Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (52/777)
tness of wisdom, the sweetness of willpower and the sweetness of perfection. Until then you must be patient and you must follow. You mustn't say, "Oh, how long do I have to follow without seeing anything?" No, the tunnel is according to your ego long or short. May Allah grant you to reach your Heavenly Stations. You will be happy, absolutely happy . Q: "Is there an exercise by which you could get rid of the tunnel of the ego?" That is part of your life. The moment you come together with your guide, he will give you, just like a doctor gives you a prescription, the training necessary for you and your personality will be given. That is a secret between you and your guide. It could be suitable only for you and not for others. Q: "It is very difficult for us in the West to find that master. Or maybe the problem is to know which small steps we can take. The example of the rich young man is a frightening one because his intentions were wonderful, but when he was asked just to do that one thing, he couldn't do it." Jesus Christ said, and we are saying the same thing, "Follow me!" Even if we can only follow him with our eyes and wish to see him, he is able to lift us up. It is enough to even ask to have that one desire, to move up. The first is to look and to ask and say, "Oh, my Lord, give way and carry me from earth to heavens. And He will send something to send you up. There are also Divine Rockets... LONDON - 01.04.1993
BookKeystoParadise, CategoryGuidance, CategoryTraining, CategoryEgo, CategoryHoliness (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:04:16
670 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ASnakeCannotBePacifiedByMercy
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ASnakeCannotBePacifiedByMercy
A Snake cannot be Pacified by Mercy
Jesus Christ* will not come like he came the last time. He will come to kill the dragon because the world is now full of evil. The first time he came he showed his mercy, with the result that people came against him, wanting to kill him. This time his mission is to correct everything. You may pacify a cat by stroking him, but not a snake! - 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategoryIsa 23:04:18
671 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AsSiratulMustaqim
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AsSiratulMustaqim
As-Siratu l-Mustaqim
If they keep straight, Allah (swt) will correct their situation. If they do not keep straight, He (swt) will take revenge. "Istaqimu"/keep straight the Prophet (saws) used to say. He was indicating to them to keep straight lines. Istiqamat. If there is no istiqamat/straightness there is no righteousness for anyone, never! There must be Istiqama/straightness "Fastaqim Kama Umirta" (11:112) Jalla Jalaluhu addressing the Prophet (saws): "So be straight as you have been commanded"(11:112)”Surat Hud made me gray” said the Prophet (saws). From the glory of the addressing, the holy verse from Surat Hud "Fastaqim Kama Umirta" (11:112) The earths & the heavens all of them tremble from this addressing. Be straight Allah (swt) will correct your situation. If there is no straightness, never! May Allah (swt) protect us. Fatiha. S.N.: Thank you for the news from Heavens, thank you. Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. Therefore Allah (swt) Jalla Jalalahu says.... "The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace. Not the way of those who earn Your anger nor of those who go astray."(1:7) Istiqamat. Our Lord wants a straight man in order to guide him. If he is not straight shaytan is guiding him. Istaqimu! Stand straight! Rasul Allah (saws) used to say. He used to address the sahabas to keep straight, it is the biggest miracle Rajulun Mustaqim/ a straight man it is the highest honour for them in this world & in the Hereafter. It is enough for all the worlds. Fatiha. (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:19
672 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AsSiratulMustaqim
"Guide us to the Straight Way." (1:6) 40 times in 40 rakaats we recite "Ahdina As-Sirata Al- Mustaqima" (1:6) "Sirata Al-Ladhina An`amta Alayhim Ghayr al Maghdub Alayhim Wala Ad- Dallina"(1:7) Allahu Ya Rabbi.... What can we do, we are weak. Bismillahi Al Rahman Al Rahim "Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim, Maliki Yawmi Ad-Dini"(1:3-4) "Iyaka Na`budu Wa Iyaka Nasta`inu" (1:5) "Ahdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqima" (1:6) "Sirata Al-Ladhina An`amta Alayhim Ghayr al Maghdub Alayhim Wala Ad-Dallina"(1:7) Amin, amin. Istaqimu! The highest miracle for the servant is to be straight. The biggest honour in this world & in the Hereafter is for whomever keeps straightness in all his matters, of this world or the Hereafter. Allahu Akbar! Istiqamat wa Astaqim/ Straightness & keep straightness. Be straight, it is enough. The ones who are not straight, are unbelievers. It pulls them towards unbelief & being lost, if there is no Istiqama. May Allah (swt) protect us, protect us O Lord... We cannot do anything. If we recite 40 times "Nasta`inu Billah/ We ask help from Allah(swt), we will be from the straight ones. "Ahdina As- Sirata Al-Mustaqima" (1:6) "The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace. Not the way of those who earn Your anger nor of those who go astray."(1:7) "Guide us to the Straight Way."(1:6) This is a teaching to ask our Lord to be from the mustaqimin/straight ones. There is no Istiqama/straightness in our days now. We have washed our hands from Istiqama/straightness and we placed our hands in everything that is impure. A straight man is free from every impurity from the physical & spiritual, of this world & the other. "Verily the polytheists are impure." (9:28) The polytheist, the ones who are not straight; it means that they are polytheist. Because he places himself in partnerhip to the orders of Allah (awj) by following his own personal orders and this makes him place himself in partnership to Allah (swt). Hasha! La Ilah illa Allah La Sharika La Lahu Al Mulku Wa Lahu Al Hamd, Wa Huwa 'ala Kulli Shay'in Qadir. Protect us & forgive us & have mercy on us, if they believe in one God and are Muslims. Ya Rabbi as You like & accept from us Ya Rabbi. Fatiha. (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:19
673 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AsSiratulMustaqim
Der Siratu l-Mustaqim
Wenn sie aufrecht bleiben, wird Allah (swt) ihre Situation zurechtrücken. Wenn sie nicht aufrecht bleiben, wird Er (swt) Rache nehmen. "Istaqimu" - bleibt aufrecht, pflegte der Prophet (saws) zu sagen. Er wies sie darauf hin, gerade Reihen zu bewahren. Istiqamat. Wenn es keine Istiqamat - Geradheit, gibt, gibt es für niemanden Rechtschaffenheit, niemals! Es muß Istiqamat - Geradheit - geben. "Fastaqim Kama Umirta" (11:112), sagte Jalla Jalaluhu zum Propheten (saws). 'So seid aufrecht, wie euch befohlen wurde' (11:112). Sure Hud ließ mich grau werden, sagte der Prophet (saws). Von der Glorie dieser Ansprache, der heiligen Verse von Sure Hud "Fastaqim Kama Umirta" (11:112), erzittern alle Erden und Himmel, von dieser Ansprache. Seid aufrecht und Allah (swt) wird euere Situation zurechtrücken. Wenn es keine Geradheit gibt, niemals! Möge Allah (swt) uns schützen. Fatiha. SN: Danke für die Neuigkeiten von den Himmeln, danke. M: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Deshalb sagt Allah (swt) Jalla Jalalahu: '..den Weg derer, denen Du Gnade erwiesen hast, und nicht derer, die Deinen Zorn erregt haben, und nicht der Irregehenden' (1:7). Istiqamat. Unser Herr will einen geraden Menschen, um ihn zu führen. Wenn er nicht gerade ist, führt ihn Shaytan. Istaqimu! Steht aufrecht! pflegte Rasulullah (saws) zu sagen. Er pflegte die Sahaba anzusprechen, Aufrichtigkeit zu wahren. Es ist das größte Wunder. Rajulun Mustaqim, ein aufrechter Mann, ist die höchste Ehre für sie auf dieser Welt und im Jenseits. Es ist genug für alle Welten. Fatiha. 'Führe uns auf den Geraden Weg' (1:6). 40x in 40 Rakats rezitieren wir "Ihdina s-Sirata l-Mustaqima" (1:6). "Sirata l-Ladhina An`amta Alayhim Ghayri l-Maghdubi Alayhim wa la d-Dalina" (1:7). Allahu ya Rabbi... Was können wir tun, wir sind schwach. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. "Ar-Rahmani r-Rahim, Maliki Yawmi d- Dini" (1:3-4). "Iyaka Na`budu wa Iyaka Nasta`inu" (1:5). "Ihdina s-Sirata l-Mustaqima" (1:6). "Sirata l-Ladhina An`amta Alayhim Ghayri l-Maghdubi Alayhim wala d-Dallina" (1:7) Amin, Amin.. Istaqimu! Das größte Wunder für den Diener ist es, gerade zu sein. Die größte Ehre in dieser Welt und im Jenseits ist für wen auch immer, der aufrecht bleibt in allen Dingen dieser Welt und des Jenseits. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:19
674 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AsSiratulMustaqim
Allahu Akbar! Istiqamat wa Astaqim - Geradheit und das Bewahren der Geradheit. Seid aufrecht, es ist genug. Diejenigen, die nicht aufrecht sind, sind Ungläubige. Es zieht sie zum Unglauben und zum Verlust, wenn es kein Istiqama gibt. Möge Allah (swt) uns schützen. Schütze uns, o Herr. Wir können nichts tun. Wenn wir 40x rezitieren "Nasta`inu Billah" - Wir bitten um Hilfe von Allah (swt), werden wir zu den Aufrechten gehören. "Ihdina s-Sirata l- Mustaqima" (1:6). Der Weg jener, denen Du Gnade erwiesen hast, nicht derer, die Deinen Zorn erregt haben, und nicht der Irregehenden' (1:7). 'Führe uns auf den Geraden Weg' (1:6). Das ist eine Lehre: Unser Herr fordert uns auf, zu den Mustaqimin, den Aufrechten, zu gehören. Es gibt keine Istiqama, Aufrichtigkeit jetzt in unseren Tagen. Wir haben unsere Hände gewaschen von Istiqama, Geradheit, und sie in alles gesteckt, was unrein ist. Ein aufrechter Mensch ist frei von jeder Unreinheit im Physischen und Geistigen dieser Welt und der anderen. 'Die Götzendiener sind fürwahr unrein' (9:28). Die Götzendiener, diejenigen, die nicht aufrecht sind, das heißt, daß sie Götzendiener sind, weil sie sich selbst in Partnerschaft zu den Befehlen Allahs (awj) plaziert, indem sie ihren eigenen persönlichen Befehlen folgen, und das führt dazu, daß sie sich selbst in Partnerschaft mit Allah (swt) setzen. Hasha! La ilaha illa Allah, La Sharika La Lahu l-Mulku wa Lahu l-Hamd wa Huwa `ala Kulli Shay'in Qadir. Schütze uns und vergib uns und sei gnädig mit uns, wenn sie an einen Gott glauben und Muslime sind. Ya Rabbi, wie Du willst, und nimm von uns an, ya Rabbi. Fatiha. Lefke, 11.12.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryAtheism (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:19
675 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AssociatedWithAllahsGreatness
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AssociatedWithAllahsGreatness
Do You Think Anyone Can be Associated with Allah's Greatness?
(Mawlana Shaykh makes dhikr.) Hay, Hay, Hay, Hay, Hay, Hay, Hay, Haay, Haaaaay, Haaay, Haaay, Haaaaay, Haaaay, Haaaaay. Huuuuu, Huuuuu, Huuuuu, Huuuu, Huuuuuuu As-salaamu `alaykum! Alfu salaat, alfu salaam ala Sayyidi 'l-awwaleen wa’l-akhireen Sayyidina Muhammad. (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) Allahu akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu akbar wa lillahi'l-hamd. Allahu akbar al-akbar. As-salaamu `alaykum attenders who are hearing; some of them we are seeing, some of them we can't see. Today is the last Friday of the holy month, Mawlidu 'n-Nabi (s), and just we have been appointed for addressing to all nations from east to west, from north to south, everywhere. Now we are hearing and this declaration is for all nations. O People! Attenders who are giving time for hearing something for the coming events, the coming days, and the coming Judgment Day. We are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi'r- Rahmaani'r-Raheem. That is the sign of believers and big adab for Muslims, to begin with bismillahi'r- Rahmaani'r-Raheem. (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:04:20
676 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AssociatedWithAllahsGreatness
O People! Through east and west hear, listen, and obey. We are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r- rajeem. Bismillahi'r-Rahmaani'r-Raheem, a sign of believers in their Lord, Almighty Allah, and His most beloved one, Sayyidu 'r-rusulu 'l-Kiraam, Master of the prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) O People! The Seal of Prophets (s) was the first Creation whom Allah Almighty created from His Divinely Lights, our beloved Prophet (s). He is the most glorified one on Earth, and in the heavens also! He was in his Lord's Divinely Presence before anything was in existence. Allah Almighty was addressing. Allah Almighty is not deaf or dumb, haasha (impossible!); Allah Almighty speaks from His Divinely Attribute. Madad yaa Sultaanu'l-Anbiya, madad yaa Sultaanu 'l-Awliyaa, who is responsible for everything on this planet now. Allah Almighty has countless universes, countless. He is the Creator, no one knows when the Creation came into existence, no one knows. We know that Allah Almighty has Divinely Attributes that only belong to Him, and one of it is to create. He is creating. When did He begin to create? O Salafi `ulamas! Once again we are addressing to you because you are claiming that you know and understand everything. And we are asking from you, when did Allah Almighty begin to create? Do you know the time? Allah Almighty is timeless, no time for Him and no makaan, space, from pre-Eternal up to Eternal! No one can know, it is impossible! He is only One, la shareeka la, "He has no partner!" O Salafi `ulamas! You are accusing others so many times of committing, shirk, shirk, shirk (polytheism), but who can be shareek (partner/associate) for Creator? That is very wrong and ugly claiming, yes. Who can be shareek (partner) for Allah (swt)? How can that be? No shareek, no partner for Allah (swt)! But Mankind is sometimes passing over his limits and claiming this and that, thinking that he is going to be second of the Lord of Heavens. Astaghfirullah! No prophet said such a thing, nor any of their followers and believers claimed that. But Salafi `ulamas always say, shirk, shirk. If a person is turning his face to the holy graveyard of the Seal of Prophets (s), you are saying, shirk, shirk. How can it be shirk? Why you are saying, this, if a person turning his face to Seal of Prophet's tomb and making du`a, “You are making shirk”? Why you are not saying, (the same) for the one who is turning his face to the Holy Ka`aba and making du`a there? Is that shirk also? But those people are never given an atom of wisdom! Yes, sir. Allah Almighty has no partner (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:04:20
677 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AssociatedWithAllahsGreatness
because no one is with Him when He was First, and no one is with Him when He is Last. Azaliyun, Abadiyun (The Eternal, The Everlasting). How can it be? But those people who are claiming to be Salafi `ulamas always say, “That is shirk.” (We say) come and teach people something that they will take benefit from their Creator! Why are you continuously accusing people of making shirk? Leave that! That is not heavenly knowledge! What are you saying for Creation? Allah Almighty is Creator and He was Creator from pre-Eternal up to Eternal also. What do you think that Divinely Attribute is, as a badge, laqab ad-dunya (titles of this life)? Allah Almighty has a badge that He is Creator? What is that foolishness? When Allah is in existence His Divinely Attributes are with Him. He was the Creator from pre- Eternal. Where are they? Don't ask! You can't reach to surrounding of His Creation, His creatures. (And those `ulama are asking,) "Why you are saying, this, for what reason?" There is some reason. People think that Allah Almighty only has one world and He is waiting now for the Last Day, and He is ordering to Isra’fil (a) to blow the trumpet and to collect people and give His judgment. Waiting? We are waiting, He is not waiting! For what is He should wait?!! He is the Creator of countless territories through countless Power Oceans in which Creation is running. When Prophet (s) was in the Night Journey, Sayyidina Gabriel (a) brought the Seal of Prophets (s) to a point of honor where no one else can stand, and showed him a parade coming from one side, all with armored armies passing in front of the Seal of Prophet (s) and giving salute, and passing. And the Seal of Prophets (s) asked, "O Archangel Gabriel (a), who are they? From where are they coming and to where are they going?" (And Gabriel answers,) "O the most beloved, most glorified one, I am here fifty-thousand years, standing and looking, yet I am not understanding their beginning or ending. They are running in such a way that if we are looking we may fall down, faint. From where they are coming, and to where they are going, I never know this.” That is an explanation, as a small example, to make people to know the Greatness of the Lord of Creation. He is the Creator! Yet those armies that are standing on the honor point of the Seal of Prophets (s) are giving salutes and passing. All of them are dressed in such an armor that no one can see. They are like lightening, making salutes and passing. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:04:20
678 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AssociatedWithAllahsGreatness
O People! Try to learn something (of value), not something that is useless. Useless is for this dirty world, dirty life. Make your life clean, and clean your body, clean your head (mind), clean your heart, so that something from heavenly realities may come to you for understanding according to your position. Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar. But people are wasting the chance that they have been granted from heavens; that grant we are losing. They are wasting through their short lifetime, and as they are coming from dust and going to be dust. That is the biggest shame for Mankind that they are not trying to understand! They are trying to look into big telescopes to look at the stars at night. They are so keenly looking and what they are finding they are giving a name also, alpha not reaching to beta. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek language, Greek writing yet they are on Alpha 6, Alpha 9, giving names like that, and they are not knowing anything, only a spot of light coming and closing. O People! We were never ordered to look into space and to say something according to our mind's production, “This is that, that is this.” Instead of spending or wasting your effort and capability, using your mind-production for nothing, look (and learn) about their Creator. Ask about their Creator, what is opened to you. But people are never looking at that. They are making the gigantic Hubble Telescope, and it is only like a matchstick. Leave that and look into the holy books, what are they saying, and open it! O Salafi `ulamas! Look and say to be people about the greatness of Allah Almighty! (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi'l-hamd. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Don't run after something that is useless for you and for others! Leave that (condemning of others, saying) shirk, shirk, because there is no partner! Make it clear to people to understand the greatness of the Lord of Heavens! That is important. If going to be a partner, must have another space and he may write on it, “My kingdom.” Why are you not saying such a thing to wake up people? Enough for them to look at this dirty life and waste their abilities, and capabilities for nothing. They are coming dirty and going dirty. Coming with one dirtiness and going with a thousand-fold more dirt. Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyi 'l-`Adheem. O People! Among all nations, leave that research on this nature. Turn your faces to that One Who created that nature, that planet, that space. Who is He? According to holy books you may understand and when you are using your mind-productions, if you are using your mentality, you will open slowly. I am sorry, so many times we are addressing Salafi `ulamas. How can you be `ulamas if you are not teaching people such realities? How (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:04:20
679 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AssociatedWithAllahsGreatness
can you be `ulamas? If you are `ulamas then say to people, to make their hearts be in satisfaction and to slowly reach to heavenly positions! You are not speaking against the Big Bang Theory; you are accepting that universities are teaching about the beginning of this universe, and finally they are coming and making such a huge universe. It is impossible with our capability or capacity! From where the universe is beginning and ending? And finally they are bringing those ignorant, jaahil people, saying, “The beginning of this universe began from one atom." They are teaching that theory in universities in Saudi Arabia. The Salafi `ulamas are never opening their mouths to say that this is baatil, falsehood, from imagination, no reality, but they are putting it in their books to be taught to students! If you are bringing holy books in the universities, they are saying, "We are not accepting to teach or to be taught to people." Yes, why are they not saying? Where is their al-amr bi 'l-ma`ruf wa 'n-nahiy `ani 'l-munkar, "ordaining good and forbidding evil"? Where is there program for that? But they claim, "If you are saying, as-salaamu `alayka yaa Rasoolullah, that is shirk." Ants are laughing and cursing at them, saying, "That is not a full-mind person." Because there is one night weekly, Friday night, Laylat al- Jumu`ah, there is one hour that all creatures, even ants, are making their hands up towards `Arsh, the Holy Throne of the Lord of Heavens, but Man is not doing that! Why are you not teaching people?! That is a secret knowledge. Don't say. "That one is speaking." No, I am nothing, but every creature is making their hands like this (in prayer) towards the Holy Throne and we are quarreling for this dirty world. May Allah (swt) forgive us, and send us for the honor of the Seal of Prophets (s). Enough, it is an ocean, we can't finish it, not up to end of this day, next year, up to end of the world, we can't finish. What is coming is waaridaat (heavenly inspirations, signals), very, very small. If that small one opening, they are going to be ghaariq (drowned). May Allah (swt) forgives us. As-salaamu `alaykum! Fatihah. Lefke, 12.03.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryJumaSohbat, CategoryScience, CategorySaudiarabia, CategoryEducation (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:04:20
680 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AssociatedWithAllahsGreatness (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:04:20
681 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Association
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Association
Once our Grandsheikh addressed me, saying; ”Oh Nazim Effendi, I want to speak to you on a very serious point for which you and all seekers must take the greatest care. Don’t worship your ego as a god beside Allah Almighty. You must be most careful, as this kind of polytheism is the kind you may be engaging in without even knowing it. Ego-worship is the most dangerous deviation from pure faith: hidden idolatry.” All Prophets have spoken out strongly against such foolish notions in religions, against any kind of polytheism. But there is a kind of polytheism that is secret, not so easily detectable. And in reality, so many men are worshipping a god other than God Almighty without even knowing it. Even those who claim to worship only Him Alone usually persist in the worship of this secret idol in themselves And who or what is claiming to be a partner to Allah Almighty? - none other, of course, than our ego. Your ego approaches you and says; “I am the Partner. Whether you like it or not I am the idol you worship, beside Allah. If you insist on worshipping Allah and claim that He is your Lord, and I cannot dissuade you from that folly, then at least you must recognise me as your second Lord and you will endeavour to please me too If you strive to be an obedient servant of you r Lord, you must also strive to be my servant; if you are obeying your Lord you must sometimes also obey me…. Grandsheikh warned us also that this ego–god is never really going to be satisfied with being number two. “No” it says, “I am first, second and third.. Worship none but me.” But when it perceives resistance it make a (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:21
682 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Association
sly calculation and says; “Alright, He is first, I am second,“ knowing that this is his chance to place himself in a position to sabotage our faith and eventually stage its coup. Therefore our task is to dethrone the partner; and all of the prophets were sent to mankind in order to teach them how to go about that task. We are in need of training at the hand of someone who can be firm in the face of his ego’s demands, who, beyond that, has tamed his ego so that it never demands undue attention or pampering. Until you have reached that point you must be aware that you are a secret idolater, and so, your heart will be locked up and cut off from the blessings of Divine Knowledge. By being in the company of a man who has, firstly, realised what a deadly game the ego plays, and secondly, rid himself of its domination, the seeker of truth may arrive at his goal. Therefore, the Seal of Prophets, Muhammad, peace be upon him, taught his companions, above all else, by taking them as his companions, by entering them into association with him. Accordingly, the inheritors of the Prophet, the Naqshbandi Masters, stress the importance of “Sohbet,” association, with the sheikh, as the essential pillar in the training of seekers. Shah Naqshband, the illustrious imam of the line of masters we follow, the imam after whom the path is named and without whom there would be no Naqshbandiyya, always used to repeat in his assemblies; “Our Way is sohbet, association, and all good things result from congregation.” He furthermore stated that if anyone attended an assembly of this Way even for five or ten minutes, he would derive such immense spiritual benefit from that brief encounter as to outweigh the benefits that would be gained by seven years of supererogatory worship. That is the power of the assembly of the inheritors of the Prophet, and augmenting that power is the unanimity of the participants in that meeting, the joining of hearts in sincerity with the heart of the sheikh. In such a meeting such a power descends on the hearts of the participants that even the deep roots of hidden idolatry, of ego- worship, can be pulled out. You may observe that with every association the ego’s power is further undermined. Our Grandsheikh explained that without association it is very difficult to catch the ego out in its game, to identify its tricks and escape from its clutches. We are in need of a guide to show us which paths lead over cliffs, as it is particularly those paths that our ego likes to point to, putting up very authoritative looking signs saying “Thru – way,” or “Short cut “ …. But when you are associating with the Sheikh, the ego and its doings (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:21
683 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Association
are quickly identified and become manifest. The ego’s disguise is snatched off of it so that there, in front of you its stands, naked and exposed. Then you are surprised and exclaim “That is non other than my ego! ……. “ In this manner association with the sheikh may help you to perceive your faults, and then, if you can take up the thread and work on those bad characteristics, improving yourself through applied effort, then you will undergo rapid improvement. Another important point to understand is that whenever any group of our brothers or sisters meet for the
tness of wisdom, the sweetness of willpower and the sweetness of perfection. Until then you must be patient and you must follow. You mustn't say, "Oh, how long do I have to follow without seeing anything?" No, the tunnel is according to your ego long or short. May Allah grant you to reach your Heavenly Stations. You will be happy, absolutely happy . Q: "Is there an exercise by which you could get rid of the tunnel of the ego?" That is part of your life. The moment you come together with your guide, he will give you, just like a doctor gives you a prescription, the training necessary for you and your personality will be given. That is a secret between you and your guide. It could be suitable only for you and not for others. Q: "It is very difficult for us in the West to find that master. Or maybe the problem is to know which small steps we can take. The example of the rich young man is a frightening one because his intentions were wonderful, but when he was asked just to do that one thing, he couldn't do it." Jesus Christ said, and we are saying the same thing, "Follow me!" Even if we can only follow him with our eyes and wish to see him, he is able to lift us up. It is enough to even ask to have that one desire, to move up. The first is to look and to ask and say, "Oh, my Lord, give way and carry me from earth to heavens. And He will send something to send you up. There are also Divine Rockets... LONDON - 01.04.1993
BookKeystoParadise, CategoryGuidance, CategoryTraining, CategoryEgo, CategoryHoliness (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:04:16
670 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ASnakeCannotBePacifiedByMercy
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ASnakeCannotBePacifiedByMercy
A Snake cannot be Pacified by Mercy
Jesus Christ* will not come like he came the last time. He will come to kill the dragon because the world is now full of evil. The first time he came he showed his mercy, with the result that people came against him, wanting to kill him. This time his mission is to correct everything. You may pacify a cat by stroking him, but not a snake! - 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategoryIsa 23:04:18
671 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AsSiratulMustaqim
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AsSiratulMustaqim
As-Siratu l-Mustaqim
If they keep straight, Allah (swt) will correct their situation. If they do not keep straight, He (swt) will take revenge. "Istaqimu"/keep straight the Prophet (saws) used to say. He was indicating to them to keep straight lines. Istiqamat. If there is no istiqamat/straightness there is no righteousness for anyone, never! There must be Istiqama/straightness "Fastaqim Kama Umirta" (11:112) Jalla Jalaluhu addressing the Prophet (saws): "So be straight as you have been commanded"(11:112)”Surat Hud made me gray” said the Prophet (saws). From the glory of the addressing, the holy verse from Surat Hud "Fastaqim Kama Umirta" (11:112) The earths & the heavens all of them tremble from this addressing. Be straight Allah (swt) will correct your situation. If there is no straightness, never! May Allah (swt) protect us. Fatiha. S.N.: Thank you for the news from Heavens, thank you. Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. Therefore Allah (swt) Jalla Jalalahu says.... "The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace. Not the way of those who earn Your anger nor of those who go astray."(1:7) Istiqamat. Our Lord wants a straight man in order to guide him. If he is not straight shaytan is guiding him. Istaqimu! Stand straight! Rasul Allah (saws) used to say. He used to address the sahabas to keep straight, it is the biggest miracle Rajulun Mustaqim/ a straight man it is the highest honour for them in this world & in the Hereafter. It is enough for all the worlds. Fatiha. (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:19
672 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AsSiratulMustaqim
"Guide us to the Straight Way." (1:6) 40 times in 40 rakaats we recite "Ahdina As-Sirata Al- Mustaqima" (1:6) "Sirata Al-Ladhina An`amta Alayhim Ghayr al Maghdub Alayhim Wala Ad- Dallina"(1:7) Allahu Ya Rabbi.... What can we do, we are weak. Bismillahi Al Rahman Al Rahim "Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim, Maliki Yawmi Ad-Dini"(1:3-4) "Iyaka Na`budu Wa Iyaka Nasta`inu" (1:5) "Ahdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqima" (1:6) "Sirata Al-Ladhina An`amta Alayhim Ghayr al Maghdub Alayhim Wala Ad-Dallina"(1:7) Amin, amin. Istaqimu! The highest miracle for the servant is to be straight. The biggest honour in this world & in the Hereafter is for whomever keeps straightness in all his matters, of this world or the Hereafter. Allahu Akbar! Istiqamat wa Astaqim/ Straightness & keep straightness. Be straight, it is enough. The ones who are not straight, are unbelievers. It pulls them towards unbelief & being lost, if there is no Istiqama. May Allah (swt) protect us, protect us O Lord... We cannot do anything. If we recite 40 times "Nasta`inu Billah/ We ask help from Allah(swt), we will be from the straight ones. "Ahdina As- Sirata Al-Mustaqima" (1:6) "The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace. Not the way of those who earn Your anger nor of those who go astray."(1:7) "Guide us to the Straight Way."(1:6) This is a teaching to ask our Lord to be from the mustaqimin/straight ones. There is no Istiqama/straightness in our days now. We have washed our hands from Istiqama/straightness and we placed our hands in everything that is impure. A straight man is free from every impurity from the physical & spiritual, of this world & the other. "Verily the polytheists are impure." (9:28) The polytheist, the ones who are not straight; it means that they are polytheist. Because he places himself in partnerhip to the orders of Allah (awj) by following his own personal orders and this makes him place himself in partnership to Allah (swt). Hasha! La Ilah illa Allah La Sharika La Lahu Al Mulku Wa Lahu Al Hamd, Wa Huwa 'ala Kulli Shay'in Qadir. Protect us & forgive us & have mercy on us, if they believe in one God and are Muslims. Ya Rabbi as You like & accept from us Ya Rabbi. Fatiha. (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:19
673 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AsSiratulMustaqim
Der Siratu l-Mustaqim
Wenn sie aufrecht bleiben, wird Allah (swt) ihre Situation zurechtrücken. Wenn sie nicht aufrecht bleiben, wird Er (swt) Rache nehmen. "Istaqimu" - bleibt aufrecht, pflegte der Prophet (saws) zu sagen. Er wies sie darauf hin, gerade Reihen zu bewahren. Istiqamat. Wenn es keine Istiqamat - Geradheit, gibt, gibt es für niemanden Rechtschaffenheit, niemals! Es muß Istiqamat - Geradheit - geben. "Fastaqim Kama Umirta" (11:112), sagte Jalla Jalaluhu zum Propheten (saws). 'So seid aufrecht, wie euch befohlen wurde' (11:112). Sure Hud ließ mich grau werden, sagte der Prophet (saws). Von der Glorie dieser Ansprache, der heiligen Verse von Sure Hud "Fastaqim Kama Umirta" (11:112), erzittern alle Erden und Himmel, von dieser Ansprache. Seid aufrecht und Allah (swt) wird euere Situation zurechtrücken. Wenn es keine Geradheit gibt, niemals! Möge Allah (swt) uns schützen. Fatiha. SN: Danke für die Neuigkeiten von den Himmeln, danke. M: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Deshalb sagt Allah (swt) Jalla Jalalahu: '..den Weg derer, denen Du Gnade erwiesen hast, und nicht derer, die Deinen Zorn erregt haben, und nicht der Irregehenden' (1:7). Istiqamat. Unser Herr will einen geraden Menschen, um ihn zu führen. Wenn er nicht gerade ist, führt ihn Shaytan. Istaqimu! Steht aufrecht! pflegte Rasulullah (saws) zu sagen. Er pflegte die Sahaba anzusprechen, Aufrichtigkeit zu wahren. Es ist das größte Wunder. Rajulun Mustaqim, ein aufrechter Mann, ist die höchste Ehre für sie auf dieser Welt und im Jenseits. Es ist genug für alle Welten. Fatiha. 'Führe uns auf den Geraden Weg' (1:6). 40x in 40 Rakats rezitieren wir "Ihdina s-Sirata l-Mustaqima" (1:6). "Sirata l-Ladhina An`amta Alayhim Ghayri l-Maghdubi Alayhim wa la d-Dalina" (1:7). Allahu ya Rabbi... Was können wir tun, wir sind schwach. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. "Ar-Rahmani r-Rahim, Maliki Yawmi d- Dini" (1:3-4). "Iyaka Na`budu wa Iyaka Nasta`inu" (1:5). "Ihdina s-Sirata l-Mustaqima" (1:6). "Sirata l-Ladhina An`amta Alayhim Ghayri l-Maghdubi Alayhim wala d-Dallina" (1:7) Amin, Amin.. Istaqimu! Das größte Wunder für den Diener ist es, gerade zu sein. Die größte Ehre in dieser Welt und im Jenseits ist für wen auch immer, der aufrecht bleibt in allen Dingen dieser Welt und des Jenseits. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:19
674 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AsSiratulMustaqim
Allahu Akbar! Istiqamat wa Astaqim - Geradheit und das Bewahren der Geradheit. Seid aufrecht, es ist genug. Diejenigen, die nicht aufrecht sind, sind Ungläubige. Es zieht sie zum Unglauben und zum Verlust, wenn es kein Istiqama gibt. Möge Allah (swt) uns schützen. Schütze uns, o Herr. Wir können nichts tun. Wenn wir 40x rezitieren "Nasta`inu Billah" - Wir bitten um Hilfe von Allah (swt), werden wir zu den Aufrechten gehören. "Ihdina s-Sirata l- Mustaqima" (1:6). Der Weg jener, denen Du Gnade erwiesen hast, nicht derer, die Deinen Zorn erregt haben, und nicht der Irregehenden' (1:7). 'Führe uns auf den Geraden Weg' (1:6). Das ist eine Lehre: Unser Herr fordert uns auf, zu den Mustaqimin, den Aufrechten, zu gehören. Es gibt keine Istiqama, Aufrichtigkeit jetzt in unseren Tagen. Wir haben unsere Hände gewaschen von Istiqama, Geradheit, und sie in alles gesteckt, was unrein ist. Ein aufrechter Mensch ist frei von jeder Unreinheit im Physischen und Geistigen dieser Welt und der anderen. 'Die Götzendiener sind fürwahr unrein' (9:28). Die Götzendiener, diejenigen, die nicht aufrecht sind, das heißt, daß sie Götzendiener sind, weil sie sich selbst in Partnerschaft zu den Befehlen Allahs (awj) plaziert, indem sie ihren eigenen persönlichen Befehlen folgen, und das führt dazu, daß sie sich selbst in Partnerschaft mit Allah (swt) setzen. Hasha! La ilaha illa Allah, La Sharika La Lahu l-Mulku wa Lahu l-Hamd wa Huwa `ala Kulli Shay'in Qadir. Schütze uns und vergib uns und sei gnädig mit uns, wenn sie an einen Gott glauben und Muslime sind. Ya Rabbi, wie Du willst, und nimm von uns an, ya Rabbi. Fatiha. Lefke, 11.12.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryAtheism (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:19
675 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AssociatedWithAllahsGreatness
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AssociatedWithAllahsGreatness
Do You Think Anyone Can be Associated with Allah's Greatness?
(Mawlana Shaykh makes dhikr.) Hay, Hay, Hay, Hay, Hay, Hay, Hay, Haay, Haaaaay, Haaay, Haaay, Haaaaay, Haaaay, Haaaaay. Huuuuu, Huuuuu, Huuuuu, Huuuu, Huuuuuuu As-salaamu `alaykum! Alfu salaat, alfu salaam ala Sayyidi 'l-awwaleen wa’l-akhireen Sayyidina Muhammad. (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) Allahu akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu akbar wa lillahi'l-hamd. Allahu akbar al-akbar. As-salaamu `alaykum attenders who are hearing; some of them we are seeing, some of them we can't see. Today is the last Friday of the holy month, Mawlidu 'n-Nabi (s), and just we have been appointed for addressing to all nations from east to west, from north to south, everywhere. Now we are hearing and this declaration is for all nations. O People! Attenders who are giving time for hearing something for the coming events, the coming days, and the coming Judgment Day. We are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi'r- Rahmaani'r-Raheem. That is the sign of believers and big adab for Muslims, to begin with bismillahi'r- Rahmaani'r-Raheem. (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:04:20
676 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AssociatedWithAllahsGreatness
O People! Through east and west hear, listen, and obey. We are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r- rajeem. Bismillahi'r-Rahmaani'r-Raheem, a sign of believers in their Lord, Almighty Allah, and His most beloved one, Sayyidu 'r-rusulu 'l-Kiraam, Master of the prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) O People! The Seal of Prophets (s) was the first Creation whom Allah Almighty created from His Divinely Lights, our beloved Prophet (s). He is the most glorified one on Earth, and in the heavens also! He was in his Lord's Divinely Presence before anything was in existence. Allah Almighty was addressing. Allah Almighty is not deaf or dumb, haasha (impossible!); Allah Almighty speaks from His Divinely Attribute. Madad yaa Sultaanu'l-Anbiya, madad yaa Sultaanu 'l-Awliyaa, who is responsible for everything on this planet now. Allah Almighty has countless universes, countless. He is the Creator, no one knows when the Creation came into existence, no one knows. We know that Allah Almighty has Divinely Attributes that only belong to Him, and one of it is to create. He is creating. When did He begin to create? O Salafi `ulamas! Once again we are addressing to you because you are claiming that you know and understand everything. And we are asking from you, when did Allah Almighty begin to create? Do you know the time? Allah Almighty is timeless, no time for Him and no makaan, space, from pre-Eternal up to Eternal! No one can know, it is impossible! He is only One, la shareeka la, "He has no partner!" O Salafi `ulamas! You are accusing others so many times of committing, shirk, shirk, shirk (polytheism), but who can be shareek (partner/associate) for Creator? That is very wrong and ugly claiming, yes. Who can be shareek (partner) for Allah (swt)? How can that be? No shareek, no partner for Allah (swt)! But Mankind is sometimes passing over his limits and claiming this and that, thinking that he is going to be second of the Lord of Heavens. Astaghfirullah! No prophet said such a thing, nor any of their followers and believers claimed that. But Salafi `ulamas always say, shirk, shirk. If a person is turning his face to the holy graveyard of the Seal of Prophets (s), you are saying, shirk, shirk. How can it be shirk? Why you are saying, this, if a person turning his face to Seal of Prophet's tomb and making du`a, “You are making shirk”? Why you are not saying, (the same) for the one who is turning his face to the Holy Ka`aba and making du`a there? Is that shirk also? But those people are never given an atom of wisdom! Yes, sir. Allah Almighty has no partner (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:04:20
677 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AssociatedWithAllahsGreatness
because no one is with Him when He was First, and no one is with Him when He is Last. Azaliyun, Abadiyun (The Eternal, The Everlasting). How can it be? But those people who are claiming to be Salafi `ulamas always say, “That is shirk.” (We say) come and teach people something that they will take benefit from their Creator! Why are you continuously accusing people of making shirk? Leave that! That is not heavenly knowledge! What are you saying for Creation? Allah Almighty is Creator and He was Creator from pre-Eternal up to Eternal also. What do you think that Divinely Attribute is, as a badge, laqab ad-dunya (titles of this life)? Allah Almighty has a badge that He is Creator? What is that foolishness? When Allah is in existence His Divinely Attributes are with Him. He was the Creator from pre- Eternal. Where are they? Don't ask! You can't reach to surrounding of His Creation, His creatures. (And those `ulama are asking,) "Why you are saying, this, for what reason?" There is some reason. People think that Allah Almighty only has one world and He is waiting now for the Last Day, and He is ordering to Isra’fil (a) to blow the trumpet and to collect people and give His judgment. Waiting? We are waiting, He is not waiting! For what is He should wait?!! He is the Creator of countless territories through countless Power Oceans in which Creation is running. When Prophet (s) was in the Night Journey, Sayyidina Gabriel (a) brought the Seal of Prophets (s) to a point of honor where no one else can stand, and showed him a parade coming from one side, all with armored armies passing in front of the Seal of Prophet (s) and giving salute, and passing. And the Seal of Prophets (s) asked, "O Archangel Gabriel (a), who are they? From where are they coming and to where are they going?" (And Gabriel answers,) "O the most beloved, most glorified one, I am here fifty-thousand years, standing and looking, yet I am not understanding their beginning or ending. They are running in such a way that if we are looking we may fall down, faint. From where they are coming, and to where they are going, I never know this.” That is an explanation, as a small example, to make people to know the Greatness of the Lord of Creation. He is the Creator! Yet those armies that are standing on the honor point of the Seal of Prophets (s) are giving salutes and passing. All of them are dressed in such an armor that no one can see. They are like lightening, making salutes and passing. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:04:20
678 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AssociatedWithAllahsGreatness
O People! Try to learn something (of value), not something that is useless. Useless is for this dirty world, dirty life. Make your life clean, and clean your body, clean your head (mind), clean your heart, so that something from heavenly realities may come to you for understanding according to your position. Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar. But people are wasting the chance that they have been granted from heavens; that grant we are losing. They are wasting through their short lifetime, and as they are coming from dust and going to be dust. That is the biggest shame for Mankind that they are not trying to understand! They are trying to look into big telescopes to look at the stars at night. They are so keenly looking and what they are finding they are giving a name also, alpha not reaching to beta. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek language, Greek writing yet they are on Alpha 6, Alpha 9, giving names like that, and they are not knowing anything, only a spot of light coming and closing. O People! We were never ordered to look into space and to say something according to our mind's production, “This is that, that is this.” Instead of spending or wasting your effort and capability, using your mind-production for nothing, look (and learn) about their Creator. Ask about their Creator, what is opened to you. But people are never looking at that. They are making the gigantic Hubble Telescope, and it is only like a matchstick. Leave that and look into the holy books, what are they saying, and open it! O Salafi `ulamas! Look and say to be people about the greatness of Allah Almighty! (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi'l-hamd. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Don't run after something that is useless for you and for others! Leave that (condemning of others, saying) shirk, shirk, because there is no partner! Make it clear to people to understand the greatness of the Lord of Heavens! That is important. If going to be a partner, must have another space and he may write on it, “My kingdom.” Why are you not saying such a thing to wake up people? Enough for them to look at this dirty life and waste their abilities, and capabilities for nothing. They are coming dirty and going dirty. Coming with one dirtiness and going with a thousand-fold more dirt. Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyi 'l-`Adheem. O People! Among all nations, leave that research on this nature. Turn your faces to that One Who created that nature, that planet, that space. Who is He? According to holy books you may understand and when you are using your mind-productions, if you are using your mentality, you will open slowly. I am sorry, so many times we are addressing Salafi `ulamas. How can you be `ulamas if you are not teaching people such realities? How (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:04:20
679 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AssociatedWithAllahsGreatness
can you be `ulamas? If you are `ulamas then say to people, to make their hearts be in satisfaction and to slowly reach to heavenly positions! You are not speaking against the Big Bang Theory; you are accepting that universities are teaching about the beginning of this universe, and finally they are coming and making such a huge universe. It is impossible with our capability or capacity! From where the universe is beginning and ending? And finally they are bringing those ignorant, jaahil people, saying, “The beginning of this universe began from one atom." They are teaching that theory in universities in Saudi Arabia. The Salafi `ulamas are never opening their mouths to say that this is baatil, falsehood, from imagination, no reality, but they are putting it in their books to be taught to students! If you are bringing holy books in the universities, they are saying, "We are not accepting to teach or to be taught to people." Yes, why are they not saying? Where is their al-amr bi 'l-ma`ruf wa 'n-nahiy `ani 'l-munkar, "ordaining good and forbidding evil"? Where is there program for that? But they claim, "If you are saying, as-salaamu `alayka yaa Rasoolullah, that is shirk." Ants are laughing and cursing at them, saying, "That is not a full-mind person." Because there is one night weekly, Friday night, Laylat al- Jumu`ah, there is one hour that all creatures, even ants, are making their hands up towards `Arsh, the Holy Throne of the Lord of Heavens, but Man is not doing that! Why are you not teaching people?! That is a secret knowledge. Don't say. "That one is speaking." No, I am nothing, but every creature is making their hands like this (in prayer) towards the Holy Throne and we are quarreling for this dirty world. May Allah (swt) forgive us, and send us for the honor of the Seal of Prophets (s). Enough, it is an ocean, we can't finish it, not up to end of this day, next year, up to end of the world, we can't finish. What is coming is waaridaat (heavenly inspirations, signals), very, very small. If that small one opening, they are going to be ghaariq (drowned). May Allah (swt) forgives us. As-salaamu `alaykum! Fatihah. Lefke, 12.03.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryJumaSohbat, CategoryScience, CategorySaudiarabia, CategoryEducation (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:04:20
680 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AssociatedWithAllahsGreatness (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:04:20
681 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Association
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : Association
Once our Grandsheikh addressed me, saying; ”Oh Nazim Effendi, I want to speak to you on a very serious point for which you and all seekers must take the greatest care. Don’t worship your ego as a god beside Allah Almighty. You must be most careful, as this kind of polytheism is the kind you may be engaging in without even knowing it. Ego-worship is the most dangerous deviation from pure faith: hidden idolatry.” All Prophets have spoken out strongly against such foolish notions in religions, against any kind of polytheism. But there is a kind of polytheism that is secret, not so easily detectable. And in reality, so many men are worshipping a god other than God Almighty without even knowing it. Even those who claim to worship only Him Alone usually persist in the worship of this secret idol in themselves And who or what is claiming to be a partner to Allah Almighty? - none other, of course, than our ego. Your ego approaches you and says; “I am the Partner. Whether you like it or not I am the idol you worship, beside Allah. If you insist on worshipping Allah and claim that He is your Lord, and I cannot dissuade you from that folly, then at least you must recognise me as your second Lord and you will endeavour to please me too If you strive to be an obedient servant of you r Lord, you must also strive to be my servant; if you are obeying your Lord you must sometimes also obey me…. Grandsheikh warned us also that this ego–god is never really going to be satisfied with being number two. “No” it says, “I am first, second and third.. Worship none but me.” But when it perceives resistance it make a (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:21
682 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Association
sly calculation and says; “Alright, He is first, I am second,“ knowing that this is his chance to place himself in a position to sabotage our faith and eventually stage its coup. Therefore our task is to dethrone the partner; and all of the prophets were sent to mankind in order to teach them how to go about that task. We are in need of training at the hand of someone who can be firm in the face of his ego’s demands, who, beyond that, has tamed his ego so that it never demands undue attention or pampering. Until you have reached that point you must be aware that you are a secret idolater, and so, your heart will be locked up and cut off from the blessings of Divine Knowledge. By being in the company of a man who has, firstly, realised what a deadly game the ego plays, and secondly, rid himself of its domination, the seeker of truth may arrive at his goal. Therefore, the Seal of Prophets, Muhammad, peace be upon him, taught his companions, above all else, by taking them as his companions, by entering them into association with him. Accordingly, the inheritors of the Prophet, the Naqshbandi Masters, stress the importance of “Sohbet,” association, with the sheikh, as the essential pillar in the training of seekers. Shah Naqshband, the illustrious imam of the line of masters we follow, the imam after whom the path is named and without whom there would be no Naqshbandiyya, always used to repeat in his assemblies; “Our Way is sohbet, association, and all good things result from congregation.” He furthermore stated that if anyone attended an assembly of this Way even for five or ten minutes, he would derive such immense spiritual benefit from that brief encounter as to outweigh the benefits that would be gained by seven years of supererogatory worship. That is the power of the assembly of the inheritors of the Prophet, and augmenting that power is the unanimity of the participants in that meeting, the joining of hearts in sincerity with the heart of the sheikh. In such a meeting such a power descends on the hearts of the participants that even the deep roots of hidden idolatry, of ego- worship, can be pulled out. You may observe that with every association the ego’s power is further undermined. Our Grandsheikh explained that without association it is very difficult to catch the ego out in its game, to identify its tricks and escape from its clutches. We are in need of a guide to show us which paths lead over cliffs, as it is particularly those paths that our ego likes to point to, putting up very authoritative looking signs saying “Thru – way,” or “Short cut “ …. But when you are associating with the Sheikh, the ego and its doings (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:04:21
683 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Association
are quickly identified and become manifest. The ego’s disguise is snatched off of it so that there, in front of you its stands, naked and exposed. Then you are surprised and exclaim “That is non other than my ego! ……. “ In this manner association with the sheikh may help you to perceive your faults, and then, if you can take up the thread and work on those bad characteristics, improving yourself through applied effort, then you will undergo rapid improvement. Another important point to understand is that whenever any group of our brothers or sisters meet for the