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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (37/777)
Allmächtige die Ansprache an alle zusammen richtete, so daß wenn wir z. B. sagen, daß es ein Instrument gibt, einen Satelliten, er ist nur einer, ja? Aber er reicht überall hin, wo es eine Verbindung gibt. Wie kennt Allah der Allmächtige diese Schöpfung ohne Verbindung mit ihrem Schöpfer? Das muß sein, muß sein, weil wenn es keine Verbindung gibt bei ihrer Schöpfung, kommen sie nicht in die Existenz. Sie können nicht erscheinen. Ja? Und Allah der Allmächtige wartet nicht. Azali - Abadi. Niemand kennt die wirkliche Bedeutung, das wirkliche Verständnis. (8 von 10)04.07.2013 23:03:31

467 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AmINotYourLord2

 Marhaban, Salafi Ulama. Glaubt nicht, daß das, was Allah der Allmächtige herabsendet an Seinen Meistgeliebten Diener, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws), der Quran Karim, wie ein Lesebuch in der Schule ist. Er ist Ummu l-Kitab. Und vom Herrn der Himmel, dem Herrn der Menschheit, ist diese Ansprache fortdauernd. Und was glaubt ihr, unsere Salafi Ulama, was ist mit Allah dem Allmächtigen? Glaubt ihr, daß Er Seine Diener nicht erkennt? Und ihr, unter hundert Kindern könnt ihr euere Kinder erkennen. Allah der Allmächtige erschuf Dhurriyat Adam, die Nachkommen Adams, und Er weiß nicht, wer dieser oder jener ist? Und ihr auch, ihr wißt. 'Ptu' (spuckt) auf Shaytan, Shaytan, der die Leute dazu bringt... Auf Shaytan mache ich 'Ptu', auf Shaytan und seine Anhänger auch. Noch einmal 'Ptu' auf Shaytan und seine Anhänger. Gut, sagt ihr auch, 'Ptu'. Tawba Astaghfirullah. Ihr, unter 100 Kindern erkennt ihr euere Kinder? Kennt ihr auch ihre Namen? Oder kennt ihr sie nicht? Wie? Wie? Das ist auch wichtig. Unsere Salafi Ulama, Marhaban. Marhaban, ya Marhaban. Kennt ihr euere Kinder? 'Ja'. Kennt ihr ihre Namen? 'Ja'. Allah der Allmächtige erschuf unsere Atome, das wahre Sein der Menschheit auf diesem Mash'had. Auf diesem großen Mash'had, Landschaft, Panorama, Versammlungsort. 'Ptu' auf Shaytan noch einmal. Shaytan ist auch böse auf mich. Vielleicht mit dem, der böse auf mich ist, ist Shaytan zufrieden. Deshalb warne ich euch, Salafu s-Saleh, "la taghdab `alay" - seid nicht böse mit mir. Nein, Shaytan ist sehr böse mit mir. "Man tashshabbah bi qawmin fa huwa minhum". Shaytan schimpft und ich schimpfe und mache 'Ptu' auf Shaytan. Deshalb Salafu s- Saleh hütet euch! Arabisch? (Hazar al hazar) Ahzar, seid nicht böse mit mir. Seid böse mit Shaytan. Das ist wahr. Dann eine andere Frage, die kommt: Ihr habt Kinder, ihr kennt ihre Anzahl? 'Ja.' Wenn euere Kinder unter hundert Kindern sind, könnt ihr sie finden und könnt sie mit Namen rufen. Okay? 'Okay'. An diesem Tag, als Allah der Allmächtige sagte: "Alastu BiRabbikum?" zu den Nachkommen von Adam, war es eine allgemeine Ansprache oder eine private? Die Awliya, die auf diese Stufe reichen, wissen, daß Allah der Allmächtige jeden in diesem Panorama mit sieben Namen ansprach. Ihr habt so etwas noch nie gehört, ich weiß. Sieben Namen. Und der erste, der angesprochen wurde von den Leuten läuft, läuft, läuft. Er läuft fortdauernd, dieser Adam. Der neue Adam, eine neue Generation. Neue Adams, neue Generationen. Und die Awliya kennen ihre Namen und sagen, der erste von den sieben war Abdullah. Wa min Allahi t-Tawfiq. Wir hören hier auf. Wir machen Schluß, weil dies ein Ozean ist. Wenn wir hineingehen, wissen wir nicht, wie wir wieder herauskommen. Behauptet nicht, ihr seid Ulama, sondern "Kun Taliban". Als Suchende könnt ihr mehr und mehr und mehr lernen. Möge Allah uns vergeben zu Ehren des Siegels der Propheten (saws). Fatiha. (9 von 10)04.07.2013 23:03:31

468 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AmINotYourLord2

Lefke, 28.03.2010

WebSaltanatOrg (10 von 10)04.07.2013 23:03:31

469 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ANewSpiritualCentury

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ANewSpiritualCentury


A New Spiritual Century

Since 70 years Muslims have left the foundation of Heavenly Rules and are trying to arrange their lives by following western 'isms': socialism, communism, capitalism, liberalism... How can a Muslim consider to lead their life without the guidance of the Holy Quran? Oh believers, you must be examples for this heedless Muslim world which has chosen to follow the western world! All solutions for the problems of the world today are in the Holy Quran. All doors are locked if people don't follow the Holy Commands. Their period will be finished by the beginning of the 21st century. I am happy to see that the Crown-Prince of this country has realised and is saying aloud that the 21st century must be a spiritual century. Nothing of the foolishness of this century will remain. Allah has inspired the Crown-Prince to say to his people to be interested in Heavenly Orders! He understands more than most Muslims, who only want to be followers of modern life. Ask forgiveness and ask Allah to send us His Holy People to defeat all evil. When Mehdi a.s. and Jesus a.s. come, the whole world will be ruled under Islamic Order and no unbelievers will be left. Those are good tidings. 01.01.1996 (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:03:32

470 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ANewSpiritualCentury

BookSecretDesires, CategoryArmageddon, CategoryMuslimNation (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:03:32

471 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AngelsOfProtection

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AngelsOfProtection


Angels of Protection

There is no protection, except from Allah. Sayyidina Ali r.a. appeared one night to a group of his followers in their tent. It was on a battlefield and he had crossed the enemy's side without any bodyguards. They asked him in surprise why he was doing something as risky as that. "Don't you believe that Allah the Almighty puts Angels of Hafasa to protect you? He puts one in the front and one behind. If it is the will of Allah the Almighty for something to come on a servant, the angels will not prevent it. If Allah has not given permission for anything harmful to reach a servant, the angels will cover you from front to back. Don't worry, you are companions!" 01.01.1997

BookPureHearts, CategoryKhalifa, CategoryAngel 23:03:33

472 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AngelsWarningComingToYourConscience

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AngelsWarningComingToYourConscience


Angels Warning comes to your conscience! As-salamu alaikum!... If you are sitting a little bit (like this)... to look everyone, because it is better to hear and to look... (Then you are) taking much more share from our speech, everywhere also… Destur, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded! Ya Rijalallah, Meded! As-salamu alaikum! It is (an) order from Rasulullah sws to make among ourselves more to say: »As-salamu alaikum«, because with 'Salam' (is) coming much more blessings. 'Salam' (is) carrying blessings. Or standing up, not coming. Such, some clouds (are) coming (and) going, but not giving, not raining. Some of them (are) approaching and giving rain. Therefore, who (is) asking heavenly Rains with Blessings of Allah Almighty, say much more: » As-salamu alaikum!« It is so important that Allah Almighty (is) ordering: »Idha dakhaltum buyut, fa sallimu 'ala ahliha... When you are entering to a place, to one home or house, say: 'As- salamu alaikum'!« Therefore, before, it is our good manner, if (someone was) coming and knocking (the) door, from inside someone (was) asking: »Who is there?« (And:) »As-salamu alaikum«, (was) saying that coming person. Even- (it is) so important to say: »Salam«- even when you are getting in a place, in a home, (and) no one (is) there: »Fa sallimu 'ala ahliha…« If no one (is) there also, you must (still) say: » As-salamu alaikum! As-salamu alaikum wa 'ala 'ibadi-llahi salihin!« It is so important and it is 'bi shailillah (?)', from the signs of or (a) symbol of Islam, to say: »As-salamu alaikum!« (If) (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:03:34

473 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AngelsWarningComingToYourConscience

anyone (is) not saying ('Salam'), you may understand that he is not (a) Muslim! Therefore we are saying to our attenders- may Allah bless you with, from His endless Blessings Oceans- : As much as possible try to take much more blessings from Allah Almighty! But people, they are running to reach something from (the) material world, but (they are) not thinking to save much more blessings. So greedy people now! Even (the) Muslim World people, they are so greedy, to ask much more blessings. For what you are living? For Allah or for your ego? For what you are living? You are trying to make your ego happy or you are trying to enjoy your ego… People (are) asking enjoyment for themselves, (they are) not asking to make their Lord enjoyful with them. As much as you can do anything for yourself, (it is) going to be disappearing, finishing... finishing! But what you are doing for Allah Almighty, will remain: » 'Amalu salih yabqa, good deeds (are) remaining«, but bad deeds (are) never remaining- for what! I am sorry to say that (the) whole Muslim World they are going on a wrong direction! Their idea, their target, is not to ask blessings from Heavens, but they are asking (something) for themselves: to make their egos much more (to be) enjoying and (to be) much more getting to be happy. But it is (a) big false, (the) wrong way, wrong way! I looked a new instrument, teaching small ones letters and words also. I am only remembering from that small instrument (that) sometimes (you are) pressing (a button) and (there is) coming (a voice), saying: »Wrong! Wrong way! Wrong!« That (is) in my memory. Yes. How many times (are) Angels addressing to your souls: »Wrong! Wrong stepping! Wrong action«? How many times (they are) saying (this)? When that instrument (is) saying: »Wrong«, that boy is correcting, quickly correcting! But so... billions of people, just (the) heavenly »Attention« (is) coming to them, (the heavenly) Warning (is) coming to their souls, but never (they are) correcting! So many (warnings)! For everything (it is): Wrong or right. Heavens (are) not leaving anyone on earth alone! Always that Warning (is) coming from Heavens to our conscience, saying: »Wrong!« But people (are) saying: »I (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:03:34

474 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AngelsWarningComingToYourConscience

don't care! I don't care!« Like Pharaoh. How many times Moses (was) saying: »Come to your Lord and surrender«, Pharaoh was saying: »I don't care!« So many times Abraham (was) calling Nimrod: »Come and surrender to your Creator, (the) Lord of Heavens« and he was saying: »I don't care! I don't care! I don't care!« And therefore (the) Prophet was saying sws: »O people! If Allah Almighty (was) leaving everyone with his ego, and giving (them) a chance to be (a) Pharaoh or Nimrod, I don't think that anyone (was) going to be Muslim! Everyone (is) going to say: 'I am the Lord of Heavens!'- Astaghfirullah! - or to say: 'I am (the) owner of whole continents! Whole countries that I am on it, belong to me!' Everyone should claim that he is (the) owner of Heavens and earth!« But Allah Almighty (is) not giving (to them a) full opportunity. Not giving! If (He was) giving, everyone (is) going to claim: »I am (the) Lord! I am your Lord!« Not (only an) ordinary lord, but (he is) saying: »Ana Rabbukum al 'ala!« (He is) not accepting to be an ordinary idol for people, but (he is) saying: »I am most important! I am on top! Even you are serving, worshipping, so many 'ilah', gods, but I am the greatest one!« That is Nimrod! Therefore everyone (is) going to say this! Now that it's title (is) this time, they are saying: »We are (the) most civilized people, (the) most perfect people that (ever) passed before our time!« You can't find even a small ones (not) to say: »I am this one!« Everyone (is) just taking a condition or... to be like a Nimrod. Everyone (is) asking that: »What I am asking, must be! What I am asking, you must give to me!« (They are) fighting to their parents, fighting to their teachers, fighting to (the) government.. . fighting to everything, saying: »What I am saying, what I am asking, you must give to me!« The title and famous 'tabiat', (attribute). .. they are on that way, no difference between Nimrod that passed away and (everyone) who is now living on earth! Therefore Allah Almighty (is) making among themselves 'nufur', hatred. Hating; everyone (is) hating from others: Children (are) hating from their parents, men and women (are) hating from (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:03:34

475 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AngelsWarningComingToYourConscience

each other, children (are) hating among themselves, neighbours (are) hating between themselves, nations (are) hating other nations... Subhanallah! That hatred (is) just planted through peoples hearts. Who is (the) planter, 'sari'? Who is (the) farmer that (is) farming through people that hatred? Hatred! Now (the) Love that Allah Almighty (had) granted to nations, to people, (is) just taken up. Not taken up, but people they are kicking that out and people (are) running after hatred. Therefore, they are saying: »(We are the) most civilized people now«, (but) they are cursed people, whom they are saying such a things! How? You are kiling, destroying, burning- how you are saying: »We are most civilized people«? What is that foolishness? And you are killing innocent people and you are not believing that (on) the Day of Resurrection you should be asked, when Allah Almighty (is) asking: »...Bi ayi thanbin kutilat? O murderer! How you killed that small one? How, what was its mistake that you killed her, killed him, (that) small one?« Allah (is) going to ask! How they are saying: »We are (the) most civilized people«? They are liars, more than Shaitan! Shaitan, it has more honour than those people living now, 21st century people! Jehannamiyun! Shaitan should be (on the) first level of fire, (but) those people should be (on the) 7th, (on the) lowest level of Jehannam, (of) fire, (of) Hells! That is (the) panorama that I am not thinking to speak to you on it, but when my heart (is) just (getting) in connection with heavenly Power, they are making me to say (this). But it is real truth what we are saying! We are not accepting those people! Killers should be punished through (the) lowest level of fire! It is too suitable for them! O people, beware from Shaitan! Beware, (not) to follow your egos! Allah created you and (He is) giving through your creation from His heavenly Love, putting. You are not using that Love, (4 von 7)04.07.2013 23:03:34

476 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AngelsWarningComingToYourConscience

(you are) kicking it down and taking from Shaitan hatred and enmity and killing people, innocent people, burning them, shooting them- what is that! I am calling to whole nations! We are here only (a) handful people- (it) doesn't matter! Allah Almighty (is) making something to reach to East and West! I am nothing! I am nothing, but they are making my language (tongue?) to speak truth! No one can say: »You are wrong!« I may kick him! May Allah forgive us! O people, beware from your ego! Beware from Shaitan, because (he is) carrying you to fire- (the) fire of Dunya, (the) fire of eternal life. Try to reach Eternity with your Lords Pleasure! Beware, not to be through (the) worst conditions: misery through fire! O Lord, forgive us!... It is enough… We are not reaching to say: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, but (it is) coming such a powerful oceans, warnings, to whole mankind! They must come (to accept) what our Lord (is) sending and they must try to keep whole ones rights! Animals rights! Ehhh, animals rights! »What are you doing?« »I am keeping dogs. We like so much dogs, therefore we are defenders of the rights of animals.« Tu on you! Astaghfirullah! You are not thinking (about) the rights of mankind, you are running to make dogs… »Sheikh Effendi!« »What is?« »There is berber shops…« »Hah? For what berber? To shave my head?« »No, there is... because now we are so improved people that we are trying to keep (the) rights of animals…« »Eh? For what?« »And we are keeping some dogs... some of them (named) 'Churchill' also…« »Who is that? (5 von 7)04.07.2013 23:03:34

477 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AngelsWarningComingToYourConscience

From where bringing this 'Churchill'?« Tauba, Astaghfirullah. .. »I mean to say, Sheikh Efendi, we are very very very late people... You must not be in our days, because you don't know (about the) rights of animals...« »How old are you! In my place there is 40 cats!« »Eh, you are taking your cats to berber shop?« »Hah?« »They are making like this, like this, like this… they are making themselves so (nice)…« »No need!« »No, we are keeping our dogs and bringing (them) to (the) berber shop and we are coming... some of them must be, when (we are) bringing that dog« - ajallahuhumullah- »our staff (must be) 7 staffs!« »For what?« »To keep (the) dog, our dog, because we are bringing (him) to (the) berber shop, to give (him) a good view, therefore… but sometimes (he is) coming (and biting)… therefore two persons must keep their head, some of them from (the) tail we must keep, and (we need) two people for (the) legs and hands so that… sometimes (he is) shouting also… therefore we are bringing, sometimes one of them (is) putting a bone to their mouth to be occupied, when they are making (the shaving) … We are keeping (the) rights of animals!« »What about mankind?« »I don't care! I don't care, my dogs is much more important for me and our cats (are) much more. Others doesn't matter. We like to be written our names (as a) 'first class animals rights keeper' and we hope that maybe (the) government gives us a medal. And when we are passing away, they may put on (our) coffin that: 'This person, he was such a animals rights keeper'.« » What about mankind?« »Eh, what is that mankind! Everyone must have from mankind even (a) cat to give their rights!« Now the meaning of their highest civilization level for them (is) to be on the just level of (6 von 7)04.07.2013 23:03:34

478 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AngelsWarningComingToYourConscience

animals. And (the) worst thing (is): Some municipality (is) ordering: »Who is carrying their dogs, also must carry a bag and also a shovel!« If anything (the dog is) doing on (the) way, that person must take (it) and carry (it away)… What is (this)? This is (the) honour of mankind? They are proud in such a way? I am sorry, so sorry, whom (is) making mankind to fall (on) the lowest level of creation… May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the most honoured one in His divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha… Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah… Sultan Sensin, ya Allah!… Allahumma salli wa sallim 'ala Nabiyina Muhammad, alayhi salam, salatan tadumu wa tughda ilay, mamarra layali wa tula dawam… Fatiha… ziyadatan li sharfin Nabi sws… Fatiha Lefke, 16.3.2008 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryBlessing, CategoryMuslimNation, CategoryAnimal (7 von 7)04.07.2013 23:03:34

479 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AnnihilateInAllah

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AnnihilateInAllah


Annihilate in Allah Before Shaytan Traps You in False Pride

Dastoor yaa Sayyidee. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah! Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillaahi ‘l-hamd! Alfu salaat, alfu salaam `ala Sayyidi ’l-awaleena wa ‘l-akhireen, Sayyidina Muhammad wa `alaa aalihi wa sahbihi ajma’een. Dastoor yaa Rijaalullah, madad. As-salaamu `alaykum, our salute, to everyone who believes; it gives them honor. That salute is only for believers as unbelievers are not understanding and their level is under that of animals. Therefore, we are saying, “As-salaamu `alaykum;” a salute for those who believe! This is a short association. Associations are necessary and obligatory. We are weak servants, weak in our physical being, but with our spiritual being we are the most important creatures in Creation. That is something granted to Mankind! I am saying, A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani ‘r-rajeem. O my Lord! I am running to you from the traps of the first enemy of Creation, Shaytan, the most dangerous and terrible enemy! We may say its nature is dressed in hasad, envy, making it the most envious one among all Creation that you can’t find anyone else comparable in badness: it is the worst! Shaytan was so envious when Allah Almighty created Man and dressed him in such high honor that was never granted to any other creature. He was so angry, thinking that (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:35

480 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AnnihilateInAllah

honor granted to Adam (a) would be for him, but Allah Almighty created Adam (a) with His Heavenly Hands and gave him such beauty and high understanding. Shaytan was so angry, he said to his Lord Almighty, Allah, ...(Mawlana Shaykh stands) SultaanAllah! SubhaanAllah! (Mawlana Shaykh sits), (he said,) “Why are You doing that? I am the most perfect one among all Creation and suitable for that rank. I anticipated that honor would be granted to one creature, me, although it was a hidden secret. So I tried my best to be better than every other creature, to do more than what is expected of everyone, and I was in front of all of them. So I anticipated receiving the honor You mentioned in the Divine Presence; it should be for me!” Shaytan had performed so much worship to reach to that honor, but he was only one creature created by his Lord Almighty, Allah, and was so ignorant that he did not understand that no one’s order is higher than the order of his Creator! That can’t be, as He is the Lord and the Creator, and no one may understand Who He is; it is impossible!! He must say only (Mawlana Shaykh stands), Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillaahi ‘l-hamd! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Shaytan said to himself that he was something precious and valuable, what no one can say! Allah Almighty is the Lord! Shaytan’s ego became so gigantic among the Creation, when actually in one second or less he can be reduced to the size of an unseen virus; the Lord, Almighty Allah, can easily do that! Shaytan thought he was great, so big, as he saw himself in a mirror (like a magnifying glass) that makes things appear as bigger than they are. The Lord of Creatures allowed him to think, “I am so big!” but if that lens is taken away, he will not even exist! No one knows the size, weight, or value of the honor granted to Mankind. People look at themselves, but when a person reaches the level of fanaa fillah, annihilation in Allah’s Oneness, they are lost in Oceans of Unity and no longer see themselves. Shaytan looks in another mirror and sees himself as big. What a great difference between Sayyidina Adam (a) and Shaytan, and yet he had the audacity to address his Creator, “How are You granting this honor for a new one? I expected I will be that one!” O People! O Holy Ones! What we are saying now was mentioned in all holy books from the time of Adam (a) up to the end with the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) Why are you not studying the beginning of Creation with Sayyidina Adam, when the Lord of Heavens ordered all (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:35

481 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AnnihilateInAllah

angels to fall down in sajda? That account is written in all holy books. O Holy Ones in Christianity and Judaism! This is written in the Old and New Testaments; why are you not saying to people how Shaytan fell, and came to be thrown away? What is the reason? Although it is mentioned in their holy books they are not teaching it, which is why people now have such heavy responsibility, because they are not able to take the reins of their egos! How do they say, “We are good and true ones, but they are bad and worse ones!” Shaytan gave an oath, “O Lord of Creation! I am going to make Your servants the opposite of what You like, even worse than me, so that no one obeys Your heavenly orders! I will open academies, universities, high schools and colleges to give them degrees and certificates in my teachings. They will all become my followers and will keep what I teach them in their hearts, minds and areas of carnal desire. I will not leave them to follow the honor You granted them, and will lead them on different ways so they will reject it! I will grant them certificates, scholarships and other honors so they will follow me!” Now throughout the world, people are running after the worst targets, leaving the holy commands of Heavens to acquire scholarships and certificates from Shaytan! They are looking in holy books, but are only following Shaytan. Now all nations are in a worse situation from which it is impossible to find a way out, and Shaytan is saying, “Oh! I reached my final goal.” People are killing each other, and dunya has fallen in the worst situation from which they cannot save themselves until they say (Mawlana Shaykh stands), “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillaahi ‘l-hamd,” and call on His Last Prophet, His Deputy, the Crown Prince on Earth, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) That will save them; if they are asking to save