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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (61/777)
n uns. Unsere Häuser sind voll mit jenen, die Sajda machen vor unserem Herrn, die den Heiligen Quran rezitieren. Vernichte uns nicht! Engel schützen sie. Die riesigen Maschinen werden diese ignoranten Menschen nicht retten können. Weil, was ist unsere Zeit geworden? Die Alten sagten es so: Ignoranz bedeckte die Welt. Wenn ihr sie fragt, wissen sie nicht, was (12 von 15)04.07.2013 23:04:45

789 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Axis

Glauben ist. Menschen, die Glauben haben, tun nicht das Bismillah in ihre Häuser? Wir hängen ein Porträt auf und erweisen ihm Respekt. Habt ihr Respekt vor Allah? Was ist das? Wir machen auch Statuen. Und? Wir verbeugen uns auch davor. Was? Das ist das neue Leben, Shaykh Effendi. Weißt du das nicht? Ich weiß, Sohn, ich weiß, aber es wägt es ab für dich, so daß du es siehst und deinen Verstand benutzt und die Macht des Bismillah erkennst. Selbst wenn alle Himmel herabkämen (mit allen Katastrophen, die sie tragen) würde kein Unheil über dein Haus, deine Familie, Kinder oder Ernte kommen. Nie! Deshalb sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Es ist der schwarze Winter. Sie erleiden sogar das Schlimmste des schwarzen Winters. Sie sagen 'unter Null'. Es kann auch 100 unter Null sein. Engel wärmen es, wo er ist, und das Haus bleibt geschützt im Schnee. Ya Hafiz ya Allah. O Allah, Der alles schützt, schütze uns. Wir machen Sajda für Dich. Wir erinnern Deinen Heiligen Namen, unser Herr. Sie sagen das nicht, sie sagen es nicht... Mit der Schaufel in der Hand, sie sagen das Bismillah nicht. Sie haben Rohre in der Hand und können das Flutwasser nicht ableiten. Sie lernen die Lektion nicht. Sie benutzen ihren Verstand nicht. Allahs des Allmächtigen große Gabe ist das Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. "Hawalayna wa la 'alayna". Nicht auf uns sollte Dein Zorn kommen, unser Herr, sondern laß ihn auf die Bergen gehen. Wir haben Glauben, unser Herr. Laß ihn nicht auf uns kommen, sondern zu den Bergen, den Felsen um uns gehen. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Auch wenn wir nichts anderes wissen, es ist die Größe des Bismillah. Sagt Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. Sie haben so viele Schulen, und sie lehren die Kinder alle möglichen Spiele. Alles, was sie haben, ist künstlich, und sie achten nicht darauf, daß die Kinder sagen: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim. Wenn ihr nicht dafür sorgt, daß sie das Bismillah sagen, könnt ihr keine anständigen Menschen aufziehen. Ihr könnt keine Menschen erziehen. Ihr bringt sie als wilde Herden hervor, die einander töten, zerstören, verbrennen. Sie erfinden und begehen, was es an bösen Taten gibt. Unser Herr, wir glauben an Dich. Wir glauben an Deinen Geliebten. Wir sind Muslime, Herr. Du bist unser Herr. Dein Geliebter ist unser geliebter Prophet (saws). Ihm zu Ehren mögest Du diese Katastrophen fern von uns halten. Mögest Du uns schützen vor Fluten, Schnee, Lawinen, Herr. Adhilna fi Rahmatika, birg uns in Deiner Gnade, o Herr. Sie sagen das nicht. Sie sollen es sagen, und sie werden gerettet werden. Sie sind wie Steine geworden. Ihr Bewußtsein ist dunkel. Sie sagen nicht 'Allah'. Sie sagen andere Dinge. Berge fallen auf sie. Flüsse werden überfließen. (13 von 15)04.07.2013 23:04:45

790 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Axis

Fluten werden Städte hinwegnehmen. Das ist noch gar nichts. Es wird mehr kommen. Während es auf einer Seite schneit, kommen Feuer auf der anderen. Wenn das nicht reicht, beginnt es zu beben. Ihr könnt es nicht aufhalten. Sagt: O Herr, zu Ehren Deines Geliebten mögest du diese Katastrophen von uns aufheben. Wir sind Gläubige, o Herr. Sie sagen das nicht. Sie bringen unseren Kindern nichts anderes bei als Spiele und dummes Gerede bei. Sie sorgen nicht dafür, daß sie Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim sagen. Lehrt es. Was uns retten wird, ist Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. Nichts kann dir schaden. O Herr, vergib uns. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba. Shukur ya Rabbi, Shukur.. O Allah, mögest Du uns gewähren, unseren Verstand zu benutzen. Wir benutzen unseren Verstand nicht mehr. Es gibt eine Vorliebe für Neuerung jetzt, einen Sturm auf ein Luxusleben, der alles überall infiziert. Laßt uns das Streben auf dem Weg Shaytans aufgeben. Laß es uns aufgeben, o Herr, und Allah sagen. Allah Allah Allah! Subhanallah. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Wir sagen Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, und unser Tag wird gut sein, unsere Arbeit wird gut sein. Jedes unserer Werke kommt wieder auf Kurs. Unsere Dunya und Akhirah werden erfolgreich. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Außer den Überflutungen und dem Schnee gibt es Tornados und Hurrikane und auch Erdbeben, die unter den Ozeanen stattfinden. Die Nimrodtürme, die sie gebaut haben.. Sie haben 10, 15, 20 Stockwerke.. Was heißt 20, Shaykh Effendi? Wir haben Häuser mit 40 Stockwerken gemacht. Sie sind verdorben. Wenn es ein wenig bebt, werden alle 40 Etagen euch auf den Kopf fallen! 'Wir haben sie stark gebaut.' Ich werde sehen, wie stark ihr sie gebaut habt. Was ihr gebaut habt, ist nicht stärker als ein Ei. Ein Ei ist stärker. Baut mit dem Bismillah. Macht das Fundament mit Bismillah. Baut zuerst die Moschee. O unser Herr, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi.. Tawba Astaghfirullah. Ich weine, ich weine darüber, daß Shaytan die Menschen verhöhnt. O Allah, Astaghfirullah. Ich bereue auch selbst. Vergib uns zu Ehren Deines Geliebten. Mögest Du uns heilige Diener senden, die uns Deine schönen Wege zeigen. Mögest Du uns vor jenen retten, die Stellvertreter Shaytans sind. Al Fatiha. Möge Allah jedem Schutz gewähren, allen Gläubigen. Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. Möge unser Tag gut sein. Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim und habt keine Furcht. Selbst wenn die ganze Dunya Kopf steht, kann es das Bismillah nicht antasten. Deshalb gebt Nachricht nach Istanbul, ich will handgeschriebene Bismillah Schriften. Die gedruckten taugen nichts. Sie haben keine Macht. Die Kalligrafen schreiben Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim (14 von 15)04.07.2013 23:04:45

791 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Axis

mit schöner Kalligrafie. Menschen kaufen von ihnen und hängen es mit Respekt in ihren Häusern auf. Wir wollen die Drucke wirklich nicht. Sie sollten das Bismillah mit schöner Kalligrafie schreiben. Und sie sollten die Vergütung für jene bezahlen, die schreiben. Sie sollten auch den bezahlen, der sie rahmt und herrichtet. Habt keine Furcht. Dies ist auch ein wichtiger Befehl. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Lefke, 26.01.2013

WebSaltanatOrg (15 von 15)04.07.2013 23:04:45

792 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BackToNature

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BackToNature


BACK TO NATURE Every day Allah Almighty gives his servants new sustenance. He doesn't give stale food, but fresh! New day, new sustenance. Birds do not keep food and let it go stale, they take fresh food every day and don't use frigidaires. They trust Allah Almighty and they don't need businesses, they don't have any inflation. They are very happy... Often I watch pigeons and doves and they never complain that there is inflation. Animals don't have any inflation, but mankind do. Why? Animals have been created for the honour of man and they are so happy. They don't push prices up, and they are living wherever they want, even in London. No-one prevents them to be here or there. There are no writings like, "Out of bounds!" for birds. Dogs have these signs, but the foxes don't. After midnight foxes run everywhere. They are very free and late at night they run around very friendly everywhere. They have no business; no farming, no planting, no carpenting, no building, no governments... But they have rules! And they are keeping their rules, the rules that Allah Almighty has given to them. They never loose these rules. They are very strict in keeping these rules. One rule is that early at night they must come to their home, to their nest. All night there is no work. They are only making tesbih, glorifying the Lord all night. Early in the morning, before sunrise, they get up. That is their rule. This is also offered to mankind: to use the night for resting and for praying. That is also the rule for mankind. But no-mind mankind changed it. They are spending the whole night against the rule of Allah. Instead of taking their rest, they force themselves to be awake all night. After sunset the physical powers of the body decrease. It will come to the point of zero. It gives its last strength for the Isha-Prayer, so when that is done, you must take your rest. Don't do anything, leave everything! The body will rest. It must rest. When it has taken its rest, it will awake in the early morning and breath a new life. Because the way your soul leaves your body depends on how obedient you have been. The Lord Almighty Allah makes a special place under the (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:46

793 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BackToNature

Holy Throne where the soul can prostrate all night. Until they awake these souls are making sadjda which is giving them mercy and their Lord will give them a new breath, a refreshment. When they awake they will come back with a new and refreshed soul. So whoever keeps that rule will never be ill. They will have good health, because whoever awakes at dawn will be granted a Holy Wind, a Holy Breath that comes from the Throne to the Prophet sws. past his holy tomb, and then spreads all around the world. Whoever is awake will be refreshed. They cannot be ill. Everyday a new refreshment comes. Our ancestors lived healthy but nowadays everything is damaged. First of all the minds of the people are damaged. They have filled their minds with rotten ideas. And a rotten mind will give a rotten body. That is why there are countless physicians and thousands of hospitals and thousands of clinics, pharmacies and chemists. People eat more medicine than food. No-one is asking why people are in such a position or situation. Birds don't need medicine and they don't need doctors, no pharmacies and no hospitals. They eat everything, why are those microbes affecting us and not them? They can eat everything. They don't get ill. But those animals that come too close to mankind, they are also starting to loose their health. In civilised countries dogs and cats also need clinics, dog-clinics, vets... Yes, because they are so friendly with mankind they get infected. Rats run away from mankind, and they don't need any vet. Whoever keeps the rules will be in safety. Mankind is destroying rules of nature which the Lord has given. Mankind has destroyed these, and therefore they will be destroyed. Keep the natural rules of Allah Almighty and you will be healthy. Everything will help you in nature. It is your servant, if you are keeping the rules of nature. If you don't keep them, everything will fight you... All the bacteria will ask themselves how to get into you. They are saying that cancer is a dangerous microbe which is fighting man. That is the result of disobedience! No-one can fight cancer. That person must surrender and must die. There are so many very bad illnesses sent to fight disobedient servants. They are so small, Allah Almighty doesn't use huge armies, navies ... No need. He can order these small ones to attack and they will, quickly. How is it possible for them to reach everywhere. If we could see it, we would be crazy. If Allah Almighty would make it possible for mankind to look at those bacteria, they would be very astonished. How do they do (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:46

794 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BackToNature

it? By car, by plane, by boat? You cannot find a place without a virus, without a microbe. Everywhere it is full. All computers cannot even count them. You can't see them to destroy them. The Will of the Lord must continue. No-one can win against the Will of the Lord, Almighty Allah. Against the Lord everyone must be a loser. No-one can face the power of the Lord Almighty Allah. And He is not using the kind of armies that we are used to. Keep the Divine Rule on earth and you will be in safety and in happiness and your life will be full of enjoyments. If you go against it, then you must carry a heavy burden. If that was put on everyone, it couldn't be carried.That is how heavy the burden is, if you go against His Rule. Governments never want you to be against their rule. They get very angry if someone gets against their rule. So what about the Lord of Heavens. Do you think that He wants anyone to be against His Rule? Never! He never wants anyone to be against His Rule. All of nature; animals and birds, are keeping His Rule and they are living just like they did centuries ago, thousands of years ago, in the form which Allah Almighty appointed for them. They are safe. When we changed, everything just changed. You should be obedient and then everything will help you. If you are disobedient, problems will surround you quickly and you must then understand that something is wrong with you in connection to your Lord. That is the reason which makes you fall into difficulties. Correct yourself! Look what is wrong with yourself. When you are correcting it, you can move easily towards your destination. Everything around mankind teaches him, but mankind doesn't look to learn what everything is teaching them. Everything is created for man and everything teaches him and reminds him of how he should be. How he can reach his perfection. Because everything around him is in perfection. Everything which is created is perfect. Once a donkey was braying and Abu Jazid was sitting with so many scholars and they were saying, "Auzubillah..." But he said, "Oh, creature of the Lord, you are just on your perfection!". Yes, everything is in its perfection except mankind. They are not on their perfection. They are not on their perfect line, and they are not trying to reach to their perfect level. The only difference between man and other creatures is that the other creatures are under Divine Will which is controlling them and they have no will power. That is why they are perfect. A donkey is in its perfect level (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:46

795 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BackToNature

by being a donkey. A cat is on its perfect level by being a cat. A dog is on its perfect level by being a dog. That is its perfection. It bites. That belongs to the perfection of a dog or a cat or a wolf or a fox. But not for a man. Men are biting each other. For animals that is alright, but not for mankind. The Divine Will decides who is who; whether you are an animal or a human being, a lion or an elephant, a snake or a scorpion. According to their level, they are perfect. They have no will power. The Divine Will keeps them on their level. But mankind has been given will power, Allah has granted that to you. The Lord forces every creature to be on their perfect level, but He is not forcing man. He granted you that honour. Willpower is one of the Holy Attributes of Allah Almighty, and He has given it to you so that you may use it and by using it, reach your perfect levels. If mankind does not use his will power to reach the level of perfection, he will sink under the level of animals. That is the whole wisdom. May Allah forgive us and give us an understanding about that point. "You are the Sultan and we are your servants. Oh, help us to keep ourselves under Your Will and not to leave Your Will and to follow it". Perfection is to follow His Will London - 15.05.1992

BookPowerOceansofLove, CategoryCreation, CategoryPerfection (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:46

796 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BadCharacteristic

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BadCharacteristic


The Bad Characteristic Most Difficult to Eliminate from the Ego

Yaa Rabbee! Free us from the tyrants, yaa Rabbee, yaa Allah! Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem. Thank you very much; you have honored us, Sayyid. May Allah Almighty never test us with hardship for the love of leadership. To love leadership is the last of the worst characteristics that does not leave human beings. There are several bad characteristics that with effort will leave human beings, but the last one is the love of leadership is the first thing that sent Sayyidina Adam (as) to Earth. . SubhaanAllah! (Guest: And after that his sons, Cain and Abel, one killed the other.) Qabeel and Habeel. For the love of leadership, Qabeel killed his brother and that continues until the end of the world. The love for leadership is a bad character found in human beings and it is the last thing they leave. It is the worse of characteristics, na`oodhu billah, na`oodhu billah! May Allah (swt) never test us with hardship, yaa Rabbee! Amaan yaa Rabbee! Love of leadership started from the time of the Pharaohs and also “Nimrods,” who are now in every country, love leadership. Now the love for leadership made people reach the point to kill each other, even their children and fathers! That caused what happened in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Shaam, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:04:47

797 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BadCharacteristic

Morocco. Even in Africa they generated the love for leadership, whereas before, Africans were accustomed to following their leaders, then they all became like their leaders, questioning, “Why is this one from among us now our leader? He must go out and we must come to power!” This is the meaning of democracy, and Shaytan taught this to human beings. May he go to Hell! SubhaanAllahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem! Love for leadership made him become Shaytan when Allah Almighty dressed heavenly honor on Adam (a), and Shaytan thought, “Why is Adam higher than me when I was created before him? That honor must be for me, not Adam, because I prayed all this time on Earth and in Heavens, so I am much more suitable to be the Lord’s deputy! So much so, I think everyone should make sajda to me! But now our Lord is commanding all the angels to make sajda to Adam? I will never accept this!” In this way, Shaytan became the enemy of all humankind. Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah! Everywhere, the worst, most heinous of characters is love for leadership! Tawbah, astaghfirullah! Allah Almighty says, "I am the Lord! Huwa orders as He likes and does as He pleases." Then Shaytan said to Him, "You are wrong!" A`oodhu billah!Amaan, yaa Rabbee! As the Prophet (s) said: allahuma laa takilnee ila nafsee tarfat `aynin wa laa aqal. O Allah! Don't leave me to my ego for the blink of an eye or less. O our Lord! Don’t leave us to our egos! Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa billah. Lefke, 06.12.2011

WebSufiLive, CategoryEgo, CategoryAdam (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:04:47

798 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BadNews

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BadNews



Q: Why are people more attracted to bad news? Because the ego is a sadist. That is why it wants to look, see, hear and practise badness. It is no good for such bad news to be shown on TV and to be seen in any newspaper and advertised. Like this even little children are learning it and want to practise. That is why the governments should try to prevent all of that and not to show any bad news. LONDON - 01.04.1993

BookKeystoParadise, CategoryEgo 23:04:48

799 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BadSmellOfPeople

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : BadSmellOfPeople


The bad smell of people that go against the Shariat Or: O people, don't step on dirt! As-salamu alaikum! As-salamu alaikum! Allah Allah… Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya. Meded, ya Rijalallah! Ya Mufatiha-l Abwab, aftah lana khaira bab… Ya Rabb, open to Your weak servants the doors of good understanding for Your holy religion, for Your most beloved and praised Prophet S.Muhammad sws! Oh, we are knowing nothing and we are in need for learning! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. By the Name of Allah Almighty, All-Merciful, Most Beneficent and Most Magnificent! O our Lord, You created us, o our Lord, You are granting everything that it is best for us, but we are so ignorant ones, that we are not appreciating Your heavenly Grants! Forgive us, o our Lord, o our Creator, for the honour of most honoured one in Your divinely Presence, who you dressed him (the) Dress of Honour. No one (has been) dressed (with it) before or no one (is) going to be dressed after him, S.Muhammad sws- Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik alayh! Give him much more honour, much more lights, much more grants that You have endlessly Oceans, give to him! And he is our ocean, that we may find everything in that ocean! Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! May Allah first forgive us! We are always dirty. For what? (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:04:49

800 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BadSmellOfPeople

Sometimes we are getting dirty through our thoughts and mostly we are getting dirty for our actions. Always either from mindly or either from physically, we are getting to be dirty and that dirtiness (is) coming from Shaitan. Never (he is) leaving a person to be clean in his Lords divinely Presences, always (he is) carrying mankind to dirty lands, never carrying them to clean lands. And you may imagine if a person (is) going through a rained (?) land and you may imagine if a person (is) going through sewages channels that (are) spread on a land: one (is going to be) clean, one (is going to be) dirty. Therefore we are asking from our Lord cleanliness, to protect ourselves from dirty lands. O people, don’t walk on dirty lands that it is wet through sewage waters! You must think on it! And we are asking that from our Lord to help us and (the) heavenly Answer (is) coming and saying: “If you are asking, We are reaching to you. If you are not asking, We are not reaching after you, no. What (is) happening, may happen to you!” Therefore, (a) Muslim, who surrendered to Allah, he has a good smelling also, good smelling. We may differentiate a good smelling and also a bad smelling. It is some knowledge that (is) reaching to me from my Grandsheikh- Allah bless him and makes his honour more and more in His divinely Presence and in His most beloved servants heavenly Presence- I heard that if a person (is) making backbiting, (there is) coming so bad smelling from his mouth. Angels (are) carrying this to Hells, (and the) Hells (are) saying: “O our Lords Angels, please take that bad smelling from ourselves!” Carrying Angels that very bad smelling to mountains, they are saying: “We can’t carry, take it from us!” (They are) carrying that bad smelling to lands and lands (are) shouting and crying: “Don’t leave on ourselves that dirty smelling!” And (the Angels are) taking (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:04:49

801 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BadSmellOfPeople

(it) to (the) fire again and (the) fire (is) saying: “O our Lord, we can’t carry such a bad smelling! O our Lord, forgive us, we (are) never able to carry that bad smelling from backbiting people!” (And the Angels are) going whole around this world, (but) everything (is) saying: “O our Lord, for the honor of Your beloved one, S.Muhammad sws, for his honour, don’t leave that bad smelling on ourselves!” and then Allah Almighty (is) ordering: “Take this bad smelling, ‘nafes’, breath, take it back to that ones grave and put that bad smelling through that one that (it was) coming from him! Make it to pass to him once again; from where (it was) coming, make it to be there finally!” And that bad smelling Angels (are) leaving through that persons grave, through this nose... Therefore- everything, that means, everything (that is) against Shariatullah, heavenly Orders of Allah, who (is) making his actions against (the) Shariatullah, against (the) heavenly Orders, against it, coming so many kinds of dirty smelling, but now people they are not smelling! Therefore they are running into it, like a fish (that is) diving in(to) an ocean and it is so natural, normal for (that) fish to go through that ocean. And that persons bad smellings (remains), even they are putting so many lotions, so many perfumes, but yet, (even) if anyone (is) lying in a lotion bath, if (he is) lying in it and getting out, (still the) same dirty smelling (is) coming from that person. But Shaitan (is) making ourselves not to smell, saying: “No, good, good, drink a whiskey, you may forget it… no, no…if you are not drinking whiskey, you may drink a champagner…” - If (you are) giving(that) to apes, they are not drinking (it), but man (is) drinking! They may run away, man (is) running on(to) it! - “Drink and you are not feeling that bad smelling! Drink it, o Germans, beer…No, Sir, it is no good, but Vodka, Russians wines, is better, not to smell that dirty smelling…Drink, o my friend!” Shaitan (is) making countless traps to put (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:04:49

802 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: BadSmellOfPeople

a person in that trap and he or she (is) never understanding that dirty smelling. As the Seal of Prophets (is) teaching ourselves and he was adding every action against heavenly Orders; they are one trap and making people not to smell and they are running in it and they are, (it is) going (to come a) so bad smelling for them. And making people Shaitan not to smell: “Don’t listen, drink and be happy!” Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah …. But (there is) coming a day for people, that that it is (their) last day, (and) it is going to be clear every action against (the) holy Orders of Heavens through their real beings. (The) real characteristics of bad actions (are) going to be clear (in that) last moment that from our eyes curtain, veils (are) taken away (and) we are looking. But now we are in (the) examining area! The Lord of Heavens (is) examining His servants; if their feelings is good or bad, if their knowledge is good or bad, if their actions is good or bad (is) going to be clear from everyone (in his) last moment. But it should be too late, (there should be) no (more) time, no time to change it! (It) may be a grant from Allah Almighty to say: “La ilaha ill-Allah, S.Muhammadur Rasulullah sws”; if he is not granted that, just he (is) never going to know anything, but that moment (it is) going to be clear every moment that he did it and passed through his life. Therefore they are saying now: “You must try to be clean! Walk on (a) clean area, walk on clean land, don’t walk on dirty land!” But people, because they are drunk, (are) never listening. “Ad-dinu nasihat”. Whole religions (