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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (23/777)
real knowledge. But they are making it away, throwing it away and bringing such foolish things and nonsense things, they are saying: “This is knowledge that mankind must follow, must be happy and in peace.” They are liars! (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:51

280 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahIsTheCreator

May Allah forgive us and grant to you from His endless Mercy Oceans. Therefore I am calling people from East to West, from North to South as whole Prophets were calling people to Allah only, to their Lord, because peace is to be with their Lord! If not reaching, never ending troubles here and Hereafter, punishment and fear and suffering climbing, never coming less. May Allah forgive me and forgive us and give His blessings. I am looking what coming from Heavens. Two promises: One coming mercy whom they are running to their Lord and another promising that coming as a punishment whom they are running away from their Lord. May Allah forgive us, for the honour if the most honoured one in His divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha…La ilaha ill-Allah, La ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah…It is not what Sheikh X asking, but for common people, for whole people… Sheikh X his station I can’t reach…If I can reach, I shall speak to him…He is also very serious person, never smiling…Eh- when looking to me may smile… Lefke, 10.03.2004 transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryCreation, CategoryEducation, CategoryMuslimNation (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:51

281 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahIsTheMainPowerStation

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllahIsTheMainPowerStation


Allah is the main power station

Allah says that He has all power, and that His servants are powerless. Only Allah has Absolute Power, and only He gives power to the whole universe. Divine Power is within everything that is in existence. Allah is the main power station for all creatures. If you know this, you know that as much as you are powerless, you must ask from your Lord. Therefore the Prophet asked his Lord: “Oh my Lord, don’t leave me to myself, my nafs, for even the blink of an eye. If you leave me to myself, I will perish.” He was asking for Divine Help and Power every moment, in all conditions throughout his life. He used to say that he was only a powerless servant and completely dependent upon his Lord; and when he said this, Allah Almighty gave him from His Absolute Powers, saying: "For as much as you are admitting your own powerlessness, that much power We will give to you." All Divine Help and Power comes to weak people more than to powerful people. As much as you are in need, as much as you are opening to Allah, help is coming. If you don’t feel in need of your Lord, you will be left to yourself, and you will perish. - 01.04.1999

BookOnthebridgetoEternity, CategoryDivinePower 23:02:52

282 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahIsTheSoleDesigner

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllahIsTheSoleDesigner


Allah swt is the sole designer Allahumma salli wa salim ala Nabiyyina Muhammad alayhi salam Salatan tadumu wa tuhda ilayh ma marra l-layali wa tula dawam! As-salamu alaikum! Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded! All of us we are servants. Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La haula wa laquwatta illa bi-llahi-l Aliyu-l Azim. Welcome to you! As-salamu alaikum! ALLAH swt Designed everything in the smallest detail It is an association; we are all servants, we are all (from the) generation of Sayyidina Adam, nothing else, nothing else… and Islam (is) coming for teaching people and to remind them that they are servants, nothing else. don't say: I am something else, no! If you are claming that you are something else - after to be (from) mankind, what you are asking to be? To be (a) donkey, to be (a) camel, to be (a) bear, to be (a) wolf, to be (a) fox? What you are asking? Enough honour granted to you Allah Almighty, what you are asking? No, I am something else. You are not something else, you are (from the) generation (of) Adam Safiyullah, (the) first man, that Allah Almighty created him by His Divinely Hands. And (He is) giving to you your form or better: He is (the) Designer for mankind and He, (the) Almighty, that (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:53

283 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahIsTheSoleDesigner

His Power or His Ability (is) everending, He is (the) Creator and when He is creating, (He is) designing also. He is designing, (He is the) Designer for everyone; you can't find two persons to be 100 % on (the) same design, no! And He, (the) Almighty, (is) designing (you) first to be male or female. He is Designer. When a woman (is) getting pregnant, He is designing to be that child through the womb of his mother (male or female); He (is) only giving His Divinely Decision or His Divinely Will to be that one through the womb of a female to be male or female. No one can involve in that case! His Will, Allah Almightys Will, (is) doing everything, designing and creating, as He likes. No any ones will may be there, no! Allah Almighty (is) designing (you) first to be male or female and He is, Almighty Allah, giving our forms, giving our colours… (They are) so foolish ones, (these) people now, that they are fighting to their Lord: Why my colour is dark or: Why my colour is green?… There is green also?? Yellow…yellow with blue becomes green… Why Europeans are white and (have) yellow hairs? Why our hairs (are) like this, curly? What is that! Say: Alhamdulillah! My Lord (is) designing me with this colour! What (is) saying Allah Almighty? He is asking: O people, do you think that anyone can do better than your Lord colour? He likes and makes your colours and (He is) saying: Ohhh, so beautiful colour, dark colour, yellow colour, red colour, white colour… but not green colour… green - there is green?... He is doing (the) colours of your eyes to be green, brown, black… not yellow! Yellow eyes (are) for snakes…He is giving the colours for your eyes… Alhamdulillah, no red colour eyes! (They) may swallow everything… Red colour eyes - they are so violent, most violent creature should be, when their eyes (are) going to be red colour… Be happy with your appearance, your 'looks' O people, think on it! don't quarrel with your Creator! don't say: Why my nose (is) in such a way! Why my (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:53

284 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahIsTheSoleDesigner

height is so short?… and some of them (are) 2 meters high or, I am looking someone (was) coming here also.. 3 meters… from where? One from European, one (from Africa)… O my Lord, as You like! Give to me from Your Divinely Lights, to be my heart to be shining with Heavenly Lights lightening! Ask Heavenly Lights, don't ask these colors that people now (are) fighting on it, asking to change it, and they are thinking that there is better colours, no! You must ask Heavenly Lights, to shine! Try to reach that Lights. It is not important our colours, no, but what Allah Almighty (is) dressing you on your creation from Heavenly Lights, that is important! So many people that their colours (is) dark colours, when they are passing through (the) desert, may follow them wild animals, asking from that one: O our Lords razi person, our happy servant, that you are happy with your Lord design, what (He is) designing to you… One person (was) coming to (the) Prophet sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - and he was a short one and there was something on his back, hunchback, and (his) eyes (were) like this, like that, and his nose (was) like this and his mouth and his neck (were) like this and his feet - one (was) like this going, one (was) like that going… (He was) coming and saying: O ya Rasulullah! Do you think that anyone my Lord, Rabbi, created more ugly than me? (Rasulullah was) saying: don't say this! Ama tarda an takun yaumu-l qiyama ala surati Gibril - are you not happy that on the Day of Resurrection you should come in the form of Gibril and his beauty? And (that man was) saying: O ya Rasulullah! Tauba, ya Rasulullah! Razi, I am happy to be (on) the Day of Resurrection on such a beautiful design! I am happy! Tauba, ya Rasulullah, that I said to you (this)! I am happy (with) what my Lord (is) designing me! Look Islam, how (it is) dealing with people and teaching them makarimu l-ahlak, the highest manners! How (is is) dealing! Saying (to) that one that he was saying: Everything that may do a person to be seen ugly, I am carrying, ya Rasulullah! Then Rasulullah (was) saying: Are you not happy to be the Day of Resurrection on such a beauty that angels they should have? (And he was) saying: Ya Rasulullah! Tauba, ya Rasulullah! I am happy, I am happy…! (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:53

285 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahIsTheSoleDesigner

People they are not happy that Allah Almighty created them from Adams generation! (He is) not making them, not creating him as a donkey, as a dog, as a wolf, as a fox, as a bear, as a camel, as a lion, as a tiger, as a crocodile… (but as a) man, from mankind! Everyone, when they are looking and seeing people, they are not happy, they are saying: Tuhh! for you, that your Lord created you as, from (the) generation of Khalifatullah, (the) deputy of Allah Almighty! You are written on it and you are saying, you are complaining? What is that! Cursing on you coming! Who is going to be happy with Allah, Allah (is) going to be happy with him! If he is not happy with Allah Almightys Tajalli, manifestation, Allah is not happy with him. If Allah Almighty (is) not happy with him, what he is going to reach? Nothing, nothing, nothing! You can't find even an ant to object on its creation (and) to say: Why, my Lord, You created me (to be) under the feet of mankind or other animals? They are not saying anything, they are saying tasbih, glorifying their Lord, saying: Glorifying, glorifying, O our Lord to You, that you are bringing us from nothing to be something and You granted us to glorify to You! Ants (are) saying (this), (but) man (is) not saying: O our Lord, thanks to You, that You created us, from (the) unknown, bringing us in (the) known world, and making us to know, to understand! And we are complaining, complaining- naudhu bi-llah! O people, Islam (is) coming to teach people (the) highest manner that can be for a servant towards to their Creator! O people, try to be (a) much more glorifying one for Your Lord and His doings that (He is) doing, then you should be happy here and (in the) Hereafter! May Allah bless you, for the honour of (the) most honoured one in His Divinely Presence Sayyidina Muhammad sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam, Fatiha. Allahumma salli wa sallim ala Nabiyyina Muhammad alayhi salam Salatan tadumu wa tuhda ilay ma marra layali wa tula dawam… (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:53

286 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahIsTheSoleDesigner

Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah… Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah… Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah! Subhan Sensin, Sultan Sensin… Subhan Sensin, Sultan Sensin… Subhan Sensin, Sultan Sensin, ya Allah! Ziyadatan li sharfin Nabi wa alihi wa sahbi wa mashaykhina wa ila ibadiLlahi salihin, Fatiha Lefke, 23.09.2007 Transcribed by Khairiyyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryBlessing (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:53

287 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahKeepUsPutAllOfUsUnderYourProtection

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllahKeepUsPutAllOfUsUnderYourProtection


Ya Allah, keep us, put all of us under Your protection from evil and devils Meded, ya Sultan-ul-Awliya…Meded, ya Sahibu-l imdad…Ya Allah, keep us, put all of us under Your protection from evil and devils. The whole world is just covered with a dark darkness; no light on it. Darkness covering light, and that means that good ones just disappeared or they are hiding themselves. That one????just covered all our world That is we are fearing from Allah Almighty’s revenge, because the earth is asking to throw away all people, who say: ’No God’, away, over itself into space. Some people through their tongues say: ’No God’, another group is not saying it through their tongues, but through their actions and dealings. The meaning of their actions and dealings is going to be the same like those people who say: ’No God’ through their tongues, and they are declaring: ‘No God’ through their actions and dealings. If a person doesn’t take care for the holy commands of Allah, what does it mean?????On behalf of Allah Almighty??????? divine orders came to Rasululah sws, who was ordering his nation: ‘Five times a day you must call them for obedience, for servanthood, to pray to their Lord Allah Almighty. Call them to pray, call them to listen, to hear, and to keep My orders.’ Coming, going…People never interesting or taking any care that their actions’ meaning is: ’We are not accepting that order, or who is ordering to call Adhan.’ That is denying the existence of Allah Almighty through their actions. The holy command says: ’Don’t drink wines’, but people say: ’We are drinking, we must enjoy ourselves.’ If you tell them that the Lord of Heavens is preventing that, making it Haram, they say: ’He may do. Who is that one? I am enjoying with drinking, with wines. I don’t care about any order.’ His action is the evidence that he does not believe in the existence of Allah Almighty. Therefore now the whole world is running through a dark darkness. When the Children of Israel made a golden cow they were making Sajdah to it, saying: ’This is our God.’ They also said that Musa a.s. lost his God (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:54

288 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahKeepUsPutAllOfUsUnderYourProtection

and that he went to look after him. Samiri said to the people: ’Your God is here- the golden cow.’ No one can be happy with gold like the Children of Israel; their hearts are full with the love of material, gold. Therefore- from their jealousy finally they collected all gold from the hands of people. They give them paper, cheat people, and say: ‘This is like gold. Take this and give your gold to me.’ They collected all gold from the world, putting it under their seats…Where they sit, dig and you will find gold there…Taking gold under their control, and people are very happy with paper… In the beginning one Pound was one coin. They took the gold inside, and now they print for one gold coin 9o. ooo papers…They took one coin from the people, out it in a case and gave a banknote, written on it: This is equal to one coin. Just 8o years ago or at the beginning of the 2oth century. Now one coin of Reshat gold is 9o. ooo Turkish Pounds…They printed new…If you ask to take back your coin, you must pay Turkish Pounds! Therefore I am saying the love of gold just sank through the hearts of the Children of Israel; their hearts are full with the love of gold. They like it so much. They did the biggest false/wrong, making this paper money. Paper can’t be money, but they invented this. Now too much headache for them, because that building that they built is coming to fall down and soon it is going to fall on them. They take care?/that they should also be bankrupt, not only other nations are going to be bankrupt. They are scared and in fear that what they did may fall on them and finish them, because they did paper money. From the beginning of history on earth no other nation ever used paper money. That foolishness is for 2oth century’s people. Governments and states are so foolish to accept paper money. Blame to them who say: ‘No civilized people 1000 years ago, we are most civilized.’ Civilized people use paper money? What is this? There are some coins also, but its metal never going to be valuable. This is 25.000 TL, but the metal they use is more (worth) than these 25.000 TL. They did it and taking whole reigns of economy through their hands, because they use that paper. Never leaving anyone to use it, becase paper money no meaning, no value. Now they changed European money to Euro, to make…? Americans make paper money, and to cheat people they write on it: In God we trust…All crises under their head coming. In the time of Moses they did their worst to him, and Samiri..if this first President was seeing, he would die…When they made their God as a cow, because a golden cow is shining, their eyes were big and (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:54

289 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahKeepUsPutAllOfUsUnderYourProtection

Samiri was shouting: ’Ohhh’, and after a while: ’Ohhhh’, and he said to the people: ’Look, your Lord is here, shouting’, he said: ’This is your God. Moses lost his God and he went to look after him.’ And the Lord of Heavens was angry with the Children of Israel. When Moses was coming, He ordered him: ’All of those who worship that cow must be killed.’ That is the heavenly order that is going on up to the end of the world. Who is worshipping gold, money, should be killed, destroyed. That is my fear now. All people worship money. They should be killed. And when that divine order came to Moses, those, who didn’t follow Samiri, who didn’t obey him or came to his calling, not answering, were ordered to kill everyone that worshipped and obeyed Samiri, coming and accepting the golden cow as their God. But it was so difficult for the killers to kill these people that some of them were their children, their fathers or mothers, sisters, brothers or uncles etc. It was so difficult, and they were hesitating how they could do this. And Moses asked from Allah Almighty to show a way that they can do that without hesitating. Then came a black cloud, a darkness, daytime going, that day was like night. Only one day was like night, and through that darkness they were killing, not seeing whom they were. When the number of those people who should be killed, (was getting so big), Moses and Haroun a.s. fell into Sajdah and asked: ’O our Lord, pardon the Children of Israel they are just going to be killed all. Give Your pardon, mercy on the Children of Israel.’ That time that cloud, that darkness, was getting up everything stopped, and it was just that the last one was killed, and their number was 70.000… Now I am fearing that should be now a big, huge, terrible killing of mankind that never happened before. From seven people one will remain and six are going to finish. Or from six one will remain and five must be killed. That is what we are calling Merhamet Kubra, the biggest war, which through other holy books is mentioned as Armageddon. It never happened before and it will never happen again afterwards. Who should be with Allah is going to be protected. Who is not taking care and says: ’No God’ through his tongue or through his actions, he should be taken away. Finished. May Allah forgive us and bless His servants??????We are saying pardon to Allah Almighty for the sake of His most honoured Prophet S. Muhammad sws. Lefke - 27.02.2002 (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:54

290 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahLacht

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllahLacht


Allah weint nicht, Er Lacht

(engl.: HowToPray) Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (Sheikh Effendi erklärt einem arabischen Murid, SK, wie man beim Gebet zu stehen hat (die Füße eine Hand breit auseinander, nicht mehr) und dass man die Sura Imran zuende rezitieren sollte. Dann fährt er fort:) Zur Hölle mit den Wahabis! Ich habe es noch nie gemacht, es ist verboten, das Rezitieren zu stoppen. Diese Wahabis haben alles (Wissen) ausgelöscht. (Sheikh Effendi liest die Sura Fatiha mit unbewegtem Gesicht und monotoner Stimme und zieht das "dolin" übertrieben in die Länge). Ich habe (dann) das Gefühl, ich falle zu Boden. Was soll diese überlange Rezitation? 18 Alifs (long). (Zum Muriden hin:) Er ist verantwortlich, er muss es wissen. (Versuche nicht) diese nachzuäffen; der Prophet s.a.s liebt diejenigen nicht, die unsicher sind. Der Prophet hat nie so rezitiert, aber sie wollen gegen die Ahl al Sunnah sein. Astaghfirullah. (steht auf) "Gib jedem sein Recht!" Ist das Hadith oder ein Verse? Hadith Sharif. Also: Warum erweist du deinem Bart nicht auch die wahrheit? Ha? Sprich! Du mußt, es ist ein Muß für die jungen Leute! Sie sagen (immer) oh oh, es macht nichts, nein! Nein, es macht nichts. Was (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:55

291 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahLacht

erlaubt ist, ist klar und was verboten ist, ist klar. Die Wahrheit ist klar und die Falschheit ist klar. Er (der Murid) kam, um diese Worte von mir zu hören, er hörte sie nie zuvor, weil er sie nicht selber finden konnte. Und er wurde geschickt von den budalaa, sie schickten ihn hierher. Sie sagten ihm, dass er die Sprache nicht verstehen würde, aber er würde die Worte dieses Sheikhs verstehen. Astaghfirullah. "In Zypern, gehe zu ihm, er wird mit dir schimpfen." (Schnitt) Allah swt lacht? Weint er? Allah swt lacht und weint nicht, hasha! Zu Weinen ist ein Zeichen von Schwäche, ein Zeichen von Unfähigkeit, ein Zeichen, dass man Diener ist. (Nur) Allah ist der Unwiderstehliche, der Bezwinger, der Verleihende, der Versorger, der Ehrenwerte, der Allmächtige, der Dominante - wie kann er weinen? Audhubillah, er lacht. Lerne diese Hadithe über die Wahrheit des Lachens auswendig. Allah swt lacht. Mach es ihnen klar, dass, wenn unser Herr lacht, wir ebenso lachen. Es gibt einen Hadith, "Wer auch immer ein Volk imitiert, dann ist er auch von ihnen", und selbstverständlich ist Allah swt glücklich, dass seine Diener lachen. Deshalb: Weint nicht, lacht! Es ist besser, die Leute zum Lachen (als zum Weinen) zu bringen! Lefke, 01.11.2010

WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryAllah, CategoryHumor (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:55

292 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahLovesToHearLaIlahaIllAllah

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllahLovesToHearLaIlahaIllAllah


Allah loves to hear: “La ilaha ill-Allah!” May Allah finish this technology! It became the bela and ceza of the nations! La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ’Aliyu-l ’Adhim... Allah Allah, Allah Allah... As-salamu alaikum! As-salamu alayna wa ’ala ’ibadi-llahi salihin! Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded!... Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! Allahumma alhimna rushdana wa aidhana ?? min sharri anfusina! O people, all of us we are on same level. One level = our physical being, one level = spiritual level. Physical level = our physical being. All of us living on surface of this earth. This on our physical level being. Yes? No one another level to be over ourselves; all people gravity of earth making them to be there. Second level- Sleeping? Hungry? Angry?- Second level- that all of us, including Prophets pbuh, including all Awlyia, Salihin, Mu’minin, then Munkirin, Kafirin, Dhalimin, Atheist people- all they are on the level of servanthood. All of us servants! No one can pass over servanthood, no, only on that level you can find good servants, bad servants, believing people, unbelievers- but they are on same level, level of servanthood. The Seal of Prophets pbuh and upon whole Prophets, they are saying: “We are servants!” No one claiming more than this. Therefore the Seal of Prophets pbuh S.Muhammad sws: “Ashadu an la ilaha ill-Allah, wa ashadu anni Muhammadun ’Abduhu wa Rasuluh!” He is saying for himself: “I am (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:02:56

293 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahLovesToHearLaIlahaIllAllah

declaring that: ‘La ilaha ill-Allah’ only our Lord One; He is our Creator and He is only Lord, the Creator (of) everything!” (This is the) declaring (of) nall Prophets and the Seal of Prophets saying also: “I am declaring the Unity and Existence of our Lord Allah: La ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah… (Here Sheikh Effendi is starting a short Dhikr, repeating: ‘La ilaha ill-Allah’ for a few minutes, ending with:) La ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah, alayhi salatullah wa salamun!... Therefore the Lord of Heavens, the Creator, our Lord, our Creator, He is declaring to His Prophets, saying that and Prophets (are) translating (to) us from Holy Words of our Lord- He is saying and Prophet saying-: “Afdalu ma takallama-l bihi ‘abdu (?): La ilaha ill-Allah!” Most lovely and most valuable, most precious, most beautiful saying that mankind is speaking, the Lord, saying (is) to say La ilaha ill-Allah! What speaking? Allah giving us our tongue to speak and we are speaking everything, but through everything that Allah Almighty happy to hear from His servants, (is) to say: “La ilaha ill-Allah!” Allah Allah! Making Allah Almighty to be pleased with you. Therefore, even a person, last moment, if he can say, last word from his tongue to say: “La ilaha ill-Allah”… that makes the Lord of Heavens happy and pleased with that servant and ordering Angels: “Take that (one) who (is) saying My Unity, saying ‘La ilaha ill-Allah’, take him (to) the Way of Paradise!” So important! So important, and Shaitan insisting, particularly cheating Christian world; all of them to say: “3” -ha ha- “trinity.” “What is trinity?” “We are saying: One equal three, three equal one.” “What mentality (is) this? One equal three, three equal one, trinity?” (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:02:56

294 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahLovesToHearLaIlahaIllAllah

Trinity, that never accepting mentality, to say ‘One equal three, or three equal to one’, but Shaitan (is) teaching. If you are asking: “Why you are saying this?” “We are keeping our trad