Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (74/777)
May Allah forgive us. Subhaan Allah, Sultan Allah. This is the limit to make the ummah on one level, finished! No more Shi`a, no more other sects, no more Christian sects, no more Jewish sects. May Allah forgive us, for the honor of the Seal of Prophets (s). Fatihah. This has never been heard before; you can't hear it a second time, finished. The Day of Resurrection is just at the door. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks with Hajjah Naziha on the phone.) (45 minutes) (Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka`at Salaat ash-Shukr.) Lefke, 20.10.2010 (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:22
965 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeRabbaniyin
WebSufiLive, CategoryRabbaniyin, CategorySufism, CategoryNasqhibandi, CategoryIslam, (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:22
966 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Bereitwilligkeit
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Bereitwilligkeit
Unser Großscheikh hat uns etwas sehr Wichtiges erklärt, das jeden von uns angeht: „Wenn ein Mensch irgend etwas tut, eine gottesdienstliche Handlung oder irgend etwas anderes, so muß es bereitwillig und freudig geschehen.Wenn er es nicht gern tut, dann soll er es besser überhaupt nicht tun, denn dann wird daraus nichts Gutes kommen.“ Beten, essen, trinken, schlafen, arbeiten – alles sollte man freudig tun.Wenn ihr es nicht gern tut, dann wird Allah der Allmächtige kein Wohlgefallen daran haben. Was das Beten anbelangt, so ist es wichtig, daß wir uns darüber klar sind, daß es zur Freude unserer Seele geschieht. Wenn wir beten, dann ist unser Nafs nicht erfreut darüber, unsere Seele aber schon. Wir müssen uns aber nur um die Zufriedenheit unserer Seele kümmern. Was unsere gewöhnliche Arbeit und unsere Geschäfte betrifft so werden wir dann gute Ergebnisse erzielen, wenn wir wohl zufrieden sind mit dem, was wir tun oder was von uns verlangt wird. Das läßt sich ganz gut an zwei Schülern beobachten.Wenn der eine bereitwillig studiert, der andere aber nur, weil man ihn dazu zwingt, was wird das Ergebnis sein? So verhält es sich auch mit allen anderen Tätigkeiten; es gibt so große Unterschiede zwischen den Menschen (und den Ergebnissen ihrer Bemühungen). Ihr müßt alles, was ihr tut, freudig tun. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:05:23
967 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Bereitwilligkeit
Tätigkeiten können leicht oder schwierig sein – was für den einen leicht ist, mag für den anderen schwierig sein. Worin liegt das Geheimnis? Für denjenigen, dem die Tätigkeit leicht fällt, ist sie eben darum leicht, weil er sie mit Freuden verrichtet, während sie dem, für den sie schwierig ist, so schwer fällt, weil er zu ihr gezwungen wird. Ein Diener Allahs des Allmächtigen zu sein ist leicht oder schwierig, je nach den unterschiedlichen Menschen, um die es sich handelt. Darum sagt Allah: „Ihr müßt euren Dienst an Mir freudig verrichten. Wenn ihr es nicht gern tut, so bedarf Ich eures Dienstes nicht. Ich will den Dienst an Mir um eurer Freude willen.Wenn es euch leicht fällt, dann tut es!“ Was den Menschen leicht fällt, macht sie glücklicher, was ihnen schwer fällt, macht sie unglücklich. (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:05:23
968 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSmallServants
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BeSmallServants
Be Small Obedient Servants
(Dt.: SeidKleineDiener) As-Salamu Alaikum. People chanting: "Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaha illa Allah. Wa Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Wa lillah al Hamd". Subhana Rabbi`Aliyil a`lal Wahhab. Subhanaka! La uhsi thana'an 'alayka. La ilaha illa Anta Subhanaka. Wa Aghfirlana wa Arhamna. Wa tub alayna wahdina waskina. Wa aslih sha'nana wa sha'nal muslimin wansurna alal qawmil kafirin. "Rabbana Aghfir Lana Wa Li'akhwanina Al- Ladhina Sabaquna Bil-'Imani Wa La Taj`al Fi Qulubina Ghillaan Lilladhina 'Amanu Rabbana 'Innaka Ra'ufun Rahimun" (59:10). The deceased was like my son. He was like my son. Rahmatullahu alayh. Allah gives to him from His endless Mercy Oceans. His father was like this, not himself. Subhana Allah. Subhana Allah. He asking me, the night that he passed away: "My Shaykh is not crying for me". I said to him "I am crying". And I am crying half night for him. He was so (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:24
969 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSmallServants
happy. Subhan Allah Al 'Aliy Al Azim. O poor one.. Ridha an Lillahil Taala al Fatiha! First for our Prophet (sas), then for all the prophets & saints. M. Mehmed! Who looks over them now? Who is looking over now in AbdulKarim's place? G. Luqman Hoja Effendi. M. Is he here? G. No. M. He is there. G. Yes, in America. M. Ok good, he is Ottoman. Ottoman. These are all the ones who are in US. G. Yes, most of them are from US. Mustafa Hoja is the deputy in Germany. M. Ok, very good. I also give permission for your mission. Continue with it. Collect. There is nothing like "it is your place, this is my place..." We are all obedient servants for Allah Almighty. We are asking nothing else. We are asking His forgiveness only. Not to say "I am this one or I am that one". No! I am nothing. But since 80 years, always my Grandshaykh- I am kissing (his) feet up to day. G. I am kissing your feet on behalf of S. AbdulKarim. M. Astaghfirullah! Allah gives you much more chance to be on right way that he was trying to keep it. Take up the flag of Islam, up always. Don't come to say "I am this one, I am that one". No. We are all obedient servants. Allah.. Pray for me. I am weak. I am weak. Asking forgiveness from my Lord Almighty Allah. Fatiha. G. Please pray that we can continue his work. M. You must keep straight way that Prophet (sas) bringing & awliyas keeping it. No anyone or anything else. All of us, we must try to be all small obedient servants. Masha Allah, Allah giving to you nur/light. I am happy with you. As you are doing, I am giving to you also ijazat/permission to keep the way. If anyone, other, giving you may take. Doesn't matter. We are asking only straight way to the Holy Prophet (sas), to awliyas. Nothing else. G. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Many people have slandered Shaykh AbdulKarim & his people & his work saying "we have separated from you". But pray.. M. Separated? (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:24
970 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSmallServants
G. We are not separated from you. G. The world of unbelief claims that we have separated from you? ( in arabic) M. No, no. We are all servants. Naqshbandi servants. Finished. We are not asking from earth. We are asking from Heavens- our gift, or reward. That is. Masha Allah Masha Allah. G. Insha Allah we want to build Sh. Abdulkarim's maqam in New York. M. Where? G. In the Ottoman dargah in NY. There is Sh. Abdullah Daghestani's maqam, next to it inshaAllah. M. Ok, ok. No harm. He will be happy with this. Insha'Allah he will stay as the Master there. His service is accepted. Are you Turkish or German? G. I am Turk, Ottoman insha Allah. M. Really, are you Ottoman? From Menemen (Izmir)? G. Giresun. M. New York? G. Yes, I am in New York. M. Masha Allah. All of you have nur. Masha Allah Masha Allah. You may take up holy flag of Prophet, peace be upon him. And keep each one, another. If not listening me, I have.. Where is my stick? My stick may reach from East to West! I am nothing but sometimes something! Anything you may ask, ask... No, not to me. Who is now on yourself,cwho is appointed? G. Luqman Effendi. M. Luqman Effendi? Ask him. G. You accept him as deputy? M. How I won't accept? They will put me as deputy rather? They are.. G. If you accept. M. It is accepted. Show respect & make service. May Allah make you plenty & your majesty go up. G. Allah bless you. Allah gives you health & strength. M. Amin. What can we do? Our situation is like this. Pray for us, in this holy night- the Night of Baraat. Where is this one from? G. This one is Greek. He is building our mosque there. M. Iranian? M. Speaking Iranian. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:24
971 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSmallServants
S.N. He is Greek Sayyidi. M. Greek? Speaking Greek & joking. Athens? G. My mother, yes. M. He has nur on his face. Sadiq/True one. Keep all of you, yourself. If anything, you may ask, you may understand.. You may ask anyone from Naqshbandi people. It is ok. I am giving it, Masha Allah. Speaking Greek & joking. I am tired! Fatiha. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim.
G. This is for Sh. AbdulKarim Effendi (sweet). M. You eat it. As-Salamu Alaikum Lefke, 03.07.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryNasqhbandi, CategoryUSA (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:24
972 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSoftWithPeople
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BeSoftWithPeople
We Are Commanded to Be Soft with People
Dastoor yaa Sayyidi. Madad yaa Sultan (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah Sultaansin, Sultaansin! O our Lord! Give from Your endless blessings for your most beloved one and honored one and glorified one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! Zidhu yaa Rabbi, `izzan wa sharafa nooran wa suroora, wa ridwaanan wa sultaana. Raghman `ala ’l-anf shayaateen and his followers! Thumma’s-salaamu `alayk yaa Saahib az-Zamaan! Yaa sultan on this planet, Qutb al-Mutasarrif! Amiddoona bi madadak. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) O our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu. Come and hear. Leave following Shaytan and shaytanic ways. Try to be our Lord's servants. That gives you benefit. Dunya will never give you benefit, no. Millions and billions of people, you are walking on their graveyards and they are crying, crying, crying but you are not hearing. If you are hearing, you can fall dead. This is a humble association and the main point, main ghaayah, main purpose or main aim is only to remind (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:25
973 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSoftWithPeople
you, to make you to ask a question: Who am I and from where I am coming? Who is bringing me from nothing to be in existence? And after awhile, my existence is going to be taken away and we are going to be taken away and we are going to be nasyan mansiyyaa, “forgotten, never remembered.” We are going to be forgotten, forgotten, forgotten! Say, A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem! Give time for your Creator, for your Lord, Allah Almighty (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Subhansen yaa Rabb! Sultansen yaa Rabb! (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) We are asking only Your pleasure. And the main aim from heavenly teachings, that is to make our Creator to be pleased with us. What do you want beyond that? Toobaa, good or best tidings for ourselves to make our Creator to be pleased with us. What is beyond that, O foolish ones? What you are asking? You can't be pleased in this life and the Next Life if you are not making your Creator pleased with you! Never! That is a very important point, Shaykh Hisham Effendi. People are running to be pleased, yes. And what is the way for here and Hereafter also? We are asking to make our Lord pleased with us. O Salafi `ulamas! Why you are not saying this to people? This is the most important point you must make. Don’t make too much like this, like that, but say only, "O People! If you are not making your Lord pleased with you, you can't reach a pleasure either here or after this life." And our lives are ayyaaman ma`doodaat, “A limited number of days.” In Qur’an al-Kareem, bahar, oceans, are flowing from part of this holy verse which is not only to be spoken! . Ya ayyuhalladheena aamanoo kutiba `alaykum as-siyaamu kamaa kutiba `ala-’l-ladheena min qablikum ayyaman ma`doodaat, O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that ye may ward off (evil); (Fast) a certain number of days;(2:183,184) Qur’an. Huuu! Oceans that are coming now in this part (of this ayah) give meaning for awakening people. Yusheer, signing to people, "O People! You are going to be here ayyaman ma`doodaat, in counted days. For some of you it may be only one day, for others ten days, and for others one year, 365 days. Some of you will have ten times one year and others may have 40 times one year. Some of you, fifty times. Some of you 100 (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:25
974 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSoftWithPeople
times of 365 days. All of them ayyaman ma`doodaat, counted, then going to be finished. Why you are not saying, O Salafi `ulamas and doctors of Shari`ah and `ulamas of Azhar ash-Shareef? And Allah Almighty is ordering (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) wa dhakkir fa inna 'dh-dhikra tanfa`u'l-mumineen, But remind (thy Message) for reminding benefits the Believers. (51:55) (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Subhaan Allah. Laa hawla wa la quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem. Fa dhakkir inamaa anta mudhakkirun, Remind, for you are not but a remembrancer. (88:21) Sifatu ’l-Anbiyaa, at-tadhkeer. A holy command from heavens, "Remind My servants they must not think they are going to live on this planet endlessly! They must know their lives are ayyaman ma`doodaat, in counted days, and when finished they will be taken away.” Qaabid al-arwaah, “Grasper of Souls,” the Archangel of Death, is coming at any time. When it is written for your life to end, you will be finding him in front of you, saying, `atee al-amaanah, “Give your trust." Angels will bring your soul from `Alam al-Arwaah, the spiritual world and put it there. Doctors are so keenly looking, “How is the beginning of the heart of janeen, an embryo in its mom's womb? How does its heart begin to work?” (Mawlana Shaykh makes pumping motion with hand.) They never reaching that knowledge, to know the beginning of life of Man in their mom's womb. Who is making the first action? Who is giving the first command to the heart? How is a heart obedient, and beginning to pump? Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Idiot people! People living now are idiots and more than idiots! They are not thinking on it. They are thinking only to make such a strange instruments. Well, look to yourself! How did your life begin in such a very tight place, in a bag full with water, and you were living there? SubhaanAllah. SubhaanAllah. SultaanAllah. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) SubhaanAllah! Subhaanu ‘l-Khalaaqu’l `Azheem. Yaa Rabb! Yaa Rabb, forgive (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:25
975 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSoftWithPeople
us (Mawlana Shaykh sits.). La hawla wa la quwatta illa billah! And on the day you are going to be taken out, the Lord of Heavens, the Creator, sends His angels to take the new one to dunya. People thinking same angels doing, but for every new birth new angels come, and they never go to another one. SubhaanAllah! Yawmi ‘l-ladhee wulid awwal yawm. Taking that baby outside the womb, opening and beginning to breath. And it is written how many days that one will live on this planet. Allahu Akbaru ’l Akbar! Ayyaman ma`doodaat. O Wahabi and Salafi `ulamas! Why you are not saying these important points as a tadhkir, reminding for people? What you are doing? Where are your books? O Wahabi people! Where are your books, mentioning such things; bring them to me. You are only knowing to cover your heads and shoulders, putting hatta on your heads, and some of you have bare heads. It is not Islamic. You can’t open (uncover) your head except on the Day of Arafat! Other days, you must close (cover) your head, to give t`azheeman, most respect for Allah (swt)! You must put on your heads something. From where you are bringing trousers and jackets and ties? What sunnah is that? O Wahabi people! Your end is coming. If you are insisting, some virus will come to your bodies and kill you. If coming to you at night, by morning you will pass away. in ‘ana illa nadheer, “I am only a warner,” (7:188) Warning you! You are going too fast on wrong way and blaming Ahlu ’s-Sunnah wa ’l-Jama`ah. Who is giving that authority to you? Say! Where are your books to make people wake up? Why you are fighting Ahlu ’s-Sunnah wa ’l-Jama`ah, who is following sunnatu ‘r-Rasool (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Salawaatullahu wa salaamuhu `alayk, Sayyid ‘l- Awwaleen wa ‘l-Akhireen! Stand up, or you may die tomorrow! (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) I am the weakest one, and you may say, “That weak person can’t do anything.” Don’t you know one mosquito was took away Nimrod and his armies? Don’t say I am so weak; sometimes I am powerful. If my Lord is ordering, I may take all of you by morning, sending on you unseen soldiers, that you call “virus!” Keep your tongues! Keep your tongues! If you are not keeping your tongues, we may tie you from up or from downstairs. Don't rush on such a weak servant or on Ahlu’l-Sunnah people. You are on wrong ways! Those on the True Way are with true ones. Say! Who is your true one that you are following? Abdul Wahab Najdi? That is your way, your imaam? Where he is now, say to me! (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:25
976 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSoftWithPeople
O People! khudhoo hidhrakum, “Take your precautions” (4:71). SubhaanAllah, everything that Allah `azza wa jall is teaching, khudhoo hidhrakum. Take your most high care. Hidhr, pay more attention for yourself, because Shaytan is after you. One is behind you, pushing, and another one is in front of you, leading. And you are saying, “our leaders.” Who makes an imitation leadership, that one is going to the Fire first, and second those who follow them. They are tyrants, jabaabira! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar `alaykum! Those who assault Ahlu’l-Sunnah wa’l-Jama`ah, why you are not saying, “O People! Your lives are only ayyaaman ma`doodaat, numbered days; can’t be less, can’t be more. And through your lives, what you must do? Fight to each other or do something else?” Do something else. What is that? Why you are not teaching your followers, “How you are going to make your Lord, jalla jalallahu, your Creator, happy with you?” Allahu Akbar! (Mawlana Shaykh stands amd sits) Why you are not saying? Why you are not writing? Where is that book? Send it to me. Allah Almighty is ordering, SubhaanAllah, Allah jalla wa `aala: Wa laa tujaadilu Ahlu ‘l-Kitaabi illa billatee hiya ahsan, And do not dispute with the People of the Book except in the best manner. (29:46) Allah jalla jalaaluhu, is ordering this to be your discussion with Ahl al-Kitaab, the people of Injeel, Tauraat, Zaboor, to be hayyin layyin, “soft and tender,” and not to be hateful. Law kunta fazhan ghaleezh al-qalbi la-anfadoo min hawlik, If you (O Muhammad) had been harsh and hard- hearted, they would have run away from around you. (3:159) Rasoolullah kaaan yuhaajimi ’n-naas, “Rasoolullah (s) was the most gentle one to his nation.” From where you are bringing that qabeeh, to be rough? You are such rough people, making people run away from you and your teachings which are against Holy Qur’an! Allah Almighty is ordering to His most beloved one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s): (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Wa laa tujaadilu Ahl al-Kitaabi illa billatee hiya ahsan. Laa am tahjumaa `alayna, shoo dhanbuna? Nahnu (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:25
977 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSoftWithPeople
naqool laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah. After this, how you can attack us? What is our sin, what is our ghuna? (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billah! Say and write in books, in speeches, and in broadcasting. Why you are so rough ones? And Allah Almighty is ordering to be hayyin wa layyin, to be gentle. Why you are not gentle men? Say! Leave us; we are only asking, “How we can we please our Lord, Almighty Allah?” Leave your arguments, jidaal, and teach people how they can please their Lord! We are not asking for anything, not your money or your imitated titles. Write books on this topic and send them to me. You are not (spreading this message) because you are not on the Right Way! Say, “O people! Your lives are ayyaman ma`doodaat, in numbered days. One day you are going to be taken from this life to unknown worlds. How you will be there, that you will be taken in the Divinely Presence?” Teach them, teach them, and leave arguments! Keep people’s respect and be gentle with them, and as much as you can give your pleasure to them, to crowd people around you (seeking true knowledge). May Allah forgive us. Tawbah yaa Rabbee. Fatihah. (Sultan prays two raka`at Salaat ash-Shukr.) Fatihah. (39 minutes) Mawlana Shaykh sings: Dome, dome, dome, dome 4x Who runs from trumpets here (this singing) can't hear heavenly singings and trumpets. Let them go! May Allah forgive us. Allah, Allah. Lefke, 27.06.2010
WebSufiLive, CategorySohbat, CategoryDressing (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:25
978 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSoftWithPeople (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:25
979 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeStraight
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BeStraight
Be Straight!
Dastur Ya Rijal Allah support us with your madad O As'habu Al Nawba, keep your eyes over us. We ask our Lord & His Prophet (saws) to forgive us & intercede for us. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar La Ilaha illa Allah, wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi Al Hamd. Alf Salat wa alf salam 'ala Sayyidi Al Awwalin wa Al Akhirin, Sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'ala alihi wa Sah'bihi Aj'main. Welcome to the believers, to the Muslims, to the faithful. Our Lord (jwa) sent Prophets (as) to give advice. He first of all advised Sayyidina Adam (as). Allah (jwa) gave advice to Sayyidina Adam (as). "but come not near this tree or you both will be of the wrong-doers" (2:35) This is the first advice Allah (awj) gave to Adam (as) and the children of Adam (as). "I have given you honourable stations, as long as you listen to My words and My advice and you keep My advice. You are dear to us. We love you & grant you, and your stations rise so you may be among the honoured ones. There is a group of angels, the ones who have nearness, the ones who never disobey Allah (swt) and do what they are ordered to do. This is a reason for the servant to want to obey his Lord (jwa) to listen. Listen & obey! To be listening and obeying. This is it. Rabbu Al 'Izza. The Prophet (saws) said, "Religion is advice." The first advice from Allah (swt) to Adam & Hawa (as): "Listen & obey Me, you will be honoured ones. Otherwise your place will be far from the furthest, furthest, furthest..." Poor servant, I am poor servant.. I do not claim anything, or know or.. I do not claim to know everything and so I advise the servants of The Lord, hasha! I am a weak servant. We are non-Arabs, and the Holy Quran descended in an eloquent Arabic language that is not possible to reproduce or for any human being to make like it. Subhana (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:05:26
980 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeStraight
Allah! And therefore... no matter how much my heart longs to obey my Lord I also like for the children of Adam (as) to obey their Lord, be faithful to Him (swt) and His Beloved... following him (saws). Masha'Allah Ya Sayyidi. How many days I've been wanting to speak, make a meeting, sohbah, the meeting of advice. And meeting of advice, teaching manners. Advising for what? Allahu Akbar! Advice to teach manners with The Lord Jalla Jalalu, Subhansin Ya Rabb! Sultansin Ya Rabb Subhansin! You have honoured us, You created us & honoured us. As our Lord (jwa) says "Wa Laqad Karramna Bani Adama" (17:70) -Indeed We honoured the children of Adam This honour has not been given to anyone else and it means "O children of Adam, keep your honour." "Keep Me, We keep you." Subhana Allah! And therefore "Religion is advice" said the Prophet (saws). O people, Allah (swt) honoured you, what else do you want? And He (swt) promised you "Inna Al-Ladhina Amanu Wa Amilu As-Salihati Kanat Lahum Jannatu Al- Firdawsi Nuzulan" (18:107) "Khalidina Fiha L Yabghuna Anha Hiwalan" (18:108) What do you want more O people! And the addressing is specially for the Arab people because He (jwa) honoured them with an Arab Prophet (saws). I am weak O my Lord, O Rasulallah... Ummat a weak nation, my Arabic is also weak O Rasulallah! The Prophet (saws) laughs when I say my Arabic is weak. and he (saws) saying "we know, we know!" The Sultan of all Prophets (as) "but for you, but for you Ma Khalaqt Al Aflaq" (I would not have created the universes) All the angels in Laylatul Mi'raj in all the skies & Heavens & Angels they were standing glorifying & honouring the Prophet of the end of times who has been ordered to step on the Throne. Allah (jwa) said to Sayyidina Moses "Fakhla` Na`layka" (20:12) He (swt) said to His Beloved "Step! Step on My Throne, it will be honoured." O you Arabs, where are you? Where are you? Where is your education? Where are your manners with the him (saws) who brought the absolute message? The Beloved of Allah (swt)! The one with the absolute intercession Karim Allah! Allah Allah! We are now in a time, a time where we are not listening to the words of Al Haqq. The advice of the Prophet (saws) "Listen & take wisdom. If you do you will take benefit. Let go of
May Allah forgive us. Subhaan Allah, Sultan Allah. This is the limit to make the ummah on one level, finished! No more Shi`a, no more other sects, no more Christian sects, no more Jewish sects. May Allah forgive us, for the honor of the Seal of Prophets (s). Fatihah. This has never been heard before; you can't hear it a second time, finished. The Day of Resurrection is just at the door. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks with Hajjah Naziha on the phone.) (45 minutes) (Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka`at Salaat ash-Shukr.) Lefke, 20.10.2010 (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:22
965 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeRabbaniyin
WebSufiLive, CategoryRabbaniyin, CategorySufism, CategoryNasqhibandi, CategoryIslam, (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:22
966 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Bereitwilligkeit
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Bereitwilligkeit
Unser Großscheikh hat uns etwas sehr Wichtiges erklärt, das jeden von uns angeht: „Wenn ein Mensch irgend etwas tut, eine gottesdienstliche Handlung oder irgend etwas anderes, so muß es bereitwillig und freudig geschehen.Wenn er es nicht gern tut, dann soll er es besser überhaupt nicht tun, denn dann wird daraus nichts Gutes kommen.“ Beten, essen, trinken, schlafen, arbeiten – alles sollte man freudig tun.Wenn ihr es nicht gern tut, dann wird Allah der Allmächtige kein Wohlgefallen daran haben. Was das Beten anbelangt, so ist es wichtig, daß wir uns darüber klar sind, daß es zur Freude unserer Seele geschieht. Wenn wir beten, dann ist unser Nafs nicht erfreut darüber, unsere Seele aber schon. Wir müssen uns aber nur um die Zufriedenheit unserer Seele kümmern. Was unsere gewöhnliche Arbeit und unsere Geschäfte betrifft so werden wir dann gute Ergebnisse erzielen, wenn wir wohl zufrieden sind mit dem, was wir tun oder was von uns verlangt wird. Das läßt sich ganz gut an zwei Schülern beobachten.Wenn der eine bereitwillig studiert, der andere aber nur, weil man ihn dazu zwingt, was wird das Ergebnis sein? So verhält es sich auch mit allen anderen Tätigkeiten; es gibt so große Unterschiede zwischen den Menschen (und den Ergebnissen ihrer Bemühungen). Ihr müßt alles, was ihr tut, freudig tun. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:05:23
967 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Bereitwilligkeit
Tätigkeiten können leicht oder schwierig sein – was für den einen leicht ist, mag für den anderen schwierig sein. Worin liegt das Geheimnis? Für denjenigen, dem die Tätigkeit leicht fällt, ist sie eben darum leicht, weil er sie mit Freuden verrichtet, während sie dem, für den sie schwierig ist, so schwer fällt, weil er zu ihr gezwungen wird. Ein Diener Allahs des Allmächtigen zu sein ist leicht oder schwierig, je nach den unterschiedlichen Menschen, um die es sich handelt. Darum sagt Allah: „Ihr müßt euren Dienst an Mir freudig verrichten. Wenn ihr es nicht gern tut, so bedarf Ich eures Dienstes nicht. Ich will den Dienst an Mir um eurer Freude willen.Wenn es euch leicht fällt, dann tut es!“ Was den Menschen leicht fällt, macht sie glücklicher, was ihnen schwer fällt, macht sie unglücklich. (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:05:23
968 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSmallServants
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BeSmallServants
Be Small Obedient Servants
(Dt.: SeidKleineDiener) As-Salamu Alaikum. People chanting: "Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaha illa Allah. Wa Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Wa lillah al Hamd". Subhana Rabbi`Aliyil a`lal Wahhab. Subhanaka! La uhsi thana'an 'alayka. La ilaha illa Anta Subhanaka. Wa Aghfirlana wa Arhamna. Wa tub alayna wahdina waskina. Wa aslih sha'nana wa sha'nal muslimin wansurna alal qawmil kafirin. "Rabbana Aghfir Lana Wa Li'akhwanina Al- Ladhina Sabaquna Bil-'Imani Wa La Taj`al Fi Qulubina Ghillaan Lilladhina 'Amanu Rabbana 'Innaka Ra'ufun Rahimun" (59:10). The deceased was like my son. He was like my son. Rahmatullahu alayh. Allah gives to him from His endless Mercy Oceans. His father was like this, not himself. Subhana Allah. Subhana Allah. He asking me, the night that he passed away: "My Shaykh is not crying for me". I said to him "I am crying". And I am crying half night for him. He was so (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:24
969 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSmallServants
happy. Subhan Allah Al 'Aliy Al Azim. O poor one.. Ridha an Lillahil Taala al Fatiha! First for our Prophet (sas), then for all the prophets & saints. M. Mehmed! Who looks over them now? Who is looking over now in AbdulKarim's place? G. Luqman Hoja Effendi. M. Is he here? G. No. M. He is there. G. Yes, in America. M. Ok good, he is Ottoman. Ottoman. These are all the ones who are in US. G. Yes, most of them are from US. Mustafa Hoja is the deputy in Germany. M. Ok, very good. I also give permission for your mission. Continue with it. Collect. There is nothing like "it is your place, this is my place..." We are all obedient servants for Allah Almighty. We are asking nothing else. We are asking His forgiveness only. Not to say "I am this one or I am that one". No! I am nothing. But since 80 years, always my Grandshaykh- I am kissing (his) feet up to day. G. I am kissing your feet on behalf of S. AbdulKarim. M. Astaghfirullah! Allah gives you much more chance to be on right way that he was trying to keep it. Take up the flag of Islam, up always. Don't come to say "I am this one, I am that one". No. We are all obedient servants. Allah.. Pray for me. I am weak. I am weak. Asking forgiveness from my Lord Almighty Allah. Fatiha. G. Please pray that we can continue his work. M. You must keep straight way that Prophet (sas) bringing & awliyas keeping it. No anyone or anything else. All of us, we must try to be all small obedient servants. Masha Allah, Allah giving to you nur/light. I am happy with you. As you are doing, I am giving to you also ijazat/permission to keep the way. If anyone, other, giving you may take. Doesn't matter. We are asking only straight way to the Holy Prophet (sas), to awliyas. Nothing else. G. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Many people have slandered Shaykh AbdulKarim & his people & his work saying "we have separated from you". But pray.. M. Separated? (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:24
970 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSmallServants
G. We are not separated from you. G. The world of unbelief claims that we have separated from you? ( in arabic) M. No, no. We are all servants. Naqshbandi servants. Finished. We are not asking from earth. We are asking from Heavens- our gift, or reward. That is. Masha Allah Masha Allah. G. Insha Allah we want to build Sh. Abdulkarim's maqam in New York. M. Where? G. In the Ottoman dargah in NY. There is Sh. Abdullah Daghestani's maqam, next to it inshaAllah. M. Ok, ok. No harm. He will be happy with this. Insha'Allah he will stay as the Master there. His service is accepted. Are you Turkish or German? G. I am Turk, Ottoman insha Allah. M. Really, are you Ottoman? From Menemen (Izmir)? G. Giresun. M. New York? G. Yes, I am in New York. M. Masha Allah. All of you have nur. Masha Allah Masha Allah. You may take up holy flag of Prophet, peace be upon him. And keep each one, another. If not listening me, I have.. Where is my stick? My stick may reach from East to West! I am nothing but sometimes something! Anything you may ask, ask... No, not to me. Who is now on yourself,cwho is appointed? G. Luqman Effendi. M. Luqman Effendi? Ask him. G. You accept him as deputy? M. How I won't accept? They will put me as deputy rather? They are.. G. If you accept. M. It is accepted. Show respect & make service. May Allah make you plenty & your majesty go up. G. Allah bless you. Allah gives you health & strength. M. Amin. What can we do? Our situation is like this. Pray for us, in this holy night- the Night of Baraat. Where is this one from? G. This one is Greek. He is building our mosque there. M. Iranian? M. Speaking Iranian. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:24
971 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSmallServants
S.N. He is Greek Sayyidi. M. Greek? Speaking Greek & joking. Athens? G. My mother, yes. M. He has nur on his face. Sadiq/True one. Keep all of you, yourself. If anything, you may ask, you may understand.. You may ask anyone from Naqshbandi people. It is ok. I am giving it, Masha Allah. Speaking Greek & joking. I am tired! Fatiha. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim.
G. This is for Sh. AbdulKarim Effendi (sweet). M. You eat it. As-Salamu Alaikum Lefke, 03.07.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryNasqhbandi, CategoryUSA (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:24
972 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSoftWithPeople
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BeSoftWithPeople
We Are Commanded to Be Soft with People
Dastoor yaa Sayyidi. Madad yaa Sultan (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah Sultaansin, Sultaansin! O our Lord! Give from Your endless blessings for your most beloved one and honored one and glorified one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! Zidhu yaa Rabbi, `izzan wa sharafa nooran wa suroora, wa ridwaanan wa sultaana. Raghman `ala ’l-anf shayaateen and his followers! Thumma’s-salaamu `alayk yaa Saahib az-Zamaan! Yaa sultan on this planet, Qutb al-Mutasarrif! Amiddoona bi madadak. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) O our Attenders! As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu. Come and hear. Leave following Shaytan and shaytanic ways. Try to be our Lord's servants. That gives you benefit. Dunya will never give you benefit, no. Millions and billions of people, you are walking on their graveyards and they are crying, crying, crying but you are not hearing. If you are hearing, you can fall dead. This is a humble association and the main point, main ghaayah, main purpose or main aim is only to remind (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:25
973 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSoftWithPeople
you, to make you to ask a question: Who am I and from where I am coming? Who is bringing me from nothing to be in existence? And after awhile, my existence is going to be taken away and we are going to be taken away and we are going to be nasyan mansiyyaa, “forgotten, never remembered.” We are going to be forgotten, forgotten, forgotten! Say, A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem! Give time for your Creator, for your Lord, Allah Almighty (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Subhansen yaa Rabb! Sultansen yaa Rabb! (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) We are asking only Your pleasure. And the main aim from heavenly teachings, that is to make our Creator to be pleased with us. What do you want beyond that? Toobaa, good or best tidings for ourselves to make our Creator to be pleased with us. What is beyond that, O foolish ones? What you are asking? You can't be pleased in this life and the Next Life if you are not making your Creator pleased with you! Never! That is a very important point, Shaykh Hisham Effendi. People are running to be pleased, yes. And what is the way for here and Hereafter also? We are asking to make our Lord pleased with us. O Salafi `ulamas! Why you are not saying this to people? This is the most important point you must make. Don’t make too much like this, like that, but say only, "O People! If you are not making your Lord pleased with you, you can't reach a pleasure either here or after this life." And our lives are ayyaaman ma`doodaat, “A limited number of days.” In Qur’an al-Kareem, bahar, oceans, are flowing from part of this holy verse which is not only to be spoken! . Ya ayyuhalladheena aamanoo kutiba `alaykum as-siyaamu kamaa kutiba `ala-’l-ladheena min qablikum ayyaman ma`doodaat, O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that ye may ward off (evil); (Fast) a certain number of days;(2:183,184) Qur’an. Huuu! Oceans that are coming now in this part (of this ayah) give meaning for awakening people. Yusheer, signing to people, "O People! You are going to be here ayyaman ma`doodaat, in counted days. For some of you it may be only one day, for others ten days, and for others one year, 365 days. Some of you will have ten times one year and others may have 40 times one year. Some of you, fifty times. Some of you 100 (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:25
974 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSoftWithPeople
times of 365 days. All of them ayyaman ma`doodaat, counted, then going to be finished. Why you are not saying, O Salafi `ulamas and doctors of Shari`ah and `ulamas of Azhar ash-Shareef? And Allah Almighty is ordering (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) wa dhakkir fa inna 'dh-dhikra tanfa`u'l-mumineen, But remind (thy Message) for reminding benefits the Believers. (51:55) (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Subhaan Allah. Laa hawla wa la quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem. Fa dhakkir inamaa anta mudhakkirun, Remind, for you are not but a remembrancer. (88:21) Sifatu ’l-Anbiyaa, at-tadhkeer. A holy command from heavens, "Remind My servants they must not think they are going to live on this planet endlessly! They must know their lives are ayyaman ma`doodaat, in counted days, and when finished they will be taken away.” Qaabid al-arwaah, “Grasper of Souls,” the Archangel of Death, is coming at any time. When it is written for your life to end, you will be finding him in front of you, saying, `atee al-amaanah, “Give your trust." Angels will bring your soul from `Alam al-Arwaah, the spiritual world and put it there. Doctors are so keenly looking, “How is the beginning of the heart of janeen, an embryo in its mom's womb? How does its heart begin to work?” (Mawlana Shaykh makes pumping motion with hand.) They never reaching that knowledge, to know the beginning of life of Man in their mom's womb. Who is making the first action? Who is giving the first command to the heart? How is a heart obedient, and beginning to pump? Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Idiot people! People living now are idiots and more than idiots! They are not thinking on it. They are thinking only to make such a strange instruments. Well, look to yourself! How did your life begin in such a very tight place, in a bag full with water, and you were living there? SubhaanAllah. SubhaanAllah. SultaanAllah. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) SubhaanAllah! Subhaanu ‘l-Khalaaqu’l `Azheem. Yaa Rabb! Yaa Rabb, forgive (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:25
975 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSoftWithPeople
us (Mawlana Shaykh sits.). La hawla wa la quwatta illa billah! And on the day you are going to be taken out, the Lord of Heavens, the Creator, sends His angels to take the new one to dunya. People thinking same angels doing, but for every new birth new angels come, and they never go to another one. SubhaanAllah! Yawmi ‘l-ladhee wulid awwal yawm. Taking that baby outside the womb, opening and beginning to breath. And it is written how many days that one will live on this planet. Allahu Akbaru ’l Akbar! Ayyaman ma`doodaat. O Wahabi and Salafi `ulamas! Why you are not saying these important points as a tadhkir, reminding for people? What you are doing? Where are your books? O Wahabi people! Where are your books, mentioning such things; bring them to me. You are only knowing to cover your heads and shoulders, putting hatta on your heads, and some of you have bare heads. It is not Islamic. You can’t open (uncover) your head except on the Day of Arafat! Other days, you must close (cover) your head, to give t`azheeman, most respect for Allah (swt)! You must put on your heads something. From where you are bringing trousers and jackets and ties? What sunnah is that? O Wahabi people! Your end is coming. If you are insisting, some virus will come to your bodies and kill you. If coming to you at night, by morning you will pass away. in ‘ana illa nadheer, “I am only a warner,” (7:188) Warning you! You are going too fast on wrong way and blaming Ahlu ’s-Sunnah wa ’l-Jama`ah. Who is giving that authority to you? Say! Where are your books to make people wake up? Why you are fighting Ahlu ’s-Sunnah wa ’l-Jama`ah, who is following sunnatu ‘r-Rasool (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Salawaatullahu wa salaamuhu `alayk, Sayyid ‘l- Awwaleen wa ‘l-Akhireen! Stand up, or you may die tomorrow! (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) I am the weakest one, and you may say, “That weak person can’t do anything.” Don’t you know one mosquito was took away Nimrod and his armies? Don’t say I am so weak; sometimes I am powerful. If my Lord is ordering, I may take all of you by morning, sending on you unseen soldiers, that you call “virus!” Keep your tongues! Keep your tongues! If you are not keeping your tongues, we may tie you from up or from downstairs. Don't rush on such a weak servant or on Ahlu’l-Sunnah people. You are on wrong ways! Those on the True Way are with true ones. Say! Who is your true one that you are following? Abdul Wahab Najdi? That is your way, your imaam? Where he is now, say to me! (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:25
976 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSoftWithPeople
O People! khudhoo hidhrakum, “Take your precautions” (4:71). SubhaanAllah, everything that Allah `azza wa jall is teaching, khudhoo hidhrakum. Take your most high care. Hidhr, pay more attention for yourself, because Shaytan is after you. One is behind you, pushing, and another one is in front of you, leading. And you are saying, “our leaders.” Who makes an imitation leadership, that one is going to the Fire first, and second those who follow them. They are tyrants, jabaabira! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar `alaykum! Those who assault Ahlu’l-Sunnah wa’l-Jama`ah, why you are not saying, “O People! Your lives are only ayyaaman ma`doodaat, numbered days; can’t be less, can’t be more. And through your lives, what you must do? Fight to each other or do something else?” Do something else. What is that? Why you are not teaching your followers, “How you are going to make your Lord, jalla jalallahu, your Creator, happy with you?” Allahu Akbar! (Mawlana Shaykh stands amd sits) Why you are not saying? Why you are not writing? Where is that book? Send it to me. Allah Almighty is ordering, SubhaanAllah, Allah jalla wa `aala: Wa laa tujaadilu Ahlu ‘l-Kitaabi illa billatee hiya ahsan, And do not dispute with the People of the Book except in the best manner. (29:46) Allah jalla jalaaluhu, is ordering this to be your discussion with Ahl al-Kitaab, the people of Injeel, Tauraat, Zaboor, to be hayyin layyin, “soft and tender,” and not to be hateful. Law kunta fazhan ghaleezh al-qalbi la-anfadoo min hawlik, If you (O Muhammad) had been harsh and hard- hearted, they would have run away from around you. (3:159) Rasoolullah kaaan yuhaajimi ’n-naas, “Rasoolullah (s) was the most gentle one to his nation.” From where you are bringing that qabeeh, to be rough? You are such rough people, making people run away from you and your teachings which are against Holy Qur’an! Allah Almighty is ordering to His most beloved one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s): (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Wa laa tujaadilu Ahl al-Kitaabi illa billatee hiya ahsan. Laa am tahjumaa `alayna, shoo dhanbuna? Nahnu (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:25
977 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSoftWithPeople
naqool laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah. After this, how you can attack us? What is our sin, what is our ghuna? (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billah! Say and write in books, in speeches, and in broadcasting. Why you are so rough ones? And Allah Almighty is ordering to be hayyin wa layyin, to be gentle. Why you are not gentle men? Say! Leave us; we are only asking, “How we can we please our Lord, Almighty Allah?” Leave your arguments, jidaal, and teach people how they can please their Lord! We are not asking for anything, not your money or your imitated titles. Write books on this topic and send them to me. You are not (spreading this message) because you are not on the Right Way! Say, “O people! Your lives are ayyaman ma`doodaat, in numbered days. One day you are going to be taken from this life to unknown worlds. How you will be there, that you will be taken in the Divinely Presence?” Teach them, teach them, and leave arguments! Keep people’s respect and be gentle with them, and as much as you can give your pleasure to them, to crowd people around you (seeking true knowledge). May Allah forgive us. Tawbah yaa Rabbee. Fatihah. (Sultan prays two raka`at Salaat ash-Shukr.) Fatihah. (39 minutes) Mawlana Shaykh sings: Dome, dome, dome, dome 4x Who runs from trumpets here (this singing) can't hear heavenly singings and trumpets. Let them go! May Allah forgive us. Allah, Allah. Lefke, 27.06.2010
WebSufiLive, CategorySohbat, CategoryDressing (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:25
978 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeSoftWithPeople (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:05:25
979 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeStraight
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BeStraight
Be Straight!
Dastur Ya Rijal Allah support us with your madad O As'habu Al Nawba, keep your eyes over us. We ask our Lord & His Prophet (saws) to forgive us & intercede for us. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar La Ilaha illa Allah, wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi Al Hamd. Alf Salat wa alf salam 'ala Sayyidi Al Awwalin wa Al Akhirin, Sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'ala alihi wa Sah'bihi Aj'main. Welcome to the believers, to the Muslims, to the faithful. Our Lord (jwa) sent Prophets (as) to give advice. He first of all advised Sayyidina Adam (as). Allah (jwa) gave advice to Sayyidina Adam (as). "but come not near this tree or you both will be of the wrong-doers" (2:35) This is the first advice Allah (awj) gave to Adam (as) and the children of Adam (as). "I have given you honourable stations, as long as you listen to My words and My advice and you keep My advice. You are dear to us. We love you & grant you, and your stations rise so you may be among the honoured ones. There is a group of angels, the ones who have nearness, the ones who never disobey Allah (swt) and do what they are ordered to do. This is a reason for the servant to want to obey his Lord (jwa) to listen. Listen & obey! To be listening and obeying. This is it. Rabbu Al 'Izza. The Prophet (saws) said, "Religion is advice." The first advice from Allah (swt) to Adam & Hawa (as): "Listen & obey Me, you will be honoured ones. Otherwise your place will be far from the furthest, furthest, furthest..." Poor servant, I am poor servant.. I do not claim anything, or know or.. I do not claim to know everything and so I advise the servants of The Lord, hasha! I am a weak servant. We are non-Arabs, and the Holy Quran descended in an eloquent Arabic language that is not possible to reproduce or for any human being to make like it. Subhana (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:05:26
980 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeStraight
Allah! And therefore... no matter how much my heart longs to obey my Lord I also like for the children of Adam (as) to obey their Lord, be faithful to Him (swt) and His Beloved... following him (saws). Masha'Allah Ya Sayyidi. How many days I've been wanting to speak, make a meeting, sohbah, the meeting of advice. And meeting of advice, teaching manners. Advising for what? Allahu Akbar! Advice to teach manners with The Lord Jalla Jalalu, Subhansin Ya Rabb! Sultansin Ya Rabb Subhansin! You have honoured us, You created us & honoured us. As our Lord (jwa) says "Wa Laqad Karramna Bani Adama" (17:70) -Indeed We honoured the children of Adam This honour has not been given to anyone else and it means "O children of Adam, keep your honour." "Keep Me, We keep you." Subhana Allah! And therefore "Religion is advice" said the Prophet (saws). O people, Allah (swt) honoured you, what else do you want? And He (swt) promised you "Inna Al-Ladhina Amanu Wa Amilu As-Salihati Kanat Lahum Jannatu Al- Firdawsi Nuzulan" (18:107) "Khalidina Fiha L Yabghuna Anha Hiwalan" (18:108) What do you want more O people! And the addressing is specially for the Arab people because He (jwa) honoured them with an Arab Prophet (saws). I am weak O my Lord, O Rasulallah... Ummat a weak nation, my Arabic is also weak O Rasulallah! The Prophet (saws) laughs when I say my Arabic is weak. and he (saws) saying "we know, we know!" The Sultan of all Prophets (as) "but for you, but for you Ma Khalaqt Al Aflaq" (I would not have created the universes) All the angels in Laylatul Mi'raj in all the skies & Heavens & Angels they were standing glorifying & honouring the Prophet of the end of times who has been ordered to step on the Throne. Allah (jwa) said to Sayyidina Moses "Fakhla` Na`layka" (20:12) He (swt) said to His Beloved "Step! Step on My Throne, it will be honoured." O you Arabs, where are you? Where are you? Where is your education? Where are your manners with the him (saws) who brought the absolute message? The Beloved of Allah (swt)! The one with the absolute intercession Karim Allah! Allah Allah! We are now in a time, a time where we are not listening to the words of Al Haqq. The advice of the Prophet (saws) "Listen & take wisdom. If you do you will take benefit. Let go of