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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (26/777)
s von Allah kommt, ist ernst gemeint und trägt eine Ehre. Sie sind die Boten, die weder falsch liegen noch sich irren können. Allah schickt uns zu jeder Zeit eine Botschaft, doch wer weiß, vielleicht empfangen wir sie nicht wegen unseres Schlafzustandes. Daß Er uns benachrichtigt, geschieht, weil Er Rahman und Rahim, der Barmherzige und Allerbarmer, ist. In seiner Barmherzigkeit benachrichtigt Er uns und läßt uns nicht im Ungewissen darüber, was jeden Augenblick auf uns zukommen könnte. Doch, o Mensch, wie viel Wert mißt du dem bei? Wisse, daß man entsprechend deiner Wertschätzung dessen auch dir einen Wert geben wird. Allah sagte einst zu Jusha, der Friede sei auf ihm, dem Propheten Joshua: „Nimm die Söhne Israels. Es gibt ein Land, in dem eine Festung ist, die von Hünen bewacht wird. Führe Krieg mit ihnen, denn der Sieg ist euch gewiß.“ Jusha, auf dem der Friede sei, nahm die Söhne Israels, und sie zogen los, um die besagte Festung zu erobern. Als die Söhne Israels die Festung erblickten und sahen, daß sie neben den Hünen nur so groß waren wie die Finger an einer Hand, da sagten sie, daß sie es mit denen nicht aufnehmen könnten. Jusha, Friede sei auf ihm, beruhigte sie und teilte ihnen mit, daß sie innerhalb von drei Monden gesiegt haben werden und daß ihr Herr es ihnen so vorhergesagt hätte. Es vergingen sechs Monate, ohne daß sie auch nur einen Stein der Festung einnehmen konnten. Zudem wurden sie von Tag zu Tag hinfortgefegt wie die Blätter vom Wind. Die Söhne Israels hatten keine Geduld mehr und kamen zu Allahs Gesandtem und sagten: „O Jusha! Geh und erobere die Festung mit deinem Gott alleine! Wir machen nicht mehr mit. Wo ist denn das Versprechen Allahs? Wir sollten doch siegen, und statt dessen sterben unsere Leute Tag für Tag, ohne daß sich auch nur ein Stein der Festung bewegt hätte.“ Jusha, auf dem der Friede sei, wurde auf diese Worte hin betrübt und warf sich vor Allah nieder und sprach: „O Allah, stelle mich nicht bloß vor ihnen. Sie konnten deiner Prüfung nicht standhalten. Prüfe sie nicht auf solch schwere und schmerzliche Weise.“ In dem Moment wurde die Erde von einem Beben geschüttelt, und die Festung fiel in sich zusammen und begrub alle Hünen unter sich. Sie nahmen das Land ein, ohne auch nur einen Pfeil abzuschießen. Allah hat solche Prüfungen, in denen er die Gläubigen mit ihrer Treue und Ergebenheit prüft. Das Versprochene ist mit Sicherheit Haqq, ist wahr. Jedoch hat es seine Zeit, wann es geschieht. Vielleicht ist mit der Zeitangabe eine Prüfung verbunden, mit der sich herausstellen soll, ob du wirklich aufrichtig bist oder nicht. Ob du in deiner Loyalität, deinem Glauben und deinem Gehorsam zu den Siddiqin, den Treuen, gehörst. Allah hat Seine Prüfungen, die niemals enden. Wenn jedoch ein Zeitalter enden soll, damit ein neues (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:03

322 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahsBotschaften

an seine Stelle tritt, so ist das Haqq, und so wird es kommen. Dann liegt es auch nicht in der Ferne und entfernt sich auch nicht von Tag zu Tag, sondern kommt immer näher. Es ereilt uns jetzt eine Nachricht, die uns von dem übermittelt wird, der die größte Ehre bei Allah hat, und diese Nachricht, die uns von unserem Propheten, Allah segne ihn und schenke ihm Heil, über unseren Scheich gesendet wird, lautet: „Armageddon steht vor der Tür.“ Möge Allah uns vor seinem Schrecken bewahren. Fatiha Lefke - 01.12.1999

CategoryArmageddon, CategoryDestiny, CategoryProphet (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:03

323 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahsCreationIsEndless

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllahsCreationIsEndless


Allah’s Creation Is Endless and Unknowable

Suhbah after Jumu`ah A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. We are becoming more powerful, alhamdulillah. Mashaa-Allah, this is heavenly power is not coming by eating. Allah, Lord of Heavens, Subhaan Sen, He is Sultan, King of Kings! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbar, Allah Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah! Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi ‘l-hamd! Allahu Akbar, Allah Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah! Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi ‘l-hamd! Alfu salaat, alfu salaam for the Seal of Prophets (s), for whose honor the Lord of Heavens created everything on Earth and in Heavens! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Give your highest glorifying to your Lord, His Majesty, Allah Almighty, and give your most high respects to His most beloved servant, deputy of the Lord of Heavens, to be granted more and more honor, glory and majesty! The Lord of Heavens granted his nation, who are following His most beloved Crown Prince’s steps, which gives honor to Mankind. O People! As-salaamu `alaykum. Don't think Allah Almighty has only one world. From pre-Eternal up to (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:04

324 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahsCreationIsEndless

Eternity, Allah Almighty is creating; He is the Creator and His Creation is continuous! No one knows about them and so we can't say anything. People think He has only one world with servants on it. Allahu Akbar! He is the Creator and to create is His Majestic identity! He is Creator when no one knows where (He creates)! This planet is like a little spot that astronomers monitor with the biggest telescopes that reach a distance then stop, but it is impossible to truly know all what Allah Almighty creates! SubhaanAllah. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. We are asking for heavenly powers and heavenly understanding, but it is so difficult. Scientists believe in their telescopes, asking to know more about Creation and to reach the gigantic vistas revealed by them. They look and they venture in different directions, but they question (where their telescopes in the universe, not knowing). Their telescopes show us Allah’s magnificent Creation, which we can see but not reach! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbar, Allah Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah! Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi ‘l-hamd! Allahu Akbar, Allah Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah! Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi ‘l- hamd! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O People! Say, “a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem,” to protect you against Shaytan taking you to wrong directions and wrong understandings. I hope one day a black hole will swallow Shaytan! O People! We are wasting our real positions and real powers with which we were created and we must think on it. Look at yourself; now people are not really looking (at their true identities). They are drunk now because they follow Shaytan, who is asking to carry all Mankind to an unknown black hole. However, we have been granted such honor that we may look with genuine understanding. If we look and our vision does not reach, still our understanding may reach distances we can't imagine! Our understanding is a grant from our Creator, Allah Almighty, but Shaytan’s goal is to cheat people into being wrong ones, to never understand the right way from the wrong way. Therefore, Mankind fails to reach a real understanding. Now nations and people are of no-mind, like drunk ones. O People! Fight against Shaytan and its evil! We must try to defend ourselves against shaytanic ideas, for if we are not fighting, always we will be in a terrible position and end, and lose our chance for an understanding and to think on it! I wish there were no more technological inventions, as they drop a heavy veil on people (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:04

325 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahsCreationIsEndless

that is impossible to pass through. It came to my heart, “O my Lord! If only technology is taken away, as it is the biggest veil between us and our real being.” People chase technology, asking to fly; they also make trains, cars, and countless instruments, all for what purpose? Technology is a big headache for Mankind because it veils them from their real nature. We were created from Earth, not technological instruments! The Lord Almighty brought us into existence and granted us vision, hearing, knowledge and power that are so vast, but people abandon that heavenly grant and instead run after instruments that are mere toys. That creates a big channel between us and our true nature, because we run to follow imitated inventions. (When we follow Allah Almighty’s heavenly grants) we can find (everything), but we are leaving that and running to technology, thinking it is much more powerful. No! You have been created by the Lord of Heavens and, therefore, your powers are greater than technology! Don’t follow the wrong way! 21st century Mankind is following the wrong way, wrong understanding, wrong workings, and doing wrong things! May Allah forgive us. This is an ocean. Imam Mahdi (a) is coming! We are saying (Mawlana Shaykh stands) AAllahu Akbar, Allah Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah! Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi ‘l-hamd! Allahu Akbar, Allah Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah! Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi ‘l-hamd! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) He will recite takbir and all technology and everything associated with it will be taken away! Then people will say, “alhamdulillah,” and will run to make sajda! O People! Think on it, as time is over. May Allah forgive us. Try to follow real beliefs, not imitated ones, and Allah Almighty will be happy with you and will grant you what your eyes have never seen, what your ears have never heard, and what you have never understood! May Allah forgive us. Fatihah. This is an ocean! You cannot think on it or speak on such a subject; that is for people of Heavens, who are supporting us from those oceans! May Allah forgive us and give all of us a good understanding and (fill our hearts) with deep love for our Lord and His representative, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) Fatihah. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:04

326 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahsCreationIsEndless

I am a weak servant and you are weak servants; I cannot speak more than this as beyond this you cannot

understand. Lefke, 02.09.2011

WebSufiLive, CategoryJumaSohbat, CategoryCreation, CategoryTechnology (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:04

327 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahsCurse

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllahsCurse


Allah's Curse is on Those Who Destroy Tombs and Graves

Laa ilaaha illa-Llah. La ilaaha illa-Llah. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah `alayhi salaatullah. Thumma as-salaatu wa 's-salaam `ala jamee`i 'l-anbiyaa'i wa 'l-mursaleen wa man tabi`ahum bi ihsaan ila yawm id`deen .amadanaa ya rijal Allah madadikum nahnu du`afa. Wa 's-salaamu `alayk yaa Saahib az-Zamaan, ya Saahib al-`unsur, Awtaad, wa Akhyaar, Budalaa, Nujabaa, Nuqabaa, `alayhimu 's- salaam! And we are saying as-salaamu `alaykum to all our attenders from east and west. May Allah forgive us and grant us from His heavenly honors! We are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem, because Shaytan is always wanting for Mankind not to reach any honor here to Hereafter. Khazaahullah, Allah Almighty always makes it down. We are saying a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem, and we are taking our sword, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O Attenders! Welcome to you! If anyone wants to be welcomed by heavenly ones, they must ask. This is a holy association by our holy people, because time is over now for Judgment Day. For everything there are Signs that should be known and for Judgment Day, there are also signs that were mentioned by the Seal of Prophets (s). As they were mentioned from the beginning of Mankind by Sayyidina Adam (a), and all prophets were speaking of Judgment Day and warning Mankind, "Beware of Judgment Day. Take your care." (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:03:05

328 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahsCurse

That was a warning from the beginning up to the end. Because every prophet came as basheeran wa nadheeran, as a warner and giving good tidings. O People! We are believers. We must believe that we are created, and nothing can create himself or herself. But we are living in a time where people are not using wisdom, and mostly people are drunk, saying, "No one is creating." Astaghfirullah, we are asking forgiveness. That is a heavy responsibility and (saying this) brings worse conditions on people. If you are asking an ant, "Who created you?" It is going to say, "My Creator, the Lord of Heavens and Lord of all Creation." Even an ant can say this, but from Men, so many people are denying that they are created. They think that their existence is from their father and mother. It is the biggest `ayb, shame, for Man to say this. It is such a big blame! Are they not ashamed to say this? Because they are never using their mindly production that belongs to the Heavens? Therefore, holy people are very, very sorry and angry with all the people living on Earth, including the Muslim world, and also the non-Muslim world, who are saying there is no Creator! If there is no Creator, how are there going to be creatures? If you say to someone, "There is no builder for this car, it is just in existence by itself, no one is touching it," they will say, "That one lost his mind. He is a dangerous one to be among us, because he lost his mentality, his understanding. That person is never using his logic, he lost it. He is just saying nonsense." You do not believe that a car can be arranged as a car without any means outside of it, and you are saying, "No, this car is coming out from four factories," or you may say, "This car is coming from Mercedes by itself, just coming," and we must wait at the door to look how it is coming out by itself and we must catch it and we must ride in it and go! What is that foolishness? And the biggest responsibility of Mankind is on those people who say that, "We are leading people." But your leading is false and is misguidance. I am looking at a banana tree and asking, "How you are coming in existence, by your self, or coming from heavens in big baskets on earth? Even tress are blaming such no mentality people and saying, 'How are you going to be guides or leaders for this planet? How are you saying this?" Rain is coming and dry things are getting green, the grass. Today our whole place is covered by dry grass. After one month, rains are coming and our Earth is going to be green. Who is making this? Is it happening by itself? How is it going to be? And people are never asking for a real understanding, and we have been created (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:03:05

329 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahsCurse

for understanding. And the Lord of Creation is sending some special ones, chosen people, with keys. What are those keys? Keys of understanding, and understandings are like treasures. If we are not understanding that, then it is as if you have nothing from that treasure's pearls. O Salafi `ulamas! Why are you not getting up and why are you not fighting against Shaytan and shaytanic agents, and shaytanic armies? Why aren't you standing up and saying, "We are ay`alaam, declaring war on Shaytan and its shatanic ideas." Why are you sitting? Why are you fighting against Muslim groups? At least they are saying, "We are believers in the existence and the Unity of our Lord." One man was killed, one person and was sent to the Prophet's (s) presence. He said "I met a person and he said to me, 'As-salaamu `alaykum,' but I was thinking he said that salaam to save himself but I was not believing that he was a Muslim, so I killed him." There came an ayatul kareema, divine verse, Allah Almighty, the Creator said: (Mawlana Shaykh stands)         Wa la taqul liman alqa 'ilaykum as-salaam lasta mu'minan. And say not to any one who offers you a salutation: "you are not a believer!" (an-Nisaa, 4:94) SadaqAllahu 'l-`Azheem. Is that true? What is your word? (Mawlana Shaykh stands) And he (s) was saying:   , hal shaqaqta qalbah, "Did you split open his heart?" (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Itab, blaming that one. "Why are you saying this? Looking to his heart and seeing that he is not a believer? Don't say that anyone is not a believer making shahadah!" And all you can say is, "Haraam, shirk, bida`." O `ulamas! You do not know the real target or aim. You are on the wrong way, and wrong understanding. What is the name of Shari`ah of Islam? Where is your leniency, your musamaha, tolerance, that Allah Almighty is ordering and His Prophet ordering? (Mawlana Shaykh sits) You are misguided people, Salafi and Azhar ash-Shareef. Say this, or say, "We are misguided ones!" They are misguided, not saying in a true way. That is a warning from the Heavens because time is over from Judgment Day, and you must understand because you killed thousands of people with your wrong understanding. Thousands of people! Salafi `ulamas at the time of Wahhabi imaams, Wahhabi people are no-mind people, they have no vicdan, conscience, yet they are on the same way, killing! And their most important mission is to destroy graves on which people are putting a sign to be known. That is their muhimma, mission! (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:03:05

330 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahsCurse

Come on the right way! If you are not coming, you can be shot down from heavenly ones, not from Earth; earth people are poor ones, and doctors are no-mind ones, and al-Azhar `ulamas are sleeping. Why are al- Azhar `ulamas not making such a declaration? You are letting such a person make a declaration, and you are writing so many books. It is not important to write books, no. It is important that you must enter into the hearts of people and give them a good understanding in their mentalities. Why aren't you fighting those people that are fighting putting signs on graves, saying, "This is this one, that is that one." Wa dhakkir! And remind them! Dhakkir ahhyaa'an wa ammwaatan, from both sides may come a mentioning for people. They are `ulamas, scholars, and they are saying something to wake up people. And also graves, more than living people, are giving such knowledge to people, reminding them of the day of their death, the Day of Resurrection. Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-akhireen, Rasool (s) was saying, (Mawlana Shaykh stands) kafaa bil-mawti wa`izhan yaa `Umar, "Enough of a reminder for you is death, O `Umar." (Mawlana Shaykh sits) When you are going to the graveyard, there are so many tombstones. Yes, kafaa bil-mawti wa`izhan. Now you go to a field, nothing is on it. That is an understanding. I am saying to Egyptian `ulamas, al-Azhar ash-Shareef `ulamas; they are not speaking. You are going and looking to the maqaam of Sayyidina Husayn (a), giving something about akhirah, Last Day, giving some naseehah, advising in their tombs to people, and saying, shivering, akhshairu julooduhum, saying, "That is the maqaam of Sayyidina Hussein, that maqaam." And giving something about death and after death, kafaa bil-mawti wa`izhan yaa `Umar. Go now to Saudi Arabia and look; it is a desert. What is it giving to you? And Salafi `ulamas think no one else is knowing, that they know everything, but they are wrong. They can't destroy tombs, because tombs are awakening people, reminding them about death and about the Day of Resurrection! What they did was 100% wrong, because in Meccatu 'l-Mukarrama, in Jannat ul-Baqi and Jannatul Mu`alla, tombs around Haram al- Sharifayn, it is big shame for all `ulamas, east and west, not saying anything! And I am saying something that everyone must say, "yes." And you are so happy, saying, "We are Salafi `ulamas, and we are Wahhabi." What did you do, destroying sha`air il-Islam? You destroyed! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Wal-budna min sha`airillah, "Camels are from the Signs of Allah." (Mawlana Shaykh sits) What is budna??? Say! It is a camel that is just going for Ka`aba and Allah Almighty is saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:03:05

331 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahsCurse

        Wa man yu`azzhim sha`airillah min taqwa al-quloob. Who gives greatness to the Signs of Allah is from the consciousness of hearts. (al-Hajj, 22:32) You must give your respect to a camel because it has been sent for Ka`aba; then what do you think about Prophet and his companions who are on their ways? (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem! Their level of understanding is under the animals' level of understanding! Don't speak. Why are they not asking what is truth? They are occupied for dunya, and Allah Almighty will call them for judgment one day! They are not listening. O People! Come and listen, and you will be in safety here and Hereafter. If not, you will fall down with them. May Allah forgive us for the honor of the most honored one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! Fatihah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, KareemAllah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah If anyone comes to Ka`aba saying this, they tell them, "Don't shout, that is bida`!" Who is giving them authority to take me out? Allah yantaqim minhum, Allah takes His revenge from them! May Allah forgive us. Fatihah. (37 minutes) (1091 viewers) Mashaa-Allah, shukr! (Mawlana Shaykh speaks with Shaykh Hisham Effendi on the phone.) (Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka`at Salaat ash-Shukr) Lefke, 28.09.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryMecca, CategoryWahabism (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:03:05

332 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahsDoorsAreAlwaysOpen

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllahsDoorsAreAlwaysOpen


Allah’s Doors are always open! Destur, ya Rijalallah, Destur, ya Sultanu-l Awliya... Allah, ya Daim... Allah, ya Subhan Allah, ya Sultan... Ma sha Allah! Ma sha Allah, ma sha Allah! As-salamu alaikum! Welcome, welcome to you! Ya Rabbi, ya Allah! Shukr, ya Rabbi, Shukr, Alhamdulillah! Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, Astaghfirullah... O our Lord, we are Your weak servants...We are asking heavenly Support, o our Lord, send us heavenly Support to stand up, to stand up for Your Servanthood. Real Mu’min who is running to do his servanthood better and trying... who asking much more pleasure from his Lord, he is going to make everything for Allah. Destur, ya Sayydi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya. May Allah forgive us. We are in need (of His) Forgiveness. It is a humble meeting, and we are asking from Allah Almighty not to close our doors, always to be open for servants of our Lord, as Allah Almighty never closing His doors, always it is open. Therefore in holy land Mecca Mukarrama, Haram, Holy House of Lord, before we are knowing that that Holy Land around House of Lord there was 40 entrances, but no (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:03:05

333 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahsDoorsAreAlwaysOpen

this, doors, anything, it is open. That means, Allah Almighty never closing His doors to His servants. 24 hours it was open, anyone coming, may enter freely, no any time that you may say you can’t pray here this hour, you can’t do your Tawaf, turning around House of Lord, it was so open, no one standing through that doors, to look after people: “What you are bringing?”, “What you are taking?”, no! That means Allah Almighty’s- that it is a grant from our Lord- doors open anytime, anytime! And they built new building around House of Lord, Kaaba Muazzama, and they put doors, it was not true! Then Allah Almighty teaching His servants, or He is asking to remind His servants whom they are saying: “We are servants of House of Lord”, not to close anytime that doors, to be shut, no. Therefore 1400, year of 1400 of HIjra, Prophets pilgrimage, sending Alah Almighty a group of people and they are getting in and closing doors and they are trying to do everything they like to do against government. They are hiding themselves, and closing doors. Allah Almighty making them to learn that it is not true to put (doors), shutting doors, no! And so many people just killed from (Saudi-) Kingdom, soldiers and civilians also. Then they are taking (the doors)away. I don’t know yet they are keeping it there? No! Must be Allah Almighty’s Doors always open, without any reason or condition, no. And we also trying to make free lands for everyone to come and to worship, without asking: “Who are you?”. No; we are knowing that everyone they are servants or our Lord, He created them and He is that One who directing His servants on their destinations. That is important. Allah Almighty only He is sending people on their destinations. And we are asking to make everywhere free lands for everyone who asking to come and to worship to his Lord, as he likes! Therefore we are, it is forbidden to put guardians on doors or to come and to say people: “You (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:03:05

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are doing wrong”, no, you are not authorized to say people: “You are wrong”! He is inviter of His servants! You must not interfere, involving with anyone, no, it is not for you! You are only one servant. And everyone is servant, coming everyone for Allah there! They are coming, they are invited also and coming, you must not interfere or involving what they are doing, no, don’t say: “This is wrong, that is true”, leave them! If a person is playing and he is saying: “I am playing for the pleasure of my Lord”, Allah Almighty He is accepting! You are never authorized to say that is no good, it is Haram, no. That person coming and playing there. “For what you are playing?” “Playing for my Lord.” That is acceptable in divinely Presence. Maybe a person doing something, not for Allah, even praying, but not for Allah, it is thrown away. Therefore they are guests of House of Lord and guest and host Allah Almighty He is making on behalf of Himself Almighty to be host for His pilgrims. He may correct. Don’t say: “This is wrong”, no, leave, what they are doing. They are coming for Allah!... Seeping?... They are coming for Allah, not for you, leave them! Therefore we are trying to make so many centers or houses for people to come freely, to do their worshipping freely and we must ‘ikram’, respect them and we must prepare for themselves what they may be in need. Without asking from them anything. That is important. But now people, everywhere that people, even in House of Lord asking money, money, money... So many places never leaving to get in, some holy places and asking money, money, money, cutting tickets - for what this? So many wrong things people! It is not a business that is forbidden, Haram, forbidden to take anything who coming and asking to pray. Therefore government of the way that they are involving and making people you may go, you can’t go, give this money, take this ticket, they are all wrong people, wrong governments! That area must be free,