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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (64/777)
schweigen zu Ungerechtigkeit, es wird auf sie von den Himmeln herabkommen, vor dem sie nicht werden davonrennen können. Es wird euch nicht möglich sein, euch zu verteidigen. Ob ihr ein König oder von den reichsten Menschen oder Sultane seid. Ich warne euch! Seid auf der Hut, o Menschen des Islam und besonders die Menschen in Ägypten, diejenigen, die Dinge tun. Aus welchem Grund gehen Frauen hinaus auf die Straßen, geschmückt, jung, Jungen und Mädchen? Wozu? Allah (swt) machte das haram, wie Al Haqq (jwa) sagt: 'Und bleibt in eueren Häusern' (33:33). Sie werden bestraft werden. Unser Herr (jwa). Ihr Gelehrten der Azhar al Sharif, wacht auf! Sonst wird Allahs (swt) Rache auch auf euch herabkommen. Naudhu Billah davor, das Ziel von Allahs (swt) Rache zu sein. Aman ya Rabbi! Leute von Sham, Leute des Jemen, aus Lybien, Ägypten, Sudan, bleibt ruhig und haltet euch im Rahmen! Allah (swt) wird vergelten! Es gibt keine Zuflucht vor seiner Vergeltung. Ich habe (9 von 10)04.07.2013 23:04:55

832 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BatshaRabbika

darüber informiert, was mir befohlen wurde. Muslime von Ost bis West, haltet euch im Rahmen oder 'Wahrlich, die Rache eueres Herrn ist streng' (85:12). Und sie kommt bald. So wie, als Nimrod Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) fragte: Wo sind die Soldaten deines Herrn? Er sagte: Sie kommen. Sie kommen vom Horizont. Die Soldaten kommen. Wie kommt eine Armee? Und je näher sie kamen, desto mehr machten sie 'Whoooo!' Mehr und mehr, wie ein Erdbeben. Die Mücken fraßen sie. Nur ihre Skelette und Kleider blieben. Seid gewarnt, Tyrannen! An einem dieser Tage wird die Göttliche Rache auf sie herabkommen. 'Wahrlich, die Rache eueres Herrn ist streng' (85:12). Bereut vor Allah (swt). Hört auf zu kämpfen. Dies ist die erste Warnung. Am ersten Dhul Qi'ida wird die Warnung zunehmen, zur zweiten und dritten Warnung. Sie werden stärker werden, bis keine Tyrannen mehr übrig bleiben, weder ihre Namen, noch ihre Körper. Also seid gewarnt. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Wir bereuen und wenden uns Dir zu, unser Herr. O Allah (swt) sei gnädig mit uns und mit unseren Führern. Laß sie das Kämpfen beenden, bevor die Göttliche Rache über sie kommt von den Himmeln. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba. Um des geliebten Propheten (saws) willen erhebt das Banner des Propheten (saws). Fatiha. Lefke, 16.09.2012

WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryOppression, CategoryEgypt, CategoryMuslimNation (10 von 10)04.07.2013 23:04:55

833 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BautKeineNimrodsTürme

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BautKeineNimrodsTürme


This page doesn't exist yet. Maybe you want to create it?ürme04.07.2013 23:04:56

834 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BayatKissingofHandsTouchingWomenIslamicClothes

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BayatKissingofHandsTouchingWomenIslamicClothes


Interview: Bayat, Kissing of Hands, Touching Women, Islamic Clothes... Q: Many oppose to people taking bayat with you. If we have given our bayat to the Prophet*, why do we have to give it to you too? S.N: Who are we giving our bayat to? Like the Sahaba we have Muhammad* in front of us. We have been ordered to give our oath to true people, to a Sheikh. Q: Is it a necessity in Islam to give your bayat to a Sheikh, like the sahabas after the passing away of Muhammad* gave their bayat to Abu Bakr Siddiq? S.N: Yes! Until 1924 every Muslim would give their oath to the Sultan, who was representing the Prophet*. Q: Is this like when the Prophet* told us that when there are 3 or more of us we should elect an emir? S.N: No, an emir is something else. Not everyone we call an emir is an emir. A real emir must have power. Emir means a sultan, a shadow of Heavens on earth. You must give your oath to him. You must obey, that is what bayat means. Q: Who are the inheritors of the Prophet*? The people with Islamic knowledge? S.N: That is not enough. It has to do with spirituality. Q: Do the followers of the Sheikh have to follow him blindly? S.N: Never blindly! The Prophet* had open eyes and his followers must too! Q: Many people think that having bayat with is a Sheikh is like following a dictator. (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:59

835 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BayatKissingofHandsTouchingWomenIslamicClothes

S.N: When you take a plane, you also put your trust into the pilot. You wouldn't think of telling him how to do it. The same with doctors, people do whatever the doctors tell them to. If you had eyes that could see everything, you wouldn't need a Sheikh. We want to open the eyes of our people, not make them blind. Q: People object on your hands being kissed. S.N: I am not a sultan. Let people go and kiss their hands! These people are envious, because they are not giving full respect to their Lord. If they were, people would respect them. Maybe I am respected in the Divine Presence and that is why people run up to me. I am not begging people to come up to me and to kiss my hands! They rush on me from all over the world and I do not tell them to go away. Why should I? Are my hands dirty? If they were I would prevent it. But the hands of the people who oppose this are dirty with their dirty works. When people come close to a blessed person they feel familiarity and want to kiss and embrace. When a person wants to show their respect by kissing the hand it is not prohibited in the Islamic Shariah. No-one can bring any evidence that Muhammad* did not allow it. Q: But not only men are kissing your hand, but women too. Is that allowed in Islam? S.N: Do they have evidence on that? If that was prohibited we would not be allowed to approach our women. They have no fiqr. (Quran, Surat 4, Ayat 43 and Surat 5, Ayat 6). You may touch. Q: For the mahram, or...? S.N: Nissa, is alif lam a sign for all women, or just for some? There is a secret reality there: You can touch a lady, but if your ego awakes with a bad desire it is prohibited. A person may touch his daughter or his mother and it is not prohibited. He may touch his wife and it could be prohibited. Nothing awakes in a person with his mahram, but if it is not a mahram it is dangerous. That is why the Shariah prevents you to touch without a reason. Otherwise a doctor couldn't touch the body of a woman. No-one objects to the millions of ladies who every day go to the doctor and show everything. It did not exist at the time of the Prophet*. When they give birth they show themselves completely! How can that be? Why do people not complain about that? Instead they come to me, a person who is 80 years old! The Shariah does give the permission for the hands of prophets and their inheritors to be kissed. I do not tell (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:59

836 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BayatKissingofHandsTouchingWomenIslamicClothes

the ladies to come and kiss my hand. No! They come to give their respects. I cannot refuse it, because I am calling Europeans, non Muslims, into Islam. They are still new and if I would prevent them from kissing my hand their hearts would be broken. They would accuse Islam of having no gentleness. We are not living in Saudi Arabia, Libya, Algeria, Turkey, Iran or in Pakistan! I am calling people here, in Europe. This is why we can use the methods which the Prophet* was using at the beginning of Islam. People at that time were also not using scarves. For the first 13 years in Mecca, they were mixing freely with men and not wearing scarves. All that came in Medina. The people who are accusing me of these points have no understanding of Islam. They are scholars, but empty! Q: According to the Hanafi school what are the rules of a woman touching you without desires? Would you need an ablution? S.N: All the four schools of thought were going to agree on this point, but then Imam Shafi prevented it. He wanted to close the door of fitna which arises through young people touching each other. Abu Hanifa gave the permission under a condition: if your feelings do not change and become haram, it is all right. If they do, it is prohibited in the school of Abu Hanifa too. When feelings change, our body awakens and we discharge, making our wudu invalid. Q: Why are people so attracted to you? S.N: They are spiritually attracted because their souls are swimming in the same pool as my soul: in the ocean of mercy. Their souls are familiar to me. I have been with them since the Day of Promises, whether they are aware of it, or not. I am reaching to every sultan on earth now, because their time is approaching. All presidents will come down. In the 21st century presidents, democracy and parliaments will go. The sultans will come. This has been written in all the Holy Books: the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Holy Quran. Q: Many people say that Islam does not have to be demonstrated in your clothes, that it is better to have it in your heart. S.N: These people are fully foolish! They are making propaganda for the satanic school. Why do armies keep their uniform? If clothes were not important, tell the generals to start wearing civil clothing instead or the (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:59

837 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BayatKissingofHandsTouchingWomenIslamicClothes

Pope or the Patriarch. Do you think it has no meaning? Why are only Muslims getting these silly questions? Q: People say that if the Prophet* would come today, he would be wearing the clothes of today; jeans and a suit. S.N: Jeans are very unhealthy clothes. The traditional Muslim clothes are very healthy. But people do not understand such things. They want to follow fashion, and they want to prepare all other Muslims to do the same, to follow their ugly fashions! We do not need to follow any body's fashion. We have our own originality and our own tradition in our way of dressing and in everything else too. Only weak people need to follow powerful people. We are honoured to have our own way of dressing. If people have a job where it is necessary to wear another style, that is all right. At the time of the Sultan someone came and asked the Grand Mufti: "I just bought a cow, and every time I come to milk it, it refuses, because it was accustomed to the old owner who was always wearing a hat. Would you permit me to wear a hat during the time I milking?" "Yes, as long as you are milking, it is all right!" So this applies to all Muslims living in non Muslim countries. Q: Harvard University is making a research into the suggestion that the 21st century will be a century of spiritualism. S.N: Harvard University is a serious university. They are looking into a very important point. But how are they doing it? The target is like an island in the ocean. In front of them are Christianity, Judaism and Islam. All of them have vessels, but the vessel of Christianity is 2000 years old, the vessel of Judaism 4000 years old, the Islamic one is the newest one. If you had to choose for a long and dangerous travelling, would you use the oldest or the newest vessel? That is the question I would like to raise to the people of Harvard! They must accept the newest vessel which is most intact, powerful and strongest, not the rusty old ones. 01.01.1997

BookPureHearts, CategoryInterview, CategoryAdab, CategoryHalal (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:59

838 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Bayazids24000Expansions

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Bayazids24000Expansions


Bayazid's 24.000 Expansions

Our Grandsheikh was saying that whoever has real spiritual exercises, if he can complete them, there may appear from himself many forms like himself. Firstly there may be three then seven, having the same shape and bodily povers, but in seven different places, each independent, looking, acting and knowing. This power grows from one completing exercise under the supervision of a Perfect Master: Murshidun Kamil. Abu Yazid once prayed one Juma'a prayer in 24.000 different places. He told the religious authorities in one place: "I was praying in 12.000 different houses of worship today." They asked: "How?" He said "by the power of the Lord Almighty. If you don't believe me, send people around to ask." The sat and waited until messengers returned saying that he was seen in so many places. Abu Yazid said later: "I was afraid to say 24.000 so only said half." Allah says that when planting one grain of wheat, it disappears into the earth and becomes seven ears, each ear with a hundred grains, 700 grains coming from one. If a person gives his body to be nothing, Allah gives a body from His Divine Presence. Don't be surprised about Allah's actions; He is al-Qadir, The All-Powerful. But no one agrees to be nothing, everyone is asking to be something, to be, to be, to be, even in religion. In Tariqat also, people ask miracles and heavenly vision, no one likes to be nothing. When agreeing to be nothing, you will be all things. The Palace of Unity is not open to those saying 'we are something'. You must enter into Khalwat, seclusion, not thinking to come out, finished, addressing to your ego; "Don't think that (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:04:59

839 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Bayazids24000Expansions

you are coming out and able to do miracles. I am going to bury you. My Sheikh will send the Angel to take your soul." Then it will be real seclusion, otherwise it is only training. For the first condition, the Sheikh looks to the disciple to see if desires of the ego are still running in his heart. Ego must be finished there; then to such a person ready for death, all keys to treasures can be trusted. This body must be taken. Everyone will die. Some may offer themselves to death with their willpower. This does not mean killing oneself, but killing the ego's desires. Then you are ready for Divine powers. Abu Yazid was such a hard fighter to ego. People asked him what is the most difficult fighting. He replied: "You can't live up to it at all." And what is the lightest fighting? Maybe you may listen a little. I called my ego to come out to pray: It said, 'but I want to sleep'. I told it 'Enough, leave sleeping and get up!' 'But I like to sleep'. 'I swear by God won't give you any sleeping or drinking one year if you don't get up.' This is lightest fighting to my greatest enemy." For twelve years he was in a dry well; he buried himself there to make his soul free for the whole Universe; free to wear any body. These are most expensive pearls, only Kings Queens may put on their heads. For them you must sacrifice your ego. We're now only listening but saints are also from mankind and perhaps they are weaker than us; but they know the Lord and He is All-Powerful. You must do everything for His sake. Say: "Oh Lord, we are needy." - 01.10.1979

BookMercyOceansBookTwo, CategorySeclusion, CategoryEgo (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:04:59

840 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeADefenderOfTruth

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BeADefenderOfTruth


Be a defender of Truth! Or: S.Muhammad sws was not a lamb! Ya Rabbi, ya Allah! Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, Astaghfirullah. Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ´Aliyu-l ´Adhim. As-salamu alaikum!... If I knew if I am giving Salam or not... therefore, to be ´mutmainu-l qalb´, I am saying another : As-salamu alaikum! Now I know that I am giving Salam. Then we shall say: Alfu salat, alfu salam ´ala Rasulillah sws . Ya Sayyidi, ya Rasulullah, we are asking your shafa´at, intercession! And we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. We are running away from Shaitan. And to where we must run? Allah, Subhana Hu wa ta´ala, (is) saying: “Fafiru ila-llah. Run away from Shaitan, run to Allah that created you and bringing you in existence.” Who (is) bringing you in existence? Ha? By basket, you are coming from Heavens on this, like parachute? Everyone (is) coming from up by parachute. Do you think so? Edebsizler, alcak kafirler! (It is) not for you, this (swearing), (but) for those that they are denying everything, beyond their minds they are denying everything. They are the level, under the level, of donkeys and animals! (Animals) they know, who created them, but those creatures, dirty creatures, they are not knowing or they are so proud to say that: “The Lord of Heavens He created us!” May Allah forgive us! Till they are coming humbly and saying: “O our Lord, we are Your creatures; You created us, we are Your servants! You may order and we are going to listen and (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:00

841 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeADefenderOfTruth

obey”, (there is) no way for their future, no way for their happiness or no way, generally no way to peace on earth! Where are those proud people whom they are getting... they think that they are something? Where they are, those people whom they are claiming they are Chief of Christians, Chief of Protestant, Chief of Orthodox, Chief of Catholics, Chief of Anglican Church, Chief of Jerusalem? Ha, Hakam Bashi... Chief of Muslims... Where they are that they are so proud? Where are you that you are with your so ornaments dressings to be different a little bit different from another people? You are such a person, so proud! “O people come to peace, don´t quarrel, be silent, don’t run through streets...” They are not saying this also, but they are so proud ones with their clothes that people do think that they are something, some another kind, not from common people. “We are up, up, up!” Who (is) making himself by himself up, high, high, higher... (is) coming down, down, down... X. You have also such a people (in Spain)? Big monasteries, big holy ones! No, holy ones never! Holy one- who is holy one? Holy one that is (he), who knows who created him and what He is asking from him or from them. That is (a) holy one. Not (those that) they are showing a show with their clothes and (are) making people to think about themselves (that) they are holy ones! They are liars! They are liars! Jesus Christ... Our Christian brothers they are blaming (ourselves) that Muslims, Muhammad sws, say: “The boss of creation, (the) most honoured one, most glorified one!” They are saying: “He carried (a) sword and Islam just reached East and West through (the) sword.” Hmmm! What about you, o Christians? Popes and... I am not saying for Jewish people, because they are fighters. They are fighters, they used (the) sword to make people to come to Allah, to say: “La ilaha illa-llah, Moses Rasulullah”, to say: “No one´s Iman, faith, (is) going to be complete, if they are not saying: ´Moses (is the) Prophet of Allah´!” And Muhammad sws also Prophet of Allah to whole nations, as we are saying. We are (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:00

842 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeADefenderOfTruth

not making a separation, we are not saying: “Only S.Muhammad sws he is our Prophet. Prophecy (is) only for him!” We are saying that we are believing (in) whole Prophets, beginning from Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ and (for) 124.000 Prophets we are saying “Yes” and we are not fighting to Prophets. Fighters to their Prophets they should be in Hells! Now they are blaming Muslims and for whole creations Prophet, S.Muhammad sws, that: “He used (the) sword to make Islam to reach East and West!” What about you, o Christians? Jesus Christ, he used anytime even one knife? Who (is) inventing so many dangerous weapons, nuclear weapons, Jesus Christ (is) signing for them: “O Christians, you are on (the) right way, because you are making nuclear weapons”? Jesus Christ (is) signing: “You are okay”? I must ask (the) Pope, I must ask (the) Patriarch, I must ask whole Christian Bishops: “Jesus Christ (is) signing (that) you are on (the) right path? Why you are blaming S.Muhammad sws that he used (the sword)? He was not a lamb! S.Muhammad, he wasn’t a lamb like you are making Jesus Christ lamb! S.Muhammad sws he wasn´t a lamb to sit down and to give his neck: ‘Cut my neck!’ Haaaa! Be straight or you should be shot down!” Understanding? Wrong? (Is) anything wrong? Eh! Yes... Allah (is the) Witness! Allah (is) looking! I don’t think that anyone through East and West may speak on that point except a very very weak or... I am someone that (is on the) lowest level. I am (a) lowest level person, I am speaking this. They are claiming they are highest level. They may say anything! If I am an old person, weak person, under every level- if I am saying (anything) wrong, if they are saying: “You are wrong”, they can´t reach up to tomorrow, they may go away... This world is not empty! (The One) who (is) turning this world, just prepared everything in its most perfect position. They are saying: “This- who is that! (He is a) lowest person!” But (he) may keep a secret power from Heavens. That secret power may destroy everything that they invented and (that they are) (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:00

843 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeADefenderOfTruth

bringing to take away peace from earth! That one that you are saying: “This (one) is nothing”- (Allah) may keep that power though that person! Allah, Allah, Allah! O people, we are only saying something that no one can be able to object on it. It is so clear, so clear! May Allah forgive me and forgive you also. O people, who is (a) believer? Who (is) believing in truth. Who is a Muslim? (A) defender of Truth. Try to be defenders of Truth, o people, then Allah Almighty helps you and protect you and shelter you, if not... May Allah forgive us! Allah, for the sake of the honoured Beloved one, habibi akram hurmati icin, for the sake of the Tajalli of this blessed month, bu mubarak ayin tajalli hurmati icin, forgive us, Sen bizi afet! Send the Sahib who is going to change everything, doenderecek Sabihi goender, ya Allah, Fatiha... Allahumma salli wa sallim ´ala Nabiyina Muhammad alayhi salam, Salatan tadumu wa tughda ilay, mamara layali wa tula dawam... Zahir olsun, Senin dini zahir olsun, ya Rabbi! Zahir da, goermeyen goezler da goersun... My anger only to my ego! You are free to be angry with your ego or not. You are free, but I am fighting with my ego and angry with my ego. May Allah help me! Fatiha! Lefke, 13.9.2008, Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryMuhammad (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:05:00

844 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeanSplitInTwo

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BeanSplitInTwo


A Bean Split in Two Halves Mawlana Shaykh Adnan: We are grateful, Mawlana. May Allah give you long life and protect you. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: (Asks cameraman to focus on Shaykh Adnan.) Mawlana Shaykh Adnan: I am shy Mawlana, especially in the presence of Shaykh Hisham. Mawlana, you know that I am shy. Cameraman: Astaghfirullah, my uncle. You are full of respect, adab. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Both of you, twins. Mawlana Shaykh Adnan: Twin. Yes, Mawlana. Like a nutshell, we are on top of each other. Mawlana Shaykh Hisham: Mawlana Shaykh Abdullah (q) said, “You are like the bean that was split in two, one half here and one half here. You both complete and complement each other.” That day we both made a suhbah without a translator. Together we were in the room, not his (Grandshaykh’s) room, but he took us to the room near the bathroom; there was an old room there, Sayyidee. He gave a suhbah and said, “This is a suhbah from secrets.” Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Secrets? Mawlana Shaykh Hisham: Yes, “secrets,” Sayyidee. I have it written. He said, “You are two, like the bean split into halves: one half is Adnan and one half is you, complementing each other.” That is why he (Shaykh Adnan) is my shaykh. I have kissed his hand, Mawlana, I have kissed his hand. (Shaykh Hisham kisses Shaykh Adnan’s hand.) (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:05:01

845 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BeanSplitInTwo

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Mubarak. Mubarak. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Sure... secrets. Mawlana Shaykh Adnan: Secrets. Mashaa-Allah, asrar moving all around you (Shaykh Hisham). Mawlana Shaykh Hisham: There was one from Pakistan called “Ahmad Asrar” (secrets). Sayyidee, when you were at the conference in Los Angeles giving a sermon against Wahabism, his students wanted to bring him by force to give a sermon. We brought him downstairs in the building to give a sermon to five-hundred people. You were giving a sermon to ten-thousand people! He said, “The ones upstairs are religious innovators and the ones downstairs are the ones on the right path.” He was talking about us Sayyidee, that we are innovators, and that the ones downstairs--meaning himself--are on the right path and that he was a caliph. Then he died. He was Pakistani from the group Hezb ul-Tahrir. Mawlana Shaykh Adnan: Hezb ul-Tableegh. Mawlana, may Allah give you long life and support you with health, safety, strength, inner spiritual knowledge and wisdom, in the presence of the most-distinguished stream in the Divine Kingdom. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: “He is The One Who cannot be limited or contained by place or bound by time.”         This is important. Mawlana Shaykh Hisham: Yes, Sayyidee. This is according to the Islamic madhab Maturidiyah. “He is The One who cannot be limited or contained by place or bound by time.” Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: Time and space are created. Allah (swt) created time and space. He cannot be limite