Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (4/777)
reation. O Imaams! Say every time, "O People! The real reason we were created is to know that we are servants, to do what servants do, and to continue in servanthood up to Eternity." No one is getting out from servanthood; they are beginning from pre-Eternal up to Eternal, filling their lives for billions of years with worship, and their level is always going to be a level of servanthood. Over that level is the Lordship of our Lord, Allah Almighty. He is the only Lord, and no one else! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) You may use some titles but: (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:02
40 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AcknowledgeServanthood
laa taghurrannakum al-hayaat ad-dunya. Do not be cheated by this life on Earth. (31:33) O People! You must not be cheated with nonsense titles in this short lifetime. Don’t run after that. You are coming into this world as a servant of your Lord, and you are leaving this world as a servant of your Lord. May Allah forgive us. O People! Give your attention! What did you do today for servanthood? Don't say to me, "I can't find any time for servanthood, because I was so busy with my business. Therefore, I never found time to be obedient to my Lord, because I was so busy in this holy month, which was the most busy time ever!" That is the dirtiest report from anyone and the dirtiest declaration to make of himself, "Because I am so busy and I can't find time to do my Lord's servanthood." O `ulamas! First, you must say to people, “You are servants, so do as servants do for their Lord. If you are first keeping our responsibility of our Lord's servanthood, this dunya is going to be like Paradise." But people are forgetting the main purpose of their creation. Therefore, daily we find more cursing comes on them and much more tasteful things are taken from them (life, health, wealth, status). And you must know that yesterday was more tasteful than today, and tomorrow is going to be less than today's happiness and enjoyment. Day-by-day what you were given is coming down, because you lost or forgot the reason you were created: you are servants! And for those who forget, heavenly cursing runs on them, not on those who say, “We have been created for servanthood for our Lord Almighty Allah.” (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Forgive us for the honor of Your most beloved servant, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Give him much more honor, O our Lord! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Fatihah. May Allah forgive us. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks to Shaykh Hisham Effendi and Hajjah Naziha on the phone.) (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:02
41 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AcknowledgeServanthood
(Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka'at Salaat ash-Shukr.) Lefke, 23.08.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryServanthood (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:02
42 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ActionsOfMostPeopleComeRollingBackOnTheirHeads
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ActionsOfMostPeopleComeRollingBackOnTheirHeads
Why the Actions of most People come Rolling Back on their Heads When people work for satan they cannot succeed. It is impossible. They are like people who throw stones into the air. First it will go up, but finally fall on their head. Whoever works for Allah will go higher and higher like a rocket. Don't be cheated when you see that some satanic people seem to be going up. They will fall. But if you work for Allah He will give you power to continue up forever. The truth will always go up. Those who stay with the truth will go up. Falsehood can continue for a short time, but it must finally come down. People need support. Without it is so difficult to move up. You will get such a support every moment and every second according to your intentions. This is why everyone must be careful with what they do. They must see if they are doing it for the sake of Allah, or for satan. Satan usually only gives you one shot. But Allah's support is endless: it will shoot up and up and up... endlessly. So if you do something for the sake of Allah, don't worry. You will be supported all the time. If not, don't make yourself tired by wasting your energy, because you will not get any more. If you have exhausted yourself working for this world, don't expect to find another energy. Like a battery: if you don't have a source to recharge, you will be finished quickly. Allah blesses those who work for Him. If you work for yourself, don't expect His help. Usually people are given one shot. If you use it for His sake, He might give you one more, to enable you to be closer to His Divine Presence. This is why people in our time are very seldom blessed, even religious people. Official people will never be blessed and will never be holy. Holy people cannot be official. I once asked a priest in Switzerland if he thought he was holy. But he said, "No, I am only a priest. St. Nicolaus, who is buried there, he is holy." (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:03
43 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ActionsOfMostPeopleComeRollingBackOnTheirHeads
"Yes, because his energy always attracts me to stop and greet him, whenever I pass through here! But what about the Pope, is he holy?" "No, he is only an official person." Official religious people cannot be holy. Those who work for governments cannot be independent servants of Allah. They are being paid and must do everything officially. The only way an official person can be holy, is if he works daytime and prays at night. The way of holiness passes through night-prayers. It is a sign of sincerity and holiness. Hypocrites are the ones who pretend to work for Allah. Whoever wants to be a good servant must try to do their night-prayers. While other people are sleeping, they are standing up in prayer. They are happiest when they are in His Divine Presence. Holy people are all blessed by Allah. Without His blessing no-one can be blessed. Blessings come from above. It is not something which the public can give you. If we are not blessed, we will not be pleased within ourselves. 01.01.1996
BookSecretDesires, CategoryHoliness, CategoryServanthood (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:03
44 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabIsTheSoulOfKnowledge
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AdabIsTheSoulOfKnowledge
Adab is the soul of knowledge Don’t look down upon anything or anyone... The ego only loves itself. It is Kafir, not accepting Allah, and it wants to be sitting alone on the Throne. The Holy Prophet said: "Allah Himself has taught me the best manners, Adab." A human being is living through his soul, and the soul of knowledge is Adab. Knowledge without Adab is a misfortune for its owner. Shaitan had knowledge, but he had no Adab, behaving badly in Allah’s Presence, and then he was finished. Always the ego is bad- mannered, going against Allah, denying Him. It never likes to be under the control of anyone. All our egos are the same. We have to bring it under control, and train it to become Allah’s servant, and not be controlled by the ego. Allah is not forcing anyone. Not everybody can keep his ego, and they are falling from one trouble into the next, never finding any rest or peace. Man needs, and must learn Adab. It is not easy to teach Adab. Someone may read hundreds or thousands of books, but he may not be able to control his ego. He may have knowledge, but he can’ t practice it. Shaitan had so much knowledge, and it didn’t benefit him. And everybody in our time wants to study, and they all fail the test... And someone may go on Hajj, he may stay 40 days, make Hajj, Umrah, Ziyaret and become clean. Everything seems perfect. But then he gets on the plane home and he looks to a stewardess with desire, and everything is lost, finished... Six months, one year he stayed there, so many prayers he did, Tawafs, Umrahs, everything is good. But then, for one moment he doesn’t control his ego, forgetting that Allah is looking to him, forgetting and being without Allah, and Shaitan makes him from his staff... Don’t give a chance to Shaitan, because he is always looking for an opportunity to catch people. There is (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:02:04
45 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabIsTheSoulOfKnowledge
Haram and Halal. Whoever is not respecting that border falls out of Adab with Allah. Few people want to save themselves from their bad-mannered ego. Tariqats and the four Madhabs are based on Adab, and that is why Shaitan is against them, because they are against his school. His school is the fifth Madhab, the school of Batil. So many people follow it... May Allah not leave us in the hands of our bad ego. Whoever is not asking that will be caught by Shaitan. Your ego is telling you that you are number one, that nobody is like you. It is telling you that you don’t have to listen to anyone, that you are strong and know everything, that you are your own Sheikh. And the ego is lying to us. What we are saying here is what they have put in our hearts, and we are ashamed in front of Allah and fearing Him because we are such ignorant ones, making so many mistakes and bad-mannered actions. Who is the Sheikh? He is that one who teaches you about Allah and His Prophet. How you can know by yourself? But they don’t want to accept a teacher, these Wahabi people. And whoever doesn’t accept a Sheikh, a Hoca, an Imam, a guide, Dalil, his teacher is Shaitan. He is telling them: "Why do you need a Sheikh?" Follow a pure guide, that he may take you to purity because only pure ones will enter Paradise... Allah knows best who are the hypocrites... We are trying, working on it, asking to be clean. But: "Thumma amanu, thumma kafaru..." sometimes we believe and sometimes not, listening to our ego and Shaitan. On the way of faith, Iman, you can be saved... And the Angels of the Grave will ask you if your face is turned to Dunya or towards Maula, Allah. They will ask you what is your Qibla, to where is your heart directed? If they find your face turned towards Allah, everything is good. But if they find your face turned away from Him, then Allah will also turn away from you. If in prayer you turn your eyes away from the place of Sajda, looking left and right three times, then Allah is saying: "My servant has turned away from Me. Leave him..." This is an important point in Adab... Don’t behave badly in the Presence of the Sultan... May Allah forgive us and not throw us out of the Ummat-i-Muhammadi sws... Fatiha. 01.04.1999 (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:02:04
46 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabOfProtest
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AdabOfProtest
The Adab (Conduct) of Protests
No, (the protests should be made) with tranquility. It is an order from above (Heavens). They should come to the streets for one hour and pray in the mosques. Pray two raka`ats of Salaat al-Hajah and then come out in tranquility and say, “RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah. RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah.” There won’t be any wild beasts but only tranquility, sakinah. RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah. RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah. The awliyaa know this and they will be with them. Don’t make rallies against the government, never. (A person asks Mawlana about Benghazi and what is to be done.) Do what I have already said. Pray two raka`ats that Allah will change this ruling of tyrants, and say, “Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,” with tranquility. RabbunAllah, Hasbunallah. RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah. No matter what, do not involve women in this protest. It is forbidden, and it is an order from Heavens. (A person says: 150 people died in protest, they were shot down) No, this is their limit, this is enough. They should form a group, even forty people is enough and say, “RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah. RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah” for three days and the government will (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:05
47 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabOfProtest
come down, bi idhnillah. Fatihah. Y`Allah! I am also telling Tunis, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Bahrain and Yemen that this is the way to act, inshaa- Allah. Allah, Allah. Yaa Rijaallahi, madad! Yaa Rijaallahi, madad. Amidoona bi madadikum. Fatihah. Fear will come in their hearts; they will run away without using any weapons. RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah. RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah. RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah. Say this while walking for only one hour. There is no need do to it for the whole day, once every day is enough. Repeat this until they go away. Allah will put fear in their hearts. Lefke, 20.02.2011
WebSufiLive, CategorySyria, CategoryGovernment, CategoryOppression, CategoryAdab (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:05
48 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabOfTariqah
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AdabOfTariqah
The Adab Of Tariqa
We are nothing. Who are we? What (value) are our orders? I wish we could have followed our Lord's orders. If only we could follow the Sunnah of the Beloved (sws). We are useless. If there is any movement, like this, there would be no building left standing in Istanbul. I am afraid. I am afraid. Ottoman architecture - they had one floor buildings and mansions, their mansions were two floors, you know and made from wood. Even if it shakes nothing happens. Their dinner tables were open (to people). Nothing could touch them (harm them). Now people have become Pharaohs. They became Pharaohs. Nimrod said, O Hamaan He said, O Hamaan build me a tower so I can see what is above me. So, what can we do? This is the situation people are in now, no one thinks anymore. May Allah (swt) forgive us. They did not teach us can you imagine? I learned Alif (first letter in arabic alphabet) at the age of 20; Alif, at the age of 20 in Istanbul. 2 months in the beginning in school, they used to say 'ibtidai'(elementary), they started. I started, I still remember. I was 7 years old. My older brothers took me, registered me. 28 the year 1928 28, 38 48, twenty years ago. They taught us alif ba for 2 months. Alif Be, we used to say Alif Ba and then after that there was donmeler (transition). They changed the letters. I couldn't finish the Alif Ba they quickly changed them to latin letters. After that I came to Istanbul at the age of 20. I learned Alif Ba, that is when I learned Alif. I get very upset because they insulted our religion so much and they still continue to insult our religion. They will not find any goodness. They are still running after one picture. No one is asking, what did he do? I don't know and you don't know either. Which padishah (Ottoman Sultan) was it? He was curious about the people of tariqa - what kind of people are they? His minister said, O my padishah (Sultan), my beloved Sultan, let us go ourselves and see them, to see their characteristics. Where are their gatherings? They have a (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:06
49 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabOfTariqah
gathering in so and so place. Very well. He went with his grand minister. They stood waiting. A holy person was coming, he was coming to the dergah (zawiyah). The Sultan's helper asked, Who are you? I am a weak servant. Who here is above you (in rank)? The one who came in just before me. After him a second person came. Another person came inside. He asked him also, who is the head of this gathering? He replied, the who came in before me. 1, 2, 3, they counted until 7. Then they asked the last person to come, Who here is the one who sits on the couch at this gathering? He replied, all the holy ones already came in before me. Since they all said that he is coming after us, when they asked the last one, he said, the holy ones already came before me. (He was) a poor person. They had adab (good manners). "Ahli Irfan Majlisinde Aradim Kildim Talep, Ilim En Geridedir Illa Edep Illa Edep" people now have become without any good manners. People look like people physically, but their characters are not human. There is no one left now to go to his sohbah (talk) my son Sheikh Adnan (Oktar). How many people will go to his gathering? 10 people, 20 people, 30 people? Istanbul has 20 million people, who will it be enough for? May Allah (swt) increase your power, my son. May Allah increase your faiz I became happy that I saw you. We were not able to become anything, but the holy ones they are pulling us forward. My situation... I am holding a stick. Someone is holding me from this side. Someone else is pushing me from behind. After all this commotion, I am able to go there. We have nothing left. He sent me all these things. I am taking and accepting them, let them stay here. I will give them to (vaktin sahibina?) whoever he is. I will tell him that it is from so and so. It will be known. It is not unkown. He doesn't mention anything about himself. He lets the ladies sit and talks to them. Everyone thinks his intention is something else, no. His aim is something else. Tawba Ya Rabbi Tawba Ya Rabbi Shukr Ya Rabbi Salamun Qawlaan Min Rabbin Rahim (36:58) May Allah (swt) be happy with you. Der Adab der Tariqat
Wir sind nichts. Wer sind wir? Welchen Wert haben unsere Befehle? Ich wünschte ich wäre den Befehlen (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:06
50 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabOfTariqah
unseres Herrn gefolgt. Wenn wir nur der Sunnah des Geliebten (saws) folgen könnten. Wir sind nutzlos. Wenn es irgendeine Bewegung gäbe, wie diese, dann würde in Istanbul kein Gebäude stehen bleiben. Ich habe Angst. Ich habe Angst. Die Osmanische Architektur - sie hatten einstöckige Häuser und Villen, ihre Villen waren zweistöckig, wisst ihr, und aus Holz gebaut. Selbst wenn es wackelt passiert nichts. Ihre Esstische waren offen (für Leute). Nichts konnte sie berühren (ihnen schaden). Nun sind die Leute zu Pharaos geworden. Sie wurden Pharaos- Nimrod sagte, oh Hamaan, er sagte, Oh Hamaan, baue mir einen Turm so dass ich sehen kann was über mir ist. Also, was können wir tun? Das ist die Lage in der die Leute heute sind, niemand denkt noch nach. Möge Allah (swt) uns vergeben. Sie haben uns nicht gelehrt, kannst du dir das vorstellen? Ich lernte Alif (erster Buchstabe d. arab. Alphabets) im Alter von 20 Jahren; Alif, im Alter von 20 Jahren in Istanbul. 2 Monate am Anfang in der Schule pflegten sie zu sagen "ibtidai" (elementar), sie fingen an. Ich begann, ich erinnere mich immer noch. Ich war 7 Jahre alt. Meine älteren Brüder nahmen mich mit, registrierten mich. 28 das Jahr 1928 28,38 48, vor 20 Jahren. Sie lehrten uns für 2 Monate das Alif Ba. Alif Be, wir sagten Alif Ba und dann, danach kam die donmeler (Umstellung). Sie änderten die Buchstaben. Ich konnte das Alif Ba nicht beenden, sie änderten es schnell in lateinische Buchstaben. Danach kam ich nach Istanbul im Alter von 20 Jahren. Ich lernte Alif Ba, das ist wo ich das Alif gelernt habe. Ich werde sehr wütend denn sie haben unsere Religion so sehr beleidigt, und sie beleidigen unsere Religion immer noch weiterhin. Sie werden nichts Gutes finden. Sie rennen immer noch einem Bild hinterher. Niemand fragt, was hat er getan? Ich weiß es nicht und ihr wisst es auch nicht. Welcher Padishah (Osmanische Sultan) war es? Er war neugierig über die Leute der Tariqat - was für Leute sind sie? Sein Minister sagte, oh mein Padishah (Sultan), mein geliebter Sultan, lasst uns selbst gehen und sie sehen, um ihre Charaktereigenschaften zu sehen. Wo sind ihre Versammlungen? Sie haben Versammlungen an so und so einem Ort. Sehr gut. Er ging mit seinem Hauptminister. Sie standen und warteten. Eine heilige Person kam, er kam zu der Dergah (Zawiyah). Der Helfer des Sultans fragte, Wer bist du? Ich bin ein schwacher Diener. Wer hier steht über dir (im Rang)? Derjenige der direkt vor mir hier hereingekommen ist. Nach ihm kam eine zweite Person. Noch eine Person kam herein. Sie fragten sie auch, wer ist der Kopf der Versammlung? Er antwortete, der der vor mir hereingekommen ist. 1,2,3, sie zählten bis 7. Dann fragten sie die Person die als letztes gekommen war, Wer hier ist derjenige der in der Versammlung auf dem Sofa sitzt? Er antwortete, all die Heiligen sind schon vor mir hereingekommen. Weil sie alle sagten dass er nach ihnen kam, als sie den letzten fragten sagte er, dass die Heiligen schon vor ihm gekommen waren. (Er war) eine arme Person. Er hatte Adab (gutes Benehmen). "Ahli Irfan Majlisinde Aradim Kildim Talep, Ilim En (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:06
51 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabOfTariqah
Geridedir Illa Edep Illa Edep" Nun sind die Leute ohne Benehmen geworden. Leute sehen äußerlich aus wie Menschen, aber ihre Charaktere sind nicht menschlich. Es gibt niemanden mehr der zu seiner Sohbah (Rede) geht, mein Sohn Sheikh Adnan (Oktar). Wie viele Leute werden zu seinen Treffen gehen? 10 Leute, 20 Leute, 30 Leute? Istanbul hat 20 Millionen Leute, für wen wird es genug sein? Möge Allah (swt) eure Kraft vermehren, mein Sohn. Möge Allah deinen Glauben mehren. Ich bin glücklich dass ich dich gesehen habe. Wir waren nicht fähig, zu etwas zu werden, aber die Heiligen ziehen uns voran. Meine Situation... Ich halte einen Stock. Jemand hält mich von der Seite. Jemand anders drückt mich von hinten. Nach all dieser Aufregung bin ich in der Lage, dorthin zu gehen. Wir habe nichts mehr. Er schickte mir all diese Sachen. Ich nehme sie und akzeptiere sie, lass sie dort. Ich werde sie (Vaktin Sahibina?) geben, wer immer das ist. Ich werde ihm sagen dass es von so und so ist. Es wird bekannt sein. Es ist nicht unbekannt. Er erwähnt nichts über sich selbst. Er lässt die Fraue sitzen und spricht mit ihnen. Jeder denkt, seine Absicht ist anders, nein. Sein Ziel ist etwas anderes. Tawba Ya Rabbi Tawba Ya Rabbi Shukr Ya Rabbi Salamun Qawlaan Min Rabbin Rahim (36:58) Möge Allah (swt) glücklich mit euch sein. Lefke, 20.02.2013
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryNaqshbandi, CategoryAdab, CategoryBiography (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:06
52 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabYaHu
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AdabYaHu
Edeb Ya Hu
May He (swt) dress happiness, wellness & majesty on you. May He increase our lights of faith & Islam, may He dress us with these. May we not be ugly. May we not be ugly. Allah Almighty created us in "'Ahsani Taqwimin" (95:4). Is it not so? He created us in the best form. What makes us ugly is that we dress dirty, rusty dresses on our clean bodies. May Allah save us from those shaytani dresses. They make us dress clean everyday in the fajr prayer so that our outer & inner beings are pure, enlightened & happy. Countless praises & thanks for our Lord's endless grants & generosity. It is not that we wrote a petition to come into existence. This is the grant of Allah Almighty to us- He created us from the children of Adam. And about the children of Adam Allah Almighty (swt) said: "Wa Laqad Karramna Bani Adam" (17:70). Our GrandShaykh, Sultan al-Awliya Hz said that this is, the oceans of meaning of this is... What Allah Almighty knows is different & what He (swt) lets be known is different. What He (swt) knows are the oceans. What He (swt) informed our Prophet (sas) is however much it is that He (swt) granted from His Generosity. Then "ala maratibihim"- according to their ranks, prophets & awliyas dressed. But "wa laqad"...Lam, is it not the lam of the oath (lam al-qasam)? Qad is for emphasis- meaning "I swear an oath on My Glorious Divinity", karramna. How do I honour? When He(swt) says "Bani Adam".. On the Day of the Covenant- the day of "Am I not your Lord? Yes, we testify", where no time or space existed, the matter which is impossible to understand."Wa laqad karramna BaniAdam". Idh Qala "Alastu BiRabbikum?" Qalu Bala. Since when are you Muslim? We are Muslims since "Qalu Bala", shukur Allah. May Allah not separate us from this faith. May He(swt) not separate us from this good manners (1 von 10)04.07.2013 23:02:07
53 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabYaHu
also. That is how Yunus said, may Allah sanctify his secret: "I asked in the gatherings of the people of irfan/wisdom. Knowledge comes the last- only good manners, only good manners.." Teach good manners, Sh Mehmet Effendi. What do they seek in the assembly of wisdom? They don't seek knowledge. They seek adab/good manners. It is the adab that makes people achieve nearness to Allah & His Prophet (sas). They come near with adab. The ones who have no adab are expelled. The people of wisdom, the assembly of wisdom- People don't seek it, don't ask for it. They consider themselves as 2-legged animals instead of 4-legged ones, these people. Our attributes have become like this. We are free from it insha Allah. "I asked in the assemly of the people of wisdom. Knowledge comes the last. Only adab, only adab.." We should be taught adab, we should find the holy ones who can teach us adab. O holy ones. O holy ones, to us also, may your heavenly support reach to us also. Don't leave us unattended. We tried to learn adab for all these years in the presence of our Sultan al-Awliya Hz. They taught us adab, not with "nasara yansuru..." (Basic Arabic grammer rules) What is asked in the assembly of wisdom, in the assembly of wise ones is adab. It is adab. Who has no adab is turned away from the door. O Lord, we address here only at Your order. The same for His Great Prophet (sas) also. May we meet with ones who have the first level of adab & learn adab from them. May we not be without adab. On the Day of Judgement, the ones with adab & without adab will be set apart. The ones who have adab will be put in paradises & the ones who have no adab will be thrown into the darkness which belongs to them. Allah sent us Nur. Nur. How is it in the Holy Verse? Nur. Nur brings the surur/pleasure. When Nur falls upon a person, he becomes pleased- He is filled with joy, filled with love. "May you have Nur come to your face & pleasure to your heart." Make dua like this. Invite people to the Nur. Every word of the Prophet (sas) is an invitation to the Nur. See the Nur in it & speak of this Nur. Dastur Ya RijalAllah, O holy ones, may you send us support. For this, all the people in the old times had in their homes "Adab Ya Hu!" signs. Make copies of this & say "everyone should (2 von 10)04.07.2013 23:02:07
54 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabYaHu
hang this in their homes". Inform them. Knowledge comes the last, only adab, only adab... O Lord, O Allah. What can we do? What can we do.. We have been in
reation. O Imaams! Say every time, "O People! The real reason we were created is to know that we are servants, to do what servants do, and to continue in servanthood up to Eternity." No one is getting out from servanthood; they are beginning from pre-Eternal up to Eternal, filling their lives for billions of years with worship, and their level is always going to be a level of servanthood. Over that level is the Lordship of our Lord, Allah Almighty. He is the only Lord, and no one else! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) You may use some titles but: (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:02
40 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AcknowledgeServanthood
laa taghurrannakum al-hayaat ad-dunya. Do not be cheated by this life on Earth. (31:33) O People! You must not be cheated with nonsense titles in this short lifetime. Don’t run after that. You are coming into this world as a servant of your Lord, and you are leaving this world as a servant of your Lord. May Allah forgive us. O People! Give your attention! What did you do today for servanthood? Don't say to me, "I can't find any time for servanthood, because I was so busy with my business. Therefore, I never found time to be obedient to my Lord, because I was so busy in this holy month, which was the most busy time ever!" That is the dirtiest report from anyone and the dirtiest declaration to make of himself, "Because I am so busy and I can't find time to do my Lord's servanthood." O `ulamas! First, you must say to people, “You are servants, so do as servants do for their Lord. If you are first keeping our responsibility of our Lord's servanthood, this dunya is going to be like Paradise." But people are forgetting the main purpose of their creation. Therefore, daily we find more cursing comes on them and much more tasteful things are taken from them (life, health, wealth, status). And you must know that yesterday was more tasteful than today, and tomorrow is going to be less than today's happiness and enjoyment. Day-by-day what you were given is coming down, because you lost or forgot the reason you were created: you are servants! And for those who forget, heavenly cursing runs on them, not on those who say, “We have been created for servanthood for our Lord Almighty Allah.” (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Forgive us for the honor of Your most beloved servant, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Give him much more honor, O our Lord! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Fatihah. May Allah forgive us. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks to Shaykh Hisham Effendi and Hajjah Naziha on the phone.) (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:02
41 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AcknowledgeServanthood
(Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka'at Salaat ash-Shukr.) Lefke, 23.08.2010
WebSufiLive, CategoryServanthood (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:02
42 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ActionsOfMostPeopleComeRollingBackOnTheirHeads
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ActionsOfMostPeopleComeRollingBackOnTheirHeads
Why the Actions of most People come Rolling Back on their Heads When people work for satan they cannot succeed. It is impossible. They are like people who throw stones into the air. First it will go up, but finally fall on their head. Whoever works for Allah will go higher and higher like a rocket. Don't be cheated when you see that some satanic people seem to be going up. They will fall. But if you work for Allah He will give you power to continue up forever. The truth will always go up. Those who stay with the truth will go up. Falsehood can continue for a short time, but it must finally come down. People need support. Without it is so difficult to move up. You will get such a support every moment and every second according to your intentions. This is why everyone must be careful with what they do. They must see if they are doing it for the sake of Allah, or for satan. Satan usually only gives you one shot. But Allah's support is endless: it will shoot up and up and up... endlessly. So if you do something for the sake of Allah, don't worry. You will be supported all the time. If not, don't make yourself tired by wasting your energy, because you will not get any more. If you have exhausted yourself working for this world, don't expect to find another energy. Like a battery: if you don't have a source to recharge, you will be finished quickly. Allah blesses those who work for Him. If you work for yourself, don't expect His help. Usually people are given one shot. If you use it for His sake, He might give you one more, to enable you to be closer to His Divine Presence. This is why people in our time are very seldom blessed, even religious people. Official people will never be blessed and will never be holy. Holy people cannot be official. I once asked a priest in Switzerland if he thought he was holy. But he said, "No, I am only a priest. St. Nicolaus, who is buried there, he is holy." (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:03
43 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ActionsOfMostPeopleComeRollingBackOnTheirHeads
"Yes, because his energy always attracts me to stop and greet him, whenever I pass through here! But what about the Pope, is he holy?" "No, he is only an official person." Official religious people cannot be holy. Those who work for governments cannot be independent servants of Allah. They are being paid and must do everything officially. The only way an official person can be holy, is if he works daytime and prays at night. The way of holiness passes through night-prayers. It is a sign of sincerity and holiness. Hypocrites are the ones who pretend to work for Allah. Whoever wants to be a good servant must try to do their night-prayers. While other people are sleeping, they are standing up in prayer. They are happiest when they are in His Divine Presence. Holy people are all blessed by Allah. Without His blessing no-one can be blessed. Blessings come from above. It is not something which the public can give you. If we are not blessed, we will not be pleased within ourselves. 01.01.1996
BookSecretDesires, CategoryHoliness, CategoryServanthood (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:03
44 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabIsTheSoulOfKnowledge
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AdabIsTheSoulOfKnowledge
Adab is the soul of knowledge Don’t look down upon anything or anyone... The ego only loves itself. It is Kafir, not accepting Allah, and it wants to be sitting alone on the Throne. The Holy Prophet said: "Allah Himself has taught me the best manners, Adab." A human being is living through his soul, and the soul of knowledge is Adab. Knowledge without Adab is a misfortune for its owner. Shaitan had knowledge, but he had no Adab, behaving badly in Allah’s Presence, and then he was finished. Always the ego is bad- mannered, going against Allah, denying Him. It never likes to be under the control of anyone. All our egos are the same. We have to bring it under control, and train it to become Allah’s servant, and not be controlled by the ego. Allah is not forcing anyone. Not everybody can keep his ego, and they are falling from one trouble into the next, never finding any rest or peace. Man needs, and must learn Adab. It is not easy to teach Adab. Someone may read hundreds or thousands of books, but he may not be able to control his ego. He may have knowledge, but he can’ t practice it. Shaitan had so much knowledge, and it didn’t benefit him. And everybody in our time wants to study, and they all fail the test... And someone may go on Hajj, he may stay 40 days, make Hajj, Umrah, Ziyaret and become clean. Everything seems perfect. But then he gets on the plane home and he looks to a stewardess with desire, and everything is lost, finished... Six months, one year he stayed there, so many prayers he did, Tawafs, Umrahs, everything is good. But then, for one moment he doesn’t control his ego, forgetting that Allah is looking to him, forgetting and being without Allah, and Shaitan makes him from his staff... Don’t give a chance to Shaitan, because he is always looking for an opportunity to catch people. There is (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:02:04
45 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabIsTheSoulOfKnowledge
Haram and Halal. Whoever is not respecting that border falls out of Adab with Allah. Few people want to save themselves from their bad-mannered ego. Tariqats and the four Madhabs are based on Adab, and that is why Shaitan is against them, because they are against his school. His school is the fifth Madhab, the school of Batil. So many people follow it... May Allah not leave us in the hands of our bad ego. Whoever is not asking that will be caught by Shaitan. Your ego is telling you that you are number one, that nobody is like you. It is telling you that you don’t have to listen to anyone, that you are strong and know everything, that you are your own Sheikh. And the ego is lying to us. What we are saying here is what they have put in our hearts, and we are ashamed in front of Allah and fearing Him because we are such ignorant ones, making so many mistakes and bad-mannered actions. Who is the Sheikh? He is that one who teaches you about Allah and His Prophet. How you can know by yourself? But they don’t want to accept a teacher, these Wahabi people. And whoever doesn’t accept a Sheikh, a Hoca, an Imam, a guide, Dalil, his teacher is Shaitan. He is telling them: "Why do you need a Sheikh?" Follow a pure guide, that he may take you to purity because only pure ones will enter Paradise... Allah knows best who are the hypocrites... We are trying, working on it, asking to be clean. But: "Thumma amanu, thumma kafaru..." sometimes we believe and sometimes not, listening to our ego and Shaitan. On the way of faith, Iman, you can be saved... And the Angels of the Grave will ask you if your face is turned to Dunya or towards Maula, Allah. They will ask you what is your Qibla, to where is your heart directed? If they find your face turned towards Allah, everything is good. But if they find your face turned away from Him, then Allah will also turn away from you. If in prayer you turn your eyes away from the place of Sajda, looking left and right three times, then Allah is saying: "My servant has turned away from Me. Leave him..." This is an important point in Adab... Don’t behave badly in the Presence of the Sultan... May Allah forgive us and not throw us out of the Ummat-i-Muhammadi sws... Fatiha. 01.04.1999 (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:02:04
46 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabOfProtest
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AdabOfProtest
The Adab (Conduct) of Protests
No, (the protests should be made) with tranquility. It is an order from above (Heavens). They should come to the streets for one hour and pray in the mosques. Pray two raka`ats of Salaat al-Hajah and then come out in tranquility and say, “RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah. RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah.” There won’t be any wild beasts but only tranquility, sakinah. RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah. RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah. The awliyaa know this and they will be with them. Don’t make rallies against the government, never. (A person asks Mawlana about Benghazi and what is to be done.) Do what I have already said. Pray two raka`ats that Allah will change this ruling of tyrants, and say, “Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,” with tranquility. RabbunAllah, Hasbunallah. RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah. No matter what, do not involve women in this protest. It is forbidden, and it is an order from Heavens. (A person says: 150 people died in protest, they were shot down) No, this is their limit, this is enough. They should form a group, even forty people is enough and say, “RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah. RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah” for three days and the government will (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:05
47 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabOfProtest
come down, bi idhnillah. Fatihah. Y`Allah! I am also telling Tunis, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Bahrain and Yemen that this is the way to act, inshaa- Allah. Allah, Allah. Yaa Rijaallahi, madad! Yaa Rijaallahi, madad. Amidoona bi madadikum. Fatihah. Fear will come in their hearts; they will run away without using any weapons. RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah. RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah. RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah. Say this while walking for only one hour. There is no need do to it for the whole day, once every day is enough. Repeat this until they go away. Allah will put fear in their hearts. Lefke, 20.02.2011
WebSufiLive, CategorySyria, CategoryGovernment, CategoryOppression, CategoryAdab (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:05
48 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabOfTariqah
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AdabOfTariqah
The Adab Of Tariqa
We are nothing. Who are we? What (value) are our orders? I wish we could have followed our Lord's orders. If only we could follow the Sunnah of the Beloved (sws). We are useless. If there is any movement, like this, there would be no building left standing in Istanbul. I am afraid. I am afraid. Ottoman architecture - they had one floor buildings and mansions, their mansions were two floors, you know and made from wood. Even if it shakes nothing happens. Their dinner tables were open (to people). Nothing could touch them (harm them). Now people have become Pharaohs. They became Pharaohs. Nimrod said, O Hamaan He said, O Hamaan build me a tower so I can see what is above me. So, what can we do? This is the situation people are in now, no one thinks anymore. May Allah (swt) forgive us. They did not teach us can you imagine? I learned Alif (first letter in arabic alphabet) at the age of 20; Alif, at the age of 20 in Istanbul. 2 months in the beginning in school, they used to say 'ibtidai'(elementary), they started. I started, I still remember. I was 7 years old. My older brothers took me, registered me. 28 the year 1928 28, 38 48, twenty years ago. They taught us alif ba for 2 months. Alif Be, we used to say Alif Ba and then after that there was donmeler (transition). They changed the letters. I couldn't finish the Alif Ba they quickly changed them to latin letters. After that I came to Istanbul at the age of 20. I learned Alif Ba, that is when I learned Alif. I get very upset because they insulted our religion so much and they still continue to insult our religion. They will not find any goodness. They are still running after one picture. No one is asking, what did he do? I don't know and you don't know either. Which padishah (Ottoman Sultan) was it? He was curious about the people of tariqa - what kind of people are they? His minister said, O my padishah (Sultan), my beloved Sultan, let us go ourselves and see them, to see their characteristics. Where are their gatherings? They have a (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:06
49 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabOfTariqah
gathering in so and so place. Very well. He went with his grand minister. They stood waiting. A holy person was coming, he was coming to the dergah (zawiyah). The Sultan's helper asked, Who are you? I am a weak servant. Who here is above you (in rank)? The one who came in just before me. After him a second person came. Another person came inside. He asked him also, who is the head of this gathering? He replied, the who came in before me. 1, 2, 3, they counted until 7. Then they asked the last person to come, Who here is the one who sits on the couch at this gathering? He replied, all the holy ones already came in before me. Since they all said that he is coming after us, when they asked the last one, he said, the holy ones already came before me. (He was) a poor person. They had adab (good manners). "Ahli Irfan Majlisinde Aradim Kildim Talep, Ilim En Geridedir Illa Edep Illa Edep" people now have become without any good manners. People look like people physically, but their characters are not human. There is no one left now to go to his sohbah (talk) my son Sheikh Adnan (Oktar). How many people will go to his gathering? 10 people, 20 people, 30 people? Istanbul has 20 million people, who will it be enough for? May Allah (swt) increase your power, my son. May Allah increase your faiz I became happy that I saw you. We were not able to become anything, but the holy ones they are pulling us forward. My situation... I am holding a stick. Someone is holding me from this side. Someone else is pushing me from behind. After all this commotion, I am able to go there. We have nothing left. He sent me all these things. I am taking and accepting them, let them stay here. I will give them to (vaktin sahibina?) whoever he is. I will tell him that it is from so and so. It will be known. It is not unkown. He doesn't mention anything about himself. He lets the ladies sit and talks to them. Everyone thinks his intention is something else, no. His aim is something else. Tawba Ya Rabbi Tawba Ya Rabbi Shukr Ya Rabbi Salamun Qawlaan Min Rabbin Rahim (36:58) May Allah (swt) be happy with you. Der Adab der Tariqat
Wir sind nichts. Wer sind wir? Welchen Wert haben unsere Befehle? Ich wünschte ich wäre den Befehlen (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:06
50 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabOfTariqah
unseres Herrn gefolgt. Wenn wir nur der Sunnah des Geliebten (saws) folgen könnten. Wir sind nutzlos. Wenn es irgendeine Bewegung gäbe, wie diese, dann würde in Istanbul kein Gebäude stehen bleiben. Ich habe Angst. Ich habe Angst. Die Osmanische Architektur - sie hatten einstöckige Häuser und Villen, ihre Villen waren zweistöckig, wisst ihr, und aus Holz gebaut. Selbst wenn es wackelt passiert nichts. Ihre Esstische waren offen (für Leute). Nichts konnte sie berühren (ihnen schaden). Nun sind die Leute zu Pharaos geworden. Sie wurden Pharaos- Nimrod sagte, oh Hamaan, er sagte, Oh Hamaan, baue mir einen Turm so dass ich sehen kann was über mir ist. Also, was können wir tun? Das ist die Lage in der die Leute heute sind, niemand denkt noch nach. Möge Allah (swt) uns vergeben. Sie haben uns nicht gelehrt, kannst du dir das vorstellen? Ich lernte Alif (erster Buchstabe d. arab. Alphabets) im Alter von 20 Jahren; Alif, im Alter von 20 Jahren in Istanbul. 2 Monate am Anfang in der Schule pflegten sie zu sagen "ibtidai" (elementar), sie fingen an. Ich begann, ich erinnere mich immer noch. Ich war 7 Jahre alt. Meine älteren Brüder nahmen mich mit, registrierten mich. 28 das Jahr 1928 28,38 48, vor 20 Jahren. Sie lehrten uns für 2 Monate das Alif Ba. Alif Be, wir sagten Alif Ba und dann, danach kam die donmeler (Umstellung). Sie änderten die Buchstaben. Ich konnte das Alif Ba nicht beenden, sie änderten es schnell in lateinische Buchstaben. Danach kam ich nach Istanbul im Alter von 20 Jahren. Ich lernte Alif Ba, das ist wo ich das Alif gelernt habe. Ich werde sehr wütend denn sie haben unsere Religion so sehr beleidigt, und sie beleidigen unsere Religion immer noch weiterhin. Sie werden nichts Gutes finden. Sie rennen immer noch einem Bild hinterher. Niemand fragt, was hat er getan? Ich weiß es nicht und ihr wisst es auch nicht. Welcher Padishah (Osmanische Sultan) war es? Er war neugierig über die Leute der Tariqat - was für Leute sind sie? Sein Minister sagte, oh mein Padishah (Sultan), mein geliebter Sultan, lasst uns selbst gehen und sie sehen, um ihre Charaktereigenschaften zu sehen. Wo sind ihre Versammlungen? Sie haben Versammlungen an so und so einem Ort. Sehr gut. Er ging mit seinem Hauptminister. Sie standen und warteten. Eine heilige Person kam, er kam zu der Dergah (Zawiyah). Der Helfer des Sultans fragte, Wer bist du? Ich bin ein schwacher Diener. Wer hier steht über dir (im Rang)? Derjenige der direkt vor mir hier hereingekommen ist. Nach ihm kam eine zweite Person. Noch eine Person kam herein. Sie fragten sie auch, wer ist der Kopf der Versammlung? Er antwortete, der der vor mir hereingekommen ist. 1,2,3, sie zählten bis 7. Dann fragten sie die Person die als letztes gekommen war, Wer hier ist derjenige der in der Versammlung auf dem Sofa sitzt? Er antwortete, all die Heiligen sind schon vor mir hereingekommen. Weil sie alle sagten dass er nach ihnen kam, als sie den letzten fragten sagte er, dass die Heiligen schon vor ihm gekommen waren. (Er war) eine arme Person. Er hatte Adab (gutes Benehmen). "Ahli Irfan Majlisinde Aradim Kildim Talep, Ilim En (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:06
51 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabOfTariqah
Geridedir Illa Edep Illa Edep" Nun sind die Leute ohne Benehmen geworden. Leute sehen äußerlich aus wie Menschen, aber ihre Charaktere sind nicht menschlich. Es gibt niemanden mehr der zu seiner Sohbah (Rede) geht, mein Sohn Sheikh Adnan (Oktar). Wie viele Leute werden zu seinen Treffen gehen? 10 Leute, 20 Leute, 30 Leute? Istanbul hat 20 Millionen Leute, für wen wird es genug sein? Möge Allah (swt) eure Kraft vermehren, mein Sohn. Möge Allah deinen Glauben mehren. Ich bin glücklich dass ich dich gesehen habe. Wir waren nicht fähig, zu etwas zu werden, aber die Heiligen ziehen uns voran. Meine Situation... Ich halte einen Stock. Jemand hält mich von der Seite. Jemand anders drückt mich von hinten. Nach all dieser Aufregung bin ich in der Lage, dorthin zu gehen. Wir habe nichts mehr. Er schickte mir all diese Sachen. Ich nehme sie und akzeptiere sie, lass sie dort. Ich werde sie (Vaktin Sahibina?) geben, wer immer das ist. Ich werde ihm sagen dass es von so und so ist. Es wird bekannt sein. Es ist nicht unbekannt. Er erwähnt nichts über sich selbst. Er lässt die Fraue sitzen und spricht mit ihnen. Jeder denkt, seine Absicht ist anders, nein. Sein Ziel ist etwas anderes. Tawba Ya Rabbi Tawba Ya Rabbi Shukr Ya Rabbi Salamun Qawlaan Min Rabbin Rahim (36:58) Möge Allah (swt) glücklich mit euch sein. Lefke, 20.02.2013
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryNaqshbandi, CategoryAdab, CategoryBiography (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:06
52 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabYaHu
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AdabYaHu
Edeb Ya Hu
May He (swt) dress happiness, wellness & majesty on you. May He increase our lights of faith & Islam, may He dress us with these. May we not be ugly. May we not be ugly. Allah Almighty created us in "'Ahsani Taqwimin" (95:4). Is it not so? He created us in the best form. What makes us ugly is that we dress dirty, rusty dresses on our clean bodies. May Allah save us from those shaytani dresses. They make us dress clean everyday in the fajr prayer so that our outer & inner beings are pure, enlightened & happy. Countless praises & thanks for our Lord's endless grants & generosity. It is not that we wrote a petition to come into existence. This is the grant of Allah Almighty to us- He created us from the children of Adam. And about the children of Adam Allah Almighty (swt) said: "Wa Laqad Karramna Bani Adam" (17:70). Our GrandShaykh, Sultan al-Awliya Hz said that this is, the oceans of meaning of this is... What Allah Almighty knows is different & what He (swt) lets be known is different. What He (swt) knows are the oceans. What He (swt) informed our Prophet (sas) is however much it is that He (swt) granted from His Generosity. Then "ala maratibihim"- according to their ranks, prophets & awliyas dressed. But "wa laqad"...Lam, is it not the lam of the oath (lam al-qasam)? Qad is for emphasis- meaning "I swear an oath on My Glorious Divinity", karramna. How do I honour? When He(swt) says "Bani Adam".. On the Day of the Covenant- the day of "Am I not your Lord? Yes, we testify", where no time or space existed, the matter which is impossible to understand."Wa laqad karramna BaniAdam". Idh Qala "Alastu BiRabbikum?" Qalu Bala. Since when are you Muslim? We are Muslims since "Qalu Bala", shukur Allah. May Allah not separate us from this faith. May He(swt) not separate us from this good manners (1 von 10)04.07.2013 23:02:07
53 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabYaHu
also. That is how Yunus said, may Allah sanctify his secret: "I asked in the gatherings of the people of irfan/wisdom. Knowledge comes the last- only good manners, only good manners.." Teach good manners, Sh Mehmet Effendi. What do they seek in the assembly of wisdom? They don't seek knowledge. They seek adab/good manners. It is the adab that makes people achieve nearness to Allah & His Prophet (sas). They come near with adab. The ones who have no adab are expelled. The people of wisdom, the assembly of wisdom- People don't seek it, don't ask for it. They consider themselves as 2-legged animals instead of 4-legged ones, these people. Our attributes have become like this. We are free from it insha Allah. "I asked in the assemly of the people of wisdom. Knowledge comes the last. Only adab, only adab.." We should be taught adab, we should find the holy ones who can teach us adab. O holy ones. O holy ones, to us also, may your heavenly support reach to us also. Don't leave us unattended. We tried to learn adab for all these years in the presence of our Sultan al-Awliya Hz. They taught us adab, not with "nasara yansuru..." (Basic Arabic grammer rules) What is asked in the assembly of wisdom, in the assembly of wise ones is adab. It is adab. Who has no adab is turned away from the door. O Lord, we address here only at Your order. The same for His Great Prophet (sas) also. May we meet with ones who have the first level of adab & learn adab from them. May we not be without adab. On the Day of Judgement, the ones with adab & without adab will be set apart. The ones who have adab will be put in paradises & the ones who have no adab will be thrown into the darkness which belongs to them. Allah sent us Nur. Nur. How is it in the Holy Verse? Nur. Nur brings the surur/pleasure. When Nur falls upon a person, he becomes pleased- He is filled with joy, filled with love. "May you have Nur come to your face & pleasure to your heart." Make dua like this. Invite people to the Nur. Every word of the Prophet (sas) is an invitation to the Nur. See the Nur in it & speak of this Nur. Dastur Ya RijalAllah, O holy ones, may you send us support. For this, all the people in the old times had in their homes "Adab Ya Hu!" signs. Make copies of this & say "everyone should (2 von 10)04.07.2013 23:02:07
54 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdabYaHu
hang this in their homes". Inform them. Knowledge comes the last, only adab, only adab... O Lord, O Allah. What can we do? What can we do.. We have been in