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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (58/777)
bringen, so dass sich die Sonne verdunkelt. Benutzt euren Verstand, weshalb folgt ihr der Dunkelheit der westlichen Länder, alle dort mögen (doch) die Dunkelheit. Den ganzen Tag arbeiten sie dafür, die Vergnügungen der Nacht zu erlangen. Ihre egoistischen Bedürfnisse verlangen danach, ihr physisches Vergnügen in der Dunkelheit zu suchen. Deshalb sind sie nicht an wirklichem Glauben interessiert, an wirklichem Licht, das vom Himmel kommt. Oh, Salafi Ulemas, warum sagt ihr nicht zu euren Königen, euren Gelehrten, warum rennt ihr (stattdessen) in den Westen? In die Länder, wo die westliche Sonne untergeht? Warum erinnert ihr eure eigenen Leute nicht? Oh Gläubige, warum sendet ihr eure Leute in die westlichen Länder, Ist das nicht genug (für euch), was der Prophet s.a.s. euch gebracht hat, immerzu sagt ihr nur "Das ist bida, dies ist Shirk, das ist Kufr," usw. anstatt ihnen zu sagen, schaut nicht auf westliche Länder, schaut dorthin, wo die Sonne aufgeht, du wirst alles viel klarer sehen, wenn die Sonne scheint. Es ist eine Sonne für die ganze Welt, sein materielles Aufgehen und (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:04:40

752 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AusDerDunkelheitInsLicht

Untergehen, aber für die Menschheit, die wirkliche Sonne ist gerade aus dem Osten aufgegangen, aus dem sonnenreichen Gebiet und die wahre Sonne ist das Siegel der Propheten, Sayiddina Muhammad, kommt zu ihm, wenn ihr nach wirklicher Menschlichkeit verlangt, kommt und folgt, kommt von Ost und West, oh ihr Menschen. Ahzirukum. Ich warne die gesamte muslimische Welt, wenn sie in den Westen laufen, ihre Dunkelheit, ihre herzen werden untergehen in der Dunkelheit. Die westlichen Länder geben den Muslimen kein Licht, ihre Herzen werden in Dunkelheit getaucht, wenn sie dorthin gehen, ihre Lichter gehen aus. Wenn die (Menschen aus den) westlichen Ländern in die orientalischen Länder kommen, verändern sich ihre Gefühle, sie fangen an, die Realität zu verstehen. Denkt nicht, dass Technologie irgendwas mit der Realität zu tun hat, es bringt die Menschen nur noch mehr in die Dunkelheit, und sie verlieren ihr wahres Wesen. Was ist das, Salafi Ulema, immer kämpft ihr gegen mich, dabei sind meine Worte 100% Realität und nur mutabiq - was der heilige Qur’an sagt, unsere Worte stehen genau in ihm drin. Wir möchten nur, dass die Menschen erleuchtete Welten erlangen und Erleuchtung in ihrem Leben im Diesseits und ihm jenseits. Wer der Technologie hinterher rennt, wird im Diesseits und Jenseits in Dunkelheit sein. Oh ihr Menschen, Oh ihr Menschen, ich bekämpfe mein Ego, und ihr habt Verantwortung für euch selber. Wenn ich irgendetwas falsches sage, ist Allah der Allmächtige fähig, mich zu bestrafen oder mir zu vergeben, er weiß es am besten. Aber was uns gewährt wurde (wa thakir), der heilige Qur’an sagt es, sagt es den Leuten, macht, dass sie sich daran erinnern, wo die erleuchteten Länder und wo die Länder der Dunkelheit sind. Das Siegel der Propheten kam, um die Leute von Dunkelheit wegzunehmen und sie zu den erleuchteten Gebieten hin zu bringen. Aber Shaitan und unser Ego sagt: "Nein, wir sind glücklich und zufrieden mit der Dunkelheit." Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, das ist eine wichtige Warnung für alle Nationen. Möge Allah mir vergeben und euch vergeben. Wir müssen den Heiligen Qur’an verstehen, ich bin ein schwacher Diener, ich kann nicht in die Ozeane des Heiligen Qur’an eindringen, aber sie gewähren mir, am Strand zu stehen, wa thakir. Um die Leute daran zu erinnern, an ihr wahres Wesen, ihr wahren Sinne, und um sie zu lehren, was der beste Weg für sie ist, sie zu beschützen im Diesseits und ihm Jenseits, Sie gewähren uns nur einen himmlischen Schutz, mehr Licht in unseren Herzen, aber die Leute rennen davor weg, rennen vom Licht weg. Nur eine Handvoll Menschen verlangt nach den Lichtern, aber die Mehrheit rennt in die dunklen Ozeane, und sie werden dort bleiben bis in alle Ewigkeit, zu einem schrecklichen Ende. Oh ihr Leute (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:04:40

753 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AusDerDunkelheitInsLicht

in Ost und West, inklusive meines Egos und das des Papstes, und des Bischofs, und des Rabbis, lasse sie (alle) und kommen zu den erleuchteten Welten, dessen Licht durch das Siegel der Propheten alle Menschen und Nationen erreicht hat. Dos Muhammad jani, (türkisches Lied) Hayyyyy, hayyyyy, hayyyy, oh unser Herr, lasse uns nicht in der Dunkelheit. Du hast uns schwachen Diener den Glauben, den wahren Glauben gewährt, und alle Propheten haben (nur) danach verlangt, die Leute aus den dunklen Ozeanen zu befreien und zu den erleuchteten Ozeanen zu bringen, das ist es - nichts sonst. Das ist die Zusammenfassung, die Essenz aller heiligen Bücher, das ist sonnenklar. Keiner sagte je was anderes, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Suleiman, John, David, Jesus a.s., Zakaria, Yahya, alle Propheten kamen (nur), um die Leute aus der Dunkelheit in erleuchtete Gebiete und Ozeane zu bringen. Möge Allah uns vergeben, um der Ehre des Meistgeehrten willen, Sayydina Muhammad, s.a.s., Fatiha. 42 (42) Nun schließen wir, es ist genug, Allah, Allah. Lefke, 13.03.2010, Transcribed and translated by BlogSufi

WebSufiLive, CategoryProphet, CategoryEgo, CategoryShaitan, CategoryJinn, CategoryTechnology (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:04:40

754 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AuthorityToUnderstandTheHolyQuran

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AuthorityToUnderstandTheHolyQuran



Oh man, you were created weak! Don't try to balance big things within your small mind. Greatness belongs to Allah. One of his Divine Attributes is to be able to do whatever and forever what He asks to do. Everything concerning yourself He has put into the Quran. You must believe that. What did Muhammad sws. do during 20 years? He was giving explanations about the Holy Quran, because we cannot enter the wisdoms of it. Even now, you may read a hadith and not be able to give its meaning. If you are not authorised, then you should not comment. But in our days everyone has so many books and they bring them and say, "I know about hadith, I can explain them." From where have they been authorised? In the old days a learned one used to hand on the authorisation to his successor or to his student who would sit infront of him for 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 years and then the alim would say, "I am authorising you to speak to people about the hadith and about the Holy Quran." That is why I am ashamed to recite a verse out of the Holy Quran and then to say the meaning. Even if there is such an authority and if in the traditional way I learned from my teacher and he gave me permission 50 years ago. It is written, in the traditional way, "I am giving the authority to address and to talk to people to my student Muhammad Nazim Adil. I am giving that authority to him because my teacher gave that authority to me and my teacher was also authorised by his teacher and he was also authorised by his teacher... this reaches back to the Prophet sws." (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:04:41

755 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AuthorityToUnderstandTheHolyQuran

If no such authority has been given to you reaching back to the Prophet sws., you will be made responsible whenever you teach the hadith or the Holy Quran. It is a very wrong thing when unauthorised people come and teach, they cannot do that. Allah Almighty is witnessing when we are saying something without authority, and we will carry all the responsibility of the people to whom we teach. Muhammad sws. explained the Holy Quran in a period of 23 years. During this time millions of hadith came, but now Wahabi people have only made one book with a few hundred hadith and they say that it is all which is acceptable from the Prophet. For 23 years Muhammad sws. was addressing his nation and he knew that it was not only for his companions, it was meant for his future nation, for the Muslims to come through all times. He did not only sit with his companions, he was always speaking. If you take all the knowledge of all the learned ones it will only be like one spot compared to the ocean of wisdoms of the Prophet sws. How can anyone say that they know anything? People were coming like rivers to listen to the Prophet sws. were are all these talks? I wonder... They have only put a few hundred hadith and they say that it is all. They accept his Prophethood, but they don't accept his hadith? These ignorant people, some of them even being doctors, are proud and think that they can decide according to their minds which hadith is true and which one isn't. If you are not sure, then admit that you cannot know if it is a hadith or not, just leave it. But don't cut it away. In our traditional books millions of hadith were written. How is it possible to bring the whole Islamic culture into one book. How is it possible? That is why our belief is losing its power from day to day and getting weaker and weaker. Then there will be no more power of faith and people will get into miseries and sufferings and neverending problems. There will not be enough power in our faith to bring the solutions to the Muslims. That is why the Muslim world is boiling like a pot. And here and there the enemies of Islam are making everything against Islam and the Muslim world cannot do anything. I heard that many thousands of Muslims here in Sri Lanka were sent away from their homes. Where is the Islamic world? They are fighting and quarrelling with each other. Why is all this happening? Because our faith is getting less. Allah Almighty has ordered us to be together, but we are separated. There is no value. It is a pity for us. We are even fighting Islam within ourselves. Not only our enemies from the outside, no! (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:04:41

756 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AuthorityToUnderstandTheHolyQuran

Foolish Muslims even fight inside.

Sri Lanka - 30.10.1990

BookPowerOceansofLove, CategoryMuslimNation, CategoryKnowledge, CategoryWahabism, CategoryQuran, CategoryHadith (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:04:41

757 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AvoidFitna

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AvoidFitna


Avoid Fitna as for Imam Mahdi is Near!

Wherever there is a crowd, a certain man would always tag along behind them. He knew they were going to a feast, so he would follow behind and enter as soon as they entered. The doorkeepers or guards of that place would assume he’s one of them and welcome him in. One time he saw a another crowd, only now they were surrounded by police officers, whereupon he said, “Let me follow these people around, they must be important ones,” and went along. Subsequently, they all entered through a castle door with this man following behind. Upon their arrival, the judge said, “Decapitate them!” The man cried, “Aman! But I’m not one of them!” “O, shameless one! Then why have you come with them? Bunu falakaya yatirin, beat him on the soles of his feet (bastinado)!” ordered the judge. “Have the rest decapitated, but this one, beat him on the soles of his feet and see if he will ever follow behind them again!” This is how people are now: they tag along each other, thinking there’s something important, and then they end up falling into problems and getting punished. May Allah keep it away from us! (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:42

758 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AvoidFitna

Therefore, our Prophet (s) is saying, “Do not go to places that are crowded.” If there’s something happening somewhere and a sitting person stands to see what’s going on, he will fall into that fitna. He should stay sitting where he is and not get up! The one who stands up will be subject to punishment. If he says, “Let me go and see what’s happening,” he will fall into it as well. We are in the Last Days. Don’t say, “What’s happening?! What’s going on?!” Shut your doors and sit in your homes; don’t show yourselves. Now all of what is happening is wrong. All of it is wrong! One person takes to the streets, shouting, then others tag along behind him, and others tag along them. They went walking (on the streets), saying, “What’s going on?” and they too fell in to the punishment. That other jabbar, tyrant, stood up in confusion, saying, “What’s happening around?” and he fell in to it as well. The ones in Damascus, Egypt, and Tunisia are also the same. Everywhere, people are saying, “What’s going on?” And in Cyprus, they go out to the saray meydani, Palace Square, saying, “What’s happening?” What is there to happen, O shameless ones? Are they giving out money there? Is that what you are going and running after? What is there? They are consuming each other; they are beating, fighting, cursing each other. But this is not humane; neither cursing nor beating have anything to do with humanity. An effendi (dignified person) is he who does not swear, does not beat or harm anyone. An animal kicks, a dog bites; don’t be like them! You are a human being, but who to say this to? We’re speaking to the wall. May Allah forgive us. Fatihah. So this is how they are but their turn will come; they will all have their turn. When we were little, they used to tell us, “From each and every hair of Dajjal’s donkey a kind of sound comes out; you must refrain from going out the door (to run) after it. Whoever walks out will not be able to enter back into their homes; they will have horns coming out of their heads.” And they said, “In the time of Dajjal, when you enter in it, saying, ‘Ooo! There’s music and dancers here,’ you will also grow a horn and won’t be able to enter back into your home.” He can’t go back in! How could he, when he is immersed in that revelry? Either he will lose his mind or his life. He will be crushed and gone! Huseyin’s father, along with our Turkish people, were throwing rocks at the British soldiers by Girne’s (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:42

759 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AvoidFitna

border. The Greeks attacked the British soldiers, but what is it for us to get up and throw rocks at them? As soon as the British started getting hit, from confusion they lost their direction of aim and shot at the Turks; our faqeer (Huseyin’s father) died just like that! Allah (swt) has shown the truth of it all, and our Prophet (s) has informed us, “This is right, this is wrong; this is good, this is evil.” No one is using their minds. If they did, they would be in a relaxed situation in this world, but they keep running after Shaytan. Everyone should put aside a week’s, a month’s or three month’s supplies in their homes. Let him say, “These are not for me, but I shall also help the poor and destitute.” So this is it, as things will not improve. I mean, once it starts, they will carry on the work, saying, “Now let this collapse, and let these intervene once more, and let the battles outburst once again so Mahdi (a) can come.” Our Prophet (s) said, “Before Mahdi’s arrival, the Arab tribes will go against one another.” He said, qabaa’il al-`Arab, the Arab tribes, and they were the first ones to begin. This means, Arabs are the first ones waiting for the coming of Mahdi (a), otherwise they would never submit. In any case, we are already under that heavenly command. And finally, also, our people will divide into two groups: one group will take the side of the Russians, the other will take the side of the Muslims. Then Mahdi (a) will arrive. They will abandon old politics and come to a new one. Whatever the case is, the time of Mahdi (a) has entered! In the old days, they used to uproot dead trees in order to plant new ones that will grow. His uprooting of the old has now begun; all old trees will be uprooted, and he will plant a new one, whether you like it or not. He who gets angry at this should throw himself in the ocean! Therefore, I am telling you that Amik Ovasi, the Plain of Antioch (in Southern Turkey, close to Syria), will be swarmed with soldiers. (We are weak, O my sultan! What will we do there [how to be safe]?) Be on the side of Islam! Half the army will remain on our side, and the other half will remain on that side. It is connected to Sham; an army will come from Sham and the Muslims will win the battle. They will expel the opposition group all the way to Istanbul, and will enter “Islambol” with takbeers! Then afterwards, Mahdi (a) will come. It has drawn near now. Allah! (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:42

760 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AvoidFitna

Fatihah. Allah yuzunuzu ak, kalbinizi pâk eylesin, May Allah enlighten your faces and purify your hearts! Lefke, 22.03.2011, translated from Turkish

WebSufiLive, CategoryDiscord, CategoryArmageddon, CategoryBiography (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:42

761 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AwliyauLlah

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AwliyauLlah



We hope to not go on the wrong way, we hope to love our Lord, to love and to respect, that is what our Lord wants. Respect Me, have love for Me, I don't want anything else. I don't want any water or food from you. I don't want you to bring me any gold or jewels, no. What I want from you, is to respect Me, love Me. This is Our destur (Our Orders), we should strive for this. Let's love our Lord, respect Him, make Him beloved, make Him revered Amin. Strength for our bodies. May our day be blessed. We started content. We hope to finish content. We hope to not become from the confused ones, not to follow our bad ego, Fatiha. Bismillahi-r Rahmani-r Raheem O holy ones, the honorable dustur (orders) are yours. Assalamu Alaikum our beloved ones. Who should we have as a beloved friend? Those who respect and love Allah (swt). If you are to have a beloved friend, find those who love and respect Allah (swt). If you are looking for a beloved friend, those are the ones, those who love and respect Allah (swt). MashaAllah La Quwata Illa Billah Ya Rabb, dress us with today's blessings. If that is so, then say, oh my servant, Bismillahi-r Rahmani-r Rahim if you want today's blessings and goodness, Say Bismillahi-r Rahmani-r Rahim it is the order of the Prophet (sws). Allah (swt) is teaching the Prophet(sws) Who is teaching the Prophet (sws)? "'Allamani Rabbi" (12:37) My Lord taught me. "Addabani Rabbi" My Lord gave me the best of manners. Who can teach the manners that Allah (swt) taught? No one our Lord, Allah (swt) His, the one He called,"My beloved",His beloved Prophet (sws), take/learn from him. He taught him knowledge, wisdom, love, and yearning. He taught him good manners; how it should be between servant and Creator; how to behave - Addabani Rabbi. Ah. O Glorious Prophet (sws)! It is some strength for our bodies. Oh my beloved friends, where are you? Don't be upset, don't be offended. Do not choose the side of your ego. It is false. Follow the way of Allah's (swt) beloved, (1 von 14)04.07.2013 23:04:43

762 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AwliyauLlah

because it is the truth. You will have honor on earth and in the hereafter. Our Beloved (sws) said. Oh our Beloved (sws)! Allah (swt) is asking S. Muhammad (sws), teach my servants how to address one another how to move about/work Teach them. Dastur Ya Sayyidi, Ya Rasulullah. Dastur, O Holy ones who are following the way of Allah's Habib (sws). Look and find the holy ones. Take blessings from them, those who hold fast to Allah's (swt) way, they have blessings; those who are with them are blessed at a dinner table; if they put a pot of soup. They brought a bowl of milk for Allah's (swt) Beloved (sws) he drank and gave it to S. Abu Bakr (ra), from him to S. Omar (ra), then to S. Osman (ra), then S. Ali (ra) and then to the companions. We never had a feast more sweet, more pleasurable than this. Shukr Ya Rabbi Marhaba oh beloved friends. Who are our beloved friends? Those who hold fast to the way of Prophet(sws) Who is our enemy? Those who follow satan's way. There is no salvation for them. We are saying, Aman Ya Rabbi for the sake of the honorable Habib (sws), do not allow satan and those who follow him to seperate us from the way that You ordered for us. An answer has come, Oh my Beloved (sws) tell us the ones who love you, who follow your way they are your companions and beloved friends. The companions are the ones who were present for Prophet's(sws) associations. The beloved friends are the ones who love them. How nice to befriend good people. Don't go to the stable, you will find donkeys. Go to the mosque, you will find people, those with good manners, those following Allah's (swt) way, those who hold fast to Allah's way "Faqad Faza Fauzan Adheema." (33:71) They are successful in everything they do. The angels above them will protect them, the ones who love Allah (swt). Aman Ya Rabbi Oh our Lord, Subhan Allah Sultan Allah Oh beloved friends! Look for the beloved ones. The old people used to say, the heart doesn't want coffee nor a coffee shop. The heart wants a beloved friend, and coffee is just an excuse. We go for our beloved friends, not for drinking coffee. Why go to a coffee shop for coffee. I can drink coffee at home too. For one cup of coffee, why go to the coffee shop? They say, I go for my beloved friend. Who is the beloved friend? The one who holds fast to Allah's way and Prophet's sunnah/traditions. At the very least, if 3 people sit together if they talk just a little, they will find content and joy. They will say, Ya Rabbi Shukr You allowed us to reach to this day. We woke up for the morning prayer, for the sake of the honorable Habib. Let's get some fresh air, sit outside the mosque or sit (2 von 14)04.07.2013 23:04:43

763 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AwliyauLlah

at a coffee shop near the mosque. Let's meet with our beloved friends, because they want (love) Allah (swt). They want Allah (swt) to be pleased with them. They want to follow the way of Allah's (swt) Beloved Prophet (sws). They want to hear about his nature and characteristics. They want to learn something. They want spiritual pleasure. They do not want this world. They want their Lord's love. They want to follow the way of the Beloved (sws). They want the angels to dress them with nur (light) that's why they go to the mosque. Then if he sits at a coffee shop, he will find comfort. Assalamu Alaikum Marhaba how are you, oh beloved friends? What would we do without you? You are the ones who want to follow Allah's Prophet's (sws) way. You are the ones who have love for him and we also want to take from your love also. Love is the 'taste of life'. It is with love, not with money or gold, not even with piles of jewels, love for Allah (swt) and Prophet (sws) give you life. You will open up. A special light will come to your face. Special power will come to your body. O our Lord, we are weak servants, with Your Generousity and Grace You gave to Your Habib (sws). From Your Habib's lights, You gave to whichever servant You like. We would like to take from those lights too. Let's search for a person, let's go to so and so dergah (zawiyah), let's go to so and so grave, let's go to so and so zawiyah, let's go to so and so dergah (zawiyah). Let's spread out because the holy person lying here followed the way of Allah (swt), made shukr (praise) to his Lord. The holy ones who loved Allah's (jwa) Habib and followed his way - look at the graves/tombs, take wisdom from them. Prophet (sws) is saying - visit them, visit them. That is why, in the old days, they were full of lights when alive, and full of lights after leaving this world also. Search for Allah's awliya (saints) or those who are following their ways. Go to where they are. In this life, sit at their gatherings. If they are not here, they have moved on. They have their graves. Visit their graves so lights will come upon you, spiritual support, power, faith will come to you. Your lights will increase that is why they made graves/tombs. In the last days, lousy people will come and destroy the graves. What right do you have to touch graves? This happened everywhere however, their world collapsed over their heads. It is prohibited to visit graves but to go in front of idols, and say you are this and that? That is allowed? satan is making himself to be worshiped by people, they have become disoriented. O (3 von 14)04.07.2013 23:04:43

764 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AwliyauLlah

Ya Rabbi It is his noble Dastur. Be careful. It is now coming Dasturu Mukarram, right? Not Dustur, it is Destur. Destur means, an order coming from heavens. It has been given to certain servants. It is said - be cautious with them, they will devastate you. Do not try to come against them. They will turn you into nothing, crush you. Be cautious about speaking poorly about awliya (saints). Well, we go to Konya and visit Mevlana, very good. What about in your own country? We don't know. Search so you can find. There are also ones that are walking among you and also those lying in their graves. There was once a person, one of our holy ikhwan. They said to him, who is this person? This person, it is Ottoman practise (to say 'zat'), he is from the ones in the grave who walks on earth; the ones who walk around. He said, most are in their graves. Only a few can be found walking among people. If you look you can recognize them from the lights on their face. Be careful, don't have bad intentions towards them, you will not make it to morning. Don't say, I am a gentleman, a pasha,No. Whoever looks at them in a wrong way, or has bad intentions towards them, he will not make it to morning. If it's morning, he will not make it to evening. They will drag your lifeless body to the grave and bury it. Get your head straight. That person is from the ones in the grave who walk among us. It's not only the ones in the graves, there are also those outside the graves. So, he said, he is from the ones in the grave who walk among our nation. The man began to tremble: Let me kiss your hand. Kiss his hand, kiss his foot. If you don't follow their way, what you will receive is very small. Hold their hands because whoever holds their hands, will go wherever they will go. They are from the people of heaven, whoever holds their hand will go heaven. Whoever doesn't hold their hands, whoever doesn't respect them, whoever destroys their graves, the one who holds their hands is satan and the place satan will drag you to is hell. Ya Rabbi Show us the beloved ones of Your Habib (sws) so we can be with them. They don't become sick. They don't fall into distress, they don't suffer difficulties because they are the ones standing at the Door of Allah (swt). Where is the Door of Allah (swt)? You know those saints you were asking about? It's at their graves. Allah (swt) is their door, they reach to the Prophet (sws), the Prophet (sws) reaches to Allah (swt). What nice manners, what nice sayings. How will someone know the value of someone else? O beloved ones, sometimes they get cross and make me to speak and other times we say joyful words. If you want joyful sayings, in the mornings, if (4 von 14)04.07.2013 23:04:43

765 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AwliyauLlah

you have strength, pray at the honorable mosque then go out, and if there is a grave, go and visit. Read (Quran). After that, come and sit in the association of beloved ones. Allah (swt) will make them to say something nice, a nice saying. Allah's (swt) Prophet (sws) will make them speak. Prophet's inheritors, the holy ones, will make them say. They will say. You will take, you will take lights. The heaviness on your body will leave, you will be revived. Allah (swt) will not make you lie down, Hasha. You will be energetic if they bury you in the grave, until Judgment Day your body won't rot. There are so many people, their grave is opened, and their body comes out unchanged. The people in Istanbul know. Hz. Ayyub Sultan, when they opened it (his grave) Hz. Akshamsaddin showed them. They found his body, they found his b