enable you to take your soul from the prison of your physical body and free it into its spiritual world. Until that moment you are imprisoned on earth. When Allah opens up this ability you can look anywhere in a second of time without any hindrance. The Prophet* made his Mirage which in actual fact was a journey of billions of years, but when he returned, his bed was still warm. Everyone who wants to reach such Heavenly Positions must get help from someone who already has these powers, someone who can be here and there at the same time. The wisdom people reach there is very different. You cannot find two holy people saying the same things, using the same words. The wisdom run from their hearts to their tongues and will give something from the universes to common people. Prophets came from Heaven to be such messengers. This is a deep and terribly dangerous ocean. We cannot move in it. We can only stand on the beach and look. Holy people and prophets can go inside and bring back pearls. -
BookDefendingTruth, CategoryHoliness, CategoryScience (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:05:40
1055 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BigCityIsPoisonous
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BigCityIsPoisonous
Big City Atmosphere is Poisonous (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Stand up for the honor of your Lord, Almighty Allah, as much as possible, to give most high praisings and glory! Say through our language, we are saying in Arabic language, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illAllah, Allahu akbar! AntaAllah! Subhan Allah! Sultan Allah! Give us Your forgiveness and support us, O our Lord, against Satanas and its followers! I am ashaming to address directly to You, O our Lord. Even I am ashaming to ask from Your Most Glorious One, Your most Beloved One through Your Divinely Presence. I must ask from the Holy Ones, that they are Masters through Creation. And we are saying, may endless honor to be granted to Your Most Beloved One! And we are saying, Allahumma salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammadan Nabiyyul `ummi wa `ala `aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim. Adkhilna fi rahmatika ya arhamar rahimeen! (Mawlana sits) As salamu alaykum. O our listeners, I must look to you. Even you are on far distances and for far distances, one of our followers he was saying, "O Shaykh, put eye glasses to look through east and west!" And I am listening here and to Shaykh Hisham, and saying I must put looking glasses to look around who is there. Therefore, I am putting and asking from our master, king of masters in our times, no lie, that he is qutb, pole granted some honor and some specialities to have a power for carrying responsibility as a master for this planet, dunya. Dunya, dunya. O people! and I am saying a'udhu billahi min ash-Shaytan' r-rajeem, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, alfu alfu salawat alfu alfu salaam ala sayyidi 'l awwaleen wal akhireen Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim. I am trying to see all of you with my eyeglasses, but it is impossible. If the Lord of Heavens giving a power for (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:41
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me to look through these glasses, to look through east and west, it can be possible. But, through these manmade eyeglass, I don't like it, because showing through a very short distance. But I am asking that, to be granted a little bit more lights to my heart to make through east and west, easy to be seen. Yes. Very important to be granted a Heavenly light, to be with a servant. That light may be as an atom's light. What do you think, O my listeners from Adam's children. Welcome to you!!! Be happy, be proud also that you have been brought into existence by our Lords's order. He is saying only 'Be' and must be what He is asking to be in existence. O People, O Mankind, as salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh and sending Heavenly Salute! Heavenly Salute is important, more important than what you are saluting people; that is nothing. But prophets, they were saluting people and their saluting is Heavenly. That salute going to be full of heavenly, holy breathing. Therefore, I am giving that salute for whole living children of Adam Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam! As salamu alaykum, peace be on you, here and Hereafter, on earth and on heavens. O people! O my Lord's creatures! I am one of you, nothing else. And the Creator may grant His Heavenly Salutes to you, and Heavenly Salute may take from you every heavy burden. Therefore, the Seal of Prophets (s) was urging his nation and saying alfu's salaam! Make salaam between you, because that changing the atmosphere that you are in. People running to smell a good breathing through mountains, through pine trees. They are saying, "Oh, we must go a little bit around, we must leave our cities. And, time by time, we must get up and we may breathe a good weather." For what? Because good weather is full with life. Therefore, it is forbidden (for) Man to (dwell) in big cities. Big cities, it is not preferred for Man's life; (it is) giving trouble but not taking troubles. SubhanAllah! Most Glory for our Lord! Giving a recipe for people, how they should be through this life, happy and peaceful. This recipe is never changing. The atmosphere where you are living is mostly going to be poisoned, particularly in our days. I must look once again, if it is true or not? Yes, I think that what we are saying, it is written through Holy Books. You must think on this. You must be a VIP person also when they are putting (their eyeglasses) like this, "O Shaykh, don't put like this put like this (moves eyeglasses up). No, this is better (moves eyeglasses to tip of his nose, laughter) because I may see, it is changing. SubhanAllah. Dirtiness making trouble for people. (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:41
1057 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BigCityIsPoisonous
Therefore, the atmosphere that is poison, giving trouble to your physical being, go out from that atmosphere. That is, as we said, the knowledge reaching to learned people. O people! Go around! Take yourself out of that poisoned atmosphere. Don't imprison yourselves through small places because that gives you trouble. Particularly people that are smoking, giving much more trouble to you and your circle, muheet (surrounding). People whom they should be with you, leave it; don't make your atmosphere poisoned. SubhanAllah! Endless Glory for our Lord, most High, most Praised, most Mighty, most Glorious and most Magnificent. The Lord of Creation has endless Names and endless Oceans belonging to each of those Holy Names. Yes, everything, everyone just surrounded with something either giving benefit to you or giving trouble to you. Which, for material being of Man, that spe